Card for receiving workwear. How to fill out a personal registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment

Workers who work in harmful or dangerous conditions of the production process, are required to receive special clothing and basic personal protective equipment at the enterprise. Depending on the employment of the enterprise in a particular industry, a list of necessary equipment is established on one's own taking into account regulatory regulation.

PPE is equipment that prevents or reduces the level of exposure of employees engaged in activities with harmful and hazardous factors of production work, and also provides protection from pollutants. They are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 209).

Justification for provision

The procedure for providing employees with personal protective equipment was developed and approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and regulates the acquisition by the employer of protective equipment at absolutely all enterprises and organizations where standard rationing is provided for the free issuance of protective equipment.

According to the order, PPE are required to undergo certification or declaration according to Gosstandart standards in accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. After protective equipment has been purchased and issued, a certificate is issued for each employee. personal card for registration and issuance of personal protective equipment. This reporting document determines the wear and tear of protective equipment and determines the timing of replacement for the favorable life support of production employees.

What is it for?

This card serves as a reporting form that fully reflects information about the employee and the personal protective equipment that is issued to him within a certain time frame. Therefore, the card reflects quantity and wear period of workwear.

The maintenance of such reporting forms is especially controlled in industries with hazardous types of work, since this accounting directly warns against accidents at work and protects the livelihoods of the organization’s employees.

Employee personal card without fail must be documented by the head of the structural unit and kept in the custody of the organization's storekeeper.

Cards are stored in a specially designated place in alphabetical order and in accordance with the cells for each department separately.

Based on GOST No. 290n, the standard form for issuing protective equipment has changed, since enterprises often use the MB-6 form, which complies with the laws of the USSR, which constitutes a violation in accounting records.

The composition of the previously used form included both the issuance of funds and the change, which was reflected on the reverse side. In accordance with the new State Standard, this procedure is displayed on two different reporting forms.

Often the management team is headed by the head of the enterprise hide the nominal cost of protective equipment from personnel, therefore, they use forms that do not reflect the price for this or that type of protective equipment. If you look from the side of accounting reporting and frequent checks from law enforcement agencies and the security commission there, then it is better to use those types of personal cards that reflect the nominal value of PPE.

The choice of the type of form for a particular enterprise is made by the manager in agreement with the chief accountant, which is fixed by order for the enterprise. To avoid criticism during an unscheduled inspection, when filling out, you should reflect industry production standards in full.

Filling rules

To correctly fill out an individual card, you must enter employee personal data:

Based on the legislative framework, the card reflects only individual means, and the form to fill out corresponds to the standard one according to the Order of the Ministry of Labor. Collective protective equipment is reflected in the duty card, which is located in the department of the workshop for the shift or team.

The card is filled out when an employee enters the workplace, which, according to the standards, requires the issuance of special clothing. If an employee changes his place of work (unit) or profession, which requires replacement or additional payment of funds, all necessary information must be reflected on the card.

The director of the enterprise is obliged, by order of the enterprise, to determine the responsible material persons who will be responsible for the issuance, storage and replacement of personal protective equipment. Also defined official, which deals with the preparation of accounting documentation and personal cards.

Such responsibilities are assigned by the management of the enterprise to the heads of departments, managers of the economic department or warehouse. Such a procedure is not the responsibility of the safety engineer, since this official monitors the correct fulfillment of the requirements for the direct issuance of funds.

The shelf life of this card is considered one year, starting from 01.01 of the current year, or starting from the date the employee was hired and ending with the date of dismissal.

As for the acquisition and issuance of personal protective equipment, each manager is obliged to provide the enterprise’s personnel with safe life at work; protective equipment significantly facilitates work, which accordingly increases the intensity of work, and protects the life and health of the workforce.

In order to significantly facilitate the task of accounting for personal protective equipment, personal cards are used; they help speed up the process of issuing and replacing the necessary equipment. You should approach the filling correctly and in accordance with the standards to avoid awkward moments associated with the approval and completion of forms.

The life and health of every employee at the workplace is protected by the state and the management of the enterprise.

Supervisory authorities strictly monitor compliance with safety regulations and labor protection standards at work. Mandatory documentation includes individual personal protective equipment (PPE) cards.

What kind of document is this

The health and even life of a worker often depends on the availability of gas masks, special suits and other personal protective equipment. The company is obliged to issue these funds to each employee if the performance of official duties poses even a slight threat to health.

Management can document the fact of issuing special equipment using a personal card.

It is the main tool for monitoring personal protective equipment, allowing you to evaluate the quantity and quality of issued PPE and the timing of their wearing.

The frequency of issuance is determined based on the specifics and characteristics of production. There are specialized standards for each industry. You can track compliance with these deadlines and standards at each enterprise and its specific areas using the same cards; they provide correct accounting of the frequency of issuance of each product and its condition.

Unified form

The card form has been officially approved. According to the “Inter-industry rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment” (approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2009 N 290n), separate personal cards are issued for all employees whose work activities involve the use of protective equipment. . The old form was changed by the same law.

The use of the Soviet-style MB-6 is considered a violation.

A separate form has been added to the form for returning PPE back to the warehouse. In the card for issuing special equipment in hand, mainly the reverse side has changed: the second column has been renamed (previously it was called “GOST, OST, TU, Certificate of Conformity”, now it is called “No. of the certificate or declaration of conformity”), and the PPE price column has become optional.

In the new form, the “cost” column is filled in at the discretion of management. The choice of card form (with or without a price column) is approved by the management of the enterprise. To simplify accounting, in most cases the price column remains untouched.

When does the card start up?

Documentation is completed when an employee takes up a position that requires the mandatory use of personal protective equipment. If an employee’s position changes, or he moves to another site, the list of mandatory protective equipment changes. The corresponding marks are entered on the card.

The list of PPE for each employee is determined based on industry standards: the profession, level and classification of hazardous factors and exposures are taken into account. These could be:

  • workwear;
  • gas masks;
  • safety shoes;
  • face shields;
  • earplugs;
  • mittens;
  • safety belts, etc.

Working in the 1C program with data on workwear and personal protective equipment is presented in the following video:

Filling procedure

The personal card stores complete information about the employee:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • position held;
  • number in the report card according to the statement;
  • plot;
  • height and size of personal protective equipment;
  • date of entry into position or change thereof.

When entering data into the card, the storekeeper must know industry norms and standards (how much and what each employee is entitled to per year). In each profession and at each work site, personal protective equipment serves the worker for a certain period limited by standards. In accordance with the approved plan, the storekeeper controls the time of use of the special equipment and replaces it after this period.

Accounting procedure and storage period

The card contains a complete list of PPE that was given to the employee. Upon receipt of each item, the employee signs for receipt personally. It also indicates the reason for writing off each unit (natural depreciation, return to warehouse, force majeure).

Cards are endorsed by the site manager and stored by the storekeeper. It is customary to put them in alphabetical order in separate folders for each section.

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the employer's obligation to provide workers with personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE must be accounted for. How to keep records of PPE and why you need a personal PPE record card in 2019 will be discussed in this article.

The employer's obligation to provide workers with PPE

How to properly organize PPE accounting?

The procedure for issuing, using, organizing the storage and care of PPE is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n “On approval of the Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment.”

According to the law, the employer has the right:

  • purchase personal protective equipment at your own expense;
  • purchase personal protective equipment for temporary use under a lease agreement.

When conducting induction training, the employee must be familiar with the Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment, as well as the standard standards for issuing PPE that are relevant to his profession and position.

The employer is obliged to ensure that employees are informed about the PPE they are entitled to.

It is important to note that PPE issued to employees must necessarily comply with:

  • semi;
  • growth;
  • sizes;
  • the nature of the work performed;
  • conditions of work performed by employees.

The employer is obliged to organize proper accounting and control over the issuance of personal protective equipment to employees within the established time frame.

The employee, for his part, is obliged:

  • correctly use the PPE issued to him in the prescribed manner;
  • do not start work without properly issued PPE, as well as with faulty, unrepaired or contaminated PPE;
  • use PPE only during working hours.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that if an employee engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as with special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, is not provided with PPE, he has the right to refuse to perform work duties, and the employer does not have the right to demand that the employee fulfill them and is obliged to pay for the downtime that arises for this reason.


Welder Petrov P.P. the employer did not provide gloves for welding work, which the employee informed his immediate supervisor about. The employee decided to refuse to perform the work. The employer, in turn, is obliged to pay for the employee’s downtime.

According to the Intersectoral Rules, the employer is required to keep records of PPE, but taking into account some recommendations:

Terms Comment
Development of standards for issuing personal protective equipmentThe employer has the right to develop standards for the free issuance of PPE to employees, which will improve the provision of PPE compared to standard standards.
Replacement of PPE specified in standard standardsPPE must have similar characteristics in terms of quality and protective properties
Electronic form for recording personal protective equipmentThe employer has the right to keep records of the issuance of personal protective equipment to employees using software (information and analytical databases). The electronic form of the registration card must correspond to the established form of the personal registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment. At the same time, in the electronic form of a personal record card for the issuance of PPE, instead of the employee’s personal signature, the number and date of the accounting document on the receipt of PPE, on which the employee’s personal signature is indicated, are indicated.
Providing on-duty PPEDuty PPE for general use is issued to employees only for the duration of the work for which they are intended.
Providing PPE for the period of careThe employer, at his own expense, is obliged to provide care and storage of PPE. For these purposes, the employer has the right to issue employees with 2 sets of appropriate PPE with double the wearing period.
PPE with expired service lifePPE returned by employees after the wear period has expired, but suitable for further use, is used for its intended purpose after taking measures to care for it (washing, cleaning, disinfection, degassing, decontamination, dust removal, neutralization and repair).

Personal PPE registration card in 2019

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n “On approval of Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment” VThe issuance and handing over of PPE to employees is recorded by an entry in the personal record card for the issuance of PPE.

It is allowed to maintain cards for recording the issuance of personal protective equipment in electronic form with mandatory identification of the employee.

accounting for the issuance of personal protective equipment

Surname _________________________________Floor ____________________
Name _____________

Surname __________________

Height _____________________
Personnel number __________________________Size: __________________
Structural unit ___________________clothes __________________
Profession (position) ______________________shoes ____________________
Date of employment ___________________headdress ____________
gas mask _______________
respirator _______________
mittens __________________
gloves _________________

Provides for the issuance of ___________________________________________________ (name of standard (standard industry) standards)

Head of structural unit ______________ (full name)


Reverse side of personal card

Name of personal protective equipmentNumber

certificate or declaration of conformity

datequantitywear percentagesignature of the recipient of PPEdatequantitywear percentagesignature of the person who donated PPEsignature of the person who accepted the PPE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The front side contains information about:

  • employee (last name, first name, patronymic, personnel number, place of work, profession, date of entry to work, date of change of profession or transfer to another place of work);
  • characteristic features of the employee (gender, height, size of clothing, shoes, headgear, gas mask, respirator, mittens, gloves);
  • the name of the standard standards on the basis of which the issuance of personal protective equipment to the employee is ensured;
  • list of personal protective equipment required by the employee in accordance with standard standards.

On the reverse side of the personal card for recording the issuance of personal protective equipment, information about the actually issued and returned personal protective equipment is indicated with the obligatory indication of the certificate number or declaration of conformity.

You can download your personal PPE registration card.

Sample of filling out a personal PPE registration card in 2019

Front side of the personal card

accounting for the issuance of personal protective equipment

Surname __ Ivanov _______________________ Floor ________M ____________
Name ______ Ivan __

Surname ___ Ivanovich _______

Height _______ 183 ___________
Personnel number __________ 123 ______________ Size: _________________
Structural unit _______ workshop No. 8 _____ clothes _______ 54 __________
Profession (position) _____ Gas welder _______ shoes _________ 43 _________
Date of employment ___ 10.10.2018 ________ headdress ______ 57 _____
Date of change of profession (position) or transfer to another structural unit _____________gas mask _______________
respirator _______________
mittens __________________
gloves __________________

Provided issuance of __ Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2010 N 1104n ________________________________________________ (name of standard (standard industry) standards)

Head of structural unit _____ Smirnov _________(Smirnov S.S.) (signature)

Questions and answers

  1. Do I understand correctly that if the employer does not provide PPE, I may not start work? Wouldn't that be a truancy?

Answer: According to Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, absenteeism is considered absence from the workplace without good reason during the entire working day (shift), regardless of its duration, as well as in the case of absence from the workplace without good reason for more than four hours in a row during the working day (shift). . In your case, refusal to perform work is due to failure to provide PPE - you have the right to this.

  1. I work as a car mechanic. Clothes are often stained with machine oil, which is not safe from a fire safety point of view. What to do in this case?

Answer: In this case, the employer, at his own expense, is obliged to provide care and storage of PPE, promptly carry out dry cleaning, washing, degassing, decontamination, disinfection, neutralization, dust removal, drying of PPE, as well as repair and replacement of PPE. For these purposes, the employer has the right to issue employees with 2 sets of appropriate PPE with double the wearing period.

Still have questions? Find out how to solve exactly your problem - call right now: Rules for filling out a personal record card for the issuance of PPE for a year - form A personal record card for the issuance of PPE - form can be downloaded below - a document that reflects the entire list of personal protective equipment issued to an employee when working in a hazardous environment or hazardous production. We will tell you how to properly issue a PPE registration card in our article. Documents for downloading Completed personal PPE registration card form.xls Providing PPE at enterprises According to Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in enterprises with hazardous working conditions, the employer is obliged to provide all its employees with personal protective equipment. In addition, Art.


For collective protective equipment, separate documentation must be completed according to the established template. The wearing period for workwear and other protective products should not be exceeded even by one day - this is a gross violation of industrial safety regulations.


The cards must include the dates for issuing and returning PPE; the wear period is counted from the moment the item is issued to the employee. Personal accounting cards are kept in one copy; this document must be kept by the storekeeper of the enterprise or its structural unit.

Information in the PPE record card Personal record cards for the issuance of personal protective equipment: sample The following data must be entered in personal PPE record cards:
  • Full name of the employee and his position.
  • Personnel number of the employee, division in the organization structure.
  • Date of employment.

How are personal cards for issuing personal protective equipment issued?

The availability of personal protective equipment is always monitored! When handing over PPE, the card records their condition and subsequent use: they can be returned to the warehouse, written off as a result of natural wear and tear, written off due to expiration date, etc. The employee must sign for each item handed in so that no claims arise. upon dismissal.

When PPE is written off, an act is drawn up indicating the reason for its withdrawal from circulation. The issuance of PPE is carried out according to industry standards in accordance with the profession, regardless of what industry or form of ownership the enterprise belongs to.

This means that any organization is obliged to provide employees with protective equipment, if required by regulations.

Personal registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment - filling out form 2017-2018

Such standards are established taking into account the economic and financial situation of the company. In addition, it is necessary to agree on such standards with the representative body of workers.
Issuance of PPE. Procedure The procedure for issuing PPE to employees is regulated by a document approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 N 290n. It spells out intersectoral rules for providing employees with special shoes, special clothing and other personal protective equipment.


The issuance of PPE to employees must follow standard standards corresponding to the type of activity of the company. If a position or profession is not included in the standard standards, management should refer to the standard standards for employees in cross-cutting positions in all sectors of the economy.

Electronic card for recording the issuance of protective clothing and personal protective equipment - quickly and efficiently

Legal grounds for issuing PPE, that is, details of the regulatory act.

  • Data on:
  • the name of the item issued;
  • paragraph of standard standards;
  • units of measurement;
  • quantity of goods sold per year.
  • Information on the number of issued and returned PPE in tabular format (on the back):
  • name of the items indicating the declaration or certificate of quality conformity for them;
  • the issued quantity of items indicating the date, quantity, percentage of wear and the signature of the recipient;
  • the returned amount of funds indicating: date, quantity, percentage of wear and the signature of the recipient.

The personal card for recording the issuance of PPE contains information about the employee, as well as information about the full list of protective equipment that was entrusted to the employee for the period of his activity.

How to correctly fill out a registration card for issuing personal protective equipment

Legal advice Labor law How are personal cards issued for the issuance of personal protective equipment? How are personal cards for issuing personal protective equipment issued? In any hazardous production, the management of the enterprise is obliged to provide employees with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). These include protective clothing, safety shoes, gas masks, respirators, earplugs and other means designed to minimize the impact of harmful and dangerous factors on the body.

Dear readers! The article describes typical ways to solve legal problems. Your case is individual. Their issuance and timely replacement must be controlled to ensure reliable protection.

To do this, the organization must maintain personal records of the issuance of personal protective equipment.

Rules for filling out a personal registration card for issuing personal protective equipment for 2017-2018 - form

For these purposes, a personal card for recording the issuance of PPE (personal protective equipment) is used. When is an employer required to provide PPE? The Labor Code obliges company management to provide employees with means that would protect them from harmful production factors if they work:

  • with dangerous/harmful working conditions;
  • at work where work is associated with possible pollution;
  • for work performed in unusual, special temperature conditions.

This rule is spelled out in Art. 221

Labor Code. PPE can also be issued based on the results of workplace certification for working conditions. At whose expense are PPE issued? All PPE is provided to employees free of charge.

This means that the employer, at its own expense, purchases PPE in a timely manner.

Modern workwear and basic concepts of PPE!

For example, a chipboard sawyer can work for a government organization or a private company; in any case, he must receive the necessary set of protective equipment in accordance with the standards of the woodworking industry. Compliance with the rules for issuing personal protective equipment and filling out accounting cards is monitored by the labor inspectorate; in addition, when checking the accounting department, the costs of their acquisition will be monitored.

In case of any industrial emergency, compliance with safety regulations is first checked. identification of violations may lead to the initiation of a criminal case for negligence. The employer is obliged to monitor compliance with industry standards and workers' rights.

A responsible attitude to safety precautions and record keeping will help prevent emergencies and ensure stable operation of the enterprise.

Personal registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment

PPE) are divided into the following classes:

  • eye and face protection (goggles, masks, etc.);
  • respiratory protection equipment (petals, respirators, etc.);
  • dermatological protective products (creams, ointments, etc.);
  • fall protection equipment (belts, slings, ropes, etc.);
  • head protection (helmets, caps, etc.);
  • hearing protection (earplugs, headphones, etc.);
  • special protective clothing (insulating suits, etc.);
  • hand protection (gloves, caps, etc.);
  • foot protection (boots, boots, etc.).

Procedure and standards for issuing personal protective equipment (PPE) Work clothes, safety shoes and safety equipment are issued free of charge to workers and employees only in those professions for which the issuance is provided for by standard industry standards for the free issuance of PPE.

SKZ) can include various types of fencing, for example:

  • screens;
  • shields;
  • doors;
  • barriers;
  • casings;
  • visors, etc.

SPS also includes braking devices, safety-locking devices and signaling devices. Braking devices are:

  • workers;
  • parking;
  • extreme braking.

Safety interlocking devices:

  • mechanical;
  • electrical;
  • electronic;
  • hydraulic;
  • pneumatic.

Signaling devices:

  • light;
  • sound.

What is personal protective equipment? Personal protective equipment (PPE) is the means that a worker uses to prevent or minimize exposure to harmful and/or hazardous production factors.

Despite significant improvements in working methods and the emergence of new technologies, there are still many professions where workers inevitably risk their health and even life. How dangerous his work is is determined during the course of the assessment. To reduce risks and protect employees from dangers that arise in the workplace, personal protective equipment (PPE) is designed, which, according to GOST 12.4.011-89, is designed to protect:

  • respiratory, visual and hearing organs;
  • arms, legs, head, face and skin.

In addition, there are safety and insulating means, as well as complex ones.

Why do you need a workwear registration card?

Firstly, there are rules for providing employees with special clothing, which are established by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated 06/01/2009 N 290n, they also include a form for the statement for the issuance of special clothing. This small document serves as proof for regulatory authorities (in this case, for a representative of the Labor Inspectorate) that the organization has carried out the work correctly and that workers are provided with the right amount of personal protective equipment. Otherwise, serious fines cannot be avoided.

Secondly, it is purchased by the employer at his own expense, which means it is subject to accounting and tax accounting. And moreover, on May 12, 2003, the Ministry of Finance in Letter No. 16-00-14/159 expressed the opinion that it can be recognized as fixed assets. This means that use must be carefully documented.

And thirdly, the most unpleasant argument. If in production, the employee’s provision of clothing will be subjected to the most careful inspection, and inspectors may demand to present a statement for the issuance of special clothing (keep in mind - this is just another name for this document).

Form of registration card for issue of workwear

How to fill out a form for the issuance of special clothing

The registration card is issued immediately upon hiring. The most vulnerable point is the wording regarding the name of standard industry standards: you must not make a mistake and refer to the correct document. Such standards exist, for example, for:

  • agriculture;
  • chemical industry;
  • mining;
  • metallurgy;
  • construction;
  • transport.

It is also important to correctly indicate the terms of use on the accounting card (carefully study the markings applied by the manufacturer).

The rest of the form is easy to fill out. On the front side it is indicated:

  • employee data (his full name, name of the structural unit in which the newcomer will work, date of hire);
  • height and size;
  • industry standards corresponding to the specifics of the enterprise;
  • a list of mandatory clothing for him.

If the front side is a kind

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