Key skills in resume examples for cashier. Cashier resume: sample filling and examples for sellers and cashiers on how to correctly describe responsibilities and professional skills

One of the many banking positions is that of a cashier. His main task is cash service for clients, working with money, transfers, checking accounts, and so on. The cashier-operator is practically the face of the bank, he greets visitors, provides consultations on all issues, so he must know all aspects of the bank’s work, and also be quite friendly and responsive, and have a pleasant appearance.

The resume of a cashier as an operator is prepared in the same way as for bank employees: higher education in economics, computer knowledge and office programs, experience in a similar position. Since this work is quite difficult psychologically (a constant influx of people, and everyone needs to smile, while performing their duties efficiently), indicate in your resume such qualities as resistance to stress and attentiveness, organization and non-conflict.

See also other resume examples:

Download a sample resume for a cashier:

Dudko Olga Borisovna
(Olga B. Dudko)

Target: obtaining the position of cashier-operator.


September 2009 – May 2014 Institute international relations, Faculty of Economics and Management, specialty - Banking, Specialist Diploma (full-time study).



January 2010 – May 2014 Yunost Cinema, Kyiv.
Functional responsibilities:
— sale of tickets to visitors;
— accepting reservations;
— cash register inventory;
- maintaining document flow during shifts.

Cashier operator

August 2014 – present, CB “Deposit-Bank”, Kiev.
Functional responsibilities:
- exchange foreign currencies;
— accepting payments;
— loan repayment;
— cash collection;
— consulting clients on banking services;
— work with payment documents.

Professional skills:

— Knowledge of PCs, MS Office programs, specialized banking programs;
— Knowledge of regulations governing banking activities;
- Attention to detail;
- Stress resistance;
— Language skills: Russian, Ukrainian fluently; English - with a dictionary.

Personal qualities:

Punctuality, decency, good appearance.
Kindness, high responsibility.
Ability to organize work time.
Ability to avoid conflict situations, establish contact with clients.

additional information:

Family status: Married.
Children: no.
Bad habits: no.

We hope that the sample resume we compiled for a cashier and operator helped you in creating your resume for a job. Return to section..

The work of a cashier today is needed in many areas of activity, shops, restaurants, banks, enterprises, hospitals and so on. Are you looking for a cashier job? Think about which one you would like to work for and start preparing your cashier resume.

The most important requirement of an employer for a cashier is attentiveness, perseverance and resistance to stress. A good plus you will have an economic education, if you graduated from a technical school or institute, or regular courses - be sure to indicate this in your resume, this will indicate that you can work with documents and calculations.

The main responsibility of a cashier is to handle cash. Show your confidence in your resume by being as brief as possible, highlighting your skills and work experience, and then it will definitely be noticed.

See also other resume examples:

Rudenko Maria Viktorovna
(Maria V. Rudenko)

Target: filling the position of cashier.


September 1995 - May 1998 Mechanical Engineering College, Moscow, Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship, specialty - Accounting, Junior Specialist Diploma (full-time).

Additional education:

April 2010 - Courses 1C: Accounting



June 2000 – December 2005 Garment factory “Darina”, Moscow.
Functional responsibilities:
— carrying out cash transactions, issuing and accepting cash;
- management cash book;
- inventory retail outlets;
- work with cash register.


April 2005 – May 2010 MEDGARANT Diagnostic Center, Moscow.
Functional responsibilities:
— accepting cash, issuing checks;
— conducting an inventory of the cash register;
- records management;
- drawing up reports.

Senior cashier

May 2010 – January 2015 MEDGARANT Diagnostic Center, Moscow.
Functional responsibilities:
— monitoring the activities of cashiers of city branches;
— collection, inventory;
- recruitment;
- maintaining a cash book.

Professional skills:

- Knowledge of PC, 1C, email. mail, internet;
— Ability to work with money;
- Analytical thinking;
High level responsibility;
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - with a dictionary.

Personal qualities:

Organized, persevering, hardworking.
Punctuality, intelligence, decency.
Resistance to stress, ability to focus on a task.

Additional information:

Family status: Married.
Do you have children.
Possibility of business trips: no.

We hope that the sample cashier resume we compiled helped you in creating your resume for a job. Return to section..

The senior cashier must not only have excellent knowledge of his area of ​​work, but also be able to effectively organize and establish the work process. If you want to take this leadership position, then you need to create an attractive resume.

Obtaining the title of “senior” is not easy, and it is possible only with the necessary experience behind you - so this is the first thing the employer will pay attention to, and this is what you should colorfully describe in your resume. It’s very good if you have experience in managing a team, but if you don’t have any, don’t worry, check your organizational abilities in your skills. Also indicate your level of PC proficiency and knowledge of document management, because you will have a lot of administrative and paperwork, and you must assure the future manager that you can handle it without problems. As for personal qualities, focus on those that will undoubtedly show you in the best light.

See also other resume examples:

Romanova Elena Alexandrovna
(Elena A. Romanova)

Target: filling the position of senior cashier.


September 1995 - May 1998 College of Economics and Law, Alexandria, Faculty of Management, specialty - Office Management, Junior Specialist Diploma (full-time).



April 2000 – May 2003 Supermarket “Orange”, Kyiv.
Functional responsibilities:
— cash and settlement services for clients;
- work in trading floor;
- participation in inventory.

Cashier of the trading floor

January 2004 – March 2006, Children's World store, Alexandria.
Functional responsibilities:
— sales of goods;
— carrying out cash and non-cash payments;
— closing of the cash day;
- submission of reports.

Cashier, since 2010 - senior cashier

August 2006 – February 2012, “Everything for Repair” store, Alexandria.
Functional responsibilities:
— carrying out cash and non-cash payments with clients;
— opening and closing of the cash day;
tax reports;
— collection and inventory Money;
— reconciliation with the bank;
— control of cashiers’ work;
- drawing up work schedules.

Professional skills:

— Excellent PC skills, knowledge of office programs, KASA-plus, 1C;
— Ability to organize an effective work process;
— Knowledge of document flow;
— Language skills: Russian, Ukrainian fluently.

Personal qualities:

Attentiveness, organization, high responsibility.
Discipline, activity, initiative.
Politeness, perseverance, fairness.

Additional information:

Family status: Married.
Do you have children.
Possibility of business trips: no.
Ability to work at night: no.

We hope that the senior cashier resume sample we compiled helped you in creating your resume for work. Return to section..

A cashier is a very responsible profession, since not only the safety of funds, but also the customer’s impressions of the work of a given company or enterprise depend on him. Politeness, attentiveness, high professional skills, conscientious performance of their duties and a presentable appearance - this is what employers expect from applicants for this position. All of the above must be stated in the resume of the applicant for the vacancy. Here, in the resume, a photograph must be attached.

It's no secret that a cashier is, first of all, a financial responsible person, which must be able to competently carry out many financial transactions, such as receiving, accounting and inventory of goods, issuing funds, collection, and reporting on transactions performed. All this requires certain knowledge and skills.
If a person gets a job as a cashier in a store, then his functions may include other responsibilities, especially if the store is small. For example, a cashier can also be a sales assistant.
The job of a cashier-operator is much more difficult. banking institution. An applicant for this position must be able not only to perform various financial transactions, but also be able to politely and competently communicate with clients, be resistant to stressful situations. This requires greater concentration when working in the database, making payments and maintaining control over accounts. If you are a competent, knowledgeable and purposeful person, then it is from the position of cashier that your rise up the career ladder can begin.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with an example of a cashier resume.

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