What structure does the state statistics of the Russian Federation have? Purpose of classifiers and their structure

Implementation of a single public policy in the field of official statistical accounting aimed at ensuring information needs state and society in complete, reliable, scientifically based and timely provided official statistical information on social, economic, demographic, environmental and other social processes in the Russian Federation, is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 282-FZ of November 29, 2007 “On official statistical accounting and system state statistics In Russian federation".

In accordance with Art. 71 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the management of statistics in the country is carried out by the Federal State Statistics Service (FSSS) as a federal body executive power. Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, formerly State Committee Russian Federation on Statistics (Goskomstat of Russia)), its bodies in the republics, territories, regions, autonomous regions and districts, in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, other cities and regions, as well as organizations, institutions and educational institutions subordinate to them constitute a unified system state statistics of the country. Forms and methods of collecting and processing statistical data, calculation methodology statistical indicators, established by Rosstat, are the statistical standards of the Russian Federation. Rosstat is responsible for managing all statistical activities in the country, collecting, processing and analyzing data on the development of the national economy, presenting official statistical information on the socio-economic state of the country to the President, Government, Federal Assembly and other federal authorities.

Rosstat, guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and by-laws of the Russian Federation, is called upon to provide government and administrative bodies, local governments, citizens and public organizations official statistical information on social and economic situation and development of the country.

The main tasks of Rosstat are:

1) development and implementation of federal annual and long-term programs, statistical work programs;

2) preparation of normative legal acts regulating the development, approval and procedure for applying a unified statistical methodology;

3) organization of collection and processing of documented statistical reporting, publication of official statistical data, etc.

Rosstat carries out these tasks through the central apparatus, territorial bodies and organizations under its jurisdiction, which together form the system of state statistics. Rosstat also carries out the tasks and functions assigned to it directly and in interaction with other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and organizations.

The Russian state statistics system must ensure the unity of accounting and statistics methodology in the country, develop reporting forms, conduct (with the help of local authorities state statistics) population census, carry out a one-time accounting of various research objects, publish statistical data on the socio-economic development of the country and its regions.

Along with state statistics, there are departmental statistics, which are maintained by all ministries and departments on the basis of data received from their subordinate enterprises and organizations. Such information, its processing and analysis are necessary for ministries and departments for the operational management and management of the activities of the relevant subordinate production and other units, as well as for its planning.

State statistics operating with a wide range of methods for collecting and processing data, depending on specific conditions, existing material, labor and financial resources organized and carries out its daily activities V different forms. In the Russian Federation, state statistics are based on the principles of centralized organization of work performed.

The purpose of organizing state statistics is the provision timely submission authorities state power all levels, means mass media, the scientific community, commercial structures, the population and international organizations of objective informative data on issues of social economic development Russian Federation, its regions and economic sectors. This goal is achieved through the development of an annual Federal program of statistical work, which defines the main directions of statistical observation of socio-economic and demographic processes occurring in the country during the year, formed by Rosstat on an interdepartmental basis and submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation for approval.

Statistical work consists of successive stages involving the collection, processing and presentation of informative statistical information to users. These stages are preceded by important, complex and responsible preparatory methodological and organizational activities, during which a system of indicators characterizing the observed process or phenomenon is created, reporting forms are designed, programs for statistical observation and data processing are formed, algorithms and technology are developed automated processing data, instructions are provided to those who carry out the work, especially participants in the census, personnel and material resources are prepared for collecting and processing data, and, if necessary, experimental testing of programs and organization of work is carried out.

In accordance with current regulations Russian state statistics bodies carry out:

· implementation of state policy in the field of state statistics;

· presentation in in the prescribed manner(according to the approved regulations) official statistical data to the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government, courts, prosecutorial authorities, scientific institutions and educational institutions, the media, international organizations, other organizations, as well as citizens of Russia;

· development and improvement of scientifically based official statistical methodology and a system of statistical indicators for conducting state statistical observations, ensuring compliance of official statistical methodology with international statistical standards;

· conducting system analysis and monitoring of the state and development of the economy and social sphere;

· coordination of activities federal bodies executive power on the formation of state information resources in the field of state statistics;

· development information system state statistics, ensuring its compatibility and interaction with other state information systems in the unified information space of the Russian Federation;

· storage and protection of official statistical information;

· implementation of the obligations of the Russian Federation arising from membership in international organizations and participation in international treaties, implementation international cooperation in the field of statistics.

An important direction development of modern Russian statistics was the creation of federal districts and municipalities(district administrations, administrative districts, etc.). To discuss the problems of intersectoral coordination of statistical work, improving statistical methodology and taking into account the needs of users in official statistical information, Rosstat, as a collegial advisory body, has established and operates a scientific and methodological (statistical) council, which includes representatives of government bodies, scientific and business circles , teachers of higher educational institutions, employees of leading media (188 people in total).

Official statistical publications of Rosstat, published in the form of official statistical publications (20-23 collections per year) and periodicals(information and analytical materials published annually in the form of 20-25 different statistical journals, reports and bulletins), publications territorial bodies Rosstat, as well as electronic versions publications on the Internet on the Rosstat website www.gks.ru are one of the most common sources of statistical data. Official statistical publications in the Russian Federation primarily include publications at the federal level. Leading place In the system of official statistical publications, they are occupied by the official statistical publications of Rosstat, issued on the basis of the annually approved Federal Statistical Work Program. These statistical publications provide data both collected and processed by the system of state statistics bodies, and officially submitted to Rosstat by individual ministries and departments. When preparing all statistical publications of Rosstat, materials from current statistics, population censuses, and a number of sample and one-time surveys are used. The main ones among the official statistical publications of Rosstat are statistical collections that most fully characterize socio-economic phenomena in the country over a number of years.

The information published in Rosstat publications is systematic in nature, reveals the dynamics of phenomena and their structure, and is accompanied by methodological comments. They are divided into two groups: comprehensive statistical collections and thematic statistical collections. The first group includes comprehensive statistical collections published annually: a short statistical collection “Russia in Figures”, “Russian Statistical Yearbook”, “Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation", "Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators". Such collections are published according to an extensive program and include information for a number of years on various socio-economic indicators. The second group includes thematic statistical collections published both annually and with greater frequency. Along with consolidated statistical collections, separate thematic statistical collections are published annually, such as the “Demographic Yearbook of Russia” (in Russian and English languages), « Social status and the standard of living of the population of Russia”, “National Accounts of Russia”, “System of Input-Output Tables of Russia”.

Since 1998, Rosstat annually publishes, together with the Ministry of Statistics of the Republic of Belarus, the statistical collection “Belarus and Russia”, and since 1999 - “Small Business in Russia”, which reflects the development of small business in Russia. In 2009, based on the first sample observation of microenterprises, the collection “Small and Medium Enterprises in Russia. 2009", which presents data on the activities of medium, small and micro enterprises, as well as the results of statistical surveys of individual entrepreneurs. Since 1998, Rosstat has significantly expanded the list of periodical official statistical collections it produces. Rosstat publishes a number of thematic statistical collections once every 2-3 years: “Labor and Employment in Russia”, “Industry of Russia”, “Agriculture in Russia”, “Construction in Russia”, “Communications in Russia”, “Transport” in Russia”, “Trade in Russia”, “Prices in Russia”, “Finance of Russia”, “Investments in Russia”, “Russia and the countries of the world”. Rosstat in order to ensure openness of applied methodologies as one of the fundamental principles official statistics a series of publications “Methodological provisions on statistics” was prepared and published with a description methodological foundations and methods for calculating key indicators. The first issue was published in 1996. In 1998, 2000, 2003 and 2006. the second, third, fourth and fifth issues were published this collection. It is practiced to publish statistical collections for certain memorable dates, world conferences, international book exhibitions, etc. Thus, in 1998, an anniversary publication was published, which is of interest to a wide range of users - “Population of Russia for 100 years (1897-1997)” in Russian and English. The collection was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First General Census Russian Empire and contained the main results of all subsequent censuses, as well as data on current population registration and movement.

A significant place in the system of official statistical publications of Rosstat is given to periodicals. Sufficiently produced a large number of information and analytical materials reflecting operational results of the state of the Russian economy. Among such periodicals, the quarterly journal “Statistical Review”, monthly operational reports on the socio-economic situation of the country, bulletins with analytical notes. The scientific information magazine “Questions of Statistics” is published monthly, containing information about scientific and practical activities Rosstat and including articles by prominent domestic economists, scientists, and practitioners. Rosstat prepares urgent information on current issues (prices, including consumer prices, production industrial products etc.), which is intended for publication in the media and promptly brought to their attention.

Rosstat publishes a number of statistical publications in two languages ​​- Russian and English. Every year, a short statistical collection “Russia in Figures” and a statistical reference book “Russia” are published in Russian and English in two independent publications, and the journal “Statistical Review” is also prepared quarterly in Russian with interlinear English.

Qualitatively new and profound transformations in the economy, social sphere, character government controlled, as well as the increasing role and importance of regional and local authorities in recent years have influenced General requirements to modern state statistics, which are the approach to state statistics as the basis of a public information system, unconditional provision of the collection of reliable data, their processing, storage and dissemination, the functioning of state statistics as independent, open public service, presentation of adequate indicators and other structured socio-economic information focused on adoption management decisions. Among the above-mentioned requirements for state statistics, the combination of functions for the collection and processing of statistical data and the related development of scientific and methodological issues for the scientific generalization and analysis of the collected information is one of the central, if not the most important, principle of the correct construction of statistics.

The preparation of statistical data is a complex multi-stage process, from the level scientific organization which decisively depends on the quality of information. Long-term practice of statistical work, to which both Soviet and Russian statistics, crystallized the following main stages in this process:

1) development of a methodology and system of indicators to characterize the displayed object or process;

2) organizational and methodological preparation;

3) data collection (direct observation);

4) compilation and grouping of data;

5) data processing and analysis.

The first stage involves studying problems that require statistical information to solve, determining, taking into account the requirements of these tasks, a list of necessary statistical indicators and the methodology for their calculation.

The second stage consists of developing a specific program for observation and data processing, the necessary instructional and methodological materials, forms, selection and training of performers, selection of methods and means for obtaining the necessary data, drawing up an organizational plan for the study.

The third stage is the process of obtaining primary data about the elements of the population under study and their properties, which then become the subject of statistical processing.

The fourth stage consists of systematizing observation materials according to the characteristics necessary to identify typical groups of objects and processes with homogeneous properties to characterize the structure of the population under study, as well as obtaining general and group final indicators.

The fifth stage combines various statistical calculations performed on the basis of individual and summary indicators (calculation of relative, average and other derived indicators, determination of statistical characteristics time series and the closeness of communication between various indicators, their socio-economic analysis and formulation of the conclusions of the statistical study).

This sequence of stages of statistical work developed in conditions when data collection and processing operations were performed manually or using the simplest means of mechanical calculations, which could not seriously affect the overall organization of statistical production.

The transition to modern computer technology and new technologies for processing, storing and distributing information caused changes in the traditional scheme of organizing statistical work, led to changes in the composition of work and methods of their implementation. The fundamental approach to the problem of collecting, processing and transmitting primary and summary statistical information is changing. First, following data collection, the stage of preparing data for electronic processing is highlighted. The data preparation stage can be combined with their collection, if already initial registration they are recorded on a special machine-readable document. Secondly, the complex of works on data control becomes more important and is isolated, i.e. to verify their accuracy. Control as such is carried out at all stages of the passage of statistical information. Special meaning It has input control, i.e. checking the reliability of data obtained after the stages of observation and preparation for electronic processing, since errors made at these stages distort the results of subsequent calculations and, as a rule, cannot be eliminated in the future. Thirdly, when accumulation is required, quick search and reuse in various calculations relevant indicators received at different periods of time and from different sources within the automated system, the function of storing and retrieving data (with manual technique this function did not arise) is isolated and becomes a central link in the system of data collection and processing. Fourthly, all computing and logical operations, implemented in an automated mode, are combined into a single stage of data processing. At the same time, it turns out that it is not entirely justified to single out summaries and groupings as a special stage of statistical work: the operations corresponding to them form an internal subdivision of a single processing stage, within which they are combined with analytical calculations. At the same time, as a special final stage Statistical work focuses on the analysis of data obtained after processing. Changes that have occurred in recent years in information technology, both in the performance of individual computing systems and in telecommunications, allow for further development existing processes collection, processing and dissemination of statistical information, which is based on certain principles of introducing a new system technology for information processing.

Official statistical information, which is part of state information resources on the socio-economic and demographic situation of the country, is formed in accordance with the Federal Statistical Work Program, official statistical methodology based on primary statistical data received from legal entities and other economic entities (individual data), and also citizens (personal data) during state statistical observations. The principles of access to official statistical information and the modes of its use are included in the scope of Federal Law No. 24-FZ of February 20, 1995 “On information, informatization and information protection” [i] in terms of regulating relations arising during the formation and use of information resources, protection of information, rights of subjects participating in information processes and informatization.

State information resources of the Russian Federation are open and publicly available. The exception is documented information classified by law as restricted access. Such information under the terms of its legal regime is divided into information related to state secret, and confidential. Information from limited access used in the federal system of state statistics exclusively for the production of official statistics. Information is classified as a state secret in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1 “On State Secrets”, and as confidential - in the manner established by law RF.

According to the law, state secrets in the federal system of state statistics consist of the following information in the field of economics, science and technology: on production volumes, supplies, reserves of strategic types of raw materials and materials; on the volume of public defense order, production and supply (in cash or in kind) of weapons, military equipment and other defense products, on the availability and expansion of capacities for their production; on the volumes of reserves, production, transfer and consumption of platinum, platinum group metals, natural diamonds, as well as other strategic types of minerals of the Russian Federation.

TO confidential information in the federal system of state statistics include:

· official statistical information before its official publication within the time limits provided for by the Federal Statistical Work Program and the Production Work Plan of the State Statistics Committee of Russia;

· individual data of legal entities, their branches and representative offices, citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities without education legal entity contained in state statistical reporting;

· information about facts, events and circumstances privacy citizens, allowing to identify their identity (personal data);

· information about the population contained in census forms All-Russian Census population;

· official information, access to which is limited by government authorities in accordance with Civil Code Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and federal laws (official secrets);

· information related to commercial activities, access to which is limited in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal laws (trade secret);

· information related to professional activity, access to which is limited in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws ( bank secrecy etc.).

Listed species information with limited access (except for information containing information constituting state secrets and official statistical information before its official publication) from the moment they are received by Rosstat, its territorial bodies and organizations acquire the status of official information limited distribution (official secrets), since they have actual or potential commercial value due to their unknownness to third parties, and there is no access to them free access legally, and the owner takes measures to protect their confidentiality. The main reasons for the need to ensure limited access to such information include the following:

· increased distrust of respondents in state statistics bodies and a decrease in confidence that their individual data contained in state statistical reporting is used only for the purpose of compiling official statistics and cannot be used to cause harm to them or that sanctions will not be taken against them;

· requirement to ensure the individual’s right to privacy;

· preventing the use of information to reduce the level of security of the functioning of the state, certain territorial entities or entities and making it difficult to reach (for example, through analytical generalizations) such assessments of their condition that may constitute the subject of state or official secrets;

· preventing the possibility of disruption of socio-economic stability in society due to incorrectly interpreted information, the correct interpretation of which requires certain special knowledge.

State statistics bodies, on the one hand, are obliged to satisfy the needs of government authorities, the media, the population, the scientific community, commercial organizations and entrepreneurs, international organizations, i.e. the needs of all users for diverse, objective and complete statistical information on economic, demographic, social and environmental situation, and on the other hand, they are obliged to ensure the confidentiality of statistical data. Confidentiality of statistical data is one of the leading principles of official statistics. It is expected that it should be a guarantor of respondents’ trust in state statistical bodies and confidence that the data they provide for the production of official statistics is not allowed to be used in any way. individual form, nor in other areas where sanctions may be taken, especially when it comes to taxation or other administrative measures directed against a given statistical unit.

Dissemination of official statistics materials is permitted only if these materials do not allow, directly or indirectly, to recognize a statistical unit, thereby revealing personal information. Direct recognition of a statistical unit occurs by its name and address or by means of an officially designated and generally known identification code. Indirect recognition of a statistical unit is the ability to identify the identity of a given unit using information other than name, address and identification code. Distribution of official statistics materials to users is not permitted if these materials contain or disclose confidential data. For this purpose, the aggregated data should include at least three statistical units, and the proportion separate unit in such an aggregate should not exceed 85% of the entire aggregate. As such, the principle of confidentiality of statistical data is included in the laws on statistics adopted and in force in developed countries of the world and in many European countries and countries with economies in transition, including CIS countries.

In the federal system of state statistics, increased attention is paid to ensuring the confidentiality of data of individuals (personal data), including when conducting population censuses. The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaimed the right of everyone to privacy, personal and family secret. Collection, storage and distribution of information about a person’s private life without his consent is not permitted. These norms were developed in Federal law No. 24-FZ of February 20, 1995 “On information, informatization and protection of information” Article 11 of this law established that information about citizens (personal data) is classified as confidential. Personal data includes information about facts, events and circumstances of a citizen’s life that allow his or her identity to be identified. Rosstat is guided by the specified legal norms when carrying out statistical observation of socio-demographic processes when the statistics respondents are individuals.

Ensuring the protection of information with limited access is carried out by creating a system comprehensive protection information that implements different levels cryptographic protection. At the same time, it is possible to gradually increase the capabilities to protect information at all levels of information and computing system objects. The requirements for ensuring confidentiality and protection against unauthorized access are implemented, in particular, by using certified products encryption and digital signature(EDS) to ensure confirmation of authorship and immutability of the provided data.

Since 2008, the state statistics system has been operating a user information system (UIS), created on the basis of the Rosstat Statregister and intended for organizing federal statistical observations. ISP operates in the mode direct access for territorial bodies of Rosstat, and direct access to it is provided for federal executive authorities and the Bank of Russia in terms of information on the identification and classification of legal entities by codes all-Russian classifiers technical, economic and social information.

State statistics in modern Russia has quite deep roots - in 2002 it celebrated its 200th anniversary. For 1802-1917 Central statistical committee and the Statistical Council of the Ministry of the Interior. During this time, a general (and the first in the country) population census (1897), a number of industrial and agricultural censuses, records of the land fund by type of ownership were carried out, and the publication of official statistical collections began.

In the USSR, in accordance with the existing socio-economic relations, a fundamentally new system of state statistics was created (organized various shapes and types continuous observation, registration of natural population movements was established, all-Union population censuses were carried out, etc.).

Currently, the activities of state statistics in the Russian Federation are carried out in accordance with the following basic principles:

1. Statistical activities in the country are managed by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat).

2. Rosstat, its bodies in republics, territories, regions, as well as organizations and institutions subordinate to them are included in the unified system of state statistics of the country.

3. The forms and methods for collecting and processing data, methodology and methods for calculating statistical indicators established by Rosstat are statistical standards.

4. The basis of the activities of Rosstat and its subordinate organizations are federal statistical programs financed from the state budget.

5. Along with state statistics, a certain part of statistical information is provided by departmental statistics, as well as statistics of commercial and non-profit enterprises, organizations, funds.

Organizational structure Rosstat consists of central office, including the leadership of Rosstat and its divisions, territorial bodies of Rosstat (in republics, territories, regions, autonomous okrugs) and a number of subordinate organizations, including:

GMC is the main interregional center for processing and dissemination of statistical information;

Research Institute of Statistics - research institute for problems of socio-economic statistics;

NIPIstatinform – research and design-technological institute of statistical information system;

CSER RAS – interdepartmental center for socio-ecological measurements of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

MIPC Accounting and Statistics – intersectoral institute for advanced training of workers and specialists in the field of accounting and statistics;

Editorial Board of the journal “Questions of Statistics”;

Colleges, technical schools, training centers.

The main responsibilities of Rosstat are:

1. Providing official statistical information to the President, Government, Federal Assembly Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, international organizations.

2. Conducting a comparative interstate analysis of indicators of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, compiling, together with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the country’s balance of payments.

3. Monitoring the implementation by all legal and business entities of the laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the President and the Government on statistics and the provision of statistical reporting.

4. Ensuring the functioning of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations.

5. Publication of official statistical information.

6. Ensuring the conduct of state statistical observations according to developed programs, forms and methods.

7. Ensuring the collection, processing, storage and protection of statistical information, compliance with state and commercial secrets, and the necessary confidentiality of data.

8. Carrying out a unified technical policy in the field of collection, processing and transmission of statistical information in the development and formation of federal programs on issues entrusted to Rosstat.

Rosstat has the right:

1. Receive government reporting(and the necessary data, materials and explanations for it) at any stage of its development from government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies and economic entities.

2. Issue binding regulations and instructions on statistical issues.

3. Conclude agreements on cooperation with statistical departments of other states, international statistical organizations and other bodies on statistical issues.

4. Formation of federal programs for statistical research.

5. Determine a list of the most important research works on statistics.

6. Convene meetings in the prescribed manner on issues within the competence of Rosstat.

7. In accordance with the established procedure, make proposals to improve legislation in the field of statistics.

Topic 2. Organization of statistics in the Russian Federation.

You will study the following main issues of the topic:

    Structure of the organization of statistics in the Russian Federation

    Tasks and functions of statistical bodies

    Statistics Information and Computing Network (ISSN)

Lesson 3. Organization of statistics

The organization of statistics in developed countries is represented by a network of state statistical institutions, which, taking into account the needs of the state, are necessary to improve the economic situation, budget preparation, and to carry out taxation and state-monopoly regulation. The functions performed by state statistical institutions in developed countries are homogeneous, and the forms of organization of statistics differ in the degree of centralization (decentralization).

The central statistical institutions are: in France - the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Research; in Japan – Statistical Commission; in the UK and Germany - the Central Federal Statistical Office. These institutions play the role of coordinating centers with varying degrees of decentralization of statistical data collection.

The organization of statistics in Russia as a system of government institutions began in the 19th century. In 1858, the Central Statistical Committee (CSK) was formed, which was established as a non-departmental body that united all work related to statistics. However, a centralized system of state statistics did not develop during this period. There were no local statistical institutions, although a number of ministries (Ministry of Railways, Ministry of State Property, Ministry of Finance) had better statistics than the CSK. Since the late 60s - early 70s of the 19th century, active work in zemstvo statistics began. Its main task was to study post-reform Russia. Zemstvo statistics was an example of the development of alternative statistics. During the Soviet period, state statistics were represented by a system of institutions built on an administrative-territorial principle. Currently, the central body of state statistics is the State Committee on Statistics of the Russian Federation (Goskomstat of the Russian Federation). In republics, territories, regions there are departments or committees of state statistics, in administrative regions there are regional services of state statistics. State statistics receives established reporting data from enterprises and organizations, conducts special surveys and censuses. However, the state statistics system does not receive primary information from financial, customs, banking institutions, and uses only summary information provided by the relevant departments.

    Tasks and functions of state statistics bodies

State statistics represent one of the most important intersectoral links in the country's economic management system. It is designed to solve problems that ensure the study of mass phenomena and allows one to identify their complex relationships and interactions, as well as give a scientifically based assessment of the functioning and development of the economy.

The main objectives of state statistics are:

    collection, processing and presentation of the necessary statistical information to various users about the activities of all sectors of the economy and their subordinate enterprises;

    development of scientifically based statistical methodology that meets the needs of society at the present stage, as well as international standards;

    guaranteeing the completeness and scientific validity of all official statistical information;

    coordination of statistical activities of economic management bodies and ensuring their conduct of sectoral (departmental) statistical observations;

    providing all users with equal access to open statistical information through the dissemination of official reports on the socio-economic situation of the country, industries and sectors of the economy.

State statistics serve as the basis for organizing a statistical information system in the country. State statistics bodies carry out their work, guided by the fact that the accounting and statistics system in the Russian Federation is one of the most important levers of state management of economic development. The State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation performs the function feedback in relation to governing bodies, providing them with all necessary information on the activities of all sectors of the economy and their subordinate enterprises and organizations.

The functions of state statistics bodies in the economic management system can be visualized as follows (Figure 1):

Picture 1

A control object is understood as an element of systems that requires systematic monitoring and regulation for normal functioning. The objects of management are the economic sectors of their enterprises and organizations, which are objects of statistical observation.

To manage them, the creator has a control system that ensures their timely reduction to normal functioning. Management bodies influence management objects through direct communication (tasks) and feedback (reporting) through state statistics bodies.

State statistics bodies, informing government bodies about activities in all sectors of the economy, perform important signaling functions, expressed in the fact that control information in the form of tasks was accepted and the planned actions of management objects were recorded based on the actual situation - the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of these tasks by them.

The state statistics bodies that form the Goskomstat system of the Russian Federation carry out their work on the basis of general principles, a unified methodology and organization of state statistics. Their main goal is to provide centralized management of accounting and statistics in the country. The system of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation covers the whole of Russia, its bodies are located in all administrative-territorial entities of the country.

State statistics bodies collect and process statistical information from hundreds of thousands of industrial enterprises, construction sites, agricultural enterprises, tens of thousands of cultural, household and other institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership. This information is distinguished by its enormous variety, mass distribution and varying frequency of receipt. It is formed on the basis of approximately 250 forms of statistical reporting, as well as on the basis of sample surveys and censuses.

When processing all statistical reporting of these objects, several hundred billion computational operations are carried out per year. To carry out such a huge work, the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation has an extensive network of computing facilities for collecting and processing information. Application in it various means Computer technology gives the statistical information system a human-machine character with a certain level of automation in the processing of statistical information.

    Structure of state statistics bodies

The organizational structure of the state statistics system is built in accordance with the administrative-territorial division of the country and includes three levels: federal,regional(republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions and national districts) and local(district or city).

Centralized management of the work of state statistics bodies at the federal level is carried out by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics (Goskomstat of the Russian Federation), which is the main accounting and statistical center and belongs to the central bodies of the Russian Federation, providing statistical information to the Government, the Federal Assembly, federal executive authorities, as well as the general public and international organizations.

The State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation is responsible for the timely, objective and reliable processing and presentation of statistical information to the specified bodies and the public at the federal, sectoral and regional level based on a unified scientific methodology.

The State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation manages the organization of accounting and statistical work throughout the country, in particular, the work of 89 regional statistics committees, which perform the same functions, only for their level.

The regional committees include about 2,300 district (city) statistics departments (departments), which are the primary organizations of the state statistics system. District (city) statistical bodies, being in close proximity and constant information contact with enterprises and institutions, provide them with methodological assistance in organizing accounting and reporting and are the main sources of information about their activities. They collect and process information about the work of all agricultural enterprises, as well as industrial, construction, transport and trade enterprises, consumer service enterprises, educational and health authorities of a district or city.

All state statistics bodies work according to a unified methodology and a unified plan of statistical work, approved by higher authorities. Each statistical work included in this plan is characterized by the object of statistical observation, the composition of indicators, reporting forms, as well as the methods and frequency of their receipt and development.

The statistical bodies of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation are built on a functional-sectoral principle and organizationally consist of a central apparatus represented by departments of statistical branches, a computer center (CC) and a research and design institute for the statistical information system of the Russian Federation.

The central apparatus of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation includes the following departments:

    statistics and planning;

    national accounts;

    enterprise statistics and structural surveys;

    summary information and regional statistics;

    price and financial statistics;

    living standards statistics and population surveys;

    labor statistics;

    population statistics;

    industrial statistics;

    statistics of services, transport and communications;

    statistics of fixed assets and construction;

    statistics of domestic and foreign trade;

    statistics environment and agriculture;

    statistics foreign countries and international cooperation.

Their functions include the development of the necessary statistical methodology and analysis of statistical materials (analytical work).

The development of methodological materials is based on an analysis of the information needs of government bodies and other users of statistical information. The work consists of building and improving a system of statistical indicators and methods for calculating them, preparing statistical forms and instructions for filling and submitting them, as well as setting statistical problems for the purpose of their automated solution.

Analytical work is expressed in the preparation of analytical notes, bulletins, express information, press releases and forecasts for governing bodies in all sectors of the economy. For this purpose, summary statistical reports and accumulated time series of statistical data over a number of years are widely used.

Lesson 4. Information technologies in statistics

    Statistics Information Computing Network

State statistics bodies have a developed computer network equipped with modern computer technology, communications, organizational and duplicating equipment. We have accumulated extensive experience in the field of using computers to perform statistical work. Along with the collection, processing, transmission and storage of statistical information, computing services are provided on a commercial basis to tens of thousands of enterprises, organizations, firms, agricultural firms, and institutes.

The Goskomstat computer network consists of approximately 2,300 computing installations of various levels. At the state level, it is a computer center (CC). Computing units are available in all regions within the framework of the relevant statistics committees, and at the district (city) level there are computing units within the district (city) statistics departments.

The main functions of the Computing Center of the Goskomstat of the Russian Federation are the collection, processing and issuance of deadlines summary statistical reporting to sectoral departments of the central office, various bodies management.

The organization of machine processing of statistical information is carried out by two groups of divisions: in one, they collect primary and issue summary statistical reports (departments of information support for statistics), in the other, they carry out direct machine processing of statistical information (departments for preparation and transmission of data, operation of various technical means, reproduction, etc.).

The Computing Center, together with the Research and Design Institute of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, is also entrusted with the task of developing projects for the automation of statistical tasks, their testing and implementation (departments for designing machine information processing).

The structure, tasks and functions of regional statistics departments are in many ways similar to the structure of the Computing Center of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. In the information support departments, statisticians-economists, in addition to the preparation and release of statistical data, also engage in analytical work in order to provide the necessary information to local governments.

Functional departments, engaged in direct machine processing of statistical information, perform the same functions, but depending on the volume of information processed, they can be enlarged or disaggregated.

District (city) statistics departments (departments) that are part of regional committees are built in accordance with the standard structures of organizations at this level.

The organizational structure of the CC of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation (regional statistics committees) can be presented in the form of a generalized diagram (Figure 2). It consists of several groups of divisions, uniting design, technological, production and service departments.

Organizational structure of the Computing Center of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation (regional statistics committees)

Head of the CC

Deputy beginning VC

on design

Deputy beginning VC

according to statistics

Deputy beginning VC

on production

Design department

and implementation of information.


Statistics Department

prices and finance

data preparation

Statistics Department

Technical Equipment Operations Department

Organization department

information software and database

data preparation

software storage


data preparation

Maintenance department, etc.

data preparation


data preparation


agriculture, etc.

Figure 2

The first group includes departments that carry out the design of machine information processing and its implementation.

The department for organizing information support and databases collects, organizes storage and issues all reference, regulatory, planning and other permanent information necessary to solve problems, and also monitors their changes and timely adjustments of this information. In addition, he carries out work to unify statistical reporting, adapt it to the requirements of machine processing, develop and maintain local and national classifiers, and develop guidelines for their use.

This group also includes a department for maintaining and storing software, which is responsible for implementing programs at all levels of the Goskomstat computer network.

The second group includes information support departments of various branches of statistics, which prepare statistical reports for processing using various technical means. They analyze and control the resulting statistical data generated, organize questions to information sources when deviations are detected in the process of organizing information processing, draw up documents for updating information, reproduce the results of statistical data, finalize them and transfer them to consumers. These departments also participate in the creation of an economic and statistical description of problem statements for the purpose of their automated solution, provide assistance in the work of the relevant grassroots statistical bodies: monitor their work on organizing statistical developments, compliance with accounting and reporting methodology and the state of reporting discipline.

The third group includes departments that carry out direct machine processing of information using various technical means.

In the data preparation (transfer) department, information is transferred from documents to computer media and control of the correctness of entering information on them, as well as automated reception and transmission of information via communication channels.

The technical equipment operation departments (computers, computers) provide input and control of initial information into the computer, its direct processing and delivery of data results to users, as well as their transmission via communication channels.

Departments Maintenance various technological means perform maintenance of operating computer equipment, ensure its operability, and carry out routine and preventative repairs.

    Purpose of classifiers and their structure

To exchange statistical information between different levels In the system of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, the development and implementation of classifiers is carried out.

Classifier– this is a systematized set of names of objects, i.e. classification characteristics and their code designations.

Depending on the application, classifiers are divided into three groups:

    National, used in all industries and at all levels of government;

    Industry-specific, used within a specific industry;

    Local, used within an enterprise (organization) or group of enterprises.

The state statistics bodies operate about 20 public classifiers belonging to the following groups:

    Classifiers of information about labor and natural resources;

    Classifiers of information about labor products, production activities and services;

    Classifiers of information about the structure of the economy and the administrative-territorial division of the country;

    Classifiers management information and documentation.

Let's consider the structure of the USRPO (Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations).

The USRPO is a unified system of state accounting and identification of all entities economic activity on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 20/04/93. No. 47. The subjects of the USRPO are legal entities, branches of representative offices and other divisions of enterprises and organizations, individual entrepreneurs.

The block of classification characteristics includes: four-digit codes of the ministry and departments (according to SOOGU - Designation System for Government Bodies) to which enterprises are subordinate; four-digit codes of territories (according to SOATO - System of Designation of Administrative-Territorial Objects) where enterprises are located, and five-digit codes of economic sectors (according to OKONKH - National Classifier of Sectors of the National Economy).

The codes of ministries and departments for SOOGU are built according to a serial-ordinal system: the highest four digits indicate a specific ministry, and the youngest - the form of its subordination (national, local, etc.).

Territory codes according to SOAT are based on a positional coding system. In this case, from SOAT - a ten-bit code - most often only the four highest digits are used: codes of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, territories, regions.

All of the above codes are assigned to an enterprise (legal entity) upon its registration (opening) in accordance with the types of activities specified in the charter of the enterprise.

! General conclusions to the topic studied:

    The accounting and statistics system in the Russian Federation is one of the most important levers of state management of economic development.

    The organizational structure of the state statistics system is built in accordance with the administrative-territorial division of the country and includes three levels: federal, regional and local.

    The main functions of the Computing Center of the Goskomstat of the Russian Federation are the collection, processing and issuance of consolidated statistical reporting to various management bodies in a timely manner.

    The USRPO is a unified system of state accounting and identification of all economic entities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

? Self-test questions:

    What are the main objectives of government statistics?

    On what principle are the statistical bodies of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation structured?

    What is the purpose of classifiers?

The correctness of any management decision largely depends on the information on the basis of which it was made, therefore statistics play an important role in the management of economic and social development countries. Only accurate data should be taken into account high level management.

The organization of statistical work in Russia is based on the following principles:

  • 1. centralized management of statistics;
  • 2. unified organizational structure and methodology;
  • 3. inextricable connection between statistical bodies and government bodies.

In accordance with the state structure and administrative-territorial entities of the Russian Federation, it was created one system state statistics, which carries out work according to a unified plan and methodology. The methodology of statistical indicators, forms, methods of collecting and processing statistical data, established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, are the official statistical standards of the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation, the functions of the statistical service are performed by state statistics bodies and departmental statistics. Supreme body The department of statistics management in our country is the Federal State Statistics Service, abbreviated as FSGS. It was created in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004 No. 314 “Structure of federal executive authorities.”

The Federal State Statistics Service is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of generating official statistical information on the social, economic, demographic and environmental situation of the country, as well as the functions of control and supervision in the field of state statistical activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Functions Federal service state statistics are:

  • 1. submission of statistical information in the prescribed manner to the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, government bodies, the media, organizations and citizens, as well as international organizations;
  • 2. development and improvement of scientifically based official statistical methodology for conducting statistical observations and generating statistical indicators, ensuring compliance of this methodology with international standards;
  • 3. development and improvement of a system of statistical indicators characterizing the state of the economy and social sphere;
  • 4. collection of statistical reporting and generation of official statistical information on its basis;
  • 5. control over the implementation of organizations and citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of state statistics;
  • 6. development of the state statistics information system, ensuring its compatibility and interaction with other state information systems;
  • 7. ensuring the storage of state information resources and the protection of confidential and classified statistical information;
  • 8. implementation of the obligations of the Russian Federation arising from membership in international organizations and participation in international treaties, implementation of international cooperation in the field of statistics.

In its main activities, the FSSS is guided by federal statistical programs; these programs are created by the federal executive and legislative authorities.

The task of statistical authorities: ensuring transparency and accessibility general information, guarantee of reliability, accuracy and veracity of the recorded data.

This was the main task of statistical authorities. Now let's look at the tasks of the FSGS:

  • 1. presentation of official statistical information to the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, the public, as well as international organizations;
  • 2. coordination of statistical activities of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, providing conditions for the use specified authorities official statistical standards when they conduct sectoral (departmental) statistical observations;
  • 3. development of economic and statistical information, its analysis, compilation of national accounts, necessary balance sheet calculations;
  • 4. guaranteeing the completeness and scientific validity of all official statistical information;
  • 5. providing all users with equal access to open statistical information through the dissemination of official reports on the socio-economic situation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, industries and sectors of the economy, publication of statistical collections and other statistical materials.

Along with state statistical services, there are departmental statistics, which are maintained in ministries, departments, enterprises, associations and firms various industries economy. Departmental statistics deals with the collection, processing and analysis of statistical information necessary for management, making management decisions, and planning the activities of an enterprise or government body.

Specialists in the field of statistics, mathematics, accounting And economic analysis, managers and technologists.

Thus, state and departmental statistics bodies face a very important task. theoretical justification volume and composition of statistical information that would correspond modern conditions economic development, contributed to the rationalization of the accounting and statistics system and the minimization of costs for performing this function.

The structure of state statistics bodies corresponds to the administrative-territorial division of the country. There are statistics committees in the republics, territories and regions. The lowest level are the state statistics inspectorates, which are located in large cities and administrative regions. Local statistical bodies publish regional statistical collections. For example, the Moscow City Statistics Committee publishes “Moscow in Figures.”

The main functions of all statistical bodies are the collection, processing, analysis and presentation of data in a user-friendly form.

The management of statistics in the country is carried out by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, formerly Goskomstat, http://www.gks.ru) as a federal executive body.

Forms and methods for collecting and processing statistical data, methods for calculating statistical indicators established by Rosstat are the statistical standard of the Russian Federation.

Rosstat publishes the following statistical collections:

    Russian statistical yearbook,

    short yearbook “Russia in numbers”,

    demographic yearbook of Russia,

    thematic collections “Regions of Russia”,

other thematic collections containing data on social statistics, information on price levels, industry, macroeconomic indicators, etc.

The main tasks of Rosstat are:

    Providing official statistical information to the President, government, Federal Assembly, federal executive authorities, public and international organizations.

    Development of scientifically sound statistical methodology that meets the needs of society in modern stage and international standards.

    Coordination of statistical activities in the state.

    Development of economic and statistical information, its analysis, compilation of national accounts and carrying out the necessary balance calculations.

    Guaranteeing the completeness and scientific validity of forms of statistical information and ensuring equal access to its study to all users.

Basic functions Rosstat is that it:

    Organizes the conduct of state statistical observations according to programs, forms and methods developed by him or agreed with him.

    Ensures the functioning of the USRPO register (Unified State Register Enterprises and Organizations).

    Ensures the collection, processing, storage and protection of statistical information, compliance with state and commercial secrets and the necessary confidentiality of data.

    Compares the main socio-economic indicators of Russia with similar indicators of other countries and, together with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, compiles payment balance countries.

    Conducts a single technical policy in the field of collection, processing and transmission of statistical information.

    Determines, within the allocated funds, a list of the most important research projects.

    Convenes meetings in accordance with the established procedure on a range of problems within the competence of Rosstat.

    In accordance with the established procedure, makes proposals for improving legislation in the field of statistics.

Rosstat has the right to :

    Receive government reporting, incl. component trade secret, as well as the necessary data and materials at any stage of their development and explanations for the provided reporting free of charge, within the established volumes and deadlines from all legal and other business entities, from federal executive authorities.

    Publish mandatory regulations and instructions on statistical issues.

    Conclude agreements on cooperation with statistical departments of other states, as well as international statistical and other bodies on statistical issues.

    Form federal programs on statistics and statistical research.

    Determine a list of the most important research works on statistics.

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