The largest man-made disasters of the 21st century. Man-made emergencies

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Man-made emergencies “Man-made situations” - Introduction 1.1 Learn the types of man-made emergencies. Make a block diagram in your notebook with the types of man-made emergencies characteristic of our area. Emergency classification: Incident – ​​a minor accident with minor damage. Basic definitions on the topic. Lesson objectives: Update knowledge about security; Get acquainted with the structure of the textbook; Classify man-made emergencies.. 1. “Man-made emergency” - Write answers to the questions. Accidents involving the release (threat of release) of radioactive substances; Territorial. Local (object). Homework Industrial accidents and disasters refer to:

Emergencies technogenic nature. Hydrodynamic accidents (breaks of dams, dams, sluices, dams).“Man-made emergencies” - Transport accidents. 3.2 Classification of hazardous production facilities. . The main reasons for the increase in the number of man-made emergencies: 2. Why is the number of accidents and man-made emergencies not decreasing? The valve in the steam valve building became depressurized and a gas leak occurred.

Emergency accidents and disasters of one month.“Man-made accidents” - B (solid flammable substances and materials). Basic emergency prevention measures: Please disable Cell Phones. Emergency natural character(GOST 22.0.03 – 95 and GOST 22.0.06.-95). Accidents in

utility systems . Sources of man-made emergencies." Emergencies. Potentially dangerous objects located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.“Man-made disasters” - Increase in the number of man-made disasters. What's happened man-made disasters. A team of 30 people rushed to fight the disaster. The power generation station has been suspended. Official modern name State specialized enterprise Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

“Emergencies of a natural and man-made nature” - Heavy snowfall, heavy snowstorm, continuous rain, downpour, hail, snow. Natural emergencies. B (combustible dust, fibers). Radiation hazardous objects Leningrad region and St. Petersburg. Accidents with the release of hazardous substances. Channel erosion (GOST 22.0.06). Geophysical dangerous phenomena(OYA).

There are a total of 13 presentations in the topic

Classification of man-made emergencies

Transport accidents and disasters.

Emergency situations in urban transport.

Emergency situations on various types transport: railway, water, air.

Chemical release accidents hazardous substances.

Accidents involving the release of radioactive substances.

Accidents at hydraulic structures.

Man-made emergency– the situation in a certain territory resulting from an accident, a major accident (catastrophe), resulting in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people's living conditions.

Man-made disaster– an event with tragic consequences, a major accident with loss of life.

Accidents there are different types: damage to a machine, equipment, vehicle, power supply system, building, which may be accompanied by explosions, fires, release of radioactive substances, which does not entail significant material damage and serious human casualties (explosions may be caused by improper operation of household and gas stoves or pressurized gas cylinders).

Classification of emergencies by types of emergency events

For practical needs, it is advisable to build a general classification of emergencies according to the types and types of emergency events underlying them; in this case, it is possible to partially use the affiliation, causality or scale of the emergency in certain links of the classification structure.

Based on this set of characteristics, all peacetime emergencies are divided into six groups (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Classification of man-made emergencies by type of emergency event

The list of emergencies by group is given in table. 3.

Table 3

List of man-made emergency situations by group

Classification of emergencies according to the nature of the source of occurrence

1. Emergencies associated with accidents at hazardous facilities:

Accidents on nuclear power plants(NPP);

Leaks of radioactive gases at nuclear fuel cycle enterprises beyond sanitary protection zone(SPZ);

Accidents on nuclear ships with radioactive contamination of the port and coastal areas;

Accidents at nuclear installations of engineering research centers with radioactive contamination territories;

Emergency situations during industrial and testing nuclear explosions associated with excess release of radioactive substances into the environment;

A fall aircraft with nuclear power devices on board with subsequent radioactive contamination of the area;

Minor contamination of the area with radioactive substances when sources are lost ionizing radiation, accidents on transport transporting radioactive drugs, and in some other cases;

Chemical accidents dangerous objects with the release (leakage) of hazardous chemical substances (HAS) into the environment;

Accidents involving the release (leakage) of bacteriological substances or biological substances in concentrations exceeding permissible values.

(average: 4,80 out of 5)

Last Saturday, July 27, 2013, about 50 tons of crude oil from the pipe reached the beaches of the resort island of Samet in Thailand. Today let us remember the major man-made disasters that occurred in the world in the 21st century.

year 2000

Petrobrice - Brazilian state oil company. The company's headquarters are located in Rio de Janeiro. In July 2000, in Brazil, as a result of a disaster on an oil refining platform, the Iguazu River more than a million gallons of oil leaked (about 3,180 tons). For comparison, 50 tons of crude oil recently spilled near a resort island in Thailand.

The resulting stain moved downstream, threatening to poison drinking water for several cities at once. The liquidators of the accident built several barriers, but they managed to stop the oil only at the fifth (barrier). One part of the oil was collected from the surface of the water, the other went through specially built diversion channels.

The Petrobrice company paid a fine of $56 million to the state budget and $30 million to the state budget.

year 2001

On September 21, 2001, an explosion occurred at the AZF chemical plant in Toulouse, France, the consequences of which are considered one of the largest man-made disasters. 300 tons of ammonium nitrate (a salt of nitric acid) that were in a warehouse exploded finished products. According to the official version, the management of the plant is to blame for not ensuring the safe storage of an explosive substance.

The consequences of the disaster were gigantic: 30 people died, total number more than 3,00 were wounded, thousands of residential houses and buildings were destroyed or damaged, including almost 80 schools, 2 universities, 185 kindergartens, 40,000 people were left homeless, more than 130 enterprises virtually ceased their activities. total amount damage - 3 billion euros.


On November 13, 2002, off the coast of Spain, the oil tanker Prestige was caught in a strong storm, with more than 77,000 tons of fuel oil in its holds. As a result of the storm, a crack about 50 meters long appeared in the ship's hull. On November 19, the tanker broke in half and sank. As a result of the disaster, 63,000 tons of fuel oil ended up in the sea.

Cleaning the sea and shores from fuel oil cost 12 billion dollars, total damage damage to the ecosystem cannot be assessed.


On August 26, 2004, a fuel tanker carrying 32,000 liters of fuel fell from the 100-meter-high Wiehltal bridge near Cologne in western Germany. After the fall, the fuel tanker exploded. The culprit of the accident was a sports car that skidded on a slippery road, which caused the fuel tanker to skid.

This accident is considered one of the costliest man-made disasters in history- Temporary bridge repairs cost $40 million, and complete reconstruction costs $318 million.


On March 19, 2007, due to a methane explosion at the Ulyanovskaya mine in Kemerovo region 110 people died. The first explosion was followed by four more explosions within 5-7 seconds, which caused extensive collapses in the workings in several places at once. Died Chief Engineer and almost the entire mine management. This accident is largest in Russian coal mining over the past 75 years.

year 2009

On August 17, 2009, a man-made disaster occurred at Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, located on the Yenisei River. This happened during the repair of one of the hydraulic units of the hydroelectric power station. As a result of the accident, the 3rd and 4th water pipelines were destroyed, the wall was destroyed and the turbine room was flooded. 9 out of 10 hydraulic turbines were completely out of order, the hydroelectric power station was stopped.

Due to the accident, the power supply to the Siberian regions was disrupted, including the limited supply of electricity in Tomsk, and outages affected several Siberian aluminum smelters. As a result of the disaster, 75 people were killed and another 13 were injured.

April 22, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of the US state of Louisiana after an explosion that killed 11 people and a 36-hour fire, Deepwater Horizon manned drilling platform sank.

The oil leak was stopped only on August 4, 2010. About 5 million barrels of crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. The platform on which the accident occurred belonged to a Swiss company, and at the time of the man-made disaster the platform was managed by British Petroleum.


March 11, 2011 in northeast Japan at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant after the largest accident in the last 25 years occurred after the disaster. Following earthquakes of magnitude 9.0, the coast came huge wave tsunami that damaged 4 of 6 reactors nuclear power plant and disabled the cooling system, which led to a series of hydrogen explosions and melting of the core.

The total volume of emissions of iodine-131 and cesium-137 after the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant amounted to 900,000 terabecrels, which does not exceed 20% of emissions after Chernobyl accident in 1986, which then amounted to 5.2 million terabecquerels.

NPP "Fukushima-1":

July 11, 2011 An explosion occurred at a naval base near Limassol in Cyprus, which claimed 13 lives and put Island state to the brink economic crisis , destroying the island's largest power plant.

Investigators accused the President of the Republic, Dimitris Christofias, of neglecting the problem of storing ammunition confiscated in 2009 from the Monchegorsk ship on suspicion of arms smuggling to Iran. In fact, the ammunition was stored directly on the ground on the territory of the naval base and detonated due to the high temperature.

year 2012

February 28, 2012 on chemical plant An explosion occurred in the Chinese province of Hebei, killing 25 people. An explosion occurred in a workshop for the production of nitroguanidine (it is used as rocket fuel) at the Hebei Care chemical plant in the city of Shijiazhuang:

August 25, 2012 A powerful explosion occurred on the territory of the Paraguana Refining Center, the largest oil refinery in Venezuela. The fire spread to the nearby barracks, pipelines and cars parked nearby:

The fire was completely extinguished only three days later, on August 28. As a result of the man-made disaster, 42 people were killed and 150 were injured.

year 2013

April 18, 2013 in the American city of West in Texas A powerful explosion occurred at a fertilizer plant.

In contact with

MAIN CAUSES OF TECHNOGENIC HAZARDS irrational placement potentially dangerous objects industrial purposes, economic and social infrastructure; technological backwardness of production, low rates of introduction of resource-energy-saving and other technically advanced and safe technologies; depreciation of means of production, reaching in some cases pre-emergency levels; increase in the volume of transportation, storage, use of hazardous or harmful substances and materials; decline professional level employees, work culture, care qualified specialists from production, design and engineering service, applied science; low responsibility officials, reduction in the level of production and technological discipline; insufficient control over the condition of potentially dangerous objects; unreliability of the control system for hazardous or harmful factors; reduction in the level of safety in production, transport, energy, agriculture; absence legal framework insurance of technogenic risks.

Emergency local in nature does not go beyond the territory of the facility, and the number of victims is no more than 10 people. A municipal emergency does not extend beyond the territory of one settlement or within the urban area of ​​the city federal significance, while the number of victims is no more than 50 people. An intermunicipal emergency affects the territory of two or more settlements, intracity territories of a federal city or intersettlement territory, and the number of victims or damage is similar to the criteria for a municipal emergency.

A regional emergency does not extend beyond the territory of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation; the number of victims is over 50 people, but not more than 500 people. An interregional emergency affects the territory of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the number of victims or the amount of damage is similar to the criteria for a regional emergency. A federal emergency involves more than 500 people injured.

Each type of emergency situation has its own speed of spread of danger, which is an important component of the intensity of the emergency event and characterizes the degree of suddenness of the impact. damaging factors. From this point of view, emergencies can be divided into:

Sudden (explosions, transport accidents, earthquakes, etc.); sudden (explosions, transport accidents, earthquakes, etc.); rapid (fires, release of gaseous potent toxic substances, hydrodynamic accidents with the formation of breakthrough waves, etc.); rapid (fires, release of gaseous highly toxic substances, hydrodynamic accidents with the formation of breakthrough waves, etc.); moderate (release of radioactive substances, accidents on utility systems, etc.); moderate (release of radioactive substances, accidents on utility systems, etc.); smooth (accidents on wastewater treatment plants, epidemics, etc.). smooth (accidents at wastewater treatment plants, epidemics, etc.). Smooth (slow) emergency situations can last many months and years, for example, the consequences of anthropogenic activities in the Aral Sea area.

1. Emergencies associated with accidents at hazardous facilities: accidents at nuclear power plants (NPP); leakage of radioactive gases at nuclear fuel cycle enterprises outside the sanitary protection zone (SPZ); accidents on nuclear ships with radioactive contamination of the port waters and coastal areas; accidents at nuclear installations of engineering research centers with radioactive contamination of the territory; emergency situations during industrial and test nuclear explosions associated with excess release of radioactive substances into the environment; crash of aircraft with nuclear power devices on board with subsequent radioactive contamination of the area; minor contamination of the area radioactive substances in case of loss of sources of ionizing radiation, accidents in transport carrying radioactive drugs, and in some other cases; accidents at chemically hazardous facilities with the release (leakage) of emergency chemically hazardous substances (HAS) into the environment; accidents involving the release (leakage) into the environment of bacteriological substances or biological substances in concentrations exceeding permissible values.

2. Emergencies caused by fires and explosions and their consequences: fires in populated areas, on objects National economy And transport communications; explosions at objects and transport communications (including when aircraft fall); explosions in residential buildings.

3. Emergency situations on transport communications: aviation accidents; collisions and derailments trains(trains in the metro); accidents on water communications; pipeline accidents causing release large mass transported substances and pollution with them environment; accidents at power and other engineering networks, resulting in disruption of the normal functioning of the population as a result of the emergence of secondary factors.

4. Emergencies caused natural disasters: earthquakes with a magnitude of 5 or more on a 12-point scale; hurricanes, tornadoes, storms with a force of 10 or more on a 17-point scale; catastrophic flooding and floods resulting from destruction hydraulic structures, earthquakes, mountain collapses and landslides, floods, floods or surges and tsunamis; mudflows, landslides, collapses, avalanches, snow drifts and karst phenomena that caused destruction in cities, on transport, energy and other engineering networks, the formation of rubble, etc.; mass, forest and peat fires, which have become uncontrollable and caused a disruption in the normal functioning of the population of the region; risk factors of a biological and social nature: epidemics, epizootics and epiphytoties.

5. Military-political emergencies in Peaceful time: single (random) nuclear missile strike delivered from the water area neutral waters by a ship of unknown origin or carrier crash nuclear weapons with an explosion of a warhead; fall of a nuclear weapon carrier with or without destruction of the warhead; armed attack on headquarters, command posts, communications centers, warehouses of military formations and units (including civil defense).

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