The container does not match the current landocs user. Lanit integrated the electronic record keeping systems of Rosenergoatom and Kola Nuclear Power Plant using landocs: xml exchange subsystem

The platform version was created in support of import substitution plans for software of state companies and executive authorities.

In addition, we have significantly expanded functionality LanDocs platform thanks to two components:

“LanDocs: Interaction” - this component is developed as a development of the existing LanDocs component: XML Exchange Subsystem. The next architecture using plug-ins allows you to flexibly configure the business logic of data exchange. Now in LanDocs, seamless exchange of documents and other content is possible both within an enterprise with a geographically distributed structure, and between counterparties that are completely independent of each other.

"LanDocs: Control Center" is a modular administration component. It combines into a single user interface all the functionality of previously disparate utilities for configuring and monitoring the system. The architecture will allow you to centrally configure the platform within the enterprise, including with a geographically distributed structure, and the LanDocs: Configuration Management module simplifies the setup of multi-server content server configurations.


LanDocs introduced a web client version

On December 8, 2016, specialists from the document management systems department of ZAO LANIT held a webinar “LanDocs WEB client: remote access to the EDMS”, where they talked about how to provide prompt access to the electronic document management system using remote connection of employees involved in office work and document flow and at the same time ensure:

Access to the EDMS from computers on which various OS(Windows, MacOS, Linux, including Russian distributions ALT Linux, Astra, Rosa, etc.) Access from mobile devices - phones and tablets (iOS, Android, Tizen, etc.)

EDMS LanDocs – in the register of domestic software

The Expert Council on Russian Software voted in November 2016 to include the platform for building corporate document management systems and content management systems (EDMS/ECM) LanDocs into the unified register of Russian software. The LanDocs EDMS was found to comply with the requirements, established by point 5 rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1236 “On establishing a ban on admission software, originating from foreign countries, for the purpose of procurement to provide government and municipal needs" dated November 16, 2015.

2010: Description of LanDocs

The applied methodology for implementing LanDocs allows enterprises to master modern methods of organizing office work activities, rationalize and optimize procedures for working with documents. As of July 2010, the system technologically implements accounting various types documents, their distribution to executors, control of the movement and execution of documents, management of the storage of electronic documents, integration with office applications, e-mail, restriction of user access to data, signing documents with digital signature and the use of encryption to protect information.

The product allows you to organize the work of users in several ways: through a specialized client application, through an Internet browser, through a client built into MS Outlook or Lotus Notes. The system also provides a set of tools that allow you to integrate document management functionality into corporate information systems.

LanDocs has been present on the market of solutions for automating work with documents since 1997. Certificate of compliance with Russian state standards GOST R No. ROSS RU.ME20.N01957. The functionality meets the needs of large hierarchical organizational structures in terms of automation of documentation support for management. For small businesses and for educational work, the LanDocs:SMB product is being released - a simplified version with many presets included. LanDocs uses one of two commercially available DBMSs (at the customer's choice): Oracle or MS SQL Server.

As a software platform specialized for solving ECM/EDMS problems, LanDocs allows you to build a full range of electronic document management systems - from the simplest to highly complex systems. The combination of functionality with openness allows, during implementation, to customize the created system in accordance with regulatory framework and the practice of working with documents of a particular enterprise, department or institution. A high level of scalability of solutions has been achieved: both users of the main office computer network and employees of remote departments can be included in the document flow circuit. The platform includes software of a high degree of readiness - automation of standard widespread business processes comes down to platform settings and, as a rule, does not require programming. Along with this, LanDocs provides developed tools with which business processes specific to of this enterprise or subject area.

The project practice of implementing the system includes dozens of implementations of both standard and subject-specific document business processes in government agencies, management companies and operating companies in the banking, telecommunications, energy and agro-industrial sectors, at enterprises defense industry, mechanical engineering and instrument making.

Main functions of LanDocs

  • Registration of documents
  • Document storage management, integration with office applications
  • Document distribution
  • Organizing collaboration with documents
  • Regulation of access to documents and system functions
  • Tracking paperwork links between documents, creating complex structured folders
  • Navigation and document search
  • Version management
  • Exchange of documents and messages, sending tasks for execution
  • Monitoring the execution of documents and tasks
  • Working in substitute executor mode
  • Reporting on document flow
  • Managing system directory data, setting up document types and messages
  • Adjustment to the organizational structure of the enterprise
  • Setting up document flow stages specific to a particular organization
  • Geographically distributed document flow
  • Scanning paper documents. Working with document images (Imaging)
  • Bulk scanning and registration of documents
  • Archiving documents, supporting corporate archive functions
  • Automation of departmental archive activities
  • Integration with external Windows applications
  • Work via the Internet
  • Email integration
  • Ensuring information security
  • Electronic signature and encryption of documents and tasks

LanDocs is a software and technology platform for efficient organization of document flow. It was developed by LANIT. Landocs allows you to build an effective environment to support your entire office work based on one platform. The functionality of the modules and interface allows you to provide platform users with everything necessary funds for working with electronic documents. Distinctive features of Landocs over competitors: ease of system scaling. The ability to connect both users from the main office and employees from remote departments in the regions to the document flow circuit.

Examples of working complete business solutions implemented based on the LanDocs platform:

1. Coordination of documents in a convenient electronic form;
2. prompt processing of external requests;
3. monitoring the execution of documents and individual tasks;
4. generation of reporting on the movement of documents;
5. creation of organized document flow in geographically distributed offices;
6. organization of an archive of electronic documents with high degree protection;
LANIT has been providing the LanDocs system since 1997. The LanDocs customer is provided with a full range of services: from auditing the state of document flow, implementation of a document flow automation project, to full warranty and post-warranty service And technical support. All LanDocs software is certified in accordance with GOST R, as evidenced by the certificate of conformity No. ROSS RU.ME20.N 01367.

Problems solved by the implementation of the LanDocs document management system:

1. Increasing the speed of document flow, this also applies to critical business processes, to the level required for the enterprise. This problem is solved by introducing electronic interaction between performers.
2. Ensuring an appropriate level of performance discipline. This problem is solved by introducing automated forms of monitoring performers and preparing special reports.
3. Improving the quality of management decisions at different levels functional management. The problem is solved through the selection and delivery of documents necessary for effective decision-making to responsible persons. Providing the necessary information in a visual, convenient form in the form of collections of business documents.
4. Achievements of automaticity and error-free work of performers with documents. This problem is solved by using predefined routing document processing technologies. Progressives are also used personal functions control.
5. Organization of safe and effective access for employees and customers to knowledge that accumulates in the form of a multitude corporate documents. The functionality is achieved through the effective systematization of documentary funds, the use of informative corporate classifiers, modern methods search and data protection.
6. Building a reliable system for protecting documents from unauthorized access. This can be solved by integrating advanced cryptographic protection technologies and electronic digital signatures.
7. Organization of integral document flow in a system of distributed units. LanDocs uses specialized components for efficient exchange between offices at different levels. Effectively synchronize data across different sites.

Office automation systems and efficient systems management of complex business processes. Distinctive feature LanDocs deep integration into the organization's information environment.

Basic functionality

Registration and efficient search of documents (including full-text index);
Effective collaboration with documents (sending and receiving documents, approval and review, signing, monitoring office status);
Effective exchange of documents and messages;


Automation of order execution control;
Receiving reports on corporate document flow;

LanDocs integration

The system is supplied as a program interface (API) for convenient integration with Windows applications. Using the web interface, LanDocs makes it possible to access the system from a corporate portal, which is built on Office SharePoint Server technology.
LanDocs Server Software: MAIL SERVER works as an email server gateway. It provides distribution of tasks, messages, and LanDocs documents performers with pre-installed LanDocs client software. This allows you to effectively use office processes and include office processes in departments that do not fully use all the functionality of the system. LanDocs: MAIL CLIENT, integrated with MS Outlook, Lotus Notes mail clients allows you to work with email messages, create reports on tasks, prepare response documents using your usual email clients. All user actions are logged with LanDocs.

Territorial distribution of document flow

If you organize independent office work in the central office and branches, it is necessary to coordinate the exchange between them. LanDocs: XML – EXCHANGE SUBSYSTEM is additional component LanDocs, which ensures the exchange of documents via communication channels, if the exchange is in online mode impossible.

Ensuring information security

LanDocs – creates a user database that contains information about the functional rights of department employees. Information security is ensured:
User authentication when logging into LanDocs. Login can be done using a username and password, or using OS authentication systems or cryptographic keys.
Configurable by the system administrator to differentiate user access rights to LanDocs functions and objects.
Using an electronic digital signature to confirm the authorship of a document, its integrity, and giving the document legal significance.
Encryption using complex encryption algorithms for confidential documents;
Full audit and logging of user actions in the system. The list of actions that need to be logged is entered by the system administrator. Automatic logging of attempts to access the LanDocs system, functions, documents, document contents at the level of individual files.

Cryptographic protection LanDocs

LanDocs has built-in powerful cryptographic protection tools. Behind cryptographic protection The LanDocs component responds: SECURITY SUBSYSTEM, which supports the public key infrastructure.

Features of the implementation of the LanDocs security subsystem:
Support for one of several crypto-providers: Cryptobank (LanCrypto), Microsoft Base Cryptographic, CryptoPro CSP (certified by FAPSI), Tumar CSP (Kazakhstan), Enigma (Belarus), Avest (Belarus). Integration with software from other crypto providers is also possible.
Own certification authority, there is the possibility of integration with other external certification authorities.
Centralized certificate store. It is possible to integrate with external certification authorities.

The LanDocs line of software products developed by LANIT is intended for building automated documentation systems for management at enterprises of various sizes and specializations. Using LanDocs software products, a whole range of different design solutions can be implemented:

1. a system for automating office work and document flow, based on domestic standards and norms, the practice of organizing document accounting and monitoring the execution of orders in organizations of various types and providing different levels functionality for various categories employees;

2. corporate storage(archive) of electronic documents, providing reliable protection of documents from unauthorized access, the ability to search the texts of documents taking into account linguistic morphology, logging and auditing of user actions related to access to documents;

3. activity automation system departmental archives and archival departments of organizations, functioning in accordance with the requirements of the State Archive Service Russian Federation, ensuring the preparation of specialized reporting from departmental archives and providing the opportunity to implement special technologies for mass (batch) input of documents on paper into an electronic archive;

4. a system for automated support of an organization’s business processes, which implements the ability to design and manage the execution of predefined route (workflow) document processing schemes.

Information security of the listed design solutions is ensured by a specialized security subsystem that implements electronic digital signature mechanisms (including those certified by FAPSI) to confirm the authorship and integrity of documents, encrypt data to protect them from unauthorized access, and also perform the functions of a Key Certification Center (supports certificates of the format X.509) and logging user actions in a special security log. Key Benefits LanDocs software line. Full support for office work tasks. The functionality of the LanDocs product line provides the ability to comprehensively support business processes in government and commercial organizations. The LanDocs product line includes solutions for several categories of personnel of organizations characterized by varying degrees of involvement in office work processes (for managers, for clerical staff, for performers) and provides automated support for full life cycle documents (providing specialized solutions for both automation of operational office work and for archival services of organizations). Compliance with domestic office work standards. The LanDocs product line is based on domestic standards and norms of office work, the established practice of organizing accounting and monitoring the execution of documents. A specialized solution for automating departmental archives and archival services of organizations operates in accordance with the requirements of the State Archive Service of the Russian Federation. Flexibility and adaptability. Implementation of basic functions (registration of all types of documents, distribution to performers, control of the movement and office work status of documents, tasks and instructions, search, preparation of reports, work with sets of documents) allows you to flexibly customize them to the specifics of a particular organization, solve problems of office automation and design automated technologies working with documents in a wide range of solutions. The implementation of a flexible registration card mechanism makes it possible to design special accounting systems for documents various types.Future-proof architecture. The system is implemented within two architectural solutions: in a two-tier “client-server” architecture based on industrial DBMSs from Oracle and Microsoft, as well as in a three-tier architecture with a specialized WEB application server that provides the ability to remotely access system information via the Internet, using Microsoft Internet as a platform-independent client Explorer. Integration with email systems. Integration with e-mail systems allows you to organically include not only clerical personnel in the office work circuit, but also other categories of organization personnel - performers, managers, etc., giving them the opportunity to perform office work operations in the familiar environment of MS Outlook (MS Exchange Client) or Lotus Notes. The use of LanDocs software built into the email client, which has limited functionality, allows you to avoid burdening the above categories of personnel with unnecessary functions and significantly reduces the total cost of the office automation system implementation project. Integrability and openness. The system implements a documented application programming interface (API), which provides the ability to embed document management services in external Windows applications, as well as support for a number of standards, which made it possible to integrate LanDocs with a number of external software systems and specialized equipment - email systems, the Fine Reader system ( for text recognition of scanned documents), project management systems MS Project and Open Plan, scanning equipment (TWAIN interface). Security subsystem supporting public key infrastructure. The subsystem ensures the use of an electronic digital signature to confirm the authorship of user actions in the system and the integrity of data; Encrypts confidential documents; implements the issuance, storage and revocation of user certificates in accordance with the X.509 standard. The use of this subsystem makes it possible to implement automated paperless office management and document management systems. Scanning and imaging subsystem. Having your own scanning subsystem allows you to organize integrated input and registration of paper documents in the system in the most efficient way, without using third-party software. XML support. The presence of a specialized XML gateway (LanDocs subsystem: XML EXCHANGE SUBSYSTEM) allows you to build geographically distributed document flow systems that combine many local systems electronic document management, built both on the basis of LanDocs software and

22. System 1C: Enterprise. Purpose and scope.

The 1C:Enterprise software system is designed to solve a wide range of accounting and management automation problems facing dynamically developing modern enterprises.

"1C:Enterprise" is a system of application solutions built on common principles and on a single technology platform. The manager can choose a solution that meets the current needs of the enterprise and will further develop as the enterprise grows or the automation tasks expand.

Name Description
1C ACCOUNTING Allows you to automate the maintenance of all sections of accounting.
1C:TRADE AND WAREHOUSE Designed to record all types of trading operations.
1C:SALARY AND PERSONNEL Designed to automate payroll calculations and maintain personnel records at enterprises of various types of financing and forms of ownership.
1C:ENTREPRENEUR A ready-made solution for accounting and reporting by individual entrepreneurs.
1C: ASPECT Everything you need for trade accounting at wholesale and small wholesale trade enterprises.
1C:PAYMENT DOCUMENTS Designed for generating, accounting and printing primary documents: payment orders, invoices, cash receipts and debit orders, bills, invoices, powers of attorney, advance reports, as well as payment requests, demands-orders, applications for letters of credit and collection orders.
1C: TAXPAYER The program was developed on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the 1C company and the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation (now the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation).
1C: MONEY The 1C:Money program allows you to take into account, analyze and plan current and upcoming expenses and receipts, purchase and sale of goods, valuable papers, property, debts and loans, currency exchange, and maintaining a budget.

Accounting and management tasks can differ significantly depending on the type of activity of the enterprise, industry, specifics of products or services provided, the size and structure of the enterprise, and the required level of automation. It is difficult to imagine one program designed for mass use and yet satisfying the needs of most businesses. At the same time, the manager, on the one hand, needs a solution that corresponds to the specifics of his enterprise, but, on the other hand, he understands the advantages of using a mass-proven product. The combination of these needs is what the program system provides.

· New software products and accounting solutions for individual entrepreneurs and organizations using a simplified taxation system

· Development of accounting capabilities for self-supporting and budgetary organizations

· Development tax accounting for income tax in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia

· Advanced payroll and HR accounting capabilities

· New solutions for financial planning and analysis financial condition

· Significant development of accounting and planning functions for production activities

· New opportunities for management accounting, analysis and planning of trade operations; expanding the range of automated tasks for trade and warehouse accounting

Software products of the 1C:Enterprise system can be adapted to any accounting features at a particular enterprise. The system includes a Configurator, which provides:

· setting up the system for various types of accounting;

· implementation of any accounting methodology;

· organization of any directories and documents of any structure;

· customizing the appearance of information entry forms;

· customizing the behavior and algorithms of the system in various situations using a built-in object-oriented language;

· wide design possibilities for creating printed forms of documents and reports using various fonts, frames, colors, drawings;

· the ability to visually present information in the form of diagrams;

· quick configuration changes using "constructors".

In some cases, the accounting system adopted by the organization is unique. Then the standard configuration included in the 1C:Enterprise software products can be taken as a model for creating a unique configuration, completely focused on the characteristics of your organization.

The configurator, which is part of the 1C:Enterprise software products, allows you not only to change elements of the standard configuration, but also to create your own configuration from scratch. Such development can be carried out by employees of the organization in which the system is installed, or by specialists from the 1C franchise network.

23. Basic concepts 1C: Enterprises.

Basic concepts of 1C:Enterprise

Constants. As a rule, constants are used to work with permanent and conditionally permanent information, but they can also represent periodically changing data. Basically, this is the most general information about the organization in which accounting is kept: “Name of the enterprise”, “VAT amount”, “Full name of the chief accountant”, etc.

Directories. Designed to store information about a variety of similar objects that are used in maintaining analytical accounting and for filling out documents.
Typically, directories are lists of fixed assets, materials, organizations, currencies, goods, employees and others.

1C:Enterprise supports working with multi-level directories and subordinate directories.

Typical examples transfers are types of payment (cash, non-cash, barter), type of founder ( entity, individual), types of enterprise employees (full-time, part-time), etc.

Documentation. Documents can be used to reflect any events occurring in the enterprise, as well as to manage calculations and data in 1C:Enterprise. As a rule, the set of documents in 1C:Enterprise coincides with the set of real primary documents used in the organization that need to be entered into the information base: payment order, invoice, receipt and expenditure invoice, cash orders, etc.

Each document has a visual representation (screen form) and can have an unlimited number of details in the header and in the multi-line part, which are filled in when it is issued (entered into the system). In addition, the document usually has a printed form, which is its "paper" equivalent.
An important property of the document is its ability to automatically generate an accounting transaction. Such an operation will belong to the document. Operations entered manually are also, in fact, documents of a special type, which is called “Operation”.

Magazines. Journals are provided for viewing documents in 1C:Enterprise.
The Document Journal allows you to view a list of documents divided by document type, or all documents at once.

Reports and processing. Reports are used to obtain various information, containing results or detailed information selected according to certain criteria. Reports are used both to analyze accounting results and the flow of funds (turnover balance sheet, order journal, etc.), and to generate data for tax inspectorates and other authorities (balance sheet, tax reporting, reports to extra-budgetary funds).

Processing is used to perform various service or regulatory actions, for example, indexing prices in product directories.

User's work. The user works with the information base when the system is started in 1C:Enterprise mode. At the same time, the actual functioning of the system in the subject area is carried out: documents and operations are entered, directories are filled out, various reports are generated, various routine calculations are performed, etc.

The user is given the opportunity to enter and process information described in the structure configuration using algorithms created at the configuration stage.

Basic principles of accounting in 1C:Enterprise.

Since the Accounting component has greater flexibility and provides more customization options compared to other 1C:Enterprise components, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention concepts of accounting in 1C:Enterprise.

As you know, accounting is based on concepts such as accounts, subaccounts, and objects of analytical accounting. The main concept of the Accounting component is the account. An account has a number of properties - it can be currency, contain subaccounts, have analytical accounting objects, etc. All accounts are collected in one or more charts of accounts. At the same time, the chart of accounts is a tool that allows you to customize accounting to the requirements of a particular enterprise.

When setting up charts of accounts, the configuration defines the accounting capabilities. Whether only synthetic accounting will be used, or whether analytical accounting, as well as currency or quantitative accounting will be required - all these possibilities are specified when configuring the chart of accounts. Since the main element of the chart of accounts is the account, when new accounting capabilities are added, it acquires new properties.

When entering the accounts themselves (in the configuration or in the infobase), the chart of accounts specifies the method of accounting for each account: the presence of subaccounts, currency accounting, analytical and quantitative accounting.

Accounts and sub-accounts

The presence of accounts allows you to obtain general information about the company’s funds in accounting. For greater detail of the information received, subaccounts are used. So, for example, account 68 may contain subaccounts 68.1, 68.11, etc. This is the simplest example of a subaccount, usually used in accounting. It can be said that in in this case The chart of accounts has a two-level structure, where the top level is account 68, all subaccounts subordinate to it are on the lower, second level. In the 1C:Enterprise system it is possible to maintain subaccounts with more than complex structure: a subaccount can, in turn, have its own “subaccount” and so on. The length of the account and subaccounts subordinate to it can be different and is determined at the system configuration stage.

Currency accounting

The 1C:Enterprise system allows you to maintain currency accounting for several currencies. The very possibility of maintaining currency accounting is specified in the system configuration. All used currencies are specified in the currency directory.

A specific account is considered a currency account if it is given the corresponding attribute in the chart of accounts. For all currency accounts, summary information is accumulated on the account for each currency separately, as well as for the account as a whole. For each currency, the total information on the account is accumulated both in currency terms and in the equivalent of the base currency. If there is a rate in the currency directory, then when entering transactions, the transaction amount will be automatically calculated based on the currency amount and the current rate.

Operations and postings

To reflect data about economic activity Enterprises use transactions in accounting. Each transaction contains one or more entries that fully reflect the corresponding business transaction in the accounting records.

Each of the postings, in turn, can consist of one or more correspondence. Postings containing several correspondence are called complex transactions. In complex transactions, the debit of one account corresponds with the credit of several accounts, or vice versa.

The operation includes not only transactions, but also some general part that characterizes it as a whole - this is the content of the operation, its total amount, date, number, as well as other details determined by the configuration.

Postings in the 1C:Enterprise system are always entered as part of a transaction. It is not possible to enter transactions separately, outside of a transaction. In the future, both transactions and postings can be viewed in the transaction journal and in the posting journal. When editing or deleting an operation, all transactions for this operation are changed or deleted.

All operations in the system can be entered either manually, using the operation form, or through documents for which operation generation is defined in the configuration. Using documents makes it easier to enter a business transaction. When entering a transaction in this way, the user does not need to fill in all the data about the transaction: as a rule, the necessary information about the business transaction is entered into the document, and postings are generated automatically when posting the document.
When entering a transaction manually, the data is entered directly by the user. However, to facilitate manual entry business transactions provided special remedy, called standard operations. Usage typical operations automates the entry of standard or frequently used transactions. Unlike documents, which are completely customized in the configuration, typical operations are entered directly when the user works with the information base. Setting up typical operations is easier than creating documents, but when used, documents provide greater convenience when entering data.

Accounting division

The 1C:Enterprise system allows you to maintain accounting records for several enterprises in one information base. An accounting separator is used for this purpose. An accounting separator means a certain value, for example, “Company,” which is entered in each transaction and allows you to obtain all accounting results for each such value separately. This allows you to actually get several independent balances. Accounting division is determined at the system configuration stage.


The 1C:enterprise system provides powerful tools for working with primary documents. The primary documents supported by the system can be, for example, payment orders, invoices for payment, various invoices, powers of attorney and any other documents.

When working with documents, the system provides a wide range of capabilities that provide convenient entry, viewing, searching and printing of documents.
The functions of working with documents and maintaining accounting records in 1C:Enterprise can be used both separately and interconnectedly. The joint use of these functions is determined by the possibility of automatic generation of accounting transactions by documents.


To obtain accounting results, as well as other summary or detailed information, reports are used in 1C:Prsdpriyatiya. The number and composition of reports that can be received when using the system are entirely determined in the configuration. Reports used in practice can be divided into several types.

Standard reports. They are usually included in the standard configuration. Standard reports are designed for use in almost any organization and for any section of accounting. Basically, they provide accounting results in various sections for any specified accounts, types of subaccounts, and currencies. Standard reports include such reports as “Turnover balance sheet”, “Account analysis”, “Account card” and others. Such reports are used very widely directly in accounting to analyze accounting results at the level of accounts, subaccounts, currencies, analytical objects, various periods and detailed entries.

Regulated reports. These are reports intended for transmission to various regulatory authorities. The composition and content of these reports are determined by various government agencies. These reports are usually developed by 1C for Russia and by its regional partners for other countries. In addition, separate regulated reports can be created by other organizations and program users themselves, for example, this may concern specific industry or local reporting forms.

Specialized reports. They are usually created in a specific configuration directly for a given organization and solve more specific problems. Custom reports are usually focused on a specific accounting section and the specific setup of accounts and analytics in that configuration. They are created when it is necessary to obtain specific samples of information or a special type of printed form.

24. SADD “Delo” is the leading domestic system for office automation and document flow.

Historically, institutions in Russia and the CIS countries have developed a unified and strictly regulated methodology for organizing work with documents. “Delo” is a software system for automating traditional domestic office work on a qualitatively new technological basis - using the capabilities of a modern institutional computer network.

"Case" is successfully used for automation management activities in domestic ministries and departments, territorial authorities authorities, at enterprises in various fields of activity.

Complex of programs of the "Delo" family:

1. allows you to automate document flow in accordance with domestic standards, taking into account established office work practices;

2. provides the opportunity to organize the flow of work in an institution with control over the movement and execution of documents;

3. scalable - can be installed on one computer, on an institutional network or in various structural units with independent office work;

4. supports a centralized and decentralized scheme for organizing office work, ensuring the construction of geographically distributed corporate document flow systems.

25. Main functions of SADD “Delo” – 26. Approaches and goals of implementation of SADD “Delo”.

Registration of documents

For each accounting document in the Delo system, a registration and control card (RC) is generated, in which information about the document is entered.

Both documents received from outside and those created within the organization (orders, instructions, contracts, acts, invoices, etc.) can be registered, incl. and draft documents.

In addition to the traditional set of details provided for by regulatory documents ( registration number, summary, composition, access mark, addressees, etc.), the RC of various types of documents may contain a number of additional details specific to each organization and determined by the customer independently. This set of additional details.

Document processing and storage

Any number of files containing the document itself in a computer form of representation (for example, a facsimile image of a paper document, text, audio or video material, etc.) can be “attached” to the card. These files may come over communication lines or be created directly within the organization using scanners, microphones, or other devices connected to the computer.

For enterprises with a large volume of scanning of incoming documents, the option of “stream” scanning of documents is provided, with their subsequent attachment to document cards.

Movement of documents

The Delo system implements a work progress management mechanism (workflow), which ensures the processing and transfer of documents between system users. In this case, the basis for the automatic transfer of a document from one official to another is the fact of a resolution indicating the executors of the document, as well as the fact of drawing up a report on the execution of the document. Executed documents are written off to the file. The details of archival storage of documents are entered into the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Sending documents

The Delo-Enterprise system allows you to create registers for the distribution of paper documents for an institution's expedition, overprint envelopes, and also send documents to their recipients using e-mail systems, using encryption and digital signature.

Reference and analytical work

As the system operates, it accumulates an information base of institution documents. The system provides a search for documents in this database using a combination of any RK details, including additional details, as well as a contextual search based on the content of the document itself. Documents selected as a result of the search can be stored in users’ personal folders. In the system, it is possible to obtain a set of standard reporting forms that determine the volume of the organization’s document flow and the progress of document execution. In addition, the system has an open programmer interface (API), which allows the customer to independently create programs for generating their reporting forms.

Working with related documents

Supports the ability to establish links between related documents certain relationships(in fulfillment, canceling or complementing each other, etc.). Any document in the system can be associated with any number of documents, both registered in the system and located outside it (on file servers public access or Internet sites). This allows the formation of hypertext networks of registered documents with the ability to navigate (moving along links between the Republic of Kazakhstan and viewing a chain of interconnected documents).

Regulation of access rights

User rights in the system are determined when registering the user and regulate both access rights to file cabinets and documents in accordance with their classifications, as well as the set of functions available to a given user (registration, editing, writing off a document, removing control, etc.)

Execution control

The Delo system implements control over the execution of documents, both at the level of the author of the resolution, and centralized control with the ability to generate reports on the execution of control documents. The system provides automatic printing of standard journals, certificates and reports.

Full-text search by document content

The DELO-Enterprise system (version for MS SQL Server) implements full-text search functions. In previous versions, the search is carried out only by a combination of any details of document registration cards.B new version All old features have been preserved, and full-text search has been added directly according to the contents of the document. Moreover, a combined search works: simultaneously by a combination of registration card details and the contents of the documents themselves. All major ones supported electronic formats documents: Word, Excel, HTML, ASCII.

Electronic document management

"Case" includes the subsystem " Email", which allows for the electronic exchange of documents and their registration cards between organizations using Delo. To protect transmitted information from unauthorized access, the subsystem can use encryption systems and digital signatures of messages sent over open communication channels.


The Delo system provides the ability to access data stored by the system in the mode of reading it by other programs. Such programs, if necessary, can be developed by the customer to provide the required expansion of the system’s consumer properties, for example:

· to display system data in the most convenient reporting form for the customer;

· to generate requests of the required type for searching and selecting data;

· to access system data via INTERNET (INTRANET);

· to export system data to other customer databases, etc.

The Delo system provides an interface for accessing data through a set of ActiveX objects developed in accordance with Microsoft COM technology. The use of this technology makes it possible to develop and operate any programs using data from the Delo system in the Microsoft Windows environment.

27. General characteristics of the electronic document management system “Euphrates” and its main functions.

The EUFRAT-Document Management system allows you to build a full-fledged system for managing business processes and documents of an organization, and also contains all the necessary tools for the successful organization of electronic document management of any company, regardless of the number and form of ownership. The system is designed to work within a small department, for example, an office or local organization in general, and within a geographically distributed organization with a complex pattern of information flows.

The EUFRAT-Document Flow system helps in solving next tasks:

1. increasing the efficiency of business process management by improving performance discipline, optimizing control over task completion and analyzing the organization’s activities;

2. reduction of unproductive costs of employee working time and financial costs for consumables;

3. creation of a unified information space of the enterprise;

4. ensuring the reliability of accounting and storage of documents;

5. organization effective protection information.

EUPHRAT-Document Management allows you to:

· automate the registration of documents and tasks;

· provide effective interaction employees in the framework of work on documents;

· Perform instant search for information;

· control the execution of work initiated by documents and tasks;

· monitor the status of ongoing processes and analyze the workload of personnel through the generation of various logs and reports;

· organize long-term storage of organization documents;

· ensure differentiation of employee access rights to information.

The new version of the EUFRAT-Document Flow system supports work in organizations with a geographically distributed management structure. This allows you to organize end-to-end work on documents and tasks between the main office and geographically remote branches. Information is transmitted between offices in encrypted form.

To ensure confidentiality of work with documents, all employees are given access rights in accordance with their job responsibilities and status in the organization.

In the system, you can create custom roles and specify them instead of specific performers, which allows you to organize work in the mode of temporary or permanent replacement of one employee with another.
Logging of user actions, cryptographic encryption and the use of digital signatures when approving documents completely eliminates the possibility of unauthorized access.

Searching for documents is possible not only by any of the fields of the registration card, but also by the text of the files attached to the card.

The EUFRAT-Document Flow system allows you to completely reproduce and optimize the processes of processing documents and tasks in an organization due to a flexible route design mechanism. The system supports parallel (having several co-executors) and sequential (execution of tasks one after another) routing of orders and tasks. A convenient, customizable system of notifications and reminders helps managers quickly monitor the status of work, employees to properly organize their work, and thus improve performance discipline In the organisation. All main actions for each order and task (starting work, acceptance for execution, sending a report, changing deadlines, creating sub-assignments and subtasks, special marks) are recorded in the “Progress of Execution” field, which simplifies the work of the controller, allowing him to quickly determine at any time at what stage the execution of a particular order is.

The system includes the following modules:

1. User's workstation - a universal workstation for access to the system;

2. Administrator's workstation - a tool for setting up and administering the system;

3. module " Graphic Designer routes" - a tool for designing typical document processing processes in an organization;

4. module "Form Designer" - a tool for setting up registration and control cards;

5. module "Logs and Reports Manager" - a tool for setting up report templates on the organization's activities;

6. means EDS settings and logging user actions;

7. "Mail Client" module - a tool for working with email messages.

28. Characteristics of the SADD “Euphrates” electronic archive.

29. System automated document flow"Directum". General characteristics.

Directum is a corporate electronic document management and interaction management system aimed at increasing the efficiency of all employees of the organization in various areas of their joint activities.

The Directum system supports the full cycle of working with electronic documents, while traditional “paper” office work organically fits into the electronic document flow of an organization with developed horizontal connections. In addition, Directum provides effective organization and control of business processes: approval of documents, processing of complex orders, preparation and holding of meetings, support of the sales cycle and other interaction processes.

The solution to the described problems is provided by modules Directum systems:

1. Electronic document management. Creation and storage of various unstructured documents (MS Word texts, MS Excel spreadsheets, Visio drawings, CorelDraw, etc.); full-text and attribute search; versions of documents and electronic digital signature; structuring documents into folders; assigning access rights to documents; history of working with documents.

2. Management business processes. Support of document approval and processing processes at all stages of their life cycle (docflow); issuing electronic tasks and monitoring their execution; interaction between employees during business processes; support for free and rigid routes (workflow).

3. Meeting management. Organization of preparation and holding of meetings (coordination of place and time, composition of participants, agenda); generation and distribution of the protocol; monitoring the implementation of meeting decisions.

4. Office. Registration of paper documents in accordance with the requirements of the State Budgetary Educational Institution; maintaining a list of cases with flexible rules for document numbering; control of the location of paper documents.

5. Customer interaction management. Maintaining a unified database of organizations and contact persons; maintaining a history of meetings, calls and correspondence with clients; support of the sales process in accordance with regulated stages; planning marketing activities; analysis of sales effectiveness and marketing influences.

Effective use of the Directum system is also ensured by the following components:

· Replication server. Creation of geographically distributed systems exchanging off-line; hierarchical system of secondary servers; customizable composition of replicated data.

· Web access server to Directum. Access using a browser from anywhere in the world to documents, tasks, assignments, etc.

· Subject-specific development tool IS-Builder. Modification and development of new electronic document cards, directories and reports; built-in programming language; customizing card forms and events; integration with other systems.

30. Organization teamwork with documents, searching and analyzing information in the electronic document management system “Directum”.

Related information.

Article 17 Federal Law 129-FZ “On Accounting” obliges organizations to keep source documents at least 5 years. Therefore, companies working with large volumes of documents often turn to storage services for original documents. The cost of storage services reaches 80% of the cost of document management, since the cost structure cannot be called transparent - the provision of originals and copies of documents at the request of employees and maintaining a register of documents are paid separately. At the same time, quick access to the originals is impossible and the risk of loss and damage to documents remains.
Availability large quantity processes and business transactions and, as a consequence, working with a large flow of financial and other documents lead to the next problem: when to store and search for numerous documents to make and control decisions made, as well as prepare for tax audits it becomes extremely difficult.

Reducing the cost of storing documents and increasing the efficiency of processing paper documentation is possible by creating an electronic archive of documents (archive of accounting documentation, archive of technical documentation, archive of client files, etc.), which implies the creation of scanning centers and the implementation of an appropriate automated system that ensures capture, storage, processing and provision of documents taking into account necessary protection personal data of clients.

Possessing highly qualified and vast experience, LANIT specialists have created a unique hardware and software complex, combining the capabilities of the ABBYY and LanDocs platforms, to solve such problems as:
1. Formation of an electronic archive of scanned copies of documents, which ensures reliable and long-term storage, as well as the use of a large volume of various information;
2. Construction of a system for recording the receipt and transmission of paper documents;
3. Reducing the number of errors in the process of working with documents, as well as the risk of their damage and loss.
The LANIT company offers to use the Electronic Archive, which has three functional components:

1. Scanning paper versions of documents. Implemented using equipment from leading scanning equipment manufacturers (Kodak, Panasonic, Fujitsu, etc.).
2. Recognition, verification and conversion into electronic versions of documents. Implemented on the basis of ABBYY Recognition Server.
3. Storage and prompt access to original documents and electronic copies. Implemented based on LanDocs.
LANIT has developed a unique electronic archive solution based on two platforms LanDocs and ABBYY Recognition Server and having the following architecture:

IN electronic archive LANIT has the following functional modules:

1. Subsystem for scanning paper documents:
Provides work with documents that have a barcode or QR code printed on the first sheet;
Allows you to separate documents in a stack when scanning if there is a barcode on the first page;
Sends files created as a result of scanning to stations in ABBYY Recognition Server to the server;

2. Recognition subsystem:
Provides the ability to automatically recognize data from barcodes and determine the types of each document (contract, passport, etc.);
Provides export of each document (contract, passport, marriage certificate, driver's license, etc.) as a separate file with a name corresponding to the type of document (contract, application form, driver's license) to a predefined network resource, and also generates image files (for example - V PDF format or TIFF) and an XML file containing attribute information from the barcode of the document created by the ABS, namely client ID, contract ID, document type, client’s full name and region information, which is determined by the scanning point (scanning center) ) a scanned document has arrived. implements guaranteed file delivery;

3. Document storage and retrieval subsystem:
Scans a specific network resource at a specified time interval for new documents from ABBYY RS;
Processes XML files with document attributes;
Automatically generates a client card with attributes, where the document and its scanned image are attached;
Determines availability existing client in the client file file and adds only new documents and their scanned images to the existing client card;
Automatically generates a client registration card and a contract registration card and attaches scanned documents with all attributes if the corresponding cards are not in the database;
Allows you to organize documents in a custom hierarchy of personal and public folders for classification and quick access to documents. In this case, a link mechanism is used, when links to one document can be in several folders at the same time;
Provides search for documents by contract or client attributes (contract ID, client ID, document type, contract type, full name)
Allows you to establish arbitrary connections between various documents(for example: contract – scan of passport);

Provides information about the location of a paper copy of a document (in the context of a folder - box), the movement and removal of a paper copy of a document;
Takes into account all actions performed by users with documents (creation, modification, viewing, deletion, etc.) with the ability to view the history of actions;
Provides differentiation of access to documents for groups and users of the system for such actions as creation, editing, viewing, deleting and managing rights, as well as in accordance with regional division;
Makes it possible for administrators to add new fields on document registration cards and create new cards using a visual designer, a program that allows you to quickly and conveniently add new fields and their order;
Provides statistics in various sections for a given period by system users, clients and products, and the presence of a built-in report designer allows you to create reports on data stored in the system.

6. Main functions of the system. LanDocs: CASE PROCESS

LanDocs system: CLASSROOM allows you to perform the following main functions:

· registration of documents;

· entering document texts and supporting functions for working with files;

· exchange of documents and messages, sending tasks for execution;

· control of execution of documents and tasks;

· work in substitution mode;

· tracking office work connections between documents, creating complex structured folders;

· navigation and search of documents;

· reporting on document flow;

· scanning paper documents, working with document images (using LAN Image tools);

· integration with office applications for working with electronic documents;

· integration with external Windows applications;

· use of electronic signatures; execution and control of office work operations on documents;

· work via the Internet;

· maintaining directories.

7. Document in the LanDocs system

LanDocs is a system focused on working with documents. A document in the LanDocs system is a collection of data on the document and information objects associated with the document - registration card, files and their versions with the text of the document, information on the history of the movement of the document, electronic digital signature, etc. Thus, a document registered in the LanDocs system is understood as a special information object - “LanDocs Document”.

A LanDocs document is a combination of three main components: a registration card, document text (a file with the text of the document attached to the registration card), information about the history of working with the document (the history of the movement and execution of office work and system operations related to accessing the document). When entering a document into the system, information about the document is not simply entered and the text of the document is entered, but a new information object is created - a LanDocs document, which, if the document text is present, represents a full-fledged document.

· Registration card – created for each document (paper or electronic) that needs to be entered into the system. The document registration card contains attributes that characterize the document and serve to search for the document. The attributes of the registration card, as a rule, coincide with the details of the document.

· Document file (document text containing text, table, image, sound, etc.) – attached to the registration card and saved in the system in the original file format (without conversion). The system allows you to store several files for one document and multiple versions of one file. The list of file formats allowed for use is determined by the administrator. The file can be imported into the system and defined as the first version of the document text directly when creating the document or subsequently. If the document exists in the form of a paper original, then it can be, then it can be scanned by the LAN Image software module called to perform import with scanning; in the future, the image of the document will be stored in the system as an electronic image of the document, presented in a graphic format.

· Information about the history of document movement and work with the document - is a set of information contained in the list of messages on the document and entries in the system operation protocols regarding information about applied electronic signatures.

"Representing" a document in the system as a "LanDocs document" allows you to give LanDocs documents the same functional purpose, which ordinary “paper” documents have: information, management and legal.

8. Principles of information protection and delimitation of user powers

The mechanisms for protecting information and delineating user powers implemented in the LanDocs system allow you to:

· protect against unauthorized entry with a password;

· determine user access rights to documents of various levels of confidentiality;

· personalize the right of access to a document by defining a list of persons who have the right to work with the document;

· encrypt (encode) confidential documents.

The system is equipped with password protection for logging into the system. When a user logs into the system, he is prompted for his name and password, after which the system allows him to perform only the functions that are granted to the user in accordance with his functional rights.

Additional differentiation of user powers to access documents is implemented based on the mechanism of confidentiality levels.

The system provides File Rights - a list of operations with document files that are regulated for each file. For a file already entered into a document, the following rights can be assigned:

· return to the previous version;

· changing the file name;

· changing the file status;

· assignment of rights to a file;

· viewing;

· editing;

· removal.

When using LanDocs software: SECURITY SUBSYSTEM, the integrity of LanDocs documents is additionally protected (auditing security at the software level).

When used for long-term storage of non-rewritable media, audit security is ensured at the physical level in relation to document files.

Additional funds safety can be included in the technological cycle of use and maintenance of the system.

... (including through automation of documentation support), any management should pay attention to solving these problems. Practical part thesis was carried out on the basis of the Office of the Federal Registration Service for the Belgorod Region and included a survey of the documentation support in the institution, the organization of its work, as well as a survey of staff...

... : · work organization; · documentation flow management; · coordination of types of work with documents; · control over the sequence of work with documents; · organization of work on documentation support management. Tasks DOW services: · improvement of forms and methods of working with documents; · provision uniform order documentation; · ...

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