Catch it, don't mind

To the Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs police lieutenant colonel
Smagulov M.S.

From Tamara Sergeevna Ivanova,
living at the address New York, st. Washington, 29a, apt. 9.
Passport No. 0000000 series 0000
Issued by: New York Police Department
and residents of house No. 29 “a” on the street. Washington

on bringing to administrative responsibility

Please excite administrative proceedings and bring to administrative responsibility the residents of apartment No. 10 of the building on the street. Washington No. 26A due to the presence in their actions of signs of a number of administrative offenses.
In particular: from July 2006 to the present, residents of apartment No. 10, every day from 22.00 to 00.30 hours, demonstratively disturb the peace and quiet of other residents, expressing a pointed and pronounced disrespect for society.
I have repeatedly contacted the residents of the apartment. No. 10 with a demand to stop disturbing the peace of citizens in the evening and at night, because this causes me significant inconvenience and disturbs the majority of residents of the entrance, and these are people retirement age who, due to their age, cannot defend their rights and legitimate interests. IN the indicated apartment Drinking of alcoholic beverages occurs systematically with the participation of minors.
In response to my repeated comments, the residents of the apartment demonstratively increased the volume of the audio equipment, and stated that they “have the right to do what they want.” The girl living in the apartment, being in a state alcohol intoxication, explained that she rents this apartment from the owner, and will do there “...what she wants and when she wants,” and if I try to call the police, then I will be in “significant trouble,” and that “..she is not afraid of the police "
I contacted the operational duty officer several times by phone 02 with the above statements, however, the residents simply did not open the door for the arriving party, turning off all the equipment, and after the party left, they turned on the music even louder, continuing to drink alcohol and shouting from the windows offensive remarks to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
As a result of a conflict situation with the residents of apartment No. 10, they, for their part, began to threaten me physical violence, causing damage to my property, and as a “response” every day at 23.30, turning on the audio equipment at maximum volume, they leave the living room in order to avoid being held accountable by the police squad called by me.
I tried to identify the owner who rented out the residential premises for the purpose of terminating the contract and evicting the tenants, but I was unable to establish the identity of the owner. However, it was established that the residents live in the specified residential premises for more than six months on the basis of an oral agreement with the owner, paying the latter payments in a fixed amount monetary amount, That is gross violation current tax legislation.
In addition, in violation of the requirements of paragraph 16 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 N 713 “On approval of the Rules for registration and removal of citizens Russian Federation With registration accounting at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation and the list officials"responsible for registration" persons living in apartment No. 10 did not register at their place of residence, which constitutes a administrative offense.
Based on the above and guided by Art. 28.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
1. Attract residents of apartment No. 10 of the building on the street. Washington No. 26A to administrative liability due to the presence in their actions of signs of an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 19.15 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
2. Attract residents of apartment No. 10 of the building on the street. Washington No. 26A to administrative liability due to the presence in their actions of signs of an administrative offense provided for by 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, obliging them to stop violating the peace and quiet of citizens in the evening and at night;
3. Identify the owner of the residential premises - apartment No. 10, building on the street. Washington No. 26A obliging him to evict from the premises he owns those living in it without drawing up a tenancy agreement and to submit an updated declaration to the Tax Inspectorate of the city. New York on income tax individuals by paying tax on income received from rental housing;
4. Consider the possibility (grounds) of attracting the owner of residential premises - apartment No. 10, building on the street. Washington No. 26A to criminal liability according to Art. 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
08/05/2015 Ivanova T.S _________________

Residents of house No. 26A on the street. Washington:
Last name, first name, patronymic Signature Address:

Washington, 26A apt. №_______

Washington, 26A apt. №_______

Washington, 26A apt. №_______

Washington, 26A apt. №_______

Washington, 26A apt. №_______

Washington, 26A apt. №_______