Cameras on the Moscow Ring Road are recording. New fines! Driving on the side of the Moscow Ring Road is now an expensive pleasure

From April, automatic photo-video recording cameras installed on the Moscow Ring Road will issue fines to those driving on the side of the road.

This was stated to the portal by the head of the Center for Traffic Management Vadim Yuryev.

According to him, photographic materials from the cameras will be sent to the Center for Automated Recording of Administrative Offenses of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. There, these messages will be processed and sent to car owners whose cars have come under the watchful eye of video surveillance.

Driving on the side of the road is prohibited by traffic rules. The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine of one and a half thousand rubles for such a daring violation. However, this does not stop many motorists. And if on country roads driving on the side of the road threatens not only a fine, but also the risk of ending up in the nearest ditch, then on the Moscow Ring Road this threatens with human casualties.

No wonder there has long been a legend that stopping on the side of the Moscow Ring Road for five minutes means getting into an accident. She was not born out of nowhere. The reckless driver, in order to get around the traffic jam, flies into this lane, and there is a broken KAMAZ parked there. Or the bus started to pull into a stop. The number of deaths can be easily determined from the reports.

For those who don’t know, the shoulder on the Moscow Ring Road is a certain safety strip, which is marked with a white solid marking line on the right side of the road, one and a half meters from the bump stop. So you can't drive on it.

Of course, motorists in a hurry really want to avoid this or that traffic jam by any means possible. However, we must remember that crossing this line, firstly, is associated with great risk, and secondly, it is punishable by a fine.

Alas, until now cameras that are capable of identifying and punishing those driving along the side of the road in violation of the rules have been used only in the Republic of Tatarstan.

With the appropriate program, the camera is capable of recording both speeding and driving to the side of the road.

As an experiment, they were installed on the roads of the Moscow region. However, this matter did not move beyond the experiment, although the problem remains relevant to this day. Especially in the summer, when normal people are stuck in traffic jams, the most hasty ones gather dust on the side of the road. Often they knock into a ditch those who have stopped on this side of the road out of necessity. There are practically no technical difficulties for setting up cameras. It all depends on the software. With the appropriate program, the camera is capable of recording speeding, driving off the side of the road, and into the oncoming lane, where it is needed. Previous generation cameras kept up to 8 stripes in the field of view. Modern ones are capable of more. And their versatility allows us to set other tasks for recording violations in the future.

It is expected that there will be about 100 cameras on the Moscow Ring Road to catch those who decide to avoid the traffic jam on the side of the road.

According to the capital's traffic police, from January to December 2014, photo and video recording cameras of offenses detected more than 6.5 million cases of speeding. Of these, 5.1 million cases involve speeding between 20 and 40 km/h. It must be said that so far in the capital the cameras only work to record speed violations. Adding new functions to them is know-how. In 2013, in places where cameras were installed, the accident rate decreased by 17.5 percent, and in 2014 - by 8.7 percent.

However, the traffic police admit that not all cameras are installed in the most emergency places, as required by regulations. The location of more than a hundred of them raises questions. But in the near future it is planned to change their location and move them from places where they are simply not needed to areas with accident problems.

Traffic jams are an integral part of traffic in large cities. Sometimes the driver's patience runs out, and he tries to cope with this problem in not entirely legal ways. For example, by driving along the side of the road. It should be remembered, however, that along with the chance to leave faster, the driver receives the risk of being fined for such an act.

Is it possible to drive a car along the side of the road on the Moscow Ring Road? How can driving on the side of the road be recorded? How much can a driver who drives onto the side of the road while driving on the Moscow Ring Road be fined? We will answer these questions in this article.

Curb concept

Clause 1.2 of the Rules defines the shoulder as a road segment adjacent to the roadway. The shoulder is at the same level as the roadway and may differ in the way it is covered or be marked with special road markings. It can be a place for pedestrians, cyclists, and, in cases specified by the rules, for cars, motorcycles and mopeds.

It is on the side of the road that the most impatient traffic participants drive out, creating a threat to the lives of those who have every right to be there, i.e. pedestrians and cyclists. In addition, such drivers raise dust, causing inconvenience to other road users. By then returning to his lane, the violator again prevents others from driving calmly.


Unlike roads in small settlements, the Moscow Ring Road is equipped with a large number of video surveillance cameras, which are designed to record cases of driving along the edge of the road (the same applies to the Ring Road in St. Petersburg). The visibility range of such cameras includes all five lanes plus the side of the road. This measure was due to the extremely high traffic intensity on the Moscow Ring Road. In the first month alone after the installation of video recording equipment, more than 80 thousand such violations were registered. The fine for driving on the side of the road on the Moscow Ring Road is the same as in the rest of the country - 1,500 rubles.

This punishment is provided for in Art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offences, which states that a driver who incorrectly positions his vehicle on the roadway or is seen moving along the side of the road can be fined 1.5 thousand rubles. If the driver is even more desperate and decides to drive onto the left side of the road, the fine may be 5,000 rubles, and, in addition, for such acts you can lose your driver’s license for 4-6 months: this is provided for in paragraph 4 of Art. 12.15 Code of Administrative Offences.

Who has the right to drive onto the side of the road?

Explanations regarding when you can drive along the edge of the road are provided by clause 9.9 of the traffic rules. Such movement is permitted for vehicles of road repair and utility services, as well as vehicles that need to drive up to the store to unload goods (provided that no other possibility is provided for this). Nothing should threaten the safety of other road users and pedestrians.

In addition, stopping or parking a car on the edge of the road adjacent to the roadway is not prohibited by the rules. In some cases, drivers who received a fine based on a photo taken by a camera on the highway try to justify their driving on the side of the road in this way - before stopping or parking. But, since there are quite a lot of cameras installed on the Moscow Ring Road, such arguments do not always work. You can stop on the left side of the road only if there is only one lane on the road and this lane is not divided by tram tracks.

What traffic violations are recorded by traffic cameras today?
In April, stationary cameras for automated photo-video recording of traffic violations installed on the Moscow Ring Road will begin to be used to combat driving on the side of the road.

It's dangerous on the side of the road. And expensive
The shoulders on the Moscow Ring Road are separated from the far right lane by a continuous marking line. They are not intended for traffic, and driving on them is dangerous: a broken down car may be parked on the side of the road. During traffic jams, the following accidents are also common: those who drove around the traffic jam on the side of the road “grind in” with passing cars when trying to return to the right lane. All this makes the traffic jam even worse.
To combat this, they decided to use stationary cameras already installed on the Moscow Ring Road. As the data center reported, there are more than 100 of them on the ring. No additional devices had to be installed for this, and no new software was needed. It was only necessary to coordinate the actions of the employees of the data center and the Center for Automated Recording of Administrative Offenses (CAFAP) of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate to work on this violation. As in other cases, photographic materials from the data center cameras will be sent to TsAFAP, whose employees will issue fines. The owner of the car will receive a completed fine receipt by mail for 1,500 rubles.
For now, it is planned to use cameras to record driving on the side of the road only on the Moscow Ring Road. But the issue of recording such violations on the highways of New Moscow - Kievskoye and Kaluga highways, which also have roadsides, is already being considered.

Speed, allocation and parking
In addition to driving on the side of the road, Moscow stationary cameras record speeding (fines from 500 to 5,000 rubles), driving in a dedicated lane for public transport (3,000 rubles), and trucks entering restricted areas (5,000 rubles). The city today has more than 800 stationary cameras, and they record thousands of violations per day.
Mobile photo-video recording systems (MPCs) installed on TsODD vehicles record violations related to parking: parking under signs prohibiting it (3,000 rubles), and cases of unpaid parking in places where it is paid (2,500 rubles). It is clear why MCFs are used to work with parked cars: they are more suitable for recording license plates of cars standing at an angle to the road than stationary cameras, the “look” of which is directed along the roadway.
According to the data center, the issue of expanding the functions of cameras, both stationary and mobile, continues to be considered. So the list of violations recorded by cameras will continue to grow.

How to avoid a fine
There is a belief among drivers: the “view” of cameras on the Moscow Ring Road supposedly covers only the left “high-speed” lanes, so if you change lanes to the right before passing under the camera, you will not receive a fine. The data center assured that this is not true: the coverage area of ​​each camera installed on the Moscow Ring Road covers the entire roadway in that direction: all five lanes plus the shoulder.
Previously, lists of addresses of stationary cameras were published on the official website of the data center, but now they are no longer posted. As the Data Center explained, the lists were removed due to the fact that the driver, who knows the location of the cameras, strives to comply with the rules only in a certain area. In theory, it should be different: it is better if the driver on any part of the highway remembers that his violation may be caught on camera.
However, lists can still be found in unofficial sources, supplemented by the drivers themselves. There are ready-made maps of stationary cameras on the Internet for downloading to navigators. But the most reliable way to avoid fines is to try to drive according to the rules.

The accident rate on the Moscow Ring Road is extremely high. The main reasons for this situation are motorists exceeding speed limits, as well as violation of overtaking rules; in particular, many strive to overtake the vehicle in front on the side of the road, where there are often pedestrians. The Moscow authorities are actively engaged in the fight against such violators, and technological progress makes it possible to do this quite effectively.

When were cameras installed on the Moscow Ring Road to record driving on the side of the road? What other violations do they record? Where are the cameras? We will answer these questions in this article.

When did video cameras appear on the Moscow Ring Road?

In April 2014, cameras began to function, recording violations of a number of traffic rules, in particular overtaking - driving on the side of the road. In total, there are about 400 video recording cameras on the Moscow Ring Road, and only 100 of them, as of 2014, could record overtaking in violation of the rules. Over time, such innovations were supposed to cover the whole of Moscow and the region. There were no actual hardware changes on the road, but software changes were made.

By analogy with violations of the speed limit recorded by a traffic camera, recorded violations of overtaking rules are accumulated in the traffic police, on the basis of which fines are sent to offenders by mail.

The efficiency of photo recording cameras is colossal, despite the fact that not all the most dangerous places are equipped with them. Their introduction into the traffic control system made it possible not only to prevent and reduce accidents, but also to solve hundreds of crimes.

Operating principle and list of recorded violations

The cameras that record violations of overtaking rules are modernized previously operating Strelka-ST photo-video recording systems. Before modernization, such cameras recorded exclusively violations of the speed limit. Now a fixation has been added to the list of their functionality:

  • Entering the oncoming lane;
  • Entering a lane allocated for public transport;
  • Riding on the side of the road, bike path, sidewalk;
  • Continuing traffic at a prohibitory traffic light sign;
  • Untimely stopping and entering the stop line;
  • Movement on the “no passage” sign;
  • Ignoring existing road markings;
  • Turning from the second row;
  • Not allowing pedestrians to pass;
  • Driving with low beam headlights or daytime running lights off.

Both stationary and mobile cameras are divided into:

  • Radar;
  • Video recordings;
  • Laser.

The side of the road, the oncoming lane, the sidewalk, and bicycle paths are controlled due to the fact that the photo and video recording program indicates sectors in which vehicles are prohibited. As soon as a vehicle even slightly enters one of the prohibited zones, a violation is recorded and the violator faces a fine.

The system records absolutely all border crossings with prohibited zones, which also include the shadow of vehicles and the reflection of headlights on the road, so even without violating, you can end up among the violators. In fact, all information received from cameras must be manually double-checked by employees, but practice shows that letters with fines are also sent to drivers who have not violated traffic rules. The system also does not distinguish between an emergency stop sign placed in front of a vehicle, so in the event of, for example, a breakdown, the car owner will also receive a letter with a fine, which should be canceled, unless, of course, the car owner contacts the traffic police with the photo sent.

Camera locations

Cameras are placed mainly in places with tense traffic conditions, in particular:

  • MKAD 105 km, Northern Izmailovo district;
  • MKAD 27 km, before Shchelkovsk;
  • MKAD 1 km from Entuziastov Highway;
  • MKAD 19 km opposite the South Gate bus station;
  • MKAD 7 km before Novoukhtomskoe highway, etc.

The detailed location of the cameras is marked in the diagram.

In May 2016, 32 video surveillance cameras appeared in Moscow and the Moscow region capable of recording violations of traffic rules by motorcyclists. We have prepared an interactive map of the location of video recording cameras in Moscow and the Moscow region.

As the Moscow Region Ministry of Transport says, this is just the beginning. In the near future, 20 new complexes will appear within Moscow, and by 2017 it is planned to equip the road network with as many as 1,055 video recording cameras.

“After making changes to a special computer program for recognizing state registration plates of vehicles, cameras began to record violations not only of cars, but also of motor vehicles. Currently, together with the traffic police, the issue of further implementation of the technology on the 21st section of the Moscow region road network is being considered. At the beginning of next year we plan to install another 1,055 video recording systems.”

Minister of Transport of the Moscow Region Mikhail Oleinik.

This initiative by the Data Center is designed to improve road safety and preserve the life and health of all road users.

Traffic police cameras on the map of Moscow and the Moscow region: As new video recording systems appear, the map will be updated.

Addresses for installing traffic police cameras in Moscow:

Obrucheva, 34/63, s. 2, to Sevastopolsky prospect, Konkovo ​​district

Altufevskoe highway, 91, to the center, Lianozovo district

Obrucheva, 29, p. 1, to Profsoyuznaya street, Cheryomushki district

Dmitrovskoe highway, 74, building 1, from the center, Beskudnikovo district

Obrucheva, 47, towards Profsoyuznaya st., Cheryomushki district

Buninskaya alley, opposite no. 31, on Chechersky prospect, Yuzhnoye Butovo district

Nagatinsky Blvd., at 18, building 1, from Nagatinskaya embankment, Nagatino-Sadovniki district

Nagatinsky Blvd., opposite No. 12, from Nagatinskaya St., Nagatino-Sadovniki district

Novokuznetskaya, 27, building 1 on the street. Pyatnitskaya, Zamoskvorechye district

Aviatsionnaya, 19, Shchukino district

Zagorodnoye sh., no. 2, village. 9, Donskoy district

Lodochnaya, 1, vil. 1, Southern Tushino district

Kashirskoye sh., no. 1, s. 1, Nagatino-Sadovniki district

Zagorodnoe highway, 4, building 2, Donskoy district

Sadovnichesky Prospect, 18/1, village. 1, along Ovchinnikovskaya embankment, Zamoskvorechye district

Surveillance cameras on the Moscow Ring Road:

15th km, outer ring

80th km + 925 m, inner ring

72nd km + 430 m, inner ring

61st km + 520 m, inner ring

105th km + 82 m, outer ring, Northern Izmailovo district

75th km + 700 m, outer ring

29th km + 100 m, inner ring

57th km + 300 m, outer ring

89th km + 425 m, inner ring

CCTV cameras on the Moscow Ring Road are usually installed on U-shaped supports that block several lanes of traffic at once.

Cameras in the Moscow region:

Road A-100 Mozhaiskoe highway, 52nd km, no. Chastsy village;

Road A-108 Moscow Big Ring (MBK), 11th km, n. n. Nesterovo;

Road A-104 Moscow-Dmitrov-Dubna, 36th km.

It is worth noting that the list of traffic violations recorded by cameras is constantly growing. In Moscow, on the Third Transport Ring, people are fined for turning from the wrong lane, cameras have appeared on the Moscow Ring Road that punish for driving on the side of the road, and in addition, there are rumors about possible fines for driving in the so-called “motorcycle lane.”

In some regions, testing of video monitoring systems for leaving a stop line and driving through a prohibiting traffic light is underway. As Vadim Yuriev, head of the State Public Institution Data Center for Traffic Safety, notes, in the future the installed cameras will be able to record almost any violations.

We have collected answers to some popular questions about video recording:

What is the liability for speeding?

Exceeding speed from 0 to 20 km/h - liability is not provided.

At 20 km/h, but not more than 40 km/h, it is punishable by a fine of 500 rubles.

From 40 km/h, but not more than 60 km/h - from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

From 60 km/h, but not more than 80 km/h - from 2000 to 2500 rubles or deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months

Exceeding the speed of 80 km/h - 5000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 6 months

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