Benefits for students on train tickets. How much does a child's train ticket cost?

On March 31, the Russian Railways company spoke about the details of the program for preferential transportation of Russian schoolchildren to domestic destinations. Starting from Monday, April 3, discounted tickets for the summer season can be purchased for children from 10 to 17 years old. Discounts for schoolchildren on train tickets in 2017: who can use them, which trains are eligible for the discount, during what period of time discounted travel for schoolchildren is possible.

Discounts for schoolchildren on train tickets

Regarding the benefits that are provided in the summer of 2017 for schoolchildren to purchase train tickets, Russian Railways announced in their press release that from June 1 to August 31, any Russian child aged 10 to 17 years will receive a 50 percent discount on travel on domestic trains.

Schoolchildren receive benefits on the following types of trains:

  • reserved seat carriages;
  • general carriages;
  • carriages with seating in passenger and fast long-distance trains;
  • 2nd and 3rd class cars in multi-unit rolling stock.

A discount is also possible on tickets on trains that transit through the territory of Russia; it will be made on the tariff part of the cost of a ticket on such a train.

As we have already said, benefits for schoolchildren on train tickets in 2017 have already been launched, and a ticket for the summer can be purchased right now - either at the box office or on the Russian Railways website. The benefit is issued automatically when the cashier or website user enters information about a passenger of the appropriate age.

It is also worth recalling that discounts for schoolchildren on train tickets are also valid during the school year, so the discount introduced for the summer expands the possibilities of reduced travel for the entire calendar year. In 2017, Russian Railways repeats its experience from the previous year - in 2016, it first tried discounted fares for children during the summer, when 2.5 million schoolchildren took advantage of it.

Thus, this summer, many families can plan their vacation based on the fact that children will be able to take advantage of the discount offered by Russian Railways. And although the carrier itself says that it provides a discount at its own expense and therefore does not receive billions of rubles in profit, in fact, Russian Railways economists probably perfectly calculated the effect of the summer discount for children, studied the experience of 2016 and concluded that children traveling at reduced rates are carried with are full-fare paying adults, which increases passenger traffic and brings in profits.

Russian Railways also reminds that children under five years old, if they do not occupy a separate seat, travel on Russian trains for free, and for children from five to ten years old there is a child fare throughout the year, which provides a 65 percent discount.

Discounts for large families on train tickets are one of the benefits that families can enjoy. Typically, parents and their children rarely travel to distant regions and, especially, countries, the main reason for which is lack of funds. Now they have the opportunity to travel without fear of huge expenses.

In 2019, benefits for large families were supplemented with a pleasant and useful article. It was proposed by Russian Railways to ensure free movement for parents and their children throughout the country. For a long time I had to think about ordering tickets for all the shelves in a compartment, but now there is a chance to immediately get a comfortable space for the trip.

The introduction of new rules seemed strange, because the federal budget had not previously provided for such large expenses. The private company chose to present a surprise to those who had long dreamed of visiting the sea or visiting relatives. By train, they will be able to reach any area without worrying about the expenses.

What discounts on train tickets are available for families with many children?

When planning a train trip, you need to find out what discounts are available to your family. Unfortunately, employees at station ticket offices do not always report them, although they are required to do so. For this reason, experts advise that you first inquire about the conditions in order to request the required resources.

  • Children under 5 years old travel free of charge.
  • Children 5-10 years old receive a ticket with a 50% discount.
The only condition is that the child be added to the parent. So, if a mother is traveling with 2 children, she will be able to transport only one of them free of charge. This point is explained by the fact that the child must be with his mother or father; he cannot be alone on the shelf.

Russian Railways has provided a good opportunity, which is already being actively used by large families. Some of them go on entire trips, relying on their own income. In accordance with the conditions presented, they turn out to be quite sufficient for a comfortable stay.

IMPORTANT! The number of discount tickets purchased is not indicated.

Unspoken rules of Russian Railways for families with many children

When issuing tickets for large families, unspoken rules also apply. Today they are used by experienced cashiers, who have long become a godsend for every passenger. Yes, there are unpleasant accidents, but gradually they disappear even in sparsely populated regions of the country. What points are we talking about?

  • Free shelf.
  • Replacement of seats.
  • Advance designation of locations.
The conductors and cashiers try to be as welcoming as possible to large families. This is a company rule that is not noted anywhere. A single complaint is enough to lose your job with a high salary. It is worth considering these points in detail in order to consider a couple of important subtleties in them.

Free shelf

Discounts for train tickets for families with many children also apply to compartment contents. In earlier times, no one thought about this issue, since it was carried out in accordance with the availability of free shelves. Yes, some passengers tried to put forward their own wishes, but they were not taken into account.

Today the situation has changed, so when parents and children occupy 3 shelves in a compartment, if possible, the last one remains free along the entire route. This seems like a disadvantage for the carrier, but it is one of the actions that shows respect. You can find similar examples everywhere, showing how the company treats children traveling on trains.

Changing seats

The conductors do their best to please passengers. Now their behavior and work have completely changed, so if necessary, you can even change places. You no longer have to suffer from the fact that the lower shelves are occupied and children have to be placed behind the wall. The carrier does not allow such mistakes, so you can ask for help immediately after boarding.

The guide will easily find an available seat and transfer a neighbor to ensure the convenience of the family. Parents and children should travel together, Russian Railways promotes this and is ready to support it in every possible way. Even if tickets are provided free of charge and at a discount, this fact should not affect the condition of people after a long journey.

Pre-designation of places

Indicating seats on tickets is a mandatory condition, but previously it only applied to adults. Children with free travel crossed at the conductor's first word. Yes, some parents tried to argue, but the lack of a ticket did not give them such a right.

When selling, now all seat numbers are immediately indicated, so even the conductors cannot change them. They even have to put up with the empty shelves remaining in the compartment. In some cases, you want to borrow them, but this will not be possible, as stated by the carrier’s rules. This attitude is dictated by widespread government support programs operating throughout the country.

Discounts on tickets and free travel are new benefits of Russian Railways for large families. In 2019, they can travel freely by train without worrying about the huge ticket price. This decision was made recently, but it became a pleasant discovery for parents who had long dreamed of going on vacation with their children, regardless of the distance of the journey.

Schoolchildren and students also enjoy discounted travel in Moscow every year. From September 1 to June 15, train tickets for all suburban destinations schoolchildren and full-time students sell at half price. Thus, in terms of benefits, graduate students were equal to students.

In the capital, full-time students can buy with such a discount not only a one-time ticket, but also a “Daily” subscription ticket valid for 30 calendar days.

Graduate students are the next group of students who have received privileges. Let us remind you that on March 1, discounted tickets for travel on public transport were introduced for residents. The cost of a monthly pass for them will be the same as for students: 380 rubles for the metro, 250 rubles for ground public transport.

How to get a discounted travel pass?

To take advantage of the benefit, you need to get a social card. To do this, the university must enter the name of the graduate student in the register of students. If it is not in the register, you should contact the responsible university employee.

Those who are not yet on the list can get free monthly passes (valid from September 1 to 30) or special daily passes at the metro ticket office. You will need a passport and a certificate of education.

Free travel for pensioners

The main recipients of travel benefits in Moscow are pensioners. Travel on public transport is free for them. And from August 1, about 1.6 million Muscovites can ride commuter trains for free. And this is not only pensioners, but also honorary donors USSR, Russia and Moscow, one of the parents large family, guardian, foster parent raising an orphan child, foster carer a child in need of government support, and other categories of beneficiaries.

Residents of Moscow who are included in this list will be able to travel for free on all types of electric trains, including fast commuter trains and luxury trains. Moreover, you can ride for free not only in Moscow, but also outside it - right up to the final station (provided that the train has left or is arriving in Moscow).

To take advantage of the benefit, you only need a social card. You need to go to the station's suburban ticket office, where the card will be encoded in a special way. After this, you can issue a free ticket using it at any suburban station ticket office or using ticket printing machines.

Pensioners, disabled people, honorary donors and other beneficiaries also received the right to free or discounted travel on the MCC. More than three million residents have already taken advantage of this opportunity.

Electric buses and turnstile-free transport

But that's not all. On September 1, a new type of public transport appeared on the streets of the capital - electric buses.

As with the launch of the MCC, travel on them is free for the first month. By 2020, Moscow will purchase 900 electric buses, and a year later it will stop purchasing diesel buses altogether.

Passengers can save not only money, but also time when traveling around the city. From September 1 in all ground transport removed turnstiles. Thanks to the new system, passengers save from five to 20 minutes on the road.

Troika card: how to save

At the same time, fares in Moscow are thought out in such a way that there are opportunities to save money, even without benefits. Now is the time to remember Troika map. When choosing the “Wallet” fare using a card, the fare is 36 rubles. When choosing the “Single” tariff for 60 trips, the price is reduced to 29.4 rubles.

Troika was introduced in Moscow in April 2013. Today it can be used not only to travel on all types of public transport, but also to enter many cultural centers of the capital - to pay for excursions, visit exhibitions in Zaryadye Park (with a five percent discount), to the Lunarium Museum of the Moscow Planetarium, Moscow Zoo, Tretyakov Gallery; in winter - to the skating rinks of Gorky Park and VDNKh, as well as to pay for parking. You can add any paper ticket from the current tariff menu to the card - “Single”, “90 minutes” or “TAT”, subscriptions for commuter trains, as well as top up your “Wallet” ticket.

Today you can top up Troika not only in station lobbies, but also online thanks to the Moscow Metro application - through an electronic wallet. The Moscow Metro mobile application also has the ability to record all types of Troika tickets. This can be done by owners of Android smartphones with NFC technology.

Since its appearance at the metro ticket offices by mid-summer, 17.7 million “Troikas” have been issued. The popularity of the card is steadily growing: since the beginning of the year, metro passengers have received more than 2.5 million Troika cards. This is 17 percent more than during the same period last year - then almost 2.2 million cards were sold.

This is due to ease of use and new design options. In addition to the standard blue Troika cards, the capital's metro traditionally issues thematic series of travel cards, the design of which is dedicated to various significant events - for example, the World Cup in Russia and the anniversary of Gorky Park. Exclusive cards are in such great demand that they are taken away by passengers almost immediately after they arrive at the ticket office.

International recognition of Troika

Troika’s progressiveness was also noted abroad. In June, a new report from the international consulting company McKinsey & Company was released.

The document compared the world's 24 largest cities based on five indicators: transport availability, affordability, efficiency, convenience and environmental sustainability.

In a relationship facilities public transport, Moscow was in sixth place in the ranking (after Toronto, Milan, Chicago, Hong Kong and New York). The Russian capital especially stood out in terms of advanced fare payment systems.

“Moscow has significantly improved its tariff and ticket systems by launching a single Troika card, which is now used by more than 90 percent of passengers. Over the past few years, a variety of alternative payment methods have been added - for example, credit card, Pay Pass/Pay Wave, Apple Pay / Samsung Pay / Android Pay and the Yandex.Money e-wallet,” note the report’s authors.

They clarify that the creation of a limited edition bracelets and rings Troika also added convenience to public transport users. And recently it was launched loyalty program“City” for card holders, which allows you to enjoy bonuses and discounts from stores, pharmacies, restaurants, dry cleaners, private clinics, beauty salons, cinemas and other partners.

In a month and a half, over 50 thousand Troika card holders joined the program, and this exceeded the expected figure five times. To use this system, you need to select the “Wallet” tariff and top up your card with an amount of 250 rubles or more.

School students can also receive benefits, like many other people in our country. The goal is to give Russians the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge for future special education. Benefits for schoolchildren include a large list of discounts in different organizations. So let's take a closer look at them.

Benefits for students on railway travel

Throughout the year, until June 15, schoolchildren over 10 years of age are required to receive discounted travel. Only it is issued only if specific conditions are met. To receive discounts, school students must provide a certificate from their academic institution if they are 10-14 years old. And if the children are over 14 years old, then a document must be added to this certificate, which confirms the student’s right to receive this discount.

The exception is the summer holiday period, which was provided for by the state. Students who are already 10 years old or older cannot receive discounted travel during the summer. Usually, this happens because schoolchildren try to deceive Russian Railways employees. The fact is that graduates very often pose as schoolchildren or high school students.

Getting a discount in 2017

Every student can receive a discount on the use of transport. Only after 10 years of age do special conditions for receiving discounted travel come into force for a student. Once a child turns 10 years old, when purchasing a ticket, he must:

  • show a document that can confirm the student’s identity and age;
  • show the railway employee a certificate indicating that the child is studying at school;
  • For students who are already 14 years old, it is also mandatory to provide a certificate, which shows the right to the corresponding benefit.

As for the certificate from school, it must have a certain format. It should also contain the necessary information about the student and the school itself:

  • Student's name
  • Signature of the director of this educational institution or his deputy
  • Legal address of the institution where the student receives his secondary education
  • Seal
  • Details of the educational institution that the student attends

Resolution on railway benefits for 2017

In 2017, the President decided to maintain discounted travel for students on the train. It’s just not yet clear whether this makes sense or not. If preliminary data is to be believed, many regions want to abandon this category of commuter transport. The decree also affected long-distance trains themselves. This discount for schoolchildren will be extended. Discounted tickets can be purchased for any type of passenger train. The only thing is that the discount does not apply to luxury cars.

Other benefits

In addition to railway trains, there are other benefits that, by law, are entitled to every schoolchild. During the school year, students are offered a significant discount on air or bus tickets. This type of discount necessarily requires the presentation of the above documents. If we talk about food benefits, the situation has changed a little.

If free lunches for primary school students remained in the canteens, then another part of the students from grades 5 to 11 were removed from the list of beneficiaries. Today, a child is entitled to free food, provided that he belongs to the category of socially vulnerable citizens of Russia.

The government provides various benefits to school students. Their goal is to give the population the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge for further specialized education. Benefits for schoolchildren include a considerable list of discounts in various organizations. Let's take a closer look at them.

Benefits for schoolchildren on rail travel

Throughout the year until June 15, discounted travel is mandatory for students over 10 years of age. However, it is only available subject to specific conditions. School students are required to submit a certificate from their educational institution to receive benefits if they are 10-14 years old. Students over 14 years of age, in addition to this certificate, must also present a document confirming the student’s right to receive this benefit. With the exception of the summer holidays, the state provides a 50% discount on the total cost of an adult ticket for the school period.

During the summer period, students who have already reached the age of 10 are not provided with discounted travel. This is caused by frequent attempts to deceive Russian Railways employees. Graduates who no longer have the right to be called schoolchildren often pretend to be high school students in order to ride on public transport with preferential licenses.

Receiving a discount

Each student receives a discount on the use of transport. However, after 10 years of age, special conditions for receiving discounted travel come into force for the student. Upon reaching the age of 10 years, when purchasing a ticket, a child must:

  • present to the railway employee a certificate confirming that he is studying at school;
  • show a document that can confirm the child’s identity and age;
  • For students who are already 14 years old, it is also mandatory to submit a statement that will confirm the right to the corresponding benefit.

The school certificate must have a certain format. Also contain the necessary information about the student and school. The required elements of the document are:

  1. Full name of the student.
  2. Legal address of the institution where the student receives secondary education.
  3. Details of the educational institution that the student attends.
  4. Signature of the director of the educational institution or his deputy;
  5. Seal.

Regulations on benefits 2019 for travel by rail

In 2018-2019, the president maintained preferential travel for schoolchildren on the train. However, whether this makes sense is not yet known. According to preliminary data, many regions are planning to abandon this category of commuter transport. However, the decree also affected long-distance trains. This benefit for students will be extended. Discount tickets can be purchased for any type of passenger train. The discount does not apply only to tickets for luxury carriages.

Other benefits for schoolchildren

In addition to railway travel, there are other benefits that are provided to schoolchildren by law. During the school year, students are provided with a significant discount on air tickets and buses. This type of benefits necessarily requires the presentation of the above documents.

As for food benefits, the situation has changed somewhat. While free lunches are mandatory for primary school students, the bulk of schoolchildren in grades 5-11 have been removed from the list of beneficiaries. Now a child is entitled to free food only if he belongs to the category of socially vulnerable citizens of the Russian Federation.

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