Who fills out the employee’s personal card t 2. Filling out the employee’s personal card

Among HR documents, the employee’s personal card is the main source of information for each employee. The employer is obliged to maintain it (form T2) for all employees, even for those hired part-time. Detailed instructions for filling out, a form and a ready-made example - about everything right now.

The legislation has approved a unified T2 form, which is maintained by all organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and number of staff. The document contains all the basic information about the citizen:

  • education information;
  • information about professional experience (experience, qualifications in accordance with the education received);
  • personal information (address, family composition);
  • data on the current place of work (vacation, awards, retraining, etc.);
  • details of your passport, diploma, military ID and some other documents.

Along with a single template, there are several other options, which are discussed below.

Form t2

This is the main type of document that is used in the vast majority of cases. The form looks like this.

Form t-4

Designed specifically for employees who belong to the scientific and teaching staff:

  • scientists with candidate or doctoral degrees, as well as with the titles of associate professor, professor or academician;
  • university teachers (including senior teachers and assistants).

The difference in form is due to the presence of special columns (academic degree, title, date of assignment and relevant documents).

Form t2 GS

To be completed if the employee is a civil servant. The difference from a regular form is only one. Section IV appears, which contains information about the assignment of class rank or other movements along the career ladder. All other sections are filled out in exactly the same way, but their numbering is shifted by 1 point (starting from the “Certification” section, which follows number V).

Required documents

For correct registration, you need to take only confirmed information. You will need the following documents:

  • citizen's passport;
  • management order approving the hiring of an employee;
  • It is necessary to bring a work book (for those citizens who are working for the first time, it is issued by the employer);
  • if a citizen belongs to the category of military service, he also provides a military ID;
  • a document confirming the level of education;
  • TIN and SNILS;
  • documents that confirm the completion of retraining, assignment of titles, etc. subject to availability;
  • an employment contract drawn up with an employee.

All documents are provided in originals.

Step-by-step instructions for filling out

Correct execution of personnel documents is a mandatory requirement for the personnel department, therefore, when filling out, you must proceed from the official instructions, which are described in detail below.

Section I

It is the first sections of the T2 form that make up the main part, which must be filled out according to the following rules:

  1. The name of the company or individual entrepreneur is always written in full. However, abbreviated versions are also allowed if they were originally assigned to the company and reflected in the relevant constituent documents.
  2. The unique personnel number, which is assigned to each employee, must consist only of numbers (maximum number of characters - 6). In this case, the combination does not change even in cases where the employee is promoted or transferred to work in another branch or department, etc.
  3. In the “Alphabet” column you need to indicate only the letter with which the citizen’s last name begins.
  4. Nature of the work - here we mean the expected duration of the signed employment contract: most often permanent work, and if it is seasonal or part-time work, then temporary.
  5. Type - most often this is the main job, but sometimes a citizen works part-time (internal or external).
  6. Gender is indicated by a capital letter.
  7. The full name is written down in full, as indicated in the passport (patronymic - if available). And the date of birth is also recorded in text format, for example: “January 28, 1991.”
  8. The place of residence code is indicated in accordance with OKATO.
  9. Citizenship is prescribed by code.
  1. The degree of speaking skills in a foreign language is also indicated by codes.
  1. The designation of education is also done using codes - they are set by OKIN.

NOTE. The concept of incomplete higher education, which is also called incomplete, has been abolished since 2013, so if an employee is currently studying at a university, only the education actually received is taken into account.

  1. Qualifications are indicated exactly by diploma (for example, “Bachelor of Science Education”).
  2. The profession is prescribed based on how it is accepted in the company - to do this, you need to refer to the staffing table, as well as to the order that approved the employee for this position.
  3. Total length of service is usually calculated based on the dates given in the work book. But it is also possible to use other papers that contain confirmed information about the length of time a citizen has worked in different places.
  4. A note about personal life is also made using codes.
  1. By family composition we must literally understand those people who live with a person as one family. Their full name, as well as the degree of relationship (father, son, sister, etc.) are recorded.
  2. The passport data must be filled out strictly as indicated in the document, down to abbreviations and punctuation marks.

Section II

In these columns you need to use data from your military ID, if available. At the same time, the correspondence of the data must also be strict - abbreviations, names, punctuation marks, etc. However, there are some peculiarities if a reserve officer gets a job.

And if an employee who is subject to conscription is hired (men who are fit and female with a military ID - nurses, some other personnel), then points 1,3,4 and 7 remain empty. The rest are filled in as shown in the table.

Other sections

The remaining sections are filled out in accordance with the following rules:

  1. ChapterIII– here all the data is the same as it is indicated in the company’s internal documentation. The full name of the company, the exact name of the position are recorded, and an order (with name, number and date) or order is given as the basis for the decision.
  2. ChapterIV– records are also made on the basis of approved documents. In this case, each line is filled in completely (all columns), except for the “Base” column. Usually here they refer to the protocol, which contains the results of the certification - they write down the name, number and date.
  3. ChapterV– here the dates of training (start and completion), type of promotion, as well as the full official name of the educational organization in which the training process takes place are recorded. It is not necessary to enter information in the “Bases”, but if there is a corresponding order or order, you need to enter its name, number and date of approval.
  4. ChapterVI– this part similarly contains information about the professional retraining that the employee has undergone.
  5. IN sectionVII the awards and honorary titles received by the employee for his labor merits are recorded.
  6. ChapterVIII– here information is recorded about all vacations that the employee officially received, regardless of their duration. The data must exactly correspond to the orders, as well as the vacation schedule. Particular attention should be paid to unpaid vacations that the employee takes at his own expense. They are also taken into account regardless of the duration. In this case, all information must be the same - in the employee’s application, in the order and in the card itself (you need to be especially careful about the accuracy of the dates). It should also be borne in mind that time off for several hours (for overtime, overtime, etc.) is not leave at your own expense. A day off for an entire working day (1 or more) is a vacation without pay.
  7. ChapterIX filled out in accordance with the legislation on benefits. That is, both federal benefits and those adopted at the regional level are taken into account (in each region their list may vary greatly). This also includes benefits that are established by the internal regulations of the enterprise (in large companies, enterprises often have their own benefits, which are established at the initiative of the employer and, accordingly, can be eliminated by his own decision). The “Grounds” indicate the name of those documents that give the right to benefits.
  8. ChapterX contains heterogeneous information that does not belong to any of the previously discussed categories, for example:
  • information that the person is currently studying at a university, technical school, college, vocational school and other educational institutions; the start date and expected completion date are indicated, as well as data on the actual number of courses that have already been completed at the moment;
  • data on the disabled employee: medical documents, disability group, as well as the date of changes in medical decisions, if any;
  • a conclusion document that was drawn up by a special commission to assess working conditions (harmful, dangerous factors, compliance with standards, etc.).

When completing all sections, there is a single rule to leave a field blank if there is no data on it or the answer is negative. For example, you cannot write “I don’t have” - you just need to ignore the line.

How changes are made to the card

If any information has changed over time, it must be promptly entered into the form. As a rule, the regulations provide 14 calendar days to make changes. In this case, new data is entered in exactly the same way as in the work book. There are two options:

  1. If previously empty fields are filled in, the employee must sign, thereby certifying the accuracy of the information entered. This applies to the first and second sections.
  2. If previously recorded data has changed, you need to carefully cross out the previous entry and make a new one. For example, if a woman gets married, then the old surname is crossed out and the new one is written on top.

NOTE. In case of blots, a large number of corrections, unreadability of the text, damage to individual pages or the entire personal card of the employee, which is maintained in the T2 form, it is allowed to create a new document into which all the information from the old form is transferred.

If an employee quits

In this case, it becomes necessary to make entries in chapterXI. Here it is important to write down the reason for dismissal, and the wording must accurately quote the articles of the Labor Code. The date of dismissal is given - i.e. the employee's last working day, regardless of whether it fell on a weekday, holiday or weekend. The employee must sign and decipher it, and if this is impossible to do (for example, in the event of death), then the signature is placed by the responsible official or a close relative indicating the degree of relationship, or by the employee’s representative acting under a power of attorney (its number and date of preparation are recorded).

NOTE. After dismissal, the card is handed over to the archive, where it must be stored for at least 75 years.

Filling example

A real example of a completed personal employee card, approved according to the standard form T2 (first section), looks like this.

Each enterprise must have a file cabinet in which the personal cards of employees liable for military service are stored. There is no single form of its creation. There are only certain recommendations for creating such a file cabinet. Everything in it should be arranged in alphabetical order or by structural divisions.

Important! Personal cards of the T-2 form are an integral part of maintaining military records at the enterprise.

And this does not depend on its form of ownership and size.

Documents for filling out the T-2 military registration card

When hiring a new employee, the personnel officer must ask him to provide documents confirming or denying his affiliation with military duties. These could be military tickets, identification cards, etc. They will be required to fill out the employee’s personal card.

Also, the personnel officer uses the following documents to enter data into the T-2 form:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of pension insurance;
  • work book;
  • certificate of completion of studies at an educational institution (students will need a certificate from the place of study);
  • certificate of registration of a citizen with the Tax Service;
  • order to hire a new employee.

Other information is indicated based on the data provided by the employee himself. For example, knowledge of foreign languages, additional training, etc.

Rules for filling out a personal military registration card

When entering data into Form T-2, a personnel employee must be guided by established standards. If the card contains incorrect encodings, it is considered damaged. Only certain codes need to be entered. Their transcripts can be found in the Methodological Recommendations or directly in the T-2 form.

If there are negative answers to certain points on the card, the coded part remains empty. The name of the month is written in full, and the year is indicated by 4 digits. For example, August 15, 2017

Dates are encoded in Arabic numerals. Initially, they put down the date, then the month, and after that the year. For example, 06/24/2018.

Important! When filling out the data, you must be guided by Government Decree No. 26 of 04/06/01.

Filling out T-2 military registration

The personal card consists of four pages. All information in it is divided into 11 thematic blocks. The first two pages are filled out when an employee is hired, 3-4 pages - during his work. The legislation does not prohibit maintaining T-2 in electronic form. When checking the form, you will have to print it.

Note. It is worth considering that individual entrepreneurs are exempt from filling out cards in the T-2 form.

Enter the following information in the header of the document:

  • name of the organization (abbreviations are not allowed);
  • its OKPO code;
  • OKUD code (code of the personal card itself)
  • organization address.

After this section there is a table. It contains the date and personnel number of the employee, which was assigned to him upon hiring. It is worth noting that upon employment, an employee is not required to provide a TIN. Therefore, this field can be left blank.

After this, indicate the following data:

  • SNILS. This is your insurance number. Its completion is mandatory. If an employee gets a job for the first time, SNILS is issued to him by the employer.
  • "Alphabet". This field is intended to indicate the first letter of the employee's last name.
  • Nature of the work. Here you need to indicate how the employee is registered: temporarily or permanently.
  • Floor. It is indicated by the letters “M” and “F”.

Form T-2 is filled out for employees who will work at their main place of work. Part-time workers do not need to have cards.

Then enter the employee’s birth data: date (encoding recommendations must be taken into account), place of birth (no more than 100 characters). Abbreviations are allowed in the last field. For example, region - region. And the words “city”, “stanitsa” and so on must be written in full.

If an employee has dual citizenship, this fact must be reflected in the document. It is necessary to indicate the name of the state of which the employee is a citizen. You also need to enter information about the educational institution. This information is indicated on the basis of the provided diplomas from educational institutions.

In addition, the card includes information about work experience and the names of family members. If the employee is registered and lives at the same address, there is no need to duplicate it. The second column is left blank.

Section 1 – encodings. Filling it out is considered the most difficult. Errors in it are unacceptable.


  • OKIN – employee citizenship code (1 – citizen, 2 – dual citizenship, 3 – foreign citizen, 4 – stateless individuals).
  • OKATO – locality code. It is approved by Resolution No. 413 of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.
  • OKSO – code of specialty or profession. It is affixed based on the information in the diploma of the educational institution.
  • OKPDTR is also a designation of a specialty. You need to enter a code in this field.

Once completed, this section must be signed by the employee.

Information about knowledge of foreign languages ​​also needs to be encoded. There are special designations for this: 3 – I speak fluently, 2 – I read and can explain myself, 1 – I read and translate with a dictionary. It is necessary to indicate the language code that the employee speaks. For example, knowledge of English is indicated by code 014.

Education is also subject to coding:

  • general (initial) – 02;
  • basic general – 03;
  • average overall – 07;
  • initial professional – 10;
  • secondary vocational – 11;
  • incomplete higher education – 15;
  • higher – 18;
  • postgraduate – 19.

Coding of information about marital status:

1 – was not a member;

2 – is in a registered marriage;

3 – civil marriage;

4 – widower (widow);

5 – divorced (divorced);

6 – separated (broke up).

All encodings must be obtained from the HR employee. The person being hired is not required to know them.

How to fill out the “military registration” in T-2

This item must be completed on the basis of a military ID or certificate. The employee provides these documents upon hiring.

So, in the first paragraph, data is entered about the employee who is a reserve officer. The column “Citizens subject to conscription” is not filled in. In the second paragraph “Military rank”, the position of the person liable for military service is indicated according to the entry in the military ID. In the column “Citizens subject to conscription” indicate “Subject to conscription.”

Point 4 – “Full code designation of the VUS”. It is filled out in accordance with the information on the military ID. The full designation of the department must be indicated. For example, "113194A".


  • A – suitable;
  • B – suitable with minor restrictions;
  • B – limited use;
  • G – temporarily unfit.

If such information could not be found on the military ID, code “A” is entered in the item. In the column “Citizens subject to conscription” a similar encoding is also indicated.

Point 6 – “Name of the military commissariat at the place of residence.” Information about him is entered in accordance with the last entry or stamp in the military ID. The column “Citizens subject to conscription” is filled out in the same way.

Point 7 – “Is on military registration.” This section is filled in with a simple pencil. Line “a” is intended for entering information in cases where there is a mobilization order and/or a seal on the issuance and withdrawal of mobilization orders. Line “b” is intended for entering information about citizens who are reserved for the organization for the period of hostilities or for the time of mobilization. The column “Citizens subject to conscription” is not filled in.

Point 8 – “Note on removal from military registration.” This is possible if the employee has reached a certain age or he has been removed from military registration due to unfitness for military service. A note is made “Removed from military registration due to age” or “Removed from military registration due to health reasons.” In the column “Citizens subject to conscription” similar notes are made.

Once completed, this section must be signed by the employee. He must also put a confirmation date for the entered data.

Filling out subsequent sections in the T-2 card

Block 3 “Hiring. Translations." Errors in filling out this section are unacceptable. All data is entered based on the manager’s order to hire a new employee. The information in this block and in the work book should be similar.

Section 4 – “Certification”. It contains the following data:

  • date of certification;
  • decision of the certification commission;
  • links to certain documents indicating the date of creation and numbers (protocols, etc.).

Entering qualification training or recertification data:

  • start and end dates of the educational institution;
  • type of advanced training;
  • the name of the educational institution where the employee studied;
  • type of document (certificate or diploma).

You don’t have to indicate anything in the “Bases” column of this section. In some cases, it reflects information about the order, which states that the employee is sent to advanced training courses.

Section 7, “Incentives and Rewards,” indicates the types of employee incentives. They can be applied based on his work activity. These include financial incentives, state awards, etc.

Section 8 – “Vacation”. It indicates all leaves that were granted to the employee. The basis for filling out this section is orders for granting vacations. It is necessary to indicate the start and end dates of vacations. In addition, the table reflects leave without pay.

Section 9 provides information about providing benefits to the employee.

Section 10 – “Additional information”. In this block you need to indicate information about the employee’s training in additional courses, correspondence courses at the university, and more. If the employee is disabled, this should also be reflected in the table. In addition, the section prescribes the conclusion of the MSEC on the nature and conditions of work.

Section 11 contains information about the dismissal of an employee (termination of employment relations). The column “Grounds for dismissal” is filled out in accordance with the coding specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

After closing the employee’s personal card (due to dismissal), the personnel employee signs it (indicates the position and full name). The card is also signed by the employee. After this, it is transferred to the archive.

Sample of filling out a personal card “Military registration”

The T-2 personal card is filled out for employees of all categories hired.

To fill out a personal T-2 card, a HR employee needs the following employee documents:

1. Passport (or other identification document)

2. Work record book

3. Military ID

4. Document on education

5. Insurance certificate of state pension insurance

6. Certificate of registration with the tax authority

7. Order for employment

8. Employment contract

9. Documents confirming the age of children

10. Documents confirming marriage status

11. and others.

In this case, the documents specified in Art. 65 of the Labor Code: passport and other identification document, military ID (registration certificate), insurance certificate of state pension insurance and work book. Document on education - provided that the presence of special education is an established legislative requirement or a requirement of the employer (as a rule, enshrined in the job description).

Other documents are optional. It is necessary to take into account that according to the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on July 8, 2006), data that is considered personal can only be obtained from the employee himself. Under personal data in this federal law the following are indicated:

“Article 3. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) personal data - any information relating to an individual identified or determined on the basis of such information (subject of personal data), including his last name, first name, patronymic, year, month, date and place of birth, address, family, social, property status, education, profession, income, other information”;

When encoding information in a personal T-2 card, you must be guided by a number of rules for filling out, defined by the Standard for Automated Personnel Management Systems:

1. If incorrect entries or information not related to this filling are made in the coding field, the T-2 form is considered damaged and must be rewritten. Therefore, it is recommended to either enter exact codes or not enter them at all until the T-2 personal card is submitted to the archive.

2. If there are no records or negative answers (“I don’t have”, “I’m not a member”), the encoded part of this detail remains empty.

3. When indicating dates, the name of the month is written in full, the year is written in four digits.

4. Dates are encoded in Arabic numerals in the following order: day/month/year (for example, 04/23/1998).

When filling out other sections of the card, you must follow the Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and payment from the Album of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and payment. Approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and classifiers:

1. The name of the organization is indicated in full. The abbreviated name is indicated if it is enshrined in the constituent documents. On the right is the OKPO of the organization.

2. Employee personnel number must not be longer than 6 digits. It is assigned to each new hire or employee and does not change with any movement of the employee within the organization until his dismissal.

3. The taxpayer identification number and the number of the state pension insurance certificate are indicated in accordance with the certificate of assignment of the TIN and the state pension insurance insurance certificate itself (if available and provided by the employee).

4. In the column " alphabet"The first letter of the employee's last name is indicated. In large organizations with a large number of people, it is possible to indicate the first three letters for the convenience of storing T-2 cards. T-2 cards are stored alphabetically.

5. Nature of work indicated “permanently”, “temporarily”, etc.

6. Type of work(main, part-time) is recorded in full.

7. Gender denoted by the letters “M” and “F”.

8. Last name, first name, patronymic written down completely and legibly. It is advisable to shift the last name to the left so that in the future, if it changes, you can make appropriate corrections (cross out the old one with one thin line and write a new one) in accordance with the documents submitted to the personnel department.

9. Date of birth is established on the basis of a passport or other identity document, and is written entirely in a text area, for example, “January 9, 1975.” In this case, the code is indicated as follows: 01/09/1975

10. When specified place of birth The following must be taken into account:

· The length of the entry, including spaces and punctuation marks, should not exceed 100 characters;

· Districts and regions are written in the genitive case, without commas, with the following abbreviations: city - city, village - village, region - kr., okrug - okr., region - region, village - settlement, district - rn. , station – st.

· Aul, kishlak, village, station are written in full;

· The code of place of residence is determined according to the All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division (OKATO), for example, for birth in Moscow, in the “Code” column it is indicated: 45

11. Citizenship written without abbreviations. The citizenship record and its coding according to the All-Russian Classifier of Population Information (OKIN) can be as follows:

citizen of the Russian Federation – 1

· citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign state – 2 (in the case of dual citizenship, the citizenship of which state is indicated)

· foreign citizen (indicate which state) -3

· stateless person – 4.

12. Languages ​​spoken by the employee, are indicated in full without abbreviations. The degree of language proficiency in text form is indicated as follows (OKIN code):

· I speak fluently -3

· I read and can explain myself-2

· read and translate with a dictionary -1.

When encoding the column “Knowledge of a foreign language”, two codes are indicated, the first indicating the language code, the second the degree of knowledge of it, for example: English - I read and translate with a dictionary, is written in the “Code” column as: 014 1.

13. Education is recorded and encoded according to the All-Russian Classifier of Population Information (OKIN) and the All-Russian Classifier of Specialties in Education (OKSO).

According to OKIN, education is coded as follows:

· primary (general) education – 02

· basic general education – 03

secondary (complete) general education – 07

· primary vocational education – 10

secondary vocational education – 11

· incomplete higher education – 15

· higher professional education – 18

· postgraduate education – 19.

Explanatory examples:

Example Refers to:
Employees studying at higher educational institutions, but not graduating from them A person who has a basic (general) or secondary vocational education, depending on what education they had at the time of admission to a higher educational institution
An employee who has completed several courses at a higher educational institution, but was forced to interrupt it, or is studying in his third year It records how many courses have been completed or what course the student is in.
Completed three years of higher education Persons with incomplete (unfinished) higher professional education
Workers studying in secondary specialized educational institutions (technical schools, colleges), but not graduating from them Persons with secondary (complete) general or incomplete secondary vocational education, depending on what education they had at the time of admission to a secondary specialized educational institution
An employee who has graduated from high school, a school with in-depth study of any subject, lyceum, gymnasium Persons with secondary (complete) general education
Employees who graduated from vocational schools or equivalent educational institutions Primary vocational education

13.1. Abbreviations of words when writing the name of an educational institution are allowed, without distorting the meaning of the name. In the case when the name of the educational institution includes the word “name”, you can write “im.”, if this is followed by the words “professor”, “academician”, etc., then you can write “professor’s name”, “im .academics”, etc. Orders are not indicated in the names of educational institutions.

13.2. All information about education (qualification, direction or specialty) is established on the basis of a diploma of education (other documents confirming receipt of education at a given level).

13.3. The free lines in the education section are intended for the name and date of graduation of the second educational institution of higher or secondary vocational education. If an employee graduated from two secondary or two higher educational institutions in different specialties, both educational institutions are recorded.

How to correctly fill out an employee’s personal card T-2:

  1. Collect the necessary papers.
  2. Copy the information from them into a card.
  3. Place the completed document in a special folder.

What is this form and when is it needed?

Before examining a sample of filling out the T-2 form, we note that its form was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. The document is kept for each individual employee. This is convenient because it allows the employer to have a complete file on the employee. The fact is that the following information is recorded on the card:

  • about the date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • education, including additional education, and professional training;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • work experience;
  • family composition;
  • registration and residence address;
  • attitude towards military service;
  • certification results;
  • awards;
  • vacations;
  • benefits;
  • other information.

All this data is accumulated by the employer to fulfill the obligations provided for by law. For example, information about family composition will allow the employee’s children to be included in the list of recipients of New Year’s gifts or vouchers to summer camps. Information about additional education or knowledge of foreign languages ​​will make it possible to offer the employee another position or send him on a business trip abroad. Data on awards and length of service are considered as the basis for sending a colleague’s documents for awards at a higher level. Hence the conclusion: an employee’s personal card is a very convenient and useful source of information for employers.

Who is required to keep cards?

Some employers believe that if the primary accounting forms given in the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia are not mandatory, then it is not worth introducing them into the organization. But it's not that simple. The Labor Code, indeed, does not directly oblige managers to maintain and fill out these forms. But paragraph 12 of government decree No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 “On work books” states that the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with all changes made to the work record. The employee is required to confirm his consent by signing a personal card, in which all entries made in the work book are duplicated.

In addition, you need to know that the T-2 form is one of the military registration documents, according to paragraph 27 of the Russian Government Decree No. 719 dated November 27, 2006. Thus, maintaining this document is mandatory for all organizations and entrepreneurs.

General filling rules

A short note before discussing how to fill out the T-2 card, and a sample for filling out each item of this document. There is a standardized form that is recommended to be used. The employer has the opportunity to change it, or rather, supplement it with information that, in his opinion, is missing. At the same time, it is important to understand that the form approved at the state level was developed taking into account the protection of the citizen’s personal data. And the employer, if he wants to make additions to the T-2 form, should take into account the specifics of the legislation in this area. The example of filling out a T-2 employee’s personal card presented in this article is given on the basis of a unified form.

The next point you need to know is that the personal card is kept by a person authorized to maintain personnel records in the organization. The document is drawn up in paper form. If it is convenient to duplicate information from it in electronic format, you should use a computer. But digital signatures are not yet common in Russia within the framework of labor relations, and employees sign with their own hands. T-2 cards are kept on paper and all data is entered into them manually. In this regard, we note that there are no requirements for the color of the ink used.

As for errors and corrections, unfortunately, they cannot be avoided. If an inaccuracy was made when filling out, the incorrect entry must be crossed out with one line (the entry must remain readable), write the correct wording next to it, then add “Believe the corrected one” and sign.

How to fill out point by point

Let’s say that economist Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov gets a job at Svetly Put LLC in February 2020. When hiring a new employee, the following documents will be required (based on them, data is recorded in the form):

  • identification;
  • work book (if available);
  • SNILS;
  • military registration documents;
  • documents on received education and qualifications;
  • other papers, if they are required for admission to perform a job function.

The personnel officer also needs a hiring order.

When all the papers are collected, proceed to draw up the form. The fully completed document is available for download at the end of the article, but for now let’s look at how to fill out the T-2 card: a sample of filling out each item will clearly show the rules for entering information.

We start filling out the form from the header. Here you should indicate:

  • full and abbreviated name of the employing organization;
  • date of drawing up the card;
  • personnel number, INN (if available) and SNILS of the new employee, his gender (abbreviated as “M” or “F”);
  • the nature of the work - permanent or temporary;
  • type of work - main or part-time. In this cell, words must be written in full; abbreviations are not allowed;
  • the “Alphabet” field is filled in with the letter with which the employee’s last name begins (in our example it is “I”).

Section I is called “General Information”. Here are the following:

  • number of the employment contract and the date of its conclusion;
  • FULL NAME. employee, date and place of birth, citizenship;
  • degree of proficiency in a foreign language (one or more);
  • information about education and profession.

Already from the second line, HR officers have difficulties because they do not understand what codes need to be entered and where to get them from. OKATO code is the number of a settlement (its district) in the All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division. Changes are often made to it, so when filling it out, it is advisable to find out accurate information from trusted sources.

As for the abbreviation OKIN, it stands for All-Russian Classifier of Population Information. From this list of codes, which are divided into 293 categories, information is taken to fill out. For the convenience of readers, we give an example of filling out a T-2 card: a summary table of codes that will be needed when filling out lines 4, 5 and 6.

What to write in a line

Which OKIN code should I indicate?

Line "Citizenship"

Citizen of the Russian Federation

Citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign state (Republic of Belarus) (indicate in brackets the country of which the employee is a national)

Foreign citizen of the Republic of Belarus (indicate the country of which the employee is a national)

A stateless person

Foreign languages








Other languages ​​(if they are not in the classifier)

Degree of language proficiency

Speak fluently

I read and can explain myself

I read and translate with a dictionary


Initial (general)

Basic general

Average total

Secondary vocational

Higher education - bachelor's degree

Higher education - specialty, master's degree

Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel

Professional education

Additional professional

Information about education must be supplemented with details from the diploma: who issued it and when, in what specialty. At least one line must be filled in. If in the future the employee brings additional education diplomas, this information will be added.

When filling out the tabular part, you will also need a code from OKSO - a classifier of specialties by education. In this part, it is allowed to write words abbreviated, but in such a way that the entry remains understandable. For example, "im." instead of "name".

In the next line - the seventh - you must indicate your profession. To do this, you will have to use OKPDTR - a classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and tariff categories. The profession of economist has code 27728.

In the “Work Experience” field, fill in all lines (if possible). If it is not there, then only the first line is filled in - about the total length of service at the time of concluding the employment contract from the work book.

Let us remind you that the total length of service is the period of activity that gives the right to an old-age pension. Continuous takes into account only the period that is used when assigning benefits, and the length of service that gives the right to a long service bonus is work in certain government organizations in certain government positions (a detailed list is presented in Section II of the regulation approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 27, 2007 No. 808).

The data in the ninth line - “Married status” - is indicated taking into account codes from OKIN. The sample T-2 card we are filling out is issued to a married man. For this reason, we set code 2. All possible codes are listed in the table.

The next line - information about family composition - is filled in according to the employee himself. It indicates any relatives at the request of the employer. But if the employee is married, spouses and children are usually included. If single - parents.

Lines 11 and 12 must be filled out according to your passport data. The registration address is written out from the identity card, and if it does not coincide with the actual one, then it is allowed to indicate another one, but also according to the employee. There should not be any difficulties when filling out this data.

HR officers have a lot of questions when they fill out section II of the T-2 form. We have prepared an example of filling out information about military registration in a personal card, which will help you understand all the intricacies. Firstly, you need to understand that the document is filled out differently for conscripts and those in the reserves. Conscripts have conscription certificates, and citizens in the reserve have military ID cards. Based on these papers, data is recorded. Let's consider each of these cases separately.

If a citizen presents an identity card, then in relation to him Section II is filled out as follows:

  • the first, third, fourth and seventh points do not need to be filled out;
  • in paragraph 2 we write that the person is subject to conscription;
  • in paragraph 5 we rewrite the information from the registration certificate. One of the symbols is indicated there:
    • A (fit for military service);
    • B (fit for military service with minor restrictions);
    • B (limitedly fit for military service);
    • G (temporarily unfit for military service);
    • D (not fit for military service);
  • paragraph 6 is filled out from the assigned;
  • paragraph 7 contains a record if the person is reserved or has a mobilization order (stamp of extradition, seizure);
  • the last paragraph - 8 - is filled out if a certificate of deregistration is sent from the military registration and enlistment office.

All information specified in this section is certified by two persons: the employee himself and the personnel officer. The date of familiarization of the employee with the document must be indicated.

If an employee is in the reserves and has a military ID, then all data is written out from it. The personnel officer does the following:

  • does not fill out paragraph 1;
  • the rank is indicated in accordance with the data in paragraph 5 of the military ID;
  • in paragraph 3 indicate the composition (profile), which is mentioned in the military ID - command or soldiers. You cannot shorten the words in this line;
  • paragraph 4 (“Full VUS code designation”) contains both letters and numbers. This information should be copied from the military ID without errors;
  • filling out points 5-8 is no different from the rules described for conscripts.

Section III (hiring and transfers) usually does not cause difficulties, since it duplicates details from the relevant orders. The only thing you need to remember is that transfers to temporary work are not recorded. They also do not make entries when changing salaries.

Sections IV-VII remain blank if the employee has not undergone certification and retraining, and does not have awards or honorary titles. But if the employee was sent for retraining and advanced training and brought a document on education, new information must be entered into the T-2 form - an example of filling out the type of advanced training in the T-2 card will show how to do this.

But the next section, which contains information about vacations, is filled out regularly. This section looks like this:

Please note that the table must include all types of leave that are provided to a person:

  • additional paid;
  • paid annually;
  • at your own expense;
  • for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • for child care;
  • training.

If this section runs out of space to enter all the rest periods, you need to add more information to the sheet and enter new information into it.

The sections “Social benefits” and “Additional information” should be filled out by the personnel officer as necessary.

The last section, “Grounds for termination of an employment contract (dismissal),” is completed only after the person’s dismissal has been officially completed. It contains information from the relevant order on termination of the employment contract. A sample of filling out a personal card upon dismissal contains a link to the article of the Code of the Russian Federation under which an employee is fired. This page must be signed by the personnel officer and the employee himself.

How and how long to store T-2 forms

There are no special rules for storing personal cards of employees in the legislation. But it is stipulated that they should be stored in places inaccessible to third parties. Special nomenclature folders are created for them, and it is impossible to store cards with personal files and (or) employment orders.

Another rule: T-2 forms of current and dismissed personnel are stored separately. After dismissing a person, the employer is obliged to keep his card for another 75 years.

Personal card T-2 is filled out for employees of all categories hired on the basis of an order (instruction) on hiring

Filling out sections of the form

The form of the personal card T-2 was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/05 No. 1 (previously by Decree dated 04/06/01 No. 26) “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment.”

The personnel service employee must keep in mind that the rules for maintaining personal cards of the T-2 form, with the exception of the Instructions for the use and completion of primary accounting forms and documentation for labor accounting and its payment, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 05, 2005 No. 1 does not exist, therefore the contents of this article can be considered as recommendations, and not as a tangible requirement for exact execution.

Documents required for issuing a personal card; information coding

To fill out a personal T-2 card, the HR officer needs the following employee documents:
1) passport (or other identity document);
2) work book;
3) military ID;
4) document confirming graduation from an educational institution:
5) insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
6) certificate of registration with the tax authority;
7) order for employment.
All other information is entered based on the information provided by the employee.
When encoding information in a personal T-2 card, you must be guided by a number of rules for filling out, defined by the Standard for Automated Personnel Management Systems:
1. If incorrect entries or information not related to this filling are made in the coding field, the T-2 form is considered damaged and must be rewritten. Therefore, it is recommended to either enter exact codes or not enter them at all until the T-2 personal card is submitted to the archive.
2. If there are no entries or negative answers (“I don’t have”, “I’m not a member”), the encoded part of this detail remains empty. 1 3. When indicating dates, the name of the month is written in full, the year is written in four digits; for example, September 14, 2004
4. Dates are encoded in Arabic numerals in the following order: day/month/year; for example, 04/23/1998.
When filling out other sections of the card, you must follow the Instructions approved by the specified resolution.

Filling out sections of the form

The name of the organization is indicated in full, for example, closed joint-stock company Energostroi. The abbreviated name is indicated if it is. enshrined in the constituent documents. The OKPO of the organization is indicated on the side.
An employee's personnel number must contain no more than six digits. It is assigned to each new hire or employee and does not change with any movement of the employee within the organization until his dismissal.
The taxpayer identification number and the number of the insurance certificate of state pension insurance are indicated in accordance with the certificate of assignment of the TIN and the insurance certificate of state pension insurance.
In the "Alphabet" column the first letter of the employee's last name is indicated.
The nature of the work is indicated: “permanently”, “temporarily”, etc.
The type of work (main, part-time) is recorded in full.
Gender is indicated by the letter "M" or "F".
Last name, first name, patronymic are written down in full and legibly.
The date of birth is established on the basis of a passport or other identification document and is written in full in the text area, for example, “January 9, 1975.” In this case, the code is indicated as follows: 01/09/1975.
When indicating your place of birth, the following must be taken into account:

Citizenship is written without abbreviations. Recording of citizenship and its coding is carried out according to the All-Russian Classifier of Information on the Population. OK 018-95, approved. Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated July 31, 1995 No. 412 (OKIN).

Filling out the "Citizenship" column

The languages ​​spoken by the employee are indicated in full without abbreviations. The degree of knowledge of the language in text form is indicated as follows.

Information about language skills

When encoding the column “Knowledge of a foreign language”, two codes are indicated, with the first indicating the language code, the second - the degree of knowledge of it.

For example: “English - read and translate with a dictionary” is written in the “Code” column as: 014 1.

Education is recorded and coded according to OKIN and the All-Russian Classifier of Specialties by Education. OK 009-93, approved. Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 296 (OKSO).

According to OKIN, education is coded as follows.

Type of education

OKSO code

Primary (general) education

Basic general education

Secondary (complete) general education

Secondary vocational education

Incomplete higher education

Higher education

Postgraduate education

Sometimes in practice problems arise with how to create a record of an employee’s education if it is not completed.

Information about incomplete education

An employee with incomplete education

Type of education according to classification.

Studying at a higher educational institution, but not graduating from it

Basic general or secondary vocational education (depending on what education you had at the time of admission to a higher educational institution)

Completed several courses at a higher educational institution, but was forced to interrupt it, or is studying in the third year

It records how many courses have been completed or what course is being studied.

Completed three years of higher education

Incomplete higher education

Studying at a secondary specialized educational institution (technical school, college), but not graduating from it

Secondary (complete) general or incomplete secondary vocational education (depending on what kind of education you had at the time of admission to a secondary specialized educational institution)

Graduated from high school, school with in-depth study of any subject, lyceum, gymnasium

Secondary (complete) general education

Graduated from a vocational school or an equivalent educational institution

Primary vocational education

Abbreviations of words when writing the name of an educational institution are allowed, without distorting the meaning of the name. In the case where the name of the educational institution includes the word “name”, you should write “by them”; if this is followed by the word “professor”, “academician” or something else, then you should write “named after professor”, “named after academician”, etc. Orders are not indicated in the names of educational institutions.
All information about education (qualification, direction or specialty) is established on the basis of an education diploma.
The free lines in the education section are intended for the name and date of graduation of the second educational institution of higher or secondary vocational education. If an employee graduated from two secondary or two higher educational institutions in different specialties, both educational institutions are recorded. Diploma qualifications are indicated in the following order:

The profession (main and additional) is indicated in full on the basis and order (instruction) on hiring. It is coded in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades (OKPDTR). An additional profession is considered to be one that does not coincide with the main profession, but may be of interest to the organization.
Work experience (general, continuous, giving the right to a bonus for years of service, as well as the right to other benefits established in the organization, etc.) is calculated on the basis of entries in the work book and (or) in other documents confirming the relevant length of service.
Marital status is recorded and coded according to OKIN.

Marital status information

Married status

OKIN code

Never been (was) married

Is in a registered marriage

Is in an unregistered marriage

Widower (widow)

Divorced (divorced)

Broke up (broke up)

Only family members are indicated as part of the family, indicating the degree of relationship. The closest relatives are considered to be father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, the person in whose care the employee was, and other close relatives living with the employee.
Passport data is indicated in strict accordance with the passport. The address of the place of residence is recorded according to the rules for recording the place of birth.
In the event that an employee did not receive a work book on the day of dismissal due to absence from the workplace or for another reason, the personnel service employee sends notices by mail to the specified addresses about the need to come to the personnel department for a work book (or express consent to send by mail) or inquiries about the employee's location. Therefore, it is necessary to fill out both columns - the address of residence according to the passport and the actual address of residence, as well as the telephone number of the employee or immediate relatives.

Vacation accounting Changing employee information

In the previous part of the article, we found out what documents are required to fill out the T-2 card, and also looked at how the “Alphabet” and “Citizenship” columns are filled out, how data on education, family composition, etc. is entered.

Filling out the section on military registration

The main documents on the basis of which section is filled out. 2 “Information on military registration” of the T-2 personal card are:

Information about military registration

Citizens in reserve

Citizens subject to conscription

Not entered for reserve officers. For persons who are not officers, filled out in accordance with the provided military ID (column "Registration Category")

Not filled in

Point 2. Military rank

Marked in accordance with the entry on the military ID

A recording is made: "Subject to conscription"

Clause 3. "Composition (profile)". To be filled in without abbreviations

Marked in accordance with the entry on the military ID, for example, "command", "medical" or "soldiers", "sailors" and so on.

Che is filled

Clause 4. “Full code designation of the VUS” The full designation is written down - six digits or six digits and an alphabetic character

Marked in accordance with the entry on the military ID, for example “021101” or “113194A”

Marked in accordance with the entry in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service

Written in letters: A - fit for military service B - fit for military service with minor restrictions C - limitedly fit for military service D - temporarily unfit for military service If there are no entries in the relevant paragraphs of the military ID, category "A" is entered

Written in letters: A - fit for military service B - fit for military service with minor restrictions C - limitedly fit for military service D - temporarily unfit for military service D - unfit for military service Filled out based on the entry in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service

Clause 6. "Name of the military commissariat at the place of residence"

Placed in accordance with the last entry or last stamp on the military ID

Placed in accordance with the last entry, or the last stamp in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service

Clause 7. “Registered with the military” To be completed in pencil

Line a) - in cases where there is a mobilization order and (or) a stamp on the issuance and withdrawal of mobilization orders; Line b) - for citizens reserved with the organization for the period of mobilization and during wartime

Not filled in

: Clause 8. “Note on removal from military registration” Subject to reaching the age limit, being in the reserve, “or being declared unfit for military service for health reasons

A mark is made: or "Removed from military registration due to health reasons"

A note is made: "Removed from military registration due to age" or "Withdrawn from military registration for health reasons"

After filling out the “General Information” and “Military Registration Information” sections, the employee signs the personal card and personally puts down the date to confirm agreement with the entered information. The HR employee puts his signature, the name of the position and a transcript of the signature, thereby confirming that the entries were made by him personally on the basis of the submitted documents.

Entering information about hiring, certification, advanced training, incentives, etc.

When entering information about hiring and transfers to another job, you must fill out all columns of the table. Information must be entered without abbreviations

Information about hiring and transfers to another job is entered on the basis of an order (instruction) on hiring (forms T-1 and T-1a) and an order (instruction) on transfer to another job (form T-5). When filling out this section, the HR specialist must familiarize the employee with the entries made against receipt.
When filling out section. 4 “Certification” of the personal card, all columns are filled in, namely:
- date of certification;
- decision of the commission, for example “transfer to a position”, “send for advanced training”, etc.;
- a link to a specific document (usually a protocol of certification results) indicating its number and date.
The “Bases” column may be blank, or it may indicate an organization’s order to send an employee for certification and/or an order to approve the certification results.
Data on advanced training are recorded on the basis of documents submitted upon hiring or received from the personnel training department. In the section "Advancement of qualifications" the following is indicated:
- start and end dates of training;
- type of advanced training;
- name of the educational institution (institute for advanced training of the ministry (department), faculty of advanced training at a higher educational institution, faculty of advanced training at a secondary vocational educational institution, institute of advanced training, advanced training courses at the ministry (department), advanced training courses at enterprises, scientific- research and design organizations, higher and secondary vocational education institutions, institutes for advanced training and their branches);
- type of document (certificate, identification);
- the “Bases” column may be blank, or it may indicate an order from the organization to send an employee for advanced training.
Similarly, information about professional retraining is entered, indicating the specialty (direction, profession) in which the retraining is taking place.

When filling out section. “Incentives and awards” it is necessary to indicate the types of incentives applied to the employee (both at the organizational level and at the level of ministries and departments), as well as list state awards.

Vacation accounting

In the "Vacation" section, records are kept of all types of vacations provided to the employee during the period of work in the organization. The basis for making entries are orders for granting leave.
When filling out the vacation table based on an order, only the start date of the vacation is entered, while the end date is entered “de facto”, after the employee has actually returned from vacation. This is due to the fact that if an employee is called back from vacation or is interrupted, the “End Date” column will indicate the employee’s return to work date, and not the planned end date of the vacation as ordered.
Leave without pay must be noted in the same table. It is taken into account when calculating the length of service that gives the right to annual basic paid leave, because according to Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and it does not include the time of granting an employee unpaid leave lasting more than 7 calendar days.

Similarly, the length of service giving the right to annual basic paid leave and the time of parental leave before the child reaches the legal age are not taken into account.
In addition, according to Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, from the length of service giving the right to annual basic paid leave, the time the employee is absent from work without good reason, including due to his removal from work in cases provided for in Art. 76 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Below are possible types of documents on the basis of which the HR department employee recalculate this length of service (according to Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Types of documents serving as the basis for recalculating length of service in case of dismissal from work

Failure to undergo training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection in accordance with the established procedure

Failure to undergo mandatory preliminary or periodic medical examination in accordance with the established procedure

Protocol and order of the inspectorate on the removal of an employee from work. Order from the manager regarding removal from work for this reason

Identification, in accordance with a medical report, of contraindications for performing work stipulated by the employment contract

Order from the manager regarding removal from work for this reason

In the “Additional Information” section, for completeness of accounting, where necessary, indicate:
- information about training in part-time (evening), correspondence, external departments of institutions of higher and secondary vocational training (the dates of admission to the educational institution and its graduation should also be indicated):
- information about a working disabled person indicating the MSEC certificate, the disability group and the date of its establishment (change), the cause of disability;
- MSEC conclusion on the conditions and nature of work.
After an employee’s dismissal from the organization, entries are made in section. XI “Grounds for dismissal”, which indicates a breakdown of the grounds for dismissal of the employee in accordance with the exact wording given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the date of dismissal, and the number of the dismissal order.
When closing the T-2 personal card, the HR employee puts his personal signature with its transcript and indication of the position. The employee himself signs in the same way. In this case, the employee’s signature confirms his agreement with all entries made in his personal card.

Changing employee information

When information about an employee changes, the corresponding data is entered into his personal card, which is certified by the signature of a specialist from the HR department, and if changes are made to section. “General information” and “Information on military registration”, then with the signature of the employee himself.
Changes are made according to the same scheme as in the work book. Based on the first forms and during the implementation of an automated personnel accounting system in the USSR, the OST "Standard for automated personnel management systems" was developed. It outlined the basic rules for filling out a personal card. As stated in the OST, “when a last name is changed, the old one is crossed out and a new one is written in its place in accordance with the documents submitted to the personnel department.” Further, “all subsequent changes to the employee’s data (change of place of residence, etc.) are reflected in the personal card by an employee of the HR department.” A complete replacement of a personal card is not advisable for the reason that in the future it will be difficult to restore the entire picture for this employee.
As for changes in passport data and marital status, the same scheme can be used - with a strikethrough.

Ph.D. econ. sciences,
Director of the "Center for Professional Development"

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