Who can apply for a subsidy? What is a rent subsidy?

This article is a reference and information material; all information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

Queues for apartments are sometimes as long as a lifetime, and today they have not gone anywhere - they exist. But to speed up the solution of housing problems, the state has developed a special mechanism - housing subsidies. That is, those in need of housing do not receive an apartment, but a certain amount with which they can buy an apartment for themselves. As a rule, you need to add your own funds. But people on the waiting list choose housing according to their taste – both on the secondary and primary markets.

Not everyone can apply for a subsidy
There is a federal program “Housing”, which helps improve living conditions for certain categories of citizens in need of housing. These benefits are largely related to the specific type of professional activity of the participants. For example, military personnel who have served for more than 10 years, retired employees of the FSB and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, residents of the Far North who want to move, young families and young scientists, etc. can receive a subsidy under the federal program, etc. This area is regulated by a mass of laws and regulations, which can be found on the official website of the program.

The Moscow city program involves providing subsidies to those on the capital's waiting list. It has its own fundamental documents - Moscow City Law No. 29 of June 14, 2006 “On ensuring the right of Moscow residents to residential premises” and Moscow Government Decree No. 729-PP dated October 26, 2004 “On providing Moscow residents with subsidies for construction or purchasing a home." (Details of the program are on the official website of the Moscow City Property Department).

The law provides several grounds for placing citizens on the housing queue. For example, if their house is unsuitable for living in, or if a person suffering from chronic diseases lives in the apartment, being with whom is simply dangerous (by the way, the list of such diseases is strictly regulated by federal law). Another basis for recognition as needy is if the area of ​​an apartment per person is less than the accounting norm - 10 “squares” for residents of individual apartments, and 15 for residents of communal apartments.

“For example, 90% of clients purchasing subsidized housing in the Kvartaly 21/19 residential complex are families who own housing or have social rent. At the same time, the area per person is less than 15 square meters. m. Usually we are talking about residents of communal apartments,” says Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group.
Obtaining a subsidy is not an easy, but quite streamlined process, they state "NDV-Real Estate": “To obtain a certificate, the client needs to collect all the necessary documents and submit an application to the MFC authority at the place of registration. A response will be given within 30 days. If the decision is positive, the applicant is issued a document and assigned a number in the queue for the issuance of a certificate.” Yes, you will also have to stand up for housing subsidies. True, in some cases it is possible to speed up the process: we are talking about those who suffer from serious illnesses and need separate housing, and about residents of dilapidated buildings.

Have you waited for the coveted certificate for receiving a subsidy? It should be used within six months from the date of receipt, NDV-Real Estate emphasizes. If for some reason it was not possible to purchase an apartment, you will have to go through the entire procedure for obtaining a certificate again.

How to calculate the subsidy amount
You need to understand that a subsidy is not a fixed amount that is allocated to everyone in need. The amount of the subsidy is calculated individually and depends on the standard cost of a “square”, on the apartment square footage required by the waiting list and the number of people applying for it, on the number of years that he stood in line and on the benefits he has or does not have.

Let's start in order. There is a standard for the cost of a square meter of housing - it is slightly lower than the market value, for example for Moscow - about 90 thousand rubles. This figure is multiplied by the number of square meters sufficient, according to the authorities, for comfortable living. If this is a single person, then the subsidy amount is calculated for the purchase of a one-room apartment of 36 square meters. meters. For a family of two people, the subsidy is calculated based on 50 square meters. m, for a family of three – 70 sq. m, for four people – 85 sq. m. If there are five or more citizens, then 18 “squares” for each.

This also takes into account the number of years that a person has honestly stood in line for housing. Those who have stood in line for a year will be able to receive only 5% of the standard cost of housing, while more patient people on the waiting list who have been in line for 10 years or more can claim the entire 70% of the estimated price of housing. This is for everyone. Beneficiaries have a shorter waiting period for the maximum amount.

Examples of calculating the amount of subsidy:
1. Citizen living alone:
36 sq.m x cost of 1 sq.m. meters of subsidy x 60% = final subsidy amount.
2. Family of two citizens:
50 sq.m x cost of 1 sq.m. meters of subsidy x 67% = final subsidy amount.
3. Family of three citizens:
70 sq.m x cost of 1 sq.m. meters of subsidy x 65% = final subsidy amount.
4. Family of four citizens:
85 sq.m x cost of 1 sq.m. meters for subsidy x 64% = final subsidy amount.
5 Family of five or more (N) citizens:
No. x 18 sq.m. x cost of 1 sq.m. meters of subsidy x 70% = final subsidy amount.
Table for determining the amount of subsidies as a percentage
Number of full years that have passed since registration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 or more years
Percentage of the standard cost of residential premises Citizens with housing benefits 10 30 51 65 70 70 70 70 70 70
General grounds 5 12 20 30 40 51 60 64 67 70
Source: http://dgi.mos.ru/

That is, if we are talking about a family of three people who have been waiting in line for, say, 15 years, then they will be able to receive about 4.4 million rubles.

The law allows Muscovites to buy apartments that are more expensive and have a larger area under the subsidy program. But they will have to pay extra for additional square footage out of their own pocket.

“The amount indicated in the cash certificate is individual in each case and free of charge covers only part of the costs of purchasing real estate,” states Yaroslav Gutnov, Director for Investments and Strategic Development LLC Management Company "TEN-Development". - The remaining part will have to be compensated at your own expense. This could be personal savings, a mortgage, or even maternal capital, for example.”

The amount of personal contribution is calculated using a simple formula: the cost of the purchased housing minus the amount of the subsidy.

The certificate will not be accepted everywhere
Muscovites can use the subsidy to buy an apartment on the secondary market (both in Moscow and in the Moscow region and even in other regions of the Russian Federation), to buy out rooms in an apartment from other owners (for example, in a communal apartment) or to buy an apartment in a new building.

“Not all residential complexes can be included in the state subsidy program,” draws attention Vladimir Kashirtsev, General Director of the company "Azbuka Zhilya".

If we talk about using a housing subsidy when purchasing a new building, the purchased property must meet a number of criteria. Firstly, sales must take place under an agreement on shared participation in construction (214-FZ) or under a purchase and sale agreement if the house is ready. Secondly, the construction readiness of the facility must be at least 70%, noted in press service of the company "NDV-Real Estate".
But this is not the most difficult condition, notes Maria Litinetskaya from Metrium Group. “The main difficulty is that the land on which the house stands should not be encumbered by the bank. Considering that most developers use project financing, it is often not possible to fulfill the last requirement,” says Litinetskaya.

For example, the expert explains, in the residential complex “Kvartaly 21/19” housing certificates can only be used in the second and third panel buildings of the first stage of the project, the land plot of which has not been exchanged for collateral.

In addition, you cannot use the subsidy to pay for housing that is under arrest, encumbered by someone’s rights to live in it, which remain after the transfer of the residential premises into ownership of the family to which the subsidy was provided.

There is a choice
The Moscow City Property Department imposes strict accreditation conditions on developers under the subsidy program, so not every project allows you to purchase housing with the help of a subsidy, experts say. But there is a choice.

“Previously, many developers were not ready to sell their properties to holders of state subsidies, since it is more interesting to receive money for an apartment within, for example, 5 calendar days after registering a preschool building than within three months,” says NDV-Real Estate.

The fact is that the peculiarity of housing certificates is that the participant does not receive funds in hand; they are transferred to a special account opened in a bank, from which the funds are received by the seller after state registration of the transaction, explains Litinetskaya from Metrium Group.

“However, the period for transferring subsidies is relatively short. The Moscow City Property Department transfers the money within 45 days. Taking into account the fact that the percentage of such transactions does not exceed 1-2%, we are talking about small amounts, the transfer of which the developer can wait a month and a half without harming the economics of the project,” the expert adds. But he admits: “the overwhelming majority of developers do not work with such clients at all. Some developers do not meet the selection criteria for program participants. Others themselves do not want to get involved, given the likely bureaucratic difficulties in transferring subsidized funds.”

Indeed, the percentage of such transactions in projects today is small, experts agree. For example, today in the residential complexes sold by the ABC of Housing company, the purchase of an apartment using subsidies accounts for about 5-10% of transactions, says the company’s general director Vladimir Kashirtsev.

But those who received a subsidy still have a choice in the new buildings market. For example, in the ABC of Housing, today you can use subsidies to pay for part of the apartments in the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" (Domodedovo), residential complex "Aphrodite" (Mytishchi), as well as in a number of residential complex buildings "Nekrasovka" (Moscow).

You can also buy subsidized apartments in the neighborhood "Krasnogorsky" , they say at NDV-Real Estate. The minimum offer price for a house that will be commissioned before the end of this year is 1,828,800 rubles. For the convenience of clients, this project provides a mortgage from leading banks. In addition, you can use maternal capital.

In FSK "Leader" you can purchase real estate with the help of all types of state housing subsidies, both Moscow and federal, please note Pavel Timoshenko, head of the mortgage and subsidies department of FSK Leader. With the help of Moscow government subsidies, people on the waiting list can buy an apartment in the 8th building of the UP quarter "Skolkovsky" (Odintsovo), in the 2nd and 3rd buildings of the UP quarter "New Tushino" (Krasnogorsk district), microdistrict "New Izmailovo" (Moscow), UP-quarter "Olympus" (Obninsk) and residential complex "Generation" (Moscow).

You can also use a housing certificate in a comfort-class residential complex "Quarters 21/19" developer "VectorStroyFinance". Here, in particular, former and current military personnel, people from the far north, migrants, young scientists and other categories of citizens determined by the state have the right to exchange a certificate for housing, says Litinetskaya (Metrium Group).

“In the Kvartaly 21/19 residential complex, subsidies were most often used as a down payment (in addition to the amount collected independently). The size of subsidies varies, usually between 1-2 million rubles. Clients take out the missing funds on credit. Budget options are in greatest demand. For example, the cost of a one-room apartment starts from 5.7 million rubles. Accordingly, representatives of preferential categories of clients take out about 2-3 million rubles on credit, contributing a million of their own funds, as well as about 1-2 million rubles from subsidies,” Litinetskaya quotes calculations.

GC TEN, which is building a residential area "Park of Legends" as part of the reconstruction of the ZIL industrial zone, it also plans to join programs to help those in need of housing. True, the construction readiness of houses has not yet reached the required 70%. Yaroslav Gutnov, director of investments and strategic development of the company, hopes that it will be possible to purchase an apartment with government subsidies in a residential complex in 2017.

Receiving a housing subsidy is not an easy process: you need to spend time and nerves on paperwork, stand in line, and find a suitable developer and project. The size of the subsidy is unlikely to cover the entire cost of the apartment, especially in Moscow, but it will definitely be a good help for those in need of housing. Moreover, more affordable options can always be found in the Moscow region or New Moscow, and for the remaining amount you can always take out a mortgage loan.

Utility prices are rising every year. Often, the growth of pensions and wages does not keep pace with them. As a result, the total amount of debt for paying for these services also increases. For low-income segments of the population - pensioners, large families, people with disabilities and simply families with low incomes - utility bills can “eat up” the lion's share of the family budget, dooming them to a miserable existence. The state has applied methods of targeted material assistance to such low-income groups, called “subsidies for housing and communal services (HCS).”

Conditions for providing social support

The main reason for providing financial assistance is the fact that the amount of monthly utility bills charged exceeds the maximum allowable percentage in the total monthly budget of the family or individual resident.

One of the main conditions for receiving financial assistance from the state is the absence of debt on utility bills. That is, citizens who neglect their responsibility to pay for housing services provided to them on time do not have the right to receive financial assistance from the state. If the debt on utility bills is too large and the tenant cannot pay it off at one time, he can enter into an agreement with the relevant organizations on its restructuring and drawing up a debt repayment schedule. Having such an agreement in hand, you can already apply for financial assistance to pay utility bills.

The amounts of such expenses are calculated based on a number of standards, which may be different in each individual region of the country:

  1. Standard standards for living space per resident. For example, in Moscow the following standards apply:
  • for single residents - no more than 33 square meters;
  • for a family of two members – no more than 42 square meters;
  • of three or more residents - no more than 18 square meters per resident.
  1. Standard rates for the cost of housing and communal services. In Moscow, for example, these prices are formed from:
  • fees collected for major and current repairs of a residential building;
  • central heating fees;
  • centralized water supply (both hot and cold);
  • gas consumption;
  • electricity consumption;
  • sewerage

Who is eligible to receive financial assistance?

According to the Housing Code of Russia, the following categories of citizens of the Russian Federation can receive this form of social support:

  • citizens who have living space in their personal property;
  • responsible tenants of residential premises owned by the municipality or the state;
  • citizens who are members of housing cooperatives (housing and construction cooperatives);
  • tenants of a privately owned home, if they have a formal rental agreement for the home concluded with its owner.

People who are not Russian citizens also do not have the right to apply for social benefits.

Share of expenses for housing and communal services in the family budget

The percentage that a family spends from its budget on utility bills is the most important indicator when considering whether to provide financial support. The maximum family budget that gives the right to receive support is also set individually in each Russian region. The standards established by the Moscow government on July 1, 2015, under which social assistance can be issued, are as follows:

  • if the average income per member is from 800 to 2000 rubles per month, then the cost of housing and communal services in such a family cannot exceed three percent;
  • if the average cost per resident is from 2000 to 2500 rubles, then utility costs cannot exceed six percent of the total family budget;
  • if the income per tenant is over 2,500 rubles per month, then the share of expenses for housing and communal services should not exceed 10%.

Maximum family budget for calculating social assistance

The maximum family income that gives the right to receive a subsidy is also set individually in each region. In Moscow, since July 1, 2015, the following standards have been in effect for various groups of the population, provided that the family spends 10% of its budget on utilities:

  1. For owners of living space located in an apartment building and who are required to pay contributions for major repairs of the housing stock:
    • for a single tenant, the monthly income that entitles one to apply for a subsidy is 36.9 thousand.
    • for a family of two members – 57.34;
    • out of three – 79.9;
    • out of four - 106.6;
    • of five members - 133.2;
    • out of six - 159.8;
    • out of seven - 186.5;
    • out of eight - 213.1;
    • out of nine - 239.7;
    • for a family of ten or more people – 266.4.
  2. For homeowners who do not pay contributions for major repairs:
    • for a single tenant – 31.9 thousand rubles;
    • for a family of two people – 50.9;
    • of three members – 71.8;
    • out of four – 95.7;
    • out of five – 119.7;
    • out of six – 143.6;
    • out of seven – 167.5;
    • out of eight – 191.5;
    • out of nine – 215.4;
    • of ten or more people – 239.4.
  3. For tenants of residential space on the balance sheet of the city municipality, under a social rental agreement:
    • for a single employer – 32.9 thousand rubles;
    • for a family consisting of two people – 52.2;
    • of three people – 73.4;
    • out of four – 97.8;
    • out of five people – 122.3;
    • out of six – 146.8;
    • out of seven – 171.2;
    • out of eight – 195.7;
    • out of nine – 220.1;
    • of ten or more people – 244.6.
  4. For tenants of housing from private owners, homeowners associations, housing departments and the like:
    • for a single employer – 34.9 thousand rubles;
    • for a family consisting of two people – 54.7;
    • of three people – 76.7;
    • of four people – 102.2;
    • out of five members - 127.8;
    • out of six – 153.3;
    • out of seven – 178.9;
    • out of eight – 204.5;
    • out of nine – 230.0;
    • of ten or more people – 255.6.

You will need to find out the specific standards adopted for your region at your place of residence. It should be borne in mind that these regulations and standards may differ greatly from each other in different regions of the country.

Due to the constant increase in tariffs for housing and communal services and the increase in the cost of housing, the state provides monetary assistance to low-income segments of the population in order to help citizens financially and partially compensate for housing costs or payment for services provided.

The most vulnerable segments of the population have the right to count on support from the state.

What is a housing subsidy, what legislation is it regulated by?

The term subsidy comes from the Latin word support. Usually it’s not just about issuing money, but receiving a certain benefit.

Subsidy characterized:

  • free financial support;
  • financing can be equity or partial;
  • budget assistance;
  • providing targeted subsidies.

In our country, subsidies are provided in various areas. are allocated to compensate for the costs of construction or purchase of housing. Utility subsidies allow citizens to pay for housing and communal services.

The state provides financial assistance to young families, pensioners, disabled people and other categories of persons entitled to support.

Legislative acts regulating housing subsidies:

Citizens who are entitled to state subsidies are determined by Legislative Acts.

Reasons for providing assistance

Subsidy for repayment of payments for housing and communal services can receive:

  • Owners living in apartment buildings.
  • Persons who are members of residential cooperatives.
  • Tenants of private housing.
  • Residents occupying government-owned premises.

Can't receive subsidies:

  • Persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Having debt to pay for housing and communal services.
  • Persons who have entered into an agreement to repay these debts.

Basically, many citizens of our country can take advantage of the government subsidy program and reduce their utility bills. Subject to conscientious fulfillment of obligations to pay for these services, correctly collected and provided documents.

The Government of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of monetary assistance to families with low incomes. These are mostly single people, pensioners, disabled people or large and low-income families. These are citizens who have a common family income below the subsistence level established by law, when spending more than 22% of the family budget on utility bills. Basically, this threshold depends on the region of residence; in Moscow it is only 10%.

Amount and terms of provision

Submission deadline subsidies for 6 months.

Size it is calculated in accordance with local regional requirements and depends on housing and communal services tariffs.

To calculate the amount of payments, use the following indicators:

  • room area;
  • the cost of repairs and maintenance of the house;
  • cost of heat and water supply;
  • wastewater costs;
  • the cost of electricity and gas supply.

The amount of cash payments is always calculated individually; it should not exceed the total amount accrued according to tariffs.

Submit documents To apply for a subsidy, it is necessary from the 1st to the 15th of each month, in this case, payments can be received already in the current month. If documents are submitted later than the 15th, compensation is paid the following month. Every 6 months you need to confirm your right to payments and submit the necessary documents again.

In case of providing false information, a citizen is liable before the law.

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Rules for calculating subsidies, funds are transferred to a personal bank account. You can use a pension account for these purposes. It is possible to transfer money through post offices.

Who is entitled to

Citizen has the right to receive government subsidies if he:

Main condition To receive a subsidy, there is no debt on utility bills. Payments are terminated if payment is not made on time.

For government subsidies they have a right socially vulnerable citizens:

  1. Single mothers who provided a package of required documents.
  2. Unemployed citizens with officially confirmed unemployed status upon presentation of a certificate from the Central Social Security Service.
  3. Large families for which social support programs have been developed.
  4. Lonely disabled people.

Requirements requirements for persons entitled to subsidies:

  • The applicant must have Russian citizenship.
  • Be the owner of the property for which compensation is being paid.
  • Permanently reside in this residential premises.
  • Have no rent debts.
  • Belong to the category of low-income persons.

To apply for a subsidy, you will need documentation:

  • application from the owner for compensation;
  • certificate of complete family composition;
  • photocopies of identity documents, passports or birth certificates;
  • copies of pension insurance certificates;
  • residential lease agreement or certificate of ownership;
  • a document confirming the absence of debts on utility bills;
  • certificate of income of all family members for a period of 6 months;
  • personal account number in Sberbank;
  • a photocopy of the work book for unemployed citizens and a certificate from the Central Social Security Service confirming the status of unemployed.

This list of documents is standard and is submitted to the local OSZN department to begin processing cash payments. The list of required documents differs depending on the region of residence.

Who can't use this kind of help?

Certain categories of citizens who have a special right to receive apartment subsidies

For persons who especially need improved living conditions, subsidies are issued for the construction or purchase of housing. This right is confirmed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 1996 “On state support for citizens in the construction and purchase of housing.”

To receive subsidies from the state can claim:

  • Citizens who live in the same area for a long time and have permanent registration.
  • Persons who have not previously received cash subsidies for the purchase of housing.

First of all have the right to subsidize and receive housing, in accordance with Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation:

Employees who have been working at this enterprise for a long time can purchase housing at the expense of enterprise funds.

On extraordinary receipt of subsidies in order to purchase housing, they can count on:

  • Families affected by natural disasters.
  • Orphans after staying in boarding schools and orphanages.
  • Disabled people of group 1.
  • Judges.
  • Elderly people in social service institutions who do not have their own housing.
  • Families with a minor child with HIV infection.
  • Citizens after rehabilitation.
  • Teachers and parents of a family orphanage.

Nuances of accrual and registration in various regions of the Russian Federation

The requirements for the level of income of citizens in each individual region are completely different.

The legally permitted share of expenses for housing and communal services must be 22% of the total family income. In different regions, this figure may differ significantly; for example, in Moscow it is 10%.

The average price for utilities is determined by region. The cost of heat, electricity, maintenance of the housing stock, costs of major repairs are taken into account, all this is summed up and a fixed value is obtained.

Also, different regions of the Russian Federation have their own procedure for calculating subsidies and a certain list of documents required for this.

Thanks to government support, many families and single people can reduce their housing costs and improve their standard of living.

For information about who is entitled to a subsidy for housing and communal services, see the following video:

Housing and communal services / Tariffs for housing and communal services

Rents in Moscow are rising every year, and paying for utilities places a heavy burden on residents of the capital. Can I get a utility subsidy? Can. City authorities are trying to alleviate the financial burden on the family budget of low-income Muscovites. The subsidy partially covers utility costs. Who can count on such help, where to go and how to apply for a subsidy? We have collected answers to these questions.

Utility subsidies: what documents regulate the provision

The payment of the subsidy is regulated by Article 159 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. And also the Rules for the provision of subsidies for the payment of living quarters and utilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 No. 761 “On the provision of subsidies for the payment of living quarters and utilities.”

Residents of the city of Moscow are provided with a subsidy in accordance with Moscow Government Decree No. 710-PP dated September 19, 2006.

According to the decree of the Moscow government dated October 7, 2003. No. 835, subsidies for the payment of housing and utilities are provided to Muscovites by the State Treasury Institution of the City of Moscow "City Center for Housing Subsidies" (GKU "GTSZhS") strictly in accordance with current legislation.

Utility subsidies: who is eligible?

The subsidy is provided:

  • users of residential premises in the public housing stock;
  • tenants of residential premises under a rental agreement in a private housing stock;
  • members of a housing or housing construction cooperative;
  • owners of residential premises (apartment, residential building, part of an apartment or residential building).

Utility subsidies: who is the user of residential premises?

Users of residential premises in the public housing stock include:

  • the tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, a rental agreement (commercial) or a rental agreement for specialized residential premises and/or members of his family;
  • the borrower under an agreement for the gratuitous use of residential premises for the social protection of certain categories of citizens and members of his family;
  • a former family member of the tenant or borrower under an agreement for the free use of residential premises for the social protection of certain categories of citizens, if he continues to reside in this premises.

Utility subsidies for military families

If tenants of residential premises under a rental agreement in a private housing stock, members of a housing or housing construction cooperative, owners of residential premises undergo conscription military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or sentenced to imprisonment, declared missing, died or declared dead, or are under compulsory treatment by a court decision, subsidies are provided to members of their families, provided that they continue to permanently reside in residential premises previously occupied jointly with these citizens.

If such a family member of the applicant, registered at the place of permanent residence, does not reside temporarily, it is possible to assign a subsidy taking him into account.

Utility subsidies: fee amount

The amount of payment for housing and communal services in different regions ranges from 10% to 22% of the total monthly family income, but should not exceed the threshold of 22%. The Moscow authorities provide a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services to those families whose utility costs amount to more than 10% of the total family income.

Utility subsidies: how to get?

You must apply for government assistance to the housing subsidy department of your district.

The applicant can be any family member who meets the requirements of the Subsidy Rules.

The subsidy is provided only at the place of permanent residence (registration).

If a person uses several residential premises for the specified reasons, then he may qualify for a subsidy to pay for the housing in which he is registered at his place of permanent residence. There is no need to provide any certificates stating that the housing for which the subsidy is issued is the only one.

To receive a subsidy, you must submit an application to the regional department of the housing subsidy center, attaching a complete set of necessary documents. These must include documents confirming the income of the applicant and his family members, taken into account when deciding whether to provide a subsidy, as well as a document confirming the legal basis for the applicant’s ownership and use of the residential premises in which he is registered at his place of permanent residence.

Utility subsidies in Moscow: complete list of documents

1. For families consisting only of non-working pensioners

1.1. When paying using a single payment document (UPD) through the State Civil Code of Ukraine (EIRC):

  • passport(s);
  • bank details and bank account number (or social card of a Muscovite) for transferring the subsidy.

1.2. When paying by receipt of HOA, housing cooperative:

  • passport(s);
  • bank details and bank account number (or social card of a Muscovite) for transferring the subsidy.

If the HOA or housing cooperative fails to provide the necessary information about the applicant, in addition to the above, the following must be additionally submitted:

  • documents containing information about payments for living quarters and utilities accrued for the last month before submitting an application for a subsidy, and about the presence (absence) of arrears in payment for living quarters and utilities;
  • a document confirming the joint residence of his family members with the applicant (single housing document).

2. When paying using a single payment document (UPD) through the GU IS (EIRC) (except for families consisting of non-working pensioners):

  • certificates of income of family members for the last 6 calendar months preceding the month of applying for a subsidy.

3. When paying by receipt to HOAs, housing cooperatives and other management companies (except for families consisting of non-working pensioners):

  • passports of family members (for children under 14 years of age - a birth certificate with a special mark (stamp) or insert confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation);
  • bank details and bank account number (or social card of a Muscovite) for transferring the subsidy;
  • documents confirming the legal basis for the applicant’s possession and use of the residential premises in which he is registered at the place of permanent residence (certificate of ownership of residential premises, rental agreement for residential premises, act of privatization of residential premises, etc.);
  • certificates of income of family members for the last 6 calendar months preceding the month of applying for a subsidy;
  • documents containing information about payments for living quarters and utilities accrued for the last month before submitting an application for a subsidy, and about the presence (absence) of arrears in payment for living quarters and utilities.

Are there debts on utility bills? No subsidy provided

The subsidy is provided to citizens if they do not have debt to pay for housing and utilities or if they have formalized agreements for its repayment.

Utility subsidies: in what cases are payments suspended?

If the recipient of the subsidy fails to pay current payments for housing and communal services within 2 months, the provision of the subsidy may be suspended. A month is given to repay the debt. If during this period the debt is not repaid or the terms of its repayment have not been agreed upon with the management organization (or with the State Public Institution Engineering Service of the District), the provision of the subsidy is terminated.

Payment of the subsidy also stops if:

  • the supporter has changed his place of permanent residence;
  • there has been a change in family composition or basis of residence, or an increase in income that does not give the right to receive a subsidy;
  • the recipient of the subsidy provided false information about himself;

Utility subsidies - calculation of the number of residents

Subsidies for housing and utilities are provided to citizens taking into account permanently residing (registered) members of their families. The subsidy is calculated separately for citizens living in a communal apartment and who are members of different families on independent grounds.

Utility subsidies: how to confirm your share?

Citizens can submit to the district subsidy department any document confirming the amount of their share of the cost of paying for housing. It can be:

  • certificate of allocation of payments for housing and communal services;
  • court decision;
  • agreement of citizens, if this payment is made according to one payment document.

Utility subsidies. With or without home delivery

The subsidy is provided for 6 months if all necessary documents are available:

  • from the 1st day of the current month if the applicant applies before the 15th day of the month;
  • from the 1st day of the next month when applying from the 16th day of the month.

Funds are transferred directly to citizens to accounts opened by them in any banks in Moscow.

Cash assistance can be delivered to your home through communication organizations to citizens who, for health reasons, are unable to open and use bank accounts. These include:

– disabled people of the first group, the elderly who need constant care following the conclusion of a medical institution, as well as persons over 80 years of age.

Six months after the subsidy was provided, you must re-confirm your right to social assistance.

The only people who do not need to re-register the subsidy every six months are pensioners living alone, as well as families of pensioners who have no other income other than pensions. GCHS will recalculate the subsidy automatically.

Citizens can independently manage the funds transferred to their accounts, while paying for housing and utilities in full. Information on the amount of the subsidy is indicated monthly in the payment document for payment of housing and communal services.

Utility subsidies in Moscow: three calculation standards

The right of Muscovites to a subsidy is determined in accordance with Moscow standards. The amount of the subsidy is calculated using a special formula that takes into account: the number of residents, the family's subsistence level, the standard cost of services and the total income of the applicant, but in a simplified form it must cover the difference between the maximum allowable share of citizens' expenses and the final bill in the payment receipt.

Utility subsidies. Standard 1. Footage

1. To calculate the subsidy, the standard for the standard area of ​​residential premises is used (approved by the Moscow City Law of November 1, 2006 No. 54 “On the standards of the city of Moscow used in determining the rights of citizens to provide subsidies for the payment of residential premises and utilities”).

The subsidy will only be given to pay for housing whose area is not larger than the social norm accepted in Moscow.

The size of the standard standard area of ​​living space

1 person – 33 sq. m of total area

2 people – 42 sq. m of total area

3 or more people – 18 sq. m of total area for each family member

For example, if a single pensioner lives on 60 square meters, then she will receive a subsidy only for 33 square meters, and for the “surplus” living space she will have to pay in full - 100 percent.

Utility subsidies. Standard 2. Cost of housing and communal services

Standard for the cost of housing and communal services (the size of the standard was approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 28, 2011 No. 645-PP “On approval of the size of the standard for the cost of housing and communal services for 2012”).

  • for citizens living alone – 2,403.94 rubles.
  • for one member of a family consisting of 2 people – 1,945.27 rubles.
  • for one member of a family consisting of 3 or more people - 1,835.62 rubles.

Utility subsidies. Standard 3. Maximum expenses for rent

When calculating the subsidy, the so-called standard of the maximum allowable share of citizens’ expenses for housing and utilities in the total family income is used (approved by the Moscow City Law of November 1, 2006 No. 54 “On the standards of the city of Moscow used in determining the rights of citizens to provide subsidies for payment for housing and utilities)

Average per capita income per month Standard size
up to 800 rub. 0%
800–2000 rub. 3%
2000–2500 rub. 6%
over 2500 rub. 10%

From these figures it follows: you will be completely or partially exempted from rent. For example, if the monthly average per capita income of a family is less than 800 rubles, then the family pays nothing (within the limits of living space standards). With an income of 800 rubles. up to 2000 rub. – no more than 3%, etc.

Let us remind you: in Moscow the limit is 10% of the total family income. If you brought a bill for an apartment, where the amount of payments, calculated within the standards, exceeds a tenth of all income, then you may qualify for a housing and communal services subsidy.

For example, a single pensioner receiving a pension of 13 thousand rubles. and living in a standard one-room apartment must pay more than 2 thousand rubles. To calculate the subsidy due to her, you need from 2403.94 rubles. (the current standard cost of housing and communal services for a single person) subtract 1,300 rubles. (10% of total income), subsidy - 1103 rubles. 94 kopecks

You can also determine whether you are eligible for city help to pay for utilities or not using simple calculations. If, after adding up all sources of family income (salary, stipend, pension, unemployment benefits, etc. for the last six months), the monthly total income is lower than that indicated in the table for the family of your composition, then you have the right to qualify for a subsidy.

From September 1, 2012, the maximum income limit that gives the right to receive a subsidy has increased. Now it amounts to:

Family composition (persons) Maximum total (monthly) family income in rubles. not higher:
1 24 039,40
2 38 905,40
3 55 068,60
4 73 424,80
5 91 781,00
6 110 137,20
7 128 493,40
8 146 849,60
9 165 205,80
10 183 562,00

Utility subsidies: how total income is calculated

When calculating the total family income, the income of citizens who are, in relation to the applicant or members of his family, a spouse, parents or adoptive parents of minor children, minor children, including adopted ones, is taken into account.

The main legal fact giving rise to the mutual rights and obligations of spouses is the state registration of marriage in the civil registry office (clause 2 of Article 10 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation), and not the fact of their cohabitation.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Rules, the subsidy is provided to citizens taking into account their family members permanently residing with them. If the applicant indicated in the application for a subsidy not all citizens registered together with him at his place of permanent residence as members of his family, he is obliged to submit a document confirming their costs of paying for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities. This could be a document issued by the management organization, certified by the seal and signature of the responsible person, or an agreement on participation in the payment of residential premises and utilities, concluded between family members of the owner of the residential premises.

In accordance with Article 69 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, family members of a tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement must include his spouse living with him, as well as the children and parents of this tenant. Other relatives and disabled dependents are recognized as members of the employer's family if they are installed by the employer as members of his family and run a common household with him.

Utility subsidies. How to prove that there is no income?

If any of the adult family members cannot provide a document on income, then it is necessary to submit a document confirming their absence. It can be:

1) certificate of absence of a scholarship - for citizens studying in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education on a full-time basis;

2) certificate of study in general educational institutions of primary and secondary education for citizens from 16 to 18 years of age;

3) for citizens with unemployed status - a document confirming the absence of payment of all types of unemployment benefits and other types of payments to the unemployed;

4) a document confirming that citizens belong to the following categories of persons with no or limited employment opportunities:

  • children of preschool and school age up to 16 years (birth certificate/passport);
  • persons held in custody for the period of preliminary investigation or trial;
  • persons undergoing long-term inpatient treatment (for the period of such treatment);
  • persons who are wanted for the period until they are recognized as missing or declared dead in the established manner;
  • one of the parents who cares for the child until he reaches 3 years of age. At the same time, he does not receive a monthly benefit for the period of parental leave until the child reaches 1.5 years of age and a monthly compensation payment to citizens who are in an employment relationship under the terms of an employment contract and are on parental leave until the child reaches 3 years of age;
  • unemployed women registered in medical institutions for pregnancy;
  • one of the parents providing care that is necessary for his minor child based on the conclusion of medical institutions;
  • one of the parents in a family with 3 or more children under the age of 16, as well as over 16 years old if they are students of general education schools (students of an educational institution implementing general education programs are 18 years old);
  • students of correspondence and evening departments of educational institutions with full-time education who have not submitted a certificate of income.

Utility subsidy is not a constant value

The amount of the subsidy for housing and utilities cannot be constant for a number of reasons. Over time, this amount can either increase or decrease, since the size of the subsidy directly depends on the total income of the family, its quantitative composition and other conditions.

This dependence is directly proportional: the higher the total family income, the lower the subsidy, and vice versa - the lower the income, the greater the subsidy.

For example, when the insurance or basic part of the labor pension changes upward, the total family income also increases, and this leads to a decrease in the size of the subsidy upon re-registration.

Utility subsidies: useful information

For questions regarding the provision of subsidies for the payment of housing and utilities, please call the hotline of the State Housing Center of Moscow: (495) 530-20-81 (24-hour multi-channel).

Housing subsidy departments in the districts operate according to the following schedule:

  • Mon., Tue., Thu.: 9.00 – 18.00 (reception of citizens: 9.30 – 17.30),
  • Wed: 9.00 – 20.00 (reception of citizens: 9.30 – 19.30),
  • Fri: 9.00 – 16.45 (reception of citizens: 9.30 – 16.00).
  • Break: 13.00 – 13.45.
  • Saturday, Sunday – days off.

The first working day after the 15th of each month is not a reception day (technological processing of information is carried out).

In addition, you can apply for a subsidy through the Internet portal of public services of the city of Moscow: www.pgu.mos.ru.

Materials provided by the press service of the City Center for Housing Subsidies.


How to apply for a subsidy, since most of the family’s expenses come from utility bills. Who is eligible to receive a subsidy? How to apply for it and receive it. What documents are required? How to correctly calculate the subsidy, calculator. Pensioners may not receive benefits if they have arrears in paying utility bills for six months.

A subsidy is a cash benefit provided by the state to partially cover the cost of utility bills. Help does not apply to everyone. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsidies”, those citizens whose income is less than the established subsistence level can receive monetary compensation. Who then can count on a subsidy? Citizens of all categories have the right to apply for benefits, however, the procedure and amount of subsidies are established individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular family.

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Subsidy for housing and communal services, who is eligible?

The Law “On Subsidies” stipulates that payment for an apartment should not exceed 22% of the average monthly family income. However, there are districts (for example, Moscow) where receiving benefits is possible even at 10% of expenses from the total family income, since, according to the law, there are different indicators for housing and communal services expenses.

Housing subsidies are provided not only to pensioners, but also to low-income families. This category includes owners whose income is below the subsistence level. It is important to note that on the territory of the Russian Federation it is determined regionally, i.e. there is such a thing as a “regional living wage”. For example, for the capital in 2016 this figure was 18 thousand rubles, and in the Saratov region - 8 thousand rubles.

The following are also eligible for subsidies:

  • orphans;
  • disabled people;
  • unemployed;
  • participants of the Second World War.

The benefit percentage for these categories is 50% of the amount billed.

Privatization of housing is not important when applying for state assistance.

Features of receiving a subsidy for housing and communal services

Subsidies for housing and communal services for pensioners

Special benefits in paying utility bills

The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a special procedure for subsidizing certain groups of the population. In particular, the list of categories of persons who have benefits for extraordinary receipt of subsidies includes military personnel, military pensioners dismissed for health reasons or due to length of service, persons living in closed military units, participants in measures to restructure military units.

These categories of people are awarded subsidies separately by authorized federal institutions. It is these structures that decide who and how is entitled to monetary compensation for an existing apartment. There are no government subsidies for orphans.

When the monthly rent subsidy is not paid

There are situations in which government charges on transfers for utility services cease. These include: the beneficiary moving to a permanent place of residence in another district, region, city, changing living conditions, citizenship, income level, family composition, establishing the fact of providing false data when applying for a subsidy.

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