Benefits of an honorary donor to Russia. How to become an honorary donor? Receiving the title “Honorary Donor of Russia Become an honorary

Maybe not every person, in order to deserve this status, the person needs to have a great soul.

After all, donation is not only a certain obligation, but also a manifestation of humanity and good nature.

There is even a World Blood Donor Day, designed specifically for people who strive to help others who are not soulless and evil, saving the lives of thousands of people just by donating blood for free.

A person who has earned the status of an honorary donor first of all deserves great respect from all humanity.

general information

For that to become a donor, you need to clearly set a specific goal for yourself, why you need it. Many people start donating blood because they want to save the lives of loved ones who are in dire need of help. Some want to save all the people who need support, help, and who are in a critical situation.

A There are also those who donate blood for the sake of their health.. But in any case, both of them, having fulfilled a certain norm for donation, become honorary donors to Russia, and new opportunities open up for them.

In order for a person to become a full-fledged blood donor, he must follow certain and important rules:

  • this process is carried out on a voluntary basis; absolutely no one can be forced or coerced into donating blood;
  • it is necessary that you reach 18 years of age, otherwise this process may be reversed and cause harm to your health;
  • You must obtain all the necessary certificates from the hospital indicating that you are absolutely healthy and can begin this difficult task.

To donate blood it will not take much time, this procedure is very short-lived, but this is the first time, then in subsequent cases of blood donation, much more time will be required.

Doctors and all those involved in this will be able to detect all kinds of diseases and infections that are difficult to trace during the process of donating blood.

If you decide to start donating blood, then don't settle for small results. You will be considered a donor even after two or three of your surrenders, but to become honorary, it is worth putting a lot of effort and time.

But when you are given the status of an honorary donor of Russia, you will definitely be given a badge indicating your new status, you will receive some benefits and will begin to receive payments.

But to achieve this success, you will need to donate blood to help other people absolutely free of charge at least 40 times, and also donate blood plasma at least 60 times.

How to become?

In order to earn the status of an honorary blood donor in Russia, you need to donate your blood a certain number of times, and you should pay attention not only to the blood itself, but also to the plasma, which is also taken into account on the way to donation. Having earned this honorary title, you will receive a badge. There are several options:

Once all your blood donations have been completed, you will be able to receive a well-deserved reward from the Ministry of Health, and then you will be able to enjoy many of the benefits available to every honorary donor.


In general, not only honorary donors have benefits, but also those who begin their activities in this direction.

  • provided free treatment in public clinics;
  • receives right to free denture repairs;
  • in state-regulated pharmacies they can purchase medications at a 50 percent discount;
  • if your place of work or study suddenly starts issuing vouchers to health institutions and sanatoriums, then honorary donors become first-priority in receiving them;
  • can get the desired vacation when they themselves want it;
  • travel on public transport provided free of charge;
  • All utilities are paid at 50 percent;
  • if a person decides to take a loan to build a house for himself in the future, then he will be provided with preferential conditions here too.

In addition to all types of benefits for honorary blood donors, they are also paid cash benefits.

We talked in more detail about all the nuances regarding benefits for blood donors in, and read about preferential donor days.


Each year, donors are paid a lump sum equal to 12 thousand rubles, but it is constantly indexed and changing.

The extent to which indexation occurs is regulated by the federal law on the federal budget for a specific year.

The most important thing is that This payment amount is not subject to taxation. But in order to receive this amount annually, he needs to submit a certain package of documents to the proper authority. This package includes the following documents:

  • written a statement that full payments will be provided;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • and directly itself honorary donor certificate.

In order for payments to be received annually, you need to confirm your right to receive each subsequent year with these documents.

As for the indexation of this amount, in 2014 the indexation amounted to 5.3 percent of the total amount and the amount of annual payments to donors was determined at 11,728 rubles.

And 2015 will delight honorary donors with a newly indexed amount, which will ultimately amount to approximately 12,200 rubles.

If donors previously received cash payments due to them monthly, with the total amount divided by the number of months and issued in part, now payments will be made strictly once a year, usually in the first quarter.

Few people will want to become blood donors. Perhaps such a desire may appear only after they themselves are faced with a medical problem, when they or their relatives find themselves in vital need of blood.

But all blood banks are constantly in need of it, because there is not enough of it at all, and there are very few good and responsible donors. And only for this reason is the title of honorary blood donor of Russia with all the ensuing benefits and payments provided.

Anyone can become a blood donor if they wish, as long as they are in excellent health, and everything else will follow. After all, you will be able not only to receive payments and benefits, but to proudly call yourself an honorary person of Russia, because this title is very difficult to earn.

The state encourages citizens who decide to regularly donate blood on a voluntary basis, offering such people special benefits and payments.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

You can become an honorary donor in Moscow after donating blood and plasma a certain number of times.

Becoming an honorary donor is not only about gaining respect from others. This can also be a profitable activity.

The state supports such citizens at a high level, rewarding them with a variety of social benefits, including free use of public transport, discounts on utility bills, etc.

Important information

The title “Honorary Donor” involves receiving a special badge. Only those people who have donated their blood for free several times can receive such an award.

The bearer of such a badge stands out for his high moral qualities. This is an honorary award, which now provides an opportunity to receive a large number of benefits and payments.

Necessary concepts

Donation has always been an honorable activity, which can only be done by selfless people who know that their help can save the life of another person.

The popularization of donation among young people, schoolchildren and students also plays an important role.

And this is among today's youth, who are credited with lacking the necessary moral qualities.

As the number of donors increased, the number of donors increased, making this award less special.

For this reason, the legislation has changed some of the rules that govern the receipt of a special badge.

Who is awarded this title?

Any adult can become a donor if his health allows it. A person's blood will not be accepted if:

  • he has contagious or chronic diseases;
  • its weight is less than 50 kilograms;
  • if a person has recently had the flu, ARVI or tonsillitis;
  • if a person has a tattoo, piercing, or has recently had surgery, then he will need to wait from six months to a year before donating blood (the same applies to women after childbirth).

To obtain complete information about whether a citizen can become a donor, he should contact a blood transfusion station. Specialists from this organization must give a detailed answer.

What regulations governs

Regulates the issue of the relationship between the donor and the institution that accepts blood.

At the same time, the norms of the Labor Code, which regulates the relationship between the donor and his employer, are simultaneously applied.

The application occurs because the employer of an honorary donor is obliged to provide him with certain benefits and privileges during the period when the volunteer donates blood or plasma.

The federal law clearly states all the requirements for donors. There is a special law for honorary donors of Moscow, which was issued by the Moscow Government under number 52.

It spells out the measures and methods by which events are organized and other measures are used to promote donation as a social norm.

Amendments and changes have already been made to this law many times, which relate to the procedure for registration or conditions for obtaining an honorary donor badge.

How to receive the title of honorary donor of Moscow

Some privileges are provided for honorary donors in Russia. This:

  1. A citizen holding this title is free every year.
  2. Honorary donor IDs allow them to receive payments. They are not large in size, but are a good addition to the main income.
  3. If the donor is a donor, then his employer is obliged to allocate him additional vacation time every year.

To obtain the right to such privileges, it is enough to follow the laws and fulfill a few simple conditions.

Who can become a giver in Russia

In order to become a donor you must meet the following requirements:

The citizen must be an adult This means that schoolchildren and junior students do not have the opportunity to donate their blood. This allows young people to think carefully about their decision and come to blood collection points confident in their actions
A volunteer cannot weigh less than 50 kilograms This is done to ensure that people with poor health do not further compromise their health when taking blood. Very often, people who are so thin have a hard time even getting tested.
The citizen must not have any chronic diseases Any such disease affects the composition of the blood
The donor should not travel outside the country in recent months On some continents (Africa, Asia, South America) outbreaks of dangerous infections are observed in certain regions
For the fair sex there are also restrictions that relate to the menstrual cycle You cannot become a donor during its onset and for 5 days after the end of menstruation. At this time, hormone surges occur, which in some way affects the composition of the blood. Also, young mothers should not become donors for a year after the birth of the child.

What to take with you

To donate blood at a transfusion station for the first time, you should have your passport and fluorography with you. Men are also required to have a military ID.

If donation occurs for the second or subsequent time, then you only need to have your passport with you.

The employees of the transfusion station need to show your passport, and also write, indicating your health in it.

In some cases you may also require . If donation occurs for the first time, doctors must take blood from a finger and check the hemoglobin level.

Already in the treatment room the blood or plasma donation itself takes place. This is a rather lengthy process that takes about an hour.

If doctors offer to choose between manual and automatic blood sampling, then to save time you need to choose the manual method - it is faster.

The blood donation procedure is virtually painless. The person only feels a small prick.

Depending on the physiological state, a person may feel slightly dizzy or nauseous at the end of the procedure.

There are cases when people even lost consciousness. Therefore, at the first signs of poor health, you should tell your doctors about it.

How many times should you donate blood?

To become eligible to become an honorary donor, you must donate blood the following number of times:

  • Donate blood or its components (not plasma) 40 times;
  • Donate blood 25 times or more and plasma 40 times;
  • donate blood less than 25 times, but donate plasma 60 times.

After donating so many times, a person is given a special badge, which indicates the high moral qualities of the citizen.

Where is the award issued?

A transfusiologist accepts documents from a citizen. He also issues rewards to citizens.

After all the conditions and requirements of the law have been met, it is he who will need to apply to receive a badge and certificate.

List of documents to be collected

To obtain the title of honorary donor, you must collect the following documents:

  • make a copy of your passport (all completed pages);
  • bring your original passport with you;
  • a certificate stating that blood or plasma was donated in the required quantity.

The certificate can be obtained from the Code of Criminal Procedure. It should contain the following information:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the blood giver (without abbreviations);
  • confirmation that he actually donated a certain amount of blood or plasma;
  • the periods during which blood donation took place must be indicated;
  • the name of the organization that accepted the blood or plasma;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the person who is responsible for issuing the certificate;
  • information about the responsible person;
  • signature of the station manager.

Where to go

If a citizen has already donated the required amount of blood or plasma, then he should contact a transfusiologist to receive an award.

After submitting all necessary documents, a decision will be made within 4 months.

Such a long time to make a decision is explained by the fact that the relevant authorities must carefully check the authenticity of the certificate and all the data specified in it.

What benefits and payments are provided to awarded persons?

If a citizen has received the title of honorary donor, then he has the right to receive various types of government benefits.

One of them is to reduce the cost of utilities by half. In addition, there are also the following benefits for honorary donors:

The only downside is that all these benefits are valid only for a year from the date of receiving the title “Honorary Donor”.

You can obtain such a document only at the transfusion station where the blood donation took place.

If in 2013, payments for donation were completely abolished throughout the Russian Federation, in Moscow they are still in effect.

Their size ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles for donating a certain amount of blood or plasma. All payments are made from the local budget.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of donation include:
  • moral satisfaction from a useful deed done;
  • a large number of government benefits that are available to honorary donors;
  • Donors have a much higher chance of surviving complex injuries than other people, since their body, when donating blood, has periodically encountered a shortage of blood and has already learned to quickly restore it;
  • the condition of the body as a whole improves, as the blood is constantly renewed
The disadvantages include:
  • possible weakness, dizziness after the procedure;
  • After donating blood, the body needs to recover for some time;
  • There is an opinion that regular bloodletting leads to addiction over time.
  • state benefits are valid for only 1 year, after which they constantly need to be renewed

Almost every healthy Russian citizen who has reached the age of majority can become a blood donor if his weight exceeds 50 kg and he has no contraindications to donation.

Contraindications can be absolute or temporary.

Absolute contraindications for donation, with which you can never become a donor, are serious diseases such as syphilis, HIV infection, tuberculosis, cancer, blood diseases, viral hepatitis, etc.

The duration of temporary contraindications directly depends on the cause. The main temporary prohibitions for surrender are:

  • tooth extraction,
  • tattoos and piercings,
  • menstruation (donation is prohibited directly at this time),
  • abortion,
  • pregnancy,
  • vaccinations,
  • ARVI,
  • flu.

Before the first test, you will be examined by a therapist and preliminary laboratory tests will be done, your pulse, blood pressure, temperature and your weight will be measured.

When you arrive at the donor center, the first thing you need to do is fill out a questionnaire about your health status, and this is where your great journey as a donor will begin.

The next step is to donate blood from a finger prick to the laboratory to determine your hemoglobin level.

If the test is normal, you are sent to the examination room to see a doctor. He will study your profile, find out about your lifestyle, and may ask additional questions about your health. Some questions may be of a sexual nature, this is important for safety.

Don’t be afraid to answer the truth, the information will remain only between you. The doctor is obliged to comply with the rules of medical ethics.

The next step is the delivery procedure itself. You will be seated in a comfortable chair and a tourniquet will be applied. You will need to clench and unclench your fist for better blood circulation. To do this, you can ask for a special toy. Usually there are special lights on the device itself that tell you when to start and when to stop clenching your fist.

During the process, you can ask for water, candy (to increase your sugar level), a blanket if you are cold, various magazines, books. Once completed, a bandage is applied, which should preferably be removed after at least 4 hours.

At this time, they prefer to transfuse not the blood itself, but its components. Modern new equipment allows you to separate blood during donation. This takes longer, 30 minutes or more. After passing, you will receive compensation and some benefits.

After passing, any physical activity is prohibited. It is important to drink plenty of fluids (water, tea, juices) and eat well for full recovery over several days. Try not to smoke for at least an hour after the procedure.

Staff always use new, sterile, disposable instruments.

Tips for donors to prepare for donating blood:

  • Be sure to get good sleep (8 hours), as a guarantee of good results and well-being;
  • You must follow a diet at least 14 hours in advance. Eliminate fatty, fried, spicy foods, smoked foods, dairy products with a high percentage of fat, eggs, butter, nuts, chocolate;
  • do not drink alcohol for at least 48 hours;
  • be sure to drink enough liquid 1 – 1.5 liters;
  • do not smoke for at least an hour.

Under no circumstances should you fast before donating blood! In the morning, have a light, non-greasy breakfast and a non-greasy lunch. From my personal experience, I advise you to eat a fruit and drink 200 ml of water before the selection itself, this is much easier for the body to tolerate.

How to become an honorary donor to Russia

For regular blood donations, citizens of the Russian Federation who have donated blood forty or more times (without plasma) free of charge, and plasma more than sixty times, are awarded, in accordance with Law No. 125-FZ “On the Donation of Blood and Its Components,” with a badge. Free delivery is a prerequisite.

An honorary donor receives a number of more rights. This is for example:

  • extraordinary treatment
  • priority purchase of discounted vouchers,
  • paid vacation at a time convenient for you,
  • free travel on public transport,
  • discount on medicines,
  • annual cash payments.

Donor annual payment indexed periodically. Since 2014, it has been about 11,728 rubles, the amount is paid every year on April 1. In order to receive this payment, the honorary donor must contact the social security authorities and provide his passport, honorary donor sign and application. Honorary donors of the USSR are also entitled to this payment. The amount is not taxed, it can be received immediately or every month in equal parts.

How to become an honorary donor to Russia under the new law

The new law of the Russian Federation “on donation” cancels the monetary payment for donating blood, but all benefits remain. This can directly lead to a decrease in the number of donors. I would like to believe that there will be people willing to do this for free. What could be more important than giving life to another person.

According to the new law, foreigners and stateless persons can donate blood, previously only adult citizens of the Russian Federation. The main thing is to legally reside in Russia for more than one year.

They plan to create a unified database to donate blood in all regions, not only at the place of registration. The questionnaire has been expanded to include questions about surgical operations and contact with infectious patients, etc.

The provisions on free meals and release from work on the day of delivery remained unchanged.

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1.Does a citizen who has donated blood 36 times and plasma 6 times have the right to become an Honorary Donor?

2. Can blood donations in 1988 be taken into account provided that the blood donation certificates issued at that time are preserved and the fact of donation is lost in the blood transfusion station database?

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Rules for obtaining the title of Honorary Donor

Recently, the issue of donating blood has gone beyond the medical sphere and has acquired more social significance.

More and more people are ready to donate both blood and its components more than once. As a result, they have the opportunity to acquire honorary donor status.

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Legislative regulation of the issue

Today, in the blood donation system, there is a legal document called "On blood donation and its components", which received legal force on July 20, 2014.

This law is the basis for establishing the legal, economic, and social foundations for the development of the donation procedure in the country.

The act establishes mandatory requirements for a candidate to make a donation:

Enshrined in law the following rights of the donor:

  1. Donate blood for a fee or free of charge, in accordance with the procedure provided for this by the legislation of the country.
  2. To protect your health, protect your rights in established ways;
  3. Familiarize yourself with the results of all mandatory studies that a candidate for donation undergoes;
  4. For information about the possible consequences of participation in the donation procedure;
  5. To provide him with medical services free of charge;
  6. For compensation of harm;
  7. Receiving social assistance, which is established by the legislation on donation.

Amount of blood donation to obtain a rank

The legal act contains requirements that donors applying for the honorary status and badge provided for by law must fulfill.

For their receiving change must be made:

  1. blood and its components or only blood donation or only blood components donation 40 times or more;
  2. blood and components 25 times or more and donation of blood plasma or its components 40 times;
  3. blood and components less than 25 times and donation of blood plasma or its components more than 60 times;
  4. donated plasma more than 60 times.

However, these conditions should not be worse than those enshrined in federal legislation in this area.

So, for example, in order to receive the honorary status provided by the city of Moscow, it is necessary to pass:

  1. blood and its components, or donate only blood or only its components 20 times or more;
  2. blood plasma 30 times or more.

The following criteria are established for St. Petersburg:

  1. Donating 20 times or more blood, as well as its components;
  2. Donation of blood plasma 30 times or more.

Please note that the opportunity to receive an honorary status and badge arises for the one who donated blood or its elements for free, that is, without receiving any monetary compensation for it.

Advantages, privileges, payment amounts

After the grounds have arrived, in order to acquire an honorary title and badge, it is necessary collect all documents for its assignment. These include:

All information is submitted to the social security authority located at the donor’s place of residence. Consideration of awarding an honorary badge is carried out within three months.

When the well-deserved status is received, you can hope for the following types of social support:

  1. Extraordinary assistance in medical institutions;
  2. Obtaining vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment, first of all, from the employer or at the place of study;
  3. The right to receive annual paid leave;
  4. Receiving state cash assistance, which is paid every year.

Amount of social benefit, valid today, for all donors with a special status, was established in 2016 and is equal to 12,373 rubles.

Inhabitant Moscow who has received this title is entitled to the following types of social assistance:

  1. The right to free dental care;
  2. Free travel on all city modes of transport;
  3. The right to pay half of the amount received for utilities;
  4. Fifty percent discount on the purchase of medications.

About this title, see the following video:

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Blood donor - how to become one and what restrictions exist

What benefits and payments are due to an honorary donor of Russia in 2017?

What benefits are available to blood donors?

Rules and procedure for paying for donor days


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  • Donation is the voluntary act of donating blood for medical needs. And those people who are wondering how to become an honorary donor to Russia deserve all respect.

    The need for blood for medical purposes is quite high, and therefore the state supports and encourages those who would like to donate it.

    A special insignia is the “Honorary Donor” badge of Russia or Moscow: it was created back in the Soviet Union and, in addition to the badge itself, gives the owner some advantages and benefits that made receiving it more significant.

    Who can apply

    The “Honorary Donor” badge is a small badge that is awarded to people who have made a significant contribution to the development of blood donation and regularly take part in donating blood free of charge. A certificate is also issued with the badge.

    The Donor Badge is awarded to people who regularly donate blood or plasma free of charge.

    Important point: Today, volunteers receive a certain amount of money for donating blood, but at the same time they lose the right to claim the title of honorary donor.

    There are signs of honorary donation from Moscow and Russia: all citizens of the country can apply for them, no matter what city they live in, as well as foreigners who have lived in Russia for more than a year.

    Many people are interested in the question: how many times should you donate blood?

    The amount depends on what exactly the donor is donating:
    1. Blood – more than 40 times;
    2. Blood plasma – more than 60 times;
    3. Total blood and plasma more than 40 times, if blood was donated more than 25 times;
    4. Total blood and plasma more than 60 times, if blood was donated less than 25 times.
    It is important to note that one of the conditions must be fulfilled, and not all at once.
    To receive the title of “Honorary Donor of Moscow”, the applicant must pass:

    • blood - more than 20 times;
    • plasma – more than 30 times;
    • a total of blood and plasma more than 20 times, if blood was donated more than 13 times;
    • a total of blood and plasma more than 30 times, if blood was donated less than 13 times.

    After reaching the specified norm, the “Moscow” donor can claim the title of “Russian”, increasing the number.


    In the Soviet Union, for many donors, the insignia itself was enough to show their active life position and desire to help people. Today, one badge is not enough, and the state has developed certain incentives for those already donating blood and attracting “newbies.”

    At the same time, the merits of those who already have the sign “Honorary Donor of the USSR” are not forgotten: they can enjoy all the benefits on an equal basis with “young” donors.

    A Moscow donor can claim:

    1. The right to free travel on public transport in Moscow.
    2. Discount on payment and purchase of medications prescribed by a doctor.
    3. Free production of dentures and their subsequent repair - you only have to pay for the materials. However, this is only possible in public dentistry.

    It is worth noting: According to the new law, free travel and discounts were monetized and are practically not used in life today.

    A Russian donor can count on:

    1. Possibility to choose any time for annual leave.
    2. Receive free vouchers when issued at work or at your place of study.
    3. Receiving medical care out of turn - this applies only to public medical institutions.
    4. Registration of the title “Veteran of Labor” and claim some benefits upon retirement: additional payments and discounts on utility bills.
    5. Receiving an annual cash payment - in 2016 it amounted to 12 thousand rubles.

    Each individual region provides additional privileges, which it is better to find out about in person at the local Social Security office.

    Note: To receive payments, the donor must annually contact the Social Security authority and write an application for payment of money, presenting a passport and identification.

    Required documents

    First of all, you need to prepare some documents in advance:

    • a completed application for an annual cash payment: an example can be found on the website or downloaded;
    • passport;
    • certificate of the amount of blood or plasma donated.

    Note: Both the donor himself and his representative can submit documents to Social Security: in the second case, it is necessary to draw up a power of attorney in advance and register it with a notary.

    The period for consideration of the application can take up to 95 days - this includes the time from the moment the state receives the documents until the issuance of the certificate.

    In some cases, the donor may be refused: usually this is due to an incorrectly completed application, a lack of submitted documents, or the applicant’s residence in another region.

    Donation has always been considered a noble and important matter and was encouraged not only by the state, but also by others. By saving the lives of people in need, donors can earn not only their gratitude, but also certain privileges and cash benefits. They will be especially useful to low-income families.

    Watch the video in which a specialist talks about what benefits and compensation are provided to donor employees:

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