What are the requirements for information plate materials? What is included in the list for an LLC? Phone numbers listed in the consumer corner.

The reception or service hall is the “face” of any enterprise. An indispensable element is a stand with information on protecting the rights of clients. A meaningful and beautifully designed “Consumer Rights Corner” can become a center of communication with visitors. An original stand will be a winning feature of the interior and will help emphasize the organizational image. When selecting documents for the "Corner" you must always rely on existing rules. What should the consumer corner be while complying with legal requirements?

Legal basis of the “Consumer Corner”

Official legislative framework for the formation of the stand are the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Articles 8-10) and the Sales Rules individual species goods (clause 10).

The “Consumer Corner” stand is deprived official name, since its wording is not provided in the legislation. Only the requirements and a list of documentation placed on it are indicated.

Enterprises belonging to any organizational and legal form, manufacturing, distributing a product or providing services, are obliged to provide the consumer with the opportunity to access information data about their enterprise, operating hours, features of goods and services.

The client’s rights to familiarize himself with this reliable data are stated in Article 8 of the law. It is required to place documents for the consumer stand in a visible and easily accessible place. Therefore, the “Corner” must be hung so that visitors can easily approach it and study it.

By law, consumers are required to provide information such as:

  • official registration of the form manufacturing, selling a product or performing services;
  • registration authority;
  • availability of licenses and accreditation for certain areas of activity.

All information required to be posted also contains the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods. The text with them is also placed on Entrepreneurs who violate the rules will face liability, according to Art. 14.5 of the Administrative Code.

Mandatory documents for the "Consumer Corner"

For a consumer stand, it is necessary to prepare a number of mandatory documents.

  1. State registration certificate (certified copy).
  2. License - depends on the chosen type of activity (certified copy).
  3. A list of all departments and bodies (with addresses and telephone numbers) performing the control function, and a log of inspections with notes from the bodies.
  4. Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. Inspection bodies usually accept printed edition. Printouts of documents from the Internet are not considered reliable sources.
  5. Rules for the sale of certain types of goods or (the choice is determined by the field of activity of the enterprise).
  6. Review book. In most cases, it hangs on a stand in your pocket to stay in free access for the consumer. The book is not one of its mandatory elements, since it is provided after the client has requested it (clause 8 of the Sales Rules).

The Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” states that sellers (manufacturers or performers) use signs to inform customers about company name enterprise, its address and operating procedures. In addition, individual entrepreneurs provide information about state registration and the department that carried it out. The work schedule that employees must always adhere to is indicated on the sign and stand.

Additional documentation for the stand

Availability not only mandatory documentation, but also plays additional information important role when providing services and distributing goods to the public. The list of such documents is not regulated by law, but Rospotrebnadzor checks them.

List additional documentation for consumer stand:

  • Evacuation plan and fire safety instructions.
  • SanPiNs (developed as separate standards for catering and trade in food products).
  • Rules for the provision of household services (used by enterprises in this area) and a price list for the services offered.
  • Benefits and conditions defined by law for serving certain categories of the population.
  • Information related to the sale of certain For example, prohibition and liability for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products children.

To this important element, as telephone numbers for the consumer corner include telephone numbers of emergency services (Ministry of Emergency Situations and others), departments that monitor sellers, and services where customers can contact with a complaint. The address and telephone number of your local consumer protection office is required.

If the stand volume is large, you can additionally hang storage standards according to sanitary rules. Sometimes it is necessary to show the client other information and useful rules.

The design of the consumer corner is individual for all enterprises. Each field of activity dictates its own conditions. require availability sanitary standards and rules for placing equipment in the room. is not possible without appropriate rules. Pharmacies need standards governing the dispensing of vital medications.

Supervisory authorities for the "Consumer Corner"

The content of the consumer stand is monitored by Rospotrebnadzor. If violations are found during the inspection process, the organization may be subject to administrative penalty, fine: for an entrepreneur - up to 3 thousand rubles, and for a legal entity - up to 30 thousand. The collection can be appealed in court, but it is much easier to prepare all the documents according to the rules at once.

The consumer protection stand is the object of attention of local authorities and departments. Add to list mandatory information include local regulations.

Certificates, licenses and certificates

All documentation regulating the activities of sellers (performers, manufacturers) and relationships with clients is posted on the “Consumer Corner” stand. What should be on it to confirm state control?


A certified copy of the state registration certificate of the company, which is mentioned in the legislation (the first paragraph of Article 9 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”).

A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax service.

Certificate of accreditation (number, validity period and agency that issued it).

Trade organizations provide a copy of the document confirming that the organization is included in the trade register. It is formed by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and is regulated by the Law “On the Fundamentals government regulation trading activities in the Russian Federation." The register contains data on the trade sector at the regional level and enterprises engaged in the sale and supply of any goods. Manufacturers are not included.


An enterprise engaged in licensed areas of activity must undergo licensing. On legally the consumer has the right to see the license and find out who issued it, for what period and under what number.

Certificates and declarations

Certificates and declarations indicating the conformity of the services provided and the work performed existing standards(document number, validity period, receiving or registering agency).

This list of documentation must be provided in a permanent premises (a stand for the client) and at the site of temporary fair, hawker trade, sales through kiosks, tents or during off-site consumer services.

Assortment list and data on the service sector

According to the rules for services in the field of household services, the contractor is obliged to provide the customer with information about the services. It is usually hung on the consumer's corner. What should be always available to the public for review?

  1. A range of services and works along with the forms of their implementation. Form of payment, cost of services and required materials.
  2. Indications on standards for the provision of services and performance of work.
  3. Lead times and warranty periods.
  4. Information about the specialist performing the work.
  5. Samples of contracts, receipts and various documents issued to the client.
  6. Samples and magazines with visual models.

"Complaint book

It is impossible to imagine the design of a consumer corner without a guest book. Organizations whose responsibility is to provide it include:

  • pharmacies;
  • public catering;
  • trading enterprises selling certain types of goods;
  • small retail trade network;
  • companies providing consumer services;
  • enterprises for the repair and maintenance of automobiles and vehicles.

The “complaint” book, as a rule, is placed in plain sight, accessible and presented to the client as soon as he requests it. It is registered with the local department that controls trade and catering. It is carried out taking into account the “Instructions on the Book of Complaints”.

The availability of the book is checked in all pavilions, shops, tents, as well as the consumer corner. What should be prepared in the store for a visitor who wants to exercise his right to complain? Of course, a chair and a place at the table to write a thank you, request or complaint.

It is prohibited to ask a client who wants to leave a review a passport or any documents, or to ask questions about why he asked for a book or why he is writing a complaint.


The requirements for the consumer corner are related to the presence of a log to record checks. It does not need to be displayed on a stand, but simply available. Representatives of control authorities leave a note on the results of the inspection carried out. It is indicated who carried out the event, the date, time, reason for the inspection, its subject and objectives, notes on violations detected, protocols drawn up and instructions issued. In the absence of a journal, an act is drawn up. Control activities regulated by special legislation.

What should organizations selling alcohol include in a buyer's corner?

Many enterprises sell alcoholic products. What information should be prepared to provide to an interested client? What to place on the stand?

In the consumer corner it is required to hang an excerpt from the 19th chapter of the “Rules for the sale of certain types of goods”. According to these rules, the management of the organization is obliged to ensure that the client is provided with clear and accessible information: price list, consumer properties, hours of alcohol sales.

It is noted that the seller prepares and provides the following documentation at the consumer’s first request:

  • Documents confirming that the seller or manufacturer has passed product certification.
  • Data on state standards for alcoholic products.
  • Information about the manufacturer: country of manufacture, brand name, legal address, date and place of bottling.
  • Price for products (name, cost).
  • Nutritional value and container volume.
  • Existing contraindications to alcohol consumption.
  • Composition and ingredients of the product, additives used.
  • Information about ingredients manufactured using GMOs or harmful to health.

All data is provided subject to established requirements and technical standards.

What might the “Consumer Corner” stand look like?

What does a standard consumer corner look like? There are no strict requirements. There are no regulations for the appearance or location of the stand.

The main rule is visibility, accessibility for visitors and presentation of documents upon request. Need to provide for the client comfortable conditions For self-study documentation.

How to design a consumer corner? Documents can be posted simply on a stand or in folders, on shelves, in any form convenient for clients. But an insulated glass display case is not suitable for these purposes, as it interferes with the main thing - accessibility.

A popular option is a stand with documents in transparent pockets. Sometimes small folders are attached to it. If the documents are simply placed in a folder, then the folder must be labeled “Information for Consumers.” It is better to keep it on public display, in free access.

Up-to-date information is always important for clients. Consumer documentation must be updated as it becomes outdated.

A ready-made consumer corner (stand sample) can always be seen in many advertising and production companies in several versions. Before making or ordering a stand, you need to collect a package of documents to place on it and decide on the size and number of pockets.

Thus, the lack of standards and the variety of options make it possible to create an aesthetically attractive and interesting “Consumer Corner”. What should be on such a stand? Documents that regulate the activities of the organization, relationships with clients and the responsibilities of the seller (performer, manufacturer).

The obligatory nature of the “consumer corner” is specified in the law, but full list There is no information about what should be on the stand. At the same time, this very “corner” can become a stumbling block during inspections by regulatory authorities, a basis for holding the seller or performer accountable for violating consumer rights (Article 14.15 of the Administrative Code).

It can be called differently - an information stand, information for buyers, a stand for buyers - whatever your heart desires. Stores and organizations are required to place this stand Catering, as well as companies providing various domestic services to the population.

What should be placed in the consumer's corner?

  1. A copy of the seller’s OGRN (OGRNIP);
  2. Sanitary and epidemiological certificate for the premises (if it was issued);
  3. A copy and number of the license, as well as information about the authority that issued it (if a license was issued);
  4. A book of reviews and suggestions (it does not need to be placed at the stand, but is issued upon request);
  5. Law No. 2300-1;
  6. Law N 52-FZ (for catering and trade);
  7. trade for your type of activity (for example, rules for catering, rules for the sale of alcohol, etc.);
  8. Phone numbers of supervisors and higher authorities(Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the region);
  9. Emergency phone numbers (01, 02, 03);
  10. Evacuation plan.
  11. Other Additional Information concerning specific type activities.

Consumer corner: in what ways can information be presented?

The law does not contain a requirement to place a special stand or “corner”; the basic rule is that documents must be accessible and visible to the consumer. It could even be an ordinary folder located in a visible place. Texts of laws can be just print and do not buy brochures in stores. You are not obligated to purchase books special laws etc., even if the inspector strongly suggests doing this (and purchasing from his own friendly office).

Ideally, of course, it is better to make a stand - in order to satisfy the aesthetic taste of the inspectors, since the consumer does not actually need the corner and does not read it.

But! In some cases, the information provided on the stand may release the seller from possible problems - it could be public offer, or some kind of warning, important information safety regulations, rules, etc.

REGULATIONS uniform requirements And standard forms information stands for “one-stop shop” services Information for the applicant must be placed on wall information stands or on floor information stands. An information stand is a structure for placing various reference information. Information stands are made on a plastic, wooden or metal base, with text applied using appliqué or full-color printing. The images on the stand are made using self-adhesive films or silk-screen printing. The stands are provided with pockets or tablets for placing handouts. Information stands are an integral part of the design of the “one window” service premises. Information stands are information stands with a floor holder with pockets for printed materials. There are information desks different sizes font size of at least 200, and the subtitle - capital letters of font size of at least 100. Stands (racks) must be made in the same style with the general design of the room, information must be in black font on a white background, the title and subtitle are highlighted in blue, important information - red. Information contained on stands must be printed in a font size of at least 24, on stands - at least 14, the increase in font size depends on the scale of the stand (stand). The size of each stand (rack) is determined by the holder of the “one-stop shop” service independently; the placement height must be calculated for the average height of the applicant (not higher than 170 cm and not lower than 140 cm). The number of stands or information desks is determined by the amount of information required to post and the number of visitors in the “one-stop shop” services. For the convenience of applicants, duplication of information at several stands (stands) is allowed. On a stand (rack) in mandatory The following information should be posted: 1. Operating mode of the “one window” service. 2. Positions, surnames, initials of the head and employees of the service. 3. Contact numbers: - “one window” services;- head of the one-stop service; - head of the body executive power city, state institution and state unitary enterprise of the city of Moscow - holder of the "one window" service;- urban<одного окна>hotline (777-77-77);- an organization that monitors the work of “one window” services in the city of Moscow (State City Inspectorate).<одного окна>4. Mailing address and district of the city of Moscow, in accordance with the Unified Register of Documents (Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 28, 2004 N 949-PP) indicating the deadlines for the execution of the document, the basis for issuing the document (paid/gratuitous), approved prices (on a paid basis ), links to regulatory documents. 8. List of documents required for submission by applicants to the “one window” service for the execution of each specific final document. 9. List of “one-stop-shop” services in other territorial divisions of the “one-stop-shop” service holder, indicating the actual location address, telephone numbers, position, surname, initials of the manager, email address.

10. Information about the possibility of appealing against the refusal to issue documents to the applicant in the one-stop service (any refusal can be appealed to the head of the one-stop service, the head of the one-stop holder or in court), in accordance with clause 7 of the appendix 2 to the resolution of the Moscow Government of June 1, 2004 N 361-PP.

11. Reference telephone numbers, location addresses, surnames, initials of managers, names of official websites, email addresses of executive authorities and city organizations involved in the preparation (coordination) of documents for applicants of this “one-stop shop” service holder. 12. Samples of filling out applications for each document issued. Application forms and lists of documents submitted by the applicant for each document issued by the “one window” holder must be placed in pockets for printed materials provided on stands (racks). Forms and lists of documents are handouts; employees of “one window” services must ensure their constant availability at stands (racks).

An employee of the “one-stop shop” service, at the request of the applicant, is obliged to familiarize him with

1. The manufacturer (performer, seller) is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer the brand name (name) of his organization, its location (address) and its mode of operation. The seller (performer) places the specified information on the sign.
(edited) Federal Law dated December 21, 2004 N 171-FZ)

(clause 2 as amended by Federal Law dated October 16, 2006 N 160-FZ)

(see text in previous edition)

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      Lawyer, Ekaterinburg

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      Alexey, hello. In Moscow there is a Decree of the Moscow Government which, among other things, states the following:

      On the placement of information structures in the city of Moscow No. 902-PP

      10.2. In the case of placing signs on the external surfaces of other buildings, structures, structures (except apartment buildings):
      - violation geometric parameters(sizes) of signs;
      - violation of established requirements for signage locations;
      - vertical order of letters on the information field of the sign;
      - placement of signs above the second floor line (floor line between the first and second floors);
      - placement of signs on the canopies of buildings, structures, structures;
      - full or partial covering of window and doorways, as well as stained glass and shop windows;
      - placement of signs on the blind ends of the facade;
      - placement of signs in window openings;
      - placement of signs on roofs, loggias and balconies;
      - placement of signs on architectural details of facades of objects (including columns, pilasters, ornaments, stucco moldings);
      - placing signs at a distance closer than 2 m from memorial plaques;
      - blocking signs of street names and house numbers;
      - placement of cantilever signs at a distance of less than 10 m from each other;
      - placement of signs by directly applying decorative, artistic and (or) text images to the surface of the facade (by painting, stickers and other methods);
      - placement of signage by displaying posters on dynamic systems changing images (roller systems, rotating panel systems - prismatrons, etc.) or using an image displayed on electronic media (screens, creeping line, etc.) (with the exception of signs placed in a shop window);
      - painting and coating with decorative films the surface of glass windows;
      - replacement of shop window glazing with light boxes;
      - arrangement in a showcase of structures electronic media- screens for the entire height and (or) length of the showcase glazing;
      - placement of signs on the enclosing structures of seasonal cafes at stationary public catering establishments.

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      According to the MOSCOW GOVERNMENT DECREE dated December 25, 2013 N 902-PP On the placement of information structures in the city of Moscow

      3.5. Signs are information structures placed on facades, roofs or other external surfaces (external enclosing structures) of buildings, structures, structures, including shop windows and windows, non-stationary external surfaces shopping facilities at the place of actual location or activities of the organization or individual entrepreneur containing:
      3.5.1.Information about the organization’s activity profile, individual entrepreneur and (or) the type of goods they sell, services they provide and (or) their name (company name, commercial designation, image trademark, service mark) for the purpose of notifying an indefinite number of persons about actual location(place of activity) of this organization, individual entrepreneur.
      3.5.2. Information posted in cases provided for by law Russian Federation dated February 7, 1992 N 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights.”

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      Lawyer, Stavropol

      • 8.7 rating
      • expert

      Hello, Alexey!

      According to Article 9 of the Federal Law on ZPP 1. The manufacturer (performer, seller) is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer corporate name (name) of your organization, its location (address) and mode of operation.The seller (performer) places the specified information on the sign.
      The manufacturer (executor, seller) - individual entrepreneur - must provide the consumer with information about state registration and the name of the body that registered it.
      2. If the type of activity carried out by the manufacturer (performer, seller) is subject to licensing and (or) the performer has state accreditation, information about the type of activity of the manufacturer (performer, seller), license number and (or) certificate number must be brought to the attention of the consumer O state accreditation, the validity period of the specified license and (or) certificate, as well as information about the body that issued the specified license and (or) certificate.
      3. Information provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, must be brought to the attention of consumers also when carrying out trade, household and other types of consumer services in temporary premises, at fairs, from trays and in other cases, if trade, household and other types of consumer services are carried out outside permanent place finding the seller (performer).

      That is, you need to provide information about the company name, location of the organization, and operating hours. If you are an individual entrepreneur, you are required to indicate the OGRN number and details of the certificate, as well as information about the issuing authority.

      Failure to provide such information may result in administrative liability.

      According to Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 1. Sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services by an organization, as well as by a citizen registered as an individual entrepreneur, in the absence of established information about the manufacturer (performer, seller) or other information, the mandatory provision of which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation , - entails a warning or imposition administrative fine for citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; on officials- from three thousand to four thousand rubles; on legal entities- from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles.

      Good luck!

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      Client clarification


      Activity profile;

      And additionally the schedule and working hours.

      Are these mandatory components or something that can be?

      The question is: what must be on the information plate.

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      Lawyer, Ekaterinburg

      • What should be in the consumer’s corner - why is it needed + requirements for it appearance+ list of mandatory and additional documents+ liability for violation of the law.

        In turn, the regulatory part should be supplemented with “Rules for the sale of certain types of goods,” as well as a license for the sale of alcohol. In addition, the entrepreneur is obliged to provide the current price list and terms of sale of such products.

        Naturally, it is also necessary to indicate the ban on the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of majority.

        In this case, in addition to the above information, the consumer corner in the store should include:

        • documents confirming completed certification;
        • information about the alcohol manufacturer;
        • information about energy value goods and their composition;
        • volume of containers in which alcoholic beverages are produced;
        • contraindications to drinking alcohol.

        Responsibility for the absence of a consumer corner

        Before moving on to the responsibility for the offense in this matter, let's find out which authorities can control it.

        So, representatives of the following government bodies can control the activities of an entrepreneur:

        • Rospotrebnadzor;
        • Fire Department;
        • sanitary and epidemiological station;
        • tax service;
        • in some regions - local authorities authorities.

        As mentioned above, it is their contact information that should be placed in the consumer’s corner.

        If there is no consumer corner in a store or establishment, is incorrectly designed, does not contain up-to-date information, then the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for the following penalties that can be imposed by an inspector from Rospotrebnadzor:

        Based on the results of the inspection, a simple warning may also be issued, which must be executed within a certain period.

        Most often it is done in case of minor defects or absence of not so important documents. If an entrepreneur ignores the request and does not correct the violation, he will be fined, and if he fails to pay, he will have to go to court.

        If the test was successful, this does not mean that the entrepreneur can breathe a sigh of relief and forget about the consumer corner.

        In turn, he is obliged to update it in case of changes in:

        • regulatory legal acts that must be posted at the stand;
        • contact details of regulatory authorities;
        • their activities (working hours, obtaining new licenses).

        Consumer corner: what must be in it,

        What are the rules for its registration?

        The chairman answers all questions consumer services population:

        Any entrepreneur must know what should be in the consumer's corner, because it is essentially his face. If a client can easily not only find it, but also use it, this increases the level of trust in the store or establishment.

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