Compensation for major repairs for pensioners where to apply. Pensioners will be exempt from paying for major repairs: the State Duma is considering completely exempting pensioners from contributions for major home repairs

According to recent changes in legislation, all owners of real estate located in apartment buildings are required to contribute money for major repairs. Along with this, it is provided that elderly people over 70 years of age have benefits in paying contributions.

What is a capital repair contribution?

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that owners of premises located in apartment buildings, in addition to utility bills, are required to make contributions for subsequent major repairs. The payment is calculated based on the size of the apartment. Provided that the area of ​​housing owned by a pensioner does not exceed the social norm, he has the right to take advantage of the benefit when paying money for major repairs.

Federal legislation establishes standards for square meters depending on the number of people living in the apartment:

  • 1 person – 33 sq. m;
  • 2 people – 42 sq. m.;
  • 3 or more – 18 sq. m per citizen, regardless of age.

If the housing where the pensioner is registered exceeds the established limits, the extra square meters are paid in full and are not subject to benefits. The minimum payment for major repairs is determined per square meter, and not the residential area, but the total area of ​​the apartment.

Calculation procedure

In each region of Russia, the amount to be paid for major repairs is different. This is due to the fact that local authorities independently determine the calculated value, which is multiplied by the number of squares of the total area. For example, for 2019 the following standards have been established:

  • Moscow – 17 rubles;
  • Moscow region - 8.30 rubles;
  • Leningrad region - 5.32 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg – 3–4 r.

Knowing the estimated size and square footage of the living space, you can calculate the amount of the contribution for major repairs based on the following formula:

KR = RV × KKM, where

  • KR – fee for major repairs;
  • РВ – calculated value;
  • KKM - number of square meters.

Legal regulation

The main legislative act that regulates issues of payment for capital repairs is the Housing Code (Article 169). In 2012, Law 271-FZ was adopted (December 25, 2012), which introduced a number of changes to the Housing Code. It was established that major repairs are carried out by the residents (apartment owners) of the building using their own funds, which are transferred to the account of the management company and accumulated there until the work is carried out. In addition, a list of persons who are eligible for benefits in paying contributions (veterans, pensioners, WWII participants, etc.) has been established.

Who is entitled to benefits for paying for major repairs?

The Constitutional Court ruled that the fee provision does not contradict the basic law of the country, therefore the owners of residential premises located in apartment buildings are required to pay monthly money for major repairs. In this case, special attention is paid to the following circumstances:

  • a non-working pensioner living alone upon reaching 70 years of age reimburses 50% of the accrued amount;
  • an elderly person over 80 years of age who lives alone and does not have additional income is completely exempt from paying the contribution;
  • A 100% discount is available to non-working married couples living together if one of the spouses has reached the age of 70 and the other has crossed the 80-year mark;
  • Disabled citizens who are disabled people of groups 1 and 2 can return 50% of the amount paid;
  • if there is a disabled child in care, the fee for major repairs is also 50%.

Benefits for major repairs are provided to pensioners after 70 years of age if there is no debt to pay utility bills. It is determined that citizens are completely exempt from charging fees if:

  • the building is not subject to repair and restoration work;
  • the building is classified as unsafe;
  • there is a municipal decision to demolish the house.

Conditions for receiving benefits for pensioners after 70 years of age

To provide benefits, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Ownership. The subsidy is made if the pensioner is the sole owner of the residential premises. If the apartment is in shared ownership and any of the shareholders are under 70 years of age, the benefit will not apply.
  • Living alone. Benefits for paying for major repairs are accrued to pensioners if no one else is registered in the apartment. Payment of the subsidy is possible when the family lives together, if the second spouse is a non-working pensioner after 70 years of age. If the husband (wife) is younger than this age, the benefit will not apply.
  • No debt on obligations to housing and communal services. If a pensioner does not pay utility bills on time, has late payments, outstanding fines and penalties, the benefit does not apply to him.

How to get compensation

Depending on the region of residence, the benefit may be provided as compensation, accrued after payment for major repairs. In some regions, the amount including the discount is indicated in the fat. In order for compensation for major repairs to be paid to persons over 70 years of age, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm:

  1. Make sure that the housing is subject to major repairs, and the citizen himself has the right to receive benefits.
  2. Pay the amount indicated on the receipt.
  3. Collect the required package of documents.
  4. Submit the collected papers to the social security authorities or the Multifunctional Center.
  5. Wait for the decision (the application is considered individually within 5–10 days) and receive a refund of the overpaid funds.

Where to apply

Since the provision of benefits for major repairs to pensioners after 70 years of age is carried out on an application basis, the citizen is obliged, independently or through his legal representative (a power of attorney certified by a notary is required), to submit an application to one of the following bodies:

  • local social security office;
  • MFC, if provided;
  • through the Internet portal of public services;
  • by mail, sending a registered letter to the civil service authority.

List of required documents

To apply for a benefit for major repairs, a pensioner after 70 years of age will need to collect a certain package of documents. The main thing is the passport, to which you will need to attach:

  • insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • receipt for payment of the contribution for major repairs;
  • work book as proof that the citizen does not work;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • a document certifying ownership of square meters;
  • a copy of the apartment card as confirmation that the pensioner lives independently (if another pensioner over 70 years of age is registered with him, his passport is also required);
  • personal account details for transferring subsidies (if such a possibility is provided).

Features of providing benefits for major repairs to pensioners and disabled people in Moscow

Since July 2017, pensioners over 70 years of age, like other citizens, pay for major repairs at a rate of 17 rubles per square meter. Charges are included in the rent receipt or a single payment document. All funds collected are transferred to the Fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings in the capital, which is also called the Moscow Mutual Aid Fund.

Compensation for major repairs to persons over 70 years of age can be issued through the MFC or in regional housing subsidy centers and is paid from the city budget. This applies to both residents of the capital itself and the new Moscow. The exception is beneficiaries living in the Central District. For them, recalculation is not done, since the receipts reflect the amount already taking into account the applicable discount.


Residents of apartments located in apartment buildings receive bills for utility bills with a clause regarding contributions for major repairs of the building. This payment is mandatory, so even citizens belonging to preferential categories must take it into account when paying for housing and communal services. But the law allows them to apply for compensation, thereby regularly reimbursing the costs of major repairs. Let's find out who is entitled to compensation for major repairs in 2020 and how to get it.

Who is entitled to compensation for major repairs?

The budget of the capital repair fund is formed from the monthly contributions of residents of apartment buildings participating in the state. program. The amount of payment is set at the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. All apartment owners are required to bear the costs of major repairs, but the law allows certain categories of persons to apply for reimbursement of these costs.

If the apartment is not privatized or was not purchased (the citizen does not live in it as an owner), the benefit cannot be used. That is, residents of state and municipal apartments cannot reimburse the costs of major repairs. The following have the right to apply for compensation:

  • participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • veterans of special risk units;
  • close relatives of a deceased combat participant or disabled person;
  • persons who were residents of besieged Leningrad and received the corresponding insignia;
  • persons whose health has deteriorated as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other facilities or in connection with participation in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • employees of the fire service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the penitentiary system who have become disabled due to the performance of duties in the service;
  • pensioners over 70 and 80 years of age, subject to certain conditions;
  • disabled people.

What compensation can be received for major repairs?

The amount of compensation for paying for major repairs will depend on the resident’s belonging to any category of citizens:

  • compensation 50% the cost is due to veterans (of any category), disabled people, pensioners over 70 years old, subject to a number of conditions;
  • compensation 100% payments for major repairs are due to pensioners over 80 years of age.

Under what conditions is compensation for major repairs provided to pensioners?

Approval of benefits in relation to payment for capital repairs is the responsibility of regional authorities, and therefore the conditions and amounts of compensation may differ depending on the subject of the Russian Federation.

Reimbursement of half the cost of major repairs is provided to pensioners over 70 years of age if they:

  • live alone;
  • are the owners of the residential premises;
  • are not in an employment relationship.

If the pensioner has reached the age of 80, and at the same time he meets the conditions for providing compensation listed above for pensioners over 70 years of age, the amount of reimbursement will be 100% of the cost of major repairs.

In order to qualify for compensation, the following mandatory conditions must also be taken into account:

  • the pensioner should not have any debt to pay for any utilities and rent;
  • Among the residents of the apartment, only pensioners over 70 years of age should be listed, or the apartment should belong to a single pensioner of the specified age;
  • the recipient of the benefit must be registered in this residential premises;
  • if a pensioner lives alone in an apartment, the housing area should not exceed 54 square meters. m.

Under what conditions is compensation for major repairs provided to disabled people?

Recipients of 50% compensation for payments for major repairs may also be:

  • children with disabilities;
  • parents raising a child with a disability;
  • disabled people of groups I and II.

For disabled people and families raising children with disabilities, compensation for payments for major repairs is approved at the federal level, but, as in the case of regional benefits, the recipient of the compensation must be registered in the living space and pay utility bills on time and in full.

How is compensation for major repairs processed?

First of all, a citizen applying for compensation for major repairs must make sure that he belongs to a preferential category of citizens for whom similar benefits are defined at the federal or regional level.

You can contact your local social security office for information. But it is better to familiarize yourself with the laws of the country and region, since USZN employees often take advantage of citizens’ ignorance to unreasonably refuse benefits.

What documents are needed to receive compensation for major repairs?

In order to register with the USZN and start receiving compensation for major repairs, when contacting the authorized body, you must have the following documents with you:

Document Where to get it
The form and sample will be issued on site
Russian passport GUVM MIA
Child's birth certificate (if benefits are provided for a disabled child under 14 years of age) Civil registry offices
Certificate of family composition Passport Office
Veteran's certificate, awards, insignia USZN
Conclusion of medical and social examination (for disabled people) ITU Bureau
Pension certificate (for pensioners) Pension Fund
Certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) Pension Fund
Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, documents on ownership of the premises Privatization agreement, purchase and sale agreement, inheritance documents, etc.
Receipt for payment of utilities for the month for which compensation will be calculated Housing office
Certificate of absence of arrears in rent and housing services Housing office

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: The pensioner lives with his son, registered in the same residential premises. The pensioner claims to receive compensation for major repairs.

The draft law, which was adopted in the first reading in December 2015, proposed to allow elderly people over eighty years of age living alone not to pay for major repairs. However, by the second reading, the bill had significantly transformed - the conversation was already about refunding money to pensioners, some sort of subsidy or compensation. Is the law relevant now? Do pensioners pay for major repairs? Let's figure this out together.

Contributions for major repairs

In accordance with the rules that were established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment for major repairs is made through monthly payments to the fund on behalf of each home owner. These payments are stored in a special account, accumulated to a certain amount and spent only for a reasoned purpose in accordance with the program. Payments are not processed if:

  • the house cannot be repaired or there is no objective need for repairs (for example, it is a new building);
  • the dwelling in accordance with the established procedure is recognized as unsafe;
  • the house will be demolished (there is already a decision from the municipal authorities);
  • a decision was made to withdraw a certain residential building from use by residents and transfer it to the ownership of city authorities.

It has been established that the consideration of housing issues regarding payment for major repairs is dealt with specifically by the authorities of the subject, since only general principles of preferential policies have been developed at the national level.

A regular calculation allows you to determine the approximate amount to be paid for major repairs, which averages from 400 to 3000 rubles (depending on the area of ​​the home). But are there any benefits? Do pensioners have to pay for major repairs? Indeed, in this regard, additional housing costs for certain categories of people have become important, and in some cases - very burdensome.

Should pensioners pay for home renovations?

As already noted, in December 2015, a law was submitted for consideration on the abolition of payments for major repairs for the elderly. In the first reading, it was successfully adopted by parliamentarians of all factions: then there was talk of the release of persons over eighty years of age whose apartment complies with social norms. To exercise the right to benefits, a pensioner must live alone or with a spouse and not work.

Already in the second reading, they put forward a proposal to compensate the expenses of persons over seventy years old by half, and for pensioners over eighty they offered full compensation. In this plan, the attitude towards people with disabilities and families with a disabled child was also revised. It was decided that this category of citizens for major home repairs will receive a refund to their bank account in the amount of 50% of the payment.

So do pensioners need to pay for major repairs? This will be discussed further.

According to the law on benefits, a pensioner has the right to receive compensation for paying for major home repairs if he does not have any debts. Otherwise, payment will be made after the full amount of the debt has been paid.

Changes in legislation

The new column in the payment slip generated the greatest public response in the capital. Moscow citizens now pay 15 rubles. per square meter of living space as a contribution for major repairs. In an online vote, the collection of signatures for a petition to Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev was authorized. The number of categories of apartment owners who will receive subsidies and compensation when paying for major repairs was soon increased.

Who will get the money back?

As a rule, payments are not due to all pensioners who have reached the age of eighty, but only to those who fall under the relevant clauses of the article regarding the type of housing, employment, and so on.

According to the second article of the RF Housing Code, the decision to provide compensation is made at the level of regional authorities. The amount to provide these payments is already available in the budget of the region.

Which pensioners do not pay for major repairs?

Only pensioners who fall under the characteristics of the article have the right not to pay for repairs. Let's take a closer look at these benefits:

  1. Benefits for major home repairs are provided in the amount of 50% to persons over seventy years of age, and persons over 80 are entitled to a full refund of payments. Benefits will be provided if pensioners do not work, are owners, live alone, regularly pay for housing and communal services, and their living quarters meet all standards. The amount of benefits is calculated individually, based on the number of square meters of living space.
  2. As such, there is no option for pensioners not to pay for major repairs, since instead of canceling payment, the law began to provide for the return of the amount of fees.

According to the Committee on Housing and Communal Services, there are about 2.9 million people in the state living alone among elderly people of those ages who are entitled to compensation.

To receive a specific and detailed notification, you need to contact the social protection departments. If you confirm that the pensioner’s region of residence has designated benefits for older people, you will need to write an application for benefits.

Application for benefits for major repairs

Pensioners do not pay for major repairs if they apply for benefits - the targeted principle does not yet work here.

In order to start receiving payments, you need to submit an application of the appropriate form to the territorial social protection. This can be done personally, through a third party or through the State Services portal. If the documents are submitted by a third party, a power of attorney from the pensioner will also be required.

How is the benefit applied for?

Elderly people who see that the payment for major repairs also indicates full payment should not feel deceived - the subsidy can be accrued in the form of a reverse payment. So, it is wrong to say that pensioners do not pay for major repairs. Seniors pay but then receive compensation.

The entire procedure for obtaining benefits for major repairs for elderly people is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to make sure that the house is actually registered in the state program. This can be done at the construction department or HOA.
  2. Pay all existing debts. According to the law, if a pensioner has any debts, he cannot claim benefits.
  3. Pay the initial invoice. As a rule, such a receipt arrives approximately six months after the state program for a residential building has been approved.
  4. Prepare receipts and a package of necessary documents confirming the benefit. Next, address the collected package of documents to the MFC or another company involved in the preparation of municipal documents.
  5. Completing the application takes about 7 days, after which the money will be returned.

What documents are required?

A considerable amount of documentation and certificates will be required. But in this matter we are talking about elderly people, who very often are not able to withstand long lines while waiting for the long-awaited certificate. Government authorities believed that in order to receive new benefits, providing a couple of papers would be enough, since compensation does not depend on the level of wages, and data on people living alone is available in the EIRC. Information about older people who are already retired and their age is available in the Pension Fund of Russia. However, in practice, anyone wishing to receive the appropriate benefits must provide a large number of papers required by the social security authority.

The list of required documents that must be submitted to the social security authority includes:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • income certificate;
  • receipt for payment for major home repairs;
  • certificates confirming payment of utility bills for the last month;
  • a certificate from the housing and communal services confirming that there is no debt to pay for utility bills;
  • document confirming the owner's right;
  • personal bank account number;
  • house book;
  • pensioner's ID.

An alternative to contacting the MFC (“My Documents”)

Many pensioners cannot personally apply for benefits on payment for major repairs due to health reasons. In such situations, it is possible to contact the “My Documents” centers (formerly MFCs) of third parties who are authorized to represent the interests of the pensioner. The subsidy can be provided in the form of a refund of part of the amount to a personal bank (pension) account or in the form of a subsidy.

What sanctions will follow for failure to pay for major repairs?

Almost all citizens of the Russian Federation expected that fees for older people would be completely abolished or significantly reformed the very idea and implementation of major repairs, which causes so much discontent. But, apart from the introduction of additional subsidies for individuals, nothing has actually changed since 2015.

Elderly people continue to appeal to the authorities demanding that they be completely exempted from such payments, but these individuals do not have the right to such decisions. Therefore, the answer to the question whether older people should pay for major home repairs, no matter how annoying it may sound, is clear. Yes, pensioners are required to pay for major repairs, like other residents.

Unauthorized refusal to pay contributions will cause interest to accrue, and the regional operator has the right to file a lawsuit to recover the total amount of interest, debt and legal costs.

To date, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not take into account exemptions from payment of contributions. Should people of retirement age be paid for major repairs? Will pensioners have to pay for major repairs of apartment buildings? So far the answers are not clear, and we are talking only about compensation for the costs incurred by the owner.

Or gratitude, expressed in monetary form. On January 1, 2016, changes to the Housing Code came into force, which give regions the right to provide benefits for the payment of contributions for major repairs to the most socially vulnerable citizens - pensioners over 70 years of age and people with disabilities. But apparently not everything has been defined in the law as updates continue to be made. Thus, from January 1, 2019, another change will come into force, affecting the same categories of citizens.

Let's try to understand the peculiarities of receiving this privilege from the state by citizens after 70 years of age. The benefit is provided by payment of compensation by the state. Here is an approximate description of a citizen who definitely receives this subsidy: a single non-working pensioner after 70 years of age, living in his own apartment in a region where a law has been passed on the possibility of providing such compensation, who has no current debt in paying contributions for major repairs, who does not receive subsidies for, who has paid the last installment for major repairs, having a bank card and applying for benefits by submitting an application. If, after reading this, you get the impression that compensation is not provided, but, on the contrary, is limited by law - perhaps this is so.

The basic rule that needs to be remembered is that the benefit for major repairs for pensioners after 70 years of age is of an application nature in most regions, i.e., it is provided only after the citizen has submitted an application to the social security authorities. You also need to remember that the Housing Code recommends that regional authorities adopt relevant acts on the provision of benefits, but does not oblige them, therefore, whether the benefit is provided in a particular region and at what tariff, you need to find out additionally.

Briefly, the requirements for receiving benefits can be presented as follows:

  • age: after 70 years (50% benefit), after 80 years (100% benefit);
  • marital status: single or living in families consisting only of non-working citizens of retirement age (from January 1, 2019 or living in families consisting of non-working citizens of retirement age and/or non-working disabled people);
  • registration: only persons entitled to the benefit are registered;
  • citizen status: the citizen is not assigned another preferential status;
  • employment: unemployed;
  • ownership: sole or joint with family members - non-working citizens of retirement age;
  • number of real estate objects: one object;
  • area of ​​the property: up to 33 sq. m. per citizen, up to 21 sq. m. m. for each person living together;
  • payment discipline: there are no arrears in payment for housing and communal services and contributions for major repairs;
  • region: which has adopted the law providing benefits.

Benefits for paying contributions for major repairs are provided by the state as a measure of social assistance, and therefore, unfortunately, their scope is limited by various conditions. The subsidy is not calculated for the entire area of ​​real estate owned by an elderly person, but only for 33 square meters. m. for a person living alone or 21 sq. m. to each of those living together.

Citizens who are granted benefits by law

The law provides benefits for contributions for major repairs to pensioners after 70 years of age in the amount of 50 percent, and after 80 years of age in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the contribution for real estate with an area of ​​no more than 33 square meters. m. (21 sq.m.). In this case, a condition is introduced related to the citizen’s marital status:

  • living alone, i.e. the owner of the apartment and registered in the apartment can only be a non-working pensioner over 70 years of age who is applying for benefits;
  • living in families, i.e. one of the owners of the apartment can only be a non-working pensioner over 70 years of age who is registered in the apartment and claims a benefit, while all family members living together are non-working pensioners.

A condition has also been introduced regarding the pensioner’s lack of employment: unemployed. At the same time, all family members of retirement age living with him must also be unemployed, i.e. if at least one of the pensioners continues to work, this deprives them of the right to receive benefits for major repairs.

It is these restrictions that give rise to a number of questions about whether one can qualify for the benefit:

  • if a person under retirement age is also registered in the apartment, but he is not the owner of the apartment;
  • if one of the owners is not a pensioner, is it possible to receive the benefit partially, in proportion to the area of ​​the owner over 70 years of age;
  • if only a pensioner over 70 years of age is registered in the apartment, but he is not the owner of the apartment;
  • if a pensioner over 70 years of age lives together with a working (and registered in this apartment) family member.

In all these cases, the benefit will be denied. Until recently, there was a gap in the legislation when pensioners over 70 years of age were not provided with benefits when living together with disabled people who had not reached retirement age or working disabled people, while when living separately, benefits were provided to both categories of citizens. This gap will only be closed from January 1, 2019.

Thus, the general condition for providing benefits on contributions for major repairs has been implemented: recipients are non-working pensioners living alone after 70 years of age. It is worth noting that the fact of cohabitation is established legally: by ownership and registration record, i.e. if a working relative who is not registered in this apartment lives in an apartment owned by a pensioner, the right to the benefit is retained.

In addition to this condition, a number of rules must be met to receive the benefit:

  1. no debt in repayment of contributions for major repairs, payment for housing and communal services (since payment for major repairs is included in the total payment for residential premises);
  2. citizens applying for benefits are the owners of residential premises and are registered at this address;
  3. citizens applying for benefits do not use another preferential status to receive compensation, subsidies, or benefits for paying contributions for major repairs.

Procedure for receiving benefits

The benefit for paying contributions for major repairs is of a compensatory and declarative nature: after paying the contribution in full, the pensioner is transferred funds in the approved estimated amount (100%, 50%), so in the application for the benefit you need to enter the number of the current bank account to which the transfer will be transferred compensation, in Moscow you can indicate the card number of a Muscovite. With this procedure for receiving compensation, it is necessary to make timely payment of utility bills - before the 10th of the next month.

In some regions, they have made the procedure for receiving compensation more convenient: pensioners receive a subsidy automatically without writing an application.

Information about what documents are required and what the procedure for registration is is in the public domain of social protection authorities, including on the website of the regional office on the Internet. You can also call social security workers for advice.

To apply for a benefit, you must follow the following procedure:

  1. Pay the receipt for contributions for major repairs (most often the contribution amount is included in the general receipt for payment for housing and communal services). If there is a debt, you need to pay it off or apply to the social security authorities for an installment plan or a gradual debt repayment schedule.
  2. Collect the necessary package of documents, which are provided in copies if the original documents are available. This package should include:
    • citizen's passport;
    • certificate of ownership of real estate (extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate);
    • pensioner's ID;
    • personal pension insurance account – ;
    • certificate of family composition indicating the degree of relationship;
    • an extract from the apartment card, house register about citizens registered in the apartment;
    • a certificate from the housing office, receipts for payment of utility bills confirming the absence of debt (certificate for the month preceding the application);
    • the applicant’s work book, which does not contain any notes that the pensioner is currently employed (also provided for family members of retirement age);
    • if additional benefits are needed, for example, compensation for part of utilities (if the total amount of expenses for utility bills exceeds 22% of income), a certificate of income and the amount of the applicant’s pension is provided; if you plan to receive benefits under a different preferential status - certificates, certificates, etc., confirming this status;
    • bank account details, social card number.
  3. Submit an application and a package of documents to receive benefits for major repairs. This can be done by contacting the social protection authorities: personally submit an application at the regional department of social protection of the population (USZN), through multifunctional centers (MFC), through the State Services website, and send a notarized application by mail. In the event that a pensioner cannot apply on his own, you can always invite a social security official to your home to complete and submit the application.

Social security authorities must consider this application within 10 days. It should be remembered that social security employees may refuse to provide benefits on the following grounds:

  • lack of right to compensation (registered workers, etc.);
  • presence of debt (unsettled) to pay contributions for major repairs, housing and communal services;
  • valid receipt of compensation at the place of registration and property;
  • incomplete package of documents, incorrectly signed, etc.;
  • receiving compensation, other benefits for payments for housing and communal services, contributions for major repairs on other grounds - use of another preferential status.

Compensation calculation

The contribution for major repairs is calculated using the formula: the minimum contribution per 1 sq. m. m., multiplied by the number of square meters of living space. Payment amount per 1 sq. m depends on a number of factors (year of construction, number of storeys of the building, purpose, etc.) and is calculated by the regions independently. The minimum amount assumes the amount approved by authorities at the regional level. The general meeting of residents of the house may revise this size upward.

Payment of contributions for major repairs must be made monthly, therefore the calculation of the benefit for major repairs also occurs based on the calculation of the monthly fee.

Calculations of the compensation provided are limited both by the size of the minimum contribution and the social norm of area per person. If the size of the minimum contribution varies depending on the region (5.32 rubles in the Krasnodar region, 7.92 rubles in the Orenburg region, 17 rubles in Moscow), then the social norm for area per person is constant in all Russian regions: for single living citizens - 33 sq.m., if two people live together - 21 sq.m. m. for each, three or more - 18 sq. m. m. for each.

Please note that a citizen can be assigned more than one preferential status, in which case he has the right to choose which of the benefits he will use, since in most cases there can be only one preferential status for receiving compensation. Thus, benefits can be provided:

  • citizens for special services to the country are completely exempt from paying contributions;
  • citizens who participated in hostilities - 100% compensation within the social norm for the area;
  • citizens injured as a result of hostilities - 50% compensation without limiting the area;
  • for certain categories of citizens listed in the law - 50% compensation within the social norm for the area;
  • socially vulnerable citizens (orphans) - 100% compensation without limiting the area norm.

Regional authorities may additionally approve benefits for certain categories of citizens. It is necessary to calculate the required benefits and compensations and determine what is more profitable.

Several examples of compensation calculations.

Example 1. A pensioner living alone, 72 years old, has preferential status as a combat participant, apartment in Moscow 45 sq. m. m. In this case, it is preferable to use the status of a participant in hostilities. The amount of compensation will be: 33 sq. m. x 17 rub. x 100% = 561 rub. The amount of the contribution for major repairs will be: 45 sq. m. x 17 rub. – 561 rub. = 204 rub.

Example 2. A married couple over 70 years old, an apartment in Orenburg in common joint ownership of 50 sq. m. m. The amount of compensation will be: 21 sq. m. x 7.92 rub. x 2 people x 50% = 166.32 rub. The amount of the contribution for major repairs will be: 50 sq. m. x 7.92 rub. – 166.32 rub. = 229.68 rub.

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National Emblems of the United Kingdom The United Kingdom (abbreviated from "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern...