When was the VDP development program adopted? History of irpo-vdpo

The middle of the 19th century is one of the most interesting stages in the development of fire fighting in Russia and the strengthening of the state fire department. With the adoption in 1853 of the “Normal Table of Fire Departments in Cities,” the formation of the organizational structure of the professional fire department was completed. Its staff began to be determined depending on the population in the locality.

However, attempts to curb the fire using only professionals did not bring the desired result; new forms of organizing the fight against fire were needed, including by involving the population in fighting fires. Therefore, civilian and public fire brigades or voluntary fire brigades began to be created in city governments. By 1891, the number of fire societies, teams and squads in Russia was more than 3,000, and the issue of creating an all-Russian center for voluntary fire protection, which was raised during the All-Russian Fire Exhibition organized by the Russian Technical Society in 1892 in St. -Petersburg, where, simultaneously with the exhibition, on June 14-15, 1892, the first congress of Russian fire officials was held.

The priority issues of the All-Russian Congress of Firefighters included the unification of local societies, voluntary teams and squads, the adoption of the Charter and the formation of the Society Council. On June 15, 1892, the congress of Russian fire officials unanimously recognized the vital importance of the creation of the Fire Society, approving the draft Charter of the Society. Thus, June 15, 1892 should be considered the birthday of the Russian Firefighting Society.

In 1893, the United Russian Firefighting Society was created, the Council of the Society was formed and began practical work, the chairman of which was Count A.D. Sheremetev.

Since 1894, the monthly magazine “Firefighting”, established by the Council of the Society, began to be published in St. Petersburg. The society not only published periodicals, but was also involved in the creation and distribution of fire-technical literature locally.

In 1898, the Russian Fire Society became Imperial, and Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich became the honorary chairman, and after his death in 1909, this business was taken over by his wife Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, who actively participated in the work of the Society.

The second chairman of the Society was Prince Alexander Dmitrievich Lvov. He was called the “fiery prince” and “the first firefighter of Russia.” Back in 1880, the seventeen-year-old prince organized the first private fire brigade in Russia at his dacha in Strelna using the latest technology of that time.

When A.D. In 1894, Lvov headed the Main Council of the All-Russian Fire Society and, in fact, began to manage the entire fire service of the country; he soon became convinced that the fire brigades of provincial cities were, for the most part, far from perfect and were in many ways inferior to his private team. In 1897, he organized advanced training courses for firemen of newly organized fire brigades. For these courses, the prince himself in 1890 prepared a manual “City Fire Brigades”, where he summarized the best methods and techniques of fighting fire, acquired by many years of experience of Russian firefighters, called the term “fire tactics”, which was then unusual for the fire department.

On April 26, 1899, the Main Council of the Society established the All-Russian Society for Mutual Aid of Firefighters - the Blue Cross Society. The task of this insurance company was to provide assistance to firefighters in the event of disability and other damage while performing their professional duties, as well as to family members of firefighters in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

To reward fire department workers who distinguished themselves while extinguishing fires, as well as persons who made a significant contribution to the development of fire science or provided significant material assistance to the activities of the Society, gold, silver and bronze award badges of the Imperial Russian Fire Society were established in 1901.

The activities of the Society were multifaceted. Its tasks included: taking preventive measures, suppressing fire disasters, helping firefighters and people affected by fires, publishing special literature, organizing and holding fire exhibitions.

The main source of funding for the activities of the Society's council and voluntary fire organizations were one-time contributions from honorary members of the Society, insurance companies, money from lotteries, and sales of fire equipment.

Wealthy people (famous merchants, homeowners, merchants and officials) sought to become members of the Fire Society, under the patronage of the members of the Romanov dynasty, for whom the Council of the Society established substantial membership fees paid for fire-fighting purposes. As moral encouragement and prestige, patrons were awarded medals, orders, badges and other “highest” distinctions. People valued and were proud of their membership in the fire society.

The Russian Fire Society was actually the only center in Russia for solving all problems related to fires. Through the efforts of the Society's council, it was possible to unite many fire officials to solve pressing fire safety issues. The Society contributed greatly to the expansion of fire prevention propaganda.

In the years preceding the First World War, the Russian Firefighting Society, through its Central Council, scientists and specialists of the Technical Committee, the magazine “Firefighting”, established connections with manufacturers of fire equipment, single-handedly determined the paths of progress and development of professional and voluntary fire fighting.

However, difficult times have come for the Russian Fire Society since the first days of the outbreak of the First World War. In 1916, the Council of the Imperial Russian Firefighting Society presented the latest report on the state of firefighting and the Society in Russia as a result of the consequences of the First World War (1914-1915).

During the difficult years of the formation of Soviet power since 1917, the Society experienced repeated reorganizations. In 1919, due to the disloyalty of the leadership of the Central Council of the Society to the Soviet government, the IRPO was liquidated, although structural units, voluntary fire formations and teams were preserved in almost all provinces and volosts and continued to exist.

On July 11, 1924, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs approved the Charter for voluntary fire brigades and voluntary firefighting Societies, thus beginning the restoration of voluntary firefighting organizations. The Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on December 1, 1924 and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on February 21, 1925 established a number of incentive benefits for voluntary fire organizations and their members. By the early 1930s, volunteer fire societies became a great force providing real assistance to the professional Soviet fire department.

The active restoration of firefighting societies began after the end of the Great Patriotic War. On September 14, 1957, the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR recognized it expedient to organize republican, regional and regional voluntary fire societies.

By the beginning of the 60s, the issue of uniting disparate firefighting societies into one whole was becoming acute in Russia. On July 14, 1960, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR adopted Resolution No. 1074 “On the organization of the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society” in order to further increase the role of the public in carrying out fire prevention activities and fighting fires, as well as improving the activities of local voluntary firefighting societies. In November of the same year, the Founding Conference of the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society took place, which adopted the charter of the society.

In the early 90s of the last century, the socio-economic crisis in the country sharply narrowed the activities of VDPO organizations, and there was a tendency towards secession from the Society and the isolation of a number of regional organizations. But the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society survived as an organized social force, making a certain contribution to the fight against fire disasters.

Today, VDPO is not only the largest public organization in Russia, carrying out organizational and mass work on the formation of public consciousness and civic position of the population in the field of fire safety, involving citizens in the prevention and extinguishing of fires, but also one of the largest and most extensive production and sales networks of fire safety products. VDPO is a continuator of the traditions and activities of Russian volunteer firefighters. The Society is still the main organizer of public and voluntary fire-fighting and emergency rescue teams in rural settlements, small towns and facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation, and in regional branches today they make maximum use of the available legislative and other opportunities and resources of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government to create various formations of DPO.

The All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society, having and in practice implementing, throughout the history of its existence as statutory, noble goals for fighting fires, is and will make a worthy contribution to ensuring the fire safety of our country.

The all-Russian public organization "All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society" (hereinafter - VDPO) is based on membership in the organization and operates on the basis of the Charter.

VDPO is not only the largest public organization in Russia, carrying out organizational and mass work on the formation of public consciousness and civic position of the population in the field of fire safety, involving citizens in the prevention and extinguishing of fires, but also one of the largest and most extensive production and sales networks of fire-fighting products .

VDPO is the successor of the traditions and activities of Russian volunteer firefighters, which were founded by the Imperial Russian Firefighting Society created in 1892.

The idea of ​​​​creating an all-Russian center for voluntary fire protection arose during the All-Russian Fire Exhibition, organized by the Russian Technical Society in 1892 in St. Petersburg, where the first congress of Russian fire officials was held simultaneously with the exhibition.

On June 15, 1892, the congress of Russian fire officials unanimously recognized the vital importance of the creation of the Fire Society, approving the draft Charter of the Society - this day should be considered the birthday of the Russian Fire Society.

In 1893, the United Russian Firefighting Society was created, the Council of the Society was formed and began practical work, the chairman of which was Count A.D. Sheremetev.

In 1898, the Russian Fire Society became Imperial, and Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich became the honorary chairman, and after his death (1909), this business was taken over by his wife Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, who actively participated in the work of the Society. The second chairman of the Society was Prince A.D. Lvov. The Society’s activities were multifaceted. Its tasks included: taking preventive measures, suppressing fire disasters, helping firefighters and people affected by fires, publishing special literature, organizing and holding fire exhibitions.

The main source of funding for the activities of the Society's council and voluntary fire organizations were one-time contributions from honorary members of the Society, insurance companies, money from lotteries, and sales of fire equipment.

The Russian Fire Society was actually the only center in Russia for solving all problems related to fires. Through the efforts of the Society's council, it was possible to unite many fire officials to solve pressing fire safety issues. The Society contributed greatly to the expansion of fire prevention propaganda.

Since 1894, the monthly magazine “Firefighting”, established by the Council of the Society, began to be published in St. Petersburg. The society not only published periodicals, but was also involved in the creation and distribution of fire-technical literature locally.

On April 26, 1899, the Main Council of the Society established the All-Russian Society for Mutual Aid of Firefighters - the Blue Cross Society. The task of this insurance company was to provide assistance to firefighters in the event of disability and other damage while performing their professional duties, as well as to family members of firefighters in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

To reward fire department workers who distinguished themselves while extinguishing fires, as well as persons who made a significant contribution to the development of fire science or provided significant material assistance to the activities of the Society, gold, silver and bronze award badges of the Imperial Russian Fire Society were established in 1901.

One of the successful forms of attracting public attention to fire safety issues were congresses of firefighters, which were regularly held in different cities of Russia. During their work, as a rule, exhibitions of fire fighting equipment were held. In total, nine congresses of the Society took place:
I Russian workers in firefighting opened on June 14, 1892 in St. Petersburg.
The II Congress of Firefighters took place from June 25 to July 1, 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod.
The III Congress of Firefighters took place in 1899 in Orel.
The IV Congress of Firefighters and Insurance Workers took place in 1902 in Moscow.
The V Congress of members of the Society took place in 1906 in Pskov.
The VI General Congress of the Society members was held in 1910 in Riga.
The VII General Congress of members of the Society took place in 1913 in Kyiv.
The VIII Congress of Firefighters took place in 1917 in Petrograd.
The IX Congress of the All-Russian Fire Society took place on April 28, 1919.

The main task of the congress was to adapt the activities of the Society to modern conditions. However, on May 2, 1919, by protocol No. 79 of the Fire and Insurance Department of the Supreme Council of the National Economy, the Society as such was liquidated. Almost fire volunteerism ceased to exist.

By the beginning of the 60s of the last century, in most autonomous republics, territories and regions of the Russian Federation, voluntary fire societies were functioning, with a production base and relying on numerous public assets.

On July 14, 1960, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the organization of the VDPO, and in November of the same year the Founding Conference of the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society was held, which adopted the charter of the society.

In the early 90s of the last century, the socio-economic crisis in the country sharply narrowed the activities of VDPO organizations, and there was a tendency towards secession from the Society and the isolation of a number of regional organizations. But the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society survived as an organized social force, making a certain contribution to the fight against fire disasters.

The chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Council of the VDPO over the years were:

1960 - 1967 - Bogdanov Pavel Mikhailovich;

1967 - 1972 - Figurovsky Konstantin Vladimirovich;

1972 - 1981 - Rudov Petr Konstantinovich;

1981 - 1987 - Bashlakov Petr Matveevich;

1987 - 1990 - Dmitriev Gennady Mikhailovich;

1990 - 2006 - Teslenko Gennady Petrovich;

2006 - 2011 - Gruzd Sergey Ivanovich;

On July 22, 2011, at the XIII Extraordinary Congress of the VDPO, Mikhail Mikhailovich Verzilin was elected Chairman of the Central Council of the VDPO.

For novik_n
“...How does this relate to the Charter? “No way,” - well, why:
“...2.1.11. organization of production and supply of fire-technical and other products, implementation of measures to protect consumer rights and counter unfair competition in the field of fire safety and protection of the population and territories from emergency situations;
2.1.12. meeting the needs of the population and organizations for high-quality work and services in the field of fire, integrated safety and protection of the population and territories from emergency situations and in other areas not prohibited by law;
2.1.13. implementation of publishing and exhibition activities, production of souvenirs;
2.1.15. carrying out other types of activities not prohibited by law..." (VDPO Charter as amended on May 15, 2008)
The VDPO Charter of November 25, 1964 (Chapter 2) also provided for the rights to publishing activities, acquisition and ownership of property, and performance of fire safety work.

There is no government funding for VDPO activities. Social work is still carried out. Even if it’s not enough, even if it’s with postscripts, but it’s being done!! And this requires money.

“...claim to represent the interests of the entire independent firefighting community...” - the wording of the “independent firefighting community” is not entirely clear?? For me, VDPO is just a place of work, fire protection is what I did before. One doesn’t interfere with the other, but I don’t want to interfere with the other.

For zanoz
“It is absolutely impossible to cooperate with VDPO...” - have you tried?? And if the VDPO approached you with a proposal to conduct, say, once a month lectures at universities on food safety issues, hold a seminar or develop a methodological manual for local self-government bodies or heads of organizations of any profile - on a free voluntary basis - you would agree ( the question is not only for you, but for a wide range of specialists in the PB) - unlikely!! Any work must be paid according to cost. That's right - the main thing is money. Maybe that’s why there are complaints against VDPO because it occupies a “clearing”??

For novik_n and zanoz
“VDPO... let him be one of the initiators of the creation of an independent professional engineering society.” For engineering, VDPO has a research institute. Our department employs competent specialists. By the way, we spoke in court on the side of the defendant against the mandatory ERV in an educational institution (it’s a pity, but for the judge the main argument is the shoulder straps of the State Emergency Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, this is by the way).
For those who are interested in this discussion, I suggest listening to the remark from novik_n about the creation of an “independent professional engineering society”, the idea is +100%, but I think it should be implemented by independent specialists, not VDPO, then it will be a pure NGO and maybe useful in light of the development of SROs.

For PaulS
It is possible that your assessment of the activities of the VDPO is correct - in relation to your territory, I consider it wrong to project it onto the entire VDPO.

All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society

VDPO flag

Official language:
Central Council

Deputy Chairman
Central Council

Belousov K.N.

Year founded

e-mail: [email protected]

All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society (VDPO, self-name in English All-Russian Voluntary Fire Organization) a socially oriented non-profit organization. The governing body is the Central Council of the VDPO.

The structure of the VDPO is made up of

The VDPO has over 40 thousand members and citizens who voluntarily perform public duties in the field of fire safety and emergency protection.


VDPO sign approved in 1965

VDPO sign

VDPO is the successor of the traditions and activities of Russian volunteer firefighters, which were founded by the Imperial Russian Firefighting Society created in 1892.

The idea of ​​​​creating an all-Russian center for voluntary fire protection arose during the All-Russian Fire Exhibition, organized by the Russian Technical Society in 1892 in St. Petersburg, where the first congress of Russian fire officials was held simultaneously with the exhibition.
On June 15, 1892, the congress of Russian fire officials unanimously recognized the vital importance of the creation of the Fire Society, approving the draft Charter of the Society - this day should be considered the birthday of the Russian Fire Society.
In 1893, the United Russian Firefighting Society was created, the Council of the Society was formed and began practical work, the chairman of which was Count A.D. Sheremetev.
In 1898, the Russian Fire Society became Imperial, and Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich became the honorary chairman.
After his death (1909), this matter was taken over by his wife, Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, who actively participated in the work of the Society. The second chairman of the Society was Prince A.D. Lvov.
The activities of the Society were multifaceted.
Its tasks included: taking preventive measures, suppressing fire disasters, helping firefighters and people affected by fires, publishing special literature, organizing and holding fire exhibitions.
The main source of funding for the activities of the Society's council and voluntary fire organizations were one-time contributions from honorary members of the Society, insurance companies, money from lotteries, and sales of fire equipment.
The Russian Fire Society was actually the only center in Russia for solving all problems related to fires. Through his efforts, it was possible to unite many fire officials to solve pressing fire safety issues. The Society contributed greatly to the expansion of fire prevention propaganda.
IRPO existed for 27 years. In 1919, due to the disloyalty of the leadership of the Central Council of the Society to Soviet power, the IRPO was liquidated, although structural units, voluntary fire formations and teams were preserved in almost all provinces and volosts and existed during the period of Soviet power.
During the Soviet period, on July 14, 1960, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the organization of the VDPO, and in November of the same year the Founding Conference of the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society was held, which adopted the charter of the society.
In the early 90s of the last century, the socio-economic crisis in the country sharply narrowed the activities of VDPO organizations, but the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society survived as an organized social force making a certain contribution to the fight against fire disasters.

The chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Council of the VDPO over the years were:

1960-1967 - Bogdanov Pavel Mikhailovich;

1967-1972 - Figurovsky Konstantin Vladimirovich;

1972-1981 - Rudov Petr Konstantinovich;

1981-1987 - Bashlakov Petr Matveevich;

1987-1990 - Dmitriev Gennady Mikhailovich;

1990-2006 - Teslenko Gennady Petrovich.

2006-2011 - Gruzd Sergey Ivanovich.

On July 22, 2011, at the XIII Extraordinary Congress of the VDPO, Mikhail Mikhailovich Verzilin was elected Chairman of the Central Council of the VDPO.


VERZILIN Mikhail Mikhailovich

Born on September 3, 1956 in Moscow, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Lieutenant General of the Internal Reserve Service.

Graduated from the Leningrad Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (1976), the Higher Engineering Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (1984). He began his service as chief of the guard of VCh No. 10 of the UPO of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow City Executive Committee.

In 1984, he was appointed to the position of inspector of the organizational construction department of the Main Directorate for Civil Defense of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and held all positions up to the director of the Department of Fire and Rescue Forces, Special Fire Protection and Civil Defense Forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

With his direct participation, a new look and basic approaches to building the federal fire service were developed. Under his leadership, the regulatory legal framework for organizing the activities of the federal fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was revised, a number of government documents were prepared: on the organization of fire extinguishing at facilities critical to the national security of the country, on approval of the list of organizations in which facility and special units of the federal fire service are created, a Regulation was developed about FPS.

He took a direct part in ensuring fire safety of the International Aviation and Space Shows in Zhukovsky (Moscow region).

He has extensive practical experience in leading the combat operations of fire departments to eliminate major fires and technological accidents. He took part in extinguishing a number of large and complex fires.

He was awarded state and departmental awards, including: medal Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (1999), order. Courage (2000), badge “Best Firefighter”, medals.


VDPO flag

VDPO flag
The Company's flag has the shape of a rectangle with sides measuring 1 x 1.75 m.
From the upper right corner, at an angle of 40 degrees to the bottom line of the flag, there is a red stripe 0.83 m wide with white stripes along the edges, each 0.04 m wide. The right white stripe with the outer side begins from the upper right corner of the flag, the left white stripe with the outer side ends in the lower left corner of the flag. The total width of the red stripe with two white stripes is 0.91 m. The remaining parts of the flag are blue. In the center of the red stripe is the image of the VDPO emblem in golden color. The emblem fits into a circle with a diameter of 0.45 m. The flag is attached to the pole with the left side.

VDPO emblem
The Society's emblem has the shape of an elongated oval wreath.
The left branch of the wreath is made of laurel leaves, the right one is made of oak leaves. The tops of the branches are not touching. The left and right branches are intertwined with ribbon three times. The lower part of the emblem is intertwined with a red ribbon with the inscription “VDPO” in golden color. The middle ribbon is blue and the top ribbon is white. Inside the wreath is an image of a fireman's helmet against the background of two crossed fire axes.
Behind the fireman's helmet and fire axes, a torch with red fire is located diametrically from bottom to top. The branches of the wreath and the handle of the torch are golden, the fireman's helmet, and fire axes are golden or silver.
The VDPO sign is a relief image of the Company's emblem.
The procedure for using the flag, emblem, sign is established by regulations approved by the Central Council of the VDPO.



  • Address: 123423, Moscow, Marshal Zhukov Ave., 39 bldg. 1
  • Phone: +7 495 947-91-09
  • Fax: +7 495 947-91-09


In May 2010, the publication “Russian Volunteer Firefighters in Photographs, Documents and Memoirs” was published by P.S. Savelyev and V.I. Malkov, edited and authored by the Chairman of the Central Council of the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society S.I. Gruzd.

This publication is dedicated to those who, at the call of their souls and selflessly, devoted themselves and their lives to the cause of fighting fire at all times.

The release of the publication is timed to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the All-Russian public organization “All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society” and the twentieth anniversary of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

Contains: 880 pages, over 3500 photo illustrations, rich historical material.

A large number of archival materials reflecting the historical milestones of fire volunteerism.

The presented documents retain the original spelling.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers.


Annual All-Russian competition of children's creativity on fire-fighting topics
Since 2003, All-Russian competitions of children's creativity on fire safety topics have been held. At the regional level, over 35 thousand children take part in the competition. More than 55 thousand creative works are submitted to the competition. Over 800 works of various execution techniques take part in the All-Russian stage: capacious, interesting and relevant in content, consistent with the goals of the competition, reflecting the freedom of thinking of the younger generation, and representing a complete, artistically designed work.

"Rally of young firefighters"
Since 2009, the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" has been holding a specialized session "Rally of Young Firefighters". The best of the best of the All-Russian children's and youth public movement "Young Firefighter" from all over Russia gather at the camp on the Black Sea coast. The main objective of the shift is to increase the educational level of children in the field of fire safety, instill a culture of life safety and practical skills for action in extreme situations, and popularize the activities of fire and rescue sports. The participation of young Dyupovites in the rally of young firefighters became possible thanks to the active participation of three organizations of the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

All-Russian Festival of Children and Youth Creativity on Fire Safety
On July 13, 2010, on the stage of the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (Moscow), the Final of the first festival “Talents and Fans” took place, which was held as part of the Forum dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the VDPO. Over 4.5 thousand young talents took part in the Festival.
In 2011, the final of the competition took place in Yaroslavl.

All-Russian field camp “Young Firefighter”
Conducted since 2010. The first shift took place in Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region, at the Gagarinsky health complex. Eight teams, winners of field camps held at the district level, take part in the All-Russian stage of the “Young Firefighter” field camp.
In 2011, a field camp was deployed in the city of Zvenigorod, Moscow region.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in life safety
Conducted since 2009. Geography of the Olympics (final stages):
2009 – Kislovodsk;
2010 – Surgut;
2011 – Irkutsk.
The program of the Olympiad includes theoretical and practical rounds. The theoretical round is the completion of theoretical and test tasks on topics related to the field of ensuring personal safety in everyday life, ensuring personal safety in emergency situations, the state system for ensuring public safety, the basics of state defense and military duty, first aid, and eliminating the consequences of fire danger and chemical contamination of the area. And the tasks of the practical tour allow the children to demonstrate skills and abilities, determine the level of individual preparedness in performing first aid techniques, survival in the natural environment, actions in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature, as well as the basics of military service.
The winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in life safety have the right to enter specialized universities without competition.

World Youth Fire and Rescue Sports Championship
On the initiative of the President of the International Sports Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, the first World Championship in Fire and Rescue Sports among youth was held in Kazan in August 2010. Along with Russia, 8 teams from the countries of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Turkey, Ukraine and South Korea took part in the first World Championship in Fire and Rescue Sports. World Champions - Russian national team, prepared by VDPO.
The II World Championship was held in St. Petersburg. In 2012, the III Championship will be held in Latvia (Valmiera).

All-Russian competitions in fire-applied sports for the CS VDPO Cup among young firefighters according to the All-Russian and European (CTIF) program
On January 4-6, 2010, the winter All-Russian competitions in fire-applied sports for the CS VDPO Cup under the Russian and European (CTIF) programs were held in Ryazan.
14 Russian youth teams, 120 participants, took part in the competition. Participants are winners and prize-winners of All-Russian and international competitions in fire-applied sports.
The competition took place in the fire-applied sports arena of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Ryazan region. The young men showed their skills in overcoming a hundred-meter obstacle course and climbing an assault ladder into the window of a training tower, in the double event, in the obstacle course according to the European STIF program, and in the 5x60m relay race.

XIX Russian Championship and VDPO Championship in fire-applied sports
In accordance with the joint plan of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the VDPO, the calendar plan of international and all-Russian sporting events of the Federation of Fire-Applied Sports of Russia for 2010. From July 25 to July 29, 2010, the XIX Open Russian Championship and the VDPO Championship in fire-applied sports took place in Yoshkor-Ola. Teams from 22 subjects of the Russian Federation, 209 young men, took part in the competition.
A significant event for the Championship were two Russian records set by young men:
1) in overcoming a hundred-meter obstacle course, the record was set by Nachevny Maxim from the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - 15.48 seconds;
2) in climbing the assault ladder, the record was set by Sergey Nikulin from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 6.87 seconds.

History of the Volunteer Fire Department

However, attempts to curb the fire using only professionals did not bring the desired result; new forms of organizing the fight against fire were needed, including by involving the population (society) in the fight against fires. Therefore, civilian and public fire brigades or voluntary fire brigades began to be created in city governments.

And in 1843, in the city of Ostashkov, Tver province, on the initiative of the city society, the first public fire brigade was established. The members of such teams (teams) were workers, peasants, small homeowners, and artisans who were vitally interested in preserving their property from fire. By 1891, the number of firefighting societies, teams and squads in Russia was more than 3000, with over 84 thousand people.

IRPO played a huge role in the formation and development of fire volunteerism, and most importantly in its centralized management. On June 15, 1892, the congress of Russian fire officials unanimously recognized the vital importance of the creation of the Fire Society, approving the draft Charter of the Society - this day should be considered the birthday of the Russian Fire Society.

In 1893, the United Russian Firefighting Society was created, the Council of the Society was formed and began practical work, the chairman of which was Count A.D. Sheremetev. In 1898, the Russian Fire Society became Imperial, and Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich became the honorary chairman. After his death (1909), this matter was taken over by his wife, Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, who actively participated in the work of the Society.

The second chairman of the Society was Prince A.D. Lvov. In 1919, due to the disloyalty of the leadership of the Central Council of the Society to Soviet power, the IRPO was liquidated, although structural units, voluntary fire formations and teams were preserved in almost all provinces and volosts and existed during the period of Soviet power.

Currently, VDPO is the successor of the traditions and activities of Russian volunteer firefighters, which were established by the Imperial Russian Firefighting Society.

Our Society is still the main organizer of public and voluntary fire-fighting and emergency rescue teams in rural settlements, small towns and facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation, and in regional branches today they make maximum use of the available legislative and other opportunities and resources of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government to create various formations of DPO.



Dictionary of emergency situations

All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society (VDPO)- The All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society is the largest public organization in Russia, conducting organizational mass work to form public consciousness and civic position of the population in the field of fire safety,... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

VDPO- All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society... Dictionary of Russian abbreviations

List of abbreviations- This is a service list of articles created to coordinate work on the development of the topic. This warning does not apply to information lists and glossaries... Wikipedia

Addresses and details for assistance to fire victims- The President of Russia, having announced the introduction of a state of emergency in seven constituent entities of the Federation, called on Russians not to stand aside and come to the aid of those who lost their homes due to forest fires. Many families have nothing left at all... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

VDPO- All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society organization since November 1960, Russian Federation Dictionary: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. 318 pp... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

VDPO), a public organization that ensures public participation in fire-fighting activities, belongs to fire protection associations. Created in 1960. In accordance with the charter of the VDPO, its main tasks are: involving the population in the prevention and extinguishing of fires; assistance to government authorities in ensuring fire safety of populated areas and economic facilities; carrying out organizational and mass events aimed at protecting people’s lives and health from fires, as well as preventing and extinguishing fires; fire prevention propaganda and training in fire safety measures using the media, public associations, educational and other institutions; participation in the creation, improvement and maintenance of the activities of firefighting societies, other teams and other associations operating in the field of fire safety; organization of production, as well as purchases and supplies of domestic and imported technical products, performance of works and services in the field of fire safety; participation in the organization and implementation of material, technical and financial support for the activities of young fire brigades; participation in the organization and financing of competitions in fire-applied sports of voluntary fire brigades (teams), brigades of young firefighters. The VDPO includes 65 republican, regional, regional organizations and 2 fire-fighting equipment factories. 3 million Russian citizens participate in the activities of the Society. Chairmen of the Central Council of the VDPO during its existence: Bogdanov P.M., Figurovsky K.V., Rudov P.K., Bashlakov P.M., Dmitriev G.M., Teslenko G.P.

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