Benefits for paying for major home repairs. Who is entitled to benefits when paying for utilities, and how to apply for social support Overhaul who has benefits

A subsidy is provided for all categories of citizens if expenses for paying for residential complex services take up a significant part of the budget: to obtain it, certificates of income of a citizen (family) are required.

In January 2016, a legislative initiative came into force on the right to compensate monthly expenses for paying the fee for major repairs.


Who takes advantage of benefits for major repairs? The following categories of citizens:

  • pensioners and;
  • war heroes and their families;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;
  • families with disabled children;
  • large families (three or more children).

To receive compensation, you must own your home and not have arrears in paying contributions for major repairs.

Reimbursable amount is calculated based on regional standards: for example, if the social norm for one non-working pensioner is 33 square meters, the subsidy will be calculated only for this area, even if his living space is larger.

Article 60. Social rental agreement for residential premises

  1. Under a social rental agreement for residential premises, one party - the owner of the residential premises of the state housing stock or municipal housing stock (an authorized state body or an authorized local government body acting on his behalf) or a person authorized by him (the lessor) undertakes to transfer the residential property to the other party - the citizen (tenant) premises for possession and use for living in it under the conditions established by this Code.
  2. A social rental agreement for residential premises is concluded without specifying its validity period.
  3. A change in the grounds and conditions giving the right to receive residential premises under a social tenancy agreement does not constitute grounds for termination of a social tenancy agreement.

Subsidies and compensation

In addition to subsidies for housing and communal services, The new compensation law is also working.

It was adopted by the federal government, but many regions are lagging behind. To clarify the deadlines, you should contact the social security authority.

For whom compensation is provided:

  • pensioners. A refund of funds paid for major repairs is required, depending on the category - 50 or 100 percent of the monthly amount;
  • disabled people. Refund of 50% of monthly fee;
  • Chernobyl survivors. The liquidators, members of their families, and victims of the accident were awarded 50% compensation;
  • large families. Families with three or more children are entitled to a refund of 30 to 50% of the contribution - depending on the region;
  • labor veterans. Refund of 50% of the paid amount;
  • other citizens. Compensation is also due to participants in the siege of Leningrad, prisoners of concentration camps, victims of repression, citizens from special risk units, and regional categories of public sector employees - 50 percent.

Read more about whether pensioners must pay contributions.

We prove the right to receive

How to apply for benefits on payment for major repairs for privileged categories of citizens?

Documents required directly to the social security service or MFC. Recently it became possible to submit an electronic application through the State Services portal.

You need to provide:

  • identification;
  • proof of ownership;
  • document confirming the absence of debt;
  • document confirming the benefit;
  • application form.

If a citizen falls under two categories

When a citizen falls into 2 preferential categories at once, both benefits will apply at once.

So, to find out what benefits for major repairs are available to pensioners and disabled people, as well as other categories of citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as to whom benefits for major repairs are provided, For detailed clarifications, please contact your local social security office..

The program may vary slightly depending on the region of the country.

In accordance with federal legislative acts, preferential conditions for financial coverage of public utility services and for living space are provided to pensioners, i.e. people with a pension certificate in the following circumstances:

  • if financial costs for utility bills amount to more than 22% of the total material income of the pensioner’s family or the amount of pension benefits in the case where he lives alone;
  • if a pensioner is recognized as a participant (or disabled) in the Great Patriotic War, the siege of Leningrad, his benefit is 50% of the amount of payment for the services of the municipal department and for housing;
  • the same benefit is available to pensioners who were exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Semipalatinsk test site, military personnel who became disabled during their service, and labor veterans;
  • pensioners with the status of “disabled” who rent housing on the basis of a social rental agreement have a fifty percent discount on housing and communal services for pensioners;
  • 50% of accrued utility payments and 100% of housing costs are paid by pensioners with the title “Hero of Socialist Labor”, who have the right to receive compensation in cash equivalent in exchange for preferential coverage of expenses.

What federal benefits are available for seniors?

Dimensional benefit indicator

Legislative justification

50% payment for services

100% for residential premises

Heroes of socialist labor

participants, disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, blockade survivors, labor veterans

Federal Law “On Veterans” dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ (last edition)

pensioners exposed to radiation during the accident in Chernobyl and Semipalatinsk

Federal Law “On Veterans” dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ (last edition)

50% for major repairs

citizens over the age of seventy

100% for major repairs

pensioners who have reached the age limit of eighty years

Art. 169 Housing Code of the Russian Federation

Calculation by formula

pensioners whose percentage of utility bills to pension amount is more than 22%

The principles of payment of subsidies for housing and communal services and for housing are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 No. 761 (as amended on December 29, 2016).

A number of circumstances must be met:

  • the pensioner is registered in the living space registered as private property, or rents housing under a rental agreement from the state or municipality, or in the private residential sector;
  • the pensioner is a member of a housing cooperative;
  • there is no debt to housing and communal services and for a residential property;
  • if a delay in payment and debt is registered, a conciliation act is concluded on the temporary period and debt elimination plan.

Standard subsidy indicators

Approval for a subsidy is obtained for six months on a monthly basis. It is determined by the amount of pensioner’s expenses for utility payments, local standards of prices for housing and communal services and the standard area of ​​the home.

Important! One preferential subsidy is given per family. Six months later, benefits for pensioners to pay for housing and communal services are reissued.

The calculation is carried out according to the formula: C = SSZHKU – D × 0.22.

  1. C is the amount of the subsidy.
  2. SSZHKU – regional minimum cost of housing and communal services.
  3. D – total income.
  4. The indicator 0.22 is the maximum share of the value of housing payments to the amount of pension provision.

Detailed instructions: how to apply for benefits for a pensioner to pay for housing and communal services?

To apply for benefits for pensioners to pay for housing and communal services, the pensioner performs the following actions:

  1. Contact your local department or department of social protection.
  2. Provides a package of documents, which may have some differences in regions, but is basically the same:
    • copy of the pensioner's passport, if he is single, or copies of passports and SNILS of all members of his family;
    • applicant's pension certificate and other pensioners living with him;
    • copy of the certificate, fixing property rights to housing, or a contractual agreement for social rent;
    • certificate of family composition(if more than one person lives) and copies of documents on family ties (for example, a marriage certificate);
    • information on the size of living space from the BTI;
    • a document stating the absence of debt for utility payments(it can be obtained from the unified settlement information center or housing office);
    • documentary evidence of benefits for this type of payment;
    • background information on the income of all residents of the same living space, over the past 6 months.
  3. Writes an application requesting a subsidy, which specifies the method of transferring money (to a bank card, through post offices).
  4. An employee of the social security agency registers the submitted application and documents accompanying it.
  5. Familiarization with the decision to receive a subsidy or refusal, made by the territorial department of social protection, takes place within ten days.

    Important! If the answer is positive, the subsidy is paid from the month of submission of the application and relevant documents, if this fact is completed before the 15th.

    If the application is submitted in the second half of the month, then housing and communal services compensation for pensioners is issued in the next month.

  6. The validity period of the decision is six months. Then the procedure is repeated.
  7. The subsidy can also be applied for at the multifunctional center at the place of registration, which will make the process easier for many older people.
  8. An alternative form of submitting an application is to send documents by post with notification or through the official portal of government services.

Certificate of income

The most important argument for providing a subsidy in the absence of other preferential conditions is a reference document on income.

The pensioner himself orders it at the territorial representative office of the pension fund, relatives at the place of work or at the employment center.

An unemployed person may be required to provide a copy of their work record.

If the unemployed person is not listed in the employment center or has violated the procedure for finding a job, then the employee of the social protection department will take into account federal or regional indicators of the average salary in the current period when making calculations.

Can pensioners be exempted from paying housing and communal services?

Deputies of the LDPR party introduced for discussion a draft legislative act on the complete exemption of pensioners from monthly housing and utility payments. The bill is being discussed and the main criticism is related to the lack of budget funds.

So, can pensioners be exempt from paying for housing and communal services? A 100% exemption from payments for pensioners predicts complications in the activities of public utilities, which may not receive the funding necessary for uninterrupted operation. There is a proposal not to cancel pensioners’ payments for housing and communal services, but to introduce monetization of this benefit.

There are different points of view on the bill, but most agree on its necessity, since in many regions of the country the cost of utilities is 50% of the pension.

The justification for the adoption of the legislative act is the argument of the return of spent finances in the form of payments made by pensioners when purchasing industrial and grocery goods.

Reasons for refusal

Important! The main reason for refusal to approve preferential payment for housing and communal services is the presence of debt to utility companies.

Subsidies may be suspended or canceled on the following grounds:

  • housing receipts are not paid within 2 months without extenuating circumstances or the requirements of the agreement to eliminate the debt for utilities are not implemented;
  • the pensioner has changed his place of residence;
  • there have been changes in the composition of relatives living together;
  • the financial security of a pensioner or family as a whole has improved;
  • It turned out that the information provided was unreliable.

Pensioners need social support. One of the forms recognizes preferential payment for housing and communal services and for living space. Competent and reliable preparation of the application and reference documentation will ensure this financial assistance.

Some categories of citizens are unable to pay for utilities, the cost of which is constantly increasing. Such people are in a difficult situation, and for them rent benefits are an opportunity to live in decent conditions and not go beyond the poverty line.

How are rent benefits different from subsidies?

The housing and communal services sector is a huge economic complex. Each of us is connected with it in one way or another, since we definitely use these services. We are talking about heat, water supply, electricity. Many people find it difficult to pay for expensive services, so they seek relief on rent.

There are institutions that take care of the housing stock. Such an organization also charges a fee for its service. These institutions provide housing and communal services. The state, in turn, strives to provide financial support to socially vulnerable citizens. That is why rent benefits are provided to low-income people, large families and other persons whose financial situation leaves much to be desired.

Read what's new on the issue of benefits and subsidies in our

There are two options for assistance:

  1. accrual of benefits;
  2. subsidizing.

These are two completely different types of help. The first is determined by the category of the citizen, and the second by the share of payments in the total family income. A person can use both the first and second options. It is important to consider that:

  • Rent benefits allow you to reduce the payment amount;
  • The subsidy is given in cash equivalent.

If a person has taken advantage of the housing payment benefit, he does not lose the right to receive a housing subsidy.

If the applicant has several grounds for receiving assistance, he will have to choose one of them.

If one of the family members, for example, a son or spouse, also has the right to receive a rent benefit, then you can make a deduction separately from relatives. Each type of financial relief will relate to some type of service. For example, the father receives a benefit for paying for electricity, and the mother receives a benefit for heating.

  • The management company will lose money if the owner loses a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services

Expert opinion

With the help of subsidies and benefits, you can increase the collection of utility bills

Natalia Abrosimova,

General Director of the self-regulatory organization "Non-profit partnership of management organizations of the Moscow region"

A person may lose his job, get sick, lose his main income, etc. In such situations, rent benefits can solve the problem. The subsidy is provided if the cost of utilities is more than 22% of the total family income. Of course, this share may vary in different regions of the Russian Federation, but it should not exceed the threshold value established by law.

The owner always has the opportunity to turn to the state for help. To do this, you will need documents for rent relief, which are not so difficult to collect and prepare.

Citizens should also be informed about the availability of other conditions for easing the burden of housing maintenance provided to various categories of citizens. It is advisable to post information about them on a stand or speak out orally.

What housing and communal services are eligible for rent relief?

Each discount is issued individually. Rent benefits are taken into account from the first day of the month following the date on which the person submitted the application. Of course, assistance is calculated taking into account the price, tariff, as well as housing and utility standards.

Rent benefits apply to the following services:

  1. for housing:
  • maintenance/repair;
  • use of square meters;
  • renting an apartment;
  1. electricity;
  2. water supply and sanitation;
  3. heating.

Rent benefits can only be applied to one residential premises. If there is more than one eligible person living in the area, each person can apply for it. Of course, registration is important. If a citizen needs to receive benefits for rent at the place of actual residence, then he must first obtain a certificate indicating that no subsidies are provided at the registration address.

If a citizen has the right to various types of assistance, then it is possible to receive only one of them, which he can choose independently.

  • Improving housing conditions: the procedure for citizens to apply

Who can apply for rent relief?

Persons referred to in Art. can receive benefits on rent, subsidies or compensation. 160 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Russian laws and acts of local authorities determine which categories of citizens have the right to benefit from assistance from the state.

Of course, the list can be expanded. It depends on the state of the local budget and whether the municipal authorities have a desire to meet citizens halfway.

Socially vulnerable segments of the population can receive a rent reduction. These are those people whose income, for various reasons, does not allow them to pay utility bills in full.

In addition, rent benefits are available to people who have done something special and have served the country.

Citizens who have the right to receive assistance from the state can be grouped into several groups depending on what forces them to be in distress. Of course, all these people have something in common. Each of them has a very low income.

Assistance to such citizens can be provided in one of the following forms:

  1. rent benefits;
  2. compensation;
  3. housing subsidies.

A benefit that allows you to pay only half of the tariff can be provided to you if you:

  • disabled person, including war invalid;
  • WWII participant/veteran, survivor of the siege;
  • veteran of other military operations (Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc.);
  • accident liquidator at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • widow, parent, dependent of the specified categories, as well as deceased employees of law enforcement agencies.

The following persons have the right to receive compensation:

  • pensioner;
  • disabled person;
  • single-parent, large family;
  • family with a disabled person.

A low-income citizen whose income is below the established minimum has the right to receive a subsidy. Other categories of the population can also take advantage of government assistance.

What rent benefits are provided for different categories?

  • Pensioners

Pensioners have the right to receive a housing subsidy. We are talking about single people and families that include only people who have reached retirement age. If an older person has a disability or is also a veteran, there are other types of assistance available. Nevertheless, he will have to decide which category of beneficiaries he considers himself to be, and what kind of relief from the financial burden he would like to receive.

For many older people, expenses such as paying rent become a real problem. Benefits for pensioners are the most popular.

If an elderly person lives in a family, and his relatives are considered to be of working age, then he can receive benefits as a member of a low-income family. A family is recognized as such if the amount of income for each person is no more than 1.5 subsistence minimums. Of course, there must be good reasons for such a situation.

If relatives of a pensioner do not work because they are alcoholics or lead an antisocial lifestyle, then rent benefits are not provided.

If each family member works, but more than 22% of the total income is spent on utility bills, then you can apply for a discount.

Elderly people are entitled to a special partial exemption from payments, which is assigned by the federal fiscal authority. To receive rent benefits for pensioners, you need to visit the tax office and write an application for a tax deduction. To submit it you need a passport and pension certificate.

This benefit is provided for a period of no more than three years after retirement. The amount of the subsidy may vary from month to month. The fact is that the cost of rent and utilities may vary, so the amount of assistance also increases/decreases.

Only one type of financial relief is available to a pensioner:

  • rent benefits,
  • subsidy.
  • Disabled people

A person with impaired ability to work has the right to receive a benefit in the amount of at least half of the costs required for utilities and rent. Benefits for disabled people are provided regardless of the disability group, as well as the age of citizens.

Citizens with limited ability to work make half the payment when it comes to social rent, major repairs and maintenance of housing. This also includes costs for:

  • water and sewerage;
  • electricity;
  • heating.

The discount is provided to the person with a disability, as well as to a family with a disabled minor child. If we are talking about a WWII participant, then rent benefits also apply to his family members living next to him.

  • Veterans of Labor

Many pensioners are thinking about the question of how to obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor” and who can apply for this title.

According to the law, this category of citizens includes:

  • those who received the title “Veteran of Labor”;
  • persons who began working as minors during the Second World War, their work experience is 40 years for men, 35 years for women;
  • citizens who have a medal/order/honorary title and work experience sufficient to qualify for an old-age/long-service pension payment.

According to the law, activities regarding veterans are structured as follows:

  • the authority has a corresponding unit where they work with veterans;
  • the finances necessary to provide social assistance to this group should be available at both the federal and regional levels;
  • Rent benefits for labor veterans are established both at the federal level and by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Rent benefits for labor veterans are equal to similar assistance for veterans of the Second World War and other military operations. That is, they are entitled to a half discount on utilities and rent.

By the way, the benefit can also be extended to family members of the veteran who live with him.

  • Military personnel under contract

Contract servicemen receive official housing or compensation for rent in private housing.

Rent benefits for military personnel are only available to those who are veterans or disabled combat veterans. A military pensioner can also receive a subsidy. The Rent Relief for Combat Veterans is a half discount on utilities/rent.

  • Mobilized

If a serviceman has been drafted into the army, then the right to use housing does not cease to apply. However, due to its long absence, the consumption of utilities is suspended. Therefore, a serviceman can provide a certificate to his management company and significantly reduce rent costs while on duty.

If, due to the conscription of one of the family members into the army, the total income of the family decreases sharply, then his relatives can receive a subsidy. Registration is carried out on a general basis.

  • Large families

Rent benefits for families with many children are provided in accordance with the Presidential Decree. It is important to understand that families with a large number of children have the right to help even if they do not belong to the category of low-income citizens. Large families can count on receiving a 30% discount on:

  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • electricity;

As you understand, the rent benefit for a large family is a 30% discount, which is undoubtedly a significant help for such a large family.

  • Orphans

An orphan has the right to receive a rent reduction if she is a member of a low-income family, that is, she does not have her own income or its level is too low.

For orphans, subsidies are available on a general basis. Nevertheless, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation reserve the right to provide additional assistance to such persons. For example, Moscow orphans have the opportunity to receive a rent reduction.

  • Unemployed

If a person has stopped working as a result of dismissal and is unemployed, then no special benefits are provided for him. Nevertheless, the benefit given to this category of citizens is very modest, which means that such a person can be considered low-income.

  • How and where to get an extract from the house register: step-by-step instructions
  • Housing subsidy for utility bills: procedure for registration and use

By what standards are rent benefits calculated (using the example of Moscow)

Social norm housing area to pay for the apartment and heating (in sq. m. of the total area of ​​the premises):

  • single tenant - 33 sq. m;
  • two residents - 42 sq. m;
  • three or more residents - 18 sq. m for each family member.

Costs for repairs and maintenance of housing, according to the decision of the capital government, are calculated taking into account the fact that for each person registered in the apartment, the area increases by 7 square meters. m. Temporarily registered residents are not taken into account. The rule is general and applies to both the owner and the tenant. Each extra meter is paid at an increased rate. You may be exempt from this calculation scheme if you:

  • a pensioner and a disabled person living alone;
  • an orphan under the age of 18 for living space that you own;
  • city ​​dweller - a tenant of housing that is listed as state property in Moscow, occupying an apartment on the first floor;
  • a family of pensioners and/or disabled people;
  • a family of pensioners and/or disabled people and dependent children under 16 years of age;
  • single tenant of a communal apartment;
  • owner of the apartment and pay for the maintenance and repair of your home at an increased rate;
  • a resident of a house or apartment recognized as unsafe or unfit for habitation;
  • a citizen who has the right to additional space due to health conditions;
  • a large family living in a low-rise building, which is state property in Moscow;
  • a homeowner who has been temporarily deregistered (compulsory military service under conscription, treatment in a psychiatric hospital, serving a sentence in prison).

Benefits are also provided for public utilities. Here are the standards according to which the amount of payment reduction is calculated.

  1. Water and sewerage:
  • for a residential building with water supply, sewerage, a bath and centralized hot water supply - 11.68 cubic meters. m per person per month (including cold water - 6.935 cubic meters, hot water - 4.745 cubic meters);
  • for a residential building with water supply, sewerage, a bath equipped with a multi-point gas heater - 9.86 cubic meters. m per person per month (including cold water - 9.86 cubic meters, hot water - 0);
  • for a residential building that has sewerage, running water, a bath with gas heaters - 9.49 cubic meters. m per person per month (including cold water - 9.49 cubic meters, hot water - 0).

The sewage rate is calculated as the sum of cold and hot water standards for a certain type of house.

  1. Warm:
  • apartment heating - 0.016 Gcal/sq. m of total housing area per month;
  • water heating - 0.294 Gcal/person. per month.
  • in an apartment with a gas stove and centralized hot water supply - 8.3 cubic meters. m/person per month;
  • in an apartment with a gas stove and a gas water heater (without centralized hot water supply) - 20.8 cubic meters. m/person per month.
  1. Electricity.

For a single tenant in an apartment where there is:

  • gas stove - 50 kWh/person. per month;
  • electric stove - 80 kWh/person. per month.

For a family in an apartment with:

  • gas stove - 45 kWh/person. per month;
  • electric stove - 70 kWh/person. per month.

Depending on which category the beneficiary belongs to, the subsidy is issued within the limits of the norms or without taking them into account for the entire living space. If a person is completely exempt from rent, then he is entitled to the entire necessary amount accrued for utilities. It should be borne in mind that only those who do not have debt on housing and communal services bills can apply for help.

  • Utility payments: structure, payment methods, responsibility for debt

Registration of rent benefits

A mandatory condition, without which it is impossible to assign benefits, is the determination of the applicant’s citizenship. It is also important that the person has a certificate confirming his ownership of the home. To receive the benefit, this apartment must be a place of permanent residence.

A citizen who wants to apply for a discount on rent needs to go to the SZN department at their place of residence and contact a specialist.

To obtain complete information about the possibility of receiving benefits, you must visit one of the executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, government bodies authorized to resolve such issues. If you live in the capital, then you are expected at the City Center for Housing Subsidies.

To obtain assistance, a citizen submits an application in the manner prescribed by law.

Rent benefits can be applied for if you have the following documents:

  • passport of the applicant and each adult member of his family;
  • a document confirming that the applicant and his family members are relatives;
  • if the applicant has minor children, their birth certificates will be needed;
  • a document confirming the right to property or a social tenancy agreement;
  • certificate of family composition received from the housing office at the place of residence;
  • a certificate of income of each family member for the last six months or a tax return in form 3-NDFL;
  • an extract from your personal account to confirm that rent and utilities are paid on time;
  • an official document confirming that the applicant has the right to receive social assistance from the state.

If a citizen is refused and not provided with a benefit, he has the right to appeal this decision in court.

Documents can be submitted:

  1. on a personal visit;
  2. through a proxy;
  3. by postal notification or email.

You can also apply for and receive rent relief through a single portal of public services or a multifunctional center. That is, this can be done both during a personal visit and online.

Where can I apply for rent benefits? The responsibility to provide assistance to citizens who need it is assigned to the social protection authorities. This is where you should apply for a benefit or subsidy. The amount of expenses underpaid by citizens for apartments and services is covered by funds from the local/federal budget.

It is also possible to recover costs through compensation payments. That is, a citizen independently pays for utilities, and then receives compensation into his account.

Each application must be reviewed within ten days. This period is counted from the date on which the application was registered.

The benefit period is 6 months. After this period has expired, the citizen can extend it.

  • 4 common mistakes when dealing with defaulters

Reasons for termination of rent benefits

Reasons for termination assistance may include the following:

  • the citizen does not pay utility bills for two months;
  • the citizen does not repay the debt, that is, does not fulfill the conditions prescribed by the agreement;
  • the citizen ignores the requirements of the competent authority and does not provide documents confirming that he has moved to another place of residence or has changed his citizenship, family composition, the grounds according to which he was granted a benefit on rent, or his financial situation.

If any of the above happened for a good reason, then the rent relief may be renewed.

If this happened due to a minor event, then the provision of financial relief is carried out after the citizen pays off his debt or fulfills the requirements associated with submitting documents.

The competent authority has the right to suspend the relaxation regime if:

  • the person who is granted a rent benefit has changed his place of residence;
  • the composition of a citizen’s family, his citizenship or financial situation has changed, the right to assistance from the state has been lost;
  • it turned out that the person receiving the benefit provided fictitious information about himself or his family members;
  • the person does not repay the debt and does not agree on the terms of its payment without a good reason.

If a citizen took advantage of rent relief without any legal grounds, then he is obliged to return the amount received to the budget. This is done voluntarily. Otherwise, however, it is likely that the competent authority will file a lawsuit.

If you are applying for rent benefits in 2017, then try to take into account all the nuances that we discussed in this article.

  • How to force residents to pay for housing and communal services: 4 free ways

Expert opinion

What to offer an owner who has lost a subsidy

Sergey Shchetinin,

expert in housing and communal services

If a citizen has lost the right to receive a subsidy, he can be advised the following:

  1. enter into an agreement and pay off the debt in installments;
  2. partially pay off the debt.

Show the person in a difficult situation that it is possible to solve the problem. It is important to convey that accumulating debt is not the answer. Rent relief cannot be provided if there are outstanding bills. But if you partially pay off the debt, then this may be quite enough. Talk to the debtor and together calculate how much must be paid so that the citizen will again have the opportunity to receive a subsidy.

If the competent authority has suspended the payment of financial assistance, then the person has the opportunity to eliminate the reasons within one month. If he fails to do this, the provision of the subsidy is terminated.

Benefits for pensioners on utility bills are not always provided. Older people and their families must meet certain criteria to receive additional support from the government. What is it about? What should every elderly person know regarding the mentioned topic? What utility benefits are offered to the modern population? And how can you get them? Answers to the above questions will be provided below. In reality, figuring all this out is not difficult.

Main criteria

What benefits are pensioners entitled to pay for utilities in Russia? As a rule, they are expressed in discounts and subsidies. But to receive them you must meet certain criteria.

Which one exactly? Retirees with high incomes, as practice shows, may not count on additional support. To qualify for benefits, the size of the accounts must be more than 22% of the total family income. In fact, a person will have to recognize his status as a needy person.

About housing

Benefits for utility bills, like other older people, are not always offered. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the housing in which the family is located.

Only people who either live in their own home or rent an apartment can count on government support. If there is an oral agreement and if you are staying with relatives or friends, benefits will not be provided.

Features of calculations

Benefits for pensioners in paying for utilities are expressed as subsidies and discounts. They are often calculated according to certain principles.

The calculation will take into account housing standards (set in each region separately), as well as the composition of the family and their income. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the exact size of the discount.

Special position

Benefits for paying utility bills for military pensioners and other elderly people, as a rule, mean good discounts. They are often entitled to discounts of 50%. In some situations, older people are completely exempt from paying utility bills.

The "utilities" are reduced by no less than half:

  • military pensioners;
  • disabled people;
  • veterans;
  • people with special professions (doctors, teachers, etc.).

This also includes prisoners and residents of besieged Leningrad. All of the listed citizens actually receive good discounts. And sometimes they are completely freed from the “communal services”.

Types of benefits

Pensioners are provided with different benefits for paying for housing and communal services. As we have already said, you will have to meet the criteria put forward by the Russian government. You can simply get discounts when paying for housing and communal services only as a last resort. For example, when paying for services in advance.

However, subsidies vary. For example:

  • discounts in hard form;
  • exemption of citizens from half the amount of payments for rent and apartment maintenance (and more than 50%);
  • abolition of accounts;
  • payment of compensation for utilities.

Most often, discounts are implied. We will consider the case of federal beneficiaries. That is, when an exemption from half of utility bills is offered.

Where to ask?

Benefits for pensioners on utility bills are provided at the federal level. And only occasionally does this happen on a regional scale. Nevertheless, every citizen should know where to turn for help.

This service is provided in the following bodies:

  • social protection of the population;
  • one stop shop services;
  • centers like "My Documents".

In addition, you can request government support from city and housing administrations. Ordering through Gosuslugi is also available to the public. Only this arrangement is used extremely rarely in practice. Therefore, we will not dwell on it.

Required papers

How to apply for benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to pay for utilities? Exactly the same as in all other cases. The main thing is to prepare properly.

Special attention should be paid to the preparation of documents. Mandatory papers include:

  • identification;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • statement;
  • certificate of no debt;
  • statements about family composition;
  • certificates confirming income;
  • title papers (lease agreement, social rent, etc.);
  • payments received at one or another address;
  • documents with registration.

This is a list of required papers. But sometimes citizens are required to provide additional documents.

About add-ons

Which ones exactly? To apply for benefits you will need to bring:

  • veteran's certificate;
  • certificates indicating a person’s disability;
  • ID of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • marriage/birth certificate;
  • military ID.

More precise information will be provided upon request. The listed documents will help you obtain benefits for pensioners in paying utility bills.

What is taken into account

What exactly are discounts of the established amount offered for? The fact is that not all utility bills are subject to benefits. And therefore, some payments will have to be paid in full.

So, state support in our case is provided in the following areas:

  • home renovation;
  • maintenance of residential property;
  • heating;
  • drainage;
  • electricity;
  • bills for hot and cold water.

Sometimes this includes compensation for telephone communications. But you will have to pay in full for the antenna, Internet and other services. This is normal.

Receipt procedure

How to apply for benefits for pensioners in paying utility bills? If a citizen has already prepared the previously listed papers, then he can easily bring the idea to life. The main thing is to act in advance.

So, the process of obtaining state support can be represented as follows:

  1. Collection of documents.
  2. Writing an application.
  3. Submitting a request to the reviewing authority.
  4. The reply is in process.

After a person is informed of his decision, he can expect either a discount or a complete exemption from utility bills. Typically, consideration of a request takes 10 days (but no more than a month).

When is the best time to ask for help?

The last important question is when should you apply for utility benefits? Depending on the day of application for help, the citizen will be provided with certain support measures.

If you want to apply for benefits starting from the current month, you will have to hurry. Reviewing authorities accept applications until the 15th. After the specified period, benefits will be assigned starting from the new month.


It is now clear what benefits pensioners are entitled to in paying for housing and communal services in 2017. The information presented to your attention will help bring your idea to life as quickly as possible.

Among other measures to support pensioners on benefits, it is usually not only discounts for utility bills. This may include:

  • provision of housing from the state;
  • installing a home phone;
  • providing assistance with gasification and water supply;
  • discounts on fuel for stoves (which heat homes).

In fact, in the housing and communal services sector, pensioners are offered various bonuses. And anyone in need can demand them. The main thing is to prove that the “utility” takes away at least 22% of the total income of the social unit.

Important: you can apply for benefits directly to the companies servicing your home. Sometimes they help pensioners get rid of their “communal services” in the shortest possible time. Therefore, this right should not be neglected.

Retired people who, for reasons of age, cannot work, belong to a socially vulnerable group of the population.

As a rule, their main source of income is social payments. In addition, they may qualify for some benefits, especially if such persons are single and live in the capital.

For older people, such social assistance is very important, since they have to literally count every ruble.

However, benefits and benefit amounts are constantly changing, along with changes in the regulatory norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Benefits for pensioners in 2020

Every state has a duty of care to its citizens, especially those who are least protected. These categories also include pensioners who, due to reaching an age unsuitable for work, receive benefits.

If we talk about Moscow, they decided to leave the capital’s pensioners without such a benefit as free travel on public transport.

However, this is not a reason to despair. For those who have had a residence permit for more than 10 years, the state pays an increase. In addition, there is a list of benefits that allow pensioners to at least somehow cover living expenses.

For elderly Muscovites, various benefits are provided at the federal level, along with regional ones.

In particular, in the Moscow region there are:

  1. Benefits regarding additional paid leave;
  2. Additional payment up to the subsistence level. As of January 1, 2019, this amount is 18,781 rubles;
  3. Compensation of payments for housing and communal services;
  4. Exemption from payment of property tax;
  5. Exemption from payment of compulsory land tax;
  6. Benefits for travel in transport. Does not apply to residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.

It should be noted that elderly residents are also entitled to assistance from the government. It is provided in the form of monetary compensation, provided that the person has lived in the city for at least 10 years.

Thus, having a 10-year registration, you can receive an additional payment of at least 14,500 rubles to your pension.

Legislative Action

Every year the number of pensioners is growing inexorably, add to this constantly rising prices due to inflation, the crisis - all this negatively affects pensioners, because they are the ones who must cut down almost all their expenses, since the pension benefit simply depreciates in value.

The state, understanding the current situation, systematically introduces measures that make it possible to maintain an acceptable standard of living for such persons.

State support is in the form of preferences, which can be financed by the federal or local budget.

Such material assistance may include:

  • Benefits for pensioners who have permanent registration and live in Moscow;
  • Benefits for utilities;
  • Targeted assistance from social services;
  • Benefits for transportation, medications, treatment, vouchers to health centers, etc.

Benefits for housing and communal services

In particular, I am very concerned about the question of what benefits for housing and communal services pensioners in Moscow are entitled to in 2020.

It is now relevant due to the fact that utilities are a real burden. This benefit is provided by the federal authorities and is calculated based on the utility payments themselves.

In particular, upon presentation of a pension certificate, such a person has the right to claim a reduction in expenses by 3-10% of the declared amount.

In each individual case, payments are determined based on the benefits received, as well as paid receipts. This assistance is reviewed every six months. Gasification that was carried out at personal expense can also be compensated.

In addition, Moscow pensioners have the right to:

  • Compensation for the use of a landline telephone;
  • Do not pay for waste removal services;
  • Receive compensation for television;
  • Get help with gasification at home;
  • Install a landline phone out of turn.

This type of benefits is regulated by Articles 159-160 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Resolution 761, which contains a complete list of required documents.

Articles 159 - 160 LC RF

Articles 159 - 160 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (.docx)"

You can get a benefit with the help of a subsidy, for which you need:

  1. Occupy premises that are registered in the housing stock of the state or municipality;
  2. Rent housing under the terms of a concluded contract within the housing stock;
  3. Have living space at your own disposal;
  4. Be a member of Zhilkomservice.

It is worth noting that the benefit does not exceed 22% of total income in addition to the amount of utility bills. Depending on the region, this rate varies. And this applies to absolutely all utility bills.

Russia takes care of its citizens, always creating flexible systems of material support for those in need.

It is for them that state programs of tax incentives and payments are updated every time so that economic factors do not greatly affect the amount of compensation.

Benefits such as hot water, heating, as well as maintenance of the house and surrounding area - all this becomes more expensive every day.

Their cost increases especially dramatically for residents of the capital, which also applies to pensioners, who already have to count every penny.

That is why every time the government reviews the categories of people in need and the amount of assistance from the state, associated with the rise in prices of utilities and the cheapness of benefits.

To receive benefits, you must submit documents, and when paying for utilities, provide a pension certificate.

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