Benefits for paying for electricity. How can a pensioner avoid overpaying for housing and communal services?

The subsidy for the payment of electricity in Moscow consists of reimbursement from the budget of the amounts actually paid to the resource supplier. Categories of citizens listed in regional regulations can apply for benefits. In this material, we will look at who is entitled to benefits in paying for electricity in Moscow, and what size of subsidy the law allows.

Any benefits for paying for utilities, including electricity, cannot be of an individual nature. At the federal or regional level, only categories of citizens entitled to receive subsidies or other benefits can be determined. In addition, preferential status must be supported by documents or other evidence.

The provision of benefits for electricity payments is carried out according to the following rules:

  • only funds actually paid to the electricity supplier are reimbursed from the budget;
  • you cannot receive a subsidy if there are delays in payments;
  • the amount of the subsidy will be determined as a percentage of the payment amount and will differ for different categories of beneficiaries.

The subsidy is provided only on an application basis, and citizens will have to confirm the rules listed above. At the same time, a preferential payment procedure will apply to owners of any premises intended for permanent or temporary residence of citizens. If the property is transferred to non-residential premises or is used for business activities, the right to subsidize does not arise.

Citizens living in residential premises can apply for a subsidy:

  1. on the right of individual, joint or shared ownership;
  2. on social rent terms, i.e. in municipal housing stock;
  3. in departmental apartments and rooms, office premises;
  4. in private houses of individual development.

Benefits are also provided for persons moved into housing by the owner or tenant, if this entails an obligation to pay for utilities.

Who receives benefits?

  • veterans of labor, World War II, military service and combat operations, who have confirmed the corresponding status through social protection authorities or through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • persons who participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident and its consequences;
  • disabled people of any group, if the disability is officially confirmed by a certificate from MSEC;
  • large families;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • minor children left without parental care;
  • other categories of beneficiaries.

The list of beneficiaries can change almost every year, so it is necessary to promptly monitor changes in Moscow legislation. Pensioners are not included in the register of beneficiaries, so their right to a subsidy will arise only if one of the categories listed above is confirmed.

To record the citizens to whom the subsidy from the budget will be transferred, a municipal register is maintained. Its information will be transmitted automatically to the district departments of the Center for Calculating Subsidies in Moscow, as well as to Mosenergosbyt. Accordingly, if the right to benefits is canceled, the information in the register will be changed.

In most cases, the subsidy will apply only to the beneficiary himself, and not to his family members. If several citizens live in a residential building, the subsidy is calculated in proportion to the total amount of electricity consumed. For example, if a family consists of 4 people, of which only one citizen is entitled to a subsidy, 25% of the transferred payments will be returned from the budget.

The basis for assigning a subsidy will be a citizen’s application submitted through the MFC “My Documents”, through the government services portal or Personal Account on the website of the Moscow Government, through the departments of the Center for Calculation of Subsidies. Upon initial application, you need to confirm your preferential status - with certificates, documents, extracts, etc.

Subsequently, it is necessary to regularly confirm the right to a subsidy if the preferential status is temporary. For example, for a group III disabled person, such confirmation occurs after re-examination by the MSEC authorities. Municipal authorities have the right to suspend the calculation and transfer of subsidies if the preferential status is not confirmed in a timely manner.

The size of the subsidy is determined not from the full cost of consumed electricity, but taking into account the maximum permissible standards. This rule is caused by the need to be careful with consumed resources and reasonable energy savings. In 2018, the following standards are used to calculate subsidies:

  1. if one citizen lives in a residential building - 50 kW, and if the stove is equipped with electricity - 80 kW;
  2. if there are two or more people living. for each citizen there is a standard of 45 kW, and if there is a stove - 70 kW;
  3. excess of the specified standard is paid by the beneficiary at standard rates, i.e. without allocating a subsidy from the budget.

Accordingly, when the composition of a family changes, citizens are required to notify the Subsidy Center or another authorized body about this. If this is not done, the annual audit will still establish the fact of an increase in family composition, which may lead to a recalculation of the subsidy amount. However, the mere fact of a change in the composition of living citizens is not grounds for cancellation of the subsidy if the preferential status is properly confirmed.

The transfer of the subsidy is carried out only after payment for electricity according to receipts issued by Mosenergosbyt. Citizens should not submit copies of receipts or payment information to municipal authorities on a monthly basis. This data is transmitted automatically through information interaction channels. If an error was identified when receiving a subsidy, you can submit updated data individually - the recalculation of payments from the budget will be done next month.

What is the size of the subsidy in 2019

  • full compensation (100%) is provided only for Heroes of the Russian Federation or the USSR, Knights of the Order of Glory, and orphans;
  • Large families can expect a compensation of 30%; if there are 10 or more own or adopted children, the subsidy amount increases to 70%;
  • all other categories of beneficiaries will receive a refund in the amount of 30% of the amounts actually paid, in compliance with regulatory standards.

If there is a right to a subsidy on several grounds at once (for example, if a disabled person is also a labor veteran), a citizen will be able to receive only one benefit. If the amount of the subsidy differs for various reasons, the most profitable option will be automatically selected.

What documents are needed to assign a subsidy?

Since the allocation of a subsidy is of an application nature, citizens will have to submit an application in writing or electronically. The following documents are submitted along with the application:

  1. a copy of your passport or birth certificate;
  2. SNILS certificate;
  3. a document confirming preferential status - a veteran's certificate, a certificate of disability, a document conferring the title of Hero of the Russian Federation or the USSR, etc.;
  4. a certificate of the composition of persons living with the applicant in the same residential premises;
  5. details of the Muscovite’s bank account or social card through which the subsidy will be transferred;
  6. a document confirming the absence of debt for electricity.

Subsequently, there is no need to submit documents about the absence of debts, since Mosenergosbyt itself will transmit this information through electronic resources.

No more than 14 days are allotted for consideration of documents, after which the applicant will receive a response in written or electronic form. At the same time, information about the beneficiary will be transferred to Mosenergosbyt, so there is no need to contact the resource supply organization to confirm eligibility.

Recently there was a rumor about the abolition of electricity benefits for people with disabilities. Experts reassure: such changes are not planned in our state in 2019. But nevertheless, changes have occurred in the area of ​​providing benefits for disabled people. What changes are these? What are they? How does this affect electricity bills for disabled people? Read all the details in this article.

Changes in electricity payment benefits for people with disabilities

First of all, the changes affected residents of the city of Moscow, namely the category of low-income Russians:

  • disabled people (persons who are completely or partially deprived of the opportunity to find a job and provide for themselves independently due to illness, injury or injury);
  • families with disabled children whose age does not exceed 18 years;
  • persons injured as a result of radiation exposure (both during the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and at the Semipalatinsk test site);
  • persons equated to them.

It cannot be said that for these low-income Russians, benefits related to payment for the use of housing and communal services, including electricity, have been abolished. A fifty percent discount on payment applies to the following types of utilities:

  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • hot water supply (includes payment for water heating);
  • electricity;

According to current legislation, the preferential discount for this type of service remains the same - 50%. But the very procedure for calculating benefits has changed, as a result of which the amount of payment for the use of electricity for disabled people has become higher than last year.

How can a disabled person apply for electricity benefits?

In order to get the opportunity for a disabled person to take advantage of preferential discounts on the payment of consumed electricity, it is necessary to contact the territorial body of the USS - the Department of Social Protection. For disabled people, you need to submit a package of documents to this organization:

  1. Passport confirming the identity of a citizen of our state (photocopy).
  2. Certificate of family composition.
  3. A medical certificate confirming the presence of a disability of the corresponding group.
  4. Pension certificate (if any).
  5. Account number.
  6. A statement, written in your own hand, requesting a preferential discount on the payment of electricity or some other utilities.

Benefits will not be provided if there is arrears in payment of housing and communal services.

How are calculations now made regarding people with disabilities and the benefits established for them?

A preferential discount of fifty percent is calculated based on the volume of a certain utility service used by low-income Russians. The volume of consumption is determined using readings taken from a special data meter. But these readings should not exceed the consumption standards established and approved by Russian legislation.

The law also provides for a situation where such metering devices are not available. In this case, all necessary calculations regarding fifty percent benefits for disabled people are carried out based on standard standards for the consumption of utilities, including electricity.

Electricity consumption standards in force in 2019

In 2019, Mosenergosbyt provides low-income Russians living in Moscow (including disabled people) with a preferential discount of fifty percent. As already mentioned, this percentage is removed from the cost, which is calculated based on the volume of electricity consumed only. That is, the readings of electric meters - special devices for metering electricity consumption - are taken into account. But at the same time they should not exceed legal norms.

Let's consider the values ​​of electricity consumption standards that are established by the legislation of our state specifically for disabled people who enjoy a number of benefits and discounts:

  1. For citizens living alone:
    • for an electric stove – 80 kW/h per month;
    • for a gas stove – 50 kW/h per month.
  2. For families:
    • for an electric stove – 70 kW/h per month;
    • for a gas stove – 45 kW/h per month.

Unclaimed kilowatts, that is, those remaining from the norm this month, are not carried over to the next.

An example of calculating the amount of preferential payment for electricity for disabled people

If a disabled person or a family with disabled people consumed during the billing period - in our country this is a calendar month - less electricity (based on electric meter readings) than provided by the standards, then fifty percent of the benefits apply to this entire volume. For example, the meter reading is 60 kilowatts; in such a situation, payment with a fifty percent discount will be made for 30 kilowatts.

If the volume of preferential electricity standards established by law is exceeded, a fifty percent discount only works up to the standard limit. The remaining kilowatts are paid at the full 100% tariff. For example, the monthly electricity consumption of one disabled person is 300 kilowatts (according to meters), from this figure it is necessary to subtract a preferential discount, which will be 40 kilowatts: 80 kilowatts according to the standards minus 50% of the benefits provided for disabled people living alone. According to these calculations, 260 kilowatts will be paid for (300 kilowatts consumed minus 40 kilowatts discounted).

Let's look at another example based on real facts. According to standards, a family disabled person using an electric stove can use an average of 70 kilowatts/hour. At the same time, a fifty percent discount in the form of utility benefits is valid for 35 kilowatt/hour. If converted to rubles according to the tariff schedule (in March 2019, 1 kilowatt/hour costs 3 rubles 52 kopecks), we have: 35 kilowatts is 123 rubles 20 kopecks. If the electricity consumption standards for family disabled people with an electric stove are exceeded, that is, more than 70 kilowatt/hour, a preferential 123 rubles 20 kopecks should be deducted from the total amount and the balance should be paid. With lower electricity consumption (up to 70 kilowatts/hour), preferential (fifty percent) discounts are calculated: in a month the meters have increased 60 kilowatts, then only 30 of them are paid.

Any questions? Contact Mosenergosbyt!

You can clarify any misunderstandings that have arisen regarding benefits for people with disabilities that relate to paying for electricity without leaving your home. Now this is possible thanks to the official website of Mosenergosbyt -

In the “Virtual Reception” in the “Frequently Asked Questions” tab you can find the following information:

  1. About changing data in your personal account.
  2. About benefits.
  3. How the benefits provided are calculated:
    • fifty percent discount on consumption;
    • half of the standard;
    • one hundred percent of consumption.
  4. About examples of benefit calculations:
    • for a single-tariff electric meter (with lower and higher electricity consumption);
    • for a multi-tariff electricity meter (if tariff standards are exceeded).
  5. About paying bills for electricity consumption.
  6. About the status of your personal account.

This site also provides registration of individuals and access to the client’s personal account. Using the services provided by Mosenergosbyt, you can pay bills for consumed electricity. There are several ways to do this, which are very convenient for disabled people:

  • by registering in the “Client Personal Account” on the website of this company and clicking on the “Pay” tab (the automatic online service will calculate the required payment amount based on current tariffs and standards);
  • without registering on the same website using a bank card;
  • using the automatic payment service.

Mosenergosbyt services for people with disabilities

When registering in the “Client Personal Account”, you have the opportunity to subscribe to receive payment orders by email. The client will receive such an electronic document every month until the 10th day. At the same time, it can be either downloaded or immediately printed in paper form - the same familiar receipt for payment of electricity consumption. In addition to the account, it is also possible to find out the current balance with detailed details. Here you can print out blank receipt forms, which you must fill out yourself and pay at any bank branch.

Mosenergosbyt provides the full version of electricity tariffs for 2019. These current tariffs are established by the regulatory authorities of our state, and they also include preferential ones.

The list of services provided by Mosenergosbyt also includes those that are convenient for people with disabilities:

  • calling specialists involved in servicing metering devices - electricity meters;
  • connection to power supply;
  • energy and environmental assessment;
  • organization of backup power supply;
  • insurance services.

Relatively recently, the population of the country received disappointing information regarding the abolition of benefits intended for people with disabilities. The cancellation, according to the information, concerns those services that helped pay disabled people the amount for electricity, and since in 2019 the payment for it increased again, everyone is worried about the current situation.

Has the benefit actually been cancelled?

Analysts claim that such an event is not being prepared for 2019, and people with disabilities will need to pay about the same amount for electricity as last year. However, certain changes in the preferential system did occur.

Preferential changes primarily apply to those disabled people who live in the capital of Russia and are considered low-income citizens of the country. In particular, they touched upon:

  • citizens who are partially or completely unable to find work due to illness;
  • Russians who are unable to provide for themselves on their own due to injuries received or any type of injury;
  • families raising disabled minors;
  • categories of persons who have become disabled due to radiation exposure.

In 2019, benefits for electricity and the use of housing and communal services are provided for the above-mentioned citizens of the country, but not in the same quantity as before. From 2019, people with disabilities will be able to pay half the amount for the following types of services:

  1. City heating.
  2. Electricity and natural gas.
  3. Cold and hot water supply.
  4. Use of sewerage.

The law, created in 2017, states that people with disabilities are provided with the same 50% discount on the payment for the above services, but the amount for electricity will become larger, as there have been changes in the preferential payment procedure.

New preferential payment

In 2019, people with disabilities will be recalculated with a preferential discount using a different system based on the total volume of utilities used by low-income citizens of the Russian Federation. It will be removed by control and statistical authorities from special devices that are designed to keep track of utility bills. During this event, all instrument readings will be monitored. Control authorities must prove that the readings from the devices of low-income citizens who need benefits do not exceed the consumption standards approved by the legislation of the country.

If people with disabilities have not been provided with data recording devices, then all calculations regarding the receipt of fifty percent benefits will be based on averages. This point affects all utilities and electricity.

What do people with disabilities need to have to apply for electricity benefits?

In order for people with disabilities to receive a preferential discount on electricity in 2019, they need to visit the USS (Social Security Administration). The following documents must be submitted to the territorial government agency to receive a preferential discount:

  • original and photocopy of personal passport;
  • a certificate indicating the composition of the family;
  • medical confirmation of disability;
  • certificate of retirement age, if there is such a document;
  • a handwritten application to the USS, which will contain a request for benefits for utility bills or electricity.

It is worth adding that if all the documents are correctly completed, and the debt for electricity or other types of utilities has not been repaid, then disabled people will be denied a discount.

New electricity consumption standards in 2019

As mentioned earlier, starting from 2017, low-income citizens of Russia and people with disabilities can apply for a preferential discount on housing and communal services. This innovation applies to both citizens living in the capital of the Russian Federation and Russians located in other cities of the country. The electricity benefit will be calculated based on the total amount of resources used when reading meter readings. During this event, the consumption rate is taken into account, which should not exceed the indicator approved by the legislation of the country. There are certain standards regarding electricity consumption for disabled people, which do not exceed the limit allowed by law:

  • for a citizen who has received a disability and lives in an apartment without a family, 75-80 kW/h per month is provided for using an electric stove and 45-50 kW/h per month for using a gas stove;
  • for disabled people living in a family, 65-70 kW/h per month is provided for an electric stove and 40-45 kW/h for a gas stove.

If preferential standards have not been used within a month, they are not carried over to the next month.

How does preferential payment work in 2019?

If a Russian citizen who has a disability and received a benefit for paying for electricity consumption consumed less electricity during a calendar month in 2019, which is calculated from instrument readings, then a 50% benefit will apply to the entire volume consumed. That is, if, when taking readings, the device shows a consumption of 50-60 kilowatts, then you will have to pay only 25-30 kilowatts, exactly half of the device readings.

If the volume of preferential consumption standards turns out to be higher than the indicator provided for in the legislation, then disabled people must pay as much money as provided within the normative indicators, taking into account a fifty percent discount. The remaining payment for exceeded standards will have to be paid without benefits, that is, at the regular rate.

An example can be given: if, when taking a meter reading, the device shows that 300 kilowatts of electricity were used in a month by a family where a disabled person lives, then 35 kilowatts must be subtracted from this indicator (a preferential discount, which in total provides for 70 kilowatts, and when subtracted 50% turns out to be a preferential 35 kilowatts). As a result, 265 kilowatts are subject to 100% payment, and 35 are subject to preferential rates.

Payment for electricity by region of the country

Since the economic conditions of different regions of Russia are not equal, individual regions were allowed to independently indicate electricity consumption standards in 2019 for disabled people and low-income citizens. This point also applies to payment for housing and communal services, for which Russian citizens have the right to receive payment benefits.

Throughout 2019, single Russians over 70 years of age can receive an additional 50% discount for major renovations of their apartment or private home. And if a citizen is over 80 years old, then they can be completely exempt from this payment.

Why are electricity benefits always calculated differently? My wife and I are labor veterans, we have a benefit, but its amount is different every month.

Victor Petrovich, Sirenevy Boulevard, 66

The Mosenergosbyt company explained that the amount of payment for electricity, calculated taking into account the benefits available to residents, depends on a number of factors: a single-tariff or multi-tariff meter is installed in the apartment, the house is gasified or equipped with electric stoves (they apply different tariffs and consumption standards). And when calculating the fee taking into account benefits in one apartment, its size depends on whether the energy consumption in the billing month exceeded the established standard or, conversely, whether the residents spent less than the standard.

What standards are set for electricity?

According to Moscow government decree No. 1161 of December 20, 1994, the following electricity standards apply in the capital: in apartments with a gas stove - 50 kW/h (single citizens), 45 kW/h (family citizens, for 1 person); in apartments with an electric stove - 80 kW/h (single citizens), 70 kW/h (family citizens, for 1 person).

Why is the amount different every month?

For labor veterans, a discount on electricity is established in the amount of 50% of the standard. If two or more citizens who have the same benefits live in an apartment, then their standards are summed up.

Mosenergosbyt explained that if a resident spent electricity less than the preferential standard, then a 50% discount is provided for the entire volume. At the same time, the “remaining” kilowatts of the standard are not carried over to the next month.

If a resident has spent more than the standard, then a 50% discount is provided for the volume within the standard, and the remainder is paid in the amount of 100% of the tariff.

With multi-tariff metering, a discount is provided for electricity consumed during the most expensive peak period (morning and evening).

In Russia, veterans are supported at the federal and local levels. One of the categories who are provided with electricity benefits are labor veterans. This type of benefit is valid within Moscow, the region and other regions of the country. To accrue benefits, a certain procedure for submitting documents must be followed.

This type of benefit is a reverse payment. The principle of obtaining it comes down to the following rule: the veteran pays his own electricity bill, and the state subsequently compensates him for part of the expenses incurred in a certain amount.

Labor veterans include citizens who have worked for a significant period of time, have extensive work experience and have been rewarded for this with various awards from the state and its leadership.

What benefits for electricity payments are available to labor veterans?

This is an honorary title awarded to a citizen for many years of work. Not every citizen is awarded such a title. Conditions apply, including:

  • long work experience;
  • presence of awards, certificates of honor.

Labor veterans are entitled to compensation:

  • those who started working during the war;
  • having extensive work experience;
  • having awards, orders and other insignia.

The first category of benefit veterans includes citizens who began working during the Great Patriotic War as minors. They are awarded the title if they have worked for at least 40 years. This requirement is for men. Women must have at least 35 years of work experience.

Regions independently establish additional titles for benefit veterans. The legislation of the constituent entities allows them to set their own criteria for recognizing labor veterans as beneficiaries. The following factors are taken into account:

  • whether the person has received awards from the relevant subject;
  • experience requirements specified in a particular region;
  • use of local standards when calculating benefits for electricity payments.

The country provides several types of benefits for paying for electricity for various preferential categories of citizens. Discounts apply: 30%, 50%, 70%. For special categories, 100% compensation for electricity costs is provided.

Large families apply for 30% and 70% discounts . Labor veterans, as one of the preferential categories, are entitled to half-price compensation when paying receipts for the use of electricity.

A veteran of labor can be fully compensated for the payment of electricity from the state, but only if he has the following regalia:

  • title of Hero of the USSR, Russia;
  • Order of Labor Glory.

Most representatives of this preferential category are compensated by the state for 50% of the costs of paying for electricity.

Procedure for applying for a discount on electricity

Any veteran of labor has the right to count on compensation. He will be required to prepare a package of documents with which he must apply to the social protection authority.

In Moscow, a similar benefit is issued through Mosenergosbyt. Citizens can apply for it in 4 ways:

  • through a multifunctional center;
  • through “Personal Account” on the organization’s website;
  • by contacting a company branch;
  • via the Video Consultant terminal.

To apply for the benefit, the following documents must be submitted:

  • confirming the status of a beneficiary;
  • an application requesting a discount for electricity;
  • insurance certificate;
  • the applicant's passport along with its copy;
  • details of the bank account into which funds will be received as compensation;
  • document on family composition;
  • certificate of absence of debts for payment of electricity;
  • documents that confirm full payment of utilities at the moment.

A pensioner's certificate may additionally be attached to the list of specified documents. Beneficiaries living in communal apartments additionally provide a single housing document.

Veterans of labor have the right to count on a 50% discount when paying for electricity

Citizens are allowed to submit documentation through representatives. Their personal presence is not required. It is recommended to attach a power of attorney to the package of documents. It is necessary to submit copies of documents certified by a notary to the social security authorities. Along with copies, you will need to present the originals of some documents.

Social security authorities pay special attention to certificates of family composition and absence of utility debts. The first is necessary to calculate the amount of compensation. To do this, the company needs to know the number of family members living with the beneficiary. Taking into account the current standards for electricity, the area of ​​housing, the number of persons registered in it, the amount of compensation is calculated.

The second certificate is one of the grounds for the possible refusal of compensation to the beneficiary. If a labor veteran has a utility debt, he needs to pay it off immediately.

The social security authority has 10 days to review the submitted documentation.

Social Security issues a certificate to the beneficiary. With it, he needs to contact the management company that is servicing his house. The document will serve as confirmation of 50% compensation. Its accrual begins the next month after the application was submitted.

Benefits for paying for electricity can only be provided for one apartment or house.

Rules for calculating benefits

When calculating this benefit to labor veterans, calculation rules are provided. The amount of monetary compensation depends on the regulations in force for electricity in a particular region of the country.

Having the right to monetary compensation does not allow beneficiaries to spend electricity at their own discretion.

For this purpose, there are monthly limits. In 2017, the following standards for the use of electricity by beneficiaries were established:

  • for its subsequent compensation:
  • single labor veterans can use 50 kWh if they use gas appliances for cooking, and 80 kWh if they use an electric stove;

families of several people are provided with standards of 45 and 70 kWh when using a gas and electric stove, respectively.

For families where a beneficiary veteran lives, these standards are set for one month per person. If the consumption standard is exceeded, the excess is paid at the expense of the beneficiary’s own funds.

For each subject of the country, specific standards for electricity are provided. The above standards apply in Moscow and the Moscow region.

There are limits on the use of electricity by beneficiaries You can calculate the compensation amount based on an example

  1. If they consume electricity less than the established norm of 80 kWh, a 50% discount is taken on the electricity actually consumed (for example, 70 kW * 50% = 35 kW).
  2. If the standard is exceeded, the calculation is made according to a different principle. First the difference is determined. The standard established for the region is subtracted from the actual electricity used. For example, 100 kW – 80 kW = 20 kW. The veteran will have to pay according to the general rules for the 20 kW of electricity used. 40 kW out of 80 will be compensated by the state at a 50% discount. 40 + 20 = 60 kW. This amount will be taken into account in calculations.
  3. The amount of compensation will be: 60 kW * 5.38 rubles (price per 1 kW) = 322.8 rubles.

Family members of the veteran receiving benefits are also taken into account in the calculation. Other regions of the country have their own electricity consumption standards.

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