Calendar of professional holidays. Day of the worker of the penal system of Russia What is a professional holiday on March 12



The Soviet government and its head, Comrade. Stalin instructed me to make the following statement:

Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities - Zhitomir, Kyiv - from their planes , Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others, and more than two hundred people were killed and wounded. Enemy aircraft raids and artillery shelling were also carried out from Romanian and Finnish territory.

This unheard of attack on our country is a treachery unparalleled in the history of civilized nations. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that a non-aggression treaty was concluded between the USSR and Germany and the Soviet government fulfilled all the terms of this treaty in all good faith. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that during the entire duration of this treaty the German government could never make a single claim against the USSR regarding the implementation of the treaty. All responsibility for this predatory attack on the Soviet Union falls entirely on the German fascist rulers.

After the attack, the German ambassador in Moscow, Schulenburg, at 5:30 a.m. made me, as the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, a statement on behalf of his government that the German government had decided to go to war against the USSR in connection with the concentration of Red Army units in the eastern German border.

In response to this, on behalf of the Soviet government, I stated that until the last minute the German government did not make any claims against the Soviet government, that Germany carried out an attack on the USSR, despite the peace-loving position of the Soviet Union, and that thereby fascist Germany is the attacker side.

On behalf of the government of the Soviet Union, I must also state that at no point did our troops and our aviation allow the border to be violated, and therefore the statement made by Romanian radio this morning that Soviet aviation allegedly fired at Romanian airfields is a complete lie and provocation. The entire today’s declaration by Hitler, who is trying to retroactively concoct incriminating material about the Soviet Union’s non-compliance with the Soviet-German Pact, is the same lie and provocation.

Now that the attack on the Soviet Union has already taken place, the Soviet government has given our troops an order to repulse the bandit attack and expel German troops from the territory of our homeland. This war was imposed on us not by the German people, not by the German workers, peasants and intellectuals, whose suffering we well understand, but by a clique of bloodthirsty fascist rulers of Germany who enslaved the French, Czechs, Poles, Serbs, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece and other peoples .

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its unshakable confidence that our valiant army and navy and the brave falcons of Soviet aviation will honorably fulfill their duty to their homeland, to the Soviet people, and will deal a crushing blow to the aggressor.

This is not the first time our people have had to deal with an attacking, arrogant enemy. At one time, our people responded to Napoleon’s campaign in Russia with a Patriotic War and Napoleon was defeated and came to his collapse. The same will happen to the arrogant Hitler, who announced a new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all our people will once again wage a victorious patriotic war for the homeland, for honor, for freedom.

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its firm confidence that the entire population of our country, all workers, peasants and intellectuals, men and women, will treat their duties and their work with due consciousness. Our entire people must now be united and united as never before. Each of us must demand from ourselves and from others discipline, organization, and dedication worthy of a true Soviet patriot in order to provide all the needs of the Red Army, Navy and Air Force to ensure victory over the enemy.

The government calls on you, citizens of the Soviet Union, to rally your ranks even more closely around our glorious Bolshevik Party, around our Soviet government, around our great leader Comrade. Stalin.

Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.

The Russian penal system (penal system) is one of the keys to the safety of citizens and the successful development of the state. In one form or another, at all times in civilized society there have been cases of crime and punishment. Over the past centuries, employees have not only guarded the peace of the country’s population, but also tried to fulfill its main function - to return respectable citizens to society. In its current form, it dates its existence from 1879 - the day Alexander II signed a decree on the creation of a prison department, which united and structured all correctional institutions in the country. That’s why March 12 is the Day of the Russian Penitentiary System. It has been established since 2010.

A little history

The penal system of Russia was part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, however, due to the country’s international obligations, it was transferred under the control of the Ministry of Justice. From now on, the department is not faced with the task of providing labor for construction projects or participating in the fight against the opposition, so it can contribute to building the rule of law. Now it is a prestigious system more open to the media, guarding the law and the interests of the population.

Hard everyday life

The Day of the Penitentiary System Worker is not only intended to draw attention to unnoticed and important work, but also to promote the public’s call for educational work and the provision of social assistance to those released and prisoners. Every day, FSIN employees carry out tasks of correction, security, escort, medical care for those arrested, education and retraining, as well as attracting them to work. They perform a very difficult, dangerous service and rightfully have their own professional date - Day of the Penitentiary System Worker.

A look into the future

Currently there is a concept in place aimed at developing the penal system, designed until 2020. In accordance with it, the activities of the FSIN should be closer to international standards and contribute to the development of society. The main areas of work of the employees will be the following actions: active use of punishments that do not imply deprivation of liberty, preventing the popularization of the criminal subculture and stimulating the lawful behavior of those convicted and released. The document envisages not only improving the situation of people in custody, but also increasing wages for employees of penitentiary institutions. The established Day of the Penitentiary System Worker certainly contributes to the achievement of these goals.

The present and future of the penal system

The number of employees of the penal system is regulated in accordance with world practice and Russian laws, taking into account the high workload when working with convicts. Today, the staff of the Federal Penitentiary Service numbers more than 300 thousand people. Graduates of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions are ready to replace them. Thanks to educational activities and targeted government policies, the profession is becoming more and more prestigious. Congratulations on the Day of the Penitentiary System Worker and employees of research institutes designed to develop new correctional technologies and methods of working with convicts, which are based on the latest technologies in the field of law, psychology, education and medicine.

Remembering the past, confident in the future

On the Day of the Penitentiary System Worker, concentrations are organized on radio and television. In the institutions themselves, current employees accept bonuses and certificates. Congratulations to the penitentiary system from relatives and colleagues can take place in different forms, the main thing is that it is done from the heart and with love. The main congratulations are received by honored employees of the penal system in the form of regular titles and state awards, including specially established ones. Cadets and students of specialized educational institutions participate in thematic conferences and round tables. Honors are given to employees who died while on duty. The Day of the Russian Penitentiary System became an excellent occasion for the exchange of experience and international contacts with the participation of veterans, heads of departments, politicians and heads of penitentiary services.

Calendar of professional holidays


2 – Day of Banking and Financial Workers
5 – Day of Social Protection Workers
12 – Day of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
13 -Russian Press Day
19 – Rescuer Day
26 – International Customs Day


6 – International Bartenders Day
8 – Aeroflot Day
8 – Day of Russian Science
9 – International Dentist Day
10 – Diplomat's Day
18 – Transport Police Day
21 – Day of workers of land management and cartographic and geodetic services


3 – World Writer’s Day
9 – International DJ Day
10 – Day of Archives
12 – Day of workers of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia
13 – Day of Geodesy and Cartography Worker
16 – Day of economic security units in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
18 – Tax Police Day
20 – World Astrology Day
21 – Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers
21 – International Puppeteer Day
23 – World Meteorologist Day
27 – Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
29 – Military Legal Service Specialist Day


1 – Mathematics Day
2 – Geologist Day
6 – Day of Investigative Authorities
8 – Day of Military Commissariat Employees
12 – World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day
15 – Day of Electronic Warfare Specialist
17 – Science Day
26 – International Secretary Day
30 – Firefighter Day

1 – Labor Day
5 – Printing Day
7 – Day of Radio, Television and Communications Workers
12 – World Nurses Day
18 – International Museum Day
20 – World Metrologist Day
21 – Day of Workers of Physical Culture and Sports
24 – HR Day
27 – All-Russian Library Day
29 – Chemist’s Day
29 – Military Motorist Day


5 – Reclamation Day
8 – Social Worker Day
9 – Brewer’s Day
10 – Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers
19 – Day of Medical Workers
30 – Inventor and Innovator Day
27 – World Fisheries Day


1 – Day of workers of the sea and river fleet
2 – International Sports Journalist Day
3 – Traffic Police Day (State Traffic Police Day)
3 – Day of Water Transport Workers
9 – Russian Post Day
17 – Metallurgist Day
28 – System Administrator Day
28 – Day of PR specialist
31 – Trade Workers Day


1 – Collector's Day
7 – Railwayman's Day
13 – Sportsman’s Day
14 – Builder's Day
15 – Archaeologist Day
28 – Miner's Day


2 – Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers
4- Nuclear Support Specialist Day
4 -Tester Day
13 – Programmer’s Day
16 – Forest Workers Day
21 – Secretary's Day in Russia
27 – Day of the teacher and all preschool workers
28 – Day of Nuclear Industry Workers
30 – International Translation Day
30 – Mechanical Engineering Day



6 – Bailiff's Day
10 – Police Day
11 – Russian Economist Day
12 – Day of employees of Sberbank of Russia
12 – Security Specialist Day
13 – Code Talker Day
14 – Sociologist’s Day
17 – Day of the district police officer
19 – Day of Glass Industry Workers
21 – Accountant's Day
21 – Tax Authorities Day
27 – Appraiser Day


2 – Banker's Day
7 – International Civil Aviation Day
15 – Realtor Day
17 – Day of employees of the State Courier Service
18 – Day of the internal security units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
20 – Day of the Worker of the State Security Bodies of the Russian Federation (FSB Day)
22 – Energy Day
27 – Day of Emergency Situations Ministry Workers

On January 12, 1722, by decree of Peter the Great, under the Senate, the post of Prosecutor General was first established. This is how the institution of the prosecutor’s office arose in the history of Russia, initially in the person of the “attorney on public affairs” Pavel Yaguzhinsky.

The Day of Workers of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has been celebrated since 1996 according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1995 “On establishing the Day of Workers of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.”

In November 1952, the Convention on the Establishment of the Customs Cooperation Council came into force. On January 26, 1953, the first session of the Customs Cooperation Council took place in Brussels, which later (in 1994) received its current name - the World Customs Organization. The heads of their customs services from 17 European countries were represented there.

30 years later, in 1983, this particular day was chosen as the annual holiday of International Customs Day. More than 800 thousand people celebrate it - this is the total number of customs officers around the world. The Russian customs service - 68 thousand people - is one of the largest.

This professional holiday was established by Decree of the President of Russia No. 1279 of October 31, 2002 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

There is also a version among diplomats that Diplomatic Worker's Day is celebrated on February 10, since it was on this day in 1549 that the earliest mention of the Ambassadorial Prikaz, the first foreign policy department of Russia, occurred.

On this day in 1919, the decree “On the organization of an interdepartmental commission for the protection of railways” was signed. This document was the first on the path to creating railway transport protection.

The modern scale of work of the Russian transport police is enormous. The operational services of the internal affairs bodies in transport (OVDT) include: 17 railways, with a length of more than 86 thousand km; 508 railway stations; 1942 railway bridges; 139 tunnels; 297 overpasses; 150 airports, incl. 64 international; 18 interregional and territorial civil aviation departments; 33 sea and 63 river ports; 10 sea and 25 river shipping companies; 18 state basin river transport departments; the navigable part of the rivers with a length of 89 thousand km; 20 hydraulic structures.

World DJ Day is not only an official holiday, but also an important charity event that has been held on behalf of the international club industry since 2002.

Every year on March 9th, as part of DJ Day, a charity event is held around the world to help children's organizations.

The initiators of the event are the World DJ Fund and the Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy organization, which uses music to treat children and adults. All profits received by DJs, clubs, radio stations and record labels on this day are sent to various international children's funds and institutions.

March 10 is celebrated as “Archives Day”. The date of celebration was February 28, 1720 (March 10, new style).

On this day, Peter the Great signed the first state act in Russia - “General Regulations or Charter”. He determined the foundations of the organization of public administration in the country and introduced archives and the public position of an actuary (archivist) in all state authorities, who was to “diligently collect letters, repair registers, re-mark sheets...”.

The reforms of Peter I laid the foundation for the Russian state archival service.

In March 1720, Peter the Great signed a decree that marked the beginning of cartographic surveys in Russia.

In 1919 V.I. Lenin signed the decree of the Council of People's Commissars “On the establishment of the Higher Geodetic Administration” - the unified geodetic service of the RSFSR (since 1992 - the Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia).

By decree of the acting President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated March 16, 2000 No. 518, March 18 was declared Tax Police Day in recognition of the importance of the federal tax police authorities in ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation.

The holiday was established by the Decree of the Acting President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated March 16, 2000 in recognition of the importance of the federal tax police authorities in ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation.

The idea to celebrate International Puppeteer Day all over the world came to the famous puppet theater artist Jivada Zolfaghariho (Iran). In 2000, at the XVIII UNIMA Congress in Magdeburg, he brought this proposal up for discussion. But, despite the fact that the discussion about the place and time of this holiday was very lively, this issue was never resolved. Only two years later, at a meeting of the International Council of UNIMA, the date of the celebration was determined. The tradition of the Festival of Puppeteers around the World was opened on March 21, 2003. It is on this day that all professionals and fans of the puppet theater celebrate International Puppeteer Day.

In 1950, it was on this day that the World Meteorological Organization Convention came into force. The motto of the holiday: “Weather, climate and water in the information era.”

In Russia, the official “start” of the hydrometeorological monitoring system was given 170 years ago by decree of Emperor Nicholas I.

The main goal of Roshydromet is to reduce the threat to the lives of the population and damage to the country’s economy from weather and climate phenomena, ensuring a high level of hydrometeorological security in Russia.

Analysis of data on prevented damage shows that the forecasts of Russian meteorologists make it possible to reduce possible economic losses by an average of 40% (from 15% in the maritime industry to 46% in construction).

Professional holiday for military lawyers, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 N 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” One of the main directions of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is the legal provision of its military security. Strengthening the defense capability of the state, solving by legal means the tasks facing the military organization of the state in the context of emerging new internal, external and trans-border dangers and threats to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state.

Geologist's Day was established to commemorate the merits of Soviet geologists in creating the country's mineral resource base by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 31, 1966.

Celebrated annually on the first Sunday in April.

The initiators of the appeal to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR were a group of outstanding Soviet geologists led by Academician A.L. Yanshin. And the reason for the appeal was the discovery in 1966 of the first fields of the West Siberian oil and gas province.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 6, 1963, the right to conduct a preliminary investigation was transferred to the Ministry of Public Order, later renamed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The entry into force of the Decree marked the beginning of the official activities of the investigative apparatus of the internal affairs bodies.

On April 8, 1918, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars, volost, district, provincial and district commissariats for military affairs were established. This day is rightfully the birthday of military commissariats.

Since 1993, the range of tasks performed by military registration and enlistment office employees has expanded significantly. Now the military commissariat, in close cooperation with local governments, along with organizing conscription into the armed forces and registering privates and reserve officers, as well as equipment located in the region, performs a number of social tasks.

International Secretaries Day (“Formerly Secretaries Day” aka “Professional Secretaries Week”) began to be celebrated in 1952 in the United States. This day takes place within the framework of the Administrative Professionals Week, which has also become traditional in the United States.

Now this holiday is celebrated not only by secretaries, but also by all those on whom the work of the office depends. These include assistant directors, office managers, and assistants. This profession is one of the five most in demand.

On this day in 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed a decree on the creation of the first Russian fire service: “Order on the City Deanery,” which established a strict procedure for extinguishing fires in Moscow. The document, in particular, laid the foundations for a professional fire department, introduced permanent duty, and gave fire patrols the right to punish residents of the capital for violations of the rules for handling fire.

One of the first professional fire brigades was created under Peter I. During his reign, the first fire station was also created under the Admiralty.

In 1999, by decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, April 30 was established as Fire Protection Day in Russia.

In fact, the holiday is already more than a hundred years old; it was officially established only in 1971.

Nurses' Day has been celebrated since the unification of nurses from 141 countries into a professional public organization - the International Council of Nurses.

The first service of sisters of mercy was organized during the Crimean War by an Englishwoman

Florence Nightingale.

Then a stable stereotype was formed: a nurse is a nurse who carries the wounded from the battlefield or stands at the operating table. In Russia, the holiday has been celebrated since 1993.

The day was chosen to commemorate the signing of the famous “Metric Convention” on May 20, 1875 in Paris, at an international diplomatic conference.

Metrology originated in ancient times and in word formation means “science of measurement” . Metrology penetrates into all sciences and disciplines dealing with measurements and is a single science for them. The founder of metrology is D.I. Mendeleev.

The basic concepts that metrology operates on are the following: measurement, measuring instrument, metrology, measurement techniques.

Personnel Officer Day has been celebrated in Russia since 2005 on the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress.

The date May 24 was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1835, a decree was issued in Tsarist Russia “On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and workers employed by them.” It became the first document regulating the relationship between employer and employee in our country. It is logical to consider this date as the beginning of the formation of relations between employers and employees in our country.

In any, even the smallest company, there is an employee responsible for working with personnel, and in large structures there are entire departments numbering a dozen or even more people.

Social Worker Day is celebrated on June 8 on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2000.

The day was not chosen by chance. It was on June 8, 1701 that Peter I adopted the Decree that marked the beginning of the creation of the state social protection system, “On the establishment of almshouses for the poor, sick and elderly in the households of the Holy Patriarchate.” According to Peter’s decree, “for ten sick people, there should be one healthy person in the almshouse who would look after those sick people and provide all kinds of help for them.”

Social Worker's Day is a holiday of people who are the first to take on the waves of human problems and, to the best of their ability, help solve these problems.

The professional holiday of light industry workers is celebrated on the second Sunday of June in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980. "About holidays and memorable days."

Introduced in Russia by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2000 “On the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers.”

Day of workers of the State Automobile Inspectorate (SAI). The State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was formed by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in 1936, since June 1998 - the State Inspectorate for Road Safety (STSI) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, since July 2002 - again the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Metallurgist Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of July on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988. The wide variety of working professions in industrial production has led to the emergence of nationwide industry holidays, which include Metallurgist Day. Without metallurgists, it would be impossible to ensure the operation of heavy and light industry enterprises, and our daily lives. Metal smelting is a necessary component in a complex chain of various industrial works. The profession of a metallurgist cannot be called easy.

Every year, on the last Friday of July, administrators of corporate and home networks, databases, mail systems, software systems and other “soldiers of the invisible front” celebrate their professional holiday - System Administrator Day. The profession of a system administrator is akin to the profession of a doctor: if everything works well, they don’t even remember about him... if he doesn’t work, all the people curse him for all he knows!

On this day, it is customary to honor the humble workers of the “invisible front” who protect the well-being of corporate networks and computers - after all, the successful work of the company directly depends on them.

This year Russian system administrators will celebrate seventh According to the account, the annual “System Administrator Day”, the holiday was invented by Chicago system administrator Ted Kekatos. The idea was born when Kekatos saw an advertisement in a magazine for Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4000 printers. The picture showed a system administrator sitting in his cubicle and a line of users stretching to the door holding wrapped gift boxes, fruit baskets and bouquets of flowers. The advertisement illustrated that HP printer buyers express gratitude to the system administrator.

August 1 is celebrated as All-Russian Cash Cashier's Day. The reliability and safety of money and material assets largely depends on these people. Congratulations to all representatives of this courageous profession.

Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of September according to Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X "On holidays and memorial days", as amended. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.11.88 N 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days.”

This is a holiday for everyone who has linked their fate with the difficult profession of geologists, drillers, developers, builders, transport workers, technologists and many other oil and gas specialties.

Nuclear Support Specialist Day was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 N 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

The first Soviet nuclear bomb, IOSIF-1, named after Joseph Stalin, was detonated at the Semipalatinsk test site on August 29, 1949. Since that day, 715 nuclear tests have been carried out. The last explosion occurred on Novaya Zemlya on October 24, 1990.

The creation of a nuclear bomb in a war-ravaged country is an example of the concentration of intellectual, material and spiritual resources.

On this professional holiday, events are held to reward veterans of special risk units and perpetuate the memory of those killed.

On September 9, 1945, Harvard University scientists testing the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator found a moth stuck between the contacts of an electromechanical relay. The work done required a description, and the word was found - “debugging” (literally: getting rid of an insect) - this is what is now called the process of identifying and eliminating bugs - the causes of computer malfunction. The extracted insect was pasted into a technical diary, with the accompanying inscription: “The first bug discovered,” and was subsequently transferred to the museum of computer technology. It is not known whether America celebrates this significant day, but in Russia this unofficial holiday has taken root.

Programmer's Day is an unofficial holiday of programmers, celebrated on the 256th day of the year. The number 256 (two to the eighth power) was chosen because it is the number of numbers that can be expressed using a single byte.

Forest Workers' Day was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days.” Celebrated on the third Sunday of September.
This is a professional holiday for those whose work is related to reforestation and afforestation, caring for forest crops and forests, allocation of cutting areas, forest protection and their use. Back in 1977, on September 18, the Soviet Union adopted “Forest Legislation” regulating forestry issues. And from this day on, simultaneously with the acceptance

“Forest Legislation” it was decided to officially celebrate Forest Workers Day. And since then, every autumn foresters celebrate their professional holiday, the day when everyone remembers their merits and honors their selfless work for the benefit of society.

The idea of ​​this holiday is to help society pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood in general.

Preschool age is a particularly important and responsible period in a child’s life; at this age, personality is formed and the foundations of health are laid. A prosperous childhood and the future fate of each child depends on the wisdom of the teacher, his patience, and attention to the child’s inner world. With the help of their teachers, preschoolers learn the secrets of the world around them, learn to love and take care of their Motherland.

Nuclear Industry Workers Day has been celebrated since 2005. Established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2005.

On September 28, 1942, the State Defense Committee of the USSR issued a decree “On the organization of work on uranium” and approved the creation of a special atomic nuclear laboratory at the Academy of Sciences.

Jerome of Stridon, one of the four Latin Fathers of the Church, was a man of powerful intellect and fiery temperament. He traveled widely and in his youth made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Later he retired for four years to the Chalcis desert, where he lived as an ascetic hermit. Here he studied the Hebrew and Chaldean languages ​​and had, in his own words, “only scorpions and wild animals” as companions. In the desert, he several times heard trumpets announcing the Last Judgment. In Western European painting he is often depicted listening to angels blowing trumpets above his head.

In 386 Jerome settled in Bethlehem. It was here that for many years he translated the Old and New Testaments into Latin. Eleven centuries later, its version was proclaimed by the Council of Trent as the official Latin text of Holy Scripture (Vulgate). In addition, it is believed that Jerome was the creator of the Glagolitic alphabet.

According to a popular parable, Jerome removed a thorn from the paw of a lion, who from then on became his devoted friend. Only in 1991 did translators have their own professional holiday: the International Federation of Translators (FIT) proclaimed September 30 (St. Jerome's Day, traditionally considered the patron saint of translators) as International Translators Day.

On the last Sunday of September, Mechanical Engineer's Day is celebrated, established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days,” as amended. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.11.88 N 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days.”

This is a professional holiday for workers and engineers in the mechanical engineering industry.

International Doctors Day is a professional day for healthcare workers. It is celebrated on the first Mondays of October at the initiative of the UN WHO as a day of solidarity and active action among doctors around the world.

Even under the Tsar, Russian detective work had its significance and strength. In 1918, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR approved the Regulations on the organization of criminal investigation departments. The central criminal investigation department, Tsentrorozysk, was organized in October 1918. Since then, special units have been operating under the local police “to maintain order through the secret investigation of crimes of a criminal nature and the fight against banditry.” For many years this service has developed and improved.

Criminal investigation is one of the largest and most important divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The service of operatives is constantly associated with risk and dedication. Chases, shootouts, ambushes, one-on-one meetings with a criminal - a criminal investigation officer must be prepared for all this daily, hourly.

On October 6, 1921, Gosstrakh of the RSFSR began its activities. And this date became the day of the birth of insurance activity in Russia.

On this day, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted the decree “On State Property Insurance,” which marked the actual beginning of the further development of state property insurance in our country. It was envisaged to organize insurance of private households in all rural and urban areas against fires, loss of livestock, hail damage to crops, as well as accidents on water and land transport routes. The Main Directorate of State Insurance (Gosstrakh) was organized as part of the People's Commissariat of Finance, and urban and rural insurance bodies were created locally.

In the USSR, objective prerequisites for the demonopolization of the insurance market arose in connection with the law on cooperation adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 26, 1988, which provided for the possibility of creating cooperative insurance institutions. During this period, the first insurance organizations alternative to the USSR State Insurance system began to be created (ASKO, Progress, Rossiya, etc.). This process received a logical continuation in connection with the approval by the Council of Ministers of the USSR of the “Regulations on Joint Stock Limited Liability Companies”, and then the adoption of the RSFSR Law “On Insurance” (1992), when the formation of new insurance companies became widespread.

In 1958, American secretary Patricia Haroski proposed a new holiday - Chief's Day. In 1962, this holiday was officially approved by the Governor of Illinois. This tradition was supported by many countries, and October 16 was chosen as the holiday date.

On this day, you need to remember that a boss is not only a big salary and the ability to give orders, but it is also work without rest, responsibility for the well-being of subordinates, it is risk and hassle.

Advertiser's Day, or Advertising Worker's Day, is a holiday for all advertisers, marketers and PR people in Russia. Celebrated since 1994. Usually on this day there are festive parties in nightclubs, where the professional holiday is vigorously celebrated.

The word “advertising” comes from the Latin “reclamare” - to shout out. According to the testimony of cultural scientists, in antiquity and the Middle Ages the spiritual life of society was manifested mainly in oral form. This is confirmed by the predominance of oral versions of advertising texts. Their constant part - the cries of traders - subsequently emerged as a special genre.

October 25 has long been considered a significant day in the history of the Russian customs service. It was on this day in 1653 that the Unified Customs Charter first appeared in the country, born from the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich on the collection of customs duties “in Moscow and Russian cities.” From that moment on, customs became a government service designed to protect the economic interests of the country. And on October 25, 1991, by decree of the President of Russia, the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation was formed.

The Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04.08.95 N 811 “On the establishment of the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation”.

The history of the current departmental security dates back to October 29, 1952, when the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted the Resolution “On the use in industry, construction and other sectors of the national economy of workers released from security, and measures to improve the organization of security of economic facilities of ministries and departments.”

This act established that the internal affairs bodies in the republics, regional and regional centers, as well as in large cities of republican, regional and regional subordination, create a non-departmental external guard security, whose responsibilities include the protection of economic facilities, regardless of their departmental affiliation. That is why today the private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia bears such an unusual, at first glance, name.

Sign Language Interpreter Day was established in January 2003 on the initiative of the Central Board of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf in order to draw public attention to the problems of the deaf.

If in Russia there are only three sign language interpreters per 1000 deaf people, then in Finland there are 300...

The Day of Pre-trial Detention Center and Prison Workers is a new holiday for Russia and there are no traditions for celebrating this holiday yet.

There are no lavish celebrations in correctional institutions. On this day, some prisons open the locks and secrets of their institutions on the occasion of the holiday. Journalists are shown ancient punishment cells in which famous personalities served their sentences.

On November 6, the Bailiff Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation celebrates the anniversary of its formation. On this day in 1997, two Federal Laws came into force - “On Bailiffs” and “On Enforcement Proceedings”.

Sberbank of Russia Employee Day has been celebrated since 1998. The date November 12 was not chosen by chance: on October 30 (November 12, new style), 1841, Emperor Nicholas I issued a Decree on the establishment of savings banks in Russia “to provide all kinds of people with insufficient funds for savings in a reliable and profitable way and for accepting small amounts for saving with incremental interest."

The first banking operations date back to the times of ancient world civilizations. But banks in the modern sense are quite young.

And the Russian banking system was formed according to European models and followed them. Today, the country's largest banks are full-fledged players on the world stage. And Sberbank of Russia was the first to enter the world rankings.

Created in 1841 for educational and charitable purposes, it quickly became one of the main elements of the country's financial system. Sberbank of Russia has changed organizationally and structurally many times, but the essence remains - universality, an extensive branch network, a constant expansion of the number of operations, the introduction of new services and service formats.

In the beginning was the Word... Then many words appeared. And very soon the man realized that the words had to be hidden. Thus began the birth of cryptography. Translated from ancient Greek, “cryptography” means “secret writing.” But even before the introduction of this concept into everyday life, people used the concealment of information using methods available for their time. For example, during the reign of the dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, a rather peculiar method of transmitting a secret letter was used.

A slave, or more precisely, his head, was chosen as a carrier of information. The head was shaved bald and the text of the message was applied with waterproof vegetable paint. When the hair grew back, it was sent to the recipient. After the slave-carrier of information reached its destination, the hair was shaved again and the written text was read. For ease of processing, the head was first removed from the shoulders. The main disadvantages of this method were the poor efficiency of message transmission and high unreliability. After all, during the journey of the message carrier, he could be killed, he could get sick, and finally, he could simply run away.

A new impetus in the development of encryption was given in connection with the advent of the wire telegraph and the invention of radio. The speed of information transfer has increased disproportionately, and ever larger volumes of it have been subject to interception and reading.

The events of 1917 abruptly stopped the development of Russia as a whole. The leaders of the young Soviet Republic understood that it was extremely “important and very urgent” to create their own encryption and secret service. By a separate order of Lenin, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council No. 217 of November 13, 1918, the “Cyphering Department of the Reporting and Organizational Department of the Organizational Directorate of the All-Russian General Staff” was created with a staff of 14 people.

As historical documents testify, it was on this day, November 14, in 1901 that the Russian Higher School of Social Sciences was opened in Paris, which some consider to be the first experience of a sociological faculty in the history of world science.

Lectures at this school were given by leading sociologists and politicians of Russia: M. Kovalevsky, N. Kareev, E. De Roberti, P. Milyukov, P. Lavrov and others.

Since 1994, this day has been regularly celebrated at the Faculty of Sociology of St. Petersburg University, where Russian academic (university) sociology itself was born.

On November 17, 1923, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR approved the Instructions for the local warden. This regulatory legal document marked the beginning of the formation of the institution of district police officers in the Russian police.

Currently, more than 54 thousand local police commissioners serve in city district internal affairs agencies. They solve every second crime by the public security police and about a quarter of crimes by the criminal police. Under their control are more than 4 million people who are on preventive records of internal affairs bodies.

It is no coincidence that the professional holiday of glass industry workers coincides with the birthday of the outstanding Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was the creator of the chemical production of glaze, glass, and porcelain. He developed the technology and recipe for colored glass, which he used to create mosaic paintings. Invented porcelain paste.

Representatives of almost all professions have their own holidays, but the situation with the professional holiday of Russian accountants is not at all easy. In the calendar in honor of Accountant's Day, not a single date is marked in red.

There is no official Accountant's Day in Russia. But most accountants tend to celebrate this holiday on November 21, the day when Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed the Law on Accounting in 1996. By the way, November 21 is also Tax Authorities Day, which once again indicates a strong connection between these specialties.

But Ukrainian accountants celebrate Accountant's Day on July 16; in Ukraine this holiday is officially approved. And there are no discrepancies. In fraternal Belarus, perhaps, very soon such a holiday will be adopted at the state level. Discussions about such a step are ongoing.

Not only the success of an individual enterprise, but also the economy of the entire state depends on the precise and attentive work of accountants. Today in Russia more than 3.5 million people work in this profession.

On this day, in 1996, thanks to the efforts of the ROO, the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation approved the qualification characteristics for the position of “Appraiser” (property valuation expert).

For the first time, the request for professional actions of appraisers in Russia was formulated in the first version of the Law on the Privatization of State and Municipal Property, adopted in 1991.

The date of the annual celebration - the third Saturday of December, on the eve of the long New Year holidays - was determined in 1996.

The initiator of the idea was the Moscow Professional Guild, which decided that realtors had done a lot to form a civilized real estate market and were ripe to celebrate their achievements at their own professional holiday.

Among the honored guests of the festive evenings dedicated to the professional holiday are representatives of executive authorities, friendly public organizations, and deputies.

Courier (German: Feldjager) is a military courier for the delivery of important government documents.

On this day in 1796, by Decree of Emperor Paul I, the Correspondence Corps was established in Russia. Not once since that day has the courier service ceased its activities, even during the revolution. To this day, this service remains one of the most secret.

The professional holiday of Russian security officers is celebrated on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 1995 “On the establishment of the Day of Security Agencies Workers of the Russian Federation.”

Previously, this holiday was called Chekist Day. The Day of Russian Security Authorities, as an official professional holiday, dates back to 1995.

It was introduced by decree of the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin. Currently, this is a professional holiday for employees of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Federal Security Service (FSO) and the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation. During the Soviet period, all of these special services, as main departments, were part of the structure of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR.

Rescuer Day was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 1995 N 1306 “On the establishment of Rescuer Day of the Russian Federation.”

It was on this day in 1990 that the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR formed the Russian Rescue Corps. The date of adoption of this resolution is considered the time of formation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and is Rescuer Day.

The need to create the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was caused by the constantly growing number of emergency situations (ES) of a natural, man-made and epidemiological nature. They often become the cause of death and suffering of people, destruction of material values.

Emergencies occur during accidents on transport highways and water surfaces, on main pipelines, during fires and explosions in residential and social buildings, on technological equipment of industrial facilities, during the detection and disposal of unexploded ordnance, during releases of chemically hazardous and radioactive substances, terrorism , hurricanes, heavy rains and snowfalls, floods, epidemics, etc.

Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations play a key role in search and rescue operations. They are always the first where people need help: in the rubble of destroyed buildings, in the smoke and fire of fires, in mangled vehicles, in flooded areas. They are constantly on duty and promptly respond to any signals about the need to provide assistance to people in trouble.

The rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have carried out a huge number of search and rescue operations, tens of thousands of lives saved, and hundreds of thousands of cases of providing assistance to victims.

On March 12, a professional holiday is celebrated - the Day of the Worker of the Penitentiary System of Russia.

Alexander II created a unified state system of execution of punishments. By decree of March 12, 1879, a prison department was created, to whose jurisdiction issues related to the execution of punishments and the detention of criminals in prisons and settlements were transferred.

It should be noted that Russian laws back in the 10th-15th centuries were quite harsh towards criminals: a thief caught in the act of a crime could be killed on the spot, without trial or investigation. People were sent to hard labor for murder, theft, and robbery. Even a false denunciation could entail a “travel” to very remote places, on foot and in shackles. And in the 16th century, the laws became even more severe; fines or imprisonment were increasingly replaced by capital punishment - the death penalty.

The Code of Laws of 1497 and 1550 were one of the first legislative acts in implementing the policy of punishment of the Russian centralized state. Documents show that punishments became increasingly cruel and frightening to the population; the system of fines was replaced by the death penalty.

In the Soviet Union, issues related to the execution of sentences imposed by the court for criminal offenses were dealt with by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and only after democratic changes in the country, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1254 of October 30, 1998, they were brought under the purview of the Ministry of Justice.

On October 8, 1997, Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a Decree “On reforming the penal system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.” A year later, on October 30, 1998, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 1254 “Issues of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation,” which became the final stage in the process of transferring the system of execution of criminal penalties from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

Currently, the tasks of employees of the penitentiary system include not only protecting law-abiding citizens from various criminal attacks, which is necessary for the quiet life of every member of society, but also returning people who have stumbled and broken the law to a full life in society.

The Russian penal system is one of the keys to the safety of citizens and the well-being of the state. At all times, crime was followed by punishment. The penal system rids society of the threat of crime by performing responsible and important work to re-educate those who have crossed the line of the law.

A little history

Over the past centuries, employees of the penitentiary system have not only guarded the peace of the country's population, but also tried to fulfill its main function - to return respectable citizens to society. In its current form, it dates its existence from March 12, 1879 - the day Alexander II signed the decree on the creation of a prison department, which united and structured all correctional institutions in the country. That’s why March 12 is the Day of the Russian Penitentiary System. It has been established since 2010.

The Penitentiary System of Russia was part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but due to the country’s international obligations it was transferred under the control of the Ministry of Justice. From now on, the department is not faced with the task of providing labor for construction projects or participating in the fight against the opposition, so it can contribute to building the rule of law. Now it is a prestigious system more open to the media, guarding the law and the interests of the population.

Today, this state executive body employs about 300 thousand workers. Every year, in honor of the holiday, they are awarded prizes and departmental awards for excellent service.

Congratulations on Penal System Worker's Day

The professional holiday of employees of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation is celebrated throughout the country. On this day, various festive events and festive concerts are held for service employees. The best employees are awarded state and departmental awards, service veterans are congratulated and all those employees who died in the line of duty are remembered. It is no secret that their work is dangerous and involves a risk to life.

Let in the penal system,
Today the holiday is celebrated by everyone in the know,
And the Ministry issues an order -
So that they write out bonuses for you.

We wish you a calm peaceful service,
Mutual assistance with colleagues and friendship.
And big stars in their careers - on their shoulder straps,
And let everyone live honestly, according to the law.

You are criminals, bandits and thieves,
Behind bars, keep within prison walls,
I want to congratulate all the employees
Happy Penal System Day.

It’s hard to call your service easy,
You won't find anything positive among criminals,
Let your soul not grow stale in harsh everyday life,
Let your fate be kind and happy.

Respect criminal law
You follow the strict rules.
Be rightfully proud of the result,
But in the evening, a little tired,
You walk quietly towards the house,
Where it is warm, where there is peace and comfort.
Where no shots thunder,
No one will be killed in a hurry.
Let the house be a full cup,
Where souls intertwine into one.
And let your profession continue
Has a proud name - UIS!

In the Ministry of Justice, every employee
Congratulates colleagues and friends today
On the Day of Workers of the Entire Criminal System
I wish everyone to be more cheerful and cheerful.
I really want that with salary growth
We had to do less work.
Let there be fewer pieces of paper, even if they are very important,
We would have to just fill it out in the morning.
So that work always brings good luck
And may an angel protect everyone from harm
I congratulate everyone and just wish
So that the children are simply proud of us.

If you are smart and honest,
I'm busy today:
You're in a hurry, bringing flowers
To the punishment service.
With her there is happiness, but without -
Death for a person.
Who would be Edmond Dantes,
If only he weren't a prisoner?
Well, they gave me ten years -
Monte Cristoi came out.
So accept our bouquet
And a can of booze!

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