When will vodka become more expensive in a year? The bets are made: how the prices of alcohol, cigarettes and gasoline will rise

From May 13, 2017, the minimum price for vodka and cognac will increase in the Russian Federation. The corresponding order of the Russian Ministry of Finance was published on the official Internet portal of legal information on May 2.

Minimum price for vodka in Russia in 2017. Last news.

The minimum retail price for a half-liter bottle of vodka will increase to 205 rubles. Thus, a strong alcoholic drink will increase the price by 8 percent. Now 0.5 liters cannot be sold for less than 190 rubles.
The question of increasing the minimum price for vodka arose at the beginning of the year, after the excise tax rate on strong alcoholic drinks was raised from 500 to 523 rubles per liter.

In March, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin instructed the Ministry of Finance to prepare an order to change the minimum retail price for vodka by April. He advocated increasing the cost of a half-liter bottle to 219 rubles, but the Ministry of Finance considered this cost too high.

Minimum price for vodka in 2017. Order.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, by its order No. 57n dated April 4, 2017, changed the minimum prices for alcoholic products with an alcohol content of over 28%. Amendments are made to order No. 58n dated May 11, 2016.

The order of the Ministry of Finance changes the prices not below which purchases (except for imports), delivery (except for exports) and retail sales of strong alcoholic beverages are carried out.

Thus, in particular, the minimum retail price for cognac is increased from 322 rubles to 371 rubles per 0.5 liter of finished product.

The minimum retail price of a bottle of vodka, liquor and other alcoholic products with an alcohol content of over 39 to 40% is increased from 190 to 205 rubles.

Minimum price for vodka in 2017 in Russia. Ministry of Finance algorithm for automatically calculating the minimum retail price for vodka

The Ministry of Finance is also preparing an algorithm for automatically calculating the minimum retail price for vodka, which will allow the price of this type of alcohol to be increased 1-2 times a year, taking into account the excise tax rate and manufacturers’ markups.

Minimum price for vodka in 2016: Rosalkogolregulirovanie.

Last year, Rosalkogolregulirovanie informed alcohol market participants that on June 13, 2016, Order No. 58n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 11, 2016, “On establishing prices not lower than which purchases (except for imports), deliveries (except for excluding export) and retail sale of alcoholic beverages with a strength of over 28 percent" (hereinafter referred to as the Order).

The order established the minimum price for vodka, liquor, brandy, cognac and other alcoholic products with a strength of over 28 percent in the production, wholesale and retail segments of the alcohol market.

So, for example, according to the Order, the minimum price for vodka for 0.5 liters of finished product with a strength of over 39 and up to 40 percent at the production level was 162 rubles. became 165 rubles, in the wholesale link it was 170 rubles. became 174 rubles, at the retail level it was 185 rubles. became 190 rubles.

A new initiative has matured in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In order for Russians to switch to less strong alcoholic drinks, the department proposed revising excise taxes as quickly as possible, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in prices, and quite a lot, for the same vodka.

Now the lowest retail price for half a liter is 205 rubles. But strong alcohol - with an alcohol content of more than 9% - should rise in price, the Ministry of Health announced and sent recommendations to the Ministry of Finance on how to achieve this. A representative of the department told Izvestia about this.

According to the law, the excise tax rate on strong alcohol should not change in the next three years. But the Ministry of Health insists on raising it already in 2018. The department even named the optimal price for a 0.5 liter bottle - more than 300 rubles.

This is the most effective method of reducing alcohol consumption, a ministry representative said, since the availability of alcohol is maintained when the excise tax is indexed to inflation. Consequently, the tax rate on strong alcoholic drinks, including vodka, should grow faster than inflation so that such alcohol becomes less accessible.

The press service of the Ministry of Health declined to comment further.

According to the amendments to the Tax Code, which the government presented at the end of June, and at the end of July the president signed the law with them, the excise tax on strong alcohol is 523 rubles. per liter of anhydrous alcohol - from 2018 to 2019 will remain unchanged. Indexation up to 544 rubles, i.e. by 4%, should occur only from January 1, 2020.

Excise tax rates on alcohol are set based on the need to solve several problems at once: generating budget revenues, limiting alcohol consumption and reorienting consumption in favor of low-alcohol drinks.

From 2012 to 2014, the excise tax rate on strong alcohol increased by 97% - from 254 to 500 rubles, in 2015 - 2016. it wasn't changed. The minimum retail price for a half-liter bottle of vodka in 2012 was 125 rubles, by May 2017 it reached 205 rubles.

Because of this, the volumes of production and sales of strong alcoholic beverages fell sharply over the three years, from 2013 to 2016. Production decreased by 35.5% - to 89.7 million deciliters, and sales decreased by 36% - to 93 million deciliters.

Since legal alcohol has become less accessible, the shadow sector has gained momentum and, according to experts, has reached 50 - 60%. Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economic Development Oleg Fomichev reported this in a letter to the Federation Council at the beginning of this year.

The Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance have been discussing alcohol rates since the beginning of the year. The first two departments proposed reducing them. In their opinion, the optimal price for a half-liter bottle of vodka is 120 - 130 rubles.

However, serious changes in alcohol consumption can be expected only when you have to pay about 500 rubles for a “little white drink,” said Dmitry Yanin, Chairman of the Board of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies.

And the head of the Center for Research of Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets, Vadim Drobiz, noted that consumers who have already switched to surrogate drinks will not react in any way to the increase in vodka prices. In addition, the legal market could shrink by 10%; citizens will switch to homemade moonshine, he added.

Many important laws come into force on January 1. And what has changed in the legislation since today.

Excise taxes on gasoline have increased class="_">

If taxes and fees are raised, it must be done from the first day of the year. Motorists will be the first to notice the changes, as from today excise taxes on diesel fuel, class 5 gasoline, and middle distillates will be increased. And this despite the fact that some time ago they talked about a possible reduction in rates.

The increase in excise taxes has become the subject of a dispute over the price of gasoline. The head of Lukoil, Vagit Alekperov, predicted smooth growth in December.

– From January 1, excise taxes on both diesel fuel and gasoline will increase by about two rubles. We, of course, will not shift all this onto our consumers overnight, we are still a socially responsible industry, but there will be a smooth growth in the range of 8% to 12% throughout the year,” Alekperov said in an interview with the Rossiya 24 TV channel. .

According to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, the average consumer should not be afraid of rising fuel prices - according to their forecasts, gasoline prices will rise in 2017

OSAGO policies become electronic class="_">

It is rare when the government and the Duma pass laws on compulsory motor liability insurance that improve the lives of motorists. This time there was an exception. On January 1, amendments to the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” came into force, which allow concluding a compulsory motor vehicle license agreement in the form of an electronic document.

In general, the start of sales of electronic MTPL took place on July 1, 2015, when motorists had the opportunity to prolong existing MTPL contracts in the insurance companies where they were originally concluded. Since October 1, 2015, it has become possible to buy a policy via the Internet from any company providing this service. However, until January 1, 2017, the sale of electronic MTPL policies was a right, not an obligation, of insurance organizations.

Alcohol will become more expensive class="_">

From Sunday, excise taxes on alcoholic beverages will be increased. Rates increase for wines and champagne, cider and mead, beer, and strong alcohol. Non-alcoholic beer will still not be included in the list of excisable goods, although such a proposal has been discussed.

For example, excise tax rates on champagne made from foreign raw materials are increased to 36 rubles per liter (by 10 rubles). Excise tax rates on champagne made from Russian grapes will not be increased more than provided for in the previous edition of the Tax Code - up to 14 rubles per liter (by 1 ruble).

The excise tax on wines made from Russian raw materials will remain unchanged - 5 rubles per liter, and the excise tax rate on foreign-made wines will increase from 9 to 18 rubles per liter.

Excise tax rates on cider, poiré and mead will increase by 12 rubles (from 9 to 21 rubles per liter) for the entire period 2017–2019. For beer with an alcohol content from 0.5% to 8.6%, and for beer with an alcohol content over 8.6%, the excise tax rate will increase by 1 ruble (from 20 to 21 rubles per liter, from 37 to 39 rubles per liter respectively). Compared to 2016, in the period 2017–2019, excise taxes on strong alcohol (over 9% alcohol share) will also increase - from 500 to 523 rubles per liter, as well as on alcohol with an average alcohol content (up to 9%) - from 400 to 418 rubles.

Collectors will be limited class="_">

The operating conditions for collectors are becoming more stringent. They relate only to overdue debts and apply only to individual debtors.

Starting from the New Year, such services will no longer be able to collect debts for utility bills and violations of housing legislation. The collector receives the right to communicate with the debtor in person or through correspondence, however, contacts are limited to only one-time communication per day, twice a week or 8 times a month.

Correspondence is allowed twice as often. But after four months from the date of the delay, the debtor has the right to communicate with the creditor through a lawyer.

The maximum fine for violating the law for legal entities is 2 million rubles, for officials the maximum fine is 1 million rubles or disqualification for a period of 6 months to 1 year, for individuals the maximum fine is 500 thousand rubles.

For debts they will be deprived of rights class="_">

Another new thing that concerns debts. From January 15, those who have a debt of more than 10 thousand rubles will temporarily lose their driver's license. Bailiffs will be able to impose driving restrictions on six categories of citizens. The innovation will affect those who have not compensated for damage to health or damage due to the loss of a breadwinner, debtors who caused damage by crime, violators of traffic rules and persons who avoid communication with a child by court decision.

Ban on bottling beer in large plastic bottles class="_">

A law has come into force limiting the sale of alcohol in plastic containers larger than 1.5 liters. Moreover, from January 1, the production of such products is prohibited, and from July 1 of this year, sales are prohibited.

The production of alcohol in PET containers with a volume of more than 1.5 liters after January 1, 2017 entails a fine of 100 thousand to 200 thousand rubles for officials and from 300 thousand to 500 thousand rubles for legal entities. Retail sale of alcohol in this container after July 1, 2017 will entail a fine of 100 thousand to 200 thousand rubles for officials and from 300 thousand to 500 thousand rubles for legal entities.

Electronic sick leave will become legal class="_">

In 2017, the widespread issuance of electronic sick leave certificates began. These sick leave certificates will have the same validity as paper ones. Electronic sick leave will be filled out using an automated information system, and certified by the electronic signature of authorized persons. In any case, it will become unprofitable to get sick, especially for those who have little experience.

The Russian government increased tax rates on alcohol, tobacco and gasoline from January 1. Their increase is provided for by the law on amendments to the Tax Code, approved by the State Duma at the end of November, writes Nika TV.

The increase in excise taxes should bring an additional 430 billion rubles to the federal budget in 2017, 345 billion in 2018 and 487 billion in 2019, for a total of 1.26 trillion.

Excise taxes on alcohol

From January 1, excise taxes on champagne made from imported raw materials will increase to 36 rubles per liter. Rates for champagne made from Russian grapes will increase to 14 rubles. Excise taxes on foreign wines will be raised from 9 to 18 rubles per liter, prices for wines made from Russian raw materials will remain at 5 rubles per liter.

Thus, the cheapest bottle of wine will rise in price by 20 rubles - up to 140 rubles. The minimum price for champagne will increase from the current 164 rubles to 185. And a bottle of vodka will cost no less than 230 rubles. The new prices will reach consumers by March.

Excise taxes will also be raised on strong alcoholic drinks, in which the alcohol content is above 9%. The rate will increase from 500 to 523 rubles per liter of anhydrous alcohol, and alcohol with an average alcohol content (up to 9%) - from 400 to 418 rubles.

Excise taxes on cigarettes

Excise taxes on cigarettes will also be increased in 2017, but only at the rate of inflation. Today, the tax rate on cigarettes is quite high - 2112 rubles. Rates for all types of tobacco, including heated tobacco, will increase.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2017 the average price of a pack of cigarettes could be about 220 rubles. The Ministry of Finance said that in 2017 the average retail price of a pack of cigarettes will increase by 10%, and by 2019 - by 27%. According to experts, the average price per pack will be 113-115 rubles.

Electronic cigarettes (“vapes”) will also become excisable, both the devices themselves and the liquids for refilling them. The Ministry of Internal Affairs previously calculated: taking into account the increase in excise taxes in 2017, the average price of a pack of cigarettes could be about 220 rubles.

Excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel

The rate for diesel fuel in 2017 was set at 6,800 rubles, 7,072 rubles in 2018, 7,335 rubles in 2019. Now it is 5,293 rubles. The Ministry of Finance said that class 5 gasoline will rise in price insignificantly - by 1-2 rubles.

The Ministry of Finance previously assured that class 5 gasoline will rise in price insignificantly - by 1-2 rubles. As stated by the head of the Russian Ministry of Energy, Alexander Novak, the increase in gasoline prices in 2017 will not be higher than inflation (the Central Bank's inflation target for next year is 4%). And the head of the FAS, Igor Artemyev, said that the rise in gasoline prices within the inflation range will continue in the next 10 years.

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