Commission for technical inspection of electrical equipment. Carrying out technical examination of electrical equipment

Document text:

Approved by resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Emergency Situations dated 07/05/2007 N 71/64

ACT N ___ TECHNICAL INSPECTION of equipment _______________________________ head. N _______________ reg. N _________________ "__" _______________ 20__ The commission consisting of: ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ acting on the basis of order N __________ dated "___" _____________ 20__ ____________________________________________________________ (name of organization) conducted a technical examination of the equipment _______________ (type, brand) ______________________ head. N _______________ reg. N _______________ spent motor life (norms depreciation charges), in order to determine the possibility of it further exploitation. 1. Basis for carrying out technical examination. Technical examination of equipment __________________ ______________________________________ was carried out on the basis technical specifications , technologies, instructions, regulations, methods (cross out what is unnecessary) 2. Passport details technical operation equipment.. The commission reviewed the equipment passport, drawings for this equipment, logbook, periodic inspection log, installation and operating instructions. 4. Inspection of metal structures _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Maintenance of mechanical components _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6. Inspection of electrical equipment and instrumentation (instruments) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. Inspection of cable accessories _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8. Appearance

equipment __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. Testing ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 10. Non-destructive, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, etc. testing methods used.

  • (cross out what is unnecessary) 11. Conclusion of the commission: based on the technical examination of the equipment ___________________________________ (type, brand) manager. N __________ reg. N _____________ (not) allowed for further operation for a period of _________ without limiting the load capacity (limited to _______ tons per __________).

Repeated examination _________________ to be carried out in 20___. Members of the commission: _________________ _________________________ (signature) (signature transcript) _________________ ________________________ _________________ ________________________

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  • In progress economic activity For many companies, the most commonly used contract is a delivery agreement. It would seem that this document, simple in its essence, should be absolutely clear and unambiguous.

Changing the owner of an electrified facility or re-issuing documents indicating the owner’s authority is a fairly common practice in modern legal field. But no matter how far the competence of lawyers is from the energy supply sector, all of the above operations related to the re-registration of documentation mandatory entail technical examination of electrical installations.

The corresponding clause prescribes mandatory implementation examination, registered in permitting documentation for connection of power consumption. If this item is not included in the permitting documentation, then the examination (examination) procedure is not mandatory.

During the inspection process, certain inconsistencies may be identified that must be corrected. In this regard, specialists carrying out this procedure, initiate work to adjust the power supply project, as agreed technological documentation etc. The cost of work related to the inspection of electrical installations depends on the conditions power connection permits. That is, it depends on what consumption parameters are specified in this permit. The price for the examination is the same for all subscribers, and it is determined by the requirements of the organization that has passed specialized accreditation with MOESK. As for the cost of carrying out additional work: it depends on the pricing principles adopted in a particular organization involved in the technical inspection of electrical installations.

The need for technical check based on appropriate government decree, which determines the sequence of use of electrical installations by subscribers. In cases where it is made connection to electrical networks object when there is a change of owner or when re-registration is carried out registration documents, a special regulation of MOESK comes into force, which requires the subscriber to undergo a mandatory technical inspection of his energy-consuming equipment.

Work performed during technical examination

The procedure for checking an electrical installation, as a rule, comes down to performing a certain list of works:

  1. Familiarization with the submitted documentation and its comprehensive verification.
  2. Inspection of electrical installation.
  3. Checking electrical installations for compliance with the data specified in the design documentation.
  4. Checking how well it was done installation of electrical equipment.
  5. Functionality check auxiliary tool and protective equipment.
  6. Checking working components of electrical installations for faults.
  7. Checking the status of energy consumption meters.
  8. Checking the installed connections for compliance with single-line wiring diagrams.
  9. Checking the performance of fire extinguishing agents and systems emergency lighting and warning systems.

Required documents

Preparing for technical inspection involves collection necessary documentation. We present to your attention a short list of it:

  1. Certificate confirming ownership.
  2. Permits for electric installation work related to power connection.
  3. Single line diagram of the power supply system.
  4. List of completed electrical installation work.
  5. Act on checking the performance of metering devices.
  6. Data on the availability of protective and fire extinguishing equipment, as well as information on their quantity.
  7. Test certificates that are carried out electrical installation organizations.

In conclusion, we would like to remind you once again that the need for a technical examination is determined on the basis of the information contained in the permitting documentation for power connection.

Technical examination of electrical installations carried out during commissioning of the facility and during operation technological systems. At the same time, for newly installed electrical installations, acceptance tests and acceptance tests are usually sufficient for commissioning. standard package documents. Technical inspection report required upon receipt of an admission certificate for an electrical installation that has been standing idle for a long time without operation. In many cases, technical examination is the only opportunity to legalize an electrical installation that has been used for a long time without passing official procedure intro for exploitation. Rostechnadzor inspector prescribes technical examination of electrical equipment if the balance holder of the electrical installation does not have technical documentation.
For technological equipment technical examination must be carried out after completion passport period operation in order to establish the possibility of further operation of electrical equipment. Electrical equipment means the entire set of electrical equipment, including lighting and household equipment, but the term acceptable use There is always much more household equipment than technological equipment. In this regard, technical examination of technological systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, etc.) is often required. According to the rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, the latter must provide scheduled preventative repairs and maintenance of the electrical installation. Responsibility for these activities lies with the head of the organization. The list and plan of all work is approved by the head of the enterprise based on the changing operating conditions of electrical equipment. For all types of work, those responsible for electrical equipment draw up annual plans and schedules approved by the consumer’s technical manager. After the expiration of the service life established by the regulatory technical documentation, a technical examination of electrical installations must be carried out in order to assess the condition of the electrical equipment and establish new terms and operating modes. Technical examination It is advisable to carry out using an electrical measuring laboratory certified by Rostekhnadzor. In many cases this is a mandatory requirement.

Also technical inspection of the building carried out according to PJSC requirements MOESK upon change of owner and re-registration of documentation for existing facilities. The basis for the technical examination is the entry in the connection permit. The cost of work is determined according to the schedules given in the Prices section. If inconsistencies are identified, we will carry out a range of work to eliminate them (adjustment of the project, approval of documentation, etc.). The cost of additional work is determined by us in accordance with our pricing principles. The cost is the same for everyone and is determined by an organization accredited by MOESK to carry out technical certification. On this moment technical examination according to the requirements of PJSC MOESK is not carried out due to changes in legislation!

List of works

Checking the submitted documentation
Visual inspection of electrical installations
Comparison technical characteristics with design data
Checking the quality of installation and adjustment of electrical equipment
Checking the power supply reliability category
Monitoring the condition of protective equipment, tools and spare parts
Detection of faults in electrical installations and individual components
Checking the performance and electrical safety of electrical installations
Monitoring the status of accounting tools
Carrying out preventive tests
Verifying that actual connections match the one-line diagrams
Carrying out commissioning work
Conducting thermal imaging tests

List of documents

Certificate of ownership of the object
Permission confirming previously connected power
Single-line diagram of the facility's power supply
A copy of the order appointing someone responsible for electrical equipment
Contract for maintenance of electrical installations
Information on electrical installation work
Electricity metering verification report
Monitoring the availability of alarm, fire extinguishing and ventilation equipment
Operational documentation for electrical installations
Permission to use electricity for thermal purposes
Act of demarcation balance sheet and operational responsibility
Measurement and test report

Electrical installations operated by organizations must be subject to professional inspection from time to time, the result of which is the formation of a special act.


Basic rules for inspecting electrical installations

Typically, the procedure for inspecting electrical installations is prescribed in the organization’s local documentation. Thus, this procedure is always individual, but there are also general principles its implementation.

To begin with, the enterprise issues an order on behalf of the director, which appoints a commission and states its goals and objectives. Then elected persons At the specified time, they inspect the equipment and, based on its results, draw up a special report.

The inspection report acts as a reporting form on the basis of which all further actions in relation to inspected electrical installations.

Creation of a commission

As mentioned above, the inspection of electrical installations involves special commission. It consists of workers from different structural divisions organizations, including those with special education and the necessary qualifications: electrician, labor protection engineer and, if necessary, for example, a lawyer or accountant.

Considering that we're talking about about electrical installations, experts from third-party companies may also be involved in the inspection.

Why is an electrical installation inspection report drawn up?

Formation of this act necessary to solve several problems at once:

  1. it records all visible faults, defects and damage to the electrical installation;
  2. control is carried out regarding its completeness and suitability for further work;
  3. checks how well the equipment responds accompanying documentation, including technical passport etc.;
  4. it is established whether the electrical installation complies with electrical and fire safety, as well as other labor protection rules adopted by the enterprise.

Frequency of inspections

The frequency of inspection of electrical installations is determined in individually. They can be carried out one time, but more often, they are still done on a regular basis.

Systematic inspections make it possible to prevent breakdowns and failures in current production work, and therefore avoid financial losses.

What to do if faults or defects are found during the inspection

Even with frequent checks, malfunctions cannot be ruled out. In this case, the commission conducting the inspection must give a conclusion that the electrical installation being inspected is not suitable for further operation.

The act includes detailed description equipment, degree of wear or damage characteristics, preliminary cost repair and its duration.

If the electrical installation is recognized as faulty to such an extent that its repair is impossible, then on the basis of this act, the accounting department subsequently writes it off.

Document form

Even before 2013, representatives of enterprises and organizations were required to use unified forms acts. Today, this norm has been abolished, so now company employees can safely draw up acts in any form. The exception is those cases when the company has its own document template, approved in its accounting policy– then the act must be created according to this standard.

Drawing up an electrical installation inspection report

Just like the format of the act, there are no strict criteria for its execution. That is, this act can be filled out on a computer or written by hand.

Only one condition must be met: if the act is done in in electronic format, it will need to be printed. This is necessary so that the commission members involved in its preparation have the opportunity to sign for it.

It is not necessary to certify the act with a seal (it is needed only when its use is an instruction from the company’s management).

Suitable for printing letterhead(with the details and logo indicated on it), and an ordinary sheet of paper.

How and where to record information about a document

Any forms generated in the organization (orders, acts, official and memos, contracts, accounts, etc.) must be registered in a special way.

Usually, accounting journals are used for this, which are kept for each document title separately. Such a log should also be kept in relation to equipment inspection reports - the name of the document, its number and the date of compilation are entered here.

Storage of the act

In relation to this act apply general rules storage First, the completed and signed act must be enclosed in separate file or a folder containing all previously generated similar documents. Here it must be located for a period of time specified in the law or prescribed in the company’s local documentation.

After this period (but not earlier), the report form should be sent to the archives or disposed of according to the established regulations.

Sample electrical installation inspection report

If you are faced with the task of creating an electrical installation inspection report that you have not dealt with before, we recommend that you look at the example below - based on it you can create your own form.

At the beginning of the act write:

  • Name of the organization;
  • Title of the document;
  • number, place ( locality) and the date of its compilation.

After that, move on to the main part. Please indicate here:

  • the facility in which the electrical installations are located, as well as the address at which it is located;
  • composition of the commission: positions and names of the organization’s employees and other persons present during the inspection;
  • information about the electrical installations themselves: their name, type, number, year of manufacture, service life and other identification parameters;
  • inspection results. Namely, if during the event any damage was identified or malfunctions were found, this must be reflected in the report. If everything is normal, this should also be noted in the report.

At the end, the commission makes its verdict, and each of its members certifies the document with their signature.

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