Chinese numerology by date of birth calculation. And now - the meaning of numbers in Chinese numerology

The science of the magical meaning of numbers has developed since ancient times in a variety of cultures. The Celestial Empire was no exception - that’s what Ancient China was called. It was here that Chinese numerology was created, which is still one of the most logical, consistent and effective systems of knowledge of the world and its patterns.

Chinese school of numerological tradition

The modern numerological concept in China is not far from the ancient traditional rules for interpreting the numbers of their combinations. Any meaning of numbers in China is still widely recognized as valid today; the bearers of this culture are very attentive to all numerical values ​​that come into their lives.

The peculiarity of Chinese numbers also lies in the phonetics of the melodic Chinese language. You can write a number in one hieroglyph, but read it in different ways. Depending on the tone and pronunciation, the number can cause associations with something negative or, conversely, happy and kind.

The key concept of the Chinese worldview, philosophy and culture is “yin” and “yang”, two opposite energies, symbols of the masculine and feminine principles. Combining together, they generate the life-giving energy “qi”. Since ancient times, it has been the custom that even numbers are a reflection of “yang”, the active, offensive masculine principle. And “yin” is symbolized by all odd numbers - this hypostasis of “qi” is difficult to fully understand, as well as to grasp the passive and elemental energies of the feminine essence. Therefore, odd numbering always had a more gloomy, unhappy connotation and was not popular. The Chinese love evenness in everything.

Guess the lucky number

How do residents of the Middle Kingdom play the lottery and what numbers are considered successful? In this case, people use a very simple system for determining successful combinations. It is based on the sound component of numbers. Thus, six, eight and nine have become the favorite symbols of luck in China - and the oddity of the latter does not interfere here at all.

Tip: nine gold coins on a chain or beads with six gold balls will be a good symbol that attracts financial success, you can also wear charm pendants on your wrist with money symbols in the amount of 6-7-8.

Give wisely and thoughtfully

In China, the culture of giving is very developed - the country's residents attach a great social role to any gifts and souvenirs, not to mention large, expensive gifts. To give a gift, people also carefully select certain days for this purpose. After all, the recipient can also take into account the date of the gift and will be unpleasantly surprised if he is given a gift on a lunar day or date that promises trouble or illness. Such a gift may not be accepted, and this may give rise to mutual conflict.

Double happiness and love: deuce

A deuce will bring love, a harmonious marriage and happiness for lovers. According to Chinese beliefs, this figure combines the forces of “yin” and “yang”. It contains the balance of masculine and feminine, mutual understanding occurs. Dual symbols and decorations always accompany the wedding procession, family rarities and gifts. For marriages, gifts are given in pairs: rings, candles, figurines of animals, birds or pillows. Particularly respected are paraphernalia depicting a pair of mandarin ducks, which embody marital fidelity and inseparability - figurines, picturesque scrolls, toys.

The philosophy of harmonizing space, which also came from China, is Feng Shui, which is still gaining popularity to this day. According to this tradition, paired items in the interior will bring good luck to the owners of the house. For marital happiness and harmony, it is recommended to bring paired fruits to the bedroom - tangerines, oranges or flowers. To conceive a child, they give symbols associated with paired pomegranates, signifying fertility and abundance. Particularly powerful support for the birth of children is provided by images of dragons hung by the bed or mirrored dragon figurines on the wall.

Deadly Potential: The Grim Four

The number 4 is not popular in China - it is avoided whenever possible wherever possible. The point is in the sound combination - by ear this figure practically coincides with the word “death”. Accordingly, rationally thinking Chinese assigned this number an extremely negative meaning. Few people in China would agree to live in a house or apartment number 4. And if there are four people in a family, then a circle is drawn around the house to neutralize the influence of gloomy numerological symbolism. This is perhaps the unluckiest number in China.

Advice: If you travel to China, consider the reputation of the four and do not give gifts in this amount, and also do not order four dishes at a restaurant or do not use this number in calculations.

Six is ​​a help in overcoming obstacles, a real helper to all hardworking and decent Chinese. It brings calm and confidence in a successful result, and will help you get through problematic periods. The Chinese have the habit of carrying six coins tied with a scarlet ribbon - for good luck, fortunately, Chinese money has suitable holes in the middle for such a protective practice. You can store six coins inside a wallet or in a piggy bank - this attracts money.

Eight is the real “number of fate” according to Chinese beliefs. After all, the word “eight” is consonant with another word – “infinity”. Therefore, this lucky number in China is not like two, which clearly attracts monetary gains. The hieroglyph is written on wallets, jewelry, worn on a piece of paper with the image, or hung in the office to attract the energy of success.

It became a big holiday for the whole country - after all, it is a great honor for China, which has long dreamed of becoming the host of the main sporting event in the world. The date for the start of the Olympic Games was appropriate - August 8, 2008. And the start time of the first competition was set at 8 hours 8 minutes and 8 seconds in the evening of the first day.

Odd numbers don't mean trouble

Odd brings with it sadness and melancholy, but not necessarily real trouble. It should be clarified that odd numbers are a symbol of sensations, experiences, emotions with a negative connotation, and not their cause, but this area can be subject to us. Therefore, getting an odd plane or theater ticket is not a sign of trouble, but of some gloomy experiences, which is tolerable.

Number seven

Seven has a very controversial understanding in Chinese culture. Some people associate it with anger, others with refusal and denial. It is often a symbol of separation, during which some kind of abandonment of one party from the other is often manifested.

Number nine

The positive, lucky energy of the Nine promises to bring a long and happy life, close to eternity in nirvana. But a lot depends on the subtext and context. In the Ancient Celestial Empire, the nine meant symbols of imperial power and adorned the Forbidden City and the Imperial Palace in various forms. There were nine dragon walls that protected the ruler and strengthened his influence. And in the entire Beijing Palace there are 9999 manifestations of nine.

28 in China

Since the number eight brings prosperity, and the number two brings harmony, then 28 is the dream of every Chinese person. On December 28th there is a holiday of the winter solstice, when everyone starts having fun and leaving their jobs. Any events on the 28th or 28th lunar day bring positive results; the Chinese love these dates very much.

In China, they pay very close attention to the date of birth of a child and try by all means to avoid his birth on negative calendar dates. Astrologers are not left without work: they either need to predict the compatibility of future spouses based on their date of birth, or choose the appropriate period for the conception and birth of children.

Starting from the date of birth, almost all significant and even insignificant events in human destiny are carefully analyzed from the point of view of numerology. Getting a job, conceiving a child, opening a new company or a housewarming party, weddings and funerals, going to school - not a single event is complete without the Chinese family thinking through to the smallest detail the date, time and number of guests. After all, some numbers will definitely bring happiness, joy and good luck, while others are programmed for unhappy events, troubles and losses, illness and grief.

Which floor you won't find in Beijing

Tetraphobia is a direct consequence of the popularity of Chinese numerology in the Middle Kingdom. This term refers to the fear of the number 4 and everything associated with it. In fact, every building has a corresponding floor, but you won't find that floor on the elevator board. It is not numbered four or residential premises are not placed on it. No one lives in house No. 4 - there are no such people on the real estate market, unless they are foreigners. Instead of four, you can see the numbering “3a” or simply skipping this number for the fourth floor.

Tip: If you get into a Chinese elevator and don't see the button for the fourth floor, don't be alarmed. In most cases, it is indicated by the “3 a” button or a letter.


Chinese numerology gives knowledge of the basics of interaction with the world, gives meaning to everything and provides a person with many opportunities to build a safe and conscious reality. It is not for nothing that the Chinese still strictly adhere to the ancient rules and take into account the influence of number combinations in all areas of life, especially business and finance.

Chinese numerology to help

Every culture has numbers that are interpreted as lucky and unlucky. The interesting thing is that while one number may be considered lucky in one culture, it may be considered unlucky in another. In China, numerology is taken seriously and thoughtfully.

In Chinese numerology, even numbers are considered luckier than odd numbers. Even numbers are associated with Yin energy (with the living),

and odd numbers are associated with Yang energy (with the dead).

The exception is the number 4, which is considered unlucky, the most negative, because it sounds 四 pinyin and the verb "to die" 死, pinyin, aka "death". in Japan and Korea these words were borrowed from Chinese and also the number 4 is seen as very negative.

If you are giving a gift in the form of cash, please note that in China it is customary to give an even amount.

An odd amount of money is associated with donating for a funeral.

License plates ending in 4 are banned in Beijing as unlucky.

The number 13 is considered negative because it reduces to 4.

In many business centers that belong to the Chinese who profess Taoism, the elevators do not have the 3rd, 13th, 14th, 24th, 34th floors; most often they are replaced by the following numbers.

In Hong Kong, it is a rule to skip all negative floor numbers.

The meanings of numbers according to traditional Chinese numerology are determined by a homonym word (different in meaning, but the same in spelling):

1 - in the literal sense as “one” or “all, entirely” 1 - this is spirit, and light, and glory, but at the same time it is matter, darkness and shame. The unit symbolized the integrity and undividedness of the world. Consonant with the word “must, need, want” It is considered the number of creation, i.e. new beginning, loneliness, masculinity. The homonym for this number is “honor, gain.”

2 - like 爱 “love, love” or the word “easy” This is a symbol of diplomacy, tact and love relationships, symbolizes couples, therefore it is considered a prosperous number. Moreover, there is an expression “every good thing doubles,” so this figure is considered positive.

3 - as “growth”, “to be born, to appear” is a favorable number, as it is associated with birth. Also the unification of heaven, earth and man. In the ancient Chinese cultural tradition, it was 3 that was considered the first number; it opened the number series. In Buddhist temples it is customary to bow three times.

4 is the most controversial number. On the one hand, it symbolizes the four directions of the world (四大), the four seasons of the year (四时, 四期), the four characters (四象). 4 is the most negative number, as it is consonant with the word “death”.

However, the most terrible combination for the Chinese is 42, meaning

死儿 "dead son".

ABOUTthe fraternal combination of numbers, 24, has the homonym “easy death.”

174 - “Everyone Dies Together.”

The number "48", although it includes a four, is interpreted as "great wealth": the combination is translated not as "deadly money", but as "money obtained through hard, exhausting labor."

5 - as “nothing”, “I am a replacement for the character 我” “I don’t have” “no” in prohibitions, this is a positive number, despite the fact that it is odd, since it symbolizes 5 elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal (五行 "five elements", 五气 "five airs", 五声 "five sounds", four cardinal directions plus the center)

They try not to pronounce the number 250. In some provinces of China, 250, 二百五, means "fool".

6 - as “salary, good wishes for career growth.” This number is associated with business and happiness and is therefore considered a very lucky number.

Homonym 66 - “always lucky.”

Homonym 6 - “wealth”. The number 6 is also interpreted as 乐 - “to rejoice.”

7 - like "for sure" "to rise" or "to be angry" This is an odd number, but is associated with a feeling of unity, so it is considered both a lucky and unlucky number. Numerical values ​​ending in 17 and 517 mean 要起,我要起 “career advancement.”

8 - as "prosperity" is the luckiest number for all Chinese. It sounds like “prosperity and wealth” or “get rich.” The Chinese are often willing to pay a lot of money for a phone number, apartment or car number that contains the number 8. The shape of this number is similar to the infinity sign, therefore it is associated with a never-ending flow of money that flows into a business or person, depending on the , where this figure is used. Many flights to and from China are numbered with three eights.

The number "28" is a homonym for "easy money".

58 has a homonym “no money”.

1 68 - “I wish you a lot of money” or “wealth all the way.”

518 - homonym “I want to get rich”;

5918 我就要发 “I will soon become rich.”

The Chinese believe that working on the 8th day of the 15-day Chinese New Year brings good luck.

A little history:

In 2008, the Olympic Games, which were held in Beijing, were declared open on 08/08/08 at 8 minutes and 8 seconds after 8 pm. This is not an accident. This was planned because the Chinese believed that it would bring them good luck and their athletes would win a large number of gold medals during the competition. And so it happened. They won 51 gold medals, while America had 36 gold medals.

9 - as “long, eternal” “longevity” is also a very lucky number. It is associated with happiness, longevity and immortality. And in Japan they are afraid of the number 9 because it sounds the same as the word “torment” or “suffering”.

The luckiest combination of numbers is 98. The interesting thing is that no matter what single-digit number you add to 9, if you add one to the last digit of the result, you will get the number that you originally added to 9.

Numerology– a serious science about the connection between numbers and human life and destiny. Each number has its own special vibration and has a certain influence on a person. The date of birth, for example, and the numeric code of the name can not only determine aspects of character, but also lay them down. If you choose the right name for a newborn, comparing its numerical code with the code of the patronymic and surname, you can give the child the desired character and even determine the fate from the moment of birth.


Numerology is often confused or combined with cabalism and the ancient Celtic teachings of the Druids, which is completely wrong, since these sciences are independent and different, in essence. Kabalistics determines the influence of the numerical code on certain periods of fate and helps to identify difficult and critical moments in the future with the aim of changing or eliminating them. Such knowledge helps to avoid many karmic disasters and crisis situations. The ancient Celtic teachings of the Druids prescribe a specific tree for each numerical birth code, which determines its character and gives a person additional karmic, natural and astral forces in difficult situations. Numerology primarily determines the character of people, their compatibility with certain partners, the possibility of developing relationships, and also predicts specific events of a certain year, month or specific day according to its code, compared with the code of the date of birth and name, in some aspects based on cabalism.

The essence of numerology

Many people perceive numerology as some kind of entertainment, an exciting game, but in fact it is an absolutely serious science that allows people, first of all, to understand themselves and at least slightly change their lives and destiny. For several millennia, since ancient times, humanity has used numerology in conjunction with astrology to predict future events and understand its essence, creating a complete picture of the vision of aspects and complementing each other.

Numbers and numerical codes, like astrological symbols and signs, are a universal language, but not everyone understands it. Many civilizations of antiquity - Jews, Hindus, Egyptians, Chaldeans - studied the mysteries of numerology as a serious, truthful science of prediction. Ancient numerologists believed that each numerical code contained hidden all the information about the life of each individual person and humanity as a whole, and that an individual with the gift of understanding numerical vibration and energy was able to reveal all the secrets and mysteries of the universe and the future of the universe.

Famous personalities and the birth of numerology

Numerology has always been perceived as something special, amazing, mystical and even divine. Modern systems of numerological knowledge are based on many aspects and directions, but at the core they adhere to two combined traditions - cabalistic, using ancient Hebrew alphabetic symbols, and Pythagorean, created by the ancient Greek famous astrologer and mathematician Pythagoras, using exclusively numbers.

It is Pythagoras who is often called the father and founder of numerology as a science, and it was he who devoted most of his outstanding scientific works to numbers and their study, to identifying the patterns of numerical combinations and ongoing events. Pythagoras was confident in the exceptional mystical properties of each number, and based on his knowledge, he created a system of digital classification, which is still used by modern numerologists. Probably everyone knows the geometric theorems proven and formulated by Pythagoras, who believed that all the secrets of the amazing Universe lie in numbers.

The Pythagorean numerological teaching of numbers is based on the idea of ​​dividing numbers into: female (passive) - even, and male (active) - odd. It is precisely this system of division that is presented in the “I Chin” - the “Book of Changes”, compiled by ancient Chinese thinkers and scientists, although it is still inexplicable how Pythagoras could have known this theory.

The doctrine of the close relationship between humanity and numbers, about numerical codes that provide a lot of important information, was created by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, a famous philosopher. Count Cagliostro also created his own numerological system that predicts future events. Both methods are based on the teachings of the cabalistic system, which translates letters into numerical informative codes.

Many representatives of the occult sciences believed and argued that the name given at birth, as well as its word forms, translated into a system of numbers, are similar to personal astrological charts, making it possible to see many important aspects. The most famous professional numerologist at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries was Louis Gamon, called Count Cairo. It was he who was considered the best predictor and numerologist, who published several famous books. The most influential and famous people turned to Count Cairo, including Edward VII, the King of England.

By studying this amazing mystical science, everyone will be able to determine their true path, karmic destiny, learn to cooperate with the correct positive numerical energy and fence off the negative, preventing many troubles and life disasters.

Numerology was very popular in the ancient world. Taoists and Chinese sages believed that the universe is governed by three principles: stars, luminaries and numbers. The symbolism of numbers can be traced in the location of large and small Chinese constellations and even in the number of stars in each constellation. According to the numbers, the main cycles of the planets were built. Elements, winds, cardinal directions and countries were arranged by numbers. Colors, sounds, sensations were also shared. A palace was also built, and the affairs of the emperor and all his subjects were located. And of course, the numbers showed the meaning of each zodiac sign. 12 animals - 12 months - 12 moons - 12 numbers. Counting by 12 was used not only in all calendars - in general, everything was counted in dozens. Therefore, 12 elements are still considered as completely independent. Every number in 12 had meaning.

Decimal counting was rare in ancient times, and was used only to indicate the days of the month. Since 300 BC, the decimal cycle has been used together with the duodecimal cycle to determine the year, month, day and hour. At that time, decimal counting was an exotic rarity and had a rather magical or mystical meaning. The counting cycles of 12 and 10 did not replace each other and did not merge, but were combined into a more general one. When counting, when the decimal and duodecimal cycles are combined, a total cycle of 60 combinations of various elements is obtained. This general sexagesimal cycle is used in the construction of Chinese calendars at present.

It was believed that each number corresponded to a certain element and the protection of luminaries and planets. Odd numbers are masculine, they carry the creative and individualistic power of Light, and are ruled by the Sun. And even numbers are female, they carry the destructive but unifying power of Darkness and are ruled by the Moon. Then, each number has a co-ruler from the five planets, it corresponds to a certain element and direction. If you count in order, then the numbers 1 and 2 are ruled by the blue-green eastern Jupiter with the element of wood. Numbers 3 and 4 are ruled by red southern Mars with the element of fire. Numbers 5 and 6 are the happiest, they are located in the center, they are ruled by yellow Saturn with the element of earth. Then come 7 and 8 - they are ruled by white western Venus with the element of metal. And closing the cycle are 9 and 10, they are ruled by dark northern Mercury with the element of water.

In addition, there are meanings of numbers associated with their pronunciation, with number homonyms. For example, the number 6 is pronounced as wealth, the number 8 sounds as prosperity, etc. Let's try to restore the entire chain of numerological correspondences and a new meaning of the zodiac signs will be revealed to us. Chinese numerology is very close to European numerology, but there are also slight differences, as you can see.

The number of creation, revered by Taoists. This is the Great Origin, the First Heaven, the starry sky as the root cause of all things. Or is it the earthly center, the middle of the earth, the root, the all-knowing primitive spirit. The unit is often compared to the "Tao", the One Breath, the House of the Spirit, the middle of everything. This is the beginning that controls man. In fortune telling, the unit was called a bud, a sprout, and in cycle 12 - “Newborn,” a child. In decimal counting, it was believed that the number was ruled by Jupiter and related to the element of wood. It was poetically called “Spruce” - a slow-growing plant, but tall and centuries-old, serious, beautiful and noticeable from everywhere. The homonym for this number is “honor”, ​​“winning”.

A symbol of connection and complementarity, connection and struggle of opposites. For Taoists, this is Heaven and Earth, the sacred union of male and female, which ensures the continuation of life. The sun and the moon, light and darkness, white and black, two energies, yang and yin, the balance of which ensures health. The ability to give and the ability to take, which complement each other. In fortune telling, the two meant favorable conditions for growth and development, moisture for the sprout, and in cycle 12 - the younger generation, “Offspring.” In decimal counting, it was believed that the number was ruled by Jupiter and related to the element of wood. It was poetically called “Bamboo” - this plant has the fastest growth and the widest possibilities for use. Homonym for numbers - “easy”.

Taoists say: one turns into trinity, and trinity leads to all things. Trinity is one of the revered sacred numbers, along with one symbolizes the beginning and creative development. In China, many trinities are known and revered. Three light sources - Stars, Sun, Moon. Three principles - heaven, earth, man. Three highest regions: the holy land, the real land, the immortal land. Three in a family - man, woman, male child. Three subordination - sovereign and subject, father and child, husband and wife. Three cherished human desires: prosperity, longevity, many children. 3 religions of China: Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism. In fortune telling, the three meant a hat and a window - knowledge of the world, going out into the world. In the duodecimal cycle it was called “Strength”, meaning natural force, the force of change. In decimal counting, the number is ruled by Mars and belongs to the element of fire. It is active and hot, it affects everyone, and is noticeable to everyone, it can both destroy and create, it was called “Bonfire”. A homonym for numbers is “growth.”

The four covers space and shows the object from all sides, defining all its forms. There are four forms or four mythical principles - Heaven, Earth, Sun, Moon. Four parts of the world, four seasons, four symbolic animals: Azure Dragon, Red Bird, White Tiger, Black Turtle. 4 mythical animals Unicorn, Phoenix, Pangolin, Dragon. 4 virtues - observance of decency, fair treatment, moderation, sense of shame. 4 forms of light: stars, planets, Sun, Moon. In fortune telling, the four meant officials and officers, achieving a certain position in society, success and growth. In the duodecimal cycle, the number four meant the “Open Door”, access to the world, warmth and openness, new opportunities. In decimal counting, it was believed that the number was ruled by Mars and belonged to the element of fire. It is stable and radiant, internally active and calmly influences everything that happens, it was called “Lamp”. The homonym for the number is “death”.

Five is one of the most revered numbers in China. The creativity of this number is emphasized, leading the world to movement, development and change. Behind all events and changes there are five main planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and five main elements - water, metal, fire, wood, earth. There are five natural and five retrograde movements of the planets and elements. The elements correspond to five tastes, five colors, five senses and five main internal organs. The number five was also very common in China as a symbol of central position among the four directions, as the internal ruler of the four sides and four times. There are five canonical books, 5 Gods - emperors, 5 Gods - rulers of light, 5 governing forces: year, Sun, Moon, stars, numbers. There are five Buddhist commandments, 5 types of prosperity. In fortune telling, five meant the emperor, maximum prosperity and social rise. In the duodecimal cycle, the number meant "Movement" and advancement. In decimal counting, it was believed that the number was the happiest, it was located in the center of a series of numbers, it was ruled by Saturn and the element of earth corresponded to it. It is active and moderate, strong, intelligent and uplifting, and was called “The Hill.” The homonym for numbers is “nothing”.

Six is ​​a service number rather than a primary number in Chinese numerology. This is some stability that comes after five. The number giving the full volume is 6 directions: zenith, nadir and four cardinal directions. Stability of influences and changes: male energy, female energy, wind, rain, light, darkness. 6 virtues: wisdom, mercy, meditation, justice, meanness and harmony. 6 passions: joy, anger, sadness, pleasure, love, hatred. 6 types of women: mediator, saleswoman, nurse, singer (prostitute), witch, scientist. In fortune telling, six meant vices or shortcomings, weaknesses. In the duodecimal cycle, the number is central and lucky. Meant "Fulfillment", filling, and reaching limits. With a decimal count, it was believed that the number was happy, calm and moderate. It is ruled by Saturn, corresponds to the element of earth, it promotes productive work and was called “Plain”. Homonym for numbers - “wealth”.

Seven is one of the main astrological numbers; it is the number of planets plus two luminaries or plus two lunar nodes. This is also the number of lunar sites on each side of the world. Seven planetary cycles, seven days. These are the seven sages or seven goddesses sent by Heaven. But in numerology it is rarely used. In Ancient China, the septenary week was quickly abandoned, and 7 was not used in everyday life. Seven symbolizes wisdom and virtue that are not accessible to everyone. In Ancient China there were 7 paths of the wise heart, 7 games, 7 historical pagodas, 7 signs of nobility, 7 items for instruction, 7 reasons for divorce. In fortune telling, seven meant illness, impotence, and the beginning of decline. In the duodecimal cycle it meant “Balance”, the balance between light and dark forces. When counting decimally, it was believed that the number was controlled by Venus and the element of metal. It was called “Sword” - a weapon that both protects and attracts conflicts, helps the strong and defeats the weak. Homonyms for numbers - “for sure”.

Eight is the favorite number in China, a symbol of perfection, completeness in nature and in the state. These are eight directions, eight seasons and eight winds that dictate the weather. These are 8 annual holidays, 8 gods: the god of Heaven, the god of Earth, the god of War, the god of Darkness, the god of Light, the god of the Moon, the god of the Sun, the god of 4 seasons. 8 perfumes, 8 jewels: carnelian, coral, tortoiseshell bone, mother-of-pearl, ruby, moonstone, rock crystal. 8 classes close to the emperor. In fortune telling, the number eight means the end of everything and death - with or without honors. In the duodecimal cycle, the number eight meant "Fruits", abundance and consumption. In decimal counting, it was believed that the number was controlled by Venus and the element of metal; it was called “Cauldron” - this is both a value, a useful thing, and an attraction of food and wealth. The homonym for the number is “prosperity.”

Nine is an important number in Chinese astrology. Nine Buddhist Heavens. The nine main stars of the main constellation - the Big Dipper (or Ursa Major) corresponded to 9 astrological planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu). The eight main constellations plus the central one made up another nine. All forecasts in the state were compiled based on these three nines. They symbolized the union of Heaven and Earth, the highest wisdom of the gods available to people. But nine was not the main number of Chinese numerology. Rather, it is a certain stability that comes after eight, the ability to control natural phenomena. 9 relationships in the family and 9 generations living in harmony and submission. 9 classes of good people: gracious sovereign, faithful servant, caring father, devoted son, respectable elder brother, obedient younger brother, pleasant singer, loving husband, following wife. 9 is a symbol of the dead who have achieved purification and gone to Heaven. In fortune telling, nine meant the grave, the conditions of posthumous existence. In the duodecimal cycle, nine meant “Maturity,” the cessation of development. When counting decimally, it was believed that the number was ruled by Mercury, and the element of water corresponded to it. It was called “Wave” - active and playful, constant and elusive, running away and leaving no traces. The homonym for the number is “longevity.”

Ten is a service number in Chinese numerology. The cycle of 10 was used when calculating the ten days of the month (in China, the septenary week was almost never used; days were counted by 10 in a period of 60 days). A cycle of 10 is used when calculating years in a general 60-year cycle, like the cycle of the Pillars of Heaven. Decimal signs were used in geometry. Ten is used in medicine, in determining energy channels. Often 10 is considered as two fives, for example the light solar (masculine) five and the dark lunar (feminine) five. Ten moral duties. 10 is a symbol of the dead, undergoing purification in hell, who have not yet achieved enlightenment. Ten branches of the Buddhist hell. In fortune telling, a ten meant the end of everything. In the duodecimal cycle, ten meant “Closed Door” and lack of prospects. In decimal counting, this last number is ruled by Mercury and corresponds to the element of water. It was called “The Stream”, it was flowing, shallow, changeable and constant, depending on the weather.

The number 11 is a little used number in Chinese numerology. It is mentioned in some astrological discussions. For example, 11 lamps - stars, constellations, Sun, Moon, 5 planets and lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu. In fortune telling, eleven meant life after death, posthumous existence. It carried a destructive otherworldly force. The number also means the resumption of life, the emergence of an embryo, a chance for a new incarnation. Often forecasts for this number are unfavorable or pose restrictions and threats to health. In the duodecimal cycle it means "Destruction". This number does not exist in the decimal cycle, but it can signify the center of the ten, the reconciliation of possibilities and a return to origins. Usually, at number 11 of the duodecimal cycle, the counting of tens began again, and one began. This motif - the beginning of a new cycle on the eleventh element of the old one - is repeated in all Chinese cycles, it is a symbol of the new year and, in general, everything new. The number 11 does not appear independently, but is considered as 11 and 1.

The number 12 means world harmony and order, given to man in the form of laws. In astrology, it shows the constant cycles that dictate a person’s eternal daily affairs: 12 years, 12 solar months (Earthly branches), 12 Moons, 12 animals of the zodiac, 12 sidereal hours in each day, 12 guardians. In everyday life, 12 indicates the usual temporary concepts that have been used since ancient times. And fortune telling was based on 12. In fortune telling, 12 meant food, nutrition and growth of the embryo in the mother’s womb. The fortune-telling cycle after it returned to one. In the duodecimal cycle, twelve means "Refuge", salvation and isolation from the world. However, the number adds up to three. And in the decimal cycle, 2 is added to this number. Ultimately, 12 turns into 5, and turns out to be one of the happiest numbers - the number of completeness, internal growth and development, leading to reasonable changes, the number that ensures a new cycle of life. Homonym for numbers - “win easily.”

The number 13 is a number almost never used, a human number that shows completion. For example, 13 classic books: the book of changes Shu-ching, the book of historical chronicles Shi-ching, the book of od I-ching, the book of rituals of Li-ching, the book of spring and autumn of Chun-ju, the book of filial piety Xiao-ching, the book of Cheu, the book ceremonies, the book of commentaries of Gong-yang and the book of commentaries of Gu-liang, an ancient dictionary, Confucian conversations, works of Mencius. The number 13 shows the center of the duodecimal cycle, equal opportunities for a new incarnation. Homonyms for numbers - “gain, growth.”

There are two main systems in numerology: the classical (or Pythagorean), which is used mainly by Western experts, and the Chinese, which is fundamentally different from the Pythagorean system and is used by Eastern experts. Numerology by date of birth can be presented using both the first and second methods.

In Pythagorean numerology, each number is associated with a certain character trait of a person, while in Chinese numerology, special attention is paid to the pronunciation of numbers. That is, if a number is consonant with a word that has a negative connotation, then it is considered unlucky. But in Western numerology a completely different approach is practiced. The numbers in it have both positive and negative qualities, and therefore it is important to learn how to combine the energy inherent in each of the numbers. And using the example of nine single-digit numbers, we will show you the difference between the two main numerology systems. Numerology by date of birth is calculated in our calculator at the very bottom of the page.

Numerology by date of birth value 1:

East: In some dialects of Chinese, the word for "one" is similar to the word for "honor". This number represents independence, but can also mean loneliness and isolation. The number 1 is associated with the element of water, which symbolizes the ability to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal.

West: In the West, the number 1 is strongly associated with masculinity and the process of creation. It carries the energy of a warrior and a creator, the energy thanks to which changes occur in life. This number represents leadership, courage, bravery and initiative, but it can also mean impatience, impulsiveness and conflict. The positive aspects of the unit are best demonstrated in the work environment.

Numerology by date of birth meaning 2:

East: The word "two" in Chinese is pronounced similar to the words "confidence" and "ease". Two is considered a lucky number (hence the Chinese expression “all good things come in pairs”), representing symmetry and resilience. It is associated with the element of earth, which in turn symbolizes stability and determination.

West: The number 2 in the West is credited with such qualities as sensitivity, understanding and the ability to forgive. Positive aspects include friendliness, caring, tact and networking skills, but a 2 can also mean selfishness, timidity and a tendency to exaggerate.

Numerology by date of birth meaning 3:

East: In Chinese, the words "three", "growth" and "birth" sound very similar to each other, and therefore the number 3 symbolizes life and prosperity. In the east, it is considered a lucky number and is associated with the element of wood, which is associated with all types of creativity and the “sunrise”, that is, the birth of something new.

West: In Western numerology, three is also associated with creativity. Among the positive qualities of this number are enthusiasm, cheerfulness and openness. The energy of a 3 can give you both a rich imagination, expressiveness and optimism, as well as vanity, selfishness and a capricious mood. In order to use only the positive traits of the number 3, you will need good discipline.

Numerology by date of birth meaning 4:

East: In Chinese numerology, the number 4 is considered the most unlucky, since “four” is consonant with the word “death”, and therefore it represents troubles and failures. Most people in China try their best to avoid this number. However, it is associated with the element of wood, which, unsurprisingly, is associated with the concept of death and rebirth.

West: In the West, 4 is the number of hard work and a strong foundation necessary for future success. This is a strong and stable number, which is not at all characterized by carelessness. The number four symbolizes reliability, practicality and determination, while its negative traits include rigidity, irritation, anger and conservatism.

And although in Pythagorean numerology the concept of “luck” is practically not touched upon, we should not forget that in all Western superstitions the unluckiest number is 13, adding the numbers of which we get 4. That is why Eastern numerologists attribute the same negative qualities to the number 13 as and four.

Numerology by date of birth value 5:

East: The number 5 in Chinese numerology has both positive and negative energy. On the one hand, it is associated with the five elements of nature, and therefore the number is associated with harmony and balance. However, in some dialects of the Chinese language, the pronunciation of the words “five”, “no” and the particle “not” are almost identical, and therefore negative features are also attributed to this number. However, it can also be given a positive charge by making a phrase like “no death,” which brings us back to the idea of ​​balance. The number 5 is associated with the element earth, which symbolizes stability and stability.

West: In Western numerology, 5 is the most dynamic number, possessing powerful energy. It represents originality, the spirit of adventurism, freedom and variety, but the negative traits of the 5 include obsession, dependence, problems with concentration and unreliability.

Numerology by date of birth value 6:

East: Due to the fact that in Chinese “six” is consonant with the words “wealth”, “profit” and “calm”, the number 6 is usually associated with luck and ease. The famous “number of the beast” from Western culture (666) is perceived in the East in a completely different way, because triple six indicates triple luck. The number 6 is associated with the metal element, which typically represents money and the ability to persuade.

West: In Pythagorean numerology, the number 6 represents support and self-sacrifice. This is the most harmonious of all single-digit numbers. The nature of the number can be described as follows: care that is more pleasant to give than to receive. Among the positive aspects of the number are compassion, romantic views on life and attachment to family, but it also has negative traits: selfishness and an unstable psyche with a strong guilt complex.

Numerology by date of birth value 7:

East: Seven is a positive number in Eastern numerology because it sounds similar to words used to describe cohesion and unity. The number 7 is associated with the metal element, which is commonly associated with ideas of friendship and relationships.

West: In Western numerology, seven symbolizes the search for truth. This is a spiritual number that symbolizes the tendency to analyze everyday things and the desire to get to the bottom of the hidden truth. And despite being insightful, thoughtful and charming, the number 7 can also have an introverted and possessive nature, which is very contrary to the ideas of cohesion that the number 7 is associated with in the East.

Numerology by date of birth value 8:

East: In Chinese culture, the number 8 is one of the luckiest, as “eight” almost sounds like “prosperity” and “well-being.” This is why many Chinese residents try to literally surround themselves with eights in their daily lives (telephone numbers, wedding dates, amounts of monetary gifts, street numbers, houses, apartments, etc.). It is associated with the element of earth, and therefore the energy of the number carries the ideas of stability, determination and achieving success, as well as wealth.

West: Perhaps the main source of balance in Western numerology is precisely the number 8. Here, as in the East, eight symbolizes success and prosperity, but they can only be obtained at a certain price. Only those who are generous at heart will be able to fully experience all the positive aspects of the number 8, including productivity, influence, strength and respect. But we should not forget about the negative sides of the eight, namely greed, aggressiveness and deception.

Numerology by date of birth meaning 9:

East: In Eastern numerology, the number 9 represents longevity, as it is consonant with the word “longevity”. He is also associated with the Emperor of China. 9 is the only number associated with the element of fire, which represents qualities such as the ability to motivate and sincerity.

West: And in Western culture, nine is the most difficult, but at the same time the most common among single-digit numbers. It symbolizes broad views and idealistic thinking, full of sympathy and respect for everyone around. The positive properties of the number 9 include artistry, sociability, and the ability to forgive, but at the same time, 9s are also associated with aloofness, arrogance and romantic detachment.

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