Commission for Elimination of Emergency Situations. Material on the topic: Regulations on the commission for the prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety

I approve

Director of FCPOU "Kungursky"

College-boarding school" Ministry of Labor


N.G. Dyachenko


O commission for prevention and liquidation emergency situations and provision fire safety


I. General provisions

1.1 Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Fire Safety (hereinafter - CoES and FPB)is coordinating body, formed to ensure consistency in the actions of the technical school administration, government and other organizations in order to implement a unified public policy in the field of prevention and response to emergencies of natural and technogenic nature(hereinafter referred to as emergencies), ensuring fire safety, organizing and conducting anti-terrorism activities.

CoES and OPB was created in accordance with the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 68-FZ “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”, “Regulations on the unified state system for the prevention and response to emergency situations”, approved by resolution Governments Russian Federation dated December 30, 2003 No. 794.

1.2.CoES and OPB are guided in their activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the governor Perm region and this Regulation.

1.3. CoES and OPB as the coordinating management body of the facility level of the territorial RSChS subsystems, is staffed by responsible employees of the facility, including heads of structural divisions.

1.4. The composition of the commission, its chairman and the Regulations on the CoES and OPB are approved by order of the head of the enterprise.

1.5. Decisions of the CoES and FPB of the facility are drawn up in the form of protocols, which are signed by the chairman of the CoES and FPB or his deputy presiding at the meeting, and, if necessary, in the form of draft orders and instructions of the head.

1.6. In order to exchange information about the threat of an emergency and in the event of an emergency, as well as in the process of eliminating emergency situations, the CoES and the safety and security of the facility in in the prescribed manner interacts with higher-level CoES and Fire Department (submits reports to them) and, if necessary, with CoES and Fire Department of neighboring facilities, administrative authorities district and public organizations.

1.7. The commission carries out its activities under the leadership of the director of the technical school.

When solving civil defense problems, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, the main management body through which the chairman of the organization’s CoES exercises leadership is the headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations of the organization. (Regulations on the headquarters ... Appendix No. 1, order of the head on the organization of civil defense - Appendix No. 2). He also carries out all the planning and development of all documentation in the field of civil defense and emergency protection.

II. Main tasks of CoES and OPB

Main CoES tasks and OPB are:

Development of measures for the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety on the territory and facilities of the technical school;

Day-to-day management of the technical school’s emergency prevention and response system;

Development and implementation of measures to prevent emergencies and reduce damage from them possible consequences, ensuring sustainable functioning college in the event of an emergency;

Organization of monitoring and control of the condition natural environment and potentially dangerous production facilities, forecasting and assessment possible situation, which can develop in a technical school in the event of an emergency;

Development and timely adjustment in necessary cases Emergency Prevention and Response Plan;

Organization and management of duty service;

Creation of funds of financial and material and technical resources for carrying out preventive measures, equipping units and providing personnel with protective equipment, eliminating emergencies and providing assistance to victims;

Creation and equipment of the civil defense and emergency management body (the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations headquarters), non-regular units;

Organization and management of the training of non-standard units and personnel trained to act in emergencies;

Organization of interaction with the district CoES;

Monitoring the implementation of established measures to prevent emergencies and reduce possible losses when they occur

Management of the actions of the NASF in the event of the threat, occurrence and elimination of emergencies in accordance with the Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies.

III.Functions of CoES and OPB

In order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, the CoES and OPB performs the following functions:

Considers, within its competence, issues in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety;

In accordance with the established procedure, makes proposals to the manager on issues of preventing and eliminating emergency situations and ensuring fire safety;

Develops proposals for improving local regulatory legal acts in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety;

Considers forecasts of emergency situations on the territory of the technical school, organizes the development and implementation of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating emergency situations and ensuring fire safety;

Participates in the development of targeted, scientific and technical programs in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations and fire safety and prepares proposals for their implementation;

Develops proposals for the development and maintenance of the functioning of the CoES and OPB;

Manages local emergency response.

IV. Fundamental rights of the CoES and OPB

The CoES and OPB of the technical school, within its competence, has the right to:

Request and receive in due course from executive bodies authorities and organizations necessary materials and information;

Hear at its meetings the administration of the technical school and the heads of structural divisions in the field of civil defense and emergency situations;

Involve teaching and technical personnel to participate in their work;

Within the limits of their competence, make decisions that are binding on the structural divisions and services of the facility;

Involve formations, technical and vehicles emergency response facility;

Create working groups in the areas of the commission’s activities, determine the powers and work procedures of these groups;

Make proposals in the prescribed manner to the head of the organization for the preparation of decisions on issues of preventing and eliminating emergency situations and ensuring fire safety.

Install, if necessary, special treatment work and behavior in the emergency zone;

Suspend operation individual areas and the object as a whole when immediate threat accidents and disasters;

Involve specialists in conducting examinations of potentially hazardous production areas and monitoring their functioning.

V. Composition of the commission on emergency situations and safety and security

5.1. The composition of the CoES and OPB is approved by order of the director of the technical school.

5.2. The Chairman of the CoES and FPB is the director, who manages the activities of the CoES and FPB and is responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to it.

5.3. The composition of the CoES and OPB includes: a person specially authorized to solve civil defense and emergency situations problems (chief of the technical school’s Civil Defense and Emergency Situations headquarters), deputy head of the CoES and OPB for evacuation, deputy head of the CoES and OPB for logistics, and heads of the NASF.

5.4. To work in the source of an emergency situation, an operational group of CoES and OPB can be created and lead the work on site.

VI. Operating procedure of the CoES and OPB

6.1.CoES and FPB carries out its activities in accordance with the plan adopted at the meeting of the CoES and FPB and approved by its chairman.

6.2. Meetings of the CoES and OPB are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter.

6.3. The preparation of materials for the commission meeting is carried out by members of the CoES and OOPB, who are in charge of the issues on the agenda.

6.4. Meetings of the CoES and FPB are conducted by the chairman or, on his behalf, one of his deputies. A meeting is considered valid if at least half of its members are present.

6.5. Members of the CoES and BPB take part in its meetings without the right of replacement. If a member of the CoES and OPB is absent from the meeting, he has the right to present his opinion on the issues under consideration in writing.

6.6. Decisions of the CoES and FPB are made by a simple majority of votes of the commission members present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the commission is decisive.

6.7. Decisions of the CoES and FPB are drawn up in the form of protocols, which are signed by the chairman of the CoES and FPB or his deputy presiding at the meeting.

6.8. Notifying members of the CoES and OPB in the event of accidents, disasters or natural Disasters carried out by decision of the chairman of the commission (his deputies) through the duty service according to specially developed schemes.

6.9. Submission of reports and reports to higher emergency commissions is carried out within the time limits and volumes determined by the timesheet of urgent reports.

VII. Modes of operation of the CoES and OPB

7.1. The procedure for the functioning of the CoES and the OPB is introduced by the chairman and is carried out in the following modes:

Mode daily activities;

Mode high alert;

Emergency mode.

7.2. In daily activities, the work of the CoES and the Fire Department is organized on the basis of an annual work plan. As necessary, meetings of the commission are held, which are documented in minutes. Activities carried out by CoES and FPB are aimed at:

Monitoring the state of the natural environment, the situation on potentially dangerous objects and adjacent territories;

Planning and implementation of measures to prevent emergencies, ensure the safety and protection of personnel and students, reduce possible losses and damage, as well as increase the sustainability of the functioning of the organization’s facilities in emergency situations;

Improving the preparation of CoES and OPB, NASF for actions in emergency situations, organizing training of personnel, students and pupils in methods of protection and actions in emergencies;

Control over the creation and replenishment of financial and material resources to eliminate emergency situations.

7.3. In the high-alert mode, notification and collection of CoES and safety precautions are carried out, the situation is assessed, proposals are heard, a decision is made on the current situation and communicated to the performers.

Additionally carried out:

Formation (if necessary) of an operational group to identify the reasons for the deterioration of the situation directly in the emergency area, and develop proposals for its normalization;

24-hour duty is organized management team CoES and OPB (if necessary);

Increased surveillance of the condition environment, the situation at potentially hazardous facilities and adjacent territories, forecasting the possibility of emergencies and their scale;

Taking measures to protect staff, students and the environment, ensuring the sustainable functioning of the school;

Bringing forces and means to a state of readiness to eliminate emergency situations, clarifying plans for their actions and moving (if necessary) to the area of ​​the proposed emergency.

7.4. In an emergency situation, notification and collection of emergency response and fire safety teams are carried out, an operational group is sent to the emergency site, the situation is assessed, proposals on the current situation are heard, a decision is made and communicated to the executors.

Activities carried out by the CoES and the Fire Department during an emergency situation are aimed at:

Organization of protection of personnel and students;

Determining the boundaries of the emergency zone;

Organization of emergency response;

Organization of work to ensure the sustainable functioning of the technical school;

Carrying out continuous monitoring of the state of the environment in the emergency zone, the situation in emergency facilities and adjacent territories.

VIII. Logistics support for the Commission for Emergency Situations

Logistical support for the work of the CoES and fire safety department, advance preparation and storage of material and technical means necessary for the work of the CoES and OPB in the event of the threat or occurrence of an emergency, is assigned to the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Affairs.


1. Federal Law No. 68 “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies” dated December 21, 1994.

3. Federal Law No. 151 “On emergency - rescue services and the status of rescuers" dated August 22, 1995.

6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2003 No. 794 “On the unified state system for the prevention and response to emergency situations.”

Annex 1.

"I affirm"

Director of FCPOU "Kungursky"

College-boarding school" Ministry of Labor


N.G. Dyachenko


About the affairs headquarters civil defense and emergency situations

FKOU SPO "Kungur College - Boarding School"

  1. Basic provisions

1.1.Regulations on the headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations of the FKOU SPO "Kungur College - Boarding School" determines the main tasks, organization and order of work of the headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as the headquarters of the Civil Defense) FKOU SPO "Kungur College - Boarding School" (hereinafter referred to as technical school).

1.2. The Civil Defense Headquarters is the working management body of the director of the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Education "Kungur College - Boarding School" - the head of civil defense of KTI, providing the opportunity for operational management and implementation of measures for civil defense, prevention and response to emergency situations, control over their preparation and implementation in KTI.

1.3. The activities of the headquarters are regulated regulatory acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, orders of the director of the technical school and these Regulations.

  1. Tasks of the GO KTI Headquarters

2.1 The main tasks of the Civil Defense headquarters are:

planning and carrying out activities for civil defense and protection of students and employees of the technical school;

Organization of the creation and maintenance of control, communication and warning systems in readiness for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as emergencies) and the conduct of civil defense in the technical school;

Creation and management of non-standard emergency rescue units (hereinafter referred to as ASF GO);

Creation and maintenance of in good condition protective structures of civil defense;

Organization and implementation of events for the evacuation of students and staff in emergencies and war time;

Organization and implementation of engineering, technical and other activities to ensure the sustainable operation of the technical school in peacetime and wartime emergencies;

Planning and conducting training for employees included in civil defense formations, organizing training for employees not included in civil defense formations on methods of protection from emergencies in peacetime and wartime;

  1. Composition of the GO KTI Headquarters

3.1 Civil Defense Headquarters is headed by responsible person for the sector of ensuring labor safety and life of the technical school.

He has the right, on behalf of the head of the civil defense technical school, to give orders on civil defense issues and demand that students and employees of the technical school comply with them.

3.2 The structure of the technical school’s civil defense headquarters includes:

Chief of Staff of the Civil Defense College;

Voluntary fire brigade;

Evacuation group;

Emergency Rescue Team;

Transport Support Group;

Sanitary group;

4.Order of work of the Civil Defense Headquarters

The civil defense headquarters carries out its activities in accordance with the civil defense work plan, which is drawn up for the year and approved by the head of the technical school.

Meetings of the Civil Defense headquarters are held as necessary, but not less than once a quarter.

On issues that require a decision by the head of the civil defense, the civil defense headquarters makes appropriate proposals and prepares draft orders of the head of the technical school.

If necessary, representatives of third-party organizations may be invited to participate in a meeting of the civil defense headquarters.

The Headquarters for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs in its work is guided by the Federal Laws “On Civil Defense” (No. 28-FZ dated February 12, 1998), “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Man-Made Emergencies” (No. 68-FZ dated 12/21/1994), Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation "On training the population in the field of protection from emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature" (No. 547 dated 09/04/2003), "On a unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations" (No. 794 dated 12/30/2003), regulatory documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, regulations of the city (district) level of the RSChS, the facility level of emergency prevention and response and these Regulations.

5.Functions of the Civil Defense Headquarters

Develops and timely adjusts the action plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and the civil defense plan, coordinates them with the relevant structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kungur region;

Develops an action plan for civil defense, prevention and liquidation of consequences of natural and man-made emergencies of the technical school for the year;

Prepares applications for financing civil defense activities and equipping civil defense units necessary property on coming year and perspective;

Organizes and conducts activities to improve the sustainability of the functioning of the facility - the technical school;

Plans and organizes the preparation and training of employees and students in the field of protection from natural and man-made emergencies and in wartime;

Plans and organizes civil defense and emergency training;

Keeps records of the implementation of civil defense activities, summarizes and submits reports to the head of the civil defense technical school, and also prepares reports on the state of civil defense in accordance with the Table of Urgent Reports;

If there is a threat of an emergency or if it occurs, organizes measures to protect students and employees and increase the sustainability of the technical school facilities;

6. Functional responsibilities of the chief of staff of the Civil Defense

The chief of staff is the main organizer of work on civil defense and emergency situations. He reports to the head of the civil defense technical school and is his authorized person on civil defense issues. The chief of staff of the technical school civil defense bears full responsibility for carrying out tasks assigned to the headquarters of the civil defense technical school, training personnel Civil Defense headquarters for actions during the implementation of civil defense activities.

The chief of the civil defense headquarters is responsible for the development and timely adjustment of the action plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and the civil defense plan of the technical school, ensuring the readiness of civil defense formations for actions to prevent and eliminate emergencies and ensure fire safety.

The Chief of Civil Defense Staff performs the following functional responsibilities:

Prepares draft documents on the organization, functioning and improvement of civil defense;

Manages the creation of civil defense units, staffing them with personnel and equipping them with civil defense equipment;

Organizes timely training of employees included in civil defense formations;

Controls the accumulation of funds personal protection, radiation and chemical reconnaissance instruments, radiation monitoring, their storage and use;

Keeps you ready local system alerts;

Takes part in adjusting the evacuation plan in emergencies and wartime;

Supports interaction with local structures Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Appendix 2.


Ministry of Labor and social protection

Russian Federation

federal government educational institution

secondary vocational education

"Kungur technical school - boarding school"

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection

Russian Federation


From _____________, No. _____

Sadoyagodnoe village

On the organization of civil defense in

FKOU SPO "Kungur College -

Boarding school "Ministry of Labor of Russia

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 21, 1994. No. 68-FZ “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”, in pursuance of the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 603 dated December 17, 2012. “On approval of the Regulations on Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation”, as well as for the purpose of organizing work in the Federal Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “Kungur Technical Boarding School” of the Ministry of Labor of Russia on civil defense, prevention and response to emergencies of a natural and man-made nature


  1. Create and maintain in constant readiness to carry out civil defense tasks both in peacetime and in wartime the following bodies management non-standard formations civil defense:
  1. Head of Civil Defense of the FKOU SPO “Kungur Technical Boarding School” - Ministry of Labor of Russia - Nina Georgievna Dyachenko;
  2. Deputy Head of Civil Defense of the FKOU SPO "Kungur College - Boarding School" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia for logistics - Oleg Igorevich Shtro;
  3. Headquarters for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs of the FKOU SPO “Kungur Technical Boarding School” of the Ministry of Labor of Russia:

Chief of Staff for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs of the FKOU SPO “Kungur Technical Boarding School” - Ministry of Labor of Russia - Osadchiy Sergey Vladimirovich.

1.2 Non-standard formations:

1.2.1. Evacuation group:

The head of the evacuation group is sister-hostess V.P. Pervushina.

Members of the evacuation group - dormitory guards Aksenova O.A., Petrovicheva

L.V., Yushkova N.P.

1.2.2. Emergency rescue team:

Group commander – electrician Kustov A.A.

Members of the group are janitor Bezmaternykh V.A., carpenter Vlasov A.A., plumber Gubaidullin I.R.

1.2.3. Sanitary post:

Medical post commander - senior nurse Kazarinova E.P.

Members of the medical post - paramedic Kanova N.V., physical nurse. office

Medvedeva R.A., nurse treatment room Shabdinova N.R.

1.2.4. Transport group:

The group commander is a technical school mechanic V.V. Plotnikov.

Members of the group - driver Pervushin P.A., driver Ermakov S.S.

1.2.5. Radiation and chemical observation post:

The head of the post is the garage boiler room operator A.A. Aristov.

Members of the post are garage boiler room operator V.V. Shaposhnikov, central boiler room operator V.L. Bragin.

2. The Chief of Staff for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs of the FKOU SPO “Kungur College Boarding School” of the Russian Ministry of Labor is the first deputy Head of the Civil Defense FKOU SPO “Kungur College Boarding School” of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and has the right on his behalf to give orders on civil defense issues.

3. To the Chief of Staff for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs of the FKOU SPO “Kungur Technical Boarding School” of the Ministry of Labor of Russia S.V. Osadchy. until April 30, 2013 develop, coordinate and approve in the prescribed manner all Required documents according to GO.

4. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Director N.G. Dyachenko

Municipal budget educational institution

"Vasilievskaya main comprehensive school»


p. Vasilievsky

On the creation of a commission for the prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies” dated December 21, 1994 No. 68-FZ, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations” dated December 30, 2003 No. 794 (with latest changes and additions), Resolutions of the Board of Administration Oryol region"About the Oryol regional territorial subsystem single state system prevention and liquidation of emergency situations" dated February 15, 2005 No. 22, decisions general meeting dated August 30, 2016 in order to create a coordinating body for the prevention and response to emergency situations:


1. Approve the Regulations on the Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety of the Vasilyevskaya Basic Secondary School with functional responsibilities members of the commission for the prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety (Appendix 1).

2. Approve the composition of the commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the Vasilyevskaya Basic Secondary School. (Appendix 2)

3. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Director A.A. Semiokhina

I have read the order:

“___”___________2016 _________________ L.S. Shlychkova

“___”___________2016 _________________ I.N. Golovin

"___"___________2016 _________________ N.V. Prilepskaya

“___”___________2016 _________________ E.V. Shapurin

Appendix 1 to the order

on the commission for the prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety
MBOU "Vasilievskaya basic secondary school"

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety (CoES and Fire Safety) of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Vasilievskaya Basic Secondary School" (hereinafter referred to as the ES) is intended to organize and carry out measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as emergencies), reduce damage from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, management of forces during emergency response and comprehensive support for their actions.

1.2. CoES and PB is a coordinating body formed to ensure coordination of actions of the school administration, government and other organizations in order to implement a unified state policy in the field of prevention and response to natural and man-made emergencies (hereinafter referred to as emergencies), providing fire protection, organizing and conducting events anti-terrorist orientation.

1.3. IN practical activities CoES and Fire Safety is guided by:

Federal laws and regulations President of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies;

Regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and authorities local government;

This provision;

Orders, instructions and instructions from the head of the PA, CoES and Fire Safety Administration of the Verkhovsky District of the Oryol Region.

1.4. The composition of the commission, its chairman and the Regulations on the CoES and Fire Safety are approved by order of the director of the public organization.

1.5. The commission carries out its activities under the leadership of the school director.

1.6. Decisions of the CoES and PB CO are drawn up in the form of protocols, which are signed by the chairman of the CoES and PB or his deputy presiding at the meeting, and, if necessary, in the form of draft orders and instructions from the director of the CO.

1.6. In order to exchange information about the threat of an emergency and in the event of an emergency, as well as in the process of eliminating emergency situations, the CoES and Fire Safety Organization interacts in the prescribed manner with higher-level CoES and Fire Safety (submits reports to them) and, if necessary, with the CoES and Fire Safety of neighboring facilities, administrative district authorities and public organizations.

2. Main tasks and rights of the CoES and Firefighter

2.1. The main tasks of the CoES and PB are:

Day-to-day management of the activities of the public health emergency prevention and response system;

Development and implementation of measures to prevent emergencies and reduce damage from their possible consequences, ensure the sustainable functioning of the facility in the event of an emergency;

Organization of monitoring and control over the state of the natural environment and potentially dangerous areas of production at the facility, forecasting and assessing the possible situation that may arise at the facility in the event of an emergency;

Development and timely adjustment, if necessary, of an Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies;

Organization and management of the facility's duty service;

Creation of funds of financial, material and technical resources for carrying out preventive measures, equipping units and providing personnel with protective equipment, eliminating emergencies and providing assistance to victims;

Creation and equipment of a management body, forces and means for emergency response;

Organization and management of the preparation of structural units, evacuation commissions, services, formations and facility personnel for actions in emergencies;

Organizing interaction with the CoES and Fire Department of neighboring facilities and public organizations whose functions include issues of protecting the population, on the issues of collecting and exchanging information about emergencies and providing mutual assistance;

Monitoring the implementation of established measures to prevent emergencies and reduce possible losses when they occur in structural units, providing them with practical assistance;

Management of the actions of structural units, services and formations of the facility in the event of the threat, occurrence and elimination of emergency situations in accordance with the Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations.

2.2. CoES and Fire Protection has the right:

Within the limits of their competence, make decisions that are binding on the structural divisions and services of the facility;

Involve formations and technical means of the facility to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations;

Establish, if necessary, a special regime of work and behavior in the emergency zone;

Suspend the operation of individual sections and the facility as a whole in the event of an immediate threat of accidents and disasters;

Involve specialists in conducting examinations of potentially hazardous production areas and monitoring their functioning.

3. Organization of the work of CoES and Fire Safety

3.1. The daily activities of CoES and Fire Safety are organized in accordance with annual plan work.

Meetings are held once a quarter, unscheduled meetings - by decision of the chairman. During the period between meetings, decisions are made by the chairman and communicated by instructions to the entire composition of the CoES and PB or in the form of instructions to its individual members.

3.2. The distribution of responsibilities in the CoES and Fire Department is carried out by the chairman and is drawn up in the form of a list of functional responsibilities.

3.3. Notification of members of the CoES and Fire Department in the event of a threat or occurrence of an emergency is carried out by order of the chairman (deputy chairmen) of the CoES and Fire Department by the facility's duty service.

3.4. In the event of a threat or emergency, the CoES and Fire Department is located on the premises of the Vasilyevskaya Basic Secondary School (at the address: Vasilievsky village, Shkolnaya St., 13).

4. Operating procedure of the CoES and Fire Department

4.1. The CoES and PB carries out its activities in accordance with the plan adopted at the meeting of the CoES and PB and approved by its chairman.

4.2. Meetings of the CoES and PB are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter.

4.3. Preparation of materials for the commission meeting is carried out by members of the CoES and PB, who are responsible for the issues.

4.4. Meetings of the CoES and PB are chaired by the chairman or, on his instructions, one of his deputies.

4.5. A meeting of the CoES and PB is considered competent if at least half of its members are present.

4.6. Members of the CoES and PB take part in its meetings without the right of replacement. If a member of the CoES and PB is absent from the meeting, he has the right to present his opinion on the issues under consideration in writing.

4.7. Decisions of the CoES and PB are made by a simple majority of votes of the commission members present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the commission is decisive.

4.8. Decisions of the CoES and PB are formalized in the form of protocols, which are signed by the chairman of the CoES and PB or his deputy presiding at the meeting. Notification of members of the CoES and Fire Safety Committee in the event of accidents, catastrophes or natural disasters is carried out by decision of the chairman of the commission (his deputies) through the school duty service according to specially developed schemes.

4.9. Submission of reports and reports to higher emergency commissions is carried out within the time limits and volumes determined by the timesheet of urgent reports.

5. Modes of operation of the CoES and PB

5.1. The operating procedure of the CoES and Fire Safety is introduced by its chairman and is carried out in the following modes:

Routine of daily activities;

High alert mode;

Emergency mode.

5.2. IN mode of daily activities The work of CoES and Fire Safety is organized on the basis of an annual work plan. As necessary, meetings of the commission are held, which are documented in minutes. Activities carried out by CoES and Fire Protection are aimed at:

Monitoring the state of the natural environment, the situation at potentially dangerous objects and adjacent territories;

Planning and implementation of measures to prevent emergencies, ensure the safety and protection of personnel, school students, reduce possible losses and damage, as well as increase the sustainability of school functioning in emergency situations;

Improving the preparation of CoES and fire safety personnel for actions in emergency situations, organizing training of personnel, students and pupils in methods of protection and actions in emergencies;

Control over the creation and replenishment of reserves of financial and material resources for emergency response;

5.3. IN high alert mode notification and collection of CoES and fire safety are carried out, the situation is assessed, proposals are heard, a decision is made on the current situation and communicated to the performers. Additionally carried out:

Formation (if necessary) of an operational group to identify the reasons for the deterioration of the situation directly in the emergency area, and develop proposals for its normalization;

24-hour duty of the management team of the CoES and Fire Department is organized (if necessary);

Strengthening monitoring of the state of the environment, the situation at potentially hazardous facilities and adjacent territories, forecasting the possibility of emergencies and their scale;

Taking measures to protect personnel, students and the environment, ensuring the sustainable functioning of the educational institution;

bringing forces and means to a state of readiness to eliminate emergencies, clarifying plans for their actions and moving (if necessary) to the area of ​​the proposed emergency.

5.4. IN emergency mode notification and collection of CoES and fire safety are carried out, an operational group is sent to the emergency site, the situation is assessed, proposals on the current situation are heard, a decision is made and communicated to the executors. Activities carried out by the CoES and Fire Department in emergency situations are aimed at:

Organization of protection of personnel and students;

Determining the boundaries of the emergency zone;

Organization of emergency response;

Organization of work to ensure the sustainable functioning of the school;

Carrying out continuous monitoring of the state of the environment in the emergency zone, the situation at emergency facilities and adjacent territories.

6. Logistics support for CoES and fire safety

Logistical and technical support for the work of the CoES and fire safety, advance preparation and storage of material and technical means necessary for the work of the CoES and fire safety in the event of the threat or occurrence of an emergency is assigned to the head of the business unit.

Annex 1
To approved Regulations about CoES and Fire Safety


1. Chairman of the CoES and PB

The Chairman of the CoES and PB is responsible for organizing the work of the CoES and PB, its constant readiness to perform assigned tasks, monitoring the implementation of measures aimed at preventing emergencies, ensuring the sustainable functioning of the facility in the event of an emergency, and leading the actions to eliminate it.


Organize the development and timely adjustment of the Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and other documentation of the CoES and fire safety;

Manage the daily activities of the CoES and Fire Safety Committee in accordance with the annual work plan, holding its meetings at least once a quarter;

Identify sources of danger at the site, predict the consequences of possible emergencies, take measures to prevent them or reduce damage;

Organize control over the implementation of measures aimed at reducing the risk of emergencies at the facility and increasing the sustainability of its operation;

Organize and personally conduct training for members of the CoES and Firefighter, formations and facility personnel on issues of emergency prevention and response in accordance with current programs, ensure their constant readiness to act in the event of accidents, disasters and natural disasters.

Upon receipt of information (order, signal) about the threat or occurrence of an emergency, issue an order to notify and gather members of the CoES and PB, arrive at workplace;

Understand and assess the situation, put into effect the Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Disasters, adopt preliminary decision, assign tasks to the members of the CoES and PB for its implementation, establish the operating mode of the CoES and PB;

Assess character possible development Emergency situations and, if necessary, contact the CoES and Fire Department of the district to be involved in the emergency response additional forces and funds not provided for in the facility’s Emergency Prevention and Response Action Plan;

Personally and through members of the CoES and Fire Department, exercise leadership and control over the conduct of emergency rescue and other urgent work in an emergency zone;

Inform the chairman of the CoES and Fire Department of the district and higher departmental CoES and Fire Safety about the situation, measures taken and the results of work to eliminate the emergency and its consequences;

Organize work to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

2. Deputy Chairman of the CoES and PB

Deputy Chairman of the CoES and PB is responsible for practical implementation at the site of preventive measures aimed at preventing emergencies, ensuring the sustainable functioning of the facility, as well as for organizing emergency rescue and other urgent work in the event of emergencies and eliminating their consequences.


During daily activities:

Lead the work technical services forecasting object possible accidents(disasters) at potentially hazardous production sites and assessment of their possible consequences;

Participate in the development of an Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations of the facility and plans of subordinate services;

Develop and submit for consideration by the CoES and Industrial Safety Committee measures aimed at increasing the reliability and sustainability of the facility’s operation;

Plan activities aimed at reducing the risk of emergencies, complying with the instructions of the authorities implementing state supervision in area industrial safety and exercise control over their practical implementation;

Prepare production personnel of technical services and units for actions in emergencies;

In the absence of the chairman of the CoES and Fire Safety Committee of the facility, perform his duties.

In the event of a threat or emergency:

Upon receipt of the appropriate order (signal) to arrive at the place of work of the CoES and Fire Department;

Organize the collection of information about the nature and scale of the accident (catastrophe, natural disaster), damage caused, defeats production personnel;

Assess the situation, determine the volume and nature of rescue and other urgent work, the required amount of forces and resources, the need for clarification individual provisions Action Plan for Emergency Prevention and Response;

Submit proposals to the Chairman of the CoES and Fire Safety Committee for making a decision on the organization of emergency rescue and other urgent work;

Organize the rescue of people, unique equipment, technical documentation, material assets;

Lead the management of work in the most critical area;

Ensure the safety of work in the emergency zone;

Take part in the work of the commission on administrative and technical investigation causes of the accident (catastrophe).

3. Member of the CoES and PB

He is obliged:

a) in daily activities:

Know the regulations legal documents on organizing logistics for production and measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies, constantly improve personal training;

Participate in the development and adjustment of the Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies on issues of logistics;

Take part in the work of the site CoES and Fire Safety, in the development of the commission’s work plan for the year, the plan of the main activities of the site for the prevention and elimination of emergencies for the year, create conditions for their implementation on issues of logistics;

b) in high alert mode:

Upon receipt of the relevant information (order, signal), arrive at the place of work of the CoES and Fire Department;

Understand the situation and receive a task from the chairman of the CoES and PB;

Take part in forecasting a possible emergency in terms of expected material damage and consequences of the emergency;

Lead, if necessary, task force from the CoES and Fire Safety Committee to identify the reasons for the deterioration of the situation at the site and develop proposals for its normalization;

Report to the Chairman of the CoES and Fire Safety Committee on the activities carried out and the situation at the site.

c) in an emergency situation:

Provide shelter for personnel protective structures, implementation of measures for the protection and life support of facility personnel in protective structures;

Participate in organizing the collection of information about the nature and scale of the emergency caused material damage and losses among facility personnel;

Take part in assessing the situation, determining the volume and size of financial and material costs for emergency response;

Take part in organizing the rescue of people and material assets, providing medical care victims with their subsequent evacuation to medical institutions;

To take part in organizing meals and recreation for personnel of the formations involved in carrying out activities in the emergency zone, to ensure priority life support injured personnel;

Report to the chairman of the CoES and PB on issues of logistics during the implementation of events and liquidation of consequences of emergencies.

Appendix 2 to the order of the MBOU "Vasilievskaya basic secondary school"

Composition of the commission

on prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety
MBOU "Vasilievskaya basic secondary school"

Chairman of the CoES and PB – Semiokhina A.A., director educational organization;

Deputy Chairman of the CoES and PB – Golovina I.N., teacher physical culture, authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense;

members of the CoES and PB:

Shlychkova L.S., teacher primary classes, responsible for educational work;

Prilepskaya N.V., primary school teacher;

Shapurin E.V., head of the farm.

on the Government Commission for the Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations and Fire Safety
(approved by resolution

With changes and additions from:

1. Government Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is a coordinating body formed to ensure consistency in the actions of the bodies executive power, government and other organizations in order to implement state policy in the field of prevention and response to emergencies of a natural and man-made nature (hereinafter referred to as emergencies) and ensuring fire safety.

2. The Commission is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties Russian Federation, as well as these Regulations.

The Commission carries out its activities in cooperation with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, interested organizations and public associations, as well as with relevant international and intergovernmental organizations.

3. The main tasks of the Commission are:

a) development of proposals for the implementation of state policy in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety;

b) coordination of the activities of governing bodies and forces of the unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations;

c) ensuring consistency of actions federal bodies executive power in resolving issues in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations, ensuring fire safety, as well as restoration and construction of residential buildings, housing and communal services facilities, social sphere, production and engineering infrastructure, damaged and destroyed as a result of emergency situations.

4. In order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, the commission carries out the following functions:

a) considers, within its competence, issues in the field of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, ensuring fire safety, as well as restoration and construction of residential buildings, housing and communal services, social sphere, production and engineering infrastructure damaged and destroyed as a result of emergency situations, and submits relevant proposals to the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure;

b) develops proposals for improving regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and others regulatory documents in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations and fire safety;

c) considers forecasts of emergency situations on the territory of the Russian Federation, organizes the development and implementation of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating emergency situations and ensuring fire safety;

d) participates in the development of federal target and scientific and technical programs in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety and prepares proposals for their implementation;

e) develops proposals for the development and maintenance of the functioning of a unified state system for the prevention and response to emergency situations;

f) organizes the development and implementation of measures to implement an agreed scientific and technical policy in the field of development of forces and means of a unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations;

g) develops proposals for the elimination of emergency situations of a federal and interregional nature, restoration and construction of residential buildings, housing and communal services, social services, production and engineering infrastructure damaged and destroyed as a result of these emergency situations, as well as conducting humanitarian response operations;

h) organizes the work on preparing proposals and analytical materials for the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as recommendations for federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on issues of protecting the population and territories of the Russian Federation from emergency situations and ensuring fire safety;

i) considers draft annual state reports on the state of protection of the population and territories of the Russian Federation from natural and man-made emergencies in order to submit these projects in the prescribed manner to the Government of the Russian Federation;

j) considers issues of involving, in the prescribed manner, civil defense forces and means in organizing and carrying out measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations;

k) exercises control over the implementation of the Commission’s decisions.

5. The commission, within its competence, has the right:

a) request from federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, organizations and public associations necessary materials and information;

b) hear at their meetings representatives of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, organizations and public associations;

c) attract to participate in its work representatives of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, organizations and public associations in agreement with their leaders;

d) create working groups, including permanent ones, from among members of the Commission, scientists, specialists of federal executive authorities and representatives of interested organizations in the areas of activity of the Commission, determine the powers and work procedure of these groups;

e) submit, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals to the Government of the Russian Federation on issues requiring a decision by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. The composition of the Commission is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Chairman of the Commission is the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, who manages the activities of the Commission and is responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to it.

7. The Commission carries out its activities in accordance with the plan adopted at a meeting of the Commission and approved by its chairman.

Meetings of the Commission are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter.

Meetings of the Commission are conducted by its chairman or, on his instructions, one of his deputies.

A meeting of the Commission is considered valid if at least half of its members are present.

Members of the Commission take part in its meetings without the right of replacement. If a member of the Commission is absent from the meeting, he has the right to present his opinion on the issues under consideration in writing.

The preparation of materials for the meeting of the Commission is carried out by federal executive authorities, whose jurisdiction includes the issues included in the agenda of the meeting. Materials must be submitted to the Commission no later than 10 days before the date of the meeting.

8. Decisions of the Commission are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Commission present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Commission is decisive.

Decisions of the Commission are formalized in the form of protocols, which are signed by the chairman of the Commission or his deputy presiding at the meeting, and, if necessary, in the form of draft orders and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, which are submitted in the prescribed manner to the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. Decisions of the Commission, taken in accordance with its competence, are binding on all federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

10. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Commission is provided by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation that have become invalid
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 14, 2003 N 11)

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 1995 N 164 “On Interdepartmental Commission on the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 9, Art. 758).

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 22, 1995 N 273 “On the approval of A.N. Marshev as a member of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 13, Art. 1161).

3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 1997 N 171 “On the composition of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 8, Art. 964).

4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 29, 1999 N 111 “On changing the composition of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 6, Art. 859).

5. Clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2001 N 692 “On the coordination and advisory bodies of the Government of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 40, Art. 3845).

6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2001 N 855 “On the Interdepartmental Commission on Fire Safety” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 51, Art. 4896).

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