Summary of a fire safety lesson with schoolchildren. Summary of a lesson on fire safety in the senior group

Lesson objectives: expand children's knowledge of the rules fire safety; learn how to act correctly during a fire, call the rescue service; develop physical abilities; develop the ability to analyze and draw conclusions; cultivate respect for heroic profession rescuer.

Material: dolls, Stuffed Toys, object pictures, yellow and red baskets, 2 children's phones, 2 cubes, 2 arcs, 2 benches, dotted cards, simple pencils.

Progress of the lesson

Children are included in the group.

Educator (V.). Today I invite you to take a trip to the city of Danger on the Street Be Careful. And what we need to be careful with, we will now find out.

Naughty girls live in a small house

And they spend the entire day looking for light. (Matches.)

Can you guess what it is? (Children's answers.) That's right. Why do you need to be careful with matches? (Children's answers.) Well, you know everything and that means we can hit the road.

Children line up like a train and go to the next station singing. Dolls and soft toys sit on the carpet at the table.

IN. And here is our first stop. Look carefully and tell me what do you see here? (Children's answers.) That's right, the toys had a feast. There doesn't seem to be any danger. (Finds matches and a piece of paper.) These are our friends, and with them a note. Shall we read it?

They sit on the carpet and read.

IN. At little Taya's

Reception today

Gathers guests

Toy house.

To the car entrance

They drive with horns,

Penguins in tailcoats

They sit in cars.

Coming from strollers

Dressy dolls,

Fashionistas suffer from shaking

The letters scattered.

Came waddled

Olympic bear:

Sit at the table

And no need to cry!

The hostess cooks

Various dishes,

Nylon bunny

Delivers dishes.

Cabbage pie

Looking forward to

Lame rhinoceros

And a Bactrian camel.

Burners open

Four in a row -

Baked in the oven

Pie for animals.

Threatening with fire

The stove is smoking

In Taya's apartment

Trouble has happened!

The oilcloth is burning

And the tablecloth is smoking.

"Save the child" -

The neighbor is screaming.

From the shop

With a presentiment, mom.

A car rushed by

Fire department straight ahead.

Along Smolnaya street

In the same area

Where is the gas without permission?

Turned on by a child.

Lost in the smoke

Where should I look for Ty?

I climbed out of fright

It's under the bed.

Firefighter in overalls

And in a big helmet

With enviable dexterity

Fights with fire.

Protecting yourself

The heat from the flames

He gives a girl to Taya

Takes it out of the fire.

They cry for joy

Both mother and daughter

And again the task:

How to help dolls?

Fire surrenders

Under the pressure of water,

He won't touch the guys

There will be no trouble.

But remember, children,

And night and day,

And now and henceforth

Don't play around with fire!

L. Korotkevich

What trouble did Taya have? What caused the fire? What did Taya do when it started? What should I have done? (Call fire service, call adults for help.) What phone number should you call? (101.) What should firefighters be told? (Name, home address, where and what is burning.)

Game "Call the Fire Department".

Two children are selected: one of them is a firefighter, the other is a victim. They demonstrate using children's phones how to call when a fire occurs. The game is repeated 2 times.

IN. We learned to call firefighters and now we can move on. What do we wish for Taya? (Don't play with fire.)

The children again form like a train and “travel” further.

IN. Oh, look, there's a blockage on the road. What happened here?

A fireman appears.

Firefighter. Hello guys! Did you recognize me? (Yes, a fireman.) I wanted to talk about how you can put out a fire, but a hurricane came and scattered everything, all the objects got mixed up. I do not know what to do. (Points to the table where object pictures are scattered.)

IN. Guys, let's help. Children stand around the table and look through the pictures: fire extinguishing items are placed in a red basket, the rest - in a yellow one.

Firefighter. Thank you guys. You did very well. Just real fire brigade. (The fireman's phone rings, he picks it up.) What? Where's the trouble? What's burning? Let's go, let's go... Guys, Vasily the cat called. The cat's house is on fire, we urgently need to go to save the guests. Will you help me?

The children and the fireman move to the next station and are divided into two teams.

Firefighter. Toys sit on a fire cube. To save them, you need to: crawl under the arc, step over the cube, crawl along the bench, take one toy and return in the same way.

Game "Putting out the fire."

Firefighter. All toys have been saved. You turned out to be brave and dexterous. I present you with a certificate stating that you are enrolled in the children's fire brigade.

IN. Thank you bye. It's time for us to move on.

IN. Here is our next stop, it is marked with a large sign. What is this sign? (there is a “question mark” in the picture) He is asking us something. Let's see what it's about... (Finds an envelope.) Offers to play the game “Add a word.” I will read the poem, and you will add the missing words. These are not just poems, these are rules on how to avoid fire.

Games with matches are always dangerous,

A small spark makes a big one... (trouble).

If suddenly a fire breaks out, you must immediately

Call the fire department about a fire... (to report).

A coal fell onto the floor and lit the wooden floor.

Don’t look, don’t wait, don’t stand, but fill it with... (water).

If little sisters light matches at home,

What should you do?

Matches right away... (take away).

If suddenly a metal iron gets hot,

What should you do, kids?

Remove the plug from... (sockets).

If suddenly there is a fire in the apartment, we will call the fire department.

Adults and children know: the service number... (101).

To better remember this number, which is important for everyone, we will write it down and hang it near the phone at home.

The teacher hands out cards with a dotted picture of the number 101. Children trace the number dotted with pencils.

IN. This concludes our journey. Let's remember who we met with today and what we talked about. (Victim rescue training was conducted about the causes of fires, about rescue and calling the 101 service, about how to cope with a fire and prevent it.)

Lesson summary “We fire brigade"(senior group).

Author: Akhmadeeva Olga Vladimirovna
Place and position of work: MADOU DS No. 18, Chelyabinsk.
The abstract is intended for teachers, children preschool age 4-7 years old
Target: Generalization of children's knowledge about fire safety rules.
To reinforce the concept of fire safety in children and to convince them of the need to comply with fire safety rules.
To develop in children the ability to act correctly in different situations and generalize knowledge about safety rules at home and on the street; develop the ability to use acquired knowledge in Everyday life;
Cultivate responsibility for yourself and for the lives of your loved ones.
Development physical qualities children: agility, speed, endurance.
Equipment: 2 buckets of 5 liters, 2 plastic bottles of 5 liters, 2 glasses, a poster with the inscription of emergency numbers, 2 firefighter suits, 2 funnels, 4 jump ropes, 2 wooden stoppers.

Progress of the lesson:
Children stand in a circle. The teacher is in the center.
Teacher: I have prepared for you an excerpt from a fairy tale and you try to remember what it is called!
And the chanterelles
We took matches
Let's go to the blue sea,
The blue sea has been lit.
The sea is on fire,
A whale ran out of the sea:
"Hey firefighters, run!
Help, help!"
Children: "Confusion"
Teacher: Right. Guys, do you think the foxes did the right thing?
Children: No.
Teacher: If there is a fire, who can help us?
Children: Firefighters.
Teacher: Right. What phone number can you call the firefighters? (The teacher shows a poster with emergency phone numbers).

Children: 112, 101,01.
Teacher: What great guys you are and you know everything. Do you want to become a firefighter?
Children: Yes.
Teacher: First you need to pass exams and test your knowledge. You are ready?
Children: Yes.
Teacher: Then we play the clap and stomp game. When I tell you how to do it, you clap. If you can't do that, you stomp. Imagine that I also turned into a child... Have we started?
Children: Yes.
I play with matches.
I myself decided to iron my clothes with an iron.
Mom and I are preparing lunch.
I stuck the plug into the socket.
I help my mother iron the clothes.
I saw the fire and went to put it out.
I saw the fire and called adults for help.
A fire started in the house, and I hid in the closet.
There was a fire in the house and I left the apartment.
I heard fire alarm in kindergarten and hid under the bed.
I heard an alarm in the kindergarten and approached the teacher.
I will call the fire department on 111
I'll call the fire department on 112.
Great, you passed the exam. Now I am sure that you can become real firefighters. Let's divide into 2 teams and conduct fire extinguishing exercises like real firefighters.
Children are divided into 2 teams, captains wear fire uniform. The teacher places a bucket of water in front of each team. He makes two tracks out of jump ropes. He places bottles at the end of the path. Place a wooden stopper in the bottle and insert a funnel.

Gives a mug to the team captains.
Teacher: Guys, we need to transfer the water from the bucket to the bottle. We will pour water into the bottle using a funnel, we need to pour it carefully so that the water is eaten away, otherwise we will not have enough water to put out the fire. As soon as our plug pops up, the fire is extinguished. You need to carry the water carefully, without stepping on the jump ropes. You are ready?
Children: Yes.
Teacher: Let's start.
Children carry water until the cork pops up.
Teacher: You did a great job. Both teams extinguished the fire. Let's clap for each other. I declare our teachings closed. Now I am sure that you are not afraid of any fire.

Educational field "Child and Society"

Lesson notes on fire safety in senior group

"Don't play with fire."

N.P. Gavrilovets

Consp lesson on fire safety in the senior group “Don’t play with fire.” Educational field “Child and Society”.

Program content.

To form in pupils basic ideas about the dangers of pranks with fire and the consequences fires, fire safety rules. Expand children's understanding of behavior in extreme situations. Develop thinking and memory. Develop a sense of responsibility for your behavior.

Material and equipment. Cards with images of fire-hazardous objects, a red felt-tip pen for each pupil, 2 telephones, riddles.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.

Guys, a fireman called me today and asked if the guys in the senior group knew fire hazardous items and do they know how to behave in extreme situations? To give him an answer, I have prepared for you special tasks. Do you agree to fulfill them? (Yes)

Now we will talk aboutfire.

-Fire is different :

Pale yellow, bright red,

Blue or gold

Either good or evil.

Let's remember when the fire is good? (Warms the home, prepares food...)

Fire is a symbol olympic games. The fire is lit at the monuments of fallen heroes. Fire warms us, with the help of fire we cook food.

-Let's solve the riddles.

The daughters sleep peacefully in the box-house,

The sleepyhead, the quiet one, has fire in her head.(Matches)

He helped us at the rest stop :

I cooked soup and baked potatoes.

It's good for hiking

You can't take it with you.(Bonfire)

A red calf licks a black cow.(Fire, cauldron)

Through the field and forest

He's running on wires

You say it here, but it’s heard there.(Telephone)

I walked through the village and left nothing behind.(Fire)

Well done guys, that's right. Children should never handle matches, lighters,play with fire at home or outside . You can't light it gas stove. Do not turn on the iron or other electrical appliances. Do not put any objects into sockets, because electricity is very dangerous!

Let's make sign cards“What not to do to prevent a fire” ? There are cards on your tables. You will have to choose from them those that depictfire hazardousobjects and cross them out with a red felt-tip pen.(Children complete the task).

These are the prohibition signs we got (The teacher attaches sign cards to the magnetic board and together with the children checks the correctness of the task).

Well done guys, now we will definitely never forget the rulesfire safety .

Physical education minute

And now we let's play"Riddle game"

teacher: Who, perky and cheerful,

Keeping loyalty to the rules,

Protects our nature

From the fire? children


Who set fire to the grass near the house,

I set fire to unnecessary rubbish,

A friend's garage burned down

And a construction fence? the children are silent


Who's the neighbor's kids

Explains in the yard

What playing with fire for good reason

Ends fire?

children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!


Yesterday I went to the forest with a friend,

I found a box of matches.

caught fire old trunk,

He barely escaped alive! the children are silent


Who helps firefighters ,

Doesn't break the rules

Who is an example for all the guys?

children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

teacher: Well, now I see that you know that it’s dangerous to joke with fire.

Do you always follow the rules of conduct? (Children's answers)

Answer the questions:

1. It curls out of the pipe, but you can’t give it a hand.(Smoke)

2. Why are steam and boiling water dangerous?(You might get burned)

3. What could be the reasonfire in the forest? (Cigarette butt, fire, lightning)

4. Remedy fire fighting. (Fire extinguisher)

5. A little red cockerel is running down the street.(Fire)

6. Which number to callfire brigade ? (101)

7. Finish the proverb : Don’t touch the matches... -(there is fire in the matches).

8. I walked through the village and left nothing behind.(Fire)

9. Without arms, without legs, it crawls across the sky.(Smoke)

That's right, well done guys. If suddenly it startedfire, then you need to callfirefighters by calling 101 . Take the necessary clothes and run out into the street, take the younger children out. Tell an adult aboutfire.

Now, let's practice?

The game is called"Call firefighters» (2 teams)

There is a phone in front of you. Yourstask: run to the phone, dial the number"101", give your last name, your home address and return.

Well, ours has come to an end.class. What did you like most aboutclass? (Children's answers)

Yes, guys, today we got acquainted with the rulesfire safety and rules of conduct duringfireand made prohibiting signs about the rulesfire safety . Now I know what answer to give to the fireman - all children know fire safety rules.

Summarize and consolidate children's knowledge about fire safety rules, causes and things that contribute to a fire;

To consolidate children's knowledge about firefighter clothing and the things he needs for work; learn to act in extreme situations;

Strengthen children's knowledge about various types transport; teach to distinguish and name a fire engine by structure, color;

Strengthen children's knowledge of numbers and numbers from 1 to 5; about colors, namely red, yellow, blue, white, black; learn to navigate in space;

Teach preschoolers to answer the teacher’s questions, develop speech, and expand their vocabulary; teach children to form adjectives from nouns;

Teach children to be polite, remember to say hello and goodbye to people

Cultivate politeness, teach how to carry out work assignments.

Previous work: looking at illustrations depicting a fire engine, studying the poem “We’ll play as firefighters...”, conversation about fire truck how to behave in case of fire, looking at the illustrations “Firemen are working.”

Vocabulary: iron, matches, boots, hair dryer, siren, cabin, body, water tank, fire hose, ladder, fire extinguisher, helmet.

Equipment: 5 children's tent houses, Beaver toy, numbers from 1 to 5, fire truck toy, steering wheel toy, yellow and red scarves - 14, tank, fire hose picture, flame pictures - 4, doll, red vests for children - 6, helmets - 6, fire suit for adults, helmet, materials for games " Dangerous items"(Candle, matches, iron, hair dryer, comb), "Things that a firefighter needs" (fire extinguisher, boots, helmet, bag, book, gloves, fire hose, toy), dishes, teaspoons, sweets, tablecloth, audio recordings - phone call, fire truck siren.

Progress of fire safety classes in kindergarten

Organizational moment. Greetings

Educator: Kids, please look at me. What clothes am I wearing? What is this costume called? (Firefighter).

Well done! What color is it? (Red).

What do firefighters wear on their heads when they go to put out a fire? (helmet).

Children, why is he wearing a helmet? (To protect the head from impact, from fire).

Why does a firefighter need clothes? (To protect the body and skin from fire, burns).

Why does he need boots? (To protect your feet from burns).

Educator: Well done, guys! Oh, look, we have another guest.

Children, who is this? (Beaver). Let's say hello to him (children say hello to the beaver).

Kids, he told me that he also wants to become a firefighter, but he knows nothing about fire, or about the things that a firefighter needs, or about a fire truck.

Let's help our Beaver (Yes).

Let's first tell Beaver about the fire and what could cause it.

Didactic game “Dangerous objects”

Educator. Children, there are things in front of you that can lead to a fire, and there are things that cannot cause a fire. Place things on the yellow table that could cause a fire. And explain why (Children lay out and explain).

Well done boys. Let's take a little rest now. Let's take these scarves! What color are they? (Yellow and red). Okay, now let's play.

Physical education minute

We'll play firefighters

Let's quickly unwind the hoses,

Like this, like this

Let's quickly unwind the hoses.

Our fire is burning

We will extinguish it

Like this, like this

We will extinguish it.

And now we squat,

We look under the sofas,

Like this, like this

We look under the sofas.

We've put out the fire,

And they quickly sat down on the chairs.

Educator: We played well, and now let's tell our Beaver about the fire truck. Look here it is (standing on the table, looking at it).

What color is it? (Red). Do you know why the car is painted red? (Because it is the color of anxiety, it is clearly visible).

Another flashing light. Show me where she is. What color is it? (Blue).

What is the name of this part of the machine and who and what is it for? (The cabin is for the driver and firefighters, the body is for firefighting equipment: water tanks, fire hoses, fire extinguishers, fire escape).

Girls and boys, let's tell you again and show Beaver what things a firefighter needs.

Didactic game “Things that a firefighter needs”

Educator: Look at all these things and tell me what one thing can be put in a fireman’s bag and why?

Children make up things and say why a firefighter needs these things at work.

Well done, everyone put together what our rescuers need to do their job.

Phone call.

Hello, fire Department. I'm hearing you. What's happened? Okay, we're leaving now. What is your address? Street _________, number___.

Our dear Beaver and children, Katya is in trouble. She was playing with matches and forgot to put out one match. A fire started. Shall we help Katya? (Yes).

Then look where our fire truck is, where our clothes are, fire equipment. We quickly put on vests and helmets and go to Katya on ______ street. (We identify the driver in the car).

Let's leave soon. Tell me, what number should I dial when there is a fire? (01, 010 or 112).

The siren turns on.

Well done guys arrived quickly. We get out of the car.

Children, let's see, we came to that street. Look carefully. What is drawn here? (Mushrooms). Is this what the street is called? (Mushroom).

And we need Cherry Street, 5. Oh, look what’s drawn here (Cherry). So this is the street... (Cherry).

Where is house number 5? Children, look at this house number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

This is the house we need. Take a tank of water, pull out a fire hose and we will put out the fire (Children put out the fire, rescue Katya from the house).

Well done, rescuers. We managed to put out the fire in time. Otherwise, a little more and our Katya would be left without a home. You are real firefighters.

Bottom line. Reflection

Educator: Children, what did we do with you today? (We were firefighters, put out the fire, helped Katya).

Can I play with matches? A candle? Why? (You can’t, because there will be a fire).

Who should you contact when there is a fire? (Firefighter).

What number should you call the fire department? (01, 010, 112).

What should you say when the fire department is called? (What happened and the address - street and house number).

Without what will firefighters be unable to extinguish a fire? (Without water tank, fire extinguishers, foam tank).

What did you like about the lesson? (Children's answers).

Educator: My assistants told me what firefighters wear, the things they need, what kind of car they have. We also know that when calling firefighters for help, we dial the phone number, and also be sure to tell them the address - the street and number of the house where the fire occurred.

Children, Beaver is grateful to you for what you told and showed him, he says goodbye to you. He needs to return home and now he will definitely know what to do if a fire occurs and maybe our Beaver, too, will someday become a firefighter (Children say goodbye to Beaver).

Oh, children, look, Katya prepared a treat for us and our guests because we put out the fire in time and saved her and her house.

We say to all guests - bon appetit! And now we’re going to pick up our driver for the next call.

Goodbye! (Children say goodbye and leave).

Educator: This ends our lesson, see you again!


Ø consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire;

Ø consolidate children's knowledge about dangerous situations, reasons
occurrence of fire and rules of conduct in case of fire;

Ø teach how to dial number 01 on a telephone and talk to the fire department officer on duty

Ø expand lexicon children on the topic of fire safety;

Ø cultivate respect for the work of a firefighter;

Ø develop curiosity, memory, logical thinking;

Ødevelop physical qualities, speed, agility.



Fire safety lesson for senior group

Theme: “Young firefighters!”


  • consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire;
  • consolidate children's knowledge about dangerous situations, causes
    occurrence of fire and rules of conduct in case of fire;
  • teach how to dial number 01 on a telephone and talk to the fire department on dutyparts ;
  • expand children's vocabulary on the topic of fire safety;
  • cultivate respect for the work of a firefighter;
  • develop curiosity, memory, logical thinking;
  • develop physical qualities, speed, agility.

Preliminary work:conversation on the topic “Fire is no joke”, “Fire safety”, examination of illustrations about the causes of fire, on fire safety; learning fire safety rules.

Equipment: illustrations about the causes of fire, fire safety illustrations, red balloon, telephone, fire extinguisher, toy fire truck, large bucket of water, 2 small buckets, 2 watering cans, 2 five-liter bottles with a picture of a burning house, medals, audio recording “Young firefighters”.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today we will talk to you about security. The world around us is full of surprises and dangers. Dangers can lie in wait for us everywhere, even at home. Tell me, what items in the house can be considered dangerous and why?(Children's answers) Guys, you already know: in order to avoid an accident, you must be careful and do not take objects that could lead to injury without your parents’ permission.

And now, guys, I want to tell you about fire. Fire is one of the greatest wonders of nature. Fire gives a person warmth and is used for cooking. But if the fire gets out of human control, it turns into terrible disaster– a fire that brings destruction, grief, pain. The flames of the fire spare no one or anything. In the flames of a fire, even steel beams are twisted, the walls of houses collapse, and people die. Why do you think fire occurs?(Children play with matches, lighters, forgot to turn off the iron, TV, used gas incorrectly.)Therefore, to avoid misfortune in your home, you must remember the main rules...

Look at the small ball in my hand. I didn't take it by chance. Previously, in case of fire, they would ring a bell or raise a balloon. Now we will play the game “If there is a fire.”

Children stand in a circle. The teacher has a red balloon in his hands. The player must quickly say the last word poetic line and pass the ball to another.

1. What kind of cramped, cramped house is this?
A hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It might break out like a fire.
Don't joke with your sisters
Thin...(with matches).

2. Hanging - silent,
and when you turn it over, it hisses and the foam flies(fire extinguisher).

3. Heated up if suddenly

Electric iron

What should you kids do?

Remove the plug from...(sockets).

4. If little sisters

Lighting matches at home

What should you do

Immediately (take away) matches.

5. If you want to go for a walk

No need to run away

Closing the door in the house

Have you turned everything off? (check).

6. A coal fell on the floor -

Wooden floor lit

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And fill it with (water).

7. The insidious fire will win
The one whose name is...(firefighter).

8. If suddenly a fire occurs

You are obliged at that very moment

Call the fire department

About the fire... (report).

That's right, you need to urgently call the firefighters. What number should I dial?(01) . It is necessary to indicate the address so that firefighters know where to go.

The teacher invites one of the children to dial a number and call the firefighters: “Come, we have a fire. Pushkin Street, 111; kindergarten"Baby"".

“Firemen's March” sounds. A fireman comes in.

Firefighter: Hello guys!

We must fight fire with fire
We are brave workers.
We are partners with water.
People really need us,
So who are we?(Firefighters)

Firefighter: Well done guys guessed who I am. Now you will learn a lot of new and useful things for yourself.Firefighters have special clothing, which protects them during a fire. It is made of special fabric that almost does not burn. We have a steel helmet on our heads and strong and comfortable boots on our feet. After all, a firefighter fearlessly goes into a fire!

We have a special machine. Who guessed what it's called?(fire engine).From the word “fire” it is called a fire engine, and the people who put out the fire are firefighters. “The fire truck is this machine special purpose. It is always red so that it can be seen from afar. Red is the color of fire. The fire truck is moving quickly to put out the fire and save people.”

When a car drives down the road it is not only visible, but also a siren can be heard so that other cars can hear it sound signal and gave way to the fire truck.

The fire truck is(the fireman shows the objects and invites the children to repeat)a fire extinguisher containing special foam. I also have special hoses called “sleeves”. A pump pumps water into the hoses. If the fire is on a high floor, then a folding ladder helps to get inside the burning house and save people. There is a shovel. Do you know that it is easier to prevent a fire than to extinguish it? But for this you need to follow fire safety rules...

Educator: And we not only know the fire safety rules, but also follow them.

Child 1:

The match is not big in height.
Don't look how small it is.
This little match
Can do a lot of evil.
Remember firmly, friends,
You can't joke with fire!

Child 2:

Bear, beloved girl Mila

One day I decided to iron my pants.

I turned on the iron without my mother noticing

And soon I completely forgot about him.

The iron got hot, my pants caught fire...

The fire destroyed toys and books.

Remember, children: there are fires,

When people forget about the iron being on!

Child 3:

It's boring waiting for mom from work,

I really want compote.

Yulenka entered the kitchen,

She lit the gas under the saucepan.

An hour has passed - the pan is boiling,

Our Julia was scared.

There is little water,

It won't be long before trouble...

Don't touch the stove yourself,

Better wait for the adults!

Child 4:

Children were playing by the fire.

The jacket caught fire on Petya.

He rushed about in fright,

But Nikita helped his friend:

Petya fell on his side

And he doused him with water...

Had to throw earth

For the flames to subside.

It is prohibited to run while wearing burning clothes.

The wind makes the fire burn stronger!

Child 5:

He couldn’t cope with the fire himself -
This is not work for children.
Without wasting time,
01 call quickly.
Type skillfully
So that not everything burns.

Firefighter: The fire department employs brave, strong and, of course, good people who do not spare their lives to save others. Do you want to become real firefighters?(Yes!!!) I suggest playing the game “Brave Firemen”.

Two teams of 6-8 people participate. Children use small buckets to transfer water from a large bucket into transparent containers - five-liter bottles with a picture of a burning house. Small buckets are a relay baton.


You put in all the effort
And you put out the fire.
It was hard, hard
But skill and dexterity
Saved us from disaster.

Firefighter: For courage and bravery, I present you with medals, you have mastered everything “excellently.”

The “Firemen's March” sounds and medals are awarded.

Firefighter: Goodbye, guys!

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Tselovalnik Tselovalniks are officials of Muscovite Rus', elected by the zemshchina in districts and towns to carry out judicial,...