A Course in Miracles question decision rules. Descartes Square - an effective decision-making technique

An active and independent person has to regularly take important decisions, both for yourself and for others. This need arises sooner or later for any of us. The question “what will happen if...” and the answer to it has been worrying humanity and all its representatives for more than a hundred years. “To be or not to be - that is the question!” The agony of choice is a classic and popular theme in literature and art.

Decision making as a problem

Unlike fictional literary characters, with whom everything is one way or another clear and decided by the will of the author, you and I are the creators of our own lives. Our path consists of a chain of forking episodes in which we must decide where and how to move forward, choose one path, thereby abandoning another, which quite possibly leads us to happiness and success in a shorter way. Moreover, if we do not make a decision, the world will impose any of the possible options and the big question is whether it will be in our favor. In addition, while a person is hesitating, he is much more susceptible to the influence of others and vulnerable than when he has already made a decision and began to implement it. Therefore, a) a decision needs to be made, b) it needs to be made quickly, while there is limited time.

What happens when a person makes a spontaneous decision?

  1. As a rule, he keeps everything in his mind because he is too lazy to write, there is nothing to write on (nothing), there is no time, and in general it is unusual to write down such things. This leads to unclear formulations; in fact, it turns out that the person himself does not know exactly what he wants. The same is true with accompanying thoughts and thoughts that come to mind on the subject being considered. Believe me, this is true.
  2. A person triggers a chain from cause to effect “if A happens, then B will happen” and thinking difficult situation comes down to thinking about only one aspect out of many. This has also been verified. Other aspects of choice receive little or no attention.
  3. Very often a person thinks that if he acts in a certain way, he will receive something important for him, and if he does not act, he will not achieve it. For example, if manager A agrees to be transferred to another city, he will receive a salary increase, but if he refuses, he will not receive it. This is not entirely true. You essentially do not lose anything, you remain “within your own people”, especially since it is quite possible to increase your income by same place. That is, refusing to move in reality will not lead to financial losses. Likewise, by refusing to take a step into the unknown, you are not guaranteed against problems and losses in your old “comfortable” place in life.
  4. You and I, basically, don’t like unstable situations and the unknown. Therefore, we begin to consult with those who are at hand, subconsciously trying to shift the burden of decision-making to our neighbor. Of course, there are cases when it is worth consulting with a professional in some narrow field, for example, with a lawyer, but you and I understand the difference between consultation and an attempt to avoid responsibility for your life, right? 🙂

I think I could add a few more points, but even these are enough for now. At the same time, we know that humanity, as a rule, has already come up with a way to solve difficulties in which we find ourselves for the first time; we just need to find it out in time.

The essence of the “Descartes square” method using an example

Descartes square

What is "Descartes square"? The proposed method is not a magic cure for all problems, it is a tool, one of many, that allows you to avoid the most gross mistakes when making decisions. First of all, its simplicity is captivating.

Take a sheet of paper and divide it into 4 parts as shown in the figure.

Now think carefully and write in each part the consequences that are most likely or likely to occur in each case.

Let us explain with an example; this will be more than enough. Let's begin.

Let's say you want to change your lifestyle and go out of town, settling in your own house in the middle of nowhere.

  1. What will happen if this happens.

    1.1 I will live in silence, on fresh air
    1.2 I can do what I want on my site
    1.3 Finally, I can start growing flowers
    1.4 Having built a big house, I will be able to invite guests
  2. What happens if this doesn't happen.
    If I don't move to a house outside the city, then...
    2.1 I will have to live in a limited apartment space
    2.2 Education in the city and classes in clubs and studios of their choice will be available for children
    2.3 It will be necessary to raise a significant amount to increase the housing area
    2.4 I will have to live in a relatively noisy and dirty place - in the city
    2.5 It will be necessary to resolve the issue of parking the car; it is possible to buy a place in the garage.
    2.6 To travel outside the city, I will have to buy a dacha or summer house.
  3. What won't happen if this happens.
    If I move to a house outside the city, then...
    3.1 I won’t be able to be as free as in the city. I will have to constantly monitor the house and grounds
    3.2 I won’t be able to get to the city center every day, so I’ll have to give up my office job.
    3.3 I will not be able to provide children with easy access to school education And additional classes except remotely
    3.4 I will not be able to leave home for a long time, since the plot, dog and plants will require constant attention.
  4. What won't happen if it doesn't happen
    If I don't move into the house, then...
    4.1 I won’t get tired of fiddling around on the ground and constantly studying physical labor
    4.2 I will not be burdened with pets, which my children will definitely want to have.
    4.3 I will not be concerned about problems with fuel, security, snow removal and others
    4.4 I won’t have to give up even partially cultural life in the city
    4.5 I will not need to organize workplace Houses

What to pay attention to

  1. When filling out the last, fourth, section, do not be led by your subconscious. IN in this case“minus by minus” does not give “plus”. Formulate the phrase exactly as indicated in the example. “If I don’t move to a house outside the city, then I won’t...”. It is important. Also, do not be lazy and write in clear, clear, complete sentences.
  2. Due to the fact that our consciousness sometimes feeds us illusions, We strongly advise you to fill out the “Descartes square” in writing! You will see that a clear formulation is not always easy, but it significantly clarifies the vision of the situation. In this case, the rule applies: “What is not written down on paper does not exist.”
  3. You can fill out the “Descartes square” not alone, but, for example, on family council, if the issue concerns the whole family. It probably won't get any worse.
  4. The more points are indicated in each quarter of the square, the better it will be possible to analyze all the pros and cons of the decision and its consequences.
  5. It is desirable that there be at least six or eight points in each section. It is quite possible (if time permits) to put the sheet of paper aside and write down your thoughts on this matter a little later. Gradually, it will take less and less time to work using this technique and you will develop the skill to quickly identify the most important possible consequences. decision taken in a matter of minutes.

I wish you success!

Andrey Osadchiy

Can be difficult to accept correct solution: on the one hand there is pressure from emotions, on the other - desires, on the third - circumstances... What to do in such a situation? Trust your intuition? Common sense? Toss a coin? Ask a friend for advice?

Descartes square - method of "decision making"

Most reliable way- figure it out yourself, and this can be easily done using a method called “Descartes Square”, or, as it is popularly called, decision-making techniques.

Often a person acts under the influence of emotions, without clearly clarifying the situation, without considering all possible solutions, or without properly considering their consequences. Therefore, his choice often leads to a suboptimal result, and then a lot of effort has to be made to correct the situation.

The sages say that to make decisions, the head must be cool, which means turning off emotions and turning on reason. But it can be difficult to do this “on the spot,” because we live, as a rule, under the influence of the gunas of passion and ignorance, and in such conditions emotions, rather than reason, predominate. Therefore there are various methods and techniques to let off steam (calm the emotions) and clear up mental confusion to use the mind to solve complex issues.

Method of clarifying situations

On the site I have already posted various techniques and practices that can help solve a wide variety of problems, clear the mind of accumulated garbage and look at situations from different points of view, which is very useful for acceptance optimal solution. In this same article, I will describe a technique for clarifying situations, which is designed specifically to sort everything out, eliminating confusion and understanding which solution will be the most appropriate, the most correct. This method is known as Descartes Square, and is often called a decision-making technique.

The author of this technique for clarifying situations is the French philosopher Rene Descartes, who was also a mathematician, physicist, mechanic, physiologist, as well as the author of the method of radical doubt (philosophy) and the founder of algebraic symbolism and analytical geometry. As for this particular technique, it is certainly simple and ingenious.

The Descartes Square uses just four questions to list, analyze and understand all the pros and cons of both a positive and negative solution to any problem. The method itself is quite simple and extremely effective.

In the pictures below you will see various options formulations of these four questions of Descartes. The main thing is to understand the essence, because You can choose any wording, most suitable for everyone specific issue. Below are examples of working with Descartes Square with various formulations and different topics for elaboration.

By working with Descartes Square and sorting through the available data, you can sometimes discover a flaw important information to make the right decision, and then this gap needs to be filled. As you work through the four questions, when you analyze the situation from different points of view, excessive emotions subside, the mind calms down and everything becomes clear. And when the situation is sufficiently clarified, making the right decision becomes a very simple matter. This practice generally does not require large quantity time.

How to use decision making techniques

You will need a large sheet of paper (or several) and a pen; You can also use a computer or other suitable device, although this is less visual and not very convenient. Doing a technique in your head is much less effective and takes much longer, although in critical cases you can do it this way, and it will be better than nothing at all.

So, we choose the problem or situation with which we will work, and also proposed solution. It is this proposed solution that we will work on, considering it from all angles. possible sides.

Let's look at the four questions of Descartes' square in the simplest and most understandable form. On the Internet they appear in slightly complex and confusing forms, so I reformulated in clear language and as simple as possible:

Both schemes work equally efficiently. The first is Descartes' "official" scheme:

1. What are the benefits if THIS happens?
2. What are the benefits if THIS DOES NOT happen?
3. What are the downsides if THIS happens?
4. What are the disadvantages if THIS DOES NOT happen?

An alternative scheme for constructing a Descartes Square, which may be more convenient (this is individual):

1. What are the benefits if THIS happens?

2. What are the downsides if THIS happens?

3. What are the benefits if THIS DOES NOT happen?

4. What are the disadvantages if THIS DOES NOT happen?

The word “IT” refers to the intended solution to a problem or situation. That is, we work through the pros and cons of the proposed solution, as well as the pros and cons of rejecting the proposed solution.

Example. Let's say we have an irresistible desire to buy something, but there is a problem with money, and we see the supposed solution - “take out a loan.”

So, we divide a sheet of paper into four squares (or rectangles) and in each we write a question, not in the center, as in the picture, but at the top, in large font - it will be more convenient. The pictures are provided simply for clarity, to understand the essence. It is better to specify the wording to suit the situation you are analyzing. In this case, it can be formulated as follows (I’ll write it according to the second scheme):

1. What are the advantages if I take out a loan?

2. What are the disadvantages if I take out a loan?

3. What are the advantages if I Not will I take out a loan?

4. What are the disadvantages if I Not will I take out a loan?

When a question is written in each square, we begin to write down the corresponding pros and cons - everything that comes to mind. It is not necessary to fill out Descartes' square according to some pattern; write in the order in which the answers come. The main thing is not to make the wrong square. You can write in abbreviations, but it is important that you understand all your abbreviations well just by glancing at them. Try to write down as much as possible, even “insignificant little things,” because they can ultimately play a decisive role.

Below in the pictures you see other examples of the wording of Descartes' questions. If they are clearer or more convenient for you than the ones I suggested, use them.

The final result of working on the Descartes square

By filling out the Descartes square, you will feel how the confusion of thoughts disappears and the situation becomes clearer. When the confusion is cleared in to a sufficient extent, you will feel that your emotions have subsided, your “head has cooled down,” clarity and a clear understanding have come which decision will be correct. In other words, you begin to feel the voice of reason, “cool” and calm, and you accept it. Decisions made on the basis of cold reason (or common sense, taking into account all possible consequences) turn out to be the most correct. These decisions won't always be perfect because you may not have everything. necessary information For best choice, but, in any case, this decision-making technique will provide you with invaluable help. Of course, if necessary, you can and should fill in the gaps if you lack information to assess the pros and cons of the solution being developed.

As you work with the Cartesian square, you may find that the proposed solution you are working on may not be appropriate, and another solution will come to mind that seems much more appropriate, and then you can start working on it.

Using this technique, you can work through a wide variety of problems and possible solutions. In the process of work, the mind is cleansed and negative emotions are neutralized, getting rid of illusions and burning material desires. So use this technique, it clears the mind and leads to intelligence, increases the ability to predict consequences and eliminates a lot of potential troubles.

Source (read in full) Decision-making technique: Descartes Square (self-knowledge site). There is an opportunity to discuss on the forum.

An active and independent person regularly has to make important decisions, both for himself and for others. This need arises sooner or later for any of us.

The question “what will happen if...” and the answer to it has been worrying humanity and all its representatives for more than a hundred years. “To be or not to be - that is the question!” The agony of choice is a classic and popular theme in literature and art.

"Descartes Square" is simple technique decision making, requiring very little time. She helps clarify significant criteria choices and consequences of each decision. The fact is that in a situation that requires a decision, we often become fixated on just one or two aspects of it and, as a result, drive ourselves into a state of impasse, not noticing the selection criteria that are significant to us.

Making a decision is not always easy - every event, every life change has its pros and cons. You need to take them into account in advance so as not to be faced with a fact at a time when it is too late to change something. Some people sit down and write down the advantages and disadvantages of future decisions on a piece of paper, others simply toss a coin. For such cases there is special technique, allowing you to analyze the question from four sides at once - Descartes' square.

For this take a sheet of paper, draw it into four fields, and write the answers to the questions in each cell (below is another example):

What will happen if this happens? (Positive result of an action taken).
What happens if this doesn't happen? (The benefits of not doing something).
What won't happen if this happens? ( Negative sides decision taken).
What won't happen if this doesn't happen? (Negative aspects of not making a decision).

For example, you decided to change your unloved, nervous and difficult, but highly paid job to the one you have long dreamed of. In this case, the income will be slightly lower.

If you change jobs, you will be much calmer, more cheerful, you will be able to share good emotions with your family and devote more time to your children. There will be strength and desire to do something besides the grueling making of money - sports, hobbies.

If you don't go to new job, then your family will continue to be wealthy. You can go abroad on vacation and buy a new car.
By changing jobs, you will be forced to lead a more modest lifestyle, give up new car and foreign holidays.

If you don't change your job, you risk making money breakdown, completely ruin your health and upset your relationships with loved ones, because you have neither the strength nor the nerves to communicate with them in a positive way.

The main thing is not to get confused by “not” particles: the brain tends to ignore double negations, so the fourth answer may resemble the first. This shouldn't happen.

Decision making as a problem

Unlike fictional literary characters, with whom everything is one way or another clear and decided by the will of the author, you and I are the creators of our own lives. Our path consists of a chain of forking episodes in which we must decide where and how to move forward, choose one path, thereby abandoning another, which quite possibly leads us to happiness and success in a shorter way. Moreover, if we do not make a decision, the world around us will impose one of the possible options and the big question is whether it will be in our favor. In addition, while a person is hesitating, he is much more susceptible to the influence of others and vulnerable than when he has already made a decision and began to implement it. Therefore, a) a decision needs to be made, b) it needs to be made quickly, while there is limited time.

What happens when a person makes a spontaneous decision?

As a rule, he keeps everything in his mind because he is too lazy to write, there is nothing to write on (nothing), there is no time, and in general it is unusual to write down such things. This leads to unclear formulations; in fact, it turns out that the person himself does not know exactly what he wants. The same is true with accompanying thoughts and thoughts that come to mind on the subject being considered. Believe me, this is true.
In a person, a chain works from cause to effect “if A happens, then B happens” and thinking about a complex situation comes down to thinking about only one aspect out of many. This has also been verified. Other aspects of choice receive little or no attention.
Very often a person thinks that if he acts in a certain way, he will receive something important for him, and if he does not act, he will not achieve it. For example, if manager A agrees to be transferred to another city, he will receive a salary increase, but if he refuses, he will not receive it. This is not entirely true. You essentially do not lose anything, you remain “within your own people”, especially since it is quite possible to increase your income in the same place. That is, refusing to move in reality will not lead to financial losses. Likewise, by refusing to take a step into the unknown, you are not guaranteed against problems and losses in your old “comfortable” place in life.
You and I, basically, don’t like unstable situations and the unknown. Therefore, we begin to consult with those who are at hand, subconsciously trying to shift the burden of decision-making to our neighbor. Of course, there are cases when it is worth consulting with a professional in some narrow field, for example, with a lawyer, but you and I understand the difference between consultation and an attempt to avoid responsibility for your life, right?

You can add a few more points, but even these are enough for now. At the same time, we know that humanity, as a rule, has already come up with a way to solve difficulties in which we find ourselves for the first time; we just need to find it out in time.

The essence of the “Descartes square” method using an example

What is "Descartes square"? The proposed method is not a magic cure for all problems, it is a tool, one of many, that allows you to avoid the most serious mistakes when making decisions. First of all, its simplicity is captivating.

Take a piece of paper and divide it into 4 parts as shown in the image above.

Now think carefully and write in each part the consequences that are most likely or likely to occur in each case.

Let us explain with an example; this will be more than enough. Let's begin.

Let's say you want to change your lifestyle and go out of town, settling in your own house in the middle of nowhere.

What will happen if this happens.

1.1 I will live in silence, in the fresh air
1.2 I can do what I want on my site
1.3 Finally, I can start growing flowers
1.4 Having built a big house, I will be able to invite guests

What happens if this doesn't happen.
If I don't move to a house outside the city, then...
2.1 I will have to live in a limited apartment space
2.2 Education in the city and classes in clubs and studios of their choice will be available for children
2.3 It will be necessary to raise a significant amount to increase the housing area
2.4 I will have to live in a relatively noisy and dirty place - in the city
2.5 It will be necessary to resolve the issue of parking the car; it is possible to buy a place in the garage.
2.6 To travel outside the city, I will have to buy a dacha or summer house.

What won't happen if this happens.
If I move to a house outside the city, then...
3.1 I won’t be able to be as free as in the city. I will have to constantly monitor the house and grounds
3.2 I won’t be able to get to the city center every day, so I’ll have to give up my office job.
3.3 I will not be able to provide children with easy access to school education and extracurricular activities except remotely
3.4 I will not be able to leave home for a long time, since the plot, dog and plants will require constant attention.

What won't happen if it doesn't happen
If I don't move into the house, then...
4.1 I won’t get tired of fiddling around on the ground and constantly doing physical labor
4.2 I will not be burdened with pets, which my children will definitely want to have.
4.3 I will not be concerned about problems with fuel, security, snow removal and others
4.4 I won’t have to even partially give up cultural life in the city
4.5 I will not need to organize a workspace at home

What to pay attention to

When filling out the last, fourth, section, do not be led by your subconscious. In this case, “minus by minus” does not give “plus”. Formulate the phrase exactly as indicated in the example. “If I don’t move to a house outside the city, then I won’t...”. It is important. Also, do not be lazy and write in clear, clear, complete sentences.

Due to the fact that our consciousness sometimes feeds us illusions, we strongly advise you to fill out the “Descartes square” in writing! You will see that a clear formulation is not always easy, but it significantly clarifies the vision of the situation. In this case, the rule applies: “What is not written down on paper does not exist.”

You can fill out the “Descartes square” not alone, but, for example, at a family council, if the issue concerns the whole family. It probably won't get any worse.

The more points are indicated in each quarter of the square, the better it will be possible to analyze all the pros and cons of the decision and its consequences. It is desirable that there be at least six or eight points in each section. It is quite possible (if time permits) to put the sheet of paper aside and write down your thoughts on this matter a little later.

Train! Gradually, working using this method will take less and less time and you will develop the skill to quickly identify the most important possible consequences of a decision in a matter of minutes.

The Descartes Square method is called a decision making technique. This is a scenario of human decision-making behavior with an increased degree of responsibility, accuracy: to do something and evaluate the feedback.

With the help of the Descartes Square, you can avoid irreparable mistakes when making decisions in business, life situations(change of activity, entering a university, second marriage), but also identifying the causes of unbalanced behavior (conflicts at work, in the family).

Descartes square for decision making

Meet in life different people. Not everyone finds it easy to make a quick decision by making an informed and informed choice. In nature, there are probably no people who made decisions spontaneously. And it is right, wrong actions will lead to losses(partial), possibly financial (purchase - sale of an apartment, sudden refusal to travel). Often a person doubts making a decision, harbors a certain thought and is unable to translate it into reality.

An independent and active person regularly makes important decisions, but thinks first and then executes. Sometimes it is necessary to make an urgent decision because, after certain period Over time, it will become irrelevant (for example, sewing New Year's costumes).

Decision-making technique - “Descartes Square” is not a magic tool, but it can be manipulated like a tool, allowing for clarity of valid selection criteria and their consequences. It is adaptive and relevant.

The simplicity and genius of the “Descartes Square” technique, a decision-making technique developed by the French philosopher Rene Descartes. He had perfect knowledge of physics, mathematics, mechanics, and physiology. The method of radical doubt in philosophy, algebraic symbolism and analytical geometry is listed under the name of Rene Descartes, he is the founder of innovations.

Descartes square in psychology

To make a decision, psychology says: the head must be cool and sober. This means you need to turn off all feelings and turn on your reason. Man mainly lives under the influence of passion and mood. That's why, to bring your emotions into a calm state, purposefully direct your mind to accept complex tasks , applying special methods, techniques developed by specialists in this field.

What's going on in your head? Clears the mind, your consciousness, neutralizing negative emotions, eliminating other desires and illusions. Gradually leads to rationality, increasing your ability, suggesting consequences and getting rid of all troubles.

Your thinking chooses the right path to make a decision, using skills, opinions, views, points of view from your life experience or employees, friends.

You cannot make decisions under the influence of emotions or bad mood under the motto “I don’t care, I’ll do it,” without thinking about their consequences. Such actions end badly, it will take a lot of effort to restore the situation (examples, you had a fight with a girl, you wrote an application for divorce).

Descartes square decision making technique

The equipment is very easy to use. The best way- write down, rather than keep all the answers in your head, so as not to get confused and repeat yourself. To do this you will need a blank A4 piece of paper and a pencil. Using a pencil, draw vertical and horizontal line, dividing a sheet of paper into 4 parts. At the top of each part of the Descartes Square you should write one question, then the answers to this question. Preferably about 5-8 points. Then an analysis is carried out, identifying the advantages and disadvantages, deciding which is better - positive or negative decision this problem.

Descartes square decision making diagram. Cartesian square example

Common questions: What happens if...? What won't I get if...? What will happen if this happens? Replace the word "this" specific problem, situation.

What happens if I change my activity? Using the diagram, let's look at an example - working on the Internet.

1. What to expect if this happens? (Advantages)

  • Personal growth will increase;
  • Self-esteem, respect from family and friends will increase;
  • There will be no bosses, I will forget about his claims;
  • I will do what I love;
  • Earnings depend on yourself;
  • I plan my vacation and work time myself.

2 What to expect if this does NOT happen? (Flaws).

  • Personal growth will remain at the same level. Perhaps it will increase before retirement;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • I will obey my superiors and listen to his comments;
  • I will not do what I love;
  • Salary depends on inflation, management;
  • Vacation and work hours according to schedule.

3 What NOT to expect if This happens? (Disadvantages of wish fulfillment).

  • Learn a lot of new material to increase your performance;
  • The initial salary is not high;
  • We will have to limit meetings with friends and communication on Skype.

4 What NOT to expect if This DOES NOT happen? (Disadvantages of not fulfilling a desire).

  • I can't save nervous system from irritated bosses;
  • I will not be able to master the ability to write articles as a copywriter;
  • I won't be able to fulfill my life's dream.
  • My indecisiveness will not leave me alone unless I make the right decision.

Apply Descartes Square throughout your life, which assumes the correctness of your action and immediately evaluates feedback.

The Descartes Square method is called a decision making technique. This is a scenario of human decision-making behavior with an increased degree of responsibility, accuracy: to do something and evaluate the feedback.

With the help of the Descartes Square, you can avoid irreparable mistakes for making decisions in business, life situations (change of activity, entering university, second marriage), but also identifying the causes of unbalanced behavior (conflicts at work, in the family).

Descartes square for decision making

There are different people in life. Not everyone finds it easy to make a quick decision by making an informed and informed choice. In nature, there are probably no people who made decisions spontaneously. And it is right, wrong actions will lead to losses(partial), possibly financial (purchase - sale of an apartment, sudden refusal to travel). Often a person doubts making a decision, harbors a certain thought and is unable to translate it into reality.

An independent and active person regularly makes important decisions, but thinks first and then executes. Sometimes it is necessary to urgently make a decision, because after a certain period of time it will become irrelevant (for example, sewing New Year's costumes).

Decision-making technique - “Descartes Square” is not a magic tool, but it can be manipulated like a tool, allowing for clarity of valid selection criteria and their consequences. It is adaptive and relevant.

The simplicity and genius of the “Descartes Square” technique, a decision-making technique developed by the French philosopher Rene Descartes. He had perfect knowledge of physics, mathematics, mechanics, and physiology. The method of radical doubt in philosophy, algebraic symbolism and analytical geometry is listed under the name of Rene Descartes, he is the founder of innovations.

Descartes square in psychology

To make a decision, psychology says: the head must be cool and sober. This means you need to turn off all feelings and turn on your reason. Man mainly lives under the influence of passion and mood. That's why, to bring your emotions into a calm state, purposefully direct your mind to take on difficult tasks, using special methods and techniques developed by specialists in this direction.

What's going on in your head? Clears your mind, neutralizing negative emotions, eliminating other desires and illusions. Gradually leads to rationality, increasing your ability, suggesting consequences and getting rid of all troubles.

Your thinking chooses the right path to make a decision, using skills, opinions, views, points of view from your life experience or employees, friends.

You cannot make decisions under the influence of emotions or bad mood under the motto “I don’t care, I’ll do it,” without thinking about their consequences. Such actions end badly, it will take a lot of effort to restore the situation (examples, you had a fight with a girl, you wrote an application for divorce).

Descartes square decision making technique

The equipment is very easy to use. The best way is to write down rather than keep all the answers in your head, so as not to get confused and repeat yourself. To do this you will need a blank A4 piece of paper and a pencil. Using a pencil, draw vertical and horizontal lines, dividing the sheet of paper into 4 parts. At the top of each part of the Descartes Square you should write one question, then the answers to this question. Preferably about 5-8 points. An analysis is then carried out, identifying the advantages and disadvantages, deciding whether a positive or negative solution to a given problem is better.

Descartes square decision making diagram. Cartesian square example

Common questions: What happens if...? What won't I get if...? What will happen if this happens? Replace the word “this” with a specific problem, situation.

What happens if I change my activity? Using the diagram, let's look at an example - working on the Internet.

1. What to expect if this happens? (Advantages)

  • Personal growth will increase;
  • Self-esteem, respect from family and friends will increase;
  • There will be no bosses, I will forget about his claims;
  • I will do what I love;
  • Earnings depend on yourself;
  • I plan my vacation and work time myself.

2 What to expect if this does NOT happen? (Flaws).

  • Personal growth will remain at the same level. Perhaps it will increase before retirement;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • I will obey my superiors and listen to his comments;
  • I will not do what I love;
  • Salary depends on inflation, management;
  • Vacation and work hours according to schedule.

3 What NOT to expect if This happens? (Disadvantages of wish fulfillment).

  • Learn a lot of new material to increase your performance;
  • The initial salary is not high;
  • We will have to limit meetings with friends and communication on Skype.

4 What NOT to expect if This DOES NOT happen? (Disadvantages of not fulfilling a desire).

  • I won’t be able to protect my nervous system from irritated bosses;
  • I will not be able to master the ability to write articles as a copywriter;
  • I won't be able to fulfill my life's dream.
  • My indecisiveness will not leave me alone unless I make the right decision.

Apply Descartes Square throughout your life, which assumes the correctness of your action and immediately evaluates feedback.

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