Who was the leader after Kishkurno. Kishkurno, Valery Timofeevich - Fundamentals of technology, fire hazard and fire protection of radiation production and nuclear power plants: For the commanding staff of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Kishkurno, Valery Timofeevich

Head of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service (GUGPS) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (May 2002 - March 2003), Major General of the Internal Service (at the time of appointment); born May 18, 1951 in Novorzhev, Pskov region; graduated from the Leningrad Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1971 with a degree in fire safety equipment and safety with the qualification of fire technician, All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute with a degree in jurisprudence in 1978, Candidate of Technical Sciences; 1971-1976 - served in the Fire Department UPO-3 of the Main Fire Department (GUPO) of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs; 1976-1992 - in various positions in the GUPO and other structural divisions (GUPOiASR, BKD PASS) of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs; from February 1992 to September 1998 - Head of the Special Directorate of the SPASR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; On September 1, 1998, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Head of the Special (First) Directorate; as head of the Special Directorate, he was responsible for the protection of objects of special importance: the military-industrial complex, federal authorities, closed territories; from January 1, 2002, after the transfer of the fire service from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, he acted as head of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation; awarded the Order of Honor, medals "For Impeccable Service" of 3 degrees; awarded weapons, badges "Honored Employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" and "Best Firefighter", the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs"; died March 18, 2003

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  • - conqueror of Siberia. The exact origin of Ermak is unknown: according to one legend, he was from the banks of the Kama River, according to another, he was a native of the Kachalinskaya village on the Don...

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  • - conqueror of Siberia. The origin of E. is unknown exactly: according to one legend, he was from the banks of the Kama River, according to another, he was a native of the Kachalinskaya village on the Don...

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  • - Russian Cossack chieftain. The campaign of 1582-85 marked the beginning of the development of Siberia by the Russian state. He died in a battle with Khan Kuchum. Hero of folk songs...
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Ermak Timofeevich Ermak Timofeevich (between 1537 and 1540–1585) - Russian explorer, conqueror of Western Siberia, Cossack chieftain; leader of the campaign in Siberia, as a result of which the Siberian Khanate of Kuchum collapsed and the beginning of the annexation of Siberia to the Russian Empire was laid

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Ermak Timofeevich Battles and victories In people's memory, Ermak lives as an ataman-hero, the conqueror of Siberia, a strong and invincible warrior, even despite his tragic death. In historical literature there are several versions of his name, origin and even

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Who are you, Ermak Timofeevich? I see the fallacy of some messages in every chronicle and do not consider any of them completely reliable from the first to the last word. There are no such chronicles and there could not be... Dmitriev A.L. On the history of the Siberian question // Perm region. Perm, 1895. One of

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From the book 100 great travelers author Muromov Igor

Ermak Timofeevich (between 1532 and 1542 - 1584 or 1585) Cossack chieftain. The campaign in 1582-1585 marked the beginning of the development of Siberia by the Russian state. Opened a new route to the Ob and Irtysh through the Middle Urals. He died in a battle with Khan Kuchum. After the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan, the royal possessions

Ermak Timofeevich

From the book Travelers author Dorozhkin Nikolay

Ermak Timofeevich Ermak Timofeevich (between 1537–1585), Cossack chieftain. An experienced warrior and a strong organizer. He laid the foundation for the development of Western Siberia by the Russian state and the liberation of its peoples from the power of Khan Kuchum, a protege of the Nogai Horde. Ermak's last name has not been established.

Ermak Timofeevich

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (E-Y) author Brockhaus F.A.

Ermak Timofeevich Ermak Timofeevich - conqueror of Siberia. The origin of E. is unknown exactly: according to one legend, he was from the banks of the Kama River (Cherepanovskaya Chronicle), according to another, he was a native of the Kachalinskaya village on the Don (Bronevsky). His name, according to prof. Nikitsky,

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Valery Uskov: “LIVING BY A DREAM AND HOPE” (People’s favorite epic films “Shadows Disappear at Noon”, “Eternal Call”, “Ermak” have already become classics of Soviet and Russian cinema. The author of these and many other films, director Valery Uskov answers questions

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From the book Legends of Russian Hockey author Razzakov Fedor

Brilliant Valery. (Valery Kharlamov) Two-time champion of the Winter Olympic Games (1972, Sapporo; 1976, Innsbruck) Valery Kharlamov was born in Moscow into a working-class family. His father - Boris Sergeevich - worked as a test mechanic at the Kommunar plant, his mother - Aribe Orbat Hermane, or

TRAGEDIES OF OUR DAYS Valery Filatov. Valery Zapashny

From the book Idols. Secrets of death author Razzakov Fedor

TRAGEDIES OF OUR DAYS Valery Filatov. Valery Zapashny In three years (2001–2004) in Russia, two famous circus performers, representing famous circus dynasties, committed suicide. The first on this list was Valery Filatov, a circus trainer, one of

Kishkurno, Valery Timofeevich

Head of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service (GUGPS) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (May 2002 - March 2003), Major General of the Internal Service (at the time of appointment); born May 18, 1951 in Novorzhev, Pskov region; graduated from the Leningrad Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1971 with a degree in fire safety equipment and safety with the qualification of fire technician, All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute with a degree in jurisprudence in 1978, Candidate of Technical Sciences; 1971-1976 - served in the Fire Department UPO-3 of the Main Fire Department (GUPO) of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs; 1976-1992 - in various positions in the GUPO and other structural divisions (GUPOiASR, BKD PASS) of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs; from February 1992 to September 1998 - Head of the Special Directorate of the SPASR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; On September 1, 1998, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Head of the Special (First) Directorate; as head of the Special Directorate, he was responsible for the protection of objects of special importance: the military-industrial complex, federal authorities, closed territories; from January 1, 2002, after the transfer of the fire service from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, he acted as head of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation; awarded the Order of Honor, medals "For Impeccable Service" of 3 degrees; awarded weapons, badges "Honored Employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" and "Best Firefighter", the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs"; died March 18, 2003

Large biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

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Head of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service (GUGPS) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (May 2002 - March 2003), Major General of the Internal Service (at the time of appointment); born May 18, 1951 in Novorzhev, Pskov region; graduated from the Leningrad Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1971 with a degree in fire safety equipment and safety with the qualification of fire technician, All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute with a degree in jurisprudence in 1978, Candidate of Technical Sciences; 1971-1976 - served in the Fire Department UPO-3 of the Main Fire Department (GUPO) of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs; 1976-1992 - in various positions in the GUPO and other structural divisions (GUPOiASR, BKD PASS) of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs; from February 1992 to September 1998 - Head of the Special Directorate of the SPASR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; On September 1, 1998, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Head of the Special (First) Directorate; as head of the Special Directorate, he was responsible for the protection of objects of special importance: the military-industrial complex, federal authorities, closed territories; from January 1, 2002, after the transfer of the fire service from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, he acted as head of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation; awarded the Order of Honor, medals "For Impeccable Service" of 3 degrees; awarded weapons, badges "Honored Employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" and "Best Firefighter", the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs"; died March 18, 2003

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study ^4 development

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23.05.2006 Kishkurno Valery Timofeevich, Major General of Internal Service, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Head of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (May 18, 1951, Novorzhev - March 18, 2003, Moscow, Mitinskoye Cemetery, Chernobyl Memorial). Has awards.

On May 18, 1951, Alina Antonovna Kishkurno’s son Valera was born. The eldest daughter Antonina had to take care of the baby, since her mother soon went to work. Tonya became a second mother for her younger brother. A neighbor of the 1950s, Valentina Grigorievna Ilyina, still remembers how a girl and a dark-haired barefoot boy with yellow sandals in his hand were slowly walking uphill along German Street, holding hands. This is the older sister taking her brother from kindergarten. Is the age difference big? - 7 years.

Antonina enjoyed her schoolwork and learned easily. But Valera, the “bubble-bubble” as his sister called him, was only willing to finish elementary school. Often, the teacher on duty returned the truant student Kishkurno to class, as Nina Mikhailovna Amelenkova, who taught German in the class, recalled. A big fan of music, everyone in the family loved to sing, Valera took part in school amateur performances.

To the point of oblivion, Kishkurno loved to play the trumpet in a brass band. In the notebook that my mother kept, she recorded the trumpet parts of the songs: “Let me dream,” “Dark Eyes,” “tango,” “Esperanze,” “Be with me,” “A girl is coming,” and the children’s song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” In subsequent years, participation in the orchestra brought small funds for the family. And the first money earned from showing films in rural clubs was spent on buying three chairs for the house. He earned money for clothes and shoes.

He was a smart guy, recalls classmate Zinaida Nikolaevna Makarova (formerly Alekseeva). He often came to class unprepared, but always got out of this sticky situation: he quickly looked around the class and understood who would prevent him from drowning at the blackboard. Zinaida Nikolaevna recalls with a laugh how Valerka instantly swallowed the cheat sheet when he was caught by the teacher, but still completed the task with the help of his friends.

In one of his interviews, Major General Kishkurno mentioned that at the suggestion of a neighbor, the fire chief, he entered the school. And classmates and sister Tonya in the 10th grade noticed that Valera began to take his studies seriously. At the final exams, director Grigory Berkovich Kogan was sincerely pleased with Kishkurno’s excellent grade, but noted to him that he could not give him a higher than a three in his certificate. And Valera realized that the dream of entering a military school could remain a dream. Upset, he disappeared for about a day and a half. The family couldn't find a place. Then he honestly told everything to his beloved and dear sister and mom.

No one ever found out that upon entering the Leningrad Fire-Technical School he failed one of the exams. But Valera’s determination to study at this school helped solve the problem of admission. He was left at the school, studied a lot, a year later there were exams again, an order for enrollment dated October 6, 1969. In the photographs sent to mom, a serious cadet and her smiling Valerka with her favorite trumpet in the school’s brass band, at community cleanup days. The love of music helped in subsequent years. At one of the meetings, Major General Kiskurno noticed his subordinates nodding off, went on stage to the microphone and began to sing, forcing those present to stand up and help bring the song to the end. Thanking everyone, he proposed to continue the work of the All-Russian meeting on fire safety.

Appointment to leadership positions required knowledge of jurisprudence and social sciences. Valery Timofeevich successfully graduates from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law (1978) and the Academy of Social Sciences (1987). Many years of service in a specialized fire safety department of the nuclear industry were analyzed and, as a result, a dissertation was defended. He transferred his demands on himself to his subordinates. His colleagues said: “Kishkurno will come and sand it anyway.” But I didn’t forget them on holidays and birthdays. Already, being the first firefighter in the country, I did not consider it shameful to come to my subordinates with a gift and congratulations on their anniversary. And the next day, report on the first day if he did not complete the task on time.

Valery Timofeevich's professionalism began with forest and peat fires in the Moscow region (1972), the organization of extinguishing of which lay with him. Elimination of the largest technological accidents at the Production Association Sverdlov Plant in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, at the Siberian Chemical Combine in Seversk, Tomsk Region, NPO Energomash of the Main Directorate of Rocket and Space Technology in Khimki and the last fire - 2002 at the All-Russian Research Institute of Chemical Technology nuclear energy, violation of technology for working with uranium nitride. The largest fires of 1998: in the buildings of the Maritime Transport Service of the Ministry of Transport, "UES" of Russia, the consequences of the explosion of a house on the street. Shcherbakova, Moscow, 2000 - Ostankino TV tower. He is not an observer, but a smart leader and participant in rescue work where it is especially dangerous (2002).

The 1970s saw the formation of the fire service of sensitive facilities. With the direct participation of Kishkurno, a number of regulatory documents were prepared, which were included in Federal laws and government regulations: “On Fire Safety”, “On Nuclear Weapons”, “On the Use of Atomic Energy”.

Even from school, Kishkurno understood the highest importance of physical training and coherence of fire crews. He becomes the organizer of competitions from the region to the international level. He was vice-president of the Federation of Firefighting and Applied Sports of the Russian Federation. All-Russian competitions in fire and rescue sports are currently being held, but in memory of Major General of the Internal Service Valery Timofeevich Kishkurno.

Participation in eliminating the fire of 2002 completely undermined my health. An elementary flu put me to bed, the disease turned into pneumonia. This was the first March 8th in many years when he did not come to his mother. Natasha held the phone, and Valera congratulated “mama” with the song “the chrysanthemums in the garden have long since faded,” talked about being busy at work, and promised to come soon. And on March 18 he passed away.

When preparing the article, I re-read the few publications about my fellow countryman’s service, met with teachers, classmates and relatives and became convinced once again that the love of life, sensitivity and goodwill, and determination, which my colleagues talked a lot about, were instilled in childhood by my “beloved mother” and wonderful sister Antonina Timofeevna Grigorieva./pravda.pskov.ru/

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