Loan for organizing a small business. Loan for individual entrepreneurs with zero reporting

The variety of business loans is now very large. An entrepreneur is often able to find a truly profitable loan only after a long run around to different banks and several refusals. Let's review attractive and popular options.

Loans to legal entities with low interest rates

If your priority is to receive “cheap” money, then pay attention to the following banks (follow the links for a detailed description and analysis):

Promsvyazbank has several real offers with 10% per annum. VTB 24 also offers relatively favorable options; with Sberbank the situation is more complicated (due to the large number of programs), but this state bank can also give borrowers good conditions.

Rosselkhozbank works with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in agriculture, fish farming, logging and processing. These industries are supported by the state; SMEs in them can count on good options.

With fast processing and no deposit

The interest rate in this case is higher, sometimes significantly higher (the specifics depend on the specifics of the business). But no collateral is required and the refusal rate for such loans is much lower than in the first case.

Most often, the borrower in the agreement is an individual - the owner (in the case of individual entrepreneurs, the differences are insignificant).

The most profitable loans for individual entrepreneurs

In fact, it is not very correct to single out individual entrepreneurs and consider them in isolation from legal entities. An individual entrepreneur may similarly be interested in a favorable interest rate or the absence of the need to encumber his hard-earned property with collateral.

However, if we proceed from the established practice, according to which, then it is worth paying attention to banks that are more loyal to entrepreneurs. With a certain degree of convention, these are Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Promsvyazbank and the options listed in the previous section. A quick issuance of an unsecured loan means that the credit institution is ready to work closely with the individual entrepreneur.

What does it take to stay a winner?

The loan agreement has many conditions. Above are two extreme options: “cheap, but long and with paperwork” and “expensive, but fast and without special requirements.” Of course, the same bank can work with both types.

Strictly speaking, there are no “favorable conditions at all.” There are only loans that are suitable or not suitable for a specific situation.

For example, if you have a seasonal business with a short cycle, then the decisive factor is time and the likelihood of a positive decision on the application. You need to get money quickly, invest it in business and make a profit. An extra few percent in this case is not a problem, especially if you manage to pay off ahead of schedule.

And if you are starting a new project that provides for a long investment horizon, then you can take your time, send applications to several banks, compare options, maybe even wait until some promotion appears or specifically build a credit history.

In other words, when evaluating and analyzing a loan program, you need to take into account:

  1. interest rate (this is obvious);
  2. size and form of security (needed, not needed, what kind);
  3. review and processing time;
  4. package of documents (in case it may be minimal);
  5. probability of a positive decision;
  6. additional commissions and overhead costs (an often not obvious expense is life insurance);
  7. the amount of time and money it will take to complete the contract.

The last point is often ignored. People sometimes spend a lot of personal (expensive!) time sending applications, running around to different banks and approvals. And also, they spend gasoline on travel, pay for obtaining various government certificates... only to prove to the bank their solvency and achieve a winning of half a percent.

And this 0.5% sometimes turns out to be much less than the sum of costs and nerves. An excellent example of such an attitude towards business is immortalized in “The Big Ration” by Yu. Dubov:

For another four days, no one in the office did anything else - everyone organized negotiations for him with the management of the Moscow River Shipping Company. In this restaurant, in that restaurant... Larry couldn’t stand it and asked: Marik, what are you talking to them about for so long? And he answers, proudly, that he is knocking down the price of the tug by three thousand. Larry moved his mustache, apparently counting how much was spent on restaurants for this, but said nothing.

Therefore, all criteria must be taken into account. We wish you profitable loans!

Lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses now exist in almost every major bank. For individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, they offer not just money, but targeted programs developed taking into account the needs of business owners and the characteristics of their field of activity.

What loans can you get to open and develop a business in Moscow?

Small and medium-sized businesses are offered several targeted programs:

  • loan for current expenses: money is provided for any purpose;
  • , for carrying out expenditure transactions and increasing inventory;
  • for the purchase of commercial real estate and land;

Loan programs vary in the form of receipt. Many banks offer express lending, which allows you to urgently receive funds without guarantors and with a minimum package of documents.

A targeted loan can be obtained by both beginning businessmen and owners of long-established enterprises. Especially for startups, banks offer loans to small businesses from scratch. As part of this program, you can buy a franchise, a ready-made enterprise, and also receive financing for the development of a business developed according to your own business plan.

Loans for small businesses - conditions and requirements

Conditions vary depending on the bank and the purpose of the loan. Lenders consider applications from owners of enterprises with annual revenues of up to 400 million rubles. Special requirements are put forward regarding the period of activity of the company. The business should not be less than 3 months old (in some banks - at least 6-12 months).

Conditions depend on the loan program:

  • rates from 11% per annum;
  • a loan for a business from scratch in Moscow can only be obtained with a guarantor or secured by collateral;
  • term – up to 5 years;
  • When purchasing commercial real estate, transport and equipment, a down payment is required.

To get a loan to buy a business in Moscow, you will need to collect an extensive package of papers:

  • personal documents of the business owner (passport, TIN);
  • reports on the financial activities of the enterprise;
  • constituent documents.

If the loan is issued to start a business, then the borrower needs to provide a business plan and documents on registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. When choosing a loan program, you should proceed from the goals, requirements of banks and your capabilities. A loan calculator will help you quickly calculate the monthly payment, interest and overpayment amount.

If you want to organize your own business in Moscow, every entrepreneur is faced with a choice: to implement his own ideas or to purchase a ready-made business. In any case, you need initial capital to start. If this is not available, the best way is to take out a loan from a bank. However, not every financial institution is willing to provide loans to small businesses. And those that provide such services set loan terms that are unfavorable for a beginning entrepreneur and require a huge list of documentation. Answer the question: “Where can I get a loan to buy an existing business in Moscow?” our service will help. We have collected up-to-date information about the best banks and financial institutions that are interested in investing in private entrepreneurship.

Terms of service

Most banks issue loans for ready-made businesses only to trusted clients who have various types of movable/immovable property and have large turnover. If you are a beginner entrepreneur, then you can relatively easily get a consumer loan or take advantage of specialized lending programs that operate on an ongoing basis in many banks. An example of this is the existing loan from Sberbank called “Leasing for Business”.

In this case, a loan for the purchase of premises or the purchase of any equipment for running a business is provided on the following conditions:

  • the maximum loan amount is up to 24 million rubles. (depends on solvency and security);
  • obtaining a loan for the purchase of a small business is possible both with and without collateral;
  • payment period up to 120 months;
  • You can take out a loan to purchase an existing business at a low interest rate of up to 10%;
  • The client's application is reviewed within 24 hours.

How to receive funds through CreditZnatok?

The CreditZnatok service has already helped many beginning entrepreneurs get money to purchase an existing business in Moscow. To apply for a loan through our website, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the available offers, choose the optimal loan conditions for yourself and submit an electronic application. Its form will become available to you after clicking the corresponding button. After filling out and sending the application, a representative of the financial institution will soon contact the entrepreneur to accurately determine the purposes of the loan (purchase of an existing business, purchase of premises, equipment, etc.). It is possible that you will receive the necessary amount only by personally visiting the bank premises, because you will need to provide some original documents, which the representative will additionally notify you about.

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch? Where can I get a soft loan to open a small business? What are the conditions for a loan to open a small business?

The most common question that new entrepreneurs ask themselves is: where to get start-up capital to open a business? If you can’t borrow money from your parents, friends, or get a loan from the government, there is only one option left – a bank. There is always money there and in any quantity.

Denis Kuderin is with you, a finance expert at HeatherBober magazine. I'll tell you how to take out a loan to open a small business, what requirements do banks impose on beginning businessmen, and whether preferential loans exist in nature for newly-minted individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

Read the article to the end - at the end you will find an overview of banks with the most favorable lending conditions and tips on how to increase the chances of a positive response from a financial company.

1. Loan for starting a small business - assistance to a beginning entrepreneur

Small business (SB) is a commercial enterprise whose number of employees does not exceed 100 people and whose annual revenue does not exceed 400 million rubles . Provided for small businesses special taxation regime and simplified accounting procedures.

Lack of start-up capital – the main stumbling block for novice businessmen. A lack of assets slows down the development of one’s own business, prevents the implementation of potentially profitable commercial ideas and interferes with self-realization.

Psychologically, people who are at the initial stage of opening their own business ready to risk borrowed funds for a successful start. They have a thoughtful plan and development strategy.

All that remains is to present your ideas to creditors and make them believe in the commercial potential of the future business.

But remember that only about 10% of small businesses break even or at least do not go bankrupt in the first 1-2 years after opening.

For this reason, banks are not eager to give out money to everyone. They have no interest in financing projects with an uncertain future. Therefore they you need a clear business plan, a guarantee or a franchise. And even better - liquid collateral.

Condition 2. Availability of security and guarantor

Collateral property – reliable money back guarantee. Secured loans are beneficial both to banks and, partly, to the borrowers themselves. The interest rate on such loans is lower, the terms are longer, and the documentation requirements are more flexible.

The following is taken as collateral:

  • liquid real estate - apartments, houses, land plots;
  • transport;
  • equipment;
  • securities;
  • other liquid assets.

It’s even better if, in addition to collateral, you have guarantors - individuals or legal entities. Have the right to become a guarantor city ​​or regional Entrepreneurship Centers, Business incubators and other structures that help aspiring businessmen.

Condition 3. Clean credit history

Banks check the credit history of all borrowers without exception.

  • successfully closed loans;
  • there are no sanctions for past delays;
  • There are no existing loans.

If you want fix your credit history, it will take time. The most effective way is to take several consecutive loans from microfinance organizations and close them on the company’s terms.

Condition 4. Complete package of documents

The more documents you provide to the bank, the greater the chances of a positive response. Make sure all documents are current and properly completed.

A definite plus - Availability of ready-made licenses and other permits for the type of activity you are going to engage in.

Let's take a break and watch a short video on the topic.

3. How to get a loan to open a small business from scratch - 5 simple steps for the borrower

First, decide on the amount you need. There is no need to take more than required, but lack of funds is also undesirable. Ideally needed professional financial analyst to calculate all costs.

Immediately think about whether you can provide the bank with collateral, if required, and find guarantors.

Open current account– no businessman can do without it.

The most convenient and fastest way to open accounts is in the following banks:

Step 1. Select a bank and lending program

Banks offer dozens of types of lending programs for beginning businessmen. Your goal is to choose the one that best suits your needs.

First, you should take an interest in the offers of the bank whose services you use. Salary clients and those who have a bank account deposit or current account, banks offer more favorable conditions.

It is more reliable to cooperate with well-known financial market players who have many branches in different cities of the Russian Federation.

Other important criteria:

  • independent bank rating– in Russia the most authoritative rating companies are RA “Expert” and “National Rating Agency”;
  • experience– you should not trust institutions that opened less than 5 years ago;
  • financial indicators– if banks have nothing to hide, they publish financial reports on their website;
  • reviews from other businessmen who have already used the company’s services;
  • Availability of preferential loans with state support– in case you manage to use such programs.

And another tip - read the latest news about the bank. Suddenly he changes owner or transfers its assets to another bank. You don't need any extra hassle with details.

In the Russian Federation, several dozen banks a year lose their licenses. Cooperate only with those companies whose position is stable and strong.

Step 2. Prepare documents

I already spoke about the package of documents above - the more complete it is, the better.

You will need:

  • passport;
  • the second document – ​​preferably TIN;
  • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • certificate of registration with the Tax Service;
  • licenses and permits (if any);
  • documents for collateral (if you are applying for a secured loan);
  • business plan;
  • income certificate (if any).

The bank has the right to require other documents - for example, list of purchased property for business activities, office lease agreement, etc.

Step 3. Submit an application

All modern banks accept applications online. Fill out the form, submit and wait for a decision. Please indicate the most detailed and reliable data– the bank will carefully check this information.

Do not try to hide information that is important for the lender - bankruptcy in the past, existing loans. The bank security service works no less efficiently than the police, when it comes to screening the borrower.

Banks will never take risks by issuing loans to those who are trying to defraud them. On the contrary, they will blacklist such citizens.

A significant portion of loans for start-up businessmen are issued on the terms down payment of 10-30% of the loan amount. It is worth preparing this amount in advance and convincing the bank that you have it.

Step 4. Conclude an agreement

A loan agreement is a serious thing. The financial well-being of your company and your own emotional and psychological well-being for many years to come depend on it. Paying under an agreement that you have not read is dangerous and stupid.

I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the draft of this document in advance and read it at home, in a calm environment. It’s even better to have it studied by a lawyer who understands the intricacies and pitfalls of business lending.

What to look for:

  • final interest rate;
  • payment schedule – is it convenient, does it meet your capabilities;
  • the procedure for calculating fines;
  • conditions for early repayment of the loan;
  • obligations and rights of the parties.

Study at the same time pledge agreement if you take out a loan with a guarantee. You need to know your rights as the owner of the collateral property.

Remember: if some clauses of the agreement do not suit you, you have the right to demand that the bank change the wording or even remove this clause completely.

There are no standard and formal banking agreements - they are all drawn up taking into account the individual conditions and circumstances of the transaction.

Step 5. Receive funds and open a business

All that remains is to receive funds to your current account or in cash and open your own business with them. Or the company will transfer money to the account of the seller from whom you are purchasing equipment or special equipment under the contract factoring or leasing.

4. Where to get a loan to open a small business - review of the TOP 5 banks

The expert department of our magazine monitored the credit market of the Russian Federation and compiled a list five most reliable banks.

Please note that in some of them it is more convenient to take out a consumer loan without specifying the purpose or to issue a credit card with a revolving limit. This option is suitable if you need a relatively small amount within 300-750 thousand rubles .

1) Sberbank

is the most famous bank in the Russian Federation, the leader of the country’s credit market. Uses the services of this organization 70% of Russia's population. Here they issue loans to individuals and legal entities.

Beginning entrepreneurs should pay attention to the loan program “ Trust”, which is ready to finance the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Business development loan available to companies with annual revenue up to 60 million rubles . The rate under the program is 16.5% per annum. The maximum amount is 3 million rubles.

There are other programs - “ Loan to replenish working capital», « Express bail», « Loan for the purchase of equipment and transport», « Leasing», « Business Asset», « Business-Invest"and others.

– loan programs for individuals and beginning businessmen. Tinkoff calls itself the most convenient bank for doing business.

If you require a small amount for the current needs of the enterprise, order a Tinkoff Platinum credit card. Its renewable limit is 300,000 rubles, and the base rate is from 15%. The interest-free period of use lasts 55 days. The card will be issued and delivered to your office or home free of charge.

– loans to individuals, companies and start-up entrepreneurs. Pay attention to a non-targeted loan without collateral in the amount of up to 3 million rubles and a base interest rate of 14.9% per annum.

There are special programs for existing and newly opened MB enterprises - “ Turnover"(replenishment of working capital), " Business perspective», « Overdraft" Take advantage of VTB Bank's offers depending on your goals.

4) Alfa-Bank

– loan programs for business and regular consumer loans in the amount of up to 5 million.

Pay attention to the unique product from Alpha - the Gemini card. This is a debit and credit card in one piece of plastic. Renewable limit – 500,000 rubles. The grace period applies to cash withdrawals. The record period of preferential use is 100 days.

5) Renaissance

– consumer loans for any needs in the amount of up to RUB 700,000. Special conditions for bank clients and borrowers who have provided additional documents.

If you urgently need a small amount for the current needs of the MB, order a Renaissance credit card with a limit 200 thousand and a preferential loan period of 55 days. Free issue and annual maintenance. The rate is 24.9% per year.

5. How to increase your chances of getting a loan to start a small business - 4 useful tips

If you want to increase the chances of a positive response from the bank - use our advice.

Read, memorize and put into practice!

Tip 1. Seek support from financial funds

If you do not have collateral, additional income and other obvious signs of solvency, try taking advantage of preferential loan programs and with the help of Entrepreneurship Centers in your city.

Such structures will provide guarantee to the bank or even take on part of the loan payments.

A number of Russian banks cooperate with the Centers and are ready to provide loans to entrepreneurs at a lower rate and without any collateral. The state reimburses the costs to the banks.

Franchising is an additional guarantee of MB success. Ideal option - buy a franchise from the bank’s partner companies. Financial institutions partner with large brands that have an effective business model.

Tip 3. Provide collateral and issue a guarantee

Collateral and guarantee help you achieve your credit goal as quickly as possible. If there is collateral interest rates are falling, and loan amounts and terms, on the contrary, are growing.

But it’s worth soberly assessing your financial capabilities. If you cannot pay off the loan, the collateral will be sold at a price of 40-50% of its real value. Yes, and you will let down the guarantors - your debts will also affect their credit history.

Tip 4. Use the services of financial brokers

Financial brokers know much more about business loans than first-time entrepreneurs. The services of such companies cost money, but if you find a truly professional and experienced broker, your costs will more than pay off.

6. Conclusion

A loan for starting a small business is a chance for entrepreneurs to launch a promising business project without personal savings. Many successful businessmen started with borrowed funds and now have billions in profits.

Question for readers

Do you think it’s worth pledging personal property as collateral for a business loan?

We wish you generous lenders and successful commercial projects! Write comments on the article, rate it, and share with friends on social networks. See you again!

Axiom of commerce - any business needs financial investments. This is especially true at the initial stage of activity. In order to earn money from implementing a business project, you must first invest it in it. Large projects require a lot of funds, small ones - a little less. But it is basically impossible to get rid of expenses under normal conditions.

It’s good if a novice businessman has at least some money. And if not, there are several options where you can legally get finance. One of them is to get a business loan from a bank. Its conditions should be softened compared to usual. Otherwise, there will be no successful start to the project. But even here certain subtleties and roughness arise.

Risks for the parties

Commercial banks provide loans only at interest. On general terms or preferential terms, but in addition to the loan itself, you will also have to repay the accrued interest. If the business is successful, then such a financial loan, no matter how difficult it may be, will pay for itself. What if not? An unsuccessful businessman will lose not only his business, but also his property. Otherwise, you will remain a debtor with all the ensuing legal consequences.

It should be noted that for a bank, issuing a loan for the development of a commercial business is considered a risky transaction. There is no unconditional guarantee that the loan a newly minted businessman received to create a small business from scratch will be returned. In the worst case, when the possibility of ruin appears on the horizon, an unlucky entrepreneur may, after a certain period of time (usually a month), declare himself bankrupt and refuse to return the funds received to the bank.

And yet, how to get a loan for a business from scratch? This is no more difficult than getting a regular loan for education, improving your living conditions, buying a car, and so on.


Despite such risks, loans on preferential terms for small businesses are slowly but still being resumed. It is also possible to take out a loan for a business from scratch, subject to certain strict conditions. However, there are no super-heavy impossible clauses in the contract:

  1. Good credit history of the borrower. Difficulties in repaying past loans, outstanding loans or late payments may be the reason for a loan refusal.
  2. Professional business plan. The self-evident possibility of earning money quickly, albeit small but sustainable, will force financial experts to agree with the borrower and issue the necessary solution.
  3. Availability of employment that provides additional income. A solid income makes it possible to successfully repay a loan received for the development of a small business from scratch.
  4. Availability of personal property that can be pledged against a loan. This is a serious guarantee of a mandatory refund.
  5. Availability of a reliable guarantor.
  6. The existence of start-up financial capital amounting to approximately 25% of the required amount.

There are other circumstances in the matter of starting a business from scratch. It is worth considering at least some of them.


Where can I get a loan for a small business from scratch, which bank should I contact? You need to understand that, firstly, not all financial institutions provide such loans, and secondly, the requirements and offers of the bank differ, and a businessman, of course, wants to choose the most profitable option.

Russians who want to organize their own business can take help from a number of financial institutions. Which banks provide loans for businesses from scratch? Small business loans from scratch are available in several banks in the Russian Federation - more about them below.


VTB24 offers the most favorable rates for legal entities registered in Russia, quite diverse conditions, including business loans for individual entrepreneurs. The approaches to LLCs and individual entrepreneurs differ significantly. Often, property is required as collateral to issue a loan. Specific examples:

  1. Express micro. The loan is given in an amount from 30,000 to 600,000 rubles for a period from 3 months to 3 years. Collateral personal property is not required.
  2. Small funds are released on the security of personal movable or immovable property for a period from 3 months to 7 years. The loan volume ranges from 600,000 to 30,000,000 rubles.
  3. Under contract. By issuing such a loan, the bank subsequently has the legal right to claim amounts under the agreement. The loan is issued for a period of 3 to 12 months. The loan volume varies from 150,000 to 6,000,000 rubles.


Sberbank issues a loan for a new business from scratch as part of the Business Start project. Funding is provided for an existing business project. It is also possible for an entrepreneur to operate as a franchise.

In addition, to register and develop your own business, you can join the Business Trust credit program of Sberbank. It does not require strict reporting on the purposes and directions of lending. "Business Trust" is:

  • loan without collateral guarantee;
  • volume of funds in the amount of 80,000-3,000,000 rubles;
  • there is no commission;
  • you need a guarantor - the owner of the company;
  • interest rate of 13.94% or more;
  • The repayment period ranges from 3 months to 3 years.


Rosselkhozbank presents individual loan products to strengthen small firms. There are no funding restrictions. The main focus is the agricultural sector, but there are other areas of loans for starting a business from scratch:

  1. Investment standard. The loan volume is 60 million rubles, the repayment period is up to 8 years. Deferred payments - up to 1.5 years. A personal loan repayment schedule is possible.
  2. For the purchase of machinery and/or equipment, a loan is issued only against the security of the purchased machinery and/or equipment. Payment deferment - up to one year. The loan period is up to 7 years.
  3. For the acquisition of land. Issued only on the security of the purchased land plot. Deferred payments - up to 2 years. The loan period is up to 8 years.
  4. For the purchase of young animals, a loan is issued only against the security of purchased farm animals. Payment deferment - 1 year.

"Alfa Bank"

At Alfa Bank there are only two types of business loans. But at the same time, managers report activities with small and medium-sized firms as their most important priority.

Financing methods

Modern banking methods of financing loans for starting a business from scratch have a number of subtleties. And the main one is to minimize the risks, both those discussed above and others (there are enough of them to consider the full list).

First of all, financial institutions face the task of determining the degree of financial risk when lending to small businesses that apply. Banks use two methods, quite different in the degree of objectivity and depth of analysis:

  1. Experts work on the application. In this case, making a final decision on the allocation of a loan depends to a large extent on a very subjective verification of the businessman’s arguments
  2. Another widespread way to determine the amount of risk is the use of an automated financial “scoring” system, which appeared half a century ago. Unencumbered by any emotions, the program counts the points received and takes into account the overall results based on the data specified in the client’s questionnaire. Scoring is divided by type: by points received (you need to reach the assigned level, many applicants do not reach it); against obvious fraudsters (through consideration of behavior, reveals factors confirming data about a possible threat to the bank’s assets); against irresponsible and frivolous borrower clients (the probability of delay is considered).

Receipt process

Obtaining a profitable business loan for an individual entrepreneur requires a certain strict procedure. Logistics of actions to obtain a loan to open a small business:

  1. First you need to send a reasoned application to the selected bank. It notes the form of activity and a specific lending program.
  2. Next, you need to provide information about your small business's financial situation. A loan for a business from scratch will be required and documents: you need to provide an identity card, TIN, a copy of the potential borrower’s work record, a certificate of income, documents confirming other income (bank deposit, shares of any companies, investments), papers establishing the right to real estate or other property that will act as collateral, and so on. The emphasis should be on the amount of profit received, a positive credit history, the availability of additional income or other sources of finance that will help return the money if things don’t work out.
  3. If the application is accepted (and this, as a rule, happens in most cases) and is considered, specific work begins - the terms of the loan are approved: the amount of funds, the chronological framework, the form of the loan.

Increase capabilities

How to get a loan for a business from scratch? When looking for a loan to develop his business, a novice entrepreneur needs to carefully select the bank in which he will then be serviced. Nuances:

  1. When analyzing the situation of financial institutions, it is necessary to ask whether there are special offers (and what nature they are) for the development of small enterprises.
  2. Advice and recommendations from commercial partners, acquaintances and friends who are in contact with a particular bank are important.
  3. Loans are distributed more freely for existing businesses. An application with an attached project for a business that has not yet begun has little chance of receiving financial support.
  4. It’s good for your company to be solvent and have been developing successfully for at least six months.
  5. The presence of certain collateral will be in favor of a positive decision by the bank to issue a loan. Real estate, cars, and technical equipment are usually considered as collateral.

Subjective factors

Moving forward on the question of how to get a loan for a business from scratch, the bank also considers other factors, seemingly completely subjective, relating to the borrower:

  1. Current age. World practice suggests that the age at which a possible client is most robust and able-bodied and can most likely vouch for the loan process is between 30 and 40 years old.
  2. Officially registered marriage. If the lender is legally married, his possible chances of getting the requested loan for an existing business increase significantly, because if a problem arises with repaying the borrowed funds, the husband (wife) of the borrower will be able to join in closing the loan.
  3. Monthly recurring expenses. A financial institution lending to small business development may also consider the amount of monthly expenses in the process of developing the borrower's business activity.
  4. Interior of an office space. The bank will inspect the premises that the borrowed businessman has allocated as an office for the presence of communications equipment, business office equipment, several computers and good furniture.

Additional options

When wondering how to get a loan for a business from scratch, you need to understand that there is an alternative opportunity to receive potential financial assistance - regular consumer lending. The loan can be issued to an individual working in the company. A personal car or real estate can be used as collateral. The institution of guarantors is also used.

Getting such a loan is not very difficult, but loans are not entirely profitable for a businessman due to high interest rates. Therefore, it is better to think again and look for options for obtaining start-up capital. Most regions of our country now have funds that provide financial support to small businesses. These institutions work on behalf of the state as guarantors for issued loans, and may themselves offer small preferential loans to businessmen.

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