List of personal qualities of the employee. We indicate the necessary business qualities in the resume

Each person is not just a biological object, but also a personality with his own views, attitude towards the world and the people around him. Conditions for the most complete development of the individual and his best qualities - moral and professional - must be created by society. And a person, satisfying the needs for self-development, self-improvement and self-actualization, moves forward and benefits himself and others.

What moral values ​​should prevail in a harmoniously developed individual? Let's take a closer look.

An old look with a new twist

For a long time there was a contrast between professional and They were at different poles. What distinguished people of one profession from workers of another was considered professional qualities. This view is somewhat outdated.

In the business environment there is no longer a division between the individual and the professional. A unification has taken place. Now professional and personal qualities exist in conjunction with each other. Let's talk about this in more detail

Professionally significant personal qualities

As mentioned above, they are characterized by versatility, regardless of a specific profession and type of activity, and complement each other.

Any qualities do not suddenly appear out of nowhere. They need to be formed in a person. Something is laid down from birth by parents, something arises later: at school, college, in the process of building a career.

When it comes to professionalism, it's not just a set of technical work skills. A person’s personal qualities play a big role; after all, he does not live in a vacuum, but communicates with other people. And for this we need interaction on a personal, human level, and not on an official one. The more interesting the interlocutor, the better the quality of the conversation and its outcome.

Ideally, the professional and personal qualities of a specialist should complement each other. This is what we need to strive for. Therefore, everyone’s task is to develop their personal qualities and make sure that they help in the professional sphere.

Self-confidence, focus on results, creativity, ability to control emotions, goodwill: the list goes on and on. All these have long been professional and personal qualities.

Difficult choice of leaders

Fierce competition literally forces you to have not only the highest qualifications in your field, but also a whole set of human qualities. Ideal situations are rare. Not always one individual has both. You can be an excellent specialist with a lot of diplomas and courses, but an unbearable or, even worse, a vile person. Or, on the contrary, he is a decent, kind, gentle person, but his level of professionalism is rather weak.

Then the employer has to make a difficult choice. In the case of direct work with clients, it is best, of course, to focus on personal characteristics and moral qualities. Because the lack of professional knowledge can be made up for in the process of work, and it is almost impossible to turn a rude, unbalanced person into a calm and reasonable one.

Personal indicators

Moral qualities play important role in any activity. They help build relationships with colleagues, subordinates or staff, and also work more effectively with clients. If an employee knows how to find an approach to a customer, understand his problems and help, then people will come to him much more willingly and more, and this will affect sales, his salary and the company’s income.

For a long time there was an opinion that business cannot be honest, which means that everyone who is involved in it deceives, lies and dissembles. This point of view remains to this day. Practice shows that honesty is not only important and necessary, but also beneficial. This works for the image of the company and the person.

Moral qualities are divided into negative (vices) and positive (virtues). Generosity, kindness, arrogance, stinginess, generosity characterize both the person himself and those who represent or support him.

How to lead competently

Professional and personal qualities and moral principles (in relation to the business and work environment) are important not only for employees. First of all, a leader must have them. He is an example for his employees, partners and customers. Effective management requires a leader.

The professional and personal qualities of a leader need to be developed in oneself. The ability not only to motivate oneself to work, but also to guide others, to lead a team - this is what distinguishes a real leader from just a boss with a chair and a position.

Let us list some of the necessary business qualities of a leader.

Smart planning

In any business, and especially in business, the ability to predict and anticipate situations is a big plus, helping to avoid possible problems in the future. This is one of the main qualities for a leader and manager. Not only situations are planned, but also expenses and income.


A leader who trusts his subordinates as much as possible, does not hide the current situation from them and strives to resolve emerging issues together with the team will always be in a more advantageous position.

Personal example

The business qualities of a manager should be a standard for his subordinates. He leads by example. To do this, the leader educates and develops in himself and tries to eradicate negative ones.


In the relationship between a boss and a subordinate, there must be respect and fair treatment of the latter. No humiliation of honor and dignity. Never scold a subordinate in front of the whole team. It is better to resolve all issues in private, behind closed doors.

With this approach, you don’t have to worry about the climate in the team. Each employee will know that his actions, decisions and actions will be assessed fairly and objectively. In this case, the initiative of employees will increase and the desire to do something will increase. If the manager takes the opposite approach, resentment, misunderstanding, dissatisfaction, anger, depression and pessimism are guaranteed. Of course, this cannot have a positive impact on a person’s work activity and the work of the team as a whole.

Adequate self-esteem

A leader must be able to evaluate not only others, but also himself. Both under- and over-perception can be dangerous. Working under the leadership of a boss who believes that he cannot make mistakes simply by definition is very difficult. Most likely, in such teams there is a staff turnover that does not contribute to work.

The teacher is always right

A manager is not only a director in a company or large enterprise. The teacher also has this status. He also leads a team, but a special one, for children. This is sometimes more difficult than working with adults.

When working with children, professional and personal aspects are especially important. He is responsible not only for himself, but also for his students.

Here it is necessary to take into account both the professional requirements for the teacher as a specialist in a particular subject, and human qualities. Love for people, and especially for children, is one of the main things. Understanding the child’s problems, his mental state, empathy, tact, respect for his opinion and real help are the professional and personal qualities of a teacher.

Any children's, teenage, or youth group presents many surprises. Children are active, mobile, stubborn. The teacher’s task is not to lose his temper, to be able to restrain his negative emotions, and to remember tact when dealing with difficult children.

The teacher’s fairness is very important when dealing with children’s pranks and conflicts. Subjectivism and bias are unacceptable!

A teacher is an organizer in the lives of schoolchildren and students, an active personality, a creative person. He is always ahead. You want to follow him, imitate his words and actions.

A teacher must be competent in many areas and constantly improve his level, both subject and cultural.


Thus, the importance of the professional, personal, moral and business qualities of each employee, both manager and subordinate, is obvious. They directly affect success in work, business, career building, networking and interaction with other people.

Therefore, it is necessary to constantly improve yourself, study at various courses, seminars and trainings.

One of the guarantees of the success of any activity is the professionalism of the person involved in it, which is why it is so important to look at the business qualities of the employee. They allow you to understand what he is capable of and what you can entrust to him. It is advisable to analyze them when applying for a job; it is also important to remember about personal qualities, on which behavior with colleagues and management often depends. The list of both varies for different professions. They can change if necessary for career advancement.

Business qualities are extremely important when applying for a job


Business qualities are a person’s ability to perform functions if he has a certain level of knowledge, education, work experience and personality characteristics. Without identifying and assessing them, it is difficult to entrust him with the performance of duties and count on their high-quality performance.

There are different approaches to defining business and professional qualities. Some people tend to believe that an employee’s professional qualities are the least important. The most popular position is that professionals reveal in more detail the characteristics of a specialist’s properties. Business skills are universal qualities for different types of work.

Description of personal qualities

Personal qualities play no less important role than business qualities when applying for a job. Personal properties reveal the characteristics of a specialist as a person and show how he interacts with other people. Some of them are laid down from childhood, formed in the family, the other part develops in society, in school and student groups. Some personal characteristics can only be discovered during work; positive qualities can and should be developed to achieve professional goals.

Professional and personal qualities are important for work. They are reflected in the resume of a candidate for a position, often business ones follow from personal ones.

Given the same professional characteristics, the employer studies a list of personal characteristics. The applicant should strive to show the strengths of his character and personality in his resume so that the manager makes an objective choice.


An approximate list of personal qualities of an employee:

  • honesty;
  • communication skills;
  • responsibility and integrity;
  • hard work;
  • politeness and tact;
  • determination;
  • flexibility and ability to accept someone else's point of view;
  • self-criticism, the ability to see one’s mistakes and admit them;
  • stress resistance.

This list shows positive properties; there are also negative aspects of personality that are easy to identify through the opposites of positive properties. It is difficult to find an ideal employee; everyone has these and other characteristics in different proportions.

Top 20 most popular personal qualities on a resume

Description of business qualities

Business qualities for hiring can be classified on various grounds, including motivation, range of job responsibilities, focus on colleagues, management or contractors, time of acquisition of qualities.

One of the common and broad classifications is the division into positive and negative. They will be considered separately, since in different situations the same property can be good, but in another case turn out to be bad.

Also, some job characteristics are important for the boss, while others are important for the average specialist.


Among them are those that characterize the attitude towards work responsibilities:

  • discipline;
  • perseverance;
  • independence in making individual decisions;
  • self-learning;
  • accuracy in working with documents;
  • ability to plan and distribute your time;
  • foresight;
  • creativity;
  • the ability to clearly formulate your thoughts;
  • ability to make quick decisions.

Those that show the nature of relationships with others:

  • ability to find a common language with clients;
  • knowledge of business etiquette;
  • ability to speak in public;
  • ability to organize events;
  • skill to work in team;
  • ability to persuade;
  • professional integrity;
  • balance, striving for the golden mean.

The list is not exhaustive, but contains a basic set, which, if desired, can be supplemented with some personal qualities of the employee.


Definitely negative qualities:

  • greed;
  • quarrelsomeness;
  • touchiness;
  • envy;
  • self-confidence and arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • talkativeness and tendency to spread gossip;
  • aggressiveness;
  • manifestation of laziness;
  • vindictiveness.

Some properties can be called negative under certain circumstances:

  • hyperactivity;
  • modesty;
  • straightforwardness;
  • emotionality.

Reflection in the resume

When hiring, business and personal characteristics are taken into account first. Without knowing the person, an employer can only choose a suitable candidate based on a resume or interview. Sometimes the problem arises of which employee qualities are most suitable for a resume. The applicant makes a mistake if he lists them in large quantities, without choosing the main ones related to this position. For the manager, this is a signal that he does not know how to isolate the necessary information.

The wording in the resume should be clear, concise, logical, and not inconsistent with the rest of the information.

It is desirable that they reflect the strengths of the individual, so that from the text it is possible to trace the connection between business qualities and professional achievements.

Sometimes applicants for a position indicate in their resume not only their best sides, but also their worst. This can have two meanings: it demonstrates the person's honesty and shows his shortsightedness. It is advisable to note your shortcomings at the interview, where they will ask about them. It is important to emphasize the desire to correct your shortcomings.

An example of the correct beginning of a resume

Qualities for different professions

  • For managers, dedication and responsibility are important;
  • an accountant must be scrupulous and persevering;
  • the secretary cannot do without accuracy and patience;
  • A sales manager must have developed communication skills and be flexible.

Today, to get a job, you just need to send your resume by email. The part where the professional qualities of the individual will be specified is one of the most important for the employer; thanks to the list of characteristics, you can learn a lot about a person without communicating with him.

An employer will understand a lot about a person by reading a list of his professional qualities

How to present yourself correctly

When compiling a list of qualities of an employee of an organization, it is necessary to list and explain:

  • Personal qualities of a person. These are the characteristics that appeared during his socialization.
  • Business qualities of the employee. These are the characteristics that describe a person as a potential specialist.
  • Key skills. You need to point out the skills acquired at school, university or while working in another company that will help you cope with tasks in a new place.

When compiling this list, there is no need to deviate from the main goal of the resume - further employment in a prestigious organization.

You should not list those personal qualities that you do not possess. The deception will be revealed quickly, but the feeling of shame will remain for a long time.

What to write about in your resume

  • Many people think that a cheerful person will join the team faster. A good sense of humor can help with informal communication with colleagues, but such a characteristic will not give the desired result unless you are applying for a job as a toastmaster or animator. What professionally important personality qualities should be indicated in a resume:
  • If you want to emphasize that you are ready to work hard, then it is worth pointing out the desire to develop, the presence of increased efficiency, the desire for career growth, and resistance to stress.
  • If you want to indicate the presence of leadership potential, then the following phrases will help: the ability to distribute powers and responsibilities, responsible, have negotiation skills, have the ability to quickly navigate a situation and get out of it.
  • If the vacancy requires frequent public speaking, then it is necessary to declare such useful qualities as emotional balance, the ability to control oneself even in front of a large crowd of people, the ability to find a common language with people, self-confidence, and oratorical abilities.
  • If in the process of work you need to show creative abilities, then it won’t hurt to talk about the presence of creative thinking, a non-standard approach to standard things.

Creativity is essential for creative work

  • In addition to the typical useful qualities of a real professional, it is worth pointing out characteristics that could replace the lack of something in a potential specialist. If you have no experience in a certain area, then you should point out the ability to grasp everything on the fly and learn quickly.
  • Before including this or that characteristic, you should think and soberly evaluate yourself. To confirm or refute the presence of a particular personal quality, you need to give an example of a life situation.
  • When writing a resume, you need to rely on those characteristics that are necessary when working in this position. If an employee will be entrusted with managing a team or project, and he has managerial skills, then you need to focus on this.

Personal qualities

What other qualities should a specialist have, personal qualities in a resume:

  • Knowledge and experience in using technologies used during work.
  • Clear and prompt resolution of complex issues and tasks. Ability to quickly move on to another task after completing the first.
  • Be careful when working with important documents.
  • Responsiveness when receiving requests and suggestions.
  • Ability to independently motivate and control yourself.
  • Focus on qualitative rather than quantitative results.
  • Good speech and presentable appearance. Punctuality.
  • Communication skills, ability to work in a group and distribute assigned tasks among a number of people.
  • Quick adaptation to various changes. Rational use of provided resources.
  • Self-criticism and the ability to listen to criticism and the opinions of others.

You should not write your resume using templates. There are many letters filled with similar texts.

Unusual works, filled not only with typical professional qualities for a resume, but also with interesting nuances, will be worthy of attention.

What does an employer want to know about a potential employee besides his education, experience and professional skills? Usually this is the attitude towards work, towards other people (employees and clients), as well as career goals.

Personal qualities for a resume should be presented with a brief but succinct description of your advantages. It is logical to add negative qualities to a resume only if the employer requires them.

You should write about yourself honestly. The deception will be revealed during the interview and will be a very serious disadvantage for the applicant. It is better not to write anything than to attribute non-existent virtues to yourself.

What qualities are best left unstated?

This directly depends on the desired position. It is better for the manager and head of a trade organization to select appropriate business qualities for a resume. Creativity or love for children is inappropriate in this case.

Communication skills should not be specified for specialties that require concentration and perseverance. And they, in turn, should not be mentioned to people of creative professions: designers and artists.

It’s worth writing about attractive appearance and athletic training only if they are required for your future profession.

How to Avoid Patterns

Recruiters are annoyed by typical and hackneyed “responsibilities” with “punctuality”. The applicant is automatically included in the list of identical applicants. In addition, the gaze does not linger on banal phrases. The time a recruiter spends on viewing does not exceed half a minute.

How to attract his attention? Simply reveal the meaning of the word as an explanation, or replace it altogether. As an example: the expression “I perform my duties in good faith” is better than the standard “responsibility”. “Communication skills” can be described in more detail if special courses and business trainings have been completed.

From a psychological point of view, it is more useful to do without the particle “not”. As an example: “non-conflict” - friendly, peace-loving, calm.

It is more effective to describe your personal character strengths in a detailed, but laconic manner in your resume; examples of more effective disclosure of personal qualities are given later in the article.

It happens that the employer also requires a list of shortcomings. Which negative qualities of a person are suitable for a resume are determined by the intended position.

Writing example

Below are the most commonly used personal qualities for resumes, the lists of which we have compiled in tables.

Character strengths and personal qualities of a person for a resume:

Strengths for a resume

Synonymous expressions (which can be added or used instead of character traits)


I am conscientious about my work


I always complete tasks on time


I easily find common language with people

I always find an individual approach to the client

I try to find an approach to each child (student)


Doesn't need rephrasing

I am always polite and remain calm in any conflict situation


I search for and implement original solutions even for mundane tasks


I am constantly engaged in self-improvement, improve my qualifications through courses and trainings, and am ready for further training.


Able to work productively while focusing on end goals


I maintain composure under any circumstances


Most often you can leave it like that





Negative personal qualities and aspects of character presented as advantages:

A creative approach to telling a story about yourself helps you find a new job, even if the requirements for the vacancy are specified in formalized formulations. What if this is the first test of real interest?

It must be remembered that it is impossible to create a universal list of characteristics for all companies. It is better to prepare several versions of your resume and be ready to argue what you wrote at the interview.

When hiring, a manager must correctly assess the positive and negative qualities of a specialist. When choosing a candidate for a vacant position, both the professional qualities of the employee and his personal characteristics are taken into account. The new person will have to prove himself and become part of the team.

Personnel are selected according to their level of professionalism

What does an employer need?

The qualities of an ideal worker are determined by the labor organizer. This is the owner of the company or other person responsible for recruiting personnel. Both the business and personal qualities of the applicant are important to him. An employee’s business qualities are the ability to perform tasks assigned to him by his superiors in a quality and timely manner. This is possible if you have the appropriate education and work experience in the same field. The manager must understand whether the new employee will be useful to the enterprise.

Assessing the personal qualities of applicants for a vacant position is another task of a manager. It is important that the newcomer is able to prove himself and become part of a friendly team. Given the similarity of the business characteristics of the applicants, it is difficult to make a choice. A correct assessment of personal merits will allow you to select the best candidate.

Professional quality

When hiring, a person’s professional qualities are assessed. The manager needs to know whether the employee can perform his tasks. Which of them are most in demand:

  • education, specialty;
  • quick adaptation to new working conditions or quick learning;
  • willingness to work overtime;
  • professional integrity;
  • customer interaction skills;
  • skill to work in team.

Positive properties may relate to a certain mindset, external data or physical form. There are many options. Managers have different preferences for employee characteristics. It depends on the characteristics of the profession and the personal wishes of the manager.

Personal characteristics

The personal characteristics of the applicant can compensate for his professional shortcomings. Labor skills will not help solve problems or conflicts in a team. Therefore, the following are taken into account:

  • discipline;
  • politeness;
  • communication skills;
  • persistence;
  • tact;
  • stress resistance.

Employees are also valued: enthusiasm, energy, dedication, punctuality and hard work.

Lack of communication skills does not play into the hands of the employee

Indicating negative characteristics in a resume

Sometimes job applicants note their negative qualities in their resumes. This is not always harmful. Maybe this is how a person shows his honesty. We need to check this. The most common negative qualities found on a resume are:

  • lack of work experience or education;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • straightforwardness;
  • inability to lie;
  • problems with a sense of humor.

The employee's attitude towards work is idealized by himself.

To clarify the situation with the shortcomings, you need to ask the applicant to tell you more about them. Then the “restlessness” indicated in the resume may turn out to be a desire to work at a fast pace, switching from one task to another.

And “straightforwardness” means the ability to negotiate with clients quickly and confidently. As a result, it will become clear to the manager what qualities of the applicant are hidden behind the “disadvantages” item.

The search for a good employee begins with receiving and analyzing resumes. In it, a person indicates his strengths. Managers are faced with the problem of data similarity. This is typical for resumes in which positive qualities are mechanically entered into the “professional and personal qualities” column: responsibility, attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency. This will not surprise the employer. Finding out what is meant is very simple: you need to ask candidates about it. If a person talks in detail about his strengths and gives examples, then he meets the requirements of the vacant position.

There is also advice for people looking for work. To make your resume high-quality and non-standard, replace familiar words with new ones: efficiency can mean the ability to work with a large amount of information or the willingness to work overtime.

Human resource selection criteria

Ways to evaluate an employee

There are more effective ways to select a candidate than the standard resume review and interview. The characteristics of an employee’s business qualities can be assessed by specialists. Some enterprises have special personnel assessment departments. Their work is based on the use of the following techniques:

  • testing;
  • letters of recommendation;
  • exams;
  • psychological trainings (role-playing games and cases).

A popular and effective way to assess personality is role-playing. It artificially recreates the organization of work: staging difficulties and conflict situations in a team.

In such a game you can set a goal. This will help you evaluate the positive and negative aspects of competitors for the vacancy.

Influence of the profession

Labor activity requires a person to have certain professional skills. To simplify the process of finding a new employee, it is important to narrow the pool of applicants for a vacant position. To do this, you must indicate certain characteristics in your job advertisement:

  1. For the service sector: communication skills, ability to work with clients, politeness, courtesy, flexibility of thinking, etc.
  2. For entertainment and promotion: teamwork, communication skills, ability to interest people, charm and energy.
  3. For office vacancies (accountants, system administrators, etc.): mathematical mindset, attentiveness, organization, ability to work with large amounts of information.

There are universal characteristics. Employers always value attentiveness, dedication, and stress resistance. Job seekers know this and put these qualities on their resumes. This will not help you get a job. The employer needs information about the applicant's specific skills.

Professionalism and excellent knowledge in the field of the enterprise do not make a person the best among candidates for a position. There are qualities that may be more important: attentiveness, hard work and a pleasant appearance in the service industry are critical.

For office workers, these qualities are not so important. The list of requirements for a candidate for a position depends on the specifics of the job. Therefore, it is important to consider competitors comprehensively: their professional skills, personal qualities and lifestyle.

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