Nicknames of criminal authorities. Leaders of large criminal groups of the world (33 photos)

In August, a record of zero was set - this month 15 thieves in law were crowned in Russia. criminal world continues to determine the life of the country: after the death of the main watcher for the Russian Federation, Ded Hasan, the thieves broke up into two large clans, and, apparently, a big gang war awaits us again, as in the 90s. Photo gallery of tombstones crime bosses.

The Prime Crime agency writes that at the end of August, a multi-day gathering of thieves ended in Turkey, as a result of which the two dispersed wings of the former "grandfather's" clan (thief in law Ded Hasan, once the main watcher of Russia) finally settled all the differences that arose between them and announced a reunion. The consequences of the fateful Turkish summit, most likely, should be expected in the development of the conflict between the two gangs of thieves who clashed in the struggle for Moscow and all of Rus'.

After Ded Hassan left the stage, leaving no successor behind him, civil strife began in the circles of his associates. Of those who remained with Grandfather to the end, two camps were formed: the "Slavs" led by the thieves Pichuga and Voskres, and the "Mingrelians" represented by the clan of brothers, the thieves of Kardava. In the face of the impending threat from the “Georgians” who perked up, both “grandfather” parties tried to maintain parity in relations with each other, however, as the “external” threat cooled, the “Mingrelians” increasingly lost the initiative. Soon, not without the participation of the "Shabolovskys", the battlefield for the grandfather's inheritance was completely cleared of competitors under the "Slavs". The top of the “Mingrelian” clan was expelled from Russia for violating migration legislation. Some of those who did not understand the hint and did not leave Moscow at least for St. Petersburg themselves ended up in jail.

However, the "grandfather's Slavs", to whom the thief Miron tightly joined after the death of the thief Timur Sverdlovsky, had no time to celebrate the victory. Their right to leadership was challenged by a group of thieves in law, who were previously members of the clan of Grandfather Hassan, but who left him during his lifetime. This cohort, which includes, in particular, Edik Tbilissky, Kostyl and Mukha, sensationally managed to enlist the support of the most influential Moscow thieves in law, Shishkan and Petrik, who have not left the shadows for more than twenty years. However, in this confrontation, the preponderance of forces so far turned out to be in favor of the Pichuga-Voskres-Miron triumvirate. However, at the very last moment, something forced them to seek an alliance with the Mingrelians.

Of the first persons of this trinity, only Pichuga went to Turkey. Miron, allegedly, referred to problems with the passport, and Voskres was kept by worries about the “common fund” entrusted to him. The oldest Chechen thief in law Hussein Slepoy, who stole longer than any of his comrades, is considered to be his luminary in this company. In addition to him, Timur of Saratov, Zhora Tashkent, Yura Lazarevsky, Circus, Caesar, Weaver and Radzhik can be distinguished.

The “Mingrelian” parliamentarians also included “Slavs”, mainly regionals, such as Vova Pukhly, Kostya Kansky and Kolya Tomsky. "Mingrelian" tops were represented by Merab Mzarelua, Roland Gegechkori and Gia Elerdzhia, however, perhaps the main figure of this community was Matsi, who is considered one of the ideologists of the association. Neither Gela, nor his brother Gizo, nor their closest supporters, like Gia Zarandia, were in Turkey. It is possible that it was their absence that was the condition for the truce.

The official reason for the alienation of members of his clan from Gela, including his father-in-law, Merab Mzarelua, was a divergence of views on a number of key aspects recent conflicts. For example, Gela is criticized for the fact that, contrary to the majority, Albert Ryzhy is considered a thief, and Beso Rustavsky, on the contrary, is not considered. They say that when solving the Beso issue, he knew about Guji's claims against him and took full responsibility, and then told a lie that he was misled. Whether Gela is really being “drained” by his own people or is this part of his own cunning plan, time will tell. While Gela is talking in St. Petersburg with such heavyweight thieves as Sachino and Gia Datunashvili, it is too early to talk about the decline of his career.

Meanwhile, in commemoration of the consensus reached in Turkey, the thieves jointly returned the title to 42-year-old Zaur Gvadzabia, who lost it back in 2003 due to a conflict with Buya and Kakha Makalatiya. Shortly before that, in the house of Kokhia in the presence of Vakho Kardava and Lasha, Zaur stumbled over Shakro himself, in relation to whom, being not quite sober, he allowed himself too much, but, in the end, got off lightly. Now, after 11 years of oblivion, the name for Gvadzabiy was procured by the same Matsik. Of course, bypassing Buyi, who, due to his proximity to Merab Dzhangveladze, is not considered a person and is not taken into account. In a word, Zaur's future does not promise to be calm under such initial conditions.

In August 2014, 15 thieves in law were crowned - this is a record for all fourteen years of zero. In total, there are now more than 1 thousand thieves. In the 1990s and 2000s, more than 200 thieves and more than 1,000 crime bosses died (including those who consciously decided not to "form" into the thieves' world). The Interpreter's blog represents only a small part of the burial places of thieves in law and crime bosses.

To "dashing people" in Russia has always been special treatment. They were not only feared, but also respected. For their crazy prowess, they often paid very expensive price- found themselves in hard labor or lost their lives.


The most legendary Russian robber is Kudeyar. This person is semi-mythical. There are several versions of his identification.

According to the main one, Kudeyar was the son Basil III and his wife Solomeya, who was exiled to a monastery for childlessness. According to this legend, during the tonsure Solomonia was already pregnant, she gave birth to a son, George, whom she handed over "in safe hands", and announced to everyone that the newborn had died.

It is not surprising that Ivan the Terrible was very interested in this legend, since according to it Kudeyar was his older brother, which means he could claim power. This story is most likely folk fiction.

The desire to “ennoble the robber”, as well as to allow oneself to believe in the illegitimacy of power (and therefore the possibility of its overthrow) is characteristic of the Russian tradition. In our country, every ataman is a legitimate king. With regard to Kudeyar, there are so many versions of his origin that would be enough for half a dozen atamans


Lyalya can be called not only one of the most legendary robbers, but also the most “literary”. The poet Nikolai Rubtsov wrote a poem about him called "The Robber Lyalya".

Local historians also found information about him, which is not surprising, since toponyms reminiscent of this dashing man have survived to this day in the Kostroma region. This is Lyalina Mountain and one of the tributaries of the Vetluga River, called Lyalinka.

Local historian A.A. Sysoev wrote: “In the Vetluga forests, the robber Lyalya walked with his gang - this is one of the chieftains of Stepan Razin ... who lived in the mountains near the Vetluga River not far from Varnavin. According to legend, Lyalya robbed and burned the Novovozdvizhensky Monastery on the Bolshaya Kaksha River near the village of Chenebechikhi.

This may be true, since at the end of 1670 a detachment of Razints really visited here. Lyalya with his gang appeared in the Kostroma forests after the suppression of the Razin uprising.

He chose a place for a robber camp on high mountain in order to have a strategic advantage in the robbery of carts passing nearby along the winter route. From spring to autumn, along the Vetluga, merchants carried goods on ships, and on the way they often stopped in Kameshnik. The main business of the Lyali gang was the collection of ransoms from merchants, local feudal lords and landlords.

Legends draw him, as usual in folklore, strict, harsh and domineering, but fair. His approximate portrait has also been preserved: “He was a broad-shouldered, muscular man of medium height; face tanned, rough; black eyes under bushy, furrowed brows; dark hair."

They wanted to catch Lyalya’s gang more than once, but the detachments sent to catch the robber constantly encountered too loyal attitude of local men towards Lyalya - they treated him rather with respect, Lyalya was warned about the appearance of detachments, some village men even joined the gang. However, over time, the gang nevertheless thinned out, and Lyalya became more and more burdened by his craft. Therefore, he decided to bury his wealth - he drowned it in the lake (it is still called the Pantry) and buried it in the mountain. Where are they still kept? Of course, according to the legend.

Trishka Siberian

Trishka-Sibiryak robbed in the 30s of the XIX century in the Smolensk district. News of him spread to other regions, bringing the nobles and landowners into a state of awe.

A letter from Turgenev's mother, which she wrote to her son in Berlin in February 1839, has been preserved. It contains the following phrase: "Trishka appeared like Pugachev - that is, he is in Smolensk, and we are cowardly in Bolkhov." Caught Trishka was already in next month, he was tracked down and arrested in the Dukhovshchinsky district. The capture of Trishka was a real special operation.

Knowing about the caution of the robber, he was caught under the guise of pursuing another person. Almost no one knew about the true purpose of the search - they were afraid to frighten them away. As a result, when the arrest nevertheless took place, a message appeared in Smolenskiye Vedomosti about this as an event of extreme importance.

However, until the 50s of the 19th century, the legends about Trishka the Sibiryak continued to excite the nerves of the landlords, who were worried that someday Trishka would get in their way, or get into their house. The people loved Trishka and composed legends about him, where the robber appeared as a defender of the destitute.

Vanka Cain

The story of Vanka-Cain is dramatic and instructive. He can be called the first official thief of the Russian Empire.

He was born in 1718, at the age of 16 he met a famous thief named "Kamchatka" and loudly left the landowner's house, where he served, robbing him, and writing on the manor gates everything he thinks about work: "Work the devil, not me ".

Several times he was taken to the Secret Order, but each time he was released, so rumors began to circulate that Ivan Osipov (that was Cain's real name) was "lucky". Moscow thieves decided to choose him as their leader. A little time passed, and Vanka was already "in command" of a gang of 300 people.

So he became the uncrowned king of the underworld. However, on December 28, 1741, Ivan Osipov recovered to the Detective Order and wrote a "repentant petition", and even offered his services in catching his own associates, became the official informer of the Detective Order.

The very first police operation on his tip covered a thieves' gathering in the deacon's house - a catch of 45 people. On the same night, 20 members of the gang of Yakov Zuev were taken in the house of the archpriest. And in the Tatar baths of Zamoskvorechye, 16 deserters were tied up and the underground with weapons was opened.

However, Vanka Cain did not live in peace. He had a penchant for extravagance and chic, and got burned on the kidnapping of the 15-year-old daughter of "retired serviceman" Taras Zevakin, on corruption and banal racketeering.

The case dragged on for 6 years, until in 1755 the court issued a verdict - flogged, wheeled, beheaded. But in February 1756 the Senate softened the sentence. They gave Cain whips, pulled out his nostrils, branded him with the word V.O.R. and exiled to hard labor - at first to the Baltic Rogervik, from there to Siberia. Where he died.

Mishka Yaponchik

According to the main version, the future "king" was born on November 30, 1891 in Odessa in the family of Meyer Wolf of Vinnitsa. The boy was named Moishe-Yakov, according to the documents - Moses Volfovich.

When Moishe was in his seventh year, his family was left without a father. In order to earn at least some money for food, Moishe got a job as an apprentice at Farber's mattress factory. In parallel with this, he studied at a Jewish school, and managed to finish four classes. At the age of 16, Moisha Vinnitsky went to work as an electrician at the Anatra plant. Moishe's life changed radically in 1905, when, following the publication royal manifesto about the granting of freedoms in Odessa, Jewish pogroms began.

In the bloody riots organized by the Black Hundreds in Moldovanka, the police preferred not to interfere much and local population began organizing Jewish self-defense units. In one of these detachments, the future Mishka Yaponchik received his first combat experience. Since then, he has not parted with weapons. Moishe Vinnitsky joined the anarchist group "Young Will", which became famous for daring raids, robberies and racketeering.

In 1907, the hand of justice nevertheless grabbed Moisha by the collar. The anarchist received 12 years of hard labor. If Moishe were an adult, we would definitely not recognize Mishka Yaponchik. On the basis of all actions the death penalty was provided to him.

Yaponchik returned to Odessa in the summer of 1917. This was no longer the boy who could be sent to carry a bomb to undermine the chief of police - during the hard labor Moisha managed to talk with both "political" and "thieves".

Moishe quickly assessed the situation. Taking advantage of the unrest that is constantly happening in Odessa, Yaponchik quickly puts together his gang, “carries out” cash desks and shops. Moishe also adopts revolutionary rhetoric. Now he not only robs, but expropriates for the needs of the revolution and the working class. He organizes a large revolutionary detachment of Jewish self-defense.

The story of the robbery of a gambling club by his gang became a textbook. Yaponchik's people were dressed in the uniform of revolutionary sailors. The proceeds were notable: 100 thousand from horses and 2000 thousand from visitors. One of the club's visitors literally died on the spot when he saw a crowd of armed people in front of him.

The “bandit-tramp element” played a big role in the life of Odessa. And if it was impossible to suppress it, then it was necessary to lead it, putting your own man in the place of the “king”. Yaponchik secured serious financial and organizational support Bolsheviks and became the commander of the Red Army detachment.

His regiment was assembled from Odessa criminals, anarchist militants and mobilized students. Before sending the regiment to the front against Petliura, a chic banquet was arranged in Odessa, at which Mishka Yaponchik was solemnly presented with a silver saber and a red banner.

However, reliability and revolutionary awareness from the people of Yaponchik was not to be expected. Of the 2202 people of the detachment, only 704 people reached the front. The thieves also did not want to fight for a long time and quickly "fought". On the way back to Odessa, Yaponchik was shot dead by Commissar Nikifor Ursulov, who received the Order of the Red Banner for his "feat".

Grigory Kotovsky

Kotovsky was born in 1881 into a noble family. His parents were not rich, his mother died when Grisha was only two years old. He did not finish the vocational school, left the agricultural school and worked as an intern on the estate of Prince Kantakouzin.

From here the glorious days of Grishka the Cat began. The princess fell in love with the young manager, her husband, having learned about this, whipped Grishka and threw him into the field. Without thinking twice, the offended Kotovsky killed the landowner, and he himself disappeared into the forest, where he gathered a gang of 12 people.

Glory thundered - Kotovsky was afraid of all Bessarabia, newspapers wrote about him, calling him another Dubrovsky. There is somewhere in Pushkin: “The robberies are one more wonderful than the other, they follow one after the other. The head of the gang is famous for his intelligence, courage and some kind of generosity ... ". The generosity of Grigory Kotovsky, in the end, with all the palette of personal qualities, became the main one for the public audience, creating the halo of Robin Hood for Cat.

However, for that same "people" Gregory was often a "benefactor". So, Kotovsky and his 12 associates saved the peasants arrested for agrarian unrest, persecuted in the Chisinau prison. They rescued loudly, one of the escorts left a receipt: "Grigory Kotovsky released the arrested."

Kotovsky had to visit places of detention twice. And run free twice. For the first time, a woman and bread helped Gregory. The wife of one of the chiefs of the Kishinev prison, who visited the hero at rest, gave Kotovsky a loaf and smoke, in other words, opium, browning, a rope and a file.

Grishka got out, however, he walked for less than a month. Then he went to Siberia for 10 years. Gregory fled two years later. While Kotovsky ran, the myth of his nobility grew stronger. It was said that during a raid on the apartment of one of the owners of the bank, Kotovsky demanded a pearl necklace from the entrepreneur's wife. Mrs. Circassian did not lose her head and, taking off her jewelry, broke the thread. Kotovsky pearls did not raise, smiled at female resourcefulness.

Grigory Kotovsky definitely had an administrative streak, and if it weren’t for a love adventure with Princess Kontaktuzino, Kotu would not be a red commander, but an enemy of the proletariat. Kotovsky liked to manage: after another escape, having taken possession of someone else's passport, Kotovsky again served as the manager of a large estate. Kotovsky had another weakness - he wanted fame. Having given money to some fire-fighter, the manager said: “Build up again. Come on thanking, Kotovsky is not thanked.

In 1916, Kotovsky was sentenced to death. The military field court agreed that there was no revolution in Kotovsky's actions, they condemned him as a bandit nobleman. Bessarabian Robin Hood was saved by a woman and a writer. Nothing is known about General Shcherbakova, and the friendship between the writer Fedorov and Kotovsky continued for a long time. The revolution gave Kotovsky freedom. Somewhere in Odessa, he underwent military training, and then climbed into Romania.

Calling himself exclusively an anarchist, Gregory independently formed cavalry regiments. The regiments of Kotovsky were formed from those who were close in spirit earlier. Former felon, they say, he served bravely, received two award crosses, was reputed to be merciful - he was loved by the Jews and five thousand rescued white officers.

Being at the crosses, at the zenith of glory, preparing the entry of the Red Army into Odessa, Grishka, disguised as a colonel, took out jewelry from the basement of the state bank. It took him three trucks to vacate the premises. However, this feat of Grigory Ivanovich did not destroy his military career.

The luck of the red commander was deceived once, but with extreme fatalism. On August 6, 1925, at the state farm Chebanka, Grigory Kotovsky was shot dead by Meyer (Mayorchik). There was a lot of talk about murder. They said that Mayorchik, in love with Olga Kotovskaya, eliminated his friend, they said that they killed him on orders from "above". The death of the commander gave rise to a lot of rumors, nevertheless, without obscuring the posthumous luck of Grishka Kota. On August 11, 1925, a daughter was born to Grigory Kotovsky.

Lenka Panteleev

Lenka Panteleev (real name Leonid Pantelkin) was born in 1902, at the age of 17 he joined the Red Army, fought with the Whites, after the Civil War he got a job in the Pskov Cheka, from where he was soon dismissed. According to one version, “to reduce staff,” according to another, because he showed extreme unreliability by starting to steal during the search.

Then Panteleev moved to St. Petersburg, where he first tried to find a job, and then set foot on the path of banditry - he put together a gang and began to "rob the loot." The raids by the Panteleev gang were extremely successful and theatrical. The leader flew in first and introduced himself: “Everyone, keep calm! This is Lenka Panteleev!
Of course, there was a hunt for Panteleev, but the operatives over and over again remained with the nose ... Today this is explained very simply - Panteleev was an undercover agent. This indirectly confirms the fact that Lenka's gang included another former Chekist and former commissioner battalion of the Red Army, member of the RCP (b). In addition, Panteleev's gang has never robbed a state institution, private entrepreneurs have always become victims.

In the fall of 1922, while trying to rob a shoe store, the Panteleev gang was ambushed. Lyonka and his accomplices were arrested. The court sentenced them to death, but the next night they fled from Kresty (the only lucky escape from this prison throughout its history). How Panteleev managed to do this - history is silent ...

For a long time, however, Panteleev did not walk free. Already in February 1923, having resisted arrest, he was shot dead by GPU operatives.

People stubbornly believed that Panteleev was alive. To dispel this myth, by order of the authorities, the corpse was put on public display in the city morgue. Thousands of people came to look at the body, but his family and friends did not identify him. Yes, and it was impossible to do this - the bullet hit in the face.

[:RU]Organized crime has always been big problem for the successful development of states and the peaceful life of ordinary citizens. The underworld controls drug trafficking, prostitution, pornography, gambling business and others especially profitable areas which are often illegal. This huge underground world of crime is controlled by the godfathers of the underworld. The people discussed in this article are the current leaders of the Sicilian mafia, the American Cosa Nostra, the Neapolitan Camorra, the Russian mafia, the Albanian mafia, the Chinese Triads, the Japanese Yakuza, etc. In some cases it is difficult to determine who is the true godfather specific grouping. So the information given is generally accepted and widely known.

10. Diego Perez Genao. Los Rastrojos is a group currently dealing with the armed conflict in Colombia. The cartel is considered the largest drug supplier in Colombia. They cooperate with a wide range of Mexican syndicates, including the most powerful Sinaloa. Los Rastrojos specialize in the transportation of cocaine, heroin and illegal gold mining. They control the main smuggling routes in Venezuela, which is the bridge for cocaine to Europe. After the arrest of the previous leader of the group, Luis Enrique Cale, under the pseudonym "Comba" in May 2012, one Diego Perez Genao (Diego Rastrojo) took over the management of the criminal organization. Pérez Genao is considered one of the most powerful Colombian drug lords in the world. In the early years of his reign, Pérez played important role in the expansion and growth of the organization.

9. Daut Kadrewski. Albanian organized crime is a serious problem in Albania, the United States, European Union and other areas of the world. There are more than 15 mafia clans in Albania that control organized crime. The Albanian mafia is known for violence, torture and terrorist activities. They built a huge crime syndicate whose income is primarily based on drug smuggling and arms sales, car theft. Albanian mafia clans usually consist of groups of about 500 members. In the 1980s, the Albanian mafia moved to New York and started fighting the Italians. Albanian criminal gangs are believed to be largely responsible for the sex trade and the heroin trade. Their heavy presence is recognized in France, Switzerland, Canada, Belgium, Germany, Australia and Honduras. According to Wikileaks, Albanian mafia clans are linked to various South American politicians and banks. A man named Daut Kadrevski is one of the leaders of the Albanian mafia. He is the boss (godfather) of one of the 15 families. In 1993, Kadrewski moved to New York and began to assert the influence of the Albanian mafia in the United States.

8. Pasquale Scotty. Camorra is a mafia criminal organization that originated in Naples (Italy). This is one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the world and its birth dates back to the 16th century. The word "camorra" was first used in 1735, when a royal decree authorized the establishment of eight gambling houses in Naples. Unlike the Cosa Nostra, the Camorra is made up of separate clans that operate independently of each other. In recent years, various families Camorra formed an alliance with the Nigerian drug gang and the Albanian mafia. The crime syndicate is currently led by Pasquale Scotti. Scotty has been described as a cunning and ruthless individual and is a highly popular mobster. In 1990, an International Arrest Warrant was issued for Pasquale Scotti. However, he has since disappeared. In January 2005, he received in absentia life imprisonment for a series of 26 murders during the mafia war of clans in 1982-83.

7. Kenichi Shinoda In Japan, the largest organized crime syndicate is known as the Yakuza. The group is extremely powerful and has long history. In 2012, it was estimated that there were over 100,000 yakuza members, 85,000 of whom live in Japan. The most powerful yakuza syndicate is the Sixth Yamaguchi-Gumi, which is one of the largest organized crime syndicates in the world. The sixth Yamaguchi-gumi is known for its strict rules and traditions. The syndicate makes billions of dollars every year from extortion, gambling, the sex industry, arms trafficking, drugs, real estate, Internet pornography. The Supreme Godfather of the Sixth Yamaguchi-Gumi is called Kumicho. The first Kumicho was Harukichi Yamaguchi, who ruled from 1915-1935. The current boss Kenichi Shinoda is one of the most powerful and dangerous people in Japan. He took control of the syndicate in 2005. In the early 1970s, he was found guilty of killing the boss of a rival gang and spent 13 years in prison. In 2005, only four months after he was named Kumicho, Kenichi Shinoda received a six-year sentence for possession firearms. He was released on April 9, 2011 and regained personal control of the crime syndicate.

6. Liborio Bellomo. In the US, the mafia is most active in New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Detroit and Chicago. There are five major families in New York that control criminal operations, including the Gambino, Lucchese, Genovese, Bonanno, and Colombo clans. The largest and most powerful is the Genovese family, which is mainly engaged in gambling. Officially, the current boss of the Genovese crime family is a man named Daniel Leo, who is currently serving time in prison and due for release in 2013. BUT there is another man in the clan named Liborio Bellomo (Big Barney) who is considered to be one of the fastest growing mafia members in the United States. Today Liborio Bellomo is 55 years old. Bellomo was in prison from 1996 to 2008. Now he is free and many assume that Liborio Bellomo is one of the best gangsters in New York.

5. Domenico Condello. One of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the world is the 'Ndrangheta. The syndicate is based in Calabria, southern Italy. The 'Ndrangheta operates independently of the Sicilian Mafia and controls up to 3% of Italy's total GDP through extortion, money laundering, drug trafficking and other illegal operations. It was calculated that annual income"Ndrangheta" is about 35-40 billion US dollars. The 'Ndrangheta crime syndicate is active worldwide, but is extremely prevalent in Canada, especially in Toronto. Canadian banking system quite secretive and does not allow for investigations, so it is an ideal place for money laundering. In the late 2000s, the most powerful man within the huge 'Ndrangheta syndicate was Pasquale Condello. He was known as "Il Supremo" (The Supreme) within the family. In 2008, Pasquale Condello was arrested by more than 100 police officers at an apartment in the Occhio di Péllaro district, on the outskirts of the city of Reggio di Calabria. The next person to head the crime family was Pasquale's cousin, Domenico Condello. Domenico is currently one of the most wanted people in Italy.

4. Chang An-Lo. The United Bamboo Gangs are Taiwan's largest crime syndicate, part of the Triad. Triad is a term used to describe Chinese criminal organizations based in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Macau, Taiwan, China, and other areas with significant Chinese populations. In the early 1980s, the United Bamboo Gangs gained attention when the group became involved in politics. The Bamboo Union has been led by eventual leader Chang An-Lo since 2007 (" White Wolf"). The White Wolf is dangerous because he is very smart. Indeed, White Wolf has five separate bachelor's degrees, three of which he received from American universities. Currently, Chang An-Lo is a wanted man hiding in Shenzhen, which is on the border with Hong Kong.

3. Joaquin Guzman Loera. After Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011, a man named Joaquín Guzmán Loera or "El Chapo" became the most wanted man in the world by US intelligence agencies. "El Chapo" is the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel and has been called "the world's most powerful drug trafficker". Sinaloa is a drug trafficking syndicate based in the city of Culiacan, Sinaloa, with major operations in Mexico. Joaquin Guzmán Loera has surpassed that of Pablo Escobar in his influence as “the godfather of drugs in the world.” In 2011, Forbes magazine ranked him as the 55th most powerful person in the world. He is also one of the richest billionaires. The governments of the United States and Mexico are determined to capture El Chapo Guzmán, but so far this has not been possible.

2. Matteo Messina Denaro. Who's on this moment is the boss of the Sicilian Mafia? In this article we will talk about a man named Matteo Messina Denaro, or as he is also called Matteo Money, who is considered to be the godfather of the Sicilian mafia. Matteo is not in prison now. In Italy Sicilian mafia(Cosa Nostra) is a powerful crime syndicate that emerged in the mid-1800s. The organization consists of several families that control all illegal and extensive business in Italy. Matteo Messina is now about 50 years old and one of the richest fugitives in the world. In the media, Matteo is often portrayed as a ruthless playboy and womanizer. He Cruel person. Over the past couple of years, the Italian government has seized more than 3 billion euros from transactions related to Matteo Messina. In 2011, an attempt to arrest Matteo failed and he fled.

Shurik Zakhar (Zakharov) - "the star of Balashikha", as his comrades in arms jokingly called him. This thief became famous for spending 90 days in the ShIZO of the famous Vladimir Central.
Shurik Zakhar was born in Belarus in the village of Sosnovka in 1952. After graduating from the eighth grade, Sasha and his friend committed a robbery and quickly got caught. At the age of 15, he found himself in an educational colony.
He got his second term for a fight. The quick-tempered Shurik bludgeoned the offender so that he died on the operating table. The criminal case was reclassified from " premeditated murder” to “serious bodily harm resulting in death.” The court, however, is not particularly humane: it sentenced Alexander Zakharov to 9 years in a strict regime.
In the camps, Zakhar did not shy away, and he was quickly pulled up by the thieves, who are preparing "ambitious understudies" ahead of time. In the same place, in captivity, Shurik Zakhar, and now he was only called that, became addicted to ... cocaine.
In such wonderful conditions, Shurik, as the right prisoner, served from bell to bell. After being released, he was caught by a police patrol a few months later with "coke" in his pocket, as they say in certain circles. Shurik told the investigator that this was an ordinary police set-up. However, he again finds himself in the zone. Term - 4 years. And the honorary status - OOR - a particularly dangerous recidivist.

Here is a list of people who disappear for years, as if they were in prison, able to escape on the way to prison, and you ask what ninja spirits can be. But who and according to what laws declared them thieves in law, when they are not even thieves, but a thief in law boss of heaven + demon. It is known that thieves do not walk along our street, maybe only if the ghost of a rat slips through, and the thief is not a rat. The thief is a cat and is always guilty of the disappearance of food in the refrigerator, but he is not barefoot, but a tramp who was sheltered.

Here is the height of power descending to people along the steps of position in society:
1 Boss of heaven (descended to a thief to the people became a thief in law).
2 Thief (always calm, in heaven, sank to a tramp to people became a cat).
3 Tramp (he went down and what did he become? a swindler? that a swindler is more important than a thief? a thief knows how to steal a mustache with sour cream, but a thief doesn’t know how to steal?)
... and so on
there is a question from investigators and other citizens, how did the barefoot lie so much that they became more important than thieves, and the main thieves seem to be in heaven, the fact is that, as you remember, all the main ones were expelled not only from the earth, but also from the sky, and thieves are nowhere kicked out.

So why are crooks and thieves in power? and who will pay the labor tax to the cat, if the cat was sheltered by God?

Example of writing Ulyanov Vladimir Ilyich, criminal nickname Lenin, born in 1970. he is:

1. Abesadze Nikolai Ivanovich, criminal nickname: Nukriy.

2. Abramiya Elguja Givievich, criminal nickname: Khistava.

3. Abramov Georgy Abramovich, criminal nickname: Dzeko, Assyrian, 1937, address: Tbilisi, Georgia, Chernomorskaya, 13, 35; info: engaged burglaries, has interregional ties in Georgia
This is how I easily am in our hostel on Zhuravlev, 11 there were a lot of spirits pretending to be people and we expanded the living area with a cut in the wall, on which we then hung a carpet.

4. Avdalyan Tahar Gazaevich, Armenian. 02/23/1947, b. ur. Tbilisi, address: Moscow, Russia, Chertanovskaya, 39. 2.132; Moscow, Russia, Serpukhov val, 17. 3, telephone: 9647532; information: 14.07. 94 was shot in the courtyard of the Bega Hotel in Moscow. There is information that the murder was organized criminal authorities from Khabarovsk

5. Konstantin Stepanovich Agarkov, Russian, 08/06/1927 R. ur. Moscow, address: Moscow, Russia, Lefortovsky Val, 76. 9. 4; "authority" criminal environment; information: died in February 1992
got into my own prison, I demolished mine commanding the Red Army Soviet Union and now I live in the closed 5th zone, I study the laws of the zone at the zonal institute, how to plant a master of sports in running Malina in the zone. I couldn’t go to jail, the command of the Red Army is not released from prison, but they change the law, the Nazis of the 4th Reich SSS "R", my first push-button folding knife from this prison, exactly the same as my friend's in 1985, only made in China 2000, how could it be that there is no one there.

And where have you seen photographs of such quality previously taken by the window, with a reflection in the mirror, with your own hand.

7. Agafonov Alexander Ivanovich, criminal nickname: Timokha, Russian, 1947

8. Aghayan Anzor Khachikovich, Armenian. 1939, Address: Tbilisi, Georgia, Senakovskaya. 5; Organized criminal group - Armenian, visits, cafe "Eureka" st. Biryuzova d. 27; cafe "Uyut" - st. Biryuzova, 19; cafe "Mashuk" st. Tukhachevsky d. 31, cafe "Ochag" st. Stromynka, 21 building 1; dukhan "Shavo" - Karamyshevskaya emb. d. 58; cafe "Shirak" st. October; restaurant "Shirak" - Volgogradsky pr., 126 (is of particular operational interest, members of the Armenian diaspora are constantly gathering in Moscow); information: killed in 1992. At the direction of the "thief in law" "Kvezho"
It's just nonsense to gather in crowds, you obviously won't get to our carparative meeting of the directors of the carparation "Asosi ash kar parash Brin fu prodash".

9. Azyatko Sergey Georgievich, criminal nickname: Hitler, Richard, Grandfather; Russian, 1937

10. Aibyan Aram Boevich, criminal nickname: Chazo, Kurd, 1962. address: Tbilisi, Gldani massif. 4 microdistrict 7.1174 organized criminal group - Armenian visits, cafe "Eureka" st. Biryuzova d. 27; cafe "Comfort" - st. Biryuzova, 19; cafe "Mashuk" st. Tukhachevsky d. 31, cafe "Ochag" st. Stromynka, 21 building 1; dukhan "Shavo" - Karamyshevskaya emb. d. 58; cafe "Shirak" st. October; restaurant "Shirak" - Volgogradsky pr., 126 (is of particular operational interest, members of the Armenian diaspora in Moscow constantly gather)

11. Aivazov Telman Aivazovich, Azerbaijani, 1942, ur. Georgia; information: has interregional ties in the Republic of Azerbaijan has children)))

12. Akopov Nikolai Sergeevich. Armenian, born in 1933 ur. Georgia, Batumi; address: Russia, Moscow, Yunykh Lenintsev. 79, 4, 121

13. Hakobyan Ashot Arakelovich, criminal nickname: Ashot.

14. Alania Vazha Viktorovich, criminal nickname: Kacho, Georgian. 1938,

15. Alekseev Yury Vasilievich criminal nickname: Gorbaty, Russian, 1931 address: St. Petersburg, Russia, Dmitrovsky per. 4, 24

16. Aloyan Georgy Valeryanovich, criminal nickname: Zhora Tbilissky, Kurd, 10/29/1957. ur. Georgia, Tbilisi

17. Alyatin Alexander Nikolaevich, criminal nickname: Ustimovsky, Shura Ustiiovsky, Russian, 1952, b. ur. M. O. Elektrostal, address: Elektrostal, Russia, Pobedy, 3, 3, 32; he is:
- Tsitsishvili Revaz Georgievich, criminal nickname: Tsitska, Tsitska Kutaissky, Georgian, born in 1954. ur.: Georgia Kutaisi
- Firsanov Sergey Vladimirovich, criminal nickname: Lyublinsky, 08/29/1957, born, ur .: Moscow
- Okunev Alexander Georgievich, criminal nickname: Ogonyok, Russian, 07/17/1962, G. R., ur .: g. Saint Petersburg
- Kasimov Ildar Nurievich, criminal nickname: Ildar Igrevskiy, born in 1962
Information: extended its influence to the organized criminal group in Elektrogorsk, Pavlovo-Posada. walnut-Zuevo. He tried to influence the administration of the pre-trial detention center in Yegorievsk. His actions were stopped. Currently abusing alcohol Active participation in the formation criminal policy Prisons in Vladimir

18. Amashukeli Mamiya Nikolaevich, Georgian, 1962, address: Tbilisi, Gldani massif, 8 microdistrict, 23; Information: engaged in extortion

19. Amilyan Edward Grigoryevich, criminal nickname: Moscow, Armenian. 1926.

20. Amoev Anzor Jamaevich, criminal nickname: Vazo, 1960.

21. Amurov Timur Jamalovich, criminal nickname: Timur, Georgian, 1959, address: Buynaksk, Druzhby, 33, 42:
I have already seen this authority somewhere.

22. Annamukhmeshdov Khadzha, criminal nickname: Khadzha Khodzha, Turkmen, 1956, ur. Ashgabat leader of the organized crime group; information6 is serving a sentence in Barnaul, Altai region

23. Antipov Alexander Mikhailovich, criminal nickname: Antip, 1952, address: Nizhnyaya Tura, Skorninina 10, 68

24. Antipsky Boris Arkadyevich. criminal nickname: Saint, Russian, 07/09/1950, ur. Chita address: Chita, Russia
It remains a secret why the nickname Saint, and the saint is translated from Slavic into Russian fool, although it is known that Christ is a fool, the rest are fools, and the Hat is not a fool, but fool Urakos, mows down fools from the Army with bullets.

25. Alakela Boris Bagratovich, criminal nickname: Borya Sukhumsky, Georgian, G. b., ur. Abkhazia, Sukhumi, authority of the criminal environment, judged

26. Arabuli Robinson Zakharovich, criminal nickname: Robinson, Georgian, born in 1952 ur. Georgia, Tbilisi, address: Tbilisi, Georgia, Avchala highway, 83, 4; Moscow. Russia, Begovaya, 15, 37

27. Arakelov Karlo Oganezovich, criminal nickname: Dwarf, Georgian, 1937, address: Tbilisi, Chernomorskaya, 11

28. Arakeliants Artem Stepanovich, criminal nickname: Artem Krasnodarsky, Armenian, 1933, address: Rostov-on-Don, Sholokhov, 22, 51; leader of the organized crime group

29. Arzumanov Stanislav Rantinovich, criminal nickname: Stas Bakinsky, Armenian born in 1944. ur. Azerbaijan, Baku, address: Moscow, Russia, Baku, 16, 12

30. Arnautovich Karl Karlovich, criminal nickname: Vazar. Jew, 07/08/1924

31. Georgy Agievich Artkilava, criminal nickname: Ryzha, Ryzhy, akhaz.1957, address: Batumi. Azerbaijan, Rustaveli, 6, 190; information: engaged in burglaries, has interregional ties with the Republic of Abkhazia

32. Archvadze Kakhabar Dzhumberovich, criminal nickname: Kakha, 1962

33. Asatryan Tigran Ailyazovich, Armenian 1950, organized criminal group - Armenian; visits cafe "Eureka" st. Biryuzova d. 27; cafe "Comfort" - st. Biryuzova, 19; cafe "Mashuk" st. Tukhachevsky d. 31, cafe "Ochag" st. Stromynka, 21 building 1; dukhan "Shavo" - Karamyshevskaya emb. d. 58; cafe "Shirak" st. October; restaurant "Shirak" - Volgogradsky pr., 126 (is of particular operational interest, members of the Armenian diaspora in Moscow constantly gather)

34. Asatryan Eduard Sergeevich, criminal nickname: Edik Tbilissky, Edik Osetrina, Armenian, born in 1968, ur. Georgia, Tbilisi; information: has interregional ties in the Republic of Armenia, has connections with "thieves" who are in the prison of Vladimir

35. Asaturyan Gachik Amayakovich, criminal nickname: Gachik, Gacho, Armenian, 1959, address, Rostov-on-Don, line 6, 27, 31

36. Asevov Alik Ataevich, criminal nickname: Jaga, Armenian, 1961, address: Makhachkala, Timiryazev, 34

37. Asyanov Ildar Mudzrisovich, criminal nickname: Ildar Ufimsky, Tatar, address: Ufa, Russia Kalinina, 14, 9; information: has interregional ties in the Republic of Tatarstan

38. Akhakaya Valiko Dmitrievich criminal nickname: Kot, Georgian, 1937, b., ur. Georgia, address: Moscow, Russia, Kustanaiskaya, 14, 1, 279; information: has interregional ties with the Republic of Georgia

39. Akhmadov Khusein Seilievich, criminal nickname: Blind Khusein, Chechen, 1966

40. Akhyaretdinov Marat Mosgarovich, criminal nickname: Martyn, Tatar, 1963

41. Babaev Guram Nanishevich, criminal nickname: Guram Assyrian, 1956

42. Bagdasaryan Mikhail Vrazdatovich criminal nickname: Mishka Kosolapy, Georgian, 1953, b. ur. Georgia Tbilisi, (Mikhail Vrazdatovich Bogdasaryan, 1963, organized criminal group-Armenian, visits, Evrika cafe, Biryuzova st., 27; Comfort cafe, Biryuzova st., 19; Mashuk cafe, Tukhachevsky st., 31 , cafe "Ochag" Stromynka st., 21 building 1; dukhan "Shavo" - Karamyshevskaya embankment, 58; cafe "Shirak" st. Oktyabrskaya; restaurant "Shirak" - Volgogradsky pr., 126 (represents a special operational interest, members of the Armenian diaspora are constantly gathering in Moscow); information: touring in Russia

43. Baghdasaryan Rafik Mkrtichevich, criminal nickname: Rafik Svo, Svo, Armenian, 1930, information: died in 1993 in the 20th hospital

44. Bagdasaryan Yuri Grigorievich, criminal nickname: Ambo, Armenian, 1954, address: Aleksandrovskoye village, Kalinina, 268; information: has interregional ties in the Republic of Armenia

45. Badzhelidze Anzor Davidovich, criminal nickname: Anzor, Anzor Tashkentsky, Anzor-Kutaissky, Georgian, born in 1941, ur. Georgia Tbilisi, address: Moscow Solntsevsky prospect, 7, 1, 47; leader of the organized crime group

46. ​​Bazhkin Yury, 10/09/1953, b., ur. Samara region, information: previously lived - Samara region. Tolyatti

47. Balanov Guram Mikhailovich, criminal nickname: Guram, Agur, Armenian, 1951, address: Sukhumi, Kirov, 241; Orenburg, Russia, Nikitina, 29; leader of the organized crime group

48. Balanovsky Valery Mikhailovich, criminal nickname: Bidzho, Russian, 1956

49. Ali Mammad-ogly Balakhmedov, criminal nickname: Yasha Bakinsky, 1951, leader of an organized criminal group

50. Baluashvili Gavrizi Mikhailovich criminal nickname: Givi, Prince, Georgian 1950; information: has interregional ties in the Republic of Georgia

51. Barseghyan Rubik Indronikovich, criminal nickname: Rubo, 1950, leader of an organized criminal group

52. Barabyshev Vladimir Grigoryevich, criminal nickname: Lysak.

53. Baranov Nikolay Arkadyevich, criminal nickname: Baran, Yura Baran, Russian 06/15/1937, born, ur. m.o. Reutov, address: Moscow, Russia, Sumskoy proezd, 13, 2, 64

54. Barasadze Givi Alexandrovich, criminal nickname: Givi, Grandfather, Georgian, 1928, leader of an organized criminal group
It seems to me that such a number of leaders of organized crime groups have been put up to counterbalance me, against RUBOP (ruBOP), like I can’t handle it, but I still remember how to launch nuclear missiles, control the ninja spirits of my military unit and pull out my 10 ghouls from the grave,
coped with Lenin and Hitler's Army ,
whom I also hate, like the rest of the ghouls.

55. Barakhlinsky Alexander Savvovich: criminal nickname: Stalingradsky, Russian, 11/18/1955, born, ur. Volgograd, contacts:
-Ring Andrei Fedorovich, criminal nickname: Andryukha Russian, 196Z
- Tsandekov Arkady Grigorievich, criminal nickname: Arkan Arkasha, Greek born, ur .: Georgia; information: has a connection with the "thieves" who are in the prison of Vladimir, supports the group of "Slavic" "thieves"

56. Barkalaya Vazha Elisbarovich, criminal nickname: Vazha, Vakha, Georgian, born in 1937, ur. Georgia, Nosiri, address: Tskhakaya, Groshova, 46 Togliatti, Russia; information: has interregional ties in the Republic of Georgia, was engaged in extortion, tours in Russia

57. Baroyan Dzhemal Shaizalievich, criminal nickname: BARON, Armenian, 1962, address: Tbilisi, Georgian, Dead End Tsulukidze, 8, 30, organized criminal group - Armenian visits: cafe "Eureka" st. Biryuzova d. 27; cafe "Comfort" - st. Biryuzova, 19; cafe "Mashuk" st. Tukhachevsky d. 31, cafe "Ochag" st. Stromynka, 21 building 1; dukhan "Shavo" - Karamyshevskaya emb. D. 58; cafe "Shirak" st. October; restaurant "Shirak" - Volgogradsky pr., 126 (is of particular operational interest, members of the Armenian diaspora are constantly gathering in Moscow); Information: engaged in extortion

58. Barsanukaev Alis Dokkaevich, criminal nickname: Alice, 1959, leader of an organized criminal group

59. Barsegov Vladimir Karlovich: criminal nickname: Brick, Georgian, 1923, address: Rostov-on-Don, 37, 2, 107; Tbilisi, Georgia, Komsomolskaya, 29 information: has interregional ties with the Republic of Georgia; engaging in extortion

60. Barseghyan Nikol Tigranovich, criminal nickname: Nicole.

61. Bartsoa Raul Zosimovich, 1966, leader of an organized criminal group

62. Bakhia Merab Avtandilovich, criminal nickname: Baha-Baha.
- Kacharava Tariel Alekseevich, criminal nickname: Tariel, Tariel Sukhumsky, Georgian, 1963. r., ur. Abkhazia Sukhumi, representative o / interest suspected in a crime, "authority" of the criminal environment, r / convicted

63. Bakhtin Alexander Ivanovich, criminal nickname: Petrukha, Russian, 03/09/1951, b. ur. Shadrinsk Kurgan region address: Krasnoyarsk, Russia, Ustinovicha, 22, 36; known under the data of Oleg Ivanovich Bakhtin, he is also:
- Tsitsishvili Revaz Georgievich, criminal nickname: Tsitska, Tsitska Kutaissky, Georgian, born in 1954. ur .: Georgia Kutaisi, Arabuli Robinson Zakharovich, criminal nickname: Robinson, Georgian, born in 1952 ur.: Georgia Tbilisi
- Silagadze Valery Mikhailovich, criminal nickname: Valera Sukhumi, Georgian born on 07/24/1956 ur.: Abkhazia Sukhumi

64. Bashiryan Mamed Medzhievich, 1962, address: Tbilisi, Georgia, Gldani array, 3 microdistrict, 3, 55

65. Beznogov Alexander Sergeevich, Criminal nickname: Ogonyok, leader of the organized criminal group

66. Belov Anatoly Nikolaevich, criminal nickname: Bely, Russian 1954 address: Novo-Shakhtinsk, Red Avenue, 35

67. Beradze Givi Mikhailovich, criminal nickname: Givi-Rezanny, Golden Handle, Washer, Georgian, 11/26/1930, born, ur. Georgia Zugdidi, Moscow, Russia, Bolshaya Pereyaslavskaya, 9, 89; Zugdidi, Oktyabrskaya, 96; passport: 13 747666 issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of Zugdidi on 06.05. 33, organized criminal group - Georgian, aka:
- Kvantrishvili Otari Vitalievich, criminal nickname: Otarik, Otar, Sherkhan, Georgian, born in 1943, born in Georgia, Zestaponi, a group of athletes ("Otarika"), leader of an organized criminal group, killed
- Kvantrishvili Amiran Vitalievich, Georgian, born in 1945, ur.: Georgia Zestaponi, member of the criminal environment - killed
- Eristavi Otari Bezhanovich, born in 1943, ur.: Adjara
- Lobzhanidze Gennady, criminal nickname: Gena, Shram, Georgian representative 0 / interest authority of the criminal environment, r / convicted - killed
Information: had interregional contacts in the Republic of Georgia, USA, Germany

68. Berdyshev Yuri Nikolaevich, criminal nickname: Karzuby, Russian, 1957. G. R. ur. Novosibirsk, address: Novosibirsk, Russia, Kovalchuk, 133B, 53; information: has connections in the West Siberian region

69. Berezin Valentin Ivanovich, criminal nickname: Berezka, Russian 1939 address: Saratov, Russia, Gogol, 99, 1

70. Beruashvili Yago Samsonovich, criminal nickname: Yago, born in 1962

71. Beshtapov Valery Askerovich, criminal nickname: Valera, Tatar, Tatar, 1956, leader of an organized criminal group

72. Anatoly Vasilyevich Bibikov, criminal nickname: Bibik, Russian, 1956, address: Tenchinka village, Shaumyana, 72; info: debunked

73. Biganinshvili Vazha Archilovich, Georgian, 1956, address: Tbilisi, Georgia Vazha Pshavela Avenue 4 quarter, 4, 110

74. Bizikanshvili Nikolai Shotaevich, criminal nickname: Tsika, Georgian, 1956 address: Vladikavkaz, Turgenevskaya, 51; he is:
- Shevkunenko Sergey Yuryevich, criminal nickname: Artist, Russian, 11/20/1959, born, ur.: Moscow, grouping: no code, Mosfilm, representative. os. interest, administrative supervision, suspected of a crime, leader of an organized criminal group, r/convicted; information: arrested by the RUOP of the city of Moscow under Article 77 of the Criminal Code, was engaged in serious crimes in housing and taking hostages in extortion

75. Bilunov Leonid Fedorovich, criminal nickname: Macintosh, born in 1949, ur. Kyiv region, Belaya Tserkov, address: Kaluga region, Zhukvsky district, village. Panino

76. Bitkash Givi Fadyumovich, 1937, leader of an organized criminal group

77. Bobylev Alexander Ivanovich, criminal nickname: Papa Raul, Russian, born in 1944, ur. m.o. Lyubery, address: Moscow Region, Lyubertsy, Lermontov

78. Boikov Alexander Vasilyevich, criminal nickname: Boek, Russian, born in 1946, Ur. Moscow

79. Fighters Sergey Alexandrovich, criminal nickname: Fighter, Russian, 1960; Connections:
-Tsitsishvili Revaz Georgievich, criminal nickname: Tsitska, Tsitska Kutaissky, Georgian, born in 1954, ur.: Georgia Kutaisi
- Okunev Alexander Georgievich, criminal nickname: Ogonyok, Russian, 07/17/1962, G. R., ur .: St. Petersburg

80. Borisov Vladimir Andreevich - criminal nickname: Rope, ur: 1962, address:. Chita, Shilova

81. Bosaria Georgy Arsentievich, criminal nickname: Milanets, 1954, leader of an organized criminal group

82. Bochorishvili Artem Bidzinovich, Criminal nickname: Bucha, Georgian, 1930, address: Tbilisi, Georgia, Gagarina, 6; information: has interregional ties with the Republic of Georgia, is engaged in extortion and fraud

83. Bronsky Vladimir Nikolaevich, criminal nickname: Lysak.

84. Budary Petr Petrovich, criminal nickname: Budary, Russian, 1954, address: Moscow, Russia, 1905, 5, 160; Moscow, Russia, Kuusinen, 6, 11, 911; passport 5-SB Х 710541 Issued on 11 0/m 19.03. 92; information: there is no confirmation of the coronation or a criminal record, according to the results of the check, he works for regime enterprise, no previous judgment

85. Buzulutsky Vasily Iosifovich, Criminal nickname: Grandfather, Vasya Buzulutsky, Russian, 1932, information: died 29.01. 94 in St. Petersburg

86. Bulin Romanoz Alexandrovich, criminal nickname: Romeo, Georgian, 1955

87. Burdeyny Alexander Serafimovich, criminal nickname: Kazachek, Russian, 1951, leader of an organized criminal group

88: Burilin Igor Ivanovich, criminal nickname: Burila, Burilo, Egor, Russian, 05/17/1960, born, ur. Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region, address: Kemerovo, Russia

89. Burkalov Vladimir Stepanovich, criminal nickname: Blondin, Russian. 07/15/1949, born, ur. Voronezh, address: Pushkino, Serebryanka microdistrict, 77, 21; Pushkino, Serebryanka microdistrict, 77, 21., passport, 4 EA, 72336 aka:
- Shishkanov Oleg Nikolaevich, criminal nickname: Shishkan, Russian, born in 1964, born, ur. . Ramenskoye M. O., leader of the organized criminal group; Information: delayed 20.02. 95 at the restaurant "Olimp" at the birthday party of "Vadik Vorona" RUOP in Moscow

90. Burchuladze Murald Ulbievich, criminal nickname: Murashka, Georgian, 1956, address: G. Batumi, Gogebashvili, 53; Info: engaged in extortion

91. Butorin Sergey Vladimirovich. criminal nickname: Serge Russian 1953, information: Leninsk-Kuznetsky PIT 42 is serving a sentence
92. Bukhinikashvili Rezo Vladimirovich, criminal nickname: Peso, Georgian, 04/17/1952 r., ur. Georgia address: Moscow, Russia Leninsky Prospekt, 130, 1, 25, tel. o / interest suspected of crimes "authority" of the criminal environment, p / convicted, he is:
- Koguashvili Badri Amberkievich, Georgian
- Oniani Tariel Guramovich, Criminal nickname: Tariel, Georgian, 06/02/1956, born, ur - Georgia Kutaisi
- Tsitsishvili Revaz Georgievich, criminal nickname - Tsitska, Tsitska Kutaissky, Georgian, born in 1954: Georgia Kutaisi
- Okunev Alexander Georgievich, criminal nickname: Ogonyok, Russian 17 07 1962 ur. Saint Petersburg
-Arabuli Robinzon Zakharovich Criminal nickname: Robinzon, Gruzin, born in 1952, ur.: Georgia Tbilisi; information: has interregional ties in Georgia, in Germany

93. Bukhov Sergey Dmitrievich, criminal nickname: Red, Russian, 1953, address: Krasnodar, Ignatova, 29, 21

94. Buchukuri Tomaz Matveeevich, Criminal nickname: Tomaz, 1962, leader of an organized criminal group

95. Eduard Migratovich Vardanyan, criminal nickname: Edik, Vaso, 1945, leader of an organized criminal group

96. Vasin Evgeny Petrovich, criminal nickname: Jem, Russian 1950, G. R., ur. Chita region, address: Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia Victory Avenue, 41, Z, 12, the leader of the organized criminal group, he is also:
- Ghazaryan Alexander Agafonovich, criminal nickname: Sasha Tashkentsky, city, b., ur.: Baku
- Takhtakhunov Alimzhan Tursunovich, criminal nickname: Taiwanchik, Uzbek, 01/01/1949, born, ur.: Uzbekistan Tashkent, authority of the criminal environment
- Banin Oleg Vladimirovich, criminal nickname: Bandit, Russian, 1963, leader of an organized criminal group
- Tsikhelashvili Datiko Pavlovich, criminal nickname: Dato Tashkentsky, Dato Georgian 01/12/1951, born, ur .: Karakalpakstan Nukus; information: has interregional ties with the Far East region, with the Republic of Georgia, presented Dato Tashkentsky with 2 cars of foreign cars

97. Vachiberidze Anzor Alexandrovich, criminal nickname: Tiko, Georgian, 1939, address: Kutaisi, Georgia, 13/24 Chavchadadze Ave., information: has interregional ties with Moldova, Georgia, was engaged in burglaries

98. Velkov Anatoly Nikolaevich, Criminal nickname: Ivdelsky 1959

99. Volkov Alexander Anatolyevich, criminal nickname: Volchok, Russian, 1960

100. Volkov Anatoly Ivanovich, address: Izhevsk, Pushkinskaya

101. Volkov Vladimir Ivanovich, criminal nickname: Volchok, Russian, 1949, address: Krasnodar, Vorovskogo, 24, 20

102. Volkov Nikolai Yakovlevich, criminal nickname: Koba, born in 1931, ur. M. O., Bronnitsy

103. Gabarshoev Aslanbek Sultanovich, criminal nickname: Aslan, Chechen

104. Gabelashvili David Sergeevich, criminal nickname: Dato, Georgian, 1954, address: Krasnodar

105. Gabisonia Zauri Valeryanovich, criminal nickname: Ime, Georgian, 1952, address: Zugdidi, Barnova, 9; Information: engaged in burglaries

106. Gabunia Timur Agabovich, criminal nickname: Timur, Timur Vansky, Georgian 1954, b., ur. Georgia Amagleba, aka:
- Tsitsishvili Revaz Georgievich, criminal nickname - Tsitska, Tsitska Kutaissky, Georgian, born in 1954, ur.: Georgia Kutaisi
- Okunev Alexander Georgievich, criminal nickname: Ogonyok, Russian, 07/17/1962, born, ur .: St. Petersburg; information: supports the "common fund" in the Vladimir Central

107. Gavasheliani Tengiz Dzhemalovich, criminal nickname: Tengiz Pitsundsky, Georgian, born in 1957, ur. Abkhazia Gagra, address: Lidzava village; Information: engaged in burglaries

108. Gagulia Vladimir Pavlovich, criminal nickname: Emil, Georgian, 1955 information: has interregional ties with Georgia

109. Gadarboshev Aslanbek Sultanovich, criminal nickname: Aslan, leader of an organized criminal group

110. Gadelia Tengiz Vladimirovich, criminal nickname: Tengo, Georgian, 1948, information: has interregional ties with Georgia

111. Gaisanov Revaz Valeryanovich, criminal nickname: PRINCE, 1942, leader of an organized criminal group, drug addict

112. Gaisanov Ruslan Dzhabrailovich, criminal nickname: PRINCE, Ruslan, Georgian, sewed

113. Galyavov Mansur Garafovich, criminal nickname: Mansur, 04/23/1950, born, ur. Ivanovo region address: Ivanovo, Belinsky lane 10

114. Gamtseladze Revaz Davidovich, criminal nickname: Gedemos, Bichi, Rezo, GEORGIAN, born in 1957, ur. Georgia Tbilisi, address: Tbilisi, Chkalova, 13, contacts:
- Farizov Tengiz Valentinoevich, criminal nickname: Trezor, Chest, Kurd, born in 1966, ur. Georgia, Tbilisi; information: has interregional ties in Georgia, was killed in the fall of 1994 by the "thief" Sakvarelidze from a machine gun

115. Gapsalyamov Rafis Akhsamovich, criminal klichcha: Grinya, Gaps, Tatar 1961

116. Garbuzov Viktor Alekseevich, Criminal nickname: Novocherkassky, Kursky, 1954, leader of an organized criminal group

117. Gartskiya Tengiz Eduardovich, criminal nickname: Chizh, Abkhazian, 07/24/1956, born, ur. Abkhazia Gudauta, address: Gudauta, Lenin Avenue, 791 Moscow, Russia, 4 Grazhdanskaya, 37, 2, 25, Moscow, Russia, Pokrovsky Boulevard, 14/5, 61, Moscow Korolenko; passport: 7-SB and 636143, Issued on the 26th 17.09. 93; information: has interregional ties with the Republic of Georgia, the USA, Israel, in 1993, for a bribe of 26 0/m, he changed his last name in his passport to Gartkia

118. Gasanov Natik Mirza oglu, criminal nickname: Natik, 1955, leader of an organized criminal group

119. Gasoyan Khudo Karoevich, criminal nickname: Khudo, Kurd, 03/09/19531, b. Georgia, address: Saratov, Russia; information: has inter-regional ties in Samara, Saratov, Volgograd

120. Qasimov Zakir aga Huseyn oglu, criminal nickname: Zakir, 1958, leader of an organized criminal group

121. Gafarov Sergey Alievich, criminal nickname: Gray, 1956, leader of an organized criminal group

122. Gvadzhalia Guram Mikhailovich, criminal nickname: Guram Tbilissky, 1955, leader of an organized criminal group

123. Gvasalia Vasily Vikentievich, criminal nickname: Vasya Buzulutsky, 1946 G. R. ur. Georgia, address: Togliatti

124. Gvidiliya Givi Georgievich, criminal nickname: Givi Nos, born in 1951, ur. Georgia s. Mikawa, leader of the organized crime group

125. Gvintsadze Rezo Muzafarovich, criminal nickname: BUKHUS Bichi, Georgian, 1947, address: Tsulukidze, 6 lane, Pobedy street; Information: engaged in extortion. Died 13.07. 94 in a car crash in Yekaterinburg

126. Gebriadze Zhorzhi Andreevich, criminal nickname: Chukiya, Georgian, 1946, born, ur. Abkhazia Ochamchira, address: Ochamchira, Engels, 63; Information: engaged in fraud. Departed in an unknown direction

127. Gevoriyan Hayk Gareginovich, criminal nickname: Goga, Goga Yerevansky, Armenian, born in 1927, ur. Armenia Yerevan, address: G. Kislovodsk, Kommuny, 23, 35; Moscow, Russia, 1905, 5, 160, the authority of the criminal environment; information: had interregional ties with the Republic of Georgia, USA, in April 1994 he was seriously wounded in Moscow, 14.07. 94 died of wounds in the hospital. Botkin

128. Gevoriyan Stepan Kimovich, criminal nickname: Stepan Tbilissky, Armenian, born in 1953, ur. Georgia Tbilisi, address: Tbilisi, Georgia, Fitner, 2, G Tbilisi Georgia, Peritsvalebi, 2; Information: engaged in extortion

129. Geghamyan Garik Lyuksenovich, criminal nickname: Cardboard, Armenian, 1961 address: Yerevan, Gastello, 6, 26; 0PG - Armenian, visits: cafe "Eureka" st. Biryuzova d. 27; cafe "Comfort" - st. Biryuzova, 19; cafe "Mashuk" st. Tukhachevsky d. 31, cafe "Ochag" st. Stromynka, 21 building 1; dukhan "Shavo" - Karamyshevskaya emb. D. 58; cafe "Shirak" st. October; restaurant "Shirak" - Volgogradsky pr., 126 (of special operational interest, members of the Armenian diaspora in Moscow constantly gather)

130. Gegechkori Amiran Alexandrovich, criminal nickname: Amiran, 1953, leader of an organized criminal group, drug addict Information: has interregional ties in Georgia, is engaged in burglaries, convicted four times

131. Gegechkori Roland Noevich, Georgian 1957, address: Tsaishi village

132. Georgadze Givi Albertovich, Criminal nickname: Kakha, 05/04/1962, address: Astrakhan, Kubanskaya, 70, 45

133. Gergedava Givi Irodionovich, criminal nickname: Tutu, Georgian, 1941, address: Pirveli Gali village; Information: engaged in burglaries

134. Aleksey Grigorievich Gerchenko, criminal nickname: Arkady, Russian, born in 1926 ur. Kyiv region with. Vasilievka, address: Tula, Russia, Lennin prospect, 104, 18 Moscow Russia. Ash Avenue, 34, 302; Moscow; Russia, Yasny passage, 8, 4, 302, the authority of the criminal environment

135. Givoev Alexander Mityaevich, criminal nickname: Gai-gui, Armenian, 1954, Georgian organized criminal group visits: Evrika cafe, st. Biryuzova d. 27; cafe "Comfort" - st. Biryuzova, 19; cafe "Mashuk" st. Tukhachevsky. 31, cafe "hearth Stromynka st., 21 k.1; spirit "Shavo" - Karamyshevskaya embankment, 58; cafe "Shirak" st. Oktyabrskaya; restaurant "Shirak" - Volgogradsky pr., 126 (represents a special operational interest, members of the Armenian diaspora constantly gather in Moscow); information: has interregional ties in the Republic of Georgia

136. Gigiberia Badri Murmanovich, Gruzin, 1954, address: Tskhakaya, Teatralnaya, 1, information: has interregional ties in the USA, was engaged in gambling, extortion

137. Gikashvili Onise Otarovich, 11/21/1971, b., ur. Georgia Telavi

138. Glebkin Yuri Vladimirovich, criminal nickname: Bandit, Russian, born in 195, ur. Gorlovka, Donetsk region, information: touring in Russia

139. Glonti Georgy Vasilievich, Criminal nickname: Kokilo 1960, leader of an organized criminal group

140. Glonti Revaz Valeryanovich, criminal nickname: Kazbek, 1942, leader of an organized criminal group

141. Glushankov Viktor Ivanovich, criminal nickname: Chelyabinsky, 1957, born, ur. Mogilevskaya

142. Gogiashvili Oleg Pavlovich, Georgian, 1959, leader of an organized criminal group

143. Gogiashvili Nodar Estatovich, criminal nickname: Tsaul, Tsaula, Georgian, 1935, G. R. ur. Georgia Tbilisi address: Tbilisi, Georgia, Khvanchkarskaya, 121 telephone: 629232, perpetrator of crimes in a group; information: has interregional ties in Georgia, is engaged in burglaries, 5th grade education, is under administrative supervision, detained

144. Gogichaev Elbrus Nikolaevich, criminal nickname: Abuz, Elbrus Ossetian, 1936

145. Gogia Vakhtang Kukurovich, 1952, b., ur. Georgia Tbilisi

146. Gogoladze Tamaz Bichikoevich, criminal nickname, Chermen, Georgian, 1960, address: Rustavi, Kirov, 19, 46; Information: engaged in extortion

147. Gogonashvili Teimuraz Revazovich, criminal nickname: Timur, Georgian, 1957, leader of an organized criminal group

148. Gogolev Vladimir Mikhailovich, Criminal nickname: Gogol, Russian

149. Gogonashvili Iona Shotaevich, criminal nickname: Vazha, Iona, Gruzin, 1954, information: serving a sentence in a penal colony in Kazakhstan

150. Gogotishvili Anzor Shalvovich, criminal nickname: Azo, Georgian, 1933, address: Samtredia, Bauska, 15; information: has interregional ties in Georgia, was engaged in extortion, gambling

151. Gogua Zurab Ilyich, Criminal nickname: Zurik, 1949, leader of an organized criminal group

152. Golubkov Ivan Ilyich, 1942, leader of an organized criminal group

153. Gorgisheli Paata - Nikolaevich, criminal nickname: Paata, Georgian, 1959, address: Tbilisi, Georgia, Lenina avenue, 50, Irkutsk, Russia, Nevsky, 62, 12

154. Gordeychik Grigory Vladimirovich, criminal nickname: Grisha Bakinsky, Russian, 1956, leader of an organized criminal group, connections:
- Tsandekov Arkady Grigorievich, Criminal nickname: Arkan, Arkasha, Greek born 10/09/1961 ur. Georgia, information: according to information from Tsiki's thieves, Ogonyok has been debunked

155. Gordeladze Gela Vasilievich, criminal nickname: Givi, Georgian, 06/10/1943, b. ur. Georgia Tbilisi address: Tbilisi, Georgia, 3 Massiv, 5 microdistrict, 3. 24; Moscow, Russia, Samotechny lane 10, 44; information: has interregional ties in Georgia, was engaged in burglaries. judged four times

156. Granin Konstantin Leonidovich, criminal nickname: Kot, 1967, leader of an organized criminal group

157. Grigolaya Nodari Nikolaevich, Georgian, 1937, address: Varche village; information: engaged in extortion, is on inpatient treatment

158. Grigoriev Evgeny Ivanovich, criminal nickname: Zhmek, 1954, leader of an organized criminal group

159. Grigoryan Artur Sergeevich, criminal nickname: Artur, 1961, leader of an organized criminal group

160. Grozin Konstantin Ilyich, criminal nickname: Kosta Grodno, 1925, leader of the organized criminal group

161. Gubaz Ruslan Viktorovich, Georgian, 1957, address: Sukhumi, Samerjieva, 30, 12; information has inter-regional links in Georgia. Engaged in robbery

162. Gugunava Boris Georgevich, criminal nickname: Bochia, Georgian, 1933, address: Tbilisi, Georgia, Almasyan, 46; Info: Gambling

163. Gugutsidze Murman Durmishkhanovich, criminal nickname: Mirza, Roma, Georgian, 1958

164. Gudushauri Paata Valeryanovich, criminal nickname: Tbilisi Cattle, Paata, Pato, Georgian, 05/28/1952, born, ur. Georgia Tbilisi, address: Russia, Kyiv, 7; information: in June 1994

165. Gularia Ruslan Leonidovich, criminal nickname: Ruslan gray-haired, 1965, leader of an organized criminal group

166. Guluasyan Razmik Bagratovich, criminal nickname: Bagratovich, 1953, leader of an organized criminal group

167. Gurgenyan Albert Oktyabrevich, criminal nickname: Sailor, Armenian, 1958, address: Sukhumi, Dzerzhinsky, 1 Quarter, 10; OPG - Georgian, visits the cafe "Eureka" st. Biryuzova d. 27; "Comfort" cafe, 19 Biryuzova st.; "Mashuk" cafe, 58 Tukhachevskogo st.; "Shirak" cafe, Oktyabrskaya st.; "Shirak" restaurant, 126 Volgogradsky ave. members of the Armenian diaspora in Moscow); information: engaged pickpocketing

168. Gurov A. V., born in 1958

169. Guseinov Valeh Hajibala oglu, criminal nickname: Valera Bakinsky, 1951, leader of an organized criminal group

170. Davituliani Akaki Revazovich, criminal nickname: Kokula, 1953, leader of an organized criminal group, information: drug addict

171. Davletkereev Mavsar Alimpazhaevich, Dagestan, 10/21/1967, born, ur. Dagestan Oreshevka, information: guest performer

172. Davrishyan Mamed Karimovich, Armenian, 1959

173. Davydov Sergey Viktorovich, criminal nickname "Davyd", Russian, 27.10. 69 year of birth, ur. M. O., Balashikha, address: M. O., Balashikha, st. Sports, 11, 53

174. Danelia David Guramovich, criminal nickname: Sulela, Georgian, 1952, address: Kutaisi, 3 Dead end, Makharadze, 14

175. Darumelidze Alexander Ivanovich, Georgian, 1929, address: Poti, Nikoladze, 45

176. Daudov Sultan Salambekovich, criminal nickname: Sultan, Chechen, born on July 24, 1955, ur, Kintau, Kazakhstan, address: Balashikha, Russia, Moscow. Russia, Aviation, 68, 146; he is:
- Deryabin A. V., born in 1962, ur.: M. O., Zheleznodorozhny
- Osmaev. I. B., 1964
- Alarin V. V., born in 1970, ur.: M. O., Shchelkovo
- Ryazinsky V.P., born in 1952, ur.: M.O., Balashikha
- Titov S. A., 1972
Information. 21.03. 94 at 10.00 in Balashikha, Moscow region. killed

177. Dgebuadze Badri Karloevich, criminal nickname: Bosyak, Badri Zugdidsky, Georgian, born in 1960, ur. Georgia Zugdidi, address: Moscow, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, 17, 79, telephone 4500196; representative o / interest, suspected of crimes, accused, p / convicted; Information: has interregional ties with the Republic of Georgia, is engaged in theft from cars with a piercing of the right rear wheel, a drug addict. There is information that some of the "thieves in law" do not recognize him as a "thief"

I remember such a book was published by the thief in law "Mosgordumsvet" Svetmos, who was laughed at so much that they laughed at the Mosgordumsvet, it was written down under the dictation of the dictator of the proletariat, all types of criminals, year of birth and even if time is needed. And everyone laughs why the police cannot find these thieves. And remembering how they laughed at him, how Christ met Christ face to face, and everyone learned from Christ, and Christ was not a teacher, I became Urakos.

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