Personal experience: how to apply for a “Far Eastern hectare.” Where and how to apply for the Far Eastern Hectare? Apply for land in the Far East

Quite a tempting and at the same time risky offer from the state - get a plot in the Far East– became available to any Russian from February 1, 2017. A person is given a whole hectare of land for free. However, for many who wish, the issue of applying for Far Eastern land, the conditions for obtaining it, as well as other subtleties still remain unclear. It is this topic that we decided to devote this article to. We hope you find it useful in making the appropriate decision.

All the details of how to get a plot in the Far East

So, who has access to land in the Far East from February 1, 2017, how to get it and what to prepare for in the future?

The law on the provision of land in the Far East for free use came into effect back in 2016. At its initial stage, only residents of a number of pilot regions of the Russian Federation could obtain a plot in the Far East. At the same time, the number of applicants was over 36 thousand people. Since February 1, 2017, the category of potential applicants for a Far Eastern hectare has expanded significantly.

Provided the right to receive 1 hectare of land for free in the Far East applies to all Russian citizens, regardless of where they live. A plot of land is provided for free use for a period of 5 years on the basis of an agreement, and after the specified period, this plot is either leased for 49 years or owned.

In addition to Russians, the right to receive land in the Far East can be used by participants in the voluntary resettlement program for compatriots who currently live abroad, as well as members of their families, in the event of their joint move to Russia for permanent residence.

To implement the program, the government has identified a specific territory of the Far East with an area of ​​more than 140 million hectares. Based on an analysis of applications already submitted for the use of land in the Far East, more than half of the applicants plan to build residential buildings on the allocated plots and engage in gardening. There are also many people who want to organize a business on the plots received for use. In other words, there are quite a lot of plans.

The duration of the program is quite impressive. You can write an application and receive a plot of land in the Far East until January 1, 2017, which means that citizens will be able to use the land free of charge until the beginning of 2040.

As for the conditions for obtaining plots, there are a number of subtleties:

One plot of land can be provided to several citizens at once for joint use, even if they are not relatives;
land is prohibited from being given or sold to foreigners, legal entities registered abroad, or stateless persons;
A plot of land in the Far East can be used for various purposes: for agricultural needs, creating a forest or hunting farm, doing business, as well as other purposes not prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation. The state must be notified of the decision made regarding the purpose of using the site within a year after receiving it. And after 3 years you will need to submit a declaration on the exploitation of the land plot.

Do you want to get a plot of land in the Far East?
Please note a number of limitations.

Anyone wishing to obtain a plot of land in the Far East should keep in mind the restrictions provided by law. Thus, in the case where the site being registered for use is located next to a populated area whose population exceeds 300 thousand people, the distance from the site to the city should not be less than 20 kilometers. If a settlement has a population of over 50 thousand people, then this distance is reduced to 10 kilometers.

Land that is the property of individuals, as well as organizations, reserved for any state and municipal needs, and also under special protection, is not provided for free use.

It is not permitted by law to split a plot into parts, and if, as we noted above, the application for a plot was a collective one and its size exceeds 1 hectare, then the number of applicants cannot exceed 10 people.

The regime of joint ownership does not apply to a plot provided upon application to a married citizen. By the way, a minor child can act as a separate applicant for a Far Eastern hectare.

How to get a plot in the Far East: step-by-step instructions

To receive 1 hectare of land for free in the Far East, you must strictly follow the following step-by-step instructions:

1. Register on the Unified Government Services Portal -;
2. Log in to the website of the Federal Information System Nadalniyvost.RF. In this case, you will need to indicate your SNILS or phone number, or electronic signature key;
3. In the section "Map" create the land plot you need for use. Please keep in mind that the territory marked in gray on the map is not available for use in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law 119-FZ of May 1, 2016.
4. Fill out an application for the provision of a site with a scanned copy of your passport attached. If the application is sent by your representative, then you must also attach a scan of a document that confirms his authority.

It should be noted that in the implementation of all of the above points, employees of multifunctional centers for the provision of public services can provide invaluable assistance. These days in our country they operate in almost every municipality.

An application for the provision of a plot of land in the Far East is being considered by an authorized body maximum 7 working days. After this period, the application may be returned indicating a specific reason, or accepted for placement of relevant information about the allocation of land on the public cadastral map.

What could be the reason for refusing to provide land in the Far East?

And the reason for this may be an incorrectly completed application, or the indication of unreliable information in it, or a plot diagram or scan of a passport not attached to the document, as well as the absence of a document confirming the authority of the representative. As for errors in filling out the application, the requirements in this regard can be found in Part 1 of Article 4 of Federal Law 119-FZ of May 1, 2016.

The reason for the return may be that the size of the selected plot is exceeded, when more than 1 hectare is claimed for one person, as well as the coincidence of the layout of the land plot with the diagram that was previously submitted by another person. In the latter case, the authorized body makes a decision to suspend the period for consideration of an application that was submitted later, indicating this fact to the applicant. In this case, a later applicant can change the layout of the land plot, and the new version will be accepted for approval.

If a positive decision is made on the application, then the authorized body must, free of charge, ensure that the relevant information is placed on a public cadastral map displaying data on the location of the boundaries of the site. 20 working days are allotted for this from the date of submission of the application. At the same time, a draft agreement is being prepared, which states that 1 hectare of land in the Far East is provided for free use for a period of 5 years. This agreement is drawn up in 3 copies, sent to the applicant for signing, and all necessary information is entered into the state real estate cadastre.

If for some reason information about the land plot was not included in the state cadastre in a timely manner, in other words, the plot does not have a cadastral number, then the preparation of the above agreement can be extended by 10 days. As for the signing of the agreement by the applicant, he can do this in person by visiting the authorized body, or the signed agreement is sent by mail. An electronic form of the document can also be selected. In this case, an information system is used, where within a period of no more than a month from the date of receipt of the draft agreement, the citizen must sign it with a digital signature.

We registered a plot of land for use in the Far East.
What's next?

Do not forget about the period mentioned above, during which you must decide on the purposes of using a plot of land in the Far East and notify the authorized body - this is a maximum of a year from the moment of signing the agreement on free use. And after 3 years it is necessary to provide a declaration on the use of the land. Three months are allotted for this.

And finally, when 5 years of free use are completed, you can write an application to transfer the plot for rent for up to 49 years or register it as ownership. The land is transferred into ownership free of charge, with the exception of forest lands. They can only be rented out, and they can be purchased into ownership only after 10 years lease, changing the category of land in advance. You will also need to pay when registering ownership if the application was submitted collectively, and at the end of 5 years one of the participants decided to waive their right. In this case, the area of ​​the plot is recalculated for the remaining number of participants, and the area exceeding the norm of 1 hectare per 1 participant is subject to redemption. The redemption value in this case is 15% of the cadastral value of the land. As for the amount of rent, by law it cannot be higher than the land tax calculated for the same plot.

A few subtleties regarding the rights of ownership of the Far Eastern site. Remember - for the first 5 years of use it cannot be used as a separate piece of real estate, i.e. cannot be mortgaged, contributed as a property share to a cooperative, or subleased. True, there are restrictions even after the expiration of this period when registering ownership. The law prohibits the sale of Far Eastern hectares or leasing it to foreign citizens and organizations.

It should also be noted that during the entire period of validity of the agreement on free use, a plot of land in the Far East may be confiscated from you. The reason for this may primarily be the owner’s failure to comply with the established restrictions, namely transfer of land to a foreign citizen or organization. Also, the reason for the seizure may be a change of Russian citizenship by the owner, or improper use of the land. Also, the basis for seizure may be a court decision based on an appeal from the former owners of the land for its return.

Providing infrastructure and communications

This is precisely the main problem. No one argues that getting a plot of land in the Far East for free is quite tempting. However, providing it with the necessary communications falls entirely on the shoulders of the applicants. The state should finance the construction of proper infrastructure only if it receives 20 or more adjacent plots located compactly within the boundaries of a populated area. So, it is still quite difficult to say what the creation of favorable conditions for modern people will ultimately cost to land owners.

And finally, regarding land taxation in the Far East.

The current tax legislation exempts individuals who own land for free use from paying land tax. Accordingly, for the first 5 years, as well as upon subsequent conclusion of a lease agreement, land tax is not paid. Well, having become the owner of the land, you fall under the general requirements and are obliged to comply with all the obligations of a conscientious taxpayer.

Since 2016, any citizen of the Russian Federation will be able to become the owner of a free hectare of land once in any region of the Far Eastern Federal District. In this case, a family of two people is entitled to 2 hectares, of three people - three, etc. The authorities assure that getting a “Far Eastern hectare” will not be difficult: 5 steps on a special website will take literally 15 minutes. Who is entitled to a free hectare in the Far East, what are the conditions for obtaining it, using it, transferring it into ownership and how to register it for yourself - read on.

Who is entitled to a free hectare of land in the Far East

At the beginning of September, the draft law on the so-called “Far Eastern hectare” was submitted by the Ministry of Eastern Development and the Ministry of Economic Development to the Government of the Russian Federation, then it will go to the State Duma. The law is planned to be adopted by the end of the year. Then, starting from 2016, everyone will be able to have 1 hectare of land for free once in their life in any of the nine regions of the Far Eastern Federal District. According to the initiative, the future owner of a hectare has the right to live anywhere in Russia and is not obliged to move for permanent residence to the Far East. At the same time, plots will be issued only to citizens of the Russian Federation - the dominance of foreigners does not threaten the macroregion.

At the same time, there are no restrictions for Russians in registering a free plot of land in the Far East. That is, everyone, without exception, is entitled to a hectare, regardless of material or social status. In this case, a family of two people will be able to take two hectares, of three - three, etc.

According to VTsIOM, the initiative about the “Far Eastern hectare” has attracted significant interest among Russians. Every fifth citizen of the Russian Federation, or about 30 million people, are ready to participate in the program and even move to the Far East. Among them there are more 18-24 year old young people. More than 60% of voters are confident that the innovation will have a positive impact on the standard of living in the district.

In total, the land fund of the Far Eastern Federal District totals more than 600 million hectares. Individuals and legal entities currently use only 2 million. According to experts, 147 million hectares of vacant land are suitable for living and economic development. Thus, the plots will go to all Russians - as of January 2015, Rosstat recorded just over 146 million inhabitants in the country.

Conditions for obtaining, using and transferring ownership of the “Far Eastern hectare”

The Russian authorities plan to provide a free hectare of land in the Far East to citizens for free use for 5 years. During this time, you need to master it without necessarily moving for permanent residence in the Far Eastern Federal District. Also, for five years, land cannot be sold, donated or transferred to anyone. Only after the expiration of the 5-year period of use of the site for the purpose specified in the contract will it be possible to register it as property. Otherwise, the state will seize the plot.

At the same time, Russians will decide on their own what to do with free land. The only requirement will be the legality of the activity. For example, you can open a business or agriculture. This means that after 5 years the new building must have registered rights to the capital construction project. After receiving ownership, the hectare will still not be able to be sold to foreigners or stateless persons.

The developers of the bill believe that the greatest demand will be in the southern regions. For agriculture and manufacturing - Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region and Jewish Autonomous Region. For tourism and recreational areas - Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Primorye.

In addition, the location of the sites will be limited to 10 kilometers from cities with a population of 50-300 thousand (14 cities), 20 kilometers - with a population of more than 300 thousand people (Vladivostok, Khabarovsk). It will not be possible to become the owner of an allotment under roads, pipelines, power lines, in specially protected areas, mineral deposits, the Ministry of Defense. Moreover, they intend to issue land according to a simplified scheme, without cadastral work and placing boundaries on the area.

How to get a free hectare of land in the Far Eastern Federal District

Russians will be able to register free land plots remotely, without coming to the Far East. For this purpose, the authorities will create a special Internet service. The site will allow the user to form a future allotment, reserve and track the preparation of documents. That is, the citizen will not be limited in his choice and offered ready-made plots. This will eliminate corruption and applications from several people for the same plot. If there is no Internet access, Russians will be accepted at any MFC.

In general, you can get a “Far Eastern hectare” for free in 5 steps, four of which will take 15 minutes on the site.

1 step. Registration on the government services portal (

Step 2. Login to your personal account on the “Far Eastern Hectare” resource (nadalniyvostok.rf) using the issued login and password.

Step 3. Selection of the boundaries of the future land plot on the public cadastral map and its confirmation.

Step 4 Checking the generated electronic application, confirmation of sending to the authorized agency and waiting for a response. After receiving the application, the government agency will register the plot of land, issue an order on its transfer for free use and send the agreement to the applicant’s personal account on the website. Within 7 days the land will be checked for third party rights. If there are any, the applicant will be asked to change the boundaries of the site. Cadastral registration will take up to 5 days.

Step 5 Signing an agreement for free use of a land plot - no longer than 10 days. All processing under the bill is limited to 30 days.

In addition, Russians will be given the opportunity to book several sites at once for a week in order to compare and choose the one that is more suitable. During this period they will not be available to other citizens. In turn, municipal and regional authorities will begin to mark land development plans. As a result, the user will know where investment projects will appear, how industrial zones will change, etc.

Interim results on land development will need to be reported three years after its receipt. And after five years, a citizen will be able to register the plot as ownership (this is done free of charge) or lease for up to 49 years. For forestry, only the second option is provided, with the possibility of subsequent exclusion of lands from the forest fund.

Sale, donation, exchange and use of the received plot as collateral is prohibited. In the event of the death of a citizen, the rights to free use of land are transferred to his heirs.

There are no sanctions for site downtime.

How to apply?

Applications for free hectares are accepted through the federal information system “To the Far East”. To authorize it, you will need to register on the government services portal.

To select a site, an interactive map is used, which automatically calculates its area. Having decided on the location of the requested lands, the user can fill out a form and submit it on the website. According to the project curators, it takes no more than 15 minutes to complete the application.

Also, an application for a free Far Eastern hectare can be submitted by mail or in person at the departments of Rosreestr or any other government agencies authorized to provide land plots. In the application, you must indicate your full name, place of residence and contact information, SNILS, the area of ​​the requested land, as well as the cadastral numbers of the corresponding plots, if they are not yet to be formed. In the latter case, in addition to a copy of the identification document, the application will need to be accompanied by a layout diagram of the land plot - an image of its boundaries on a public cadastral map or cadastral plan of the territory.

In addition, applications - both electronic and paper - are accepted at the MFC.

The preparation of collective applications is carried out in the same way. At the same time, the areas requested by citizens must border each other.

How long does it take to process applications?

Consideration of an application for Far Eastern hectares takes up to 30 days from the date of its receipt by the authorized body. The authorities are given seven days to prepare a scheme for placing a land plot on a public cadastral map and enter data about it into the system. The draft agreement with the applicant must be ready no later than 20 days after receipt of the application. If there is no information about the site in the state real estate cadastre, government agencies are given another 10 days to register the property.

Why can they refuse to receive land?

The consideration of approximately a third of all applications ends with a refusal to provide land. The application may be rejected if the applicant provides false information about himself, forgets to attach accompanying documents to the application, or chooses land already occupied by protected natural areas, municipalities or the Ministry of Defense.

What benefits are provided to program participants?

The government has provided a whole range of measures to support those moving to the Far East.

Officials promise to provide assistance in employment, including at enterprises located in priority development areas. At the same time, citizens working in the Far North will be able to receive additional days of vacation, and their salary after employment in a new place will be calculated taking into account the regional coefficient. The same applies to pensions.

Entrepreneurs will be able to apply for subsidies, grants and preferential loans. Also, they will not need to conduct a state historical and cultural examination during excavation, construction, reclamation, economic or other work on the site.

“A hectare of land for every Russian in the Far East!” - the authorities said in 2016 and launched a large-scale project “Far Eastern hectare”. There were many who wanted to become owners of free land; they continue to apply for a hectare in the Far East.

Along the way, questions arise: how to apply for a Far Eastern hectare, how to register and formalize a Far Eastern hectare, and in general, a Far Eastern hectare - what is it?

You can find all the answers to your questions about the specifics of providing land plots in the Far Eastern Federal District in this section.

Here we publish the best ideas for developing a Far Eastern hectare that will generate income for the owner, as well as information about everything related to the concept of a Far Eastern hectare: map, discussion, website, community, support, reviews, etc.

We will tell you in detail about the procedure for registering and providing Far Eastern land, how many applications have already been submitted, where Far Easterners and Russians in general can turn for advice, and how to join the “Far Eastern Hectare” community. And also about who falls under the program for distributing free land, what conditions must be met, and what amendments have been made to the law on the “Far Eastern hectare”.

Here you will find the best business ideas almost on a turnkey basis and learn how to turn an ordinary hectare into a means of earning money, how much you need to spend on it and decide what suits you best. Maybe it will be a tourism business, a plant nursery, goat breeding or growing pine nuts. The choice is yours.

Among many government programs, citizens can take land for use. In order to change the unfavorable demographic situation in the Far East and accelerate the development of the eastern outskirts of the state, the government decided to attract people to the region by distributing free land.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

A law was invented and adopted that allows every Russian citizen to receive a free one-time plot of land in the Far East with an area of ​​no more than 1 hectare.

Main aspects

The fact is that most people from the Far East prefer to leave their native land and go to other regions to live.

In this regard, the East is increasingly losing population, which is a problem for the state, since its motives have always been to expand its horizons.

Photo: land resources of the Far East

According to statistics, about 6% of the total population of the Russian Federation want to take and use land, and another 7% are thinking about it.

This project to attract citizens to the region began its existence back in 2016, on October 1, and was intended to be issued only to citizens living in the region.

According to media reports, the project will exist at least until 2020, and wants to attract about 10 million citizens from all over the country.

At the moment, about 6.5 million citizens live in the Far East region, which is still insufficient to complete the project.

Initial Concepts

The development program for the Far Eastern region is called the “Far Eastern Hectare”. The essence of the program is to attract all citizens who wish to receive a hectare absolutely free of charge.

If at the beginning such an opportunity was given only to residents of a given region, from February 1, 2020, the Russian state called on every interested citizen to apply and apply for participation.

Already, the population decline in the Far East has decreased significantly, which indicates the success of attraction methods.

If a program participant receives land, he can use it for the specified period, but does not have the right to sell it, donate it or give it to foreign citizens, as well as any organizations where there is a foreign participant.

Who can become a participant in the program

Many citizens do not understand how to get a Far Eastern hectare for their children. Every citizen has the right, so children will also be allocated land, and their interests will be represented by their parents during registration. Also, there are no restrictions on the number of hectares per family.

Legal regulation

The Law “On the Far Eastern Hectare” has existed since May 2015, but was amended in 2016 and 2020, thanks to which every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to participate in receiving a hectare.

Law No. 119 Federal Law, according to which the state explains the specifics of citizens receiving land plots that are in state or municipal ownership:

  1. Every citizen can receive a plot of land if such a right has not yet been exercised.
  2. The resulting land may be located in the Far East region.
  3. The allocated area is issued on the basis of a submitted application from willing citizens, and is divided among everyone, but not more than 1 hectare per person.
  4. The plot is provided for 5 years, and after the expiration of the years, and in the absence of refusal, the citizen remains in free use, rent or ownership.

How to get a Far Eastern hectare of land

There are two options where you can get a Far Eastern hectare of land. To do this, you need to contact your local government and express your desire.

This procedure can be performed using an Internet resource. Many citizens submit applications in this way, since this option will take much less time.

Photo: what can be done with the resulting hectare

The website contains all the information that may be useful before submitting. A convenient and simple interface allows a citizen to get to know the region better and choose the place he would like to use.

If a citizen has already received land, an important condition is to begin to settle down within the first 5 years. Only those citizens who have a personal account on the State Services website can submit an online application.

Conditions for providing free allotment

Several citizens and relatives can simultaneously receive a plot of land for common purposes. The territory is allocated free of charge for five years.

After 5 years it can be rented out or free of charge. Land cannot be given as a gift or sold to citizens of other countries, foreign legal entities. persons and stateless people.

Within a year after receiving the site, its temporary owner must inform the authorities about the chosen place of activity. If necessary, it can be changed later.

The plot can be used for the construction of housing and summer cottages, farming, forestry and hunting, or any other type of business.

To receive free land you should:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • submit an application;
  • select a site and start any activity.

Registration procedure

Registration consists of 4 steps:

  1. Site selection.
  2. Applying for a free site.
  3. Attachment of necessary documents.
  4. Signing the contract.

To select a site, an interactive map is used and its area is calculated. Having decided on the location of the requested site, the user can fill out a form and submit it on the State Services website.

According to the project curators, it takes no more than 15 minutes to complete the application. In the application you should indicate your initials, place of residence and contact information, SNILS, area of ​​the requested plot, as well as the cadastral number.

In addition to a copy of an identity document, the application must be accompanied by the location of the plot of land - an image of its boundaries on the map.

Collective applications are prepared in a similar way. At the same time, the areas required by citizens must border each other.

An application for obtaining land is considered up to 30 days before the period of its receipt by the authorized body.

The authorities are given a week to prepare a layout of the land on the cadastral map and enter information about it into the system.

The draft agreement with the applicant must be ready no later than 20 days after receipt of the application.

Where to contact

Applications for free land can be submitted through the federal information system “To the Far East”. To enter it you need to register on the State Services portal.

An application for registration of a land plot can be submitted by mail or at the offices of Rosreestr or other government bodies that are authorized to issue land.

You can submit an application to local authorities. In addition, applications - both electronic and paper - are accepted at the MFC.

Step-by-step instruction

An important point is pre-registration on the State Services website, since without this account it will not be possible to submit an application on the official website for the issuance of land.

In order to obtain ownership of a plot of land, you need:

  • log in to the federal information system through the State Services portal using your account. If you do not have registration on the Unified Identification of Automation, you need to register and log in to the site. To authorize, you will need SNILS, or a phone number, or an electronic digital signature;
  • after logging in, you can use the “Map” section to select a site;
  • Having selected a site, you need to fill out an application and attach a scan of your identification document. If the application is submitted by a representative, you must attach a scan of a document certifying his authority;
  • authorized body for seven working days. days after receiving the application may return it indicating the reasons for the return.

Registration via the Internet

Becoming a participant in the program is very quick and easy if you do it via the Internet. To do this you need:

  1. Register on the State Services website. To do this, go to the website and fill out a standard form with personal information.
  2. On the Far Eastern Hectare website, you must log into your personal account using the login and password from your previous registration.
  3. There will be a proposal to select a region, select a site, and mark the horizons in a specific location on the map, limited to 1 hectare.
  4. After making your selection, click “apply”.
  5. Within 10 days you will be contacted and informed when to come to sign the contract and what documents you need to take. Cadastral registration will take about 5 days.

The site promises that the maximum review period will be no more than 30 days.

How to use the site

The state does not restrict people in any way. The land can be used for individual housing construction, summer cottages, vegetable gardens, agriculture, farming, business, etc.

The main condition for the site not to be taken away again is to begin to implement your plans within the first 5 years of use.

Moreover, it is not necessary to go for permanent residence here. The important point is to choose the activity and the place where you want to get the land, since each region is popular in different directions.

For example, many citizens choose the Khabarovsk region, as it is suitable for forestry, fishing and hunting, while other regions are suitable for the hotel business.

Knowing the purpose of receiving it is very important, since the state will need to make sure that you did not take it out of greed.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the program is that you receive land absolutely free. Every citizen has the right to receive, respectively, a family can receive 2, 3 or more hectares.

Getting land is very simple; you can choose its location. The land will become completely yours if any activity is visible after the expiration of the period.

The disadvantages of the program may seem to be the restriction on the choice of regions, but it is for these reasons that the state gives out land for free, and whether to take it or not is everyone’s personal choice.

The land being issued is very far from all populated areas and cities. The disadvantage is the impossibility of selling this land to foreigners even after registration of ownership.

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