The Commission for Emergency Situations is. Commission for Emergency Situations



The Federal Law “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies” (No. 68-FZ of December 21, 1994), which defines general organizational and legal standards for our country in the field of protection from emergency situations, obliges all enterprises and institutions and organizations (objects) regardless of their organizational and legal form:

Plan and implement the necessary measures to protect facility workers from emergency situations;

Plan and implement measures to improve the sustainability of the functioning of facilities and ensure the livelihoods of their workers in emergencies;

Ensure the creation, preparation and maintenance of readiness for the use of forces and means to prevent and eliminate emergencies, training of facility workers in methods of protection and actions in emergencies;

Create local emergency warning systems;

Ensure the organization and conduct of emergency rescue and other urgent work at subordinate facilities and in adjacent territories in accordance with emergency prevention and response plans;

Fund measures to protect workers from emergencies;

Create reserves of financial and material resources for emergency response;

Provide information in the prescribed manner in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies, as well as notify workers about the threat or occurrence of an emergency.

In pursuance of the specified federal law, the country has a unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations (RSChS), the provisions of which were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2003 No. 000. In accordance with it, this system unites management bodies, forces and means federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations for actions to prevent and eliminate emergencies and consists of territorial and functional subsystems, and also has five levels: federal, interregional, regional (subjects of the Russian Federation), municipal and object.

Each level of the RSChS must have coordinating bodies, permanent management bodies, day-to-day management bodies, forces and means, reserves of financial and material resources, communication, warning and information support systems.

The coordinating body of each level of the RSChS is the CoES and PB.

CoES and PB is intended for organizing and carrying out measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies, ensure fire safety, reduce damage from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, manage forces during emergency response and comprehensively support their actions.

The Regulations on RSChS allow not to create a CoES and PB. In this case, coordination functions are carried out personally by the head of the facility (chief engineer, technical director). The permanent management body is the department (sector, group or specially appointed persons) for civil defense and emergency situations, and the duties of the day-to-day management body are performed by the duty dispatch (emergency dispatch, duty) service of the organization (facility).

The main typical tasks of the CoES and fire safety of the facility are:

Management of the development and implementation of measures to prevent emergencies, improve the reliability of the facility, ensure the sustainability of its functioning in the event of an emergency;

Organization of work to create a local warning system at a potentially dangerous facility, maintaining it in constant readiness;

Ensuring the readiness of management bodies, forces and means to act in case of emergencies, management of emergency response and evacuation of facility personnel;

Management of the creation and use of reserves of financial and material resources for emergency response;

Organization of training of management personnel, forces and equipment, as well as all other personnel of the facility for actions in case of emergency.

The CES and FS is created by the decision of the facility manager. The regulations on the CoES and Fire Safety and its composition are announced by order.

The size of the commission and its personal composition are determined by the head of the facility. At the same time, it is taken into account that the composition of the commission must ensure high-quality implementation in full of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies, sustainable management of forces during emergency rescue and other urgent work (ASDNR).

At the same time, one should not strive to create a large commission. It must be remembered that success in any business is achieved not by numbers, but by skill, advance preparation of commission members, and rational distribution of functional responsibilities.

The CoES and Fire Safety Committee is staffed by responsible employees of the management apparatus and its structural divisions.

Composition of CoES and FS at the facility level may be as follows (option for a large object):

- Chairman of the CoES and PB - the head of the facility or his deputy;

- vice-chairman - chief engineer, head of the department (sector) for civil defense, emergency situations and fire safety of the facility;

- Members of the CoES and PB:

Chief specialists of the facility (chief technologist or production manager, chief power engineer, chief mechanic, etc.);

Chairman of the evacuation commission (as a rule, deputy director for general issues or head of the personnel department, head of housing and communal services);

Heads of specialized units, as a rule, are the heads of the relevant protection services (warning and communications, radiation and chemical protection, fire, medical, public order, logistics, transport, shelters and shelters, etc.);

Heads of special services, for example, safety, finance, legal, ecology, etc.

The assumption of the leadership of the CoES and Fire Safety by the director of the enterprise, as well as the inclusion in its composition of the heads of specialized units heading the relevant services, seems to be the best option, simultaneously ensuring increased readiness to protect the facility and its personnel in wartime.

The fact is that many civil defense activities, especially on issues of sustainability of operation in emergency conditions, protection of personnel and the population living near the facility, creation and training of forces and means to eliminate the consequences of damage by conventional means, are largely related to measures aimed at preventing and emergency response. In addition, the management bodies for civil emergency situations and fire safety, as well as emergency rescue services (ARS) and emergency rescue units (ARF) are based on the same management structures and divisions of the facility.

It should also be taken into account that, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 8, 1993 No. 000 and the federal law dated February 12, 1998 “On Civil Defense,” the head of the facility is personally responsible for the organization and implementation of civil defense measures.



Head of the facility


(signature, full name)

"______" __________ 20___

POSITION (option)

on the Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety of the Facility (CoES and Fire Safety)

1. General Provisions

CoES and Fire Safety is intended to organize and carry out measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies, ensure fire safety, reduce damage from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, manage forces during emergency response and comprehensively support their actions.

The commission is the main management body of the facility's emergency prevention and response system and is staffed by responsible employees of the facility.

In its practical activities, the commission is guided by:

Monitoring the implementation of established measures to prevent emergencies and reduce possible losses when they occur in structural units, providing them with practical assistance;

Management of the actions of structural units, protection services and emergency response personnel of the facility in the event of the threat, occurrence and elimination of emergencies in accordance with the Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies.

CoES and Fire Protection has the right:

Within the limits of their competence, make decisions that are binding on the structural divisions and services of the facility;

Involve formations, technical and transport means of the facility to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations;

Establish, if necessary, a special regime of work and behavior in the emergency zone;

Suspend the operation of individual sections and the facility as a whole in the event of an immediate threat of accidents and disasters;

Involve specialists in conducting examinations of potentially hazardous production areas and monitoring their functioning.

3. Organization of the work of CoES and Fire Safety

The daily activities of the commission are organized in accordance with the annual work plan. Meetings are held once a quarter, unscheduled meetings - by decision of the chairman. During the period between meetings, decisions are made by the chairman of the commission and communicated by instructions to the entire composition of the commission or in the form of instructions to its individual members.

The distribution of responsibilities in the commission is carried out by the chairman and is drawn up in the form of a list of functional responsibilities.

Notification of commission members in the event of a threat or occurrence of an emergency is carried out by order of the chairman (deputy chairmen) of the commission by the facility's duty service.

In the event of a threat or occurrence of an emergency, the commission is located in the plant management premises. If there is a threat of radioactive contamination or chemical contamination of the territory of the facility, the CES and FS is deployed in the premises of the control point - shelter No. 1.

4. Logistics support for CoES and fire safety

Logistical and technical support for the work of the CoES and fire safety, advance preparation and storage of material and technical means necessary for the work of the commission during the execution period (in the event of the threat or occurrence of an emergency) is assigned to the head of the administrative and economic department (department I, etc.) and the head of the department of civil defense, emergency situations and fire safety.


Planning the work of CoES and Fire Protection is as follows:

On its basis, an order of the chairman of the CoES and PB is developed, which sets out:

- in the first paragraph- brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation;

- in the second paragraph- the composition of the forces and means involved, and the plan of action;

- in the third paragraph- after the word "Orders to you" tasks are assigned to subordinates in separate paragraphs, designated by letters in alphabetical order;

- V. fourth point- procedure for submitting progress reports assigned tasks;

- in the fifth paragraph- from what time and where will the chairman of the CoES be located, the location of the control center;

- in the sixth paragraph- deputies and backup management bodies.

To reduce the time required for completing and communicating tasks to subordinates, it is advisable to use formalized documents in which the necessary data reflecting the decision made is entered.

The work of the chairman of the CoES and PB on decision-making ends with submission to higher authorities reports, which includes:

Brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation at this time;

The state of your strengths and resources;

Decision (briefly) to eliminate the consequences of an emergency;

Urgent actions requiring decision by a senior manager, and other issues.

Work related to the rescue of people is organized and carried out continuously until its complete completion. If necessary, by decision of the chairman of the CoES (the head of work at the site), the change and rest of the personnel of the formations are organized at the work site or in designated areas.


1. Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary / Under general. ed. Yu. L. Vorobyova.

2. Catalog of basic concepts of the Russian system of warning and action in emergency situations. / Rep. ed. V. A. Vladimirov.

3. Prevention and response to emergency situations. Training manual for RSChS management bodies / Edited by. ed. Yu. L. Vorobyova.

4. 4. Protection of the population and territories in emergency situations / Under the general. ed. M. I. Faleeva.

5. Organization and management of civil defense and protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies / Under the general. ed. G. N. Kirilova.

6. Yu. L. Vorobyov, V. A. Akimov, Yu. I. Sokolov. Forest fires on the territory of Russia: Status and problems.

7. Fundamentals of organizing and conducting civil defense in modern conditions /Under the general. ed. S.K. Shoigu.

8. Guidelines for the actions of control bodies and forces of the RSChS in the event of a threat and emergency situations.

9. Elimination of consequences of accidents and natural disasters. P.

10. “Organization of the work of commissions for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety at all levels” educational and methodological manual under the general editorship of N. A. Kryuchka EMERCOM of Russia Institute of Risk and Safety Moscow 2007


(as amended by the resolution of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated April 13, 2009 N 47-PG)

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety of the Moscow Region under the Governor of the Moscow Region (hereinafter - the Commission) is the coordinating body of the Moscow Regional System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (hereinafter - MOESChS), formed to ensure consistency in the actions of the territorial bodies of the federal executive bodies authorities in the Moscow region, central and territorial executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region, local governments of municipalities of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as local governments) and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, operating in the territory of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as the organization), in order to implement a unified state policy in the areas of preventing and eliminating emergencies of a natural and man-made nature (hereinafter referred to as emergencies) and ensuring fire safety in the Moscow region.

1.2. The Commission is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Moscow Region, laws of the Moscow Region, other regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region, departmental regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents (regulations, instructions, rules, recommendations, etc.) in the areas of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and their consequences and ensuring fire safety, as well as these Regulations.

1.3. The commission is created by the Governor of the Moscow Region.

1.4. The Chairman of the Commission is appointed and dismissed by the Governor of the Moscow Region.

The size and personnel of the Commission are approved by the Governor of the Moscow Region. From among the members of the Commission, first deputy chairmen of the Commission, deputy chairmen of the Commission and the secretary of the Commission are appointed.

1.5. The main document adopted by the Commission is the decision.

2. Main tasks, functions and competence of the Commission

2.1. The main tasks of the Commission are:

development of proposals for the implementation of a unified state policy in the areas of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety in the Moscow region;

coordination of the activities of management bodies, forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

ensuring consistency of actions of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, central and territorial executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region, local governments and organizations in solving problems in the areas of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety, as well as restoration and construction residential buildings, housing and communal services, social services, industrial and engineering infrastructure damaged or destroyed as a result of emergencies or fires.

2.2. In order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, the Commission performs the following functions:

considers, within its competence, issues in the areas of prevention and response to emergency situations, ensuring fire safety, as well as restoration and construction of residential buildings, housing and communal services, social sphere, production and engineering infrastructure damaged or destroyed as a result of emergencies or fires, and submits in accordance with the established procedure to the Governor of the Moscow Region, Vice-Governor of the Moscow Region, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region - Minister of Finance of the Government of the Moscow Region, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region - Ministers of the Government of the Moscow Region region, ministers of the Government of the Moscow Region, heads of central and territorial executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region, state bodies of the Moscow Region or relevant proposals to the Government of the Moscow Region;

develops proposals for improving regulatory legal acts and regulations in the areas of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety in the Moscow region;

considers the possibility of emergencies and fires in the Moscow region, organizes the development and implementation of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating emergency situations and ensuring fire safety;

participates in the development of regional target programs and programs of the Government of the Moscow Region in the areas of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety in the Moscow Region, prepares proposals for their implementation;

develops proposals for the development and ensuring the effective functioning of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

organizes the development and implementation of measures to implement an agreed scientific and technical policy for the development of forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

organizes the planning of measures to prevent, eliminate the consequences of emergency situations and ensure fire safety, and also monitors their implementation;

organizes work on the preparation of proposals, analytical and statistical materials for the Governor of the Moscow Region and the Government of the Moscow Region on the issues of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and ensuring fire safety in the Moscow Region;

considers issues of organizing the placement of temporarily resettled (evacuated) populations and their return to their places of residence after liquidation of emergencies and fires;

organizes interaction with commissions for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adjacent to the Moscow region, local government bodies and organizations;

organizes interaction with military authorities, the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief of the Russian Federation, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow region, local government bodies and organizations on the issues of preventing and eliminating emergency situations and their consequences, and also ensuring fire safety;

provides organizational and methodological assistance to commissions for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of local governments and organizations;

carries out other functions in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow region.

2.3. The Commission, within its competence, has the right:

request in the prescribed manner and receive from federal executive bodies, territorial bodies of federal executive bodies in the Moscow region, central and territorial executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region, local governments and organizations the necessary materials and information;

hear at their meetings information from representatives of federal executive authorities, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow Region, executive authorities of the Moscow Region, state authorities of the Moscow Region, local governments and organizations;

attract in the prescribed manner to participate in their work representatives of federal executive authorities, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow region, executive authorities of the Moscow region, state authorities of the Moscow region, local governments and organizations, as well as scientists, experts and specialists ;

create working groups from among the members of the Commission and involve in their work, in the prescribed manner, specialists and representatives of federal executive authorities, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow region, executive authorities of the Moscow region, state authorities of the Moscow region, local governments and representatives interested organizations in the areas of activity of the Commission, determine the tasks, powers and work procedures of these working groups;

submit in the prescribed manner to the Governor of the Moscow Region, Vice-Governor of the Moscow Region, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region - Minister of Finance of the Government of the Moscow Region, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region - Ministers of the Government of the Moscow Region , ministers of the Government of the Moscow Region, heads of central and territorial executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region, state bodies of the Moscow Region or to the Government of the Moscow Region proposals on issues within the competence of the Commission.

3. Organization of the Commission’s activities

3.1. The organization of the activities of the Commission is ensured by its chairman, and in his absence - by one of the first deputy chairmen of the Commission on behalf of the chairman of the Commission.

The Commission's regulations are approved by the Chairman of the Commission, taking into account the requirements of these Regulations.

3.2. The Commission carries out its activities in accordance with annual work plans developed by the Commission and approved by the Governor of the Moscow Region.

3.3. Meetings of the Commission are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter.

Its members must be informed about the date, time, venue and agenda of the next scheduled meeting of the Commission no later than seven days before the expected date of its holding.

3.4. Meetings of the Commission are conducted by its chairman or, on his behalf, one of the first deputy chairmen of the Commission.

A meeting of the Commission is valid if more than half of its members are present.

3.5. Members of the Commission take part in its meetings in person, without the right of replacement. If a member of the Commission is absent from the meeting, he has the right to present his opinion on the issues under consideration in writing.

If necessary, representatives of federal executive authorities, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow Region, executive authorities of the Moscow Region, state authorities of the Moscow Region, local governments and organizations, scientists, experts and specialists can be invited to the meetings of the Commission.

3.6. Decisions of the Commission are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Commission present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes of the members of the Commission present at the meeting, the vote of the chairman of the meeting of the Commission is decisive.

Decisions of the Commission are documented in protocols, which are signed by the chairman of the meeting of the Commission and the secretary of the Commission.

3.7. The commission has an official form with its name.

3.8. Chairman of the Commission:

manages the organization of the Commission’s activities and ensures its planning;

distributes responsibilities between the first deputy chairmen of the Commission, deputy chairmen of the Commission and the secretary of the Commission;

has the right to make proposals to the agenda of a meeting of the Commission;

gets acquainted with materials on issues considered by the Commission;

participates in meetings of the Commission;

chairs meetings of the Commission;

Signs documents of the Commission, including minutes of its meetings.

3.9. First Deputy Chairmen of the Commission:

has the right to make proposals on issues within the competence of the Commission;

implement the decisions of the Commission;

perform the duties of the Chairman of the Commission, including presiding over meetings of the Commission (in the absence of the Chairman of the Commission) on his behalf;

manage the activities of working groups created by the Commission;

3.10. Deputy Chairmen of the Commission:

has the right to make proposals to the agenda of a meeting of the Commission; get acquainted with materials on issues considered by the Commission; participate in meetings of the Commission;

has the right to make proposals on issues within the competence of the Commission;

implement the decisions of the Commission;

carry out the instructions of the Commission and its chairman;

manage the activities of working groups created by the Commission; participate in preparing questions for Commission meetings.

3.11. Members of the Commission:

has the right to make proposals to the agenda of a meeting of the Commission; get acquainted with materials on issues considered by the Commission; participate in meetings of the Commission;

has the right to make proposals on issues within the competence of the Commission;

implement the decisions of the Commission;

carry out the instructions of the Commission and its chairman;

participate in the activities of working groups created by the Commission;

participate in preparing questions for Commission meetings.

3.12. Secretary of the Commission:

participates in the preparation of issues and formation of the agenda for the meeting of the Commission; gets acquainted with materials on issues considered by the Commission; participates in meetings of the Commission;

has the right to make proposals on issues within the competence of the Commission; signs minutes of Commission meetings; implements the decisions of the Commission;

carries out the instructions of the Commission and its chairman;

provides organizational, information and analytical support for the activities of the Commission; ensures the Commission's record keeping; organizes preparations for Commission meetings;

notifies the first deputy chairmen of the Commission, deputy chairmen of the Commission, members of the Commission and persons invited to its meetings about the date, time, place and agenda of the meeting of the Commission, distributes documents, their drafts and other materials to be discussed at the meeting of the Commission.

3.13. Decisions of the Commission are sent by the Secretary of the Commission to the first deputy chairmen of the Commission, deputy chairmen of the Commission, members of the Commission and other interested parties within a week after the meeting of the Commission.

3.14. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Commission is carried out by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow Region.


| Author Flaaim

This commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety is created on the basis of the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 794 of December 30, 2003.

The main goal of this commission is to ensure the constant readiness of the enterprise for quick action in the event of any emergency situation caused by an accident or disaster.

The order of the head of the enterprise approves:

  • Composition of the commission on emergency situations and fire safety
  • Its chairman
  • And Regulations on KSCH and PB
Meetings of the Emergency and Safety Commission are held quarterly, in accordance with the meeting schedule developed by the annual plan. All decisions of the commission on emergency situations and fire safety are drawn up in the form of protocols and signed by the chairman of the commission.

Regulations on the Commission for Emergency Situations and Fire Safety

As I said above, the main document that regulates the work of the commission is the regulation on the commission for the prevention and response to emergency situations. This provision defines the tasks, powers, functioning of the commission and includes the following sections
  • General provisions
  • Main tasks and powers of the commission
  • Organization of the commission's work:
  • During daily activities

    In the event of a threat or emergency

  • Logistics support.

Database of labor protection documents

Documentation for the work of the commission on emergency situations and fire safety

  1. Regulations on the commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the organization
  2. Functional responsibilities of CoES and Fire Safety officials of the organization
  3. Scheme of notification and collection of personnel of the CoES and Fire Department
  4. Work plan of the CoES and fire safety organization for 20___
  5. Work schedule of CoES and fire safety during an emergency situation in the organization
  6. Journal of accidents and emergencies in the organization (form)
  7. Timesheet of urgent reports
  8. Report on the threat (forecast) of an emergency situation. (Form 1/ES)
  9. Report on the threat (forecast) of an emergency situation. (Form 2/ES)
  10. Report on the threat (forecast) of an emergency situation. (Form 3/ES)
  11. Report on the threat (forecast) of an emergency situation. (Form 4/ES)
  12. List of orders by types of support when organizing work to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations
  13. Intelligence order
  14. Regulations on the surveillance and laboratory control service (network) of the object link of the RSChS OP.
  15. Minutes of meetings of the CoES and PB of the organization.
  16. In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1113 of November 5, 1995. “On the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations” it is determined that CoES are coordinating bodies.

    Commission for Emergency Situations (CoES)- are intended to organize and carry out work to prevent emergencies, reduce damage from them and eliminate emergencies, coordinate activities on these issues of subsystems and units of the RSChS (USS), ministries, departments and organizations in the subordinate territory.

    The main tasks of the CoES of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

    Organization of monitoring and control over the state of the natural environment and facilities, emergency forecasting.

    Ensuring the readiness of the operational organization, forces and means to act in emergencies, as well as the creation and maintenance of a control center in a state of readiness.

    Organization of the development of regulatory legal acts in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies.

    Participation in the development and implementation of Federal target and NG programs, organization of the development and implementation of territorial programs for the prevention and elimination of emergencies.

    Creation of reserves of financial and material resources.

    Interaction with other CoES, military command and public associations on issues of emergency prevention and response, and, if necessary, making a decision on sending forces and resources to assist these commissions in eliminating emergencies.

    Management of emergency response work, organizing the involvement of the working population in these works.

    Planning and organizing the evacuation of the population, accommodation of the evacuated population and their return after the liquidation of an emergency to their places of permanent residence.

    Organization of collection and exchange of information in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies.

    Management of the preparation of the population, officials of government bodies and divisions of the RSChS for actions in emergencies.

    Main tasks of on-site CoES

    1. Management of the development and implementation of measures to prevent emergencies, improve the reliability of facility software, ensure the sustainability of the functioning of organizations and facilities in the event of an emergency.

    2. Organization of work to create local control and warning systems at software facilities and maintain readiness.

    3. Ensuring the readiness of management bodies, forces and means to act in case of emergencies, management of emergency response and evacuation of personnel of organizations and facilities.

    4. Management of the creation and use of reserves of financial and material resources for emergency response.

    5. Organization of preparation of RS, forces and equipment, as well as personnel of organizations and facilities for emergency actions.

    Responsibilities of the CoES

    In accordance with the assigned tasks of the CoES:

    1. organize forecasting and assessment of the situation in the territory under their jurisdiction, which may arise as a result of the SBAK; develop and plan measures to prevent emergencies, reduce damage and losses from them, and protect the population;

    2. develop action plans to prevent and eliminate emergencies;

    3. control the activities of local government organizations in solving problems of emergency prevention and response;

    4. introduce operating modes of subsystems and units of the RSChS on the territory under their jurisdiction;

    5. organize the training of management bodies and forces of subsystems and units of the RSChS, training the population to act in conditions of a threat or occurrence of an emergency;

    6. develop and submit for consideration of local authorities project decisions on issues related to the prevention and response to emergencies, ensuring industrial and environmental safety;

    7. control the activities of subsystems and units of the RSChS, organizations and enterprises in the territory under their jurisdiction on issues of emergency prevention and response;

    8.participate together with other educational institutions in considering the location and activities of production facilities;

    9.organize the protection of chemical liquids and chemicals, food, food raw materials, feed, water sources and water supply systems from chemical and biological agents;

    10. organize work to attract public organizations and citizens to carry out measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies.

    Rights of the CoES

    Make decisions to carry out emergency measures to ensure the protection of the population from possible consequences throughout the territory under its jurisdiction, including objects of any form of ownership located on it;

    Exercise control over the activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations in the territory of the region (city, district, facility) regardless of the form of ownership on issues of reducing the risk of the occurrence of SBAK, possible damage from them and readiness to eliminate the consequences;

    Participation in the preparation of a conclusion on the feasibility of placing POOE in the territory of the region (city, district);

    Make proposals to local authorities on the state of work to prevent emergency situations and the readiness of OS facilities, forces and means to eliminate the consequences of emergencies;

    Submit proposals to the Government of the Russian Federation on the evacuation of the population and material assets from areas of possible major accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, and in cases of urgency, independently make a decision on evacuation with subsequent information from higher authorities;

    Involve heads of interested departments and organizations, scientists and necessary specialists to work as part of the commission;

    Require all enterprises, organizations, departments located in the territory of the region (city, district) to submit to the commission information related to incidents or possible SBAK, as well as on the progress of eliminating their consequences. Heads of enterprises, organizations, institutions that have received an order from the Emergency Situations Committee of the region (city, district) are obliged to carry it out exactly and within the time limits specified in it, and after execution, report this to the person who gave this order;

    Exercise control over the preparation and readiness of forces and assets included in the RSChS.

    The on-site CoES has the right:

    Participate in the consideration of issues within its competence at meetings of the facility at all levels and make decisions in accordance with the tasks assigned to it;

    Monitor the work to prevent emergencies in structural units, direct them to the head to implement the decision of the CoES to take the necessary measures, to establish the causes contributing to the occurrence of emergencies, and also hear reports from department heads on the implementation of these decisions at their meetings;

    Involve supervisory authorities and leading specialists in conducting inspections and examinations of software at production sites (projects) on issues of ensuring the safety of workers, employees and the public, the environment, as well as in monitoring the implementation of measures aimed at reducing the consequences of possible impacts.

    CoES structure

    An emergency commission is created under the administration of a region, city, district, as well as at economic facilities that continue to operate in wartime and employ 500 or more people.

    Composition of the commission:

    a) Chairman of the commission - deputy. head of administration.

    b) Deputy Chairman of the Commission - NSH for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs.

    c) Members of the commission:

    Directors of departments;

    Heads of departments, committees and administration departments;

    Heads of industries and services.

    d) Secretariat.

    The commission includes subcommittees:

    1. To prevent and eliminate emergencies associated with flooding, other natural disasters in the region, city, district and epidemics of agricultural animals.

    2. On the prevention and elimination of emergencies in transport (railway, road, air, river) when transporting dangerous goods.

    3. For the prevention and elimination of emergencies at industrial and energy facilities; gas, oil, product pipelines.

    4. To prevent and eliminate emergencies at housing and communal services facilities, bridges, viaducts, construction and installation complexes.

    5. To prevent and eliminate emergencies associated with a sharp change in the medical or environmental situation.

    6. To ensure the work of the regional emergency commission (transport, communications, logistics).

    The management of subcommittees is entrusted to deputy heads of administration and heads of departments, departments, committees, and heads of public organizations.

    The head of the subcommission, by his decision, is obliged to determine the necessary personnel of the subcommission and the forces and means to be involved.

    To solve problems of evacuation, resettlement or reception of the population, a regional, city, and district evacuation commission is created.

    Control questions

    1. Define: a) earthquake; b) earthquake source; c) epicenter.

    2. Describe the 12-point Richter scale.

    3. Name the signs of an approaching earthquake.

    4. Describe the actions of the population during an earthquake.

    5 What is called a mudflow, landslide, snow avalanche?

    6. Describe the 12-point Beaufort scale.

    7. What kind of wind is called: a) a storm; b) a tornado.

    8. Describe the actions of the population in strong winds.

    9. Define flood and describe the causes of flooding.

    10. What is called a fire?

    11. What fires are called: a) underground; b) steppe.

    12. What is called: a) an accident; b) a disaster.

    13. Give a description of a chemically hazardous object.

    14. List personal protective equipment against hazardous chemicals.

    15. Describe the radiation hazardous object.

    16. Describe the actions of the population during a radiation accident.

    17. Give a description of a fire and explosive object.

    18. List the main causes of fires in homes.

    19. List the main damaging factors: a) fire; b) explosion.

    20. Describe the actions of the population in case of fire and explosions.

    21. Describe the actions when rescuing a victim: a) from a burning building; b) if clothes catch fire.

    22. Describe the rules of conduct: a) on railway transport; b) in air transport; c) in road transport; d) in maritime transport.

    23. What is called: a) an infectious disease of people;

    b) epidemic focus; c) an epidemic.

    24. List the main routes of transmission of infectious diseases.

    25. Describe: a) quarantine regime; b) observation.

    26. What is called: epizootic; b) epiphytoty.

    27. Define: a) hazardous production factors;

    b) injury.

    28. List: a) damaging production factors;

    b) harmful production factors.

    29. Characterize: a) physical factors; b) chemical factors; c) biological factors; d) psychophysical factors.

    30. Define: a) emergency; b) emergency prevention; c) emergency response.

    31. List and characterize the levels of RSChS.

    32. List the reserves created to eliminate emergencies.

    33. List the main tasks of the on-site CoES.

    34. List: a) the responsibilities of the CoES; b) rights of the CoES.


    General provisions

    1.1. The Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Fire Safety (CoES and Fire Safety) is intended to organize and carry out measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies, reduce damage from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, manage forces during emergency response and comprehensively support their actions .

    1.2. CoES and Fire Safety is the coordinating management body of the facility level and is staffed by responsible facility employees, including service managers.

    1.3. The composition of the commission, its chairman and the Regulations on CoES and Fire Safety are approved by order of the head of the enterprise.

    1.4. The practical activities of CoES and Fire Safety are guided by:

    – Laws of the DPR in the field of protecting the population and territory from emergencies;

    – regulatory legal acts of the Council of Ministers of the DPR, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DPR and local governments:

    – this provision;

    – orders, instructions and instructions from the head of the enterprise, CoES and fire safety department of the district (city).

    1.5. Decisions of the CoES and PB of the facility are drawn up in the form of protocols, which are signed by the chairman of the CoES and PB or his deputy presiding at the meeting, and, if necessary, in the form of draft orders and instructions of the head of the enterprise.

    1.6. In order to exchange information about the threat of an emergency and in the event of an emergency, as well as in the process of eliminating emergency situations, the CoES and Fire Safety of the facility interacts in the prescribed manner with higher-level CoES and Fire Safety (submits reports to them) and, if necessary, with the CoES and Fire Safety of neighboring facilities, administrative district authorities and public organizations.

    Main tasks and rights of the CoES and Firefighter

    2.1. The main tasks of the CoES and PB are:

    – day-to-day management of the facility’s emergency prevention and response system;

    – development and implementation of measures to prevent emergencies and reduce damage from possible consequences, ensure the sustainable functioning of the facility in the event of an emergency;

    – organization of observation and control over the state of the natural environment and potentially dangerous areas of production at the facility, forecasting and assessing the possible situation that may arise at the facilities in the event of an emergency;

    – development and timely adjustment, if necessary, of an Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies;

    – organization and management of the facility’s duty service;

    – creation of funds of financial, material and technical resources for carrying out preventive measures, equipping units and providing personnel with protective equipment, eliminating emergencies and providing assistance to victims;

    – creation and equipment of a management body, forces and means for emergency response;

    – organization and management of the preparation of structural units, evacuation commissions, services, formations and facility personnel for actions in emergencies;

    – organizing interaction with the CoES and Fire Department of neighboring facilities and public organizations whose functions include issues of protecting the population, on the issues of collecting the exchange of information about emergencies and providing mutual assistance;

    – monitoring the implementation of established measures to prevent emergencies and reduce possible losses when they occur in structural units, providing them with practical assistance;

    – management of the actions of structural units, services and formations of the facility in the event of the threat, occurrence and elimination of emergency situations in accordance with the Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations.

    2.2. CoES and Fire Protection has the right:

    – within the limits of their competence, make decisions that are binding on the structural divisions and services of the facility;

    – attract formations, technical and transport means of the facility to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations;

    – establish, if necessary, a special regime of work and behavior in the emergency zone;

    – suspend the operation of individual sections and the facility as a whole in the event of an immediate threat of accidents and disasters;

    – involve specialists in conducting examinations of potentially hazardous production areas and monitoring their functioning.

    Organization of work of CoES and Fire Safety

    3.1. The daily activities of CoES and Fire Safety are organized in accordance with the annual work plan.

    Meetings are held once a quarter, unscheduled meetings - by decision of the chairman. During the period between meetings, decisions are made by the chairman and communicated by order to the entire staff of the CoES and PB in the form of instructions to its individual members.

    3.2. The distribution of responsibilities in the CoES and Fire Department is carried out by the chairman and is drawn up in the form of a list of functional responsibilities.

    3.3. Notification of members of the CoES and PB in the event of a threat of an emergency is carried out by order of the chairman (deputy chairmen) of the CoES and PB by the duty service of the facility.

    3.4. In the event of a threat or emergency, the CoES and Fire Safety Unit is located on the premises of the enterprise. If there is a threat of radioactive contamination or chemical contamination of the territory of the facility - in the premises of the control point - PRU No._____.

    Logistics support for CoES and fire safety

    Logistical and technical support for the work of the CoES and fire safety, advance preparation and storage of material and technical means necessary for the work of the CoES and fire safety in the event of the threat or occurrence of an emergency, is entrusted to the head of the administrative and economic department (MTO department, etc.) and the head of the department ( structural unit) Civil Defense and Emergency Situations.

    The activities of CoES and Fire Safety are financed from the budget of the facility.

    Functional responsibilities of officials

    CoES and fire safety organization


    Chairman of the CoES and PB

    The chairman of the commission is personally responsible for carrying out the tasks assigned to the commission and for preparing proposals for decision-making by the head and ensuring continuous management and preparation of the work of the commission.

    He is obliged:

    a) During daily activities:

    Know the situation, the tasks facing the commission, the progress of measures to reduce the risk of an accident;

    Personally supervise the preparation of the commission to solve the tasks facing it;

    Plan the study of the commission for the year, hold scheduled meetings, hear at meetings the heads of structural divisions on their implementation of practical measures to reduce the danger and reliability of work, alert and ensure the protection of working personnel;

    Conduct classes and training with members of the commission to improve their knowledge of the Action Plan;

    Monitor the implementation of decisions of government bodies to reduce the risk of accidents and disasters;

    Organize the development and implementation of measures aimed at reducing the likelihood of accidents and disasters, measures to prepare for the elimination of their consequences;

    Monitor the activities of structural units on reducing the risk of accidents and disasters;

    Organize the training of commission members for actions in extreme conditions, ensure their constant readiness to take action to eliminate the consequences of accidents and disasters;

    Involve the necessary specialists to work in the commission;

    Conduct systematic training on notification and collection of commissions.

    b) In case of threat and occurrence of an emergency:

    Report to the facility manager about the current situation;

    Report to the higher CoES and Fire Department and the department (department) of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the district (city);

    Give an order to notify and collect the commission (indicating the place of collection);

    Organize all types of reconnaissance of the emergency site (area);

    Establish a 24-hour work schedule for the commission from the moment an accident, catastrophe or natural disaster occurs;

    Give orders to the heads of structural units to take extreme measures to ensure the protection of people from the consequences of accidents and their life support in emergency conditions;

    Organize the collection and recording of information about the circumstances of the accident, the current situation, losses among personnel, damage and other data on the emergency;

    If necessary, make a decision to evacuate personnel and material assets with the immediate transfer of information to higher authorities;

    Monitor the progress of the ASDNR, ensuring safe working conditions for the involved forces and equipment, food and rest;

    Manage the work of the commission until the completion of work to eliminate the consequences of the accident and establish normal daily life activities;

    Determine the extent of damage and other consequences of accidents, disasters and natural disasters, as well as predict these consequences.

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