The killer of the organized criminal group “Zhilka” Alexei Snezhinsky, nicknamed “Snowball”, talks about the profession of a hired killer. OPG "Zhilka"


Today in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, at the trial on the case of the Sevastopol group, the court interrogated the mothers of the dead bodyguards of Khaidar Zakirov (Hayder), his wife and cousin, who said that he saved the Dragon and killed Haider. Reporting from the court is the correspondent of "BUSINESS Online".


Today, the prosecution interrogated witnesses in the case of the attempt on the life of the leader of the Zhilka group Khaidara Zakirova(Haider) in St. Petersburg in 1995. Then Hyder was only wounded, but two of his bodyguards died - Igor Nikolaev And Anatoly Varlamov. The "Sevastopol" shot them with machine guns at the moment when Hyder and his bodyguards were taking the elevator to their rented apartment. The role of the killers was played by the "senior Sevastopol" Rustem Saimanov And Andrey Barinov.

The mothers of the dead "Zhilkovskys" were the first to testify. They said that they had no idea that their sons were in the Zhilka group, although, of course, there were suspicions. They didn’t know for what purpose their sons flew on “business trips” to St. Petersburg and for what they killed their sons ...

According to Nikolaev's mother, her son arranged a rather magnificent wedding for those times. Where he got the money for her, she does not know, but she is sure that her son paid for this magnificent wedding celebration with “business trips” to St. Petersburg.

Before the last business trip, where he was killed, he told me that he was flying there for the last time and he didn’t owe them anything anymore,” the woman said.

Of the listed names of the murdered "Zhilkovskys", she recognized only the surname Shirshova, whom the "Sevastopol" kidnapped and killed. According to the witness, Shirshov was a classmate of her son. Despite the facts, mothers still do not believe that their sons were in the group.


The wife of the murdered leader of the "Vein" Galina Zakirova, as in the previous trial, was laconic. She stated that she did not know about her husband's participation in the group, and even more so that he was its leader. Which, of course, is rather strange - the whole of Kazan knew about it at that time.

According to Khaidar Zakirov's wife, her husband was engaged in commercial activities in St. Petersburg. However, where exactly he lived, she does not know. According to her, she learned about the attempt on her husband from him himself - he called her and said that he was wounded and was in the hospital. Leaving her mother's daughter, Galina, in her fifth month of pregnancy, went to St. Petersburg, where she cared for her husband. When asked what happened, Hyder told her that the injury was just an accident. When asked if her husband had a guard Zakirov answered categorically - no.


Haider's cousin Mars Zalyaletdinov was more talkative. If other witnesses sometimes forgot their testimony at the last trial, referring to the past tense, Zalyaletdinov, who introduced himself clearly as a military pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, gave out his last year's testimony literally word for word.

Khaidar Zakirov is my cousin on my mother’s side, we grew up together, since childhood I know him well - he gave more cracks, - said Zalyaletdinov.

However, at first he himself was far from everything that his relative was doing, since in 1986 he left to study at a military school. After that there was military service, two "hot spots", and then, in 1991, he was transferred to work as an operative in Omsk. Only after he was transferred to Kazan as an operative did he learn about conflicts between gangs, in particular, between Zhilka and Sevastopol. Upon learning that the leader of Zhilka was his cousin, Mars Zalyaletdinov wrote a report about this, after which he was removed from operational work and transferred to the district police - "to work with drunks."

But I am not offended by the authorities, they are not offended by fools, - said a relative of the murdered authority.

“Haydar was a very good leader! Without education, an ordinary kid, made "Zhilka" an authoritative group. I told him, you need to manage the enterprise. Their discipline was serious, even the army was far from them, and even more so the police. There one speaks - everyone listens, no one climbs forward. None of them drank or smoked, everyone went in for sports,” said Zalyaletdinov.


Speaking about the criminal wars of the 90s, Zalyaletdinov said that in 1995 "Zhilka" was at enmity with the "Sevastopol" - people from the groups "Nizy", "Boriskovo", "Quarter". Speaking directly about the Dragon, Haider had a conflict with him when the Dragon popped on the "dummies" because of the Moscow market. As you know, the Dragon then served time, but was "red", that is, he collaborated with the administration of the colony. But Haider lived in black and did not recognize the authority of the Dragon.

According to Zalyaletdinov, the war between "Zhilka" and "Sevastopol" began in connection with the disappearance of a certain Fleur and the murder of the leader of the "dummies" OPS Cheese, who controlled the Moscow market of Kazan. At the same time, today the investigation proved that the murder of the latter was initiated by Haider himself. Also, according to Zalyaletdinov, the “Zhilkovskys” adhered to the unwritten law to the last: do not touch the families and loved ones of their enemies.

That is why Radik Dragon remained alive, he was then saved by a child, the “Zhilkovskys” stopped shooting when he was in the line of fire,” the witness said emotionally.

It is interesting that, according to brother Haider, one of his main enemies among the "Sevastopol" Haider still considered Radik Yusupov - the Dragon. Hyder accused the "draconians" of killing all his people.


According to Zalyaletdinov, he twice tried to stop the conflict between the groups himself, offered to go to Moscow and offer "Sevastopol" peace. But Haider refused, citing the fact that his brother from Moscow would not return alive, and there could be no peace - too many "Zhilkovskys" were killed - "they simply would not understand him."

And soon Zalyaletdinov found out about Haider's conversation with one of the high-ranking officials of the Tatarstan Ministry of Internal Affairs - and realized that his brother was doomed.

He suggested that Haider divide the city in half, to which Haidar replied: I will take the whole city for myself, Zalyaletdinov admitted. - He wanted to be looking at the region. But I told him that he had made terrible enemies and would lose in the fight against the authorities. I suggested that he run abroad. But he did not listen to me, he said: I will survive. Did not work out.

An interesting moment in the interrogation was the confession of the witness that after the death of Haider, he learned from one person about the impending explosion of the Sevastopol Hotel. And, without checking the facts, he reported this to the operatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If I found out that they want to mine the Dragon's car, I would not lift a finger, but innocent people could die in the hotel, - said a relative of the murdered "authority".

Timur Gainutdinov

The time of the formation of the organized criminal group "Zhilka", which united about twenty groups in the northwestern part of Kazan, falls on the end of the seventies of the now last century. The most famous was founded by the famous crime boss (Haider). It was he who commanded the Haider Yard brigade, which is considered to be the progenitor of the future grouping. Zhilka got its name from the name of the Kazan microdistrict Zhilploshchadka, the original place of residence of most of its founders.

Among other groups in Kazan, it was distinguished by exorbitant cruelty. From the very beginning, Hyder selected combat-ready and disciplined boys and raised them in his own way. He taught the "fighters" not to forgive insults - they supposedly need to wash it off with blood, so even ten-year-olds were required to always have knives with them.

Anyone who could not demonstrate a pike during the control search was severely beaten. But the excessive initiative of the groupers was not encouraged. So, a “colleague” who shot two women and a child “out of nothing to do” was found some time later killed far outside the city: they were sentenced to their own.

One of the first "Zhilkovskaya" began to acquire firearms.
For the time being, the group accumulated strength, preferring not to get involved in fights. She began to carry out her first “operations” at the Orgsintez plant: most of the parents and familiar groupers worked at this largest enterprise, and the bandits were well aware of the plant’s plans, product movements, prices for it ... High-pressure polyethylene crumb turned out to be a super profitable product. Embezzlement on an especially large scale, in which corrupt officials were also involved, well replenished the bandit "common fund".

Gradually, they began to learn about Zhilka outside their native Moscow region. Even the arrest of Haider did not stop the ascent of a young, but early group to the heights of criminal power. And with his release, the gang became the center. According to operational data, the commodity flows of the old patrimony of Orgsintez JSC have passed under the control of the organized crime group. Haider's chaps lit up at AvtoVAZ, the Kazan Helicopter Plant entered the sphere of their interests.

Hyder himself quickly enough became a symbol of constant aggression and brazen seizure of foreign territories. He easily violated even those orders that he himself established. Any dissent of his comrades-in-arms was perceived by Zakirov as undermining his authority and severely punished. Being the recognized leader of the organized criminal group "Zhilka", he tried to unite the main city groups, to create a city "common fund". It is not surprising that very soon it became crowded in Kazan. Too many of his activity was across the throat. In addition, many knew how to shoot in Kazan, and there were fewer and fewer free "sweet" pieces. Haider's energetic nature demanded new space for activity, and in the early nineties he decided to move to St. Petersburg.

I must say that in the northern capital there was no shortage of criminals. The huge sums that circulated in commercial enterprises and intermediary firms that thrived like mushrooms after rain attracted criminals and bandits of all stripes. "Tambovtsy", "Malyshevtsy", "Azerbaijanis", "Chechens" with their constant showdowns brought a lot of trouble to St. Petersburg law enforcement agencies.

In St. Petersburg, Hyder formed his own group, which was based on his associates from his homeland. Together with three semi-autonomous clans, they made up the "Kazan representation" in the underworld of Northern Palmyra. The Kazan lads quickly won their place in the sun and confidently shared the second or third place in the criminal hierarchy of the city with the Tambovites. It was with them that in 1993 the “Tatars” broke out a war for control over the trade in petroleum products. Then the "Kazans" lost three people, but they managed to significantly push back competitors in this super-profitable business.

In the summer of next year, the "Tatars" deftly took advantage of the temporary weakening of their permanent fellow competitors and took the Nevsky Palace Hotel under their "roof". Then the "Mercedes" of the leader of the "Tambovites" Vladimir Kumarin was shot, his driver and bodyguard were killed. Coumarin himself was badly wounded. On the same day, the Tambovites also suffered significant losses from law enforcement agencies - the local RUOP detained several dozen militants. The story with the Nevsky Palace spoiled relations between the two groups for a long time.

But the "Tatars" also suffered losses. Two recognized leaders went to forced retirement - Martin, who had headed the "Tatar" group since the eighties, and Kzhizhevich. It was possible to save the captured positions of the OCG to a large extent thanks to Haider, who was a close friend of both authorities.

Zakirov enjoyed uncommon prestige among the members of the organized criminal group in St. Petersburg and the Tambov gang, and therefore, in the event of conflicts between the Kazan gang and the locals, they were forced to turn to Haider for help. Here is one such example - the case of the Gilamov brigade. Just at this time, the latter so annoyed everyone with the lawlessness of his people that the “Petersburg” and “Tambov” (for what they themselves are not angels!) gave the last warning to the “Gilamov” people. Like, if they make one more mistake, they will all be shot. Only the personal intervention of Haider made it possible to extinguish the conflict.

Under his leadership, "Kazans" not only continued to subjugate commercial structures and the automotive market, but also showed interest in banking. According to operational data, they came close to completely subjugating the Rossiya Bank and even made an attempt to create their own financial structure. It is possible that one of the reasons for the failure was Haider's natural distrust of any outside specialists.

By 1994, Zhilka had already firmly established itself in St. Petersburg. Nevsky Prospekt with all its firms and shops was added to the former estates. Attempts by the Tambov group to take Nevsky were successfully repulsed. Hyder personally “bred” competitors, drawing prospects for them: “Which would you rather be shot or blown up?”

By this time, Zhilka had become one of the most influential groups in the country. In addition to Tatarstan (here the obshchak was regularly replenished by numerous commercial enterprises and state organizations, including banks and factories) and St. Petersburg, the Zhilkinskys had stable interests in the Volga region and Moscow (they took control of the north of the capital, including the port with warehouses, oil terminals, gas stations, restaurants and shops). Haider's empire was growing before our eyes, but the authority was clearly not going to stop there.

But, as you know, all powerful empires are sooner or later doomed to collapse. The criminal "Zhilka" did not escape this fate either. The decline of the grouping began in their historical homeland. And the beginning of its end was laid in the late eighties.

When the redistribution of spheres of influence began in Kazan, Lenar Rechapov, who led the Kazan group in the capital, died in Moscow under unclear circumstances. The structure left without a leader was taken over Criminal authority from Kazan named Dragon. He received his nickname for pathological cruelty and bestial vitality. However, outwardly, he looked very respectable - a successful businessman. The favorable impression was slightly spoiled by the Dragon's gait: after being wounded, he limped great.

By the way, the Dragon began simply and unpretentiously. After serving time in the zone, he joined the Kazan group "Teapots", which was then part of the Zhilka group. What kind of conflict occurred between the then inconspicuous Dragon and Hyder is difficult to say, only after a while the Dragon declares Hyder to be his natural enemy. From that moment on, the whole of Kazan was actually divided into two camps: one was for Zhilka, the second was for the Dragon organized crime group. Living next to such an enemy was dangerous, and the Dragon moved to the capital city.

After ascending the "throne" in Moscow, the Dragon, who considered himself the legitimate successor of Rechapov, began to rapidly increase his authority and strengthen his position among the "Tatar lads." Naturally, the rise of Hyder and the strengthening of the Zhilka organized crime group categorically do not suit the Dragon. In addition, Zakirov regularly adds fuel to the fire and does not miss the opportunity to annoy the Dragon.

For example, he sends one of his associates to Moscow with an order to boldly go into conflict with local brigades, to behave impudently, it will be necessary - and not to be afraid of blood. In general, in every possible way to increase his, Heider's, authority.

In 1994, the Dragon goes on the offensive and makes a decisive attack. In Kazan, a large gangway is organized, at which one of the authorities of the Boriskovo organized criminal group receives the role of looking after the city - a thief in law Needles. Hyder is actually taken away from the post to which he appointed himself. The order to liquidate Iglam was issued immediately. From that moment on, a bloody war of thieves begins throughout Russia.

The first loss of "Zhilka" was the thief in law Radik Khusnutdinov (Rakosha), who was Haider's right hand, who was shot dead in Moscow. And off we go. Then the "Zhilkovskys" were killed in Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Hyder rushes about, responds with murders, threatens to avenge each of his dead "fighters".
But gradually the ring around "authority" shrinks. The first assassination attempt on Haider took place in the summer of 1995. Then, late in the evening, in the entrance of the house where Zakirov rented an apartment, such a scene occurred. A girl with a dog came out onto the landing and saw two unfamiliar men in spotted uniforms and masks. Strangers advised her to leave quickly, saying that there would be a lot of noise now.

The killers (those two in camouflage were contract killers) closed the contacts of the moving elevator, and it flew non-stop to the top, twelfth floor of the house, its doors opened automatically. Zakirov was saved only by the fact that fellow travelers were traveling with him in the elevator cabin - four more people. As soon as the elevator doors opened, heavy fire from two machine guns hit the passengers. Hyder received five bullets in the shoulder and chest. The bulk of the shots were taken by Haider's fellow travelers. One of them, falling, hit the elevator button with his hand, the automatics worked, the doors closed. Subsequently, 80 bullet wounds were found on the bodies of two of Haider's comrades who were closest to the door.

Haider and another of his associates were immediately sent to the hospital. According to investigators, in the hospital itself and on its territory, private security guards were posted under the leadership of a former KGB officer, who did not let anyone through to the wounded man, except for the prosecutor's office investigator.

The second act of this drama took place three hours after Haider's arrival at the hospital. The killers figured out the window of his chamber and fired at him with a grenade launcher. The explosion destroyed the room, but shortly before that, Zakirov was transferred to another ward. It is said that when the plaster fell down, Haider opened his eyes and said: "This is for me." He had less than a year to live...

To heal the wounds, the “Zhilkovsky” authority went to Sevastopol, where Kazan guests had long been known and cordially received. Having come to his senses, the bandit decided to return to his homeland. Kazan RUOP was preparing to arrest an elusive criminal authority. But there was an informant who warned Haider of the danger. He went to St. Petersburg, where he was killed in August 1996.

The moment of the murder was reminiscent of a scene from a Hollywood action movie. Haider was leaving the store and had already approached the Volvo that was waiting for him when machine gun fire hit from behind the bushes. It was a distraction. Zakirov's bodyguards were distracted and left the boss without side cover. The driver's head was smashed into the first one, the bodyguard was killed by the second. The street was covered with clouds of smoke - smoke bombs worked. Several snipers fired at once from different points, so Haider had no chance of surviving. The first bullet hit him in the neck, the second pierced his head. The killer completed the case with a machine gun, which had previously been hiding in the entrance. Thus ended the earthly journey of perhaps the most famous Kazan authority.

After Hyder's assassination, peace was concluded between the criminal empires. But the struggle for the "throne" within the group unfolded. Authorities released from places of detention claimed the place of the late boss, but the "crown princes" died one after another. During the hostilities, according to various estimates, between eighty and one hundred and fifty people were killed and went missing. The “Zhilka”, bled white by the war, broke up into several independent groups and began to rapidly lose its won positions. Soon, the law enforcement agencies of Tatarstan also took up Zhilka.

In the course of work on the Zhilkinsky case, the security forces managed to uncover many crimes of past years, including several contract killings. The oldest of them dates back to 1995. Then the Kazan thief in law Viktor Mikhailov (Ambal) was released from prison and planned to return home. The authority of the thief was incomparably higher than that of Haider, whom Kingpin called a bandit from the high road.

According to investigators, "Zhilka" immediately organized an attempt on a competitor. Mikhailov was shot from automatic weapons in his own house. But Ambal miraculously survived and was taken to the 7th city hospital. Five days later, two dressed in police uniforms appeared there and opened fire on the wounded from the threshold. The wife of the deceased, who was sitting near his bed, was injured.

In the spring of 2000, in Orsk (Orenburg region), on the order of the local Korchagi organized criminal group, the Zhilkovskys shot Gennady Khvatlandziya (Gene the Beast, Abkhazian), an approximate authoritative Moscow businessman, to death. The “Korchagovtsy” unsuccessfully tried to blow up the Abkhazian or shoot him with machine guns, but then they turned to recognized professionals.

At the presentation of the book "Gangster Tatarstan" came lawyers, judges and an employee of the Arsky cemetery who "buried Haider"

What was the reaction of singer Grigory Leps to the publication of his photo with the Kazan "Dragon", where the original of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was destroyed, and why the authors of the book "Gangster Tatarstan" needed the skulls of criminals of the 19th century - the writers themselves told about this the day before to fans and critics of their work. At the presentation, a brisk sale of the "gangster" series was carried out. The correspondent of Realnoe Vremya also asked questions to the authors of the bestsellers together with the readers.

Kazan Cain and lethal flogging

The meeting of writers with readers was scheduled in a bookstore, but it took place next to it, in a noisy shopping center lobby. Before the start, an employee of the store announced to the audience that in the sales rating of the Kniga+ network, the two-volume book Gangster Kazan written by Kazan in 2015 outperformed such world bestsellers as Shantaram by Gregory Roberts and 50 Shades Darker by Erica James.

The deputy chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan and the senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Republic of Tatarstan began their conversation with readers by saying that they intend to continue the successful series. Maxim Belyaev said that he had already managed to write the first chapter for the new book - "Kazan Cain". It is about a gang of police major Alexander Abakumov, who received a life sentence for the murder of four people in the late 90s. He shot his own brother out of envy, strangled, drowned and set fire to three members of a strange family together with accomplices out of self-interest. The bandits did not spare even a 5-year-old girl.

“I just started the second chapter, it is more solid. There we will talk about the crimes that were committed from 1837 to 1849. Before the revolution, the history of the gang of Bykov and Chaikin was well known, now, I think, it is undeservedly forgotten, ”said Belyaev and, without going into the criminal “exploits” of his heroes, stopped at their finale:

At that time, the death penalty was abolished. And they were punished in the form of 12 thousand and 11 thousand blows with gauntlets - these are rods that should not have been too thick in thickness so that they could inflict more injuries. These were the punishments in tsarist Russia ... They could not stand it - one died during a flogging, the other in the hospital. But the most interesting thing is that their skeletons were placed in a museum.

Skeletons of criminals got into the university anatomy not by chance. In those days, the average height of a man was only 1 meter 65 cm - and the leader of the Bulls gang fit into it, but his assistant Chaikin, with a height of 1.95 m, stood out sharply and even thought he was sick of gigantism. With the permission of the administration of KSMU, the authors of the book would like to restore their appearance from the skulls of the "authorities" of the past and use the pictures in the next book. “Earlier this was done with the help of plasticine, now, thank God, there is a laboratory in Kazan that does it in 3D computer format,” said the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In gangster Kazan, not all bandits!

The co-author of the judge, Andrey Sheptytsky, a journalist and employee of the Sledkom, is now working on the history of the Chelny organized criminal group "29th complex" - according to the verdict of this gang and the materials of the criminal case, which had not previously had much publicity. “I would also like to dwell on the history of the Kazan group “Novo-Tatar”. One of those involved said that their organization originated from those rather bloody fistfights that were held in the winter of the century before last on Lake Kaban,” Sheptytsky said.

The first question from the audience concerned access to the documents of criminal cases. “How did you manage to get permission for such a detailed description, because our society does not paint the presence of such a shadow life in any way?” - asked the reader. And he received an answer that in our time no permission is needed and, according to Belyaev, anyone can make a request to the National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan, get access to the materials of old cases and ... write their own book. The difficulty is only in translating the “rough language of the protocol” into understandable to everyone and clothe it in a literary form.

The presentation was attended by Pavel Kondratyev (in the center), who considered the case of the Kaluga organized criminal group in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan

Then one elderly reader began to resent the title of the books, saying why the authors denounced the whole of Kazan and the glorious republic. Maxim Belyaev objected that “Gangster Kazan” is just the title of the book: “No one calls our city that, just like the name of the Sportivny Mir store will not make the whole world sporty.” Another adviser from the audience demanded that Belyaev and Sheptytsky expose political criminals in their books, namely, “a gang of Trotskyists who invaded Russia, started organizing a revolution for us, brought misfortune, ruin and famine ...” Further, he suggested writing about what was happening on Ukraine and said that he had to participate in their (Trotskyist - approx. ed.) collection. In response, I received a counter offer - to try to write about it myself.

The authors reacted more favorably to the question of an intelligent lady. She asked if you were going to write the story of the destruction of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, because the criminal cut the real icon into pieces and sold the silver frame? “This is absolutely true! - confirmed the deputy chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. “Recently, they even established the place where it was destroyed to make it easier to navigate - this is Lesgaft Street, 50 meters from the Vakhitovsky District Court.” According to Belyaev, there is a desire to write about this crime, though not in the next book. It just so happened that the shrine was destroyed in 1904 by the atheist Chaikin, the namesake of the criminal whose skull the authors of "Gangster Tatarstan" would like to temporarily seize...

"Wait for Rambo to meet readers"

At the presentation of "Gangster Tatarstan" director of TNV Ilshat Aminov, several well-known Kazan journalists and heroes of the book from among investigators, lawyers, prosecutors and judges were noticed. A retired judge, Pavel Kondratiev, came to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan to consider the case of the Kaluga organized crime group, the history of which is described in the chapter “Kings of one-armed bandits”.

The former defender of Muzalevsky came to the presentation of the booklawyer Timur Belyakov

Also at the event was seen a lawyer of the liquidated Agora Association, and in the past an investigator of the prosecutor's office, Ramil Akhmetgaliev, who was investigating the murder in 2000 of the director of 21st Century Plus LLC Konstantin Dunaev. The first to shoot at Dunaev was his own deputy, kidnapped by the Kazan Rambo brigade, aka Igor Muzalevsky. At the request of Muzalevsky, the murder was filmed on a video camera. The filmmaker himself, caught the other day in Kazan after escaping from a colony, refused to be interviewed on a video camera. By the way, before his arrest, colleagues of one of the authors of the "gangster" series joked: "Wait for Rambo to meet with readers." But the bandit was returned to the colony, and his former defender, Kazgorduma deputy and lawyer Timur Belyakov, came to the presentation of the book.

“Thank God that this person did not get to the operational space,” Andrey Sheptytsky shared with readers. When asked by a journalist from Realnoe Vremya how the heroes of the criminal tandem were assessed, Sheptytsky said that the leader of the Hadi Taktash group, Radik Galiakberov (Radzha), read Gangster Kazan with interest, but did not express enthusiasm for the events described.

cemetery stories

Maxim Belyaev recalled that readers can report their opinion on what they read by e-mail, its address is indicated in the books. Such feedback helped, for example, to obtain and publish pictures of the convicted leader of the Sevastopol organized crime group Radik Yusupov (aka Dragon) together with Grigory Leps at the Arsk cemetery in July 2014 and June 2015. Sources of Realnoe Vremya assure that the criminal and the singer visited the grave of a mutual friend. Moreover, the Dragon at that time was listed as serving a sentence in the Mamadysh colony-settlement.

Feedback from readers helped to get pictures of Radik Yusupov together with Grigory Leps

Readers were interested in how Leps took the compromising evidence. Maxim Belyaev complained that he did not personally know the singer, but from the words of his entourage he knows: “The reaction was not very positive. Who will like this ... But nevertheless, I think such photos should also be published - people should know the truth. At the meeting, it turned out that they repeatedly tried to influence the authors of the book so that the chapter on “the exploits of the Sevastopol” would not see the light of day. “As far as you can see, the book is in your hands, the head is in place,” the deputy chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tatarstan stated.

An interesting question about the relationship in the writing tandem revealed that when Belyaev and Sheptitsky tried to work on the chapters together, each in their own style, they almost hated each other. It was worth refusing and taking each a chapter - everything was fine.

Then the microphone passed to the man from the first row. “I have been working at the cemetery for 23 years, burying normal people and criminals. And I was faced with such a question as the afterlife of criminals, ”he began and the hall fell silent, waiting for the details of that afterlife, but they did not follow. The gravedigger stated that many heroes of the "gangster" series needed his services. “I was amazed. Of those books that were written, I buried probably 70 percent of criminals in the cemeteries of the city of Kazan ... I buried the same Haider (Khaidar Zakirov, Zhilka OCG) ... This book touched me so much, this is my textbook!

Belyaev, on the other hand, said that no matter how extraordinary the criminals were, they should not be admired.

Over the years, half of Kazan wished him death, but the other still shared his views. Khaidar Zakirov, better known under the nickname Haider, founded and led the gang - the largest organized criminal group in Tatarstan, which was one of the ten largest gangs in Russia.

The future mafioso No. 1 of Tatarstan was born in 1962 on the outskirts of Kazan in the Zhilploshchadka microdistrict, where Khrushchev houses were built for employees of Kazanorgsintez and the Kazan Helicopter Plant. In his youth, unlike his peers, Haidar did not drink or smoke, but hung out on the horizontal bar for hours. Innate audacity, coupled with strong muscles, allowed him to take a leading position among his peers.

mafia octopus

The final recognition of his leadership came after a fight with a strong and older guy. Realizing that he had no chance in a fair fight against the ambal, Zakirov took out a knife and cut the enemy. He retreated, and Haidar, whom the boys called Haider, became an indisputable authority. In those days, the "glory" of another Kazan gang - "" thundered throughout the country, and on the outskirts its cruel shift called "Zhilka" was growing up.

Upon his return from the army, Hyder took a number of steps to enlarge and organize the teenage gangster empire. Smaller gangs poured into Zhilka one after another. Hyder selected the toughest and most unbending guys and put them in foremen. He ordered his “guards” to carry a knife, brass knuckles or fittings with them, suggesting that it was better to sit on the bunk than lie in a coffin. For failure to comply with the order of a member of the group, a severe beating awaited.

In the end, the collision of "Vein" with "Tyap-Lap" turned out to be inevitable, and Hyder himself provoked it. The mass dismantling took place on January 15, 1984 near Lake Lebyazhye. About 60 youth gangs took part in the clash. Despite the victory, Haider had a hard time. Soon he was sentenced to 6 years as the organizer of the riots.
However, the conclusion did not prevent Haider from continuing to steer the gang. Because of the thorn, he passed the babies to the foremen. In the late 1980s, a significant part of Zhilka's income was the theft of polyethylene and crumbs from the Kazanorgsintez plant, where most of the parents of young bandits worked.

Therefore, after his release, Haider did not need to get up to speed for a long time. Two months later, by including new brigades, he increased the number of organized crime groups to a thousand active fighters. It was already a real mafia octopus from two dozen gangs.

Boys vs hucksters

The criminal power prompted Haider to the fact that, upon his release, he declared himself to be in charge of Kazan and the holder of the obshchak. However, the thieves' meeting in Moscow decided otherwise. Since Haider wore soldier's shoulder straps, the title of thief in law was unattainable for him, therefore, at the suggestion of the authoritative businessman Lenar Rechapov, nicknamed Uzkiy, the capital's thieves announced the leader of the Boriskovo organized criminal group Rinat Iglamov to look after Kazan.

When Haider's emissaries came to Rinat demanding that he resign his position in favor of Haider, the thief punched one of them in the face and promised to put an end to Haider. Soon, the killers ambushed the car of the Zhilka boss and shot from machine guns, but only the driver and the security guard were in the cabin, who died. The retaliatory strike followed immediately - Rinat Iglamov was shot dead. But, in addition to the organized crime group "Boriskovo", other Kazan gangs - "Dirt", "56th quarter", "20th courtyard" - came out against "Zhilka".

Radik Yusupov - Dragon

The headquarters of the “oppositionists” was located in Moscow in the Sevastopolskaya Hotel, two floors of which were bought by Uzky. For this, the group received the name Sevastopol, one of the leaders of which, in addition to Uzky, was a criminal authority nicknamed the Dragon.

Naturally, after the murder of Iglamov, Hyder sent killers to Moscow to pacify the rest of the "Sevastopol". From the testimony of the killer of the Zhilka organized crime group Alexei Snezhinsky: “Hayder always lived by the rules. According to them, there are boys, and there are hucksters. It’s a shame for the boys to trade and do business, because this is the occupation of hucksters, who are not even considered people - so, cash cows.

The boys "milked" hucksters, and lived. Haider thought that the “Sevastopol” were not people, but hucksters, and they had no word. Hyder showed Uzky, declaring that he would receive from him like from a huckster. But Uzky refused to pay, and this quarrel was used by Hyder as an excuse to declare all the “Sevastopol” enemies of Zhilka. After that, the "Zhilkovsky" executioners received a bunch of orders. According to Snezhinsky, in the midst of it he kept a notebook where he wrote down the name, address and other information of the “ordered” person. When a "client" was killed, a dash was put in front of his name. The list of the "dead" was personally Hyder. The first victims of the war were the leaders of the Sotsgorod gang, which was located in the same area as Zhilka, but was not part of it.

Alexey Snezhinsky - Snowball, killer Zhilki

However, the "Sevastopol" were not so simple. On October 21, 1994, Zhilkov's killers Andrei Mavrin and Konstantin Shirshov disappeared. Their "BMW" was stopped by four "traffic police inspectors", who turned out to be the people of the Dragon, and brought to the Admiralty settlement. There, for a long time, they knocked out the address of the apartments of Haider and his associates in St. Petersburg, after which
both were shot and the bodies buried.

War of Survival

It was not the “Sevastopol”, but the law of Tatarstan “On Combating Organized Crime” that made it possible to detain members of an organized crime group for 30 days. Taking advantage of the war between the St. Petersburg luminaries - "" and "" organized crime groups, the "Kazan" (as they called Zhilka in St. Petersburg) got their hands on tidbits: the Nevsky Palace hotel, almost all the shops on Nevsky Prospekt, banks and enterprises. In 1993, the "Tambovskaya" were indignant at the impudence of the aliens who encroached on the oil market. The result of the conflict was the murder of three “Kazan”, but they left the dispute with their own interest, and the “Tambov” had to come to terms with their presence in the city.

In February 1995, the leader of the "Sevastopol" Uzky died in Moscow from a heart attack. After that, his assistants called Haider and offered peace, because there is enough space for everyone. But Hyder rejected him, saying that until five “Sevastopol” ones fall for each of his guys, there is nothing to talk about. Soon the new leader of the "Sevastopol" Radik Yusupov
nicknamed the Dragon made it clear to Haider that he rejected this offer in vain.

On October 6, 1995, in St. Petersburg, when the mafiosi was taking the elevator in the house along Engels Avenue, the killers turned off the electricity. The stopped cockpit arrows began to pour lead. Experts later counted 94 bullet holes. But the boss of Zhilka himself remained alive, the bodyguards placed him in a "living cap" from their bodies.
Seriously wounded, but alive, Zakirov was taken to the hospital.

One of his own moved him to a neighboring ward at night, and a grenade “accidentally” flew into the “old” one in the morning. On May 20, 1996, a Sevastopol sniper shot in Moscow the right hand of Haider, the newly minted thief in law Radik Khusnutdinov, nicknamed Rakosha. Hyder had known him since childhood. This murder once again confirmed the idea of ​​the "Zhilkovskys" that the Dragon contracted specialists from the special services for the war with them. Yes, and Haider himself was surprised that the enemies clearly figured out their numerous apartments and made successful assassination attempts.

A sober calculation showed that the elimination of the leader was only a matter of time, and therefore he always and everywhere traveled with security. However, it didn't help. In August 1996, Haider with security got out of the car in the courtyard of a house located in the center of St. Petersburg, and immediately a burst of automatic fire hit from the bushes. The bodyguards "bought" the trick and, leaving the boss without cover, returned fire. But then, from the other side, more shots rang out. The main killers fired from the "Kalash" and sniper rifles through the holes in the basement of the house, which disorientated the guards. One bullet hit Haider in the kneecap, the other, damaging the liver, exited in the lumbar region. The third was accidentally driven into the boss by a seriously wounded guard when he was dragging him to the entrance.

When the bloodied mobster was dragged into the apartment, he was almost a corpse. Paradoxically, the murder of Zakirov was received with relief by both competitors and operatives. Indeed, in the 1990s it was impossible to imprison such a person. After his death, peace was concluded between Zhilka and the Dragons. True, in the "Vein" itself
there was a split for leadership. Having plunged into bloody feuds, they became easy prey for competitors and investigating authorities. The last leader of Zhilka, Yuri Marukhin, was sentenced to life imprisonment, after which the gang ceased to exist.

The criminals who liquidated the well-known authority were arrested after 12 years.
Photo by Artem Zhitenev (NG-photo)

At the end of August, the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor's Office of Tatarstan disseminated information about the disclosure of one of the most high-profile murders of the mid-nineties. 12 years ago, on August 26, 1996, 34-year-old Khaidar Zakirov, the leader of the largest organized criminal community "Zhilka" and, perhaps, one of the most influential "authorities" of the Russian criminal world, was killed in St. Petersburg.

Like in Hollywood

The murder of Zakirov was planned so carefully and executed so brazenly and cynically that it was more like scenes from famous American action movies. The "authority" with the guards left the house and was already approaching the car waiting for him, when automatic bursts were heard from around the corner. Zakirov's bodyguards twitched to the side where they heard the shooting and left their boss without cover. But it was just a distraction. The driver was killed first, with a shot in the head, followed by Zakirov's bodyguards. It all happened so fast that no one could really react. The street was covered with clouds of smoke - smoke bombs worked. Several snipers fired at Zakirov at the same time. The first bullet hit him in the neck, the second in the head. Control shots were fired by a killer who was hiding in the entrance with a machine gun.

After 12 years, two residents of Kazan and one Muscovite confessed to the murder. All three are now arrested, but their names are not disclosed by the investigation.

The future leader of Zhilka, Zakirov, was born in 1962. He grew up in a workers' barracks, in the most "depressive" part of Kazan, on the outskirts of the city. This area is called "Zhilploshchadka", but all its inhabitants are reduced to a short one - "Zhilka". Zakirov's parents gave their son a relatively rare Tatar name - Haidar (with an emphasis on the last syllable), but the boy's friends from childhood called him in their own way, in a fashionable manner - Haider. Under this name, Zakirov entered the criminal history of Russia. Haider grew up very stubborn and daring. He led a healthy lifestyle, did not drink or smoke, which was atypical for his peers from working-class neighborhoods. This already made him stand out from the crowd. Hyder gained authority among the boys when, during a yard fight, he cut his opponent with a knife.

Since the mid-seventies, Kazan youth began to unite in groups. The so-called “Kazan phenomenon” arose, shocking the citizens of the stagnant Brezhnev era. Groupings were formed according to yard and district principles and divided the entire city into "streets" and "courtyards". OCG "Zhilka" was formed by 1985. Zakirov, who by that time had become the head of his own gang, the Haider Yard, wanted to unite the youth of the region. The “Zhilka” included local groups - the Moscow court, the Swedish court, the Nazis, the Bochinsk, the middle courtyard, the ravine courtyard, etc. There are about twenty youth gangs in total. From the very beginning, Zhilka differed from other organized crime groups in its tough discipline. Hyder selected the most combat-ready and inflexible fighters. He obliged his "subordinates" to always carry knives with them and regularly checked how this command was carried out. Those found guilty of not having weapons were severely beaten. "Zhilkovsky" became one of the first in Kazan to acquire firearms.

First walk

In 1984, Hyder ended up in a colony. He was convicted for organizing a mass brawl between youth groups. However, the detention did not prevent the leader of Zhilka from behind bars from leading his wards. The heyday for Hyder and his gang came in the late eighties with the beginning of free market relations.

At first, according to the bandit tradition, the "Zhilkovskys" imposed tribute on all the more or less noticeable entrepreneurs and cooperators in their area. Then the group took control of the largest republican enterprise Organic Synthesis. This plant was located on the territory of the group. Most of the bandits had parents or relatives who worked at this enterprise. Orgsintez produced polyethylene and its derivatives, this product was then in great demand on the market. The enterprise was considered a tidbit, but Haider managed to push back all competitors. The grouping firmly took control of the commodity flows of Orgsintez. Money poured into the group's common fund.

In the courtyard of his home, Haider built a restaurant, which he named after his wife, Reseda. This institution became the headquarters of the "Zhilkovskys", a place of constant gathering of "seniors". By the beginning of the 90s, the group had already spread its influence far beyond the borders of its native Moscow region of Kazan. Even the defense helicopter plant fell into the sphere of their interests. Such vigorous activity "strained", as they say, the rest of the Kazan lads. Hyder has many enemies. But the ambitious and equally diplomatic leader of Zhilka proclaimed the idea of ​​uniting all Kazan groups into one "city obshchak" under his own, of course, "patronage". The idea of ​​association had quite a good intention. According to Haider, united, the groups will keep peace among themselves and will not slide into the abyss of bloody gang wars. But the proposal of the Zhilka leader was not approved. As Haider predicted, the Kazan lads gradually slipped into the abyss of bloody internecine squabbles.

From St. Petersburg to the very outskirts

By the mid-90s, Haider moved to permanent residence in St. Petersburg. By this time, his Vein had become one of the most powerful criminal empires in the country. The group controlled numerous enterprises in Tatarstan, "lit up" throughout the Volga region, in Sevastopol. In Moscow, Zhilka controlled almost the entire northern part of the capital. In St. Petersburg, the Kazanians "turned around" so widely that they moved the Chechen ethnic organized crime group, known for its inhuman cruelty. The Zhilkovskys controlled the trade in oil products in the city, almost the entire Nevsky Prospekt with its shops, and the Nevsky Palace Hotel was in their hands. According to operational data, Kazan came close to completely subjugating one of the largest banks in the country. The enterprising Haider created something like a "stabilization fund" in the group's common fund. Just in case, they kept several million dollars in the stash - for lawyers, bribing officials, unforeseen conflicts with the lads, etc.

In the mid-nineties, Haider had a conflict with fellow countrymen. Radik Yusupov, nicknamed the Dragon, crossed the road to the leader of the Zhilkovskys. After the death of the leader of the Kazan gangsters in Moscow, Lenar Rechapov, nicknamed the Narrow Dragon, headed the "representation of Kazan" in the capital and declared Haider his enemy. Kazan criminals then divided into two camps: the Dragons organized crime group, whose base was the well-known Kazan grouping Teapots, and the Zhilka organized crime group, headed by Haider. A brutal war has begun. The first assassination attempt on Haider took place in 1995. The leader of the “Zhilkovskys” was locked up with four bodyguards in an elevator and shot from machine guns. The killers fired more than 90 bullets at Haider, but he miraculously survived. Doctors counted only five wounds on his body. Upon learning that the leader of the "Zhilkovskys" was alive, the Dragon was furious. Killers were again sent to Haider in the hospital. The killers did not find a better way than to shoot Haider's hospital room with a grenade launcher. But he survived again, a few minutes before the assassination attempt, Haider was transferred to another place.

A year later, Haider was shot dead near his home in St. Petersburg. The killers didn't give him the slightest chance. The leader's death shook Zhilka to its foundations. A fight for leadership began within the group, which actually meant only the end of the influence of the Vein. In 2001, the law enforcement agencies of Tatarstan managed to send to jail almost the entire top of the group - 16 "senior" bandits.

But the ghost of the almighty organized criminal group is still walking around Tatarstan. When the president of the republic, Mintimer Shaimiev, was presented with the products of Tatarstan enterprises, among which was the famous Gzhelka vodka brand, the president shuddered. "Vein"?" Shaimiev asked. “No, Mintimer Sharipovich, Gzhelka,” the interlocutor of the president of Tatarstan corrected himself.

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