Tamara Globa consultations. Astrologer Tamara Globa: biography, personal life, professional activities

Tamara Mikhailovna Globa is a talented astrologer, a well-known person in our country and simply a charming woman. Her life is very busy: she takes part in radio and television programs, writes books and articles, and is a member of the Actors Club. The astrological forecast from Tamara Globa is always accurate and, most importantly, almost always comes true.

Many readers are interested in how Tamara Mikhailovna’s life developed, whether she has a family and children. In this article we will try to satisfy your curiosity.

Tamara Globa: biography

Our heroine makes no secret of her biography. Tamara Erzova (maiden name) was born in Leningrad in March 1957 into a large and friendly family. She has three sisters and a brother with whom she is very close. From a very young age, the girl was distinguished by curiosity and mobility. She loved to read and school came easily to her. In addition to basic school activities, she attended various clubs, as her classmates recall, sang well, and took an active part in school amateur performances.

The year 1965 determined her future fate - an eight-year-old girl found a very old book in the attic, after reading which she became interested in palmistry.

Tamara's parents

Astrologer Tamara Globa has repeatedly emphasized in her numerous interviews that she considers the most beautiful love story to be the story of her parents’ acquaintance and relationship. And this story is truly worthy of a book novel. During the hard years of the Second World War, Tamara’s mother and her sisters were taken to Germany by the Germans. The sisters worked in a factory and on a farm. And Tamara’s mother was assigned to serve a German family.

When Soviet troops entered Germany, a meeting of parents took place. The young man was so fascinated by the girl’s beauty that, risking his life, he first hid her with her sisters, and at the first opportunity he took them to the Soviet Union. After the war, Tamara's father became a surveyor, and her mother devoted her entire life to raising five children.

First predictions

For the first time, Tamara predicted the future for her mother. On her hand, the girl noticed a small line of loneliness, which surprised her. Mom admitted that her seemingly ideal family life was not always like this. When the family already had three children growing up (before Tamara was born), the father became interested in the young woman.

For his wife, who was a very proud person, the betrayal was a terrible blow - she could not forgive her. The woman took the children and left her husband. After some time, the father came to his senses and made a lot of efforts to save the marriage. This difficult period was marked on the mother’s palm, and Tamara was able to see it.

Further activities

Tamara Globa, whose biography is full of all sorts of surprises, after graduating from high school she entered a university, and an electrical engineering one. It took her almost three years to realize that she had chosen the wrong path. From her third year, the girl went to the Lennauchfilm film studio, where she worked as an assistant director, her beautiful voice allowed her to dub many films, she wrote books on esotericism, astrology, and philosophy. A little later, she joined the Actors Club, and at the same time worked on a voluntary basis in a hospital and an orphanage. Then Tamara Globa’s “School of Astrology” appeared in Moscow, which she still heads.

"Let's get married"

In 2015, Tamara Mikhailovna accepted the invitation of the creators of this popular television program to temporarily replace Vasilisa Volodina, who had gone on maternity leave. This project was created in order to introduce people who in the future may start a family. But astrologers know that people can be incompatible, which is why their consultation is necessary.

Tamara Globa coped with the task brilliantly: she not only explained to the program participants what their problems were, but also helped to adjust their relationships.

Tamara Globa: personal life

Tamara Mikhailovna’s creative life was developing very successfully, but in her personal life it was not so simple. The future astrologer Tamara Globa met her first love during her school years. Her chosen one was her classmate Sergei, with whom she entered the same institute.

When Tamara turned 20, the young people got married, and four years later a daughter, Anna, appeared in the family. This marriage lasted seven years, after which it became clear that Tamara’s chosen one turned out to be a young man completely unprepared for family life. He was not interested in everyday life, home, or his growing daughter. He was ready to devote all his free time to gatherings with friends. In addition, over the years the family never acquired their own home, and in 1985 the couple separated.

Second marriage

Tamara Globa's biography is full of unexpected events and meetings with extraordinary people. Her second husband was the man whose last name she still bears today - Pavel Globa. These people were connected not only by feelings, but also by their passion - they were both fans of their work.

However, Tamara Mikhailovna claims that this marriage was far from cloudless. For my husband, work always came first. The wife faded into the background or even third place. When Tamara was expecting her second child, her husband was accused of receiving an advance but not holding a meeting on astrology. For some time, Pavel hid in another city. And then they started demanding money from Tamara.

She was summoned for questioning, and the conversation was very tough. This is probably why premature birth occurred, which was very difficult. The boy who was born lived only ten days.

The woman was in despair. According to her, during this period there were scandals, claims, and showdowns. She really needed Pavel’s support at that moment. Later, a son, Bogdan, was born into the family. However, after the tragedy, Pavel had almost no contact with the child. As a result, the family broke up. It should be noted that for Pavel, marriage to Tamara was the fourth.

Third marriage

Years passed, many famous people already wanted to receive a horoscope from Tamara Globa, she became popular and recognizable, but there was no reliable and strong man nearby. And yet such a meeting took place. This happened at the airport, where Tamara met the athlete Veniamin Tayanovich. Tamara Mikhailovna herself considers this union to be the most harmonious, although the marriage was not formalized.

For seven years, Veniamin treated his wife’s children well, cared for them as if they were family, and easily found an approach to Bogdan and Anna.

Zodiac signs

Many people who received a horoscope from Tamara Globa note that it is surprisingly truthful. One gets the feeling that she sees through not only the person who turned to her for help, but also the slightest nuances of his fate. Zodiac signs from Tamara Globa have a special esoteric meaning. The astrologer deciphers them as follows:

Aries- a ram with branched, curved back horns. He rushes forward, not distinguishing the road, and therefore he needs a shepherd. Curved horns indicate that this ram will not offend anyone; on the contrary, he himself often becomes a victim of his own assertiveness.

Taurus- a bull that comes half out of the ground. This is a symbol of the manifested, embodied world - the world of form. A circle without a point indicates that this is a spirit that has no self-awareness, and a semicircle above it symbolizes a soul immersed in our physical world and unable to leave its framework.

Twins- two people joined by arms or umbilical cord. This is a symbol of kinship of souls, cosmic brotherhood.

Cancer- symbolizes spiritual purity and backward movement. These are, as a rule, guardians of roots, origins, and traditions. Two curls are the claws of cancer, the embryos are the male and female principles. The inward twist indicates that Cancer is capable of preserving time, in other words, remembering the past.

a lion- means the apotheosis of creation, the flowering of all forces, birth and creative unfolding.

Virgo- a symbol of virginity and purity, home and service to it. On the left side of the symbol there is a devil, on the right there is an angel, and between them is a man. This is the embodiment of the struggle for the human soul between the forces of light and darkness.

Scales- balance and harmony, justice. In the upper part, representing the sky, is the upper world, and in the lower part is the earth. Consequently, we can conclude that the harmony of the universe can be achieved only with a balance of the physical and spiritual, earth and sky.

Scorpion- symbolizes the death of matter and its reincarnation in a new quality. On the left side of the symbol is the devil (temptation), in the center is a man, and on the right is a poisonous sting.

Sagittarius- an arrow directed into the astral world through the subconscious to achieve a goal.

Capricorn- a goat with wings emerging from a shell. It is a symbol of striving for the very pinnacle of human achievement. The horns turned in different directions and reconnected mean the law of time - the unity of opposites.

Aquarius- conscious separation of two streams of good and evil, human existence on two levels: energy and matter.

Fish- a symbol of the reunification of souls and their merging with the higher world. The image is deciphered as the beginning and end of the cycle, the eternal ability to incarnate. That is why the halves of the sign are connected by the sign of infinity.

Tamara Globa's predictions came true

It must be admitted that many people perceived some of the astrologer’s predictions with skepticism. There are many of these in the biography of Tamara Globa. Few people could believe that the 2018 FIFA World Cup would be held in Russia. Experts, and many fans, then laughed at this forecast.

Tamara managed to “see” the bloody Chechen war and the date of its end, the fires that raged in Moscow in 2010. Today, the astrological forecast from Tamara Globa for Russia is very optimistic. We hope that it will definitely come true.

How to sign up for an individual consultation with Tamara:

Using the contact form, indicate the necessary birth data to draw up a horoscope:
- date
- place (city)
- time of birth (with minutes if possible)

Your questions in a few sentences

Please provide your first and last name and contact phone number to arrange a meeting time.

Drawing up one horoscope (natal chart), including consultation - 125,000 rubles.

Determining a name for a newborn - 52,000 rubles.

Determining the wedding date - from 80,000 rubles.

The cost of a consultation increases depending on the individual amount of work on the chart, which Tamara determines: a larger number of questions, drawing up a rectification (if the time of birth is unknown), drawing up additional charts, such as for a horoscope of compatibility with a partner.

If the time of birth is unknown, rectification is necessary - restoring the time of birth according to cardinal dates life events.

The cost of the work is determined in advance before the consultation.

The duration of the conversation is from 1 hour to 1.5 hours.

Compatibility horoscope - additional charting is required for each partner (applicant).
A horoscope for a child is a full-fledged horoscope and is compiled in the same way as for an adult.

Form of payment - cash or by bank transfer via bank card directly at the consultation.

Consultations are held in Moscow in the form of a conversation during a personal meeting with Tamara.

Please maintain ethical business correspondence and send emails of no more than 300 words.

You can also make an appointment by phone: +7-915-419-68-10 (opening hours: daily, 11.00 - 21.00)

Sincerely, the team of the Tamara Globa Center

Due to cases of online fraud, we would like to inform you that Tamara Globa NEVER sends PERSONAL horoscopes and forecasts by mail, e-mail, or any other types of electronic communications and messages.
Tamara does NOT conduct personal consultations through correspondence by mail, electronically, or online consultations, including Skype and/or other instant messengers.
ALL consultations, training, seminars and other meetings are conducted only in person, directly with Tamara Globa.
Only books by Tamara Glob, as well as books and magazines from our publishing house listed in the list of the “Books” section, are sent by Russian Post.
We are not responsible for the actions of individuals, individual entrepreneurs, organizations offering services on behalf of Tamara Globa or her Center, since we do not provide services through intermediaries, representatives, or third parties acting on behalf of Tamara Globa.
This site is the only official website of the Tamara Globa Center on the Internet.
Official pages on social networks:
- open group Tamara Globa Center

At the moment, the world is at the forefront of a world war. Everyone wants to know how to live next, what to really expect. Tamara Globa's predictions for 2019 can prepare humanity for difficult trials and open the curtain on upcoming events.

The outstanding and famous astrologer Tamara Globa made a rather warm forecast for Russia. Her predictions regarding a great power are filled with positivity and cordiality, which instills faith in a happy future among ordinary citizens.

In fact, the current difficulties in the state are moving towards their logical conclusion. According to Globa, Russia will face:

  • Prosperity.
  • Well-being.
  • Formation of a new financial system.

In addition to positive forecasts, the astrologer warns the country against the real danger of military operations aimed at the Russian people. It is necessary to be as careful and attentive as possible, because external conflicts can lead to unwanted military actions within the state. One good thing is that Tamara does not predict the onset of World War III in the near future.

At the stage of super-tension between different countries, Russia will act as a peacemaker and savior, which will increase its popularity rating and allow it to reach a completely new level of development. 2019 will be a turning point for the country towards a happy future.

Frightening predictions for Ukraine

The astrologer has been observing events in Ukraine for several years now, and each time her predictions have come true with accuracy. Tamara saw the collapse of this state into five parts, which is actually already happening:

  • Crimea.
  • Several territories built on the commonwealth (similar to the US states).

The first three parts are now part of the Russian Federation, and the Ukrainian state will not be able to return everything to its place. In this composition, the people of the former Ukraine and Russia will have a better life, and even prosperity, although it will take a little time.

Amazing predictions for Putin

Many predictions and even an astrological forecast have been made for the current President of Russia. Some prophets foresaw his sudden death, but as a result, Putin is alive and well. Others predicted that under him the country would become the mistress of the world, that thanks to Putin the people would find salvation and that he was a messenger of God.

Several years ago, Tamar Globa prophesied to this man the power and rule of a huge state - the Russian Federation, which also came true. Speaking literally, the astrologer predicted Freedom, Equality and Fraternity for the Russian people under the current President. We can only hope and believe in the veracity of positive astrological predictions.

Interesting facts from the personal life of Tamara Globa

Dates of highlights Description
March 16, 1957 An astrologer was born in Leningrad
At about 8 years of age Passion for palmistry (initially the girl told fortunes to her parents, sisters and brother)
1972 (age 15) She received an award for the best political song (she was fond of vocals and was quite good at it)
1977 (third year student at the Electrical Engineering Institute) She dropped out of school, Tamara’s first marriage broke up, the girl was left holding the child and went to work at the Lennauchfilm studio, where she met a new love
80s Union with Pavel Globa, the birth of a common son, popularity, and then divorce. It turned out that only astrology connected the couple.
90s Tamara’s third marriage, which the astrologer calls the happiest, but soon the couple also separated.

Journalists often asked the astrologer whether there would be a 4th marriage in her life, but Tamara always spoke in riddles. The woman has not stopped believing in love, so anything can still happen.


At one time, Tamara Globa was able to predict the death of her own father. According to her prognosis, dad's health will deteriorate by the age of 48. And so it happened. At the age of 50, he was diagnosed with cancer and was exposed to radiation. True, he lived with the disease for another 25 years, and left this world at almost 75 years old.

Tamara made predictions based on her knowledge of palmistry. The woman saw certain rings on her father’s wrist, which are responsible for a certain margin of safety.

Tamara Globa, a biography whose personal life is very rich and ambiguous, is engaged in astrology, constantly publishes forecasts, writes books, and appears on television.


When was Tamara Globa born? The biography and year of birth of the astrologer is not a secret. She was born in Leningrad on March 16, 1957. Tamara grew up in a friendly family, in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. She had 3 sisters and a brother. She was born second to last.

The family lived in the center of Leningrad, Tamara went to school there. She grew up as a very active girl, attended various clubs and sections. She had singing talents and enjoyed performing on stage; for example, she received first prize in a political song competition at the age of 15.

Even as a child, the girl was interested in predictions. At the age of eight she became interested in palmistry. An old book found in the attic helped her with this.

The first “clients” were the parents.


Tamara's father was a geologist and surveyor. He and his mother went on business trips very often. It was a very harmonious couple.

What did Tamara Globa tell her parents? Biography? Family? What could she predict from her hand?

Tamara discovered an “island of loneliness” in her mother. It turned out that this ideal family also had its own problems. Tamara’s dad had a hobby, but her mother couldn’t stand it and left her husband with three children. Fortunately, he rethought his behavior, asked for forgiveness and returned to his family. Thus, peace and harmony were nevertheless restored, but evidence of the troubles remained on the mother’s palm, and Tamara was able to decipher it.

With her father, she saw that it would dry up by the age of 50. And so it happened.

Perhaps Tamara’s passion for the stars was partially inherited from her father. Her dad was interested in astronomy and studied the nature of things. He also had developed intuition. There were cases when it was intuition that protected him from death.

It is believed that women are more sensitive to the dictates of the inner voice, but Tamara says that some knowledge and developed intuition were most likely passed on to her from her father, and to him from her grandfather, that is, through the male line.

First marriage

How did Tamara Globa find her first love? Her biography says that first love begins at school.

Her first husband, Sergei, was a classmate. The feelings arose in the eighth grade. Tamara and Sergei entered Bonch-Bruevich together. At the age of 20, Tamara married Sergei, and at 24 she gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Anna.

However, the marriage lasted only seven years. Sergei turned out to be quite a freedom-loving, creative person. It was difficult for him to go to work on schedule, he was attracted to various creative evenings and gatherings, and he practically did not devote time to raising his daughter.

The living conditions of the young family were also not very good. They did not have their own housing, they lived with their parents, sometimes with some, sometimes with others. The interests of the spouses diverged over time, leaving nothing in common. Sergei longed for freedom, and Tamara did not hold him back. The couple separated.

Does astrologer Tamara Globa maintain any relationship with her first husband? Sergei’s biography was generally successful for him. Now they sometimes communicate. Sergei still made a career in his specialty. But he left his job and became interested in creativity, composing and singing songs.


Tamara did not graduate from the Electrical Engineering Institute; she dropped out in her third year. What profession did Tamara Globa choose for herself? The biography of her work activity began at the Lennauchfilm film studio. She took the position of assistant director. Films were shot on various scientific topics, so Tamara seriously took up self-education, and in completely different directions. This work taught her a lot, says Tamara Globa. Her biography was formed partly as a result of being in this position.

It was on the set of the film “Sleep Masks” at this film studio that Tamara met her second husband Pavel Globa.

Marriage to Pavel Globa

This meeting gave birth to an alliance of two people who complemented each other mutually. They had a common hobby, which later grew into their life's work - astrology.

Gradually they became a part of each other's lives. They devoted all their free time to studying the astral world and over time turned their name into a real brand of astrology. After all, each of us associates the surname Globa with predictions.

During this period, Tamara actively wrote articles, as well as her first book, “Tamara”.

Was Tamara Globa happy then? Her biography says that this period was not cloudless. Tamara lost her child and believes that part of the blame lies with Pavel. Then she gave birth to a son. Taking care of my son, housekeeping, work - life was very stressful, active, and there was practically no time left for sleep.

But the work was not in vain. The couple’s contribution to astrology is difficult to overestimate. They became widely known. Apparently, this popularity did not do any good, so their marriage broke up.

Now he practically does not communicate with his ex-wife. But Tamara does not hold a grudge against him. The only thing she doesn’t understand is his reluctance to communicate with his son.

Third marriage

Tamara met her third husband, swimmer Veniamin Tayanovich, at the airport. He was 10 years younger than her. However, it is this marriage that the astrologer considers the most successful and harmonious.

Veniamin took very good care of Tamara’s children and managed to find a common language with them and make friends.

She herself predicted the meeting with her third husband, but did not immediately recognize him when they met. The couple lived in perfect harmony for seven years, despite the absence of a stamp in their passport.

Tamara predicted an accident for Benjamin and it came true.

Unfortunately, fate separated the couple. The only thing Tamara regretted was that she did not give birth to another child with Benjamin.

Now Tamara does not see herself next to a man. The main priority in her life was and remains children. The eldest daughter Anna is a lawyer and is still studying at higher courses for screenwriters and directors. Son Bogdan works as a journalist and also heads the TV department of the Public Chamber. Tamara’s children do not yet have their own families.


Tamara became the only astrologer who predicted the holding of the World Cup in Russia in 2018, although at the time of the prediction it seemed incredible. Among the well-known predictions that have come true are the date of the start of the first Chechen war, accurate to the day, as well as the occurrence of massive fires in 2010 in Moscow. Now Tamara’s forecasts regarding the future of our country are very optimistic. The astrologer considers it one of the most promising territories for life.

What type of activity has Tamara Globa chosen for herself now? Her biography also includes work in an orphanage and in a hospital. Now she heads the Tamara Globa Center. Works with people. Makes both mass and individual astrological forecasts. Tamara also teaches the basics of astrology, teaches people to develop intuition, and make their own astrological forecasts for themselves and their loved ones.

Project "Let's get married"

In 2015, Tamara Globa became the co-host of the “Let's Get Married” program. The biography of the person is revealed to her. Tamara not only sees how suitable people in a couple are for each other, but can also correct their behavior with her advice so that the relationship is harmonious. There are situations when astrologically people cannot be together, but feelings prevail. Then life together is full of conflicts, and very often people do not understand why this happens. Tamara works with such problems and is quite successful. Now in the project she is replacing astrologer Vasilisa Volodina during maternity leave.

“I am constantly in a whirlwind of information,” says Tamara Globa (biography, photos of the astrologer are presented in the article). It is sometimes very difficult to discard unnecessary things and not lose vital energy. Tamara is helped in this by her connection with nature and communication with positively minded people. Tamara is grateful to them and the world around her for this support.

Tamara Globa is the most popular female astrologer in Russia. Her articles and interviews can be found in many newspapers and magazines. We will limit ourselves to excerpts from the Russian astrological collection “Tamara”, published in December 1990, of which she is the author. Her view of the world around us and the role of man in the world is reflected in these pages.

The world of simple and obvious things contains deep meaning, many different levels and forms of comprehension of reality. You ask: so what is reality? After all, we were all taught at school and at college that objective reality is something that we can touch and feel physically. But a huge number of people on Earth see, feel and understand the world differently, their vision is a different reality: gnomes, elves, spirits, the soul of plants.

Life and connection of all forms of existence on the planet, parallel spaces, events in Space: the death of Galaxies and the birth of supernovae. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, prophetic dreams. Harmony of the spheres, the Great Song of the Universe and the Love of the Earth - all this is a single pulse and objective reality for normal human beings. If you have not been given a different vision of the world, do not dare to claim that what you do not know does not exist. As a rule, those who know another reality are real warriors, free from the world of human passions, for this is their Path - the Path of people who have known the Truth...

Now the Age of Mixing Good and Evil is approaching. By our time, the process of mixing has reached its culmination, but “the night is especially dark just before the dawn,” humanity is now given a chance for change. What this dawn will be like - a bright sun or a gloomy morning - depends on us.

How can you characterize the times in which we live?

DEATH AND REVIVAL. A crisis, a collision of new and old. Rebirth of consciousness, alchemical processes, transmutation of the Earth and man. This process is similar to the characteristics of the zodiac sign Scorpio, when humanity must rethink its Path, having learned the meaning of existence on Earth and fully accept the laws of Karma. We live at the turn of two eras ( Epochs and Epochs

), during a period that has never had an analogue in the history of the development of the Earth: the end of the Era of Displacement and the beginning of the Separation of Good and Evil; polarization of opposing forces;

It depends on how ready the people of these regions are to accept the conditions of the time, realizing that not a single previous state system is suitable for the future era, because “they don’t put new wine into old wineskins,” on how much our consciousness can correspond to the new ones offered by the Cosmos and The earth's living conditions determine the future of humanity and the humanity of the future.

What sets Russia apart from all regions of the Earth? The West is the sunny half of the World. In the West, the external form of life and activity is more important than the internal. There is a stronger civilization, an active creative principle, the masculine principle (yang) predominates in all phenomena.

East - Luna “I am half of the World, the soul of the Earth. In this region, the feminine principle of living, birthing nature predominates. Internal, subconscious phenomena inherent in women (yin) are more important. Living in this region is difficult, since the Moon controls Karma, aggravating events to the peak dots. People, in the harsh conditions of a contract with the elemental forces of nature, live forever on the alert: suddenly there will be a flood or an earthquake, or...

Russia is the heart of the Earth.
It's hard to live in the heart. And if you do not have love for Life, Earth and the World - all-consuming Cosmic Love, it is better not to live in this region, since Love came from the Heart of the Absolute - which means that the path through evolution to the Absolute lies through Love for all living things. Also, this part of the world is similar to the brain: the left and right hemispheres, and the partition is the Ural ridge. That is why in Russia there are so many geniuses and talented people who are not appreciated, but the brain is consciousness.

Americans say about Russia: “The Russians don’t know how strong their land is.” The Chinese say: “You can’t even imagine how many enlightened people you have!”

The whole world knows that the future belongs to Russia, that the new Saoshiant (Savior of the world, Messiah) will rule in Russia, that Light from Russia will go throughout the world.

This is one of the reasons that an egregorous (egregors are the souls of the best ancestors, saints who protect the territory and people) battle has flared up over us and in Russia - everyone wants to take possession of our territory, the minds, souls and destinies of our people. This process can be likened to the meeting of two strong waves and currents within them, clashing over Russia. Foreigners from the West and East poured into us like an avalanche, offering active joint activities and money, a variety of traditional and occult movements appeared: Christians, yogis, masons, white brotherhood, Buddhism, “aliens,” Satanists, etc. They all want from us there is only one thing - attention, since our world exists by the attention of the Absolute. The more various movements, cults, parties, egregors take our attention, the stronger they will be - this is the Law of the Cosmos. And all their proposals are a battle of worlds and egregors for strength and power on our territory.

I am not calling for abandoning all proposals and putting up an “iron curtain”, No. You need to actively cooperate with everyone, the brain needs an exchange with the external environment, but if you are a patriot and love your Motherland, do not devote yourself entirely to someone else’s business, do not sell your immortal soul either for a chair in the party, or for a comfortable house and garden, or for just fly on a saucer. Leave your attention and soul to Russia, the Motherland. Cooperate, live an active life, exchange energies with different lands while traveling, but be internally free from dependence: the future Russia awaits you.

Russia will have to unite the West and the East, while remaining itself. Give the world a new CONSCIOUSNESS. But before that time, difficult events await us: living in Russia will be more difficult than ever before in the world. Let us remember the words of Christ: “He who endures to the end will be saved”...

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