Kanev investigation. “I am being leaked information that is trustworthy.

Journalist Sergei Kanev told the site what you should know about “Putin’s daughter” and why the elite hides their children.

The New Times magazine published an investigation about the eldest daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Maria. The author of the article, journalist Sergei Kanev, who recently left Novaya Gazeta, found out that from 2006 to 2011 the girl allegedly studied at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University and used documents under five names.

After graduating from the university with honors, Maria entered graduate school at the Endocrinological Research Center (ESC) of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, headed by her supervisor Ivan Dedov. Subsequently, academician Dedov, according to Kanev, became president of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and his son became a judge from Russia at the ECHR. Around the same time, the head of the Ministry of Health ordered to speed up the construction of the Institute of Pediatric Endocrinology at the Endocrinology Center, where Maria worked.

According to The New Times, Putin's daughter, as mentioned earlier, married Dutch businessman Jorrit Faassen, who in 2007 took a senior position at Gazprom and then headed the board of directors of MEF Audit.

Kanev established that approximately six months ago Maria left her home near the US Embassy in Moscow and gave birth to a child in Holland.

the site managed to talk with Sergei Kanev about his investigation:

- What facts were the most difficult to obtain?

I understood who she was and what she was doing. I had, relatively speaking, the source material. I just had to find her, find out her last name, under which she lived. As soon as I learned all her last names, it was easier for me to work. I found her pages on the Internet, I found her place of residence, her movements.

- At the same time, did you rely, among other things, on the materials published by Sobesednik, Reuters, RBC and others?

No, I already knew all this at that time. And I was offended that they were starting to bite off my topic. I contacted the authors, I told them that you were on the right path, dear comrade, I advised them, taking into account the fact that I still needed to publish. Reuters and RBC are recent. I knew all her last names two years ago.

- I can imagine how offensive it was.

Of course, but I understood that I wasn’t the only one who was so smart. Someone is also working in this direction. At least, it was me who managed to publish her photo for the first time. No one had published it before.

Perhaps not all of our readers will be able to read your article. What is the most important thing we should know about Putin’s eldest “daughter”?

I want to say that all the propaganda that works for us - state channels, newspapers - constantly hammers into our heads the idea that foreign countries are enemies, enemies all around. But in fact, this only concerns us. They are telling lies on our ears. All the children of the elite are there, they have already become Europeans, they no longer imagine how to live differently.

What have we come to!? I simply published that a category “A” official, citizen Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, has an older daughter who leads the life of a European. We should know this anyway, because we support him with our taxes, we support his daughters. Everyone should know this, just as everyone knows where Obama’s daughter is, where Berlusconi’s children are. This is all known. This is not any sensation. And for us: “Lord! It turns out he has daughters! Look!” Some kind of savagery, Asian cave stuff!

Sergey Kanev / Sergey Kanev’s VKontakte page

- I can partly understand the Kremlin: you are writing about the scientific supervisor Maria, who received some bonuses...

Yes, this is the main reason why, it seems to me, children are hidden. Because, according to my information, all sorts of accounts are drawn up on them, in this case a thread was drawn from them to the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, what preferences he received, etc. This contradicts even Putin’s latest statement that we must fight corruption and all kinds of nepotism. Here you go - these are facts of nepotism, not to mention corruption. There you can dig and dig.

Peskov traditionally refused to comment on information about Putin’s family. Is this silence justified? Putin said that the publication of such data is dangerous for his daughters.

Aren't Obama's daughters in danger?

We recently published an interesting article in Sobesednik about. Some may have the impression that some kind of campaign has begun against the Putin family.

Narrow-minded people or people who see some kind of conspiracies in everything may get this impression. I started my investigation more than two years ago. As soon as it was ready, I offered it to one publication, but they refused. And New Times published it.

- Can you tell me who refused?

Well, I don't want to talk.

We are talking more and more about Putin’s personal life. Are the journalists doing a good job or has the Kremlin decided to lift the veil of secrecy over Putin’s family?

He didn’t raise anything... But, firstly, there is no time for that now: everything there has already gone downhill - the budget, and everything... Secondly, Putin got divorced, he left this family. Thirdly (and this is the most important thing), I worked, I dug, I sat at night, double-checking the information. And Putin himself has no merit in this. On the contrary, he still hides it, resists with every fiber, with his hands and feet... Now they have revealed the secret with his daughter, and it becomes clear to me why he gave them such an education.

After all, initially, as I think, back in St. Petersburg, his task was to grab it here and then dump it on Europe. But by chance he ended up in the Kremlin, then the story happened with Khodorkovsky, Litvinenko, Politkovskaya - and he became unable to shake hands. The road to Europe, to the entire civilized world, is closed to him. But the daughters continue to live a European life. I don’t know what they are talking about there, but sometimes I have the feeling that the elder one is telling Putin: “Dad, what are you doing? What geyropa, what NATO? I myself live in Europe all the time, I am a citizen of Holland.” She is a Dutch citizen, most likely; and her daughter is a Dutch citizen, because she gave birth in Holland.

- And he says: “Daughter...”

And he says, “Daughter, this is how it should be. Because these Russian dunces need to be distracted with something all the time, a rattle held in front of their noses. In this case - enemies, NATO, geyropa.”

-Have you already received a reaction to your article?

She won't go right away. They will take revenge on me much later - it is still unknown how. You can expect anything from these people.

-Are you planning to change your life somehow?

- Is your departure from Novaya Gazeta somehow connected with your article?

No, most likely not. At Novaya Gazeta I began to turn into a sacred cow, that is, I could walk around and do nothing. And I love to actively engage in journalism and constantly reach new heights.

- The question just immediately arose why you didn’t publish this in Novaya Gazeta.

I understand your question. I am grateful to Novaya Gazeta for everything, but I want to develop further.

- Did your colleagues react to this with understanding?

I don’t know the reaction of my colleagues yet. Surely they will call in the evening and ask: “Seryog, what happened? Why wasn’t it printed here?”

Journalist Sergei Kanev, a former employee of Novaya Gazeta, now working at the Dossier Center of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, left Russia more than a week ago due to information about a provocation being prepared against him. Now Kanev, according to him, is in the Baltic states. Before leaving, he published several high-profile publications - in particular, he co-authored an investigation by The Insider and Bellingcat about Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, whom British authorities accuse of poisoning the Skripals. Novaya's own correspondent in the Baltics and Northern Europe, Maria Epifanova, talks with Sergei Kanev.

Sergey Kanev

“Are you ready to tell me where you are now?”

— In one of the Baltic countries.

“I continue to work here, today I again published material about Boshirov and Petrov in the Dossier.” MBH media republished it, they called me and clarified some points. I took with me all the archives, all the materials, so I will work the same way.

Don’t let them hope that I will calm down here - I will hammer them until they kill me.

I took out everything that I could not print there. And here I can do it without fear of any searches.

— When did you leave Russia?

- More than a week ago.

— Tell me what preceded your departure?

“I always felt danger.” And here this story came out - I don’t want to go into details - I was warned.

- About what?

— One person warned that a provocation was being prepared. So, I left, and two days later he was fired.

- Can you tell me where this man worked?

- He is a security officer. They pressed him against the wall and told him to testify against me. And he is quite decent. He says I have no choice, I’m sorry. But I managed to leave, and he was fired.

- So, he still didn’t testify?

- It's hard for me to say. Now I don’t want to call him, set him up - I don’t want to talk about this story at all yet.

— What do you think is connected with this provocation? With publications about Petrov and Boshirov?

- This is a complex of reasons. Petrov and Boshirov, of course, evoke particular anger. We don’t just say - yes, these are GRU officers, military personnel. We tell you in detail: what, where, when, right down to the ID numbers and military units.

I just found out that it turns out that Boshirov received fines for parking on the lawn. They didn’t come to him, more precisely, but to the apartment where he was supposedly registered. Here are the details.

— You were preparing the first part of a joint three-part investigation withbellingcatAndThe Insider?

— I was preparing internal information. The guys from Bellingcat and Insider checked foreign passports and flights, and I mainly collected data about these persons involved - what they were like here. What kind of cars, apartments they had, who else was registered in these apartments, even down to who pays for the Internet. This is also important.

“We find something, but we can’t always show the screenshot - then it will be clear where it came from.” There is a lot left behind the scenes.

— I decided to print something myself. On the "Dossier".

- Tell me about Boshirov - did you say you have information that he smuggled Yanukovych?

“I can’t really tell you anything here.” I have a man who served in the GRU for thirty years. I refer to him. He said that Chepiga-Boshirov was there with the group. I can't double-check this.

— Will you publish any text on this topic?

— No, I’m now writing a long text not about Yanukovych at all, but about the GRU in general. About leadership, scandals.

— That is, you know the story about Yanukovych from the words of this Grushnik?

- I found him by chance - he served for thirty years, but is very active, he does not have enough money. He posted his resume on the Superjob website, with a phone number. I noticed him there and we started talking. I constantly look at these databases, there are a lot of interesting people there.

— How long have you been communicating with him?

- I spoke to him the day before yesterday. I had just started writing the material and called him. He tells me:

“I already told you everything about this Chepigu. The only thing is that I saw him among those who took Yanukovych out. They first tried to go to Donetsk, but it didn’t work, then through Crimea.”

— Did he tell you any other details?

- No. I, he says, noticed him. And also the men who later made up the leadership team of Wagner PMC.

I’m not calling him now—I’ll call him later, although it’s unlikely he’ll add anything else.

I wasn't there, so I can't double-check. But he leaks information to me that is trustworthy. I didn’t ask him about Boshirov before.

— Does he also provide information about the Hero of Russia?

— There they are very jealous about such things: who received the Hero for what. That’s why the conversation started: Boshirov got a hero for Yanukovych. That's the thing, that's why GRUshnik got started. For them, awards are a sore subject.

— You also said that because of publications about Petrov and Boshirov, a criminal article could be applied to you. Disclosure of state secrets?

- Of course, there may be disclosure of personal data, state secrets - depending on what order comes from above. They will find some classified witnesses who will say that Kanev gave a bribe to the General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They will recruit drug addicts, and based on their testimony they can do anything.

— Do you have a lawyer in this case, for example?

- What kind of lawyer is it yet? I'm on suitcases. I’m slowly settling in and watching. There's no time for that now. Well, they open a case - then what? Will special forces come here?

- Not here. So, until the situation is resolved, you can’t go back?

“I realized that now there is no turning back for a long time.” It's a pity, of course. I planned so many things. Well, there is a certain standard of living: I got up in the morning, got behind the wheel, drove off, went to my beloved pond, talked with friends. I am deprived of this, and I worry very much.

But on the other hand, I wake up every morning -

I lost the constant feeling of danger and anxiety. This is not the case: I don’t expect a patriot to jump out from around every corner and say - you are an enemy of Russia.

This happened several times, the last time a man with a camera ran after me, saying that I sent the guys to their deaths in Africa, and now I’m sitting here on a bench, eating ice cream. Can you imagine?

Some kind of constant provocations. This is not the case now.


If you also believe that journalism should be independent, honest and courageous, become an accomplice of Novaya Gazeta.

Novaya Gazeta is one of the few media outlets in Russia that is not afraid to publish investigations into corruption of officials and security forces, reports from hot spots and other important and sometimes dangerous texts. Four Novaya Gazeta journalists were killed for their professional activities.

We want our fate to be decided only by you, the readers of Novaya Gazeta. We want to work only for you and depend only on you.


In 2011, Sergei Kanev lost two children: 25-year-old Ivan and 22-year-old Ekaterina.

Ivan and Katya

How my children were killed. Investigation of Sergei Kanev

Dear Kremlin, White House, Lubyanka, Zhitnaya, 16 (Ministry of Internal Affairs), Ilyinka, 21 (Ministry of Health and Social Development) and Maroseyka, 12 (State Drug Control). Is it okay if I address you as “dear”? This is what Russian police officers (former cops) prefer to call ordinary citizens. For example: “Dear, we show you your pockets!” Or: “We close our mouths, dear!” Moreover, how much contempt they put into this venerable word...

So, dear ones. I am the criminal reporter of Novaya Gazeta Sergei Kanev, my mother Nina Alekseevna (a labor veteran) and my father Vladimir Ivanovich (a working pensioner) have been living in the last two months as if during the Great Patriotic War: from funeral to funeral. On March 7, son (grandson) Ivan died, and on April 23, daughter (granddaughter) Ekaterina.


First about Ivan. He died from a drug overdose. According to preliminary information, employees of the Otradnoye police department gave him the “dope” in exchange for information about drug dealers. According to another version, Ivan died from another dose of tropicamide.

I’m telling you especially: tropicamide is an eye drop, but for drug addicts it’s a great success because the effect is similar to that of heroin (only after three months vision and memory are lost, organs rot, and tissues are separated from the skeleton).

According to his son, he bought this same tropicamide in the pharmacy near the Petrovsko-Razumovskoye railway platform (owner of Van and K LLC).

Half of Moscow and the immediate Moscow region know about this pharmacy, which sells codeine-containing drugs without prescriptions. I interviewed market traders, security guards, and Russian Railways employees, and they told me what was going on here:

Anna, sunglasses seller: « Impossible to work! Drug addicts constantly steal goods and then go to this filthy pharmacy».

Natalya, controller of Russian Railways: « My child needed medicine for a cold. I go to the pharmacy, and there are three drug addicts standing there. One started grabbing my bag and threatening me with a screwdriver. I barely ran away».

Nikolai, market security guard: « Crowds of junkies come here. We tried it so many times, but it was all useless. The pharmacy works for the cops. They just come out and immediately start shooting up. The entire area is covered in syringes».

Vladimir, market security guard: « I see one growing right next to the pharmacy. I come up, and he says to me: “Move away, I’m a speedster, and I have nothing to lose!”»

What turned out to be

Judging by the Business Info directory, two Van and K LLCs are registered in the capital and both trade in medicines. One was founded by a native of Armenia Gohar Markaryan, other - Arthur Matevosyan.

We managed to find out little about Mr. Matevosyan: he was born in Yerevan in 1970. He served in the Primorsky Territory (military unit 86648), then settled in a hostel in Krasnoyarsk, and now lives in Shchelkovo.

Novaya reporters contacted Matevosyan via the Internet. Here is his answer:

« I sold the above company a long time ago (in 2002). But I'm wondering, does this company exist? If yes, then write your address and we will sort it out.».

The following was revealed about Mrs. Markarian. According to some sources, she was born in Yerevan in 1965, according to others - in 1963. Graduated from the Yerevan Zooveterinary Institute (ERVVI). Spouse - Yenok Khojoyan(sometimes he introduces himself as the head physician of the Central Dermatovenerological Dispensary and has a driver’s license in the name of Gennady Khojoyan).

In addition to Van and K, Goar Yuryevna established Dobraya Mama LLC (a chain of pharmacies in the northeast of the capital). Recently, the couple went on a trip around the world, and the youngest daughter graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy (MSAL) and is going to join the capital’s prosecutor’s office. In correspondence with me, Mrs. Markaryan said that she had nothing to do with the pharmacy business, saying that “she was confused with someone else.”

However, some details have emerged. It turns out that on February 19, 2011 (my son was still alive), the State Drug Control Service, together with the pro-Kremlin movement “Nashi”, as part of the “Drug-Free Pharmacies” project, held a joint action at the pharmacy on the Petrovsko-Razumovskoye platform. Drug police found several dozen packs of tropicamide, but there were no certificates for this drug in the pharmacy.

Next I quote from the Nashi website: “ The director of the pharmacy and his wife reacted extremely negatively to the video filming that activists conducted in the pharmacy. A decent-looking married couple of entrepreneurs rushed into a fight, trying to break the video cameras and push the project participants out of the pharmacy. However, soon after this, the director’s mood changed, and he began to peacefully communicate with the project manager, explaining that he sells drugs because otherwise “there is nothing to pay the rent” and that it is better to let drug addicts shop at his pharmacy than “to go shoot up heroin somewhere.” " The project manager made a firm promise from the director that from tomorrow the over-the-counter sale of nalbuphine, zaldiar and tropicamide in the pharmacy will stop. The entire conversation was recorded on a hidden camera. In the near future, activists will check whether the director’s promise is being fulfilled...»

Then on March 15 (on this day I buried my son) “ “Our people” picketed the pharmacy again: “The moment has come for decisive action. Movement activists physically blocked the entrance to the pharmacy with concrete blocks and covered it with stickers with the image of the owner of the pharmacy and the inscription “Pharmacist-drug dealer, stop poisoning people!».

I contacted the head of the “Drug-Free Pharmacies” project, Ilya Roslyakov, and sent him a photo of Markarian and Khojoyan. Ilya confirmed that the pictures show exactly the people who threatened Nashi activists and tried to break the video camera (the video recording is available at the editorial office).

Dear Kremlin, White House, Lubyanka, Zhitnaya, 16, Ilyinka, 21, and Maroseyka, 12. The Van and K LLC pharmacy near the Petrovsko-Razumovskoye platform still continues to operate and sells codeine-containing drugs to surrounding youth without prescriptions. And not only during the day, but also at night (after closing, a young man appears at the door and sells “tropics” until the morning). And, as the drug addicts themselves say, this establishment is allegedly protected by an operative from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Leningradsky Station.

On April 27, another emergency happened at the pharmacy door: 18-year-old drug addict E. from Khimki lost consciousness. The ambulance arrived, the doctors gave the poor fellow ammonia to smell and said: “When will they close this sewer?” - went to another call.

In total, there are about thirty pharmacies in the capital that sell nalbuphine, zaldiar and tropicamide without prescriptions. Knowledgeable people say that half of the pharmacies are allegedly protected by the capital’s police, the other by the Drug Control Department. Some argue that this illegal business is allegedly supervised by the structures of thief in law Aslan Usoyan (Ded Hasan).


Dear Kremlin, White House, Lubyanka, Zhitnaya, 16, Ilyinka, 21, and Maroseyka, 12. Before I could bury my son, trouble came to my house again: my 22-year-old daughter Ekaterina died without regaining consciousness in a hospital in the city. Lobni. Diagnosis: closed craniocerebral injury and cerebral edema.

On April 15, my daughter and I sat at Ivan’s forty days and cried. Ekaterina told me: “ Daddy, Vanya didn’t leave you any grandchildren, but I’m giving birth».

On April 17, 2011 at 21.00 Ekaterina left the house at the request of her friend Murtazi Tsabutashvili, nicknamed Murzik. Five hours later, Murzik brought Katya to the hospital in an unconscious state. He said nothing and, taking with him her money, an expensive cell phone and a jacket, disappeared in an unknown direction.

According to preliminary information, Tsabutashvili forcibly took Ekaterina to the village of Novoseltsevo near Moscow, where the cafe “Away from Wives” is located, and severely beat her there.

“Away from Wives” is a popular place where clients bring prostitutes from Yaroslavskoye Highway ( territory of the Mytishchi police department, chief - Colonel Igor Yakovlev). There are separate houses with beds and a bathhouse, and among the visitors you can often see officials, security officers, police officers and bandits.

Apparently, Katya began to resist, and Murzik attacked her with his fists.

As the daughter’s friends told her, Tsabutashvili had been pursuing Katya for a long time, extorting money from her and seeking intimacy. Although he has a common-law wife and three children.

It turns out that a year ago Tsabutashvili was already letting loose his filthy hands (administrative material was discovered at the Lobny police station). But Ekaterina did not complain and persuaded her mother and friends not to tell me anything.

You see, Katya was a very responsible, independent and kind girl. She worked as a senior salesperson in the Children's Goods store and fed all the yard cats (the cat Musya and the kitten are still waiting for her at the entrance). She knew that I wrote materials about corrupt cops, thieves in law and security officers and that I had plenty of enemies. Therefore, instead of telling me about Tsabutashvili, my daughter secretly filed a complaint with the police. However, two months later they sent her a reply that she had filled out the application incorrectly...

How my daughter died

Ekaterina was in a state of deep coma, and I was rushing between the intensive care unit, my parents, the police, the prosecutor's office, the Georgian diaspora and the computer. Here is a brief chronicle of those terrible days:

April 19. I saw my daughter in a hospital bed, and tears came to my eyes. At 11:30 p.m. I called the resuscitation officer on duty at the Lobnensky hospital: Katya is still in a coma. The doctors ordered plasma. They asked me not to disturb you until the morning.

April 20 8.00. Katya did not come to her senses. The doctors asked to bring baby food. They will be fed through a tube.

April 20 9.00. More than two days have already passed since my daughter is in a coma. I called the emergency room again. The doctor on duty began to tell how Katya came to her senses and was on the mend. Then she clarified the last name and apologized - she mixed it up with another patient. “And yours is really bad...”

I went to the police: “Seryoga, we are looking for this scoundrel...” True, a criminal case has not yet been opened and no one has been found. And the police do not have a clear photo of Murtazi Tsabutashvili. Now I’ll bring another photo myself. And I will post Murtazi’s photos around the city.

Grandmother prays and cries. I'm afraid it won't last...

23.10 . There are no improvements. Tsabutashvili’s photo was shown on TV Lobnya, NTV and TV Center. The information was posted by the Echo of Moscow website. MK promises tomorrow.

21 April 13.10. Catherine's condition did not improve (coma). I posted the remaining leaflets with Tsabutashvili’s photo around the city. And my father went with leaflets to the villages around Lobnya. Then he came to Tsabutashvili’s house, but no one opened the door. Spoke with local residents. They reported that Tsabutashvili was allegedly involved in the resale of stolen cars and petty drug trafficking. He also spent whole days in an underground gaming club near the Lobnya station (the club is still open at night). One of the taxi drivers complained about Tsabutashvili: “He borrowed money and doesn’t give it back.”

I met with representatives of the Georgian diaspora in Lobnya (the clan of thief in law Kardava, Vakha Sukhumsky, who was killed in 2005), and they promised to help in the search for Murtazi. Then he went to the city prosecutor's office. The prosecutor of Lobnya, Mr. Sizov, balked at first, but after a reminder about the operating illegal gaming club, he swore that today the investigators would open a criminal case under Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing grievous bodily harm).

April 22 15.00. Catherine's condition worsened. The pressure has dropped and there are no muscle reflexes. My girl is all swollen...

April 23 9.10 am. Catherine's condition is unchanged. The doctor said they needed computer equipment to scan her brain. There is no such equipment in the Lobny hospital. However, he warned that transporting her was extremely dangerous (other doctors swore in despair and cursed the authorities).

14.00. I checked my email. At night, Novaya readers from Germany sent a message: “Dear Sergei! We are ready to transport Katya to Germany at our own expense, pay for treatment and your accommodation.”

Also, a doctor from Germany (Russian by nationality) contacted me via private message and offered to consult Lobno doctors. Sent me a bunch of links and a list of equipment. I showed it to our doctors - they never dreamed of this.

18.00 . Catherine's condition is unchanged. Only machines keep her alive. The heart aches from helplessness.

A source at the hospital said that in the evening orderlies from the morgue were hanging around Katya and whispering about something. We visited the investigator. Finally, a criminal case was opened. I will remember for the rest of my life - criminal case No. 37373.

19.00. They called from the intensive care unit: “ Your Katya died...»

April 24. With the help of natives of Georgia, police from the Lobny police department detained Tsabutashvili. He confessed that he allegedly hit Catherine out of jealousy.

...We buried Catherine in a wedding dress and veil at the Perepechensky cemetery. A lot of people came to say goodbye. They buried him on the birthday of his deceased son. On this day, Ivan would have turned 26 years old.

And a few days later, another girl died in the same intensive care unit, with approximately the same diagnosis... Maybe someone will donate a tomograph to this hospital, since the state is not able to do this?

This is what I think, dear Kremlin, White House, Lubyanka, Zhitnaya, 16, Ilyinka, 21, and Maroseyka, 12. Having lost two children in such a short time, usually fathers take up axes, go to the mountains to partisan, and most often just drink themselves to death . But I will not commit lynching or drink bitter things. Let Tsabutashvili be judged according to the law! I will with triple energy engage in investigative journalism in Novaya and on TV and tell citizens about your corrupt and soulless subordinates, for the sake of my dead children, whom I could not protect.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who supported our family in difficult times and helped organize the funeral.


Death of a son

Experience in investigating personal tragedy

By the time the State Drug Control Committee (GNK) was created in 2002, which was supposed to fight the drug mafia and identify supply channels, the drug clearing had long been divided: FSB officers covered the suppliers, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs controlled the sale - and it is clear that the new competitors were completely unknown were not needed. As a result, instead of drug lords, drug police or enthusiasts from non-governmental foundations to combat drug addiction began to find themselves in the dock. Meanwhile, there were more and more drugs in the country, and now Russia is simply overwhelmed with it - 60 thousand Russians die every year from heroin alone.

In mid-March, grief came to my family. In fact, when children die from drugs, parents usually hide the cause of death, telling others: “I was sick for a long time” or “the heart suddenly stopped”... But I don’t want to remain silent!


My mother was the first to sound the alarm: a photograph of her grandson suddenly fell from the wall.

Son, go to Ivan. Something happened to him...

Ivan lived alone in Khovrin and came to us every two or three days (to eat his grandmother’s borscht and take food), and then the fifth day began...

I went and found a closed door with a key inserted from the inside and a note: “Call louder, I can sleep soundly.” It became even more alarming after the neighbors told me that this piece of paper had been hanging for several days. I started ringing and knocking on the door, but there was deathly silence in the apartment.

The half-asleep duty officer at the Zapadnoe Degunino police station reluctantly listened to me and advised me to go to the stronghold to see the local police officer. Ours was not there, and a major came from another site. He started calling the Ministry of Emergency Situations to have the door opened. After 40 minutes, rescuers arrived and we went up to the floor.

Ten years ago

My wife died a long time ago, and Vanka was raised by her grandmother, grandfather and me. He grew up as a restless guy and could alienate anything. But every time I consoled myself with the thought that he would go crazy and follow in my footsteps (I, too, in my youth, was not distinguished by exemplary behavior): with a microphone in his hands, he would “kill” corrupt officials, cops, security officers, friendly authorities and swindlers. I constantly took Vanka with me, slowly taught him to write texts, and a couple of times he even participated in filming for “Vremechka”.

One day he came home reeking of tobacco smoke:

Dad, do you know that there is a brotherhood of thieves?

And he began to enthusiastically tell that prison is not as terrible as they describe it, to say something about soft drugs and thieves in law, who are very courageous and fair people.

“All this is nonsense, son,” I convinced Ivan. - Drugs are certain death. Thieves are not brothers, but accomplices, who just don’t want to work, but steal something.

As it turned out, the hostile propaganda was carried out by Uncle Tolyan, who served a ten-year prison sentence for murder, and settled in the basement of our house (he killed his wife while drunk). After serving his sentence, he returned to his apartment and found a new owner - a local police officer who had registered there. Tolyan tried to get his license, but the policeman hinted that he could issue him a repeat business trip to the Tyumen zone tomorrow.

Of course, the ex-criminal needed food, money for booze and weed. He gathered the yard boys around him and began to tell them about the wonderful prison life, the right thieves and the goat guards. And they listened to his stories and brought him sandwiches and money.

Almost every evening our apartment turned into a discussion club. Ivan drew crosses and rings on his hands with a fountain pen and began to insert criminal expressions into the conversation. I went to the basement:

Listen, Tolyan, stop fooling the boys,” I began.

What kind of cops are you? - he answered angrily.

Three days later I visited Tolyan’s apartment, where the district police officer now lived. Everything happened exactly the opposite:

What kind of criminals are you? - he began from the threshold.

And a week later Tolyan disappeared. According to neighbors, a police UAZ arrived late at night and he was taken away in an unknown direction.


It took rescuers only two minutes to turn the key in the lock. Together with the major, we entered the apartment. My heart was beating at a breakneck speed, until the last moment I hoped that Ivan was “hanging out” with some girl - so he didn’t open it. But then there was an immediate smell of death, and everything became clear.

The son died in his sleep. There was a cell phone next to the bed and the TV was on. Death changed Ivan so much that even I didn’t recognize him (I recognized him only by his tattoo).

This is not my son. Mine is blond, but this one has red hair.

An expert will come and figure it out,” the major answered.

The neighbors came out, groaned and went to bed. Then an agent from some funeral home appeared and laid out photos of coffins on the steps. And the district police officer began calling the duty officer, experts and detectives. But no one wanted to come: the district task force was at some kind of execution on Leningradskoye Shosse, and the local expert said that he had only recently had dinner.

While we were standing at the entrance, the district police officer began to tell us that on his “land”, young people from 20 to 25 years old die from drugs every week. And he secretly told about illegal gaming clubs, which are protected by the prosecutor’s office.

When these clubs are busted, the prosecutors will put on smart faces and jump aside. “But they’ll ask me,” the major complained.

The experts and the corpse truck arrived only in the morning and, having packed Ivan’s body in a black bag, took it to forensic morgue No. 2.

Five years ago and after

After Tolyan’s disappearance, our son noticeably distanced himself from us and began skipping school. It happened that he didn’t come home to spend the night and we called all the morgues and hospitals.

Ivan was imprisoned for stealing a cell phone, and our lives included dates, collecting packages, phone calls from the zone in the middle of the night, and constant money transfers.

Meanwhile, our yard was literally empty - no young voices could be heard in the evenings. Some boys got hooked, others started selling drugs.

The prison epic passed quickly, and by the time his son was released, four of his friends had died of an overdose, and six had received prison sentences.

We waited impatiently for Ivan and hoped that he would start a new life. But the rosy mood quickly disappeared - Ivan admitted that he started using drugs in the Penza zone. I also tried hard drugs.

Where did you get the drugs? - I asked.

Guards and cops were selling. We called them “legs”.

Ivan went off the rails a week after returning, and I had to move into his apartment as a caretaker. All hell broke loose: things and money were constantly disappearing from the house, syringes were lying everywhere, and several times I had to fight with some thugs. Every day followed the same scenario: in the morning Ivan swore and swore that he would quit, and in the evening he came “stuck” with yet another drug addict friend.

I turned everywhere: to the police and drug treatment clinics. To be honest, we were even ready to pay to have Ivan imprisoned again - just to isolate him from new acquaintances. But the police only shrugged their shoulders or hinted at “exorbitant” sums, and narcologists demanded the son’s consent to treatment (he categorically refused).

For example, in one police department they offered me to imprison Ivan for five thousand dollars, and in another they agreed for half the price, but with the condition that they would blame him for robbing an apartment or three tents in the area. Of course, I didn’t make such deals.

One day I found a “receipt” with powder in a CD box and asked Ivan where he got the money for expensive drugs?

Do you remember when I was detained by an officer from the Otradnoe police station for stealing coffee from a supermarket?

I agreed to cooperate with the cops and have already turned over one dealer. So they paid with heroic cash.

How could you, son? - I was taken aback.

It used to be a joke, but now many drug addicts do it.

About a month before his death, Ivan suddenly stopped using drugs and suggested that I do a piece about the cops who cover drug dens (he gave five addresses in our area alone). It was as if he had woken up from a bad dream, cleaned the room and began to smile. Joyful, I went on a business trip, and when I returned, the suitcase fell out of my hands: syringes were lying everywhere, and my son and two drug addicts were “sticking out” in the kitchen. While I was on a business trip, my son began injecting sleeping pills mixed with eye drops. According to Ivan, the “medicines” were sold to him by a cop from the police department at the Yaroslavsky station, and when he had a day off, he bought them at the pharmacy near the Petrovsko-Razumovskoye platform. The sales scheme was as follows: until 22.00 without a prescription with an overpayment, and after closing a young man appeared at the building and sold until the morning.

Immediately after the funeral, I visited this establishment (the owner of the pharmacy is Irina Pharma Sever LLC). A drug addict stood at the door and shot money from passers-by.

Why do you need money? - I asked.

“You need to be stung,” he winced.

Fight against drug addiction

At the beginning of February, I contacted a public organization that treats drug addicts (getting them off the needle). They refused to help me:

- Why?

The cops are putting pressure on us, like Egor Bychkova from the City Without Drugs foundation. Maybe the situation will improve in the summer.

Meanwhile, a theater of the absurd called “the fight against the drug mafia” was shown on the box almost every day. It was especially funny to watch the head of Narcotics Control, Viktor Ivanov (former security officer). Here is one of his latest statements: “The transnational organization of the narco-state and narco-economy in Afghanistan reflects the fundamental fact that drug production in the southern regions of the planet inexorably follows geopolitical tensions generated primarily by foreign military presence. It is no coincidence that over the past twenty years we have witnessed the phenomenon of migration of heroin drug production in the geographical space of the so-called “golden triangle”, which owes its emergence to the war in Indochina, to Afghanistan.”

Let me translate into normal language: the American military and NATO are to blame for the growing flow of drugs from Afghanistan to Russia.

Looking at the “stung” son, I just wanted to shout to Mr. Ivanov: “Why are you looking for the guilty in distant Afghanistan, when the cops and security officers are selling drugs right under your nose?”

Especially for comrade. Ivanov, I tell him what happened recently to his subordinates. Three months before Ivan’s death, relatives of the arrested employees of the Federal Drug Control Service in the Moscow Closed Administrative District Mavlyudov, Olendarev, Cherkasov, Budnov and trainee Arslanov contacted me. The gist is this: on April 10, 2009, agent Sachs came to the department and reported that the day before, together with a drug addict he knew named Victor (nickname Lysyy - FSB agent, the surname is in the editorial office), he visited an apartment on Minskaya Street, where heroin was sold. At the same time, Sachs assured that he personally saw a jar of heroin, high-precision scales and communicated with a drug dealer nicknamed Bulgarian.

The scheme for selling drugs was as follows: the Bulgarian placed a stash of drugs at the entrance and, after receiving the money, reported by phone where the dose was located.

Federal Drug Control Service operatives established surveillance of the apartment and soon detained Bolgarin and his partner who resisted.

The search yielded nothing, and the dealers refused to voluntarily hand over the potion. And forty minutes later, special forces soldiers unexpectedly burst into the apartment and handcuffed the Federal Drug Control Service officers (the detainees claimed that they were severely beaten). The drug police were charged with abuse of power, robbery and extortion (extortion and robbery were excluded a little later).

As it turned out, from the very beginning the special operation was carried out under the control of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB, and the Bulgarian and his partner were active security officers (the names are in the editorial office). They rented an apartment on Minskaya Street in advance, installed hidden video cameras there and, with the help of their informant Lysy, lured agent Sachs. And this despite the fact that there is the fifth article of Federal Law No. 101 FZ “On Operational Investigative Activities” (ORA), where it is written in black and white: “...bodies (officials) carrying out operational intelligence activities are prohibited from inciting, inducing, inducing in direct or indirect form to commit illegal actions (provocation).”

According to the lawyers, UFSKN agent Sax (an experienced drug addict), who could barely stand on his feet, was invited to one of the court hearings. To everyone’s surprise, the informer began to testify in favor of the prosecution, and the judge, without explanation, forbade the defense to ask counter questions (in a private conversation, Sachs admitted that he had been recruited by the FSB). As a result, the drug police received five years in prison.

It is worth adding that the department of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Closed Joint-Stock Company was considered the best in the Moscow region and the defendants were repeatedly encouraged by management.

I managed to meet with one of the employees, and he put forward two versions of why they began to press the unit (the audio recording is available in the editorial office):

Six months before the arrest, we detained a native of Tajikistan with two kilograms of heroin. Within an hour, some people started calling us and offered to resolve the issue amicably. Then a man with a KGB badge arrived and began threatening trouble with his job. In short, we sent him to all four directions. In parting, he said that we would regret it. And a week later we removed student Pavel Ch. from the needle, whose mother and father are active employees of the central apparatus of the FSB. The mother showed up at the department and began threatening prison terms. Apparently, these were not empty threats.

- How do you work now?

The department is simply paralyzed. The agents constantly report about new drug distribution points, but no one works at the addresses - everyone is afraid of new provocations from the FSB. And the most offensive thing is that the management doesn’t even try to protect us.

How this story ends is still unknown. The defendants filed a complaint with the Strasbourg court, and, most likely, it will rule that a pure provocation was undertaken against the drug police, and Russian taxpayers will pay multimillion-dollar compensation out of their own pockets.

Mortuary and funeral

At the morgue, besides me, seven other people filled out documents. We started talking. As it turned out, a family from Chertanovo had their son stabbed to death in a fight, a man from Taganka had a daughter in an accident, and a young woman from Strogin had her mother die while she was on vacation in Thailand.

Among those present were, so to speak, “colleagues” in grief - a family from Cheryomushki.

We’ll bury our second son in two months,” the father said. The older one was found in some basement with a syringe in his hands, but the doctors never pumped out the younger one. Damn these drugs and those who sell them! I would strangle them all with my own hands!

Ivan was buried next to his mother at the Perepechensky cemetery. All the way back, my grandmother cried, and my relatives whispered about “ Look how many young people are lying in the cemetery...».

If the investigation by “Insider” and “Bellingcat” had not had Sergei Kanev’s signature, perhaps a little more people would have believed in him. Well, this is just a “black mark” of unprofessionalism.

Great psychic power "expert".

Often the veracity of any journalistic investigation, statement or sensation is perceived by the reader not based on the facts and arguments of the material, but much simpler and faster - by looking at the author’s last name. And this is logical: it is most often quite difficult, if not impossible, for the reader to verify the truth of everything written, and the only guarantee of the integrity of the text is the honest name of its creator. And now we will talk about honest names. More precisely, about not entirely honest ones. To be very specific - about liars and scoundrels.

The tension around the confrontation between Great Britain and Russia in the “Skripal case” seems to have reached its apotheosis. The interview with Petrov and Boshirov, which many considered insufficiently convincing, however, in itself did not yet confirm the British point of view about the involvement of these people in the Russian special services. But there were many “well-wishers” (not at all selfish, of course) trying to pull this point of view by the ears. The result was the emergence (almost lightning fast) of a joint investigation by the famous team of “open source investigators” Bellingcat and the publication The Insider, from which the materials were used - attention! – Russian journalist Sergei Kanev.

Let's start with the well-known fact that Bellingcat is freelance unit of Mi-6 , as well as such a nuance that this “sharashkin’s office” “goes to bed” with anyone - meaning that the selection of experts for this or that investigation is carried out extremely carelessly, not to say carelessly. For example, in the search for those responsible for the downing of Boeing MH-17, Bellingcat found nothing better than taking on as a co-author. This time, apparently, it turned out exactly the same. Instead of reinforcing the authority of the investigation with the name of the author, it turned out exactly the opposite - discrediting him.

Maria Zakharova was ironically surprised that this time they entrusted Sergei Kanev with “removing the covers” - a man who had already once (or rather, more than once, this is simply the most resonant case) was caught in a huge lie: .

Just for the sake of formality, let us recall that Kanev is such an active employee of the “Investigation Management Center” under the auspices of Mikhail Khodorkovsky that he was even nominated as his employee for the title of “Best Journalist of 2017” on the Dozhd TV channel (however, according to the voting results, he was not even included in the top ten nominees). Kanev has now been working for Khodorkovsky entirely and selflessly, since the beginning of 2017, regularly releasing investigations specifically on “Skripal” topics - say, about the alleged Novichok's Middle Eastern ties . Kanev proudly confirms his cooperation with Bellingcat: “As an honest pioneer, I won’t lie: well, yes, I had a hand in it” .

What surprised Maria Zakharova so much? She was surprised by the fact that in 2004 Sergei Kanev became a real falsifier of history on a particularly large scale and, importantly, with particular cynicism. This is exactly what the repost of historian Alexander Dyukov’s post is dedicated to:

The film itself “NKVD and Gestapo: Marriage of Convenience” is now difficult to find, but footage from it has been preserved, and most importantly, the monstrous, without exaggeration, consequences are known.

Dyukov dedicated his text “The Soviet Story”: The Mechanism of Lies” to a large and detailed exposure of this fake, where he reveals Kanev’s role in planting the deliberate “misinformation”: “The new “General Agreement” was put into circulation through NTV journalist Sergei Kanev, who specialized in crime reporting. As Kanev himself stated, “the person who brought this folder said that the document was genuine, from the personal archive of L. Beria”. The very phrase “an authentic document from Beria’s personal archive” should cause a burst of laughter in a critically thinking person and a sympathetic look at the dreamer, but this perfectly shows the level of Kanev’s conscientiousness, as well as his professionalism - Sergei is used to either swallowing any bait “without chewing” or, which is much more likely, he himself participated in the creation of fakes. In the first case, he is simply a narrow-minded and mediocre amateur; in the second, he is a skilled swindler.

Most likely, the second one. And here Kanev’s connections with such a seemingly opposite direction to the liberal camp as Russian anti-Soviet nationalists look very interesting. Here is the first version of the “General Agreement of the NKVD and the Gestapo”, which is held by the patriarch of Russian (even still Soviet) anti-Semitism Dmitry Vasiliev. Kanev will simply “comb” this “linden”, making it a little less implausible. Did they act in concert - or were both Kanev and Vasiliev pawns in the hands of those who would later create a “complete picture” of the alleged participation of the USSR in unleashing the Holocaust, embodied in the film “Soviet History”?

This movie - incredibly biased and deceitful - was simply a “constellation” of the names of those who devoted their entire lives to denigrating our Motherland. Here are Viktor Suvorov-Rezun, and Vladimir Bukovsky, and Boris Sokolov, and even ex-president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev. All of them coherently broadcast that the Soviet Union competed with the Third Reich in inhumanity, often collaborating with the Nazis hand in hand. And there is this Kanev-Vasiliev lie about the NKVD and the Gestapo. What is extremely characteristic, Kanev is still

Kanev Sergey Alexandrovich

Kanev Sergey Alexandrovich- Vice President of BCC Company, a Russian integrator specializing in the development of integrated solutions and implementation of large-scale projects in the field of information and communication technologies and engineering.

Biography, career

Born on June 2, 1963 in Novosibirsk. After graduating from school, he entered the Krasnodar Higher Military Command School named after. Shtemenko (KVVKU) to the faculty of “Hidden command and control and secrecy regime.” In 1984, as a lieutenant, he graduated from KVVKU with a gold medal and was awarded the qualification of an engineer for the operation of telecommunications equipment. From 1984 to 1992 he served in the USSR Armed Forces.

In 1995, he became the general director of the established ZAO Business Computer Center (Krasnodar). In 1997-1998, he studied under the Euro-Management program at the Higher School of Corporate Management at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (graduated in 2001 under the Euro-Management - Master of Business Administration for Executives program).

Sergey Kanev also defended his Executive MBA diploma with honors at the Swiss Business School (also in 2001) and received the qualification “Top Level Manager”. In 2005, he completed his studies in the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program at the Academy of Economics under the Government of the Russian Federation (scientific supervisor - Academician Aganbegyan).

Since 1999 - General Director of ZAO Business Computer Center-Moscow, Vice President of the VSS group of companies.

Quotes, interviews

  • “The Russian IT market has new incentives for growth” - interview with CNews
  • Stabilization of the system integration market – a temporary lull - interview with ComNews

“By education, I am a professional military man, I worked on encryption systems, covert command and control of troops. From my perspective, the IT industry was quite clear to me, so it so happened that, after leaving the army, I continued to work with information technology. The industry is interesting to me because that there are many opportunities in it, it allows you to develop, implement interesting projects. So this was my conscious choice that the knowledge and experience that I received in the armed forces is in demand, because there are many management tasks, there is a need to create a very tough team. tracking results, i.e., you need practice in solving organizational issues - exactly what is well done in the armed forces. During the implementation of a project, it is extremely important that the integrator is actively present in the customer’s activities, organizes its work, and brings a clear idea for implementation. The market is changing. , tasks change, but you still need to achieve the desired result,” Sergey Kanev told CNews about himself and his work. In addition, in his opinion, for an IT company that is actively developing and has leadership ambitions, it is extremely important to create a system that allows employees to constantly improve, staying one step ahead of the market.

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