Benefits for Chernobyl victims in Russia: list and registration procedure. Widows and children of Chernobyl victims

Benefits for Chernobyl victimsare issued in accordance with the regulations adopted in the Russian Federation, but not all victims of radiation as a result of the disaster know the full list of these benefits and payments. In order to receive all the benefits and receive the necessary payments, Chernobyl victims and their widows are recommended to study in more detail the rules related to their rights. They will be discussed below.

Law on Chernobyl 2017-2018

Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1, last amended by the legislator in December 2016, is the main regulatory act regulating the status of Chernobyl. It establishes social guarantees and benefits for Chernobyl victims.

The main purpose of this act is social support for citizens who suffered from adverse factors that arose after the Chernobyl disaster.

Rights of Chernobyl victims

The legislator establishes a number of rights for persons affected by radiation after the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Among them:

  1. The right to compensation for harm to health.
  2. The right to compensation for damage to property.
  3. The right to compensation for harm arising from living in an area that has been contaminated by radiation.
  4. The right to compensation for damages for risks arising from work in areas exposed to radioactive contamination.
  5. Right to social support.

Living conditions in areas contaminated with radiation

One of the most important factors when deciding on the need for social assistance to citizens is the level of radioactive radiation in the area where they permanently reside or work.

The dose of negative radiation is measured by experts in sieverts. So, according to the provisions of Part 2 of Art. 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1, an exposure rate that does not exceed 1 mSv (millisievert) is considered acceptable.

Resettlement program for Chernobyl victims

The law established that persons in the radiation zone must be resettled from dangerous populated areas within the framework of the Unified State Program.
At the same time, citizens were given the opportunity to independently choose their place of residence according to data on the radiation situation and maximum radiation doses in the territory contaminated as a result of the disaster.

Radiation contaminated area

The entire zone that was exposed to negative radioactive effects as a result of the disaster was divided into 4 territories, which included:

  1. Exclusion area. These are lands located around the nuclear power plant building, from which the population was evacuated. Permanent residence of the population is expressly prohibited in this territory. The legislator limits the possibilities of environmental management and economic activities carried out in this area.
  2. Relocation area. The resettlement of residents of this zone to other areas is carried out until the risk of radiation damage decreases. Persons who decide to leave a radiation-contaminated area can count on social support and compensation for harm.
  3. The zone where persons entitled to resettlement live. In this zone, constant medical monitoring of the health status of citizens is carried out. Measures are taken here to protect the health of residents, as well as to reduce the risk of morbidity among the population.
    Citizens who leave the territory where the radiation level exceeds the permissible level have the right to benefits established by Russian legislation.
  4. A zone where citizens entitled to socio-economic benefits live. This is an area with an acceptable level of radiation.

Benefits for Chernobyl victims in 2017 and 2018

Who is eligible for benefits?

The following categories of citizens can receive the benefits established by Russian legislation for Chernobyl victims:

  • Citizens who suffered radiation sickness or other diseases that arose after radiation exposure as a result of the Chernobyl disaster or as a result of activities to eliminate the consequences of this disaster.
  • Persons who received disabled status as a result of exposure after a nuclear power plant accident, including:
  • Citizens who were sent or temporarily sent to the disaster area to eliminate its consequences.
  • Military personnel who participated in the work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster.
  • Military personnel liquidating the consequences of the accident.
  • Employees of the Department of Internal Affairs and fire-fighting services working in the exclusion zone.
  • Population evacuated from the exclusion territory.
  • Persons who donated bone marrow to save victims of radiation after the Chernobyl disaster. These citizens can receive benefits regardless of the moment when tissue transplantation occurred, and regardless of the moment when the development of disability occurred.
  • Citizens who worked in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl disaster, whose actions were aimed at eliminating its consequences, evacuating the population, animals and material assets. This category includes not only military personnel, but also medical personnel - doctors and other workers in medical institutions.
  • Persons evacuated or left the exclusion area in 1986. This group includes children of citizens who were at the stage of intrauterine development at the time of evacuation.
  • Residents of the residence zone with the right of resettlement, as well as citizens carrying out their labor activities in this territory.
  • Persons who permanently reside or work in a residential area with a preferential socio-economic status.
  • Residents of the resettlement territory, as well as persons working in this zone, until the moment of their resettlement.
  • Persons working in the resettlement zone.
  • Citizens who moved from their area of ​​residence with the right of resettlement.
  • Military personnel serving in the area affected by the accident.

What benefits do citizens affected by radiation receive?

The socio-economic benefits established for Chernobyl victims include the rights of citizens to:

  • Improvement of housing conditions, which is carried out in relation to people in need (see:).
  • Payment of 50% for residential premises.
  • Payment of 50% of services for heating, water supply, gas supply, electricity supply, payments for the maintenance and repair of common property of an apartment building, and a number of other utility payments.
  • Payment of 50% of the cost of fuel if it is purchased for heating premises where there is no central heating.
  • Preferential right to remain at work. It applies if the employer plans to reduce numbers or staff. At the same time, the advantage of a Chernobyl survivor applies regardless of his length of service in the organization.
  • Additional payment up to the previous earnings in the event of a transfer to a lower-paid job due to the employee’s health condition, up to the restoration of working capacity or receipt of disabled status.
  • Use your main leave at a convenient time and receive 14 days of additional paid leave.
  • Payment of temporary disability and maternity benefits equal to 100% of earnings.
  • Extraordinary entry into the number of participants in housing construction, garage construction, and gardening cooperatives.
  • Extraordinary provision of people in need with land areas necessary for housing construction.
  • Extraordinary right to purchase garden houses.
  • Extraordinary service in a number of organizations: communications, transport companies, transport repair companies, etc.
  • Extraordinary provision of medical services.
  • Extraordinary service at pharmacies.
  • Receiving medical services in those medical institutions to which they were assigned before retirement age.
  • Extraordinary provision of children with places in preschool educational, medical and sanatorium organizations. At the same time, Chernobyl victims with children are paid daily payments of 90 rubles. (this amount is indexed annually). They must be spent on feeding the child in one of the listed institutions.
  • Monthly monetary compensation to Chernobyl victims and young children living with them, paid for the purchase of food.
  • Monthly compensation for damage caused to health by exposure to radiation or work to eliminate the consequences of a disaster.
  • Preferential provision of places in boarding houses for veterans, in boarding homes for the elderly and disabled.
  • Extraordinary employment at a new place of residence. It is carried out according to the profession and qualifications of the Chernobyl survivor. This right is reserved for persons evacuated or resettled from the resettlement area. They are also guaranteed the preservation of average earnings for 4 months of work and continuity of work experience.

Benefits for widows of Chernobyl victims in 2017-2018

Widows of Chernobyl victims and other relatives living with them have the right to pay for half the space in state houses and privatized apartments. At the same time, they are entitled to 50% of utility bills or fuel prices.

Disabled widows and other relatives of disabled Chernobyl victims who were dependent on them can receive monthly compensation.

Such transfers are made for the purpose of compensation for harm to health. The amount of compensation payments depends on the number of disabled family members and the disability group of the deceased.

In addition, family members of Chernobyl victims can count on improved housing conditions, preferential right to remain at work during layoffs, and priority provision of children with places in educational institutions.

Widows and other family members of Chernobyl victims can receive an extraordinary place in a boarding home for the elderly.

Payments to Chernobyl victims in 2017-2018

General payments for victims

The monetary payments that are transferred in relation to Chernobyl victims include the following:

  • Additional payment up to the previous salary if the person was transferred to another job for medical reasons. The following amounts are paid additionally to employed citizens:
    . until their ability to work is restored;
    . until disability is established.
  • Temporary disability benefit. Its size is 100% of the average citizen’s earnings.
  • Monthly compensation for Chernobyl victims and children under 14 years of age living with them. This compensation is transferred for the purpose of purchasing food and amounts to 781.4 rubles.
  • Monthly compensation paid to compensate for damage to health. Funds are transferred in the amount:
    . RUB 16,338.24 disabled people of the 1st group:
    . RUB 8,169.13 disabled people of the 2nd group;
    . RUB 3,267.64 disabled people of the 3rd group.

Payments for displaced and evacuated victims

Persons evacuated or resettled from the resettlement area are guaranteed the transfer of such payments as:

  • Compensation for material damage for loss of property, which includes the cost of:
    . residential premises, dachas, garages and outbuildings owned by citizens as of January 1, 1994;
    . household property contaminated with radiation;
    . farm animals exposed to irradiation;
    . lost garden and berry plantings and other crops.
  • A benefit in the amount of 1,302.33 rubles, which is paid at a time for each family member who has moved to a new place of residence.
  • Compensation for travel expenses.
  • Payment for the cost of services for loading and unloading luggage, which is transferred to:
    . disabled persons;
    . large families;
    . single mothers;
    . single women.
  • Monthly compensation for health improvement in the amount of 260.48 rubles.

The given list of payments is not exhaustive - their number depends on many factors: the state of health of the citizen, the date of relocation from the exclusion zone, etc.

Additional leave for Chernobyl victims

Chernobyl victims have the right to take advantage of regular annual paid leave. In this case, the start of the vacation is scheduled by the radiation victims themselves at a time convenient for the citizen.

Additional leave is established for a period of 14 days. Children who were in the area of ​​residence with the right of resettlement at the stage of intrauterine development and were born no later than April 1, 1987, have the right to additional paid leave from 7 to 14 days.

Who pays for additional leave for Chernobyl victims?

In accordance with the norms of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2007 No. 136, vacation payment is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds. To receive payment, a citizen must contact social authorities with an application.

You also need to have a passport, an identity card entitling you to benefits, a certificate of your earnings, and information about opening a bank account.

Thus, Chernobyl victims are guaranteed many benefits and payments. Not only residents and workers of radiation-affected zones, but also persons sent to the disaster area to eliminate its consequences can receive benefits and monetary compensation.

Step-by-step instructions for receiving benefits

Many years have passed since the Chernobyl disaster, but its consequences still affect people. The compensation provided for people living in the Chernobyl zone is a minimum that can compensate for only the smallest part of the damage to their health. However, not everyone knows about these payments, but in the meantime they could replenish their budget.

This is why it is important to know what you are legally entitled to. That is why this step-by-step instruction has been compiled for you.

On July 1, 2016, changes to the law “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster” came into force, so for further presentation of the article it is necessary to give some explanations.

After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, large areas received radioactive contamination, and the levels of this contamination turned out to be different for various reasons, and not only in terms of distance from the site of the explosion of the nuclear power plant unit. All territories exposed to the harmful effects of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are divided into four zones:

  • Exclusion Zone - a thirty-kilometer zone around the station, the population is completely evacuated, the population is prohibited from permanently residing in this zone, economic activity is limited;
  • resettlement zone - this zone is located outside the exclusion zone. From the part of the zone with a high degree of pollution, the population is evacuated without fail. The population of the rest of the zone can, if a voluntary decision is made, move to other areas. “Voluntary migrants” have the right, in accordance with the law, to receive compensation for harm and social support measures. The population of the resettlement zone is provided with mandatory medical monitoring of their health status.
  • residence zone with the right to vacate - this zone is located beyond the border of the exclusion and resettlement zones. Residents of settlements in this zone have the right, just like residents of the resettlement zone, to move to another place of residence and they are also guaranteed compensation for harm, social support and mandatory medical control.
  • area of ​​residence with preferential socio-economic status - this zone includes part of the territory of the Russian Federation, which is located further from the epicenter of the accident beyond the exclusion zones, resettlement zones and the residential zone with the right to resettle. This zone is characterized by the creation of an economic and ecological structure that should improve the quality of life of the population above average and compensate for the negative impact of the psycho-emotional load due to the Chernobyl disaster.

The division of settlements into zones is legalized by the Government of the Russian Federation. Over time, the radioactive situation in contaminated areas changes, and accordingly, the lists of populated areas with their breakdown by zone change approximately once every 5 years. The latter state was established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 8, 2015 N 1074 “On approval of the list of settlements located within the boundaries of radioactive contamination zones due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”

Step 1: Find out what Chernobyl benefits you can get?

The law provides for many different benefits, payments, compensation and benefits to people affected by the Chernobyl accident, and not only to the population who found themselves in the zone of radionuclide contamination, but also to participants in the liquidation of the accident, military personnel, doctors, firefighters and personnel of other involved services.

We consider it inappropriate to talk about all this in one article due to the large volume of material.

Therefore, here we will talk about the following benefits (payments) as those of most interest to potential applicants:

  1. About the benefit for caring for a child up to three years of age (Previously, this benefit was sometimes called double payment to the mother for caring for a child up to 3 years old)
  2. About payment of benefits for temporary disability
  3. About a one-time payment for moving to a new place of residence
  4. About maternity benefits

Funeral assistance. Benefits for Chernobyl victims also include funeral payments. Until now, many people die due to radiation sickness and some other diseases resulting from the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. In such cases, family members or people who have taken responsibility for organizing the funeral of this person receive benefits in the amount of 11,456.14 rubles from February 1, 2018.

To receive benefits, you must contact the social protection department, providing the appropriate medical report and your passport details.

Who can receive Chernobyl benefits?

For child care benefits up to three years of age
Under the amended law, this benefit is called a monthly payment. In the old fashioned way, we will sometimes call it an allowance, meaning a monthly payment. Citizens who permanently reside (or work) in one of the territories of the Chernobyl zone have the right to receive this benefit. In addition, before the birth of a child, it is necessary to have a certain “experience” of living in a specific zone:
  • resettlement zone - 1 year or more;
  • zone of residence with the right to resettle - 3 years or more;
  • residence zone with preferential socio-economic status - 4 years or more.
With the change in the law, the formula for calculating this benefit changed, and accordingly, its size.

Previously it was like this:

  • working women received double child care benefits for 3 years (i.e. 40% x 2 = 80% of the average salary) ;
  • unemployed women received a double minimum benefit for 3 years.
Now from July 1, 2016:
  • working women up to 1.5 years they receive a standard child care allowance (i.e. 40% of average earnings) plus 3,000 rubles, and from 1.5 to 3 years they receive a payment in the amount of 6,000 rubles;
  • unemployed women up to 1.5 years old they receive a minimum child care allowance plus 3,000 rubles, and from 1.5 to 3 years old they receive a payment in the amount of 6,000 rubles.
The categories of persons who are entitled to child care benefits have not changed (they are standard and defined by the federal law “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”), namely -

Payment of benefits until the child is three years old is made to the following persons:

  • Those who are on maternity leave to care for a newborn child.
  • Not subject to mandatory health insurance.
  • Those undergoing full-time training.
  • Fired during pregnancy.
  • Dismissed during maternity leave. The reason for dismissal also does not matter.
  • Those in military service.
  • Those who are unemployed wives of military personnel.

It must be borne in mind that registration of Chernobyl payments to these persons (3,000 rubles and 6,000 rubles) is possible only if there is a period of permanent registration in a specific Chernobyl zone, and for registration of benefits for child care up to 1.5 years, “experience” no accommodation required.

For Chernobyl temporary disability benefits

As is known, temporary disability benefits generally depend on the length of insurance coverage of the sick citizen (or citizen). The peculiarity of the payment of this benefit in the Chernobyl zone is that it is paid there to the following categories of residents: V size 100% average salary and does not depend on their insurance experience.

Chernobyl benefits for temporary disability in 100% amount are paid to:

  • citizens who have received or have suffered radiation sickness, other diseases, or who have become disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;
  • citizens who permanently reside (or work) in the resettlement zone;
  • citizens who permanently reside (or work) in the area of ​​residence with the right to resettle
  • citizens who permanently reside (or work) in an area that has a preferential socio-economic status.
  • parents, grandparents and guardians and trustees when they are with a sick child if a child (under 15 years of age) is undergoing outpatient or inpatient treatment.

The allowance in the Chernobyl zone for moving to a new place of residence is paid accordingly upon moving.

It is worth considering that Chernobyl benefits are paid only if the person applying for them permanently resides or works:

  • In the area of ​​residence with the right to move out.
  • In an area with preferential socio-economic status.
  • In the area of ​​resettlement, until he moved to other areas.

Find out the size of Chernobyl benefits

The amount of payment for moving to a new place of residence in 2018 is 1,505.46 rubles.for each family member who moves.

From July 1, 2016, it turns out that applicants for child care benefits under 3 years of age must actually apply for two benefits.
The first is a care allowance for up to one and a half years, the same as throughout Russia in accordance with federal law and
the second is monthly Chernobyl payments from the day of birth of the child (more precisely, the month of birth) to 3 years.

The design and size of the first benefit are described in the corresponding article on our website - "(opens in a new window), and the size of Chernobyl payments is fixed by law, which do not depend on the average salary and the status of the recipient (working or non-working).

So, the size of the Chernobyl payment up to 3 years is equal - from 0 to 1.5 years - 3,000 rubles, from 1.5 to 3 years - 6,000 rubles. Everything is simple and clear and no calculations are needed.

The Chernobyl temporary disability benefit is assigned in the amount of 100% of the average salary established by the relevant authorities. Length of service (insurance) is not taken into account when assigning.

Step 2: Collecting documents for Chernobyl benefits

To receive Chernobyl payments (3,000 rubles. 6,000 rubles) for child care and temporary incapacity, the applicant must bring:

  • Statement.
  • Document (identity) of a Chernobyl survivor and its copy
  • Certificate confirming the birth of the child + copy.
  • Excerpt about family composition.
  • A certificate stating that the second parent does not receive this payment
  • A work book certified in the prescribed manner (for the case if the applicant works in an infected area and lives in a normal area)
  • A certificate from the place of work indicating the address (for the case if the applicant works in an infected area and lives in a normal area)
  • I'll handle the card details from the bank.

To receive benefits in the Chernobyl zone for a change of residence, you need to collect the following documents:

  • Statement.
  • Passport + copy with registration page.
  • Certificate of a citizen exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.
  • A certificate from the housing and communal services authorities confirming residence at the new place of residence.
  • Statement of family composition. It is taken at the place of previous residence located in the exclusion or resettlement zone.
  • An extract from the bank about the card issued there, along with its data.
Advice: We recommend that you first visit the organization to which you plan to apply for benefits and take there a list of necessary documents for your specific case. This will facilitate and speed up the process of preparing documents.

Step 3: Submit documents for Chernobyl benefits

Documents for Chernobyl payments (3,000 rubles. 6,000 rubles) for child care are submitted to the social protection authorities at the place of residence or work. (If the applicant works and lives in the Chernobyl zone, then the documents are submitted to social security at the place of residence).
Temporary disability benefits are issued at the place of work. You can pick up the application form and submit the papers at the accounting department.

It is possible to send documents by mail. The process is long and labor-intensive, but perhaps you will find it convenient.
Documents for relocation payments are submitted to the social security authorities at the place of actual residence.

Step 4: Waiting for payment

It may take varying amounts of time for your application to be reviewed. It depends on the type of benefit and where you sent your documents.

For example, regarding Chernobyl payments (3,000 rubles. 6,000 rubles) for child care, according to the law, a decision is made within 10 working days. After the decision, you will either receive a written refusal or a payment to your bank card. The payment period is determined by regional legislation.

It turns out that getting Chernobyl benefits is not difficult: the main thing is to know what to carry and where. If you are denied payment for any reason, then always ask for a written refusal so that you can go to a lawyer with it and sort out your problem.

A uniform procedure for the payment of monetary compensation can be established for all family members of deceased Chernobyl victims. In this case, “Chernobyl” compensation benefits will be extended to their widows (widowers) who have not remarried, and to other members of their families receiving a pension due to the loss of a breadwinner. Such a bill was submitted to the State Duma by the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

Currently, the legislation regulating the payment of monetary compensation does not define such concepts as “dependency” and “disabled family member.” Because of this, the circle of recipients of monetary compensation in the event of the death of the breadwinner-liquidator has not yet been precisely determined. As a result, courts usually interpret the law not in favor of people and refuse to pay them compensation (mainly to Chernobyl widows). The project developers propose to legitimize the generally accepted formulation according to which social support measures apply to widows (widowers) who have not remarried, as well as to other members of their families receiving a survivor’s pension in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to the developers, returning the rights to monetary compensation to Chernobyl widows will not require any additional budgetary funds. Since the widows receive the compensation that the deceased husband previously received, and the monthly compensation for damage caused to health due to radiation exposure is only partially paid. In addition, in Russia, state budget expenditures on social support for Chernobyl victims are annually reduced - they die, and there are fewer and fewer of them. (Of the citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, approximately 1,500 people die annually.) However, even the last argument did not convince the government, which opposes the draft in this edition and demands that it be finalized. According to Solidarity sources in the State Duma, the draft by St. Petersburg legislators may be adopted in the first reading, but no one knows what amendments will be made to it later...

The authors of the bill also propose, in the event of the death of Chernobyl liquidators, to pay for all funeral services in the manner and amount determined for dead military personnel, “at actual costs,” that is, to compensate the full cost from the state treasury. After all, people risked their lives to fulfill their official duty. The Government of the Russian Federation opposed this norm, since in June the Duma adopted an amendment to Art. 14 of the law “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,” increasing the “fixed” funeral benefit from 2,000 to 8,000 rubles - especially for Chernobyl victims.

Let us remind you that funeral benefits are paid to family members and persons who took upon themselves the organization of the funeral of “citizens who died as a result of radiation sickness, other diseases arising in connection with the Chernobyl disaster, and disabled people who died as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.” Attempts by legislators, despite the resistance of the government, to increase the size of “coffins” are intended to maintain the previously existing difference in the size of benefits for the burial of deceased Chernobyl victims and social benefits for the burial of the deceased from other categories of “beneficiaries”. Previously, from January 2009, the amount of social benefits for the burial of deceased citizens established by the law “On Burial and Funeral Affairs” was increased from 1,000 to 4,000 rubles. In order to maintain the special status of Chernobyl victims, taking into account their services to society, it was decided to increase the funeral benefits for deceased Chernobyl victims in the same proportion, which will maintain the previous differentiation in the amounts of these benefits. In the meantime (since January 2011), the benefit for the burial of deceased Chernobyl victims, taking into account indexation (4,205 rubles), turned out to be less than the simple social benefit for the burial of deceased citizens (4,260 rubles).

Parliamentary Correspondent


According to Art. 14 of the law “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”, Chernobyl victims are paid a monthly cash payment (MAP) as compensation. More precisely, compensation for harm caused to health due to radiation exposure. Namely: 1) those who have suffered radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation exposure as a result of the Chernobyl disaster or with work to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, 2) disabled people as a result of the Chernobyl disaster. Among them: disabled people who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster within the exclusion zone or those employed in other work at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; those liable for military service, called up for special training and involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster, regardless of the location and work performed; persons of command and rank and file of the internal affairs department, fire service, who served in the exclusion zone; evacuees from the exclusion zone and resettled from resettlement zones during the evacuation; citizens who donated bone marrow to save the lives of people affected by the Chernobyl disaster.

Families that have lost a breadwinner-liquidator (and if they were not disabled at the time of death) are paid EDV, which is determined to compensate for harm associated with the performance of work duties by employees. Families that have lost their breadwinner-liquidator must also be provided with: 1) the EDV previously received by the breadwinner in compensation for harm caused to health by radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster or the performance of work to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster; 2) monthly compensation for the purchase of food products; 3) one-time compensation for the loss of a breadwinner; 4) social support measures for paying for housing and utilities.

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which occurred in 1986, became a tragedy for many countries, as the radioactive cloud caused catastrophic harm to the health of a huge number of citizens. Many residents of Russia also suffered from this tragedy, therefore, in order to at least partially compensate for the damage to their health, the government apparatus offers benefits to Chernobyl victims.

What categories of Chernobyl victims are there?

The entire zone into which the Chernobyl nuclear power plant radioactive cloud spread is conditionally divided into 4 parts:

  1. Exclusion area. This area was hit hardest by pollution. It is located in close proximity to the exploded 4th power unit. Living there is strictly prohibited.
  2. Unconditional resettlement zone. Residents of this territory left the resettlement zone, but when over time the zone is cleared of pollution, they will be able to return there. For now, they have the full right to benefits, which are stated in the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1.
  3. Voluntary resettlement zone. This area is polluted, but not so polluted that residents are forcibly evicted from it. People who voluntarily left this territory are entitled to benefits.
  4. Zone of increased radiological control. In this territory, the level of radiation is normal, but its residents still have the right to support from the state.

Who is eligible to benefit?

The following are entitled to receive benefits in Russia:

  • Citizens who received radiation sickness due to the Chernobyl explosion. This category includes both ordinary citizens and those who directly struggled with the consequences of the accident.
  • Citizens who have become disabled due to a disaster. This category includes ordinary citizens, military personnel, and those liable for military service. Also included here are police officers and employees of all fire services who worked in the exclusion zone. This category also includes citizens who acted as bone marrow donors for patients suffering from radiation sickness. The transplantation period and the time of establishment of disability are not taken into account.
  • Citizens who voluntarily left the resettlement area. Children of evacuated citizens who were in the womb during the accident are also entitled to a number of privileges.
  • Employees of territories covered by the right of resettlement can also count on social assistance.
  • Citizens who lived in the fourth conditional region (which has preferential status);
  • People who lived and worked in the zone that belongs to the resettlement territories.
  • Migrants from the region with the right of resettlement.

The legislative acts also contain amendments concerning this category of beneficiaries. According to the amendments, the new criteria include residence before the provision of benefits:

  • for 12 months in the resettlement zone;
  • residence for 3 years in a zone with the right to resettle;
  • 4-year period of residence in territories with preferential socio-economic status.

List of rights that Chernobyl victims can count on in 2017

Chernobyl victims in 2017 are entitled to:

  • the right to improved living conditions;
  • the right to pay only half the rent and privileges when paying for utilities;
  • in the absence of central heating - the opportunity to get a 50% discount on fuel;
  • if there is a reduction in staffing levels, then the employee affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant can be fired only as a last resort (and the length of service in this case will not be taken into account);
  • enrollment in a university should occur on preferential terms;
  • It is possible to join gardening, housing construction and garage cooperatives out of turn;
  • compensation for travel expenses to a sanatorium or dispensary;
  • land for construction, which is allocated to beneficiaries first;
  • medical services provided out of turn (category 2 beneficiaries especially need such privileges);
  • beneficiaries should be given priority places in boarding houses for the disabled or in veterans' homes;
  • in most regions, Chernobyl victims are provided with tax benefits - they apply to transport tax (beneficiaries pay only a certain part of it or do not pay it at all);
  • After relocation to a new place of residence, beneficiaries receive the right to priority employment.

List and features of payments that are due to victims of the Chernobyl disaster

Benefits for Chernobyl victims are provided under the following conditions:

  • If a citizen works, but due to health reasons was transferred to disability, then he is entitled to compensation equal to the previous salary. Such compensation is usually paid either until disability is assigned or until ability is restored to work.
  • If there is a fact of incapacity. In such cases, compensation for disability is due. Payments to Chernobyl victims in this case amount to 100% of the average salary that a person previously received.
  • If the family has a child under 14 years of age. Such families are paid 300 rubles monthly.
  • If a person injured by an explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is disabled, then he is entitled to monthly compensation).
  • If a family moves, then each member is entitled to a payment of 1,120 rubles.

Citizens who were forced to relocate from contaminated areas are also entitled to compensation payments. And they are directly related to the loss of property, the loss of infected livestock, the loss of crops, living space and dachas, which had to be set aside in the exclusion zone.

In 2017, the situation in Russia is as follows: in different regions, a different list of benefits is assigned to those citizens who have a Chernobyl certificate. For example, in Moscow, citizens who have suffered from the harmful effects of a radiation cloud are entitled to free travel on public transport (but this applies to those citizens who already had this privilege before January 1, 2005).

Many people are concerned about the question: what benefits apply to Chernobyl pensioners? This category of citizens is allowed to retire early. The minimum insurance period is 5 years. Disabled people are allowed to retire 10 years ahead of schedule. Other beneficiaries who do not have disabilities are allowed to retire 5 years earlier than the established period.

This year, 2017, disabled pensioners of the first and second groups who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster receive a pension of 12,399.63 rubles. Disabled pensioners of the third group are entitled to a pension of 6,199 rubles.

What assistance is available to relatives of beneficiaries?

Benefits for widows of Chernobyl victims represent the right to pay half the cost of rent and utilities. If a widow or other relative was dependent on a Chernobyl survivor, then this citizen is also entitled to monthly compensation.

Can the children and grandchildren of Chernobyl victims count on help?

Legislation also provides benefits for children of Chernobyl victims. It is worth emphasizing that benefits for children of Chernobyl victims after 18 years of age are not canceled. Among the preserved benefits for this category are:

  • preservation of the right to extraordinary improvement of housing conditions;
  • the opportunity to enroll children in kindergarten on an extraordinary basis (this applies not only to the children of Chernobyl victims, but also to their grandchildren and even great-grandchildren);
  • the right to a 50% discount on rent and utilities is retained;
  • employed children of Chernobyl victims, according to legislative rules, are laid off by the employer in the very last place;
  • Officially employed relatives of citizens affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant are entitled to additional leave, which the employer must pay.

An important point: the right to monthly financial compensation does not apply to adopted children of Chernobyl victims.

The natural grandchildren of Chernobyl victims will also be entitled to benefits if they were born to parents who are included in the category of liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This is stated in the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1244-1.

Where and with what documents should I apply to receive benefits for children?

To officially receive benefits for a child of a Chernobyl survivor, you must have a beneficiary ID with you. The second important point is the need to confirm family ties. You will have to present:

  • Documents confirming the identity of the person applying (passport, Certificate proving the fact of birth).
  • Any paper that is proof of residence or participation in the liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. You can submit military IDs, archival extracts, and house books.
  • A document confirming the fact of the child’s dependence (this applies not only to cases of disability).
  • A certificate that can prove that a person suffered from an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • The child must be registered in a children's or adult (depending on age) clinic.

Let's sum it up

This material outlined all the benefits for Chernobyl victims in 2017. Therefore, now for disabled veterans and Chernobyl victims, their benefits and privileges will be more clear. Hurry up to take advantage of your right to help from the state.

Discussion: 14 comments

    Hello! Over the course of the year, we have been interested in the question of the possibility of placing children in kindergarten on an extraordinary basis (this applies not only to the children of Chernobyl victims, but also to their grandchildren and even great-grandchildren); grandson born 05/29/2016 son born 01/20/1991 I got on the waiting list immediately after the birth of my son, but they didn’t put me in the preferential category, they said it’s not allowed. In the Chernobyl department they also say it’s not allowed for grandchildren, only for children. Where should we go for clarification?

    1. Good afternoon We encountered exactly the same problem! Has your business progressed somehow?

    I am a liquidator (I took part in the liquidation in July-August 1986 as a military serviceman. I have illnesses related to liquidation work. I do not have radiation sickness, my disability was removed in 2014. What benefits can I use?

    Help with benefits still needs to be achieved, all this is well explained on paper, everything that is due to benefit recipients, but in reality does not always work, children of Chernobyl victims are provided with benefits, but they still have to run around for their grandchildren, it is not possible to get into kindergarten without a queue. But of course, no benefits will return people to health and the dead; no one is immune from such grief..

    My parents lived for 12 months in the resettlement zone, this is confirmed by the work book, but registration information has not been preserved. Can you tell me exactly what documents are required when applying for benefits for this category?

    I am a liquidator (travel allowance, took part in the liquidation since July 1986). Children and grandchildren have the right to use the same benefits? - which I use, certificates of a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Children and grandchildren have never been in the zone.

    I am a disabled person of group 2 due to diseases caused by the liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Do I have the right to be exempt from land tax (private house). Every year I receive notifications to pay the tax, although I provided all the documents and certificates of disability.

    I am a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, due to my age, after 28 years I wanted to find out what benefits are now due to my status as having voluntarily left the zone of residence with the right to resettle. I served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 1986-1990. The certificate was issued in 1998 due to the fault of the former boss. Now in social protection and pensions they say that my status does not allow me to do anything. I was not given any kind of obscene help.

    Hello. my father is a liquidator of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. What benefits are given to the grandchildren of the liquidator?

    Hello. I have a Chernobyl certificate with the right to resettle, in 2017 I gave birth to my second child. What are the payments?

    I am the widow of the liquidator of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, what benefits do I have, my children and grandchildren, we live five people in a three-room apartment of 60 sq m

    I have a Chernobyl Certificate, a preferential category, having voluntarily left the resettlement zone. In fact, I only have a payment of 200 rubles for the whole year - for health improvement. In the social security service they said look at the law, maybe you’ll find something else regarding benefits, but I can’t get through - because of the constant amendments to the law, I can’t even understand where something has been canceled, where the amendment is referred to (some of them simply can’t be found anywhere)... You can find out What are the current benefits specifically for my category? (I work, no disability, St. Petersburg)

    Hello. My name is Yulia, I was born and lived with my parents since 1983 in the Tula region. I have a Chernobyl green certificate. What payments or benefits can I count on? I still live in the Tula region.

    The husband is a liquidator of the chaes. We pay 6000 for housing and communal services. And the benefit from social protection is 1000. Where is the 50% benefit??? In social protection, they insist that the benefit is only for 18 m2 and only for the husband... We will never find justice. Where can we find it... Help. .

In accordance with the government decree, today the following categories of citizens have the right to receive benefits and payments:

  • Firstly, these are individuals who have been diagnosed with radiation sickness or another disease that appeared due to the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident at the nuclear power plant or due to the disaster itself.
  • Secondly, beneficiaries of this category include individuals who have suffered radiation sickness or a disease of another nature, which also appeared due to the removal or the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant itself.
  • Thirdly, the next category of citizens who can count on receiving material payments and benefits are those who received disability as a result of what happened at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Also included here are those who received the group as a result of eliminating the consequences of this disaster.4
  • Fourthly, the last category of citizens who can count on support from the state are widows of Chernobyl victims.

Chernobyl laws 2018

Another legislative project that regulates the provision of assistance to Chernobyl victims is law number 796-XII dated February 28, 1991.

This legislative project involves dividing Chernobyl victims into certain categories. More details about payments and benefits for victims of the Chernobyl disaster will be discussed below.

Conditions for receiving benefits and payments

In order to be able to use the benefits and material payments that the state and local regional authorities provide to individuals who suffered as a result of the accident that occurred in the city of Chernobyl, certain conditions will need to be met. Moreover, the most important thing is collecting documents and submitting an application. Read the information on how to apply for a Muscovite social card for a schoolchild and what to do if it is lost.

So, in order to receive benefits and allowances, you will need to:

  • Apply;
  • Provide a document confirming a certain status;
  • Provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Medical certificate health institutions;
  • Certificate of disability status, if any.

List of benefits for Chernobyl victims

Every person who was involved in eliminating the consequences of the disaster that occurred on the territory of the city of Chernobyl, as well as those living in Chernobyl and the region at the time of the accident, can receive a large number of benefits.

These currently include the following:

  • First of all, people who went through the Chernobyl disaster can count on improved living conditions.
  • Based on data on utility costs, Chernobyl victims can pay only 50% of housing and communal services.
  • If the building where a citizen belonging to this category lives does not have central heating, he has the right to receive fuel at half the cost.
  • Dismissal of Chernobyl workers in the event of staff reduction is possible only as a last resort;
  • Has the right to join a cooperative or other housing construction organization without waiting in line.
  • This category of people is provided with plots of land to build their own houses.
  • As for medical services, they are provided out of turn. However, the same applies to the services provided by pharmacies.
  • When a Chernobyl survivor retires, he remains attached to the same medical institution. Read the guide on how to apply for and receive unemployment benefits.
  • Children of Chernobyl victims have every right to receive benefits when registering in kindergarten.
  • Chernobyl survivors can also count on receiving places in homes for the disabled and the elderly.
  • If Chernobyl survivors move to a new place of residence, they are given work out of turn.

In addition, citizens who were able to survive the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are entitled to additional leave.

List of payments

As for direct payments, today, in accordance with indexation, Chernobyl victims are provided with the following types of monetary compensation:

  • They have the right to receive compensation for travel to a dispensary or sanatorium-type institution.
  • Financial compensation for disabled Chernobyl survivors. Provided monthly. The amount of payment depends on the disability group.
  • Monthly payment to Chernobyl survivors with children under fourteen years of age is 300 rubles.
  • Disability payment is the average salary in the region.
  • Compensation payment in the amount of the previous salary in case of deterioration in the physical health of a Chernobyl survivor.

Benefits for widows of Chernobyl victims

Women and families who lost their breadwinners during the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are also provided with financial payments. Among which:

  • Medical supplements indications;
  • Unemployment benefits in the amount of 100% of the average salary.
  • Payment if there is a disability group from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Additional leave


Watch the video for information about payments to Chernobyl victims:

In any case, in accordance with the state resolution and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, every person who was involved in eliminating the consequences of the accident that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant can count on benefits and material support from the state. At the same time, an individual must understand that all this can be obtained by anyone who submits an appropriate application with a request to receive benefits and monetary compensation. Otherwise, it will be virtually impossible to receive payments.

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