Who signs the driver's bypass sheet. Bypass sheet - what is it and why is it drawn up

A bypass sheet is one of the mandatory documents that an employee must issue upon dismissal.

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A bypass sheet upon dismissal is required in order to:

  • prove that the employee returned all property, company documentation;
  • prove that all cases were transferred to the successor;
  • to fix the termination of the right to use corporate resources.

The procedure for issuing a bypass sheet is determined by the rules of the organization.

The whole procedure has the following meaning:

  • the employee is given a sheet;
  • information is entered on the absence of debts at work;
  • the sheet is signed by the employer;
  • a dismissal order is issued.

The sheet itself must be handed over to the personnel department, where it is stored in a personal file. The term is determined according to the norm of office work. Usually it is not longer than 3 years.

What it is?

A bypass sheet is a type of documentation that contains a list of materially responsible persons. They are the ones who sign.

The bottom line is this - when a responsible employee signs a paper, this means that the employee did not appropriate the company's property, but returned it back.

The dismissal process will not do without the full signing of the document.

Signing means that each employee responsible for certain values ​​confirms the return of the company's property and documentation.

Management defines this as a guarantee of the integrity and safety of the property of the enterprise, and that the employee has not violated the internal regulations of the company.

What does the law say?

The head cannot require the signature of the bypass sheet without fail. There is no evidence in the law that dismissal without this procedure cannot be carried out.

Based on practice, it can be said that it is easier for an employee to bypass all responsible officials and sign a document than to enter into disputes with the employer.

Bypass sheet upon dismissal of an employee

Not all organizations require the signing of a bypass sheet upon dismissal. But if the manager asks you to fill in the slider, then it's better to do it. This will be much faster than finding out who is right and who is not through the courts.

Until now, some employees who do not want to sign the document are interested in whether it is necessary to fill it out at all.

Is it mandatory?

By law, filling out a bypass sheet is not required. There is no single sample, the form is arbitrary for all organizations. Each company itself determines whether it is possible to require filling out a sheet from employees.

It should be noted that everything is different with those employees who leave the company under the article, that is, not at will.

They may well justifiably refuse to complete the document. And if the employer does not issue a labor and calculation, then you can file a lawsuit and appeal against the actions of the management.

Is it legal?

On the one hand, it is illegal to require an employee to fill out a bypass sheet.

The Labor Code clearly regulates the dismissal procedure and nowhere is there any mention of the mandatory filling out of the document.

But the organization's regulations may indicate that an employee must sign a document upon dismissal. Therefore, the claims are considered legitimate. But at the same time, there is another side - if the manager does not issue labor and calculation, then this is already a violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This fact can only be proven in court. The time spent on litigation may be more than on the bypass and signature of the document.

Design rules

The checklist must include the following information:

  • Company name;
  • who is the employee - full name and position;
  • when he was hired and when he stopped his activities;
  • all data about the officials with whom the employee must sign the document.

The form

There is no sample bypass sheet upon dismissal established by law.

In form, this is a document with data and a table, which includes the following sections:

  • how the workplace is arranged - all property;
  • what office equipment, furniture and consumables were in use;
  • what software, seals were in use;
  • what materials and tools were issued;
  • what information was accessed;
  • what transport was transferred to the employee.

How to fill?

Filling is carried out in any form or in the form established by the employer. Opposite each name of an official, you must put the date and mark, signature.

What marks are given?

Marks are put depending on who is responsible for this or that property.

The list of responsible persons is usually as follows:

  • a personnel officer who manages the affairs of a resigning employee;
  • department head;
  • the service responsible for the security of the company;
  • accounting.

The following persons also sign:

  • director;
  • HR specialist.

The following marks are given:

  • on the transfer of all material assets that were at the disposal of the employee;
  • on the transfer of business processes;
  • on the transfer of documented reporting;
  • on the delivery of a pass in electronic or paper form;
  • about handing over the keys;
  • on the transfer of a business phone.

Putting down all the marks can take quite a long time.

What if they don't sign?

If the bypass sheet is not signed, the reason should be clarified. If it is difficult to return any material value, then you can compensate for the damage and the document will be signed.

If the employer refuses to fill out for no reason, then you should file a lawsuit in court.

In most cases, the judges satisfy the claims, and the employee leaves after receiving the payment.

Document retention period

In 2019, there are no strictly established standards for storing runners, since the process of filling them out is not regulated by law. Usually the document is kept for a period determined by the company itself.

The shelf life is usually 3 years. The document is always in the archive or in the personnel department of the company.


Since there are no legal norms that regulate the procedure for filling out the slider, then the liability measures are not defined. Another thing is that the manager himself can delay the issuance of labor and calculation. But now it's illegal. The situation rarely leads to litigation.

Every organization has its own ritual of saying goodbye to employees. Often, the official part includes a visit to the head of each department and the collection of signatures in a consolidated document stating that there are no questions for the outgoing one. I handed over the cases, handed over the parking pass, did not take the working materials with me, there are no material claims. Is it customary in your company to sign a bypass sheet when dismissing employees? If you are not familiar with this concept, then this article is for you.

How legislation defines a bypass sheet

There is no concept of a bypass sheet in the TC. So this term is more philistine than official. Accordingly, there is no law regulating issues related to this document.

What is a bypass sheet

As a method of regulating the absence of material damage upon dismissal of an employee, it was introduced into the concept of a bypass sheet. And historically, many take it for granted, which is not true.

Referring to the explanatory dictionary and the experience of personnel specialists, we formulate a definition in a general sense:

The bypass sheet upon dismissal is an internal document of the organization, the form, the procedure for filling out and the procedure for signing which is approved by a local regulatory act for each position / department / the entire company.

Its essence boils down to affixing marks to the responsible of all departments of the organization, indicating the absence of unfinished work processes and material claims against the leaving employee.

We invite you to download a sample checklist.

Thus, whether you need a bypass sheet when dismissing an employee in your company, you decide as a manager. Then you publish the corresponding internal document.

When is a bypass sheet required upon dismissal? Let's consider a simple example. You fire an office employee (forwarding courier). He has in his arms:

  • The pass he shows to get into the internal parking lot of the business center.
  • Magnetic key from the entrance terminal.
  • office keys.
  • Accountable funds in the amount of 2000 rubles for postage.
  • Corporate phone and SIM card.
  • Primary documents from the supplier.
  • 10 flash cards with presentation materials that he leaves at certain points on your assignment.

A checklist signed by representatives of the accounting department, security service, technical department and office manager will help to control whether all corporate property was returned by the employee before leaving.

The bypass sheet is used upon dismissal (including), when an employee moves to another department (to another position), when an employee goes on vacation.

What to do if an employee does not want to fill out a bypass sheet

Breaking up with an employee doesn't always go smoothly. There are conflicts, mutual discontent, annoyance. Then a person can behave aggressively and act "out of spite." For example, as a sign of protest, refuse to comply with the rules of the dismissal process laid down in your company.

What not to do:

  1. Delay the issuance of funds due upon dismissal of this employee.
  2. Go to the conflict, threaten.

By such actions you violate the rights of the employee and Art. 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which, on the day of dismissal, the employer is obliged to return the work book to the employee and calculate it on the same day, in accordance with Art. 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If this is not done, the employee may apply to the labor inspectorate and demand that the employer be held accountable under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For full or partial non-payment of wages, an administrative penalty is provided for legal entities in the form of a fine of up to 50,000 rubles. Also, the court may oblige the employee to pay the average salary for each day of delay in the work book, as this is equivalent to depriving a person of the opportunity to work elsewhere (Article 234 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If you let your emotions get out of control in your hearts and say too much, you can be accused of intimidation and threats, causing moral harm. It is especially unpleasant if the employee has witnesses and / or evidence of your behavior. Compensation for non-pecuniary damage, according to Art. 237 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the court determines in each particular case.

The only form of influence is persuasion. State your position, referring to the employment contract signed by the employee when hiring, which also describes the dismissal procedure.

What can you do:

  1. Negotiate in advance. Explain that you don't want to keep him. He can do everything during business hours. From the moment of writing a letter of resignation of his own free will, the employee has 2 weeks. In the case of dismissal on your initiative for malicious violations, also give the person time to calmly do everything before leaving, so as not to aggravate the conflict.
  2. Warn that if potential employers approach you for references, you will mention the employee's unwillingness to follow company rules.

This is where your authority ends. If it was not possible to agree, hand over the bypass sheet to the personnel officer and give him the task to fill it out for the resigned (dismissed).

What to do if you find a shortage of goods and materials

If, as a result of filling out the bypass sheet by all divisions, it turned out that the departed employee took with him property belonging to the company, you can oblige him to return the missing one, referring to Ch. 39 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation "Financial liability of the employee".

If he does not respond, send him an official notice by mail to the registration address. Further, the former employee can voluntarily return or pay off the damage caused. To do this, you must write an application (sample application for voluntary repayment of material damage).

In case of refusal to compensate for damages, the employer has the right to apply to the court. Do not forget about the limits of liability of employees (no more than the average monthly earnings, if the law does not provide for full liability (Article 241 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)). Cases of full liability are listed in Art. 243 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and are related to the nature of the duties of the employee, intentional infliction of harm, inadequate condition of the employee, criminal intent, disclosure of classified information.

Convey to the former employee that going to court is a last resort, it is not in the interests of any of the parties to resort to it. It is much easier to resolve everything peacefully on a voluntary basis.

Upon termination of the employment contract, the employee is supposed to return to the employer everything that he took for use. The most common control tool that is used in this situation is the bypass sheet. This article will allow you to find out how legitimate the use of such a document is. At the end, you can download a sample bypass sheet upon dismissal.

Why do you need a bypass sheet

In the course of labor relations, the employee inevitably has at his disposal certain material values, as well as the intellectual property of the organization. In order to make sure that upon dismissal, the employee returned the property, money or documents entrusted to him in the proper form and quantity, the employer instructs to hand over the signed bypass sheet. In everyday life, this document is called a “runner”, which literally means the need to “run around” the persons responsible for certain values ​​in order to obtain their signature as confirmation of the absence of debt.

The procedure for issuing a bypass sheet

There is no statutory procedure for issuing a bypass sheet. This term is not contained either in the text of the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation, or earlier - even in the Labor Code of the Soviet period. It is mentioned only in separate legislative acts regulating the work of state and military institutions. Consequently, the employer, who has adopted such a document, independently develops and approves its form. However, it can only be used for internal accounting and control of the safety of valuables. The content of the "slider" cannot serve as a basis for delaying the issuance of a calculation or work book. If the employer does otherwise, then there is a violation Art. 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the employee should file a complaint with the state labor inspectorate.

Who must sign the bypass sheet

When leaving the company, the staff returns to the employer a variety of property, from office supplies to a company car. Sometimes the leaving employee is required to transfer intangible values, for example, to submit internal reporting or to train a new employee in the basics of the production process. Most often in the bypass sheet appear:

  • immediate supervisor;
  • accountant;
  • personnel manager;
  • employee of the information technology department;
  • Head of the household;
  • security officer.

The list of persons to whom it is necessary to report on the delivery of entrusted property or documents depends on the specifics of the structure of the organization.

Bypass sheet template

What to do if an employee does not want to sign a bypass sheet upon dismissal

As mentioned above, the legitimacy of a bypass sheet upon dismissal is limited only by the purposes of internal accounting and control. Therefore, the organization cannot oblige the employee to sign this document. The unwillingness of the employee to fill it out should not affect the dismissal procedure, regulated Art. 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In other words, regardless of the "runner", the employee receives a full payment and a work book on the day of dismissal. However, the very fact of refusal to sign the document gives reason to think about the motivation of the employee. The best way to dispel doubts in this situation is to conduct an unscheduled internal audit or inventory, the results of which will determine the legal course of action.

What to do if there is a shortage in the process of signing the bypass sheet

If during the process of dismissal a shortage of material assets or funds entrusted to the employee is revealed, the employer has the right to proceed with the recovery of material damage. This procedure is regulated by Chapter 39 of the Labor Code. Art. 238 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employee to compensate the employer for the direct actual damage caused. The limits of compensation for damage are determined by the nature of the relationship between the employee and the employer. Reimbursement in full occurs if there is a full liability agreement signed by the employee ( Art. 242 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In other cases, compensation may not exceed the amount of the average monthly earnings of the employee ( Art. 241 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the employee refuses to cover the shortage, the organization has the right to recover damages through the courts.

From the place of work is such a procedure that is familiar to every person conducting labor activities. It is remembered by the fact that in this process it is necessary to deal with the execution of several documents and spend a lot of time on such an exercise.

These papers include a bypass sheet, or in the common name “runner”, in practice, without which it is impossible to get your settlements and leave work. Many employees, and even employers themselves, cannot fully understand the purpose of this document.

There is no such thing as a "bypass sheet" in the Labor Code

In fact, such a document is a written proof that the resigning employee does not have any debts or unfulfilled in relation to the enterprise.

But it is worth knowing that in the current Labor Code of Russia, as well as in the old version of this regulatory act, there is not a single mention of the mandatory registration of a “runner”. Only in other regulatory documents on labor there is separate information about it.

As practice shows, some enterprises have rules that establish requirements for issuing a bypass sheet, not only but also before leaving for and even before getting a job. Each employer determines its own procedure for this document. Especially filling in the "runner" when applying for a workplace is of great importance for both parties. It consists of the following criteria:

  • The employer will have confidence that the new one, when he signs such a document, already assumes obligations to fulfill his functional duties, and will not resist from the first days.
  • For a newly arrived employee, drawing up a “runner” is a guarantee that they will not write down excess property on him without notice, and will not be required to fulfill other labor obligations

This document confirms the fact of the transfer of all cases from the former employee. This includes acceptance, from which the predecessor was released during the dismissal.

List of officials indicated in the bypass sheet

Regardless of the reason for which a bypass sheet is drawn up, when applying for a job or leaving it, the names of the heads of key structural divisions from whom you need to get a mark are entered in it.

Each manager confirms with his signature that he has no claims against the employee. If we consider in detail the structure of the sample bypass sheet upon dismissal, it can be established that it indicates:

  1. direct manager. Namely, he organizes the delivery of the workplace, the transfer of duties, tools and material values. Also, the leader is concerned about the proper performance of duties.
  2. Human Resources Worker. It establishes the fact that, for example, the dismissal procedure takes place according to the established procedure.
  3. Accounting worker. Confirms awareness that the employee is leaving and it is necessary to prepare for it
  4. Employee accounting and storage of material values. Indicates that there are no material assets on the person being settled.
  5. Head of Information Technology Department. Confirms that the dismissed employee handed over the tool and technological equipment in working order.
  6. Head of security and safety service. With his signature, he indicates the fact of the transfer of the pass document and keys to the production premises

It must be remembered that the correct execution of the bypass sheet and the presence of all the required signatures are the responsibility of the head of the structural unit. He puts his mark after the presence of all signatures from the above officials.

The order of registration of the "runner"

The slider is filled arbitrarily

As noted above, the labor legislation does not fix the norm for the procedure for compiling a bypass sheet. But, nevertheless, it is considered that such a document will be correctly executed when the following aspects are observed in it:

  • On the first working day, the company performs the signing procedure with the heads of structural services and the acceptance of labor obligations.
  • Not later than one day before leaving the enterprise, the "runner" is filled.
  • After fulfilling all the points of the rules for employment, the new employee is familiarized with the new workplace, the new employee is instructed and acquainted with the workforce.

Many citizens believe that the presence of a bypass sheet makes the relationship with the employer, to put it mildly, not friendly. In their opinion, this document is a significant fact of violation of labor relations and civil rights.

In contrast to such reasoning, it is worth noting that many business leaders turn to judicial institutions with applications to find money from former employees for what they have brought. Most of these litigations end in positive decisions in relation to employers.

The legitimacy of the presence of a bypass sheet in the calculation

No one has the right to force an employee to fill out a bypass sheet upon dismissal

But, be that as it may, there is a legal procedure for dismissing an employee, which is not related to the presence or absence of a “runner”. He points out:

  • The manager cannot, by his authority, force the employee to draw up a bypass sheet.
  • The reluctance to fill out the "slider" is not the reason for the refusal to issue to the dismissed employee
  • The absence of a bypass document cannot be a justification for a delay in issuance.

The listed points of the labor legislation of our country protect the rights of workers. If there are facts of violations, it is necessary to contact the Federal Labor Inspectorate, which will punish the presumptuous leader and force him to compensate for the losses.

Opinion of a legal expert:

The bypass sheet is an invention of the Soviet era. It does not contain any legal basis. Civil law does not give anyone the right to oblige people to run around and collect signatures about their innocence in front of the organization. This document has wide application in many organizations where people are not employees. This practice is used in sanatoriums, educational institutions, hotels, etc.

The very fact of the existence of a piece of paper confirms the low legal culture in our society. According to Art. 12 and 14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in certain cases, self-defense of one's rights is allowed. But such a resolution in this case can be applied with great doubt. The rationale for the position is the absence of a confirmed fact of violation of the civil rights of the organization that issued the bypass sheet. This action unreasonably recognizes the possible guilt of the employee (or other person) in violation of rights. He has to prove that he is not guilty of anything by collecting signatures of officials.

This procedure gives rise to abuses on the part of the administration of the enterprise and humiliates the owner of the bypass sheet. The legal nature of the bypass sheet has been left to us as a legacy from former times. Then there was no current legislation and the Constitution. The Soviet state, unfortunately, did not even declare the principles of the rule of law. What and how to do a person in all life situations was prescribed by various instructions and guidelines or the requirements of the authorities.

Many habits are so deeply embedded in our lives that we will get rid of them for a long time. As you know, an employee upon dismissal must notify the employer about this two weeks in advance. During this time, you can check if there is a debt for the employee. But in return for his stupidity, they give him a runner, let him run. This is contrary to the Constitution and laws.

The video material will acquaint you with the obligations of the employer upon dismissal:

The dismissal process in many enterprises requires the implementation of certain procedures not only by the management of the enterprise, the personnel department and the accounting department, but also by the employee himself. These include the design of the bypass sheet. This is a special document that is used to confirm the passage of certain instances (departments) in the company. It contains full working information about the leaving employee: his full name, the name of the enterprise, department and position in which he carried out his labor activity.

The purpose of this "bypass" is to identify the employee's debt to the company. If such is revealed, then before the calculation, the employee will be obliged to pay it off. However, the question arises, how legitimate are such requirements put forward by the employer? In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is no norm fixing the need to fill out a bypass sheet.

In practice, it is much easier for a retiring employee to get a bypass sheet in the personnel department, go around all the required offices and draw up paperwork than to try to explain the subtleties of the current legislation to the management of the enterprise. Bypass sheet is a kind of unspoken labor document that most enterprises will continue to use when terminating employment relations with employees.

On the one hand, it allows the company to avoid problems with the resigning employee related to non-fulfillment of his obligations, return of debts, etc. On the other hand, the design of the bypass sheet is a kind of protection for the worker from disputes after dismissal.

However, if an employee has difficulty closing the bypass sheet, this can significantly delay the termination of the employment relationship, which is a direct violation of Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is important to note here that if an employee wrote a letter of resignation and handed it over to the enterprise (in person or by registered mail), then he has every right not to go to work after the expiration of the working period. In this situation, it will not matter whether the management of the enterprise signed the application or not.

What is a bypass sheet?

Since the legislation does not provide for the issuance of a bypass sheet upon dismissal, the legitimacy of such requirements is very doubtful. Despite this, the "runner" continues to be issued. But it does not have an approved form. The enterprise independently determines the form of this document and the requirements put forward for it. Therefore, at different firms, the rules for “bypassing” and the list of required signatures may differ.

Why do I need a bypass sheet upon dismissal? It is used as proof of fact:

  • Transfer of working documents to a new employee who will perform the duties of an employee after his calculation.
  • Delivery of property of the enterprise used by workers to perform their work functions;
  • Termination of the right to use special information bases and resources of this enterprise.

The procedure for issuing this document provides for the dismissed employee to receive the signatures of the heads of various departments that check for debts in a particular area. After completing the “bypass”, the runner is handed over to the personnel department, where it is attached to the employee’s personal file.

According to informal business rules, the bypass sheet is drawn up on a standard A4 sheet. It must contain:

  1. full name of the employee;
  2. His position;
  3. Company name;
  4. Date of calculation of the employee;
  5. Table for marks from the heads of departments and divisions;
  6. A note on the transfer of the necessary papers to the employee after his calculation.

If a debt is discovered during the bypass, the necessary material assets must be returned to the company or compensation for their value must be paid. Otherwise, the amount of the debt will be deducted from the funds of the final settlement.

It is important to bear in mind that burdens can be imposed on an employee only if there is a properly executed order and supporting documentation. Otherwise, the mortgage will be considered not confirmed, and the worker will be released from liability.

Can the absence of a bypass sheet prevent the dismissal of an employee?

According to Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, termination of employment relations with an employee is carried out on the basis of a properly executed order of the enterprise management. Therefore, the question “is a bypass sheet mandatory or not upon dismissal” from a legislative point of view should not be raised. The requirements of the employer to fill it out are not based on the norms of labor legislation. And in the event of a delay in the calculation procedure, it violates the rights of an employee, in accordance with Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and entails bringing the management and the company itself to responsibility.

The exception is civil servants. Their obligation to draw up a bypass sheet when calculating is fixed by industry and departmental acts. They must submit the completed document to the territorial personnel department. In other cases, the management of the enterprise does not have the right to require the resigning employee to fill out the “runner”.

What should an employee do if they do not sign a bypass sheet upon dismissal? As noted above, from the point of view of legislation, filling out a bypass sheet is not a prerequisite for calculating an employee. If the termination of labor relations occurs at the initiative of the worker, then he may refuse to perform a “bypass”, and after the expiration of the working period, he simply does not go to work. This will not be considered a violation, since on the last working day indicated in the application for dismissal, it should already be calculated. If this was not done, then the responsibility will be borne by the management of the enterprise, and not the worker.

Another question is if the termination of relations occurs at the initiative of the employer. Up to the moment of issuing an order to dismiss an employee, he will be listed as an employee of the company. And there may be options. If there are no set deadlines for the calculation, then the employee can either fulfill the requirements of the management, or write a statement of his own free will.

If the terms of dismissal are prescribed in advance (this happens when the staff is reduced or the enterprise is liquidated), then the employee cannot be forced to fill out the “slider” for the same reasons. He must be fired on the appointed day, regardless of whether he has a debt to the company or not. The company will decide this issue in court.

Dismissal procedure

However, for the most part, employees prefer not to conflict with the management of the enterprise and comply with the requirements for filling out a bypass sheet. In this case, the employee, coming to the personnel department, receives a “slider” and when all the necessary authorities sign the bypass sheet upon dismissal, he returns it back.

Often, the following instances are introduced into the “slider”:

  • Enterprise accounting;
  • Departments of information and material support;
  • Sat firms;
  • Department of labor protection;
  • Library (if there is one at the enterprise);
  • Human Resources Department.

Those who sign the bypass sheet upon dismissal check whether the employee in question has any debts to the firm. In their absence, they make a corresponding mark.

After receiving the completed document, the personnel department puts it in a personal file and prepares documents for issuance. The accounting department, in turn, must make the necessary calculations, determine the total amount of final payments, including compensation and benefits, if any are provided for in this case.

In practice, there are often situations when an employee, in order to avoid problems and issues related to the issuance of a bypass sheet, goes on sick leave or vacation. The procedure for dismissal in this case occurs in the usual manner. The management of the enterprise, in accordance with Article 174 of the Labor Code, cannot call an employee from vacation without good reason and his consent.

Often the reason for calling an employee is the need to transfer cases and material values ​​assigned to him. However, in accordance with Article 40 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the working time should be used by the company's management to find a suitable employee for a vacant position, and not to collect signatures, submit reports and cases. The bypass sheet upon dismissal, when they issue a work permit, remains in the employee's personal file.

Unlike private firms, where filling out the slider is not mandatory, in state institutions it will no longer be possible to avoid its registration. For example, a bypass sheet upon dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also mandatory for signing. Without it, you will not be able to pay from the institution.

Shelf life of bypass sheet

From the point of view of legislation, the bypass sheet is not an official document and does not have any legal force. Therefore, there are no requirements regarding the order of its storage.

Despite the fact that the labor legislation does not establish the procedure for issuing and storing a bypass sheet, it is customary to take the general rules of office work as the norm, as well as the norms established in local departmental acts.

According to them, in general, such documents are stored for 3 years, if they have not been added to the employee's personal file. However, bypass sheets are often attached to a personal file and stored with it in the prescribed manner.

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