Benefits for children of Chernobyl accident liquidators. Indexation of payments and additional payments to them

According to adopted by the government The bill complicated the conditions for receiving benefits for this category of citizens. The new criteria include: permanent residence citizens in contaminated areas 1 year(removal zone), 3 years(zone with the right to resettle), 4 years(zone with preferential socio-economic status) immediately before the provision of benefits.

Rights of Chernobyl victims

Let's bring scroll Chernobyl benefits . If you belong to preferential category, That:

  • you have the right to;
  • pay only half of basic utility costs (gas, electricity, water, heating);
  • you can get fuel 50% cheaper, if not central heating;
  • during contraction staffing table you can only be fired last resort(experience is not taken into account);
  • benefits when entering a university;
  • in out of turn you will be able to join housing-construction, garage or gardening cooperatives;
  • you will be reimbursed for travel expenses to or from the dispensary;
  • First of all, you will be allocated land for construction;
  • medical and pharmacy services will be provided out of turn (category 2 Chernobyl victims especially need this);
  • can claim benefits for Chernobyl victims when installing a monument;
  • in retirement you will remain attached to the same medical institutions as before;
  • your children have a priority right to receive services in kindergartens, sanatoriums and hospitals;
  • you are required to provide places in nursing homes and homes for the disabled;
  • at your new place of residence you are required to be hired out of turn (with appropriate qualifications, of course);
  • you will have additional leave.

Specific benefits may vary by region. Thus, in Moscow, citizens affected by radiation retained the right to free pass in public transport (but only if they had such a privilege before January 1, 2005).

Issues regarding pensions are particularly regulated. Chernobyl victims have the right early exit for a well-deserved rest. The minimum insurance period is 5 years. For disabled people, the retirement age is reduced by 10 years. In the absence of one - for 5 years.

List of benefits provided in 2018

Benefits for Chernobyl victims in 2018 remained unchanged. For example, an additional payment that allows you to maintain the same amount of earnings if a citizen was transferred to another job due to health reasons or benefits when entering a university. Money will be allocated either until health is restored or until the person is recognized as disabled. Temporary disability benefits were not affected by the cancellation; they still amount to one hundred percent of earnings. Each victim of the consequences of the accident (including children under 14 years of age) is given a monthly allowance of 300 rubles.

Disabled people are included in a separate line. A group 1 disabled person receives compensation in the amount of 5,000 rubles once a month, a group 2 disabled person receives 2,500 rubles, and a group 3 disabled person receives 1,000 rubles.

Are there plans to introduce new benefits for Chernobyl victims in 2018? Yes. In early February, the Cabinet of Ministers introduced new bill. It is designed to increase the social security of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. They will be increased regular payments. Benefits will increase for disabled people who lost their health due to the Chernobyl accident. At least 520 million rubles have been reserved in the budget to increase payments. Benefits for Chernobyl survivors who voluntarily left the resettlement zone will not increase.

Benefits for children of Chernobyl victims

For receiving child benefits it is necessary to confirm family ties with citizens who suffered from the Chernobyl accident. To do this, submit the following documents:

  • birth certificate or passport, other certificates that confirm the relationship with injured person who were in the contaminated territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • a certificate stating that the minor is a dependent (applies not only to cases of disability);
  • certificates stating that a relative was a participant in the liquidation or a victim of the Chernobyl disaster.

It is possible that social service will require other papers. For example, a death certificate of a relative if the latter died or died. Beneficiaries are given a certificate.

Relatives of beneficiaries, including children, also have the right to receive benefits and social support from the state. At the same time, the children’s coming of age still leaves the possibility of receiving state aid (Federal Law of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1).

Benefits for children of Chernobyl victims(category of minors):
  • monthly allowance in the amount 300 rubles(payable until age 14) and order 800 rubles(up to 18 years old);
  • when entering a university, such applicants are not included in the queue;
  • disabled dependents whose breadwinner died due to the Chernobyl accident receive monthly compensation in the amount of about 20,000 rubles;
  • children who became disabled as a result of the disaster are also provided for by the state;
  • compensation for the funerals of Chernobyl victims.
Benefits for children of Chernobyl victims after 18 years of age imply the following:
  • having the right to improve living conditions; opportunity to get a place out of turn kindergarten for the grandson or child of a Chernobyl survivor;
  • discounts on payment utilities and living space;
  • Relatives of Chernobyl victims are the last to be fired at work.

Benefits for relatives of Chernobyl victims

In addition to the liquidators themselves, members of their families also enjoy some benefits. For example, widows of Chernobyl victims(and other family members if they cohabitation eligible for benefits) pay only half rent. A fifty percent discount also applies to utilities.

If the widow and other relatives were dependent on the liquidator, then after his death they will receive survivor benefits.

Family members of Chernobyl victims are entitled to an extraordinary improvement in their living conditions. They can be fired from work only as a last resort. Their children and grandchildren will receive places in kindergartens without waiting in line.

Procedure for applying for benefits

First of all, it is necessary to confirm the status of the victim as a result of the Chernobyl accident. Confirmation will be the so-called “ Chernobyl certificate" To obtain it, you need to contact the social security authority (formerly called social security).

List of documents

You must submit the following documents to social security:

  • passport (for children, birth certificate);
  • documents proving that you actually lived or passed military service on a polluted radioactive release territory (entries in the military ID, certificates from the housing office, house books, extracts from archives, etc.);
  • in the case of relatives, confirmation of both family ties and the fact of being a dependent may be required.

Chernobyl benefits in other countries

Ukraine. Here the situation of Chernobyl victims is regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On the Status and social protection citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster" dated February 28, 1991, No. 796-XII. Differences with Russian law very little. Beneficiaries are also divided into categories according to which payments and compensation are assigned. But, due to difficult situation budget of Ukraine, there is no hope for an increase in compensation.

In Belarus A separate law has also been adopted to ensure social protection for Chernobyl victims. The list of benefits and compensation provided for in it is quite large. Cash are allocated regularly.

In Kazakhstan liquidators can count on priority provision of housing, preferential medical service, and others social guarantees. Separate law There is no legislation regulating their rights and social protection in the republic.


  1. The category of Chernobyl victims includes liquidators living in contaminated areas, as well as members of their families who received illnesses in connection with the accident.
  2. Chernobyl victims have a wide range of benefits.
  3. These include the right to early retirement.
  4. Regions may establish additional benefits.
  5. The document confirming the status is the Chernobyl certificate.
  6. The victims of the accident are entitled to monthly payments.

The most popular questions and answers regarding Chernobyl benefits

Question: Good evening. My name is Irina, I am 53 years old. I belong to the category of citizens who are considered Chernobyl survivors. Tell me, can I retire early?

Answer: Hello Irina. According to the Law of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of a disaster in Chernobyl nuclear power plant"You have the right to retire 5 years earlier deadline, i.e. You got this opportunity 3 years ago. If you have a disability group, then you could become a pensioner at the age of 45. But it is worth remembering the nuances: it is not enough just to belong to the category of Chernobyl victims, your seniority must be at least 5 years old.

Question: Good day. I am a liquidator of the consequences at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. I recently heard from friends that I am entitled to... Is it so? And what benefits can I expect? Ivan.

Answer: Hello, Ivan. The Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” indicates all the benefits to which you are entitled. Unfortunately, there are no customs benefits among them.

Benefits for Chernobyl victims are established by Federal Law No. 1244-1 of May 15, 1991. Affected citizens and their descendants are provided with additional payments, guarantees for housing improvement and free services medical institutions.

Russian legislation

Article 7 of Law No. 1244-1 of May 15, 1991 defines four categories of radiation exposure zones. Citizens receive preferential status depending on their residence in a particular region, as well as taking into account the fact of participation in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster.

List of contaminated areas:

Zone: Characteristic
AlienationAccommodation is prohibited in these areas. Economic activity limited. Specific types environmental management are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
RelocationsA complex is being implemented in the regions medical events aimed at protecting the population from the consequences of radioactive contamination
With the right to move outSettlement of regions is allowed. Held constant control the level of radiation. The population is informed about the results through the media.
With preferential economic statusTerritories with permissible level radiation. The government is implementing special economic and environmental programs aimed at improving the standard of living of the population
Attention: radiation levels are constantly monitored in all areas. Based on the results, a decision is made to change the category of individual areas and transfer them to another zone (with a greater or lesser danger to human health).

The areas now belonging to various countries. Benefits for victims Chernobyl disaster on legislative level are provided not only in Russia. Their legislative acts

  • accepted:
  • in Belarus;
  • in Ukraine;
In Kazakhstan. Attention: Chernobyl status entitles you to receive preferences within Labor Code

(TK) RF. Download for viewing and printing:

Who is granted Chernobyl status? A preferential certificate is available to all victims of a nuclear disaster.

  • There are many such citizens. And they differ:
  • conditions for receiving a defeat;

degree of development of the disease.

In addition, the number of victims includes family members of people affected by radiation sickness. Their quality of life also deteriorated due to the fact that their loved one was exposed to radiation. Full list

  • Chernobyl victims for 2019:
  • people who lived in the affected areas and received critical doses of radiation during the accident;
  • specialists and workers who took part in the liquidation;
  • citizens whose disease was subsequently discovered after a certain time has passed since the accident;
  • those who have received a disability due to radiation sickness;
  • bone marrow donors for the affected (regardless of the location of the operation); living in the period from 1996 to the present time in special zones

Attention: preferential status is granted to:

  • civilians, including children who were not yet born at the time of the accident (who were in the womb);
  • military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • doctors and other specialists.

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List of preferences for Chernobyl victims

Within federal legislation owners Chernobyl certificate You are granted the privileges described in the table below.

Type of benefit Size
Discount on utility bills:
  • electricity;
  • water supply (hot and cold);
  • drainage;
  • maintenance of housing for social rent;
  • garbage removal
Purchase of solid fuel (if the house is equipped with stove heating)50%
Right to join housing cooperative or partnershipOutside the general queue
Preemptive right retention in service during layoffsAccording to the Labor Code
Mandatory provision of additional paid leave
Priority employment when changing place of residenceIf there is a corresponding vacancy
Extraordinary provision of services for minors preschool education, health, healingIf necessary
Privileges related to health restorationIn medical and pharmacological institutions
Placement in nursing homesNo queue
Pension preferencesReducing the age for receiving old age support
For information: each region includes social program own benefits for radiation victims.

Preferential payments

The above law contains measures monetary support Chernobyl victims in certain situations. The complete list is given in the table:

Type of monetary preferenceSize (RUB)
At the place of work
Benefit for transfer to another duty station due to changes in health statusCalculated from salary
According to temporary working capacity100% of average earnings for the previous period
Additional paid leave

Children born before 04/01/19867

Up to 14 days

From 7 to 14 days

To those evacuated from the exclusion zone
Monthly for wellness260,0
Reimbursement for moving expenses (per person)1 120,0
Compensation payments for loss of valuable property:
  • households;
  • lost harvest;
  • infected farm animals
Calculated using a special formula
Disabled Chernobyl survivors receive additional payment
1 group16 338,0
2 groups8 169,0
3 groups2 367,0
Preferential disability pension
1 group23 845,45
2 groups11 922,73
3 groups5 961,36

Privileges for children of Chernobyl victims and other relatives

Due to the peculiarities of the effects of radiation on reproductive function person, support is provided to children whose parents suffered from the disaster.

Type of benefitSize (RUB)
For every minor
Up to 14 years old300,0
From 14 to 18800,0
A disabled dependent who lost a parent as a result of a nuclear power plant disaster20 000,0
For a disabled childAppropriate pension benefits
Funeral compensationInstalled government decree
For each minor (under 14 years old) compensation for food (only for victims of the explosion)781,4
After adulthood
Preferential admission of applicants to universities with equal scores
Discount on utility bills50%
Providing a place in kindergarten (for a child or grandchild of a beneficiary)No queue
Preferences established in the Labor CodeIn addition to additional vacation
Other relatives
Maintaining discounts on housing and communal services payments50%
Preferential provision of space in nursing homes
Survivor's pensionEstablished by relevant law

Where can I get benefits?

Preferences for Chernobyl victims established on federal level, are obliged to provide organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership.
Special payments accrue and issue:

  • social protection authorities;
  • Pension Fund;
  • employers (vacation pay, sick leave, etc.).

Preferential medical care is provided by the medical institution to which the victim is “assigned”. Some privileges are required to be allocated by local authorities:

  1. Registration for improvement of living conditions and allocation of premises.
  2. Providing out-of-queue seats:
    • in preschool educational institutions;
    • in nursing homes.
  3. Selection health vouchers and other.
Attention: a Chernobyl survivor must bring a copy of the certificate to the employer upon employment. In addition, the document should be attached to the card at the clinic.

Rules for obtaining a certificate

To obtain privileges, you must write an application and attach a certificate confirming your right to it. The registration of these is carried out by the social protection authorities. To receive you need:

  1. Collect documents confirming:
    • personality:
      • passport;
      • child's birth certificate;
    • preferential category:
      • a certificate stating that at the time of the accident the person was registered in the relevant locality;
      • confirmation of participation in liquidation;
      • certificate of disability;
      • papers showing family ties to Chernobyl;
      • other.
  2. Write a statement to social security:
    • by coming in person to a territorial branch;
    • in the multifunctional center;
    • through the State Services portal.

The issuance of the certificate takes no more than ten days. This document provides the basis for receiving all preferences stipulated by federal and local legislation.

Clue: regional authorities claim own instructions to provide preferences to victims. The list of papers in them may be wider.

Support for victims in other countries

A corresponding law has been adopted in Ukraine (No. 796-XII of February 28, 1991). Its structure is similar to the Russian one:

  • people affected by radiation are divided into categories;
  • disabled people receive a pension;
  • other citizens - compensation.
For information: due to the budget crisis in the country, which has been going on for several years, payments are unlikely to increase.

In Belarus there is also a similar normative act. It is regularly financed from the state budget. Those affected by the disaster receive wide range support.

In Kazakhstan, work is structured differently. Preferences for Chernobyl victims are included in various laws. Beneficiaries in this country have the right:

  • for the provision of housing;
  • medical care on preferential terms;
  • tax deduction and other social guarantees.
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Last changes

In mid-2018, a Federal Law was adopted amending Art. 4 Law 1244-1. After the next edition comes into force, children of Chernobyl victims (regardless of their place of birth) will also have the right to social support measures. Subject to their permanent residence/work after birth in contaminated areas.

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Watch a video about Chernobyl benefits

In accordance with Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1995 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster,” citizens (including those temporarily sent or sent on business) who took part in 1986 - 1987 in the work to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster within the exclusion zone, have the right to the following measures social support.

1. Payment in the amount of 50% of the occupied total area in public and municipal funds and in privatized residential premises, including members of their families living with them; payment of 50% for the use of heating, water supply, gas and electricity, and for those living in houses that do not have central heating; providing a discount of 50% on the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the public, including transportation costs.

2. Additional payment up to the amount of previous earnings when transferring via medical indications for a lower paid job. This additional payment is made by the employer until the restoration of working capacity or until disability is established;

3. Use of regular annual paid leave at a time convenient for them, as well as receiving additional paid leave of 14 calendar days.

4. Payment of temporary disability benefits in the amount of 100% of average earnings, taken into account when calculating insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity to the Social Insurance Fund Russian Federation, regardless of duration insurance period, including when referred for a medical consultation in another locality.

5. Preferential right to retain a job in the event of a reduction in numbers or staff, regardless of the time of work for this enterprise, in an institution, organization and priority employment during the liquidation or reorganization of an enterprise, institution, organization.

6. Extraordinary entry into housing construction cooperatives, extraordinary provision land plots for individual housing construction(subject to recognition of their need for improved housing conditions), extraordinary entry into garage-building cooperatives, gardening associations(cooperatives), extraordinary acquisition garden houses or materials for their construction, extraordinary service at public service enterprises, Maintenance and repair Vehicle, Catering, in housing and communal services institutions, communications and intercity transport organizations.
7. Extraordinary services in medical institutions and pharmacies.

8. Service in the clinics to which they were assigned before retirement.

9. Non-competitive admission to state educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher education vocational education with the provision of a hostel, if needed, and a stipend increased by 50%.

10. Extraordinary provision of children with places in preschool institutions, specialized children's institutions of medical and sanatorium type with the payment of monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 154.98 rubles. for feeding a child in this institution.

11. Preferential provision of places in boarding houses for veterans or boarding schools for the elderly and disabled.

12. Providing those in need of improved housing conditions, registered before January 1, 2005, with living space in the size and order, established by the Government RF.

13. Payment of temporary disability benefits in the amount of 100% of average earnings, taken into account when calculating insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity in the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of the length of the insurance period.

14. Monthly cash compensation for purchase food products in the amount of 420.49 rubles.

15. Monthly monetary compensation for damage caused to health in connection with radiation exposure as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and resulting in loss of ability to work, in the amount of 659.45 rubles. regardless of the degree of disability (without establishing disability).

Article navigation

Thus, in 2018:

  • exclusion zone certain settlements are considered Bryansk region, namely Barsukovsky and Zaborsky village councils, Barsuki village, Progress village, Knyazevshchina village, Medvedevsky village council, Nizhnyaya Melnitsa village, Krasnogorsk district;
  • resettlement zone- part of the settlements of Klintsovsky, Zlynkovsky, Gordeevsky, Novozybkovsky and Krasnogorsk districts Bryansk region;
  • some settlements of Bryansk, Kaluga, Oplovsk and Tula regions are considered zone of residence with the right to evict;
  • area of ​​residence with preferential socio-economic status consists of part settlements Bryansk, Kursk, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Belgorod, Oryol, Kaluga, Tula and some other regions.

Who is eligible to receive a pension?

  • persons who received or transferred radiation sickness or other diseases as a result of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • disabled people due to the above disaster;
  • eliminated the consequences of the Chernobyl tragedy in the period from 1986 to 1990;
  • working in the exclusion zone;
  • persons who were evacuated and resettled, including children who were in a state of fetal development;
  • citizens who live or work in a residential area with the right to resettle or with a preferential socio-economic status;
  • those who voluntarily left the area of ​​residence with the right to resettle;
  • disabled relatives of the deceased breadwinner (parents, children, spouse, grandparents);
  • injured as a result of other radiation or man-made disasters;
  • disabled family members of deceased victims.

However, it is worth considering that if radiation damage is caused intentionally, the amount of payments may be reduced or a refusal may follow.

Types of pensions assigned to victims of disasters

In the Russian Federation there is a pension, which includes a number of payments:

  • for length of service;
  • by old age;
  • on disability;
  • in case of loss of a breadwinner;

Persons belonging to this category of the population have the right to government payments old age and disability. In the event of the death of a person affected by the events at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP), members of his family are entitled to a state pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner.

In addition, these citizens may be assigned pension insurance, if you have the right to it. It can be established upon reaching the generally established retirement age and having required quantity pension points or due to loss of legal capacity (disability), if until this moment the citizen worked officially (experience does not matter).

State old age pension

This type of pension provision is entitled to receive only by persons who suffered as a result of accidents and catastrophes of radiation and technogenic nature. Victims of the 1986 events in Chernobyl can receive this pension, provided that they are at least 5 years.

The Government of the Russian Federation may establish other conditions for victims of other radiation or man-made incidents.

Disability pension under state pension provision

If a person from this category of the population is a disabled person of any group who received a disability due to the events at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, he is awarded a disability pension. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 10 this type pension provision appointed regardless of work experience(it can be 1 day, 1 year or not at all).

Instead of a disability pension, a pensioner may be awarded a state old-age pension.

Sokolov Evgeniy Yuryevich in the period from 1988 to 1989 took part in eliminating the consequences of the explosion at the fourth power unit at nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. As a result, he became a disabled person of the third group. Evgeniy Yuryevich’s total work experience is 8 years.

According to Federal Law No. 166, citizen Sokolov has the right to choose one of the pensions - old age or disability.

Since Evgeniy Yuryevich is a liquidator of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, he is entitled to a state old-age pension (250% of the social pension). After April 2018, it is 13,101.64 rubles (before - 12,585.63 rubles). But citizen Sokolov is also a disabled person of the third group. In this regard, he has the right to a disability pension, which is 125% (from April 1, 2018 - 6550.82 rubles). That is, twice as much.

Thus, it is wiser for Evgeniy Yuryevich to opt for an old-age pension.

Pensions for the loss of a breadwinner for family members of victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

In the event of the death of a person affected by the Chernobyl tragedy, disabled members of his family have the right to pension provision on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner. It can be:

  • minor children;
  • adult children of the deceased under 25 years of age under certain conditions;
  • a husband or wife who has a dependent child of the deceased under the age of 14;
  • spouse aged 55 (50) years, or before the onset of disability;
  • disabled parents;
  • grandparents who have reached retirement age (60 and 55 years old) or have a disability.

For children undergoing full-time education, this payment appointed for the entire period of study, but up to a maximum of 25 years. That is, when the student turns 25 years old, payments stop.

Along with the state survivor's pension, disabled family members of the deceased can simultaneously receive either an old-age or disability pension.

The right to choose pension provision

Citizens affected by the tragedy at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant are entitled to one of the following types of pensions: or / (if eligible).

Moreover, the pensioner himself can choose for which the final amount of payments will be the largest.

The old-age insurance pension is assigned in accordance with Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013. In 2018, the insurance period should be 9 years, and the number of individual pension coefficients(points) - 13.8.

For many citizens belonging to this category of the population, their pensions were calculated using the old formula before the adoption of the above law. But according to it, pensions assigned earlier are subject to recalculation using a new formula. However, if the amount is lower than previously established, the pension amount will remain the same.

Pension calculation for 2018

The tables below show the size various types pensions assigned various categories citizens who suffered as a result of man-made or radiation disasters, after April indexation 2017 (valid until April 1, 2018).

Old age pension table

size table state pensions on disability

Table of pension amounts in case of loss of a breadwinner

Assignment of state pensions

Pensions according to state provision can be issued at any time. To do this you need to submit an application to territorial body Pension Fund or in MFC. You can view the application form on the Pension Fund website, or you can print it out yourself.

Both the citizen himself and his legal representative. You can also send documents by Russian post or electronically through the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Required documents for appointment:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • other documents.

Each category of recipients has their own additional documents for assigning pensions, depending on type of assigned payments.

Conditions and procedure for assigning state pensions

  1. For getting old age pensions other documents are:
    • work book or documents confirming the length of the insurance period;
    • certificate established sample, which is confirmation of participation in the liquidation of disaster consequences;
    • documents confirming the fact of work or residence in a certain contamination zone;
    • documents confirming that the person suffered or received a disease as a result of the disaster;
    • a medical and social examination certificate indicating the disability group.

    This payment is unlimited and is paid until the end of the pensioner’s life.

  2. To assign a pension on disability additional documents required:
    • confirming disability (for example, ITU certificate);
    • which indicate the status of the recipient (certificate of a standard form, etc.).

    This pension is established for the period during which the person is recognized as disabled, possibly indefinitely.

  3. In addition to the application and passport for granting a pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner necessary:

All pensions are assigned from the first day of the month when a citizen applies for appointment to the territorial Pension Fund body.

Early assignment of pensions to victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Those affected by the events at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant may be granted an old-age pension ahead of schedule, but maximum 10 years earlier established deadline. Depending on the category of citizens, the retirement age is determined.

Men at 55 years old and women at 50 years old, can receive a pension if they:

  • are liquidators of the consequences in Chernobyl (1988 - 1990);
  • received or suffered illnesses (including radiation sickness) as a result of the Chernobyl explosion or work to eliminate the consequences;
  • carry out work in the exclusion zone.

Older citizens 50 years (men) and 45 years (women), are entitled to pension benefits if they:

  • disabled people due to the Chernobyl tragedy;
  • evacuated from the exclusion zone;
  • eliminated the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster in the period from 1986 to 1987.

For those who live or work in the resettlement zone, retirement age decreases by no more than 7 years. For persons located in the area of ​​residence with the right to resettle, due to old age it is reduced by no more than 5 years. The retirement age is reduced by a maximum of 3 years for those living in an area with a preferential socio-economic status.

Pension payment

All pensions are paid monthly. Either the pensioner himself or the person for whom the power of attorney is issued can receive any of them.

The recipient has the right independently choose or change the payment delivery method by writing an application to the territorial office of the Pension Fund.

To date, receive cash payments possible via:

  • Russian Post (in post office at the place of residence or at home);
  • an organization that delivers pensions - to your home or at the organization’s cash desk (a list of organizations is available in the Pension Fund);
  • bank (bank account or card).


Thus, for those who in one way or another suffered from radiation or man-made disasters, the pension is assigned a little differently. And such a payment as an old-age pension is assigned only to victims of this type of event. Also, a citizen, if provided by law, can choose the type of pension provision.

In addition to the above state pensions, there are additional benefits and payments- , and others. In each subject of the Russian Federation, a list additional benefits may differ, since each region has the right to establish additional payments.

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In accordance with the government decree, today the following categories of citizens have the right to receive benefits and payments:

  • Firstly, these are individuals who have been diagnosed with radiation sickness or another disease that appeared due to the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident at the nuclear power plant or due to the disaster itself.
  • Secondly, beneficiaries of this category include individuals who have suffered radiation sickness or a disease of another nature, which also appeared due to the removal or the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant itself.
  • Thirdly, the next category of citizens who can count on receiving material payments and benefits are those who received disability as a result of what happened at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Also included here are those who received the group as a result of eliminating the consequences of this disaster.4
  • Fourthly, the last category of citizens who can count on support from the state are widows of Chernobyl victims.

Chernobyl laws 2018

Another legislative draft, which regulates the provision of assistance to Chernobyl victims, is law number 796-XII dated February 28, 1991.

This legislative project involves dividing Chernobyl victims into certain categories. More details about payments and benefits for victims of the Chernobyl disaster will be discussed below.

Conditions for receiving benefits and payments

In order to be able to use the benefits and material payments that the state and local regional authorities provide to individuals who suffered as a result of the accident that occurred in the city of Chernobyl, it will be necessary to comply certain conditions. Moreover, the most important thing is collecting documents and submitting an application. Read the information on how to apply social card Muscovite for a schoolchild and what to do if lost, .

So, in order to receive benefits and allowances, you will need to:

  • Apply;
  • Provide a document confirming a certain status;
  • Provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Medical certificate health institutions;
  • Certificate of disability status, if any.

List of benefits for Chernobyl victims

Every person who was involved in eliminating the consequences of the disaster that occurred on the territory of the city of Chernobyl, as well as those living in Chernobyl and the region at the time of the accident, can receive a large number of benefits.

These currently include the following:

  • First of all, people who went through the Chernobyl disaster can count on improved living conditions.
  • Based on data about utility costs Chernobyl victims can pay only 50% of housing and communal services.
  • If the building where a citizen belonging to this category lives does not have central heating, he has the right to receive fuel at half the cost.
  • Dismissal of Chernobyl victims in the event staff reduction perhaps only as a last resort;
  • Has the right to join a cooperative or other housing construction organization without waiting in line.
  • This category of people is provided with plots of land to build their own houses.
  • Regarding services medical nature, then they are provided out of turn. However, the same applies to the services provided by pharmacies.
  • When a Chernobyl survivor retires, he remains attached to the same medical institution. Read the guide on how to apply for and receive unemployment benefits.
  • Children of Chernobyl victims have every right to receive benefits when registering in a kindergarten.
  • Chernobyl survivors can also count on receiving places in homes for the disabled and the elderly.
  • If Chernobyl survivors move to a new place of residence, they are given work out of turn.

In addition, citizens who were able to survive the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are entitled to additional leave.

List of payments

As for direct payments, today, in accordance with indexation, Chernobyl victims are provided the following types monetary compensation:

  • Are eligible to receive compensation payment for travel to a dispensary or sanatorium-type institution.
  • Financial compensation for disabled Chernobyl survivors. Provided monthly. The amount of payment depends on the disability group.
  • Monthly payment to Chernobyl survivors with children under fourteen years of age is 300 rubles.
  • Disability payment – the average size wages in the region.
  • Compensation payment in the amount of previous wages in case of deterioration physical health Chernobyl.

Benefits for widows of Chernobyl victims

Women and families who lost their breadwinners during the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are also provided material payments. Among which:

  • Additional payments for medical services indications;
  • Unemployment benefits in the amount of 100% of the average salary.
  • Payment if there is a disability group from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Additional leave


Watch the video for information about payments to Chernobyl victims:

In any case, according to government decree And Civil Code Russian Federation, every person who was involved in eliminating the consequences of the accident that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant can count on benefits and material support from the state. Wherein individual must understand that all this can be obtained by anyone who submits an appropriate application with a request to receive benefits and monetary compensation. Otherwise, it will be virtually impossible to receive payments.

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