The best job abroad. How to go abroad to live and work – in-demand specialties

Where to go to work abroad? A brief overview of salaries and countries where it is much easier to obtain a visa and work permit, educational program for guest workers from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and other CIS countries.

Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine have now received a visa-free regime in the EU. In Russia they laugh at him, saying that he does not give the right to work, although in reality no one bothers him to simply go to Europe with a foreign passport, find a job, and fill out all the paperwork.

Russians will have to apply for a visa, at least a tourist visa for entry. Or choose Turkey, Thailand, Israel.

The advantages of working abroad are obvious:

  • There is plenty of work;
  • Salaries from 1000 euros and above;
  • Payment in hard currency;
  • Throwing is very rare, almost impossible;
  • Address - politely;
  • Conditions are normal;

In addition, working abroad is interesting, it greatly broadens your horizons, gives you a lot of life experience, not to mention the knowledge of new languages. An ordinary person who has gone to work in Europe or the USA no longer wants to work for a foul-mouthed uncle in Ryazan or Kryzhopol.

Best Countries to Work

Türkiye. Ideal for Russians or Ukrainians who want to work in the tourism sector. This is work in Turkey without knowledge of languages, with training, accommodation and meals. There will be an opportunity to swim. Anyone who learns Turkish can get a job as a nanny, nurse or nurse. With education in Turkey, there are few vacancies, there is a lot of competition among the local population. The average salary is small, approximately $500 per month.

Germany. The best choice for all residents of the CIS, but a visa is required. Very high average salary, approximately 1500 euros. There is a lot of work, we need builders, drivers, finishers, factory workers. Germany is good because you can find dust-free work in transport with a high salary. You need to know German, at least superficially. There is little English in the country.

Italy. There is a lot of work, but the salaries are small. Italian is required, but the population usually speaks English as well. Italy is good for service workers, nurses, waiters, tractor drivers, drivers, couriers. Attractive for its good climate, excellent location, and low housing prices. The average salary is 800-1000 euros.

Poland. A very popular country among Belarusians and Ukrainians. The language is easy to learn, there is a lot of work, both in industry and in agriculture. The legislation is more friendly to foreigners. But the average salary is not so high, usually about 700 euros.

France. The most romantic country, but there is very little work for Russian speakers. Mainly due to the competition of local Russians who receive a French education, as well as Moldovans who speak 4-5 languages. France is good because English is often used. The average salary for a guest worker is approximately 1200 euros. But in Paris there are many vacancies for work that pay per hour, for example, as a nurse or to pick up children from school. That is, you can also find a part-time job.

Finland. A very popular country for seasonal work - harvesting crops, berries, and vegetables. A huge plus for Russians who do not know the language. It’s also good because groups are organized for this with accommodation, meals, and so on. Disadvantages - few people can stand it, you need a visa. Also in Finland, if you know the language, you can make good money as a driver, worker, or builder. The average salary for assemblers is 700-1000 euros; those who know the language and get a permanent job are 1800-2500 euros.

USA. There are all kinds of Work&Travel programs, but few manage to make money from them. It's better to go with a green card. There is plenty of work in the USA, the average salary is $2,500, but if you try and earn money, you can easily find one for $4,000. The downside is that accommodation is not cheap, and the visa regime is very strict. The advantages are civilization, opportunities, career.

Canada. The visa regime is simpler than in the USA, but still complicated. Very difficult work, no freebies. In the last 10 years, there have been problems with search, but it is possible to find a vacancy. The average salary is $4,000. Canada is popular for drivers, technologists, mechanics, welders and others - there is plenty of work in industry, and it’s still not like washing the asses of old people in Naples.

China. Work for Russians in China is usually limited to recruiting girls for an elite sauna. There are a lot of Chinese, they quickly learn Russian themselves, so they don’t really need our compatriots, especially for unskilled labor. But many find a place in trade. The average salary is 500 euros.

These are the most popular countries where you can go to work abroad. You can also consider the Baltic states, Romania, where salaries are already higher than in the Russian Federation, but it’s worth going there if you speak the language.

But to earn money for a business or a major purchase, you should only consider Norway, Germany, Canada, Finland and the USA. Working in other countries is not very profitable; it’s easier to go to Moscow or on a shift.

However, Europe remains a good place to gain experience, even in Bulgaria or Romania you can see civilization, since the economy there has stepped forward a lot in recent years (if you look at real statistics and not read pro-Kremlin media).

Probably every person at least once in his life thought about immigrating to another country. Someone wants to change their permanent residence permit in order to build a successful career, get a higher education, improve their health, or change their life. Below we will tell you how you can immigrate to a foreign country and not be deceived. We will also consider the best countries and vacancies that are suitable for Russians.

It is worth knowing that work experience abroad will allow a Russian citizen to quickly find a job if he returns to Russia. People do not always go abroad in order to occupy prestigious positions; sometimes citizens of the Russian Federation go and get jobs as simple laborers. In general, there are two directions that can offer foreign vacancies:

  1. Unskilled labor. Such vacancies are filled by students and people without education. Their wages are not so high, but much more than what an ordinary worker receives in Russia. Most often, such specialties are the following: garden worker, cleaning staff, workers in the service sector.
  2. Highly qualified personnel. Foreign companies are interested in employing qualified specialists. The highest paying fields are medicine and science. In addition, companies are ready to train Russian citizens for free.

In order to go to work in another country and find a job abroad, it is best to receive an invitation from a foreign company or an internship. The easiest way is to go to another state through an internship program, which is designed for students and young professionals. To interest an employer, you need to competently write a resume, indicating your best features. It is worth knowing that the resume must be written in English.

The most popular specialties abroad are:

  • Doctor, nurse;
  • Lawyer;
  • Engineer;
  • IT-specialist;
  • Manager.

How to go to work in another country and not be deceived

It’s worth knowing that you won’t be able to just go abroad for permanent residence, since simply no one will be waiting for you there. In order to move to another area for work, you must obtain a blue card, which is issued to all immigrants to the countries of the European Union. To get a job legally, you will also need a work visa.

If you are immigrating for the first time, it is better to use the services of an agency, which can be found in any major city. They will be able to select the best program for you, and will also contact the receiving party, and they will be waiting for you in a foreign country, and will also help you collect all the documents for obtaining a visa.

In order not to be deceived in a foreign area, you need to learn not to take people’s word for it. And before you get a job at any enterprise, you need to conclude a contract with the company, all the clauses of which must be read out. If you do not speak a foreign language, it is worth finding a translator who will introduce you to all the clauses of the contract. When going to seasonal work, you need to discuss your living conditions with your employer. Most often, such immigrants are assigned housing. If you are going on a long-term job, it is worth discussing the terms of health insurance.

You also need to pay attention to the following features:

  • the agreement must be concluded in two copies. One is given to the employer, and the second to you, it must be drawn up in Russian;
  • the contract must specify the working conditions;

In order not to end up on the street in a foreign city, it is important to worry about the place where you will live. If you are provided with housing by a company, it is recommended to check the living conditions several times and if something does not suit you, you need to tell the employer about it. If you are looking for an apartment for yourself, you need to check several times whether it exists and whether there is somewhere for you to come. It’s also worth having free money, since anything can happen in a foreign country.

In order to get used to a foreign country as quickly as possible, it is recommended to find a job that involves communicating with people. This way you can quickly get used to the new place and the people who live there. It is necessary to learn the language over time, since you will not be able to stay in a foreign country for a long time.

TOP 5 countries where you can go to work

First of all, a person must decide on the place where he wants to move. It is important to pursue certain goals that made you change your place of residence. Most often, Russian residents want to immigrate to the United States to make good money. But is this country really hospitable?

Listed below are countries that welcome Russian citizens well:

  1. Germany. This is one of the hospitable countries that is ready to accept Russian residents not only for employment, but also for permanent residence. It is worth knowing that you cannot work illegally in Germany, and this is a big advantage for immigrants. So, for example, if you do hairdressing at home, then this country is not suitable for you. You may receive a large fine or be evicted from the country. For any immigrant, official employment and work experience abroad are important, but you can build your own business at home in Russia.
  2. Spain. The state is more suitable than others for the immigration of Russian people, since it is easiest to obtain a place of residence here. If you purchase living space on its territory, you can live there legally. However, after 1, 2, 3 and 6 years you will need to confirm your status as a Spanish citizen
  3. Canada. The easiest way to get a job is in this country. Since there are a lot of residents from other countries and you can find Russian speakers. If you know the local language, the income of a simple cashier can reach $1,000 a month.
  4. Italy. This country welcomes people of different specialties, both low-level personnel and highly qualified personnel. Women's labor is valued most here. The advantages of moving to Italy include the fact that housing is provided by the organization, many enterprises have a flexible schedule and it is not necessary to know a foreign language. It is worth knowing that in the north wages are much higher than in the south. When moving to earn money, Russian residents should know that finding official work is very difficult.
  5. USA. Many Russians want to immigrate here. But not everyone succeeds. Only 2% of people who go to America to work can settle down and live there. The thing is that the consulate does not like immigrants who take away vacancies from permanent residents. Few people succeed in obtaining citizenship in the United States, those people who have achieved great success in the field of medicine, science and industry.

Professions in demand abroad for Russian immigrants

Various professions are in demand abroad. And it’s worth knowing that most people immigrate for average earnings, working in blue-collar jobs. Below we will list which professions are in demand abroad.

  1. Germany. This country not only receives highly qualified personnel, but also labor. The most common industries include electricity, electronics and mechanical engineering. Engineers are valued most in Germany. There is also a demand for builders who earn good money. If you do not have an education, then you can get a job in a blue-collar job and have a good income.
  2. Spain. Various specialties are in demand in the country, from simple operator to engineer. But you should know that there has been unemployment in Spain lately, and therefore you need to find a job for yourself before traveling. There is also a need for IT specialists.
  3. Canada. The highest paying professions in Canada include the following: medical staff, industrial leadership positions, managers, engineers. As we see, this country has a demand for highly qualified personnel. Also in Canada there is a demand for good chefs with extensive work experience and completed higher education.
  4. Italy. Most often, women settle for blue-collar jobs: dishwashers, waitresses, salespeople. 90% of immigrants occupy mid-level positions. There is work for men, but only during the harvest season. Also in Italy there is a great demand for animators to entertain children. But to take such a position you need to know the language perfectly.
  5. USA. One of the lucrative professions in the USA is the doctor, of which there is a large shortage in the country. But most often immigrants are hired as surgeons, dentists, anesthesiologists, and psychologists.

Interesting facts about professions abroad

The most well-paid specialty in foreign countries is a medical worker. The higher the experience and knowledge of the language, the more paid position you can occupy. For example, in Denmark the average salary of a doctor reaches 200,000 per month. Surgeons and psychiatrists are most valued. But in order to start earning money, you need to confirm that you have received a diploma and work in residency for several years.

If you are moving to the USA or another EU country to live with relatives, they must confirm that you will live on their territory. If you are accepted by another state, then you should know that for 5 years you will not be able to get back to Russia.

If you want to live abroad, then you can enroll in one of the universities, and then there is a high probability that you will be invited to work. If in Russia university graduates are released into “free swimming”, abroad they try to accommodate every student. The best conditions for applicants are in Germany, where education is even free.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in developed countries, for example, the USA, Canada and Germany, there is a great demand for medical workers, teachers, and engineers. Therefore, if you are a doctor or teacher by profession, you can try to immigrate abroad. Many people want to go to such countries, since they have special programs for receiving immigrants.

In the modern world, moving a person from country to country and changing activities is not something out of the ordinary. The question of how to go abroad to live and work has become very relevant in Russia for many reasons. The crisis, the instability of the economic situation, poor working conditions, difficulties in realizing one’s potential and satisfying ambitions - all this forces a person to look for a better place in the sun.

There are many countries that are happy to accept a variety of specialists from abroad due to a shortage of personnel or because of a not so rosy demographic situation, etc. But in reality, everything is not as rosy as it seems at first glance. In this article, we will outline all the nuances and difficulties that you may encounter when moving for permanent residence to another country, and also consider the most popular and in-demand professions, and give tips and recommendations for moving abroad.

Russians choose to emigrate those countries that are easiest to move to. Many states are showing interest in the flow of people who want to move to them and are simplifying the procedure for obtaining citizenship and employment for them. Therefore, when choosing a place to move, it is worth considering loyalty of emigration programs installed in a specific country.

For example, in Japan they believe that they have enough of their own citizens, so they are not very happy about new permanent residents of their country. And, say, almost anyone can move to Bulgaria for permanent residence. This does not require a large number of documents and special long-term preparations.

In any case, when planning a move, you should consider current political situation in the world. This is especially true at the present time, when a number of countries are extremely hostile towards Russia (see), so the residents of our country will not be welcome there and they may have big problems finding housing and work in this hostile state.

The political and economic situation there is always stable, without any changes or unforeseen situations, which is why residents of our country so often choose it to move and look for work. Over 2 decades, almost 200,000 citizens of the post-Soviet space moved there. For the following categories, moving to the UK is most likely and easiest:

  • refugees;
  • church ministers;
  • descendants of citizens of the United Kingdom;
  • talented and gifted individuals;
  • employees of foreign companies and firms;
  • athletes.


Special government programs have been developed there to help immigrants, which are among the most accessible in the world:

  • “Qualified Specialist” program;
  • immigration for businessmen, entrepreneurs and investors (see);
  • moving for family reasons;
  • assistance to refugees and special humanitarian programs.

The conditions for accepting new citizens there are similar to those in Canada. You can get there in one of the following ways:

  • on professional activities;
  • for education;
  • programs for relatives of New Zealand citizens.


A stable and developed economy, the absence of external threats and a high standard of living attract more and more immigrants to this continent every year. People go there in search of work, to develop business and find new business partners, to get an education and a new profession, and there is also a humanitarian immigration program. It is designed for those who, for a number of reasons, cannot stay in their homeland: there is a threat to life, health, or possible persecution.


Many people dream of moving there because they provide freedom in many areas of life. Relocation is possible in one of two ways:

  1. Direct immigration. To do this, you need to obtain a visa from the embassy. This option is only possible if there are relatives living in the states and ready to file the appropriate petition. Also, people with outstanding abilities, talents, athletic achievements or a desire to invest in the economy can count on moving on an immigrant visa.
  2. Indirect immigration. To do this, you need to come to the country on a tourist or work visa, and then change it to an immigration one. This process is longer, but quite accessible to everyone.

All countries are eager to welcome businessmen and investors whose activities will benefit the economy. There is also great interest in qualified specialists, talented scientists, athletes and other persons who can raise the prestige of the state and work for its benefit.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions for accepting new citizens in a particular country. Find out a list of all the necessary documents and certificates for obtaining a visa and residence permit, as well as study government programs for support and assistance for immigrants. This is necessary so that upon arrival you do not find yourself unwanted in a foreign country. You need to have a clear idea of ​​where you are going and what awaits you there.

The political and economic situation in the world should also be one of the key factors when choosing a place to move. A number of countries are in the midst of an economic crisis, so it makes no sense to choose it for moving, since it will not be possible to get a job there. The attitude of citizens and authorities towards Russians should also be taken into account. Not everywhere the residents of our country will be welcome. Problems may arise both with local residents and with representatives of government agencies.

Next, you should study the customs and mentality of the place you intend to go to. This mainly concerns eastern, Muslim countries. They have their own customs, their own laws and orders, far from those to which Russians are accustomed. To avoid problems with the law and with the indigenous residents, you need to prepare in advance and find out everything about your new place of residence.

It will also be important to find out the situation regarding employment in the new territory. You should monitor the professions in demand and understand where and under what conditions you can enter the service upon arrival. People who neglect this when moving face big problems, since they can spend several months looking for a suitable place to work, and in the end agree to any vacancy in order to earn money for living.

Professions abroad

The vast majority of countries are waiting with open arms for highly qualified, certified specialists in various fields. Such personnel are valued abroad and paid well, which is why many professionals from Russia move abroad. Unfortunately, in our country, many highly qualified specialists are undervalued, and they are forced to work for a small salary in a mediocre organization.

In a new country, such workers can realize their potential, especially in the scientific fields. There are no problems with financing there, and accordingly, payment for work increases several times. It is for this reason that at the height of perestroika and the collapse of the USSR, a large number of scientists, engineers, doctors and workers in other fields moved abroad from the union. Thus, there was a leak of valuable personnel abroad.

In the realities of the modern world, the situation has not changed much. Employees of companies and various government agencies leave Russia in order to get a more profitable job, find a well-paid job, realize their potential, purchase real estate and live without denying themselves anything, knowing that at work you are valued and your work is respected and encouraged in every possible way . Good workers receive huge amounts of money for their work abroad, which allows them and their families to live in complete prosperity.

The list of in-demand professions abroad in different countries is almost the same and it looks like this:

  1. Medical staff.

This includes doctors and nurses. The better your knowledge of the language and work experience, the greater the chances of successful employment and a high salary. The salary of junior medical staff averages $50,000 per year. How can this compare with the amounts that our nurses receive in district hospitals and clinics? Doctors get paid many times more, and if the doctor is truly a professional in his field, then there is the opportunity to open a private office and provide services on a commercial basis. The amount of income in this case will be fabulous.

  1. Engineers.

In Russia, this category of employees has a low income and is little valued. Abroad, especially in those countries where there are a large number of factories and developed industry, competent specialists in these areas are simply worth their weight in gold. Mechanical engineering, the oil and gas industries, the construction of military equipment and the aerospace industry are actively developing. For example, in Germany the salary of an engineer is about $4,000 per month. In a few years, this amount will be increased by 1.5 times.

  1. Builders.

This area is actively developing in all countries, so the need for highly qualified construction personnel is always and everywhere. The income level in European countries is approximately the same and is about 3,000 – 4,000 dollars per month. This amount may be increased in case of language proficiency.

  1. Lawyers, economists.

In Russia there are a lot of specialists in these professions, so it is extremely difficult to get a good, highly paid position in a large company or firm. This is all due to a lot of competition. In foreign countries there is a very high demand for such specialists, since you cannot find a competent lawyer or financier during the day. For example, in Italy, practicing lawyers are the richest and most successful people.

  1. Nannies, caregivers.

In our country, the demand for such workers is extremely small. Abroad, on the contrary, you are very lucky to find a good, conscientious nanny who not only has extensive experience in this field, but also has the appropriate pedagogical education. Foreigners willingly hire Russian nannies, caregivers or au pairs.

This is not a complete list of the most in-demand professions abroad. Sailors, drivers, animators and pharmacists are in great demand. That is why you should choose a country to move to based on the most necessary and well-paid vacancies.

The first thing you need to do is get a visa, if, of course, we are talking about countries where this regime is established. It should be taken into account that in a number of countries a visa-free regime has been established and a visa is issued at the airport upon arrival in another country. Some states put forward their own requirements for immigrants, so you need to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

In order to accurately determine the choice of the country to which you will move for permanent residence, you should visit one of its cities and temporarily live there as a local. This will allow you to accurately feel and understand the customs and traditions of the state and experience for yourself all the delights and hardships of living in a given area.

Before leaving Russia, you need to find housing in a new place and find a job. This will make life much easier, since these issues will be resolved in advance and upon arrival you will not have to rack your brains about where to rent or buy a house or where to get a job.

All people in one way or another try to improve their level of well-being. Some people want to work for their own benefit on the territory of the Russian Federation, while others, for various reasons, do not see prospects for further development here and seek to find work in foreign countries. So how to find a job abroad?

Of course, in some countries the income level of citizens is significantly higher than in Russia. At the same time, perhaps as a result of the fact that labor immigration to Russia by citizens of Central Asian countries is at a high level, many Russians cannot find work in their homeland.

These factors most often encourage our compatriots to go and work abroad. But desire alone is not enough; you need to know what to pay attention to first.

Skill level

If circumstances are such that you simply cannot find a job in another country on your own, then you have the opportunity to contact specialized personnel services. The views of the majority of Russians who want to leave their home country in search of a better job are quite optimistic, although everything is not so simple.

The fact is that if you are a specialist in the humanities, then there is a small probability of you finding employment in your specialty: there are quite a large number of highly qualified humanities specialists on the labor market abroad. But those who are not afraid of being employed in the service sector in a foreign country are not at all afraid of labor emigration. Before going to a recruitment agency, be sure to decide who exactly you are willing to work with abroad.

Minimum requirements for the applicant

Today, to apply for a job in foreign companies, applicants are presented with the following minimum requirements:

  • reaching adulthood;
  • international passport.
In addition, the proven and high-quality service of our partners will help you find out whether you have a travel ban, which will provide you with information about the presence of debt on loans, fines, alimony, housing and communal services, etc., and will also assess the likelihood of a ban on flying abroad.

Special student exchange programs also continue to operate. It is assumed that during the holidays students can travel to foreign countries and hone their spoken language there, gain new knowledge or master new professions.

Older people shouldn't despair either. Experienced specialists are the basis for the success and prosperity of any company. However, you must provide the employer with documents confirming your level of education and work experience.

The workforce of any country, one way or another, mostly consists of locals, but, nevertheless, no one refuses the help of visiting workers. The difference is how decently migrant workers are received.

Before going to the country you like, make sure that you will be comfortable there morally. Several factors play an important role here:

  • history of a foreign state;
  • culture;
  • mentality of local residents;
  • religion.

Statistics show that our compatriots most often go to work in the countries of Eastern Europe, which, according to the listed characteristics, are most related to the Slavs.

Special skills and knowledge

It is unlikely that you will begin to learn the language of the host country after arriving there. This needs to be done in advance so that when you start working, you already speak the language. This will make it easier to get involved in the technological process and start communicating with people around you.

The concept of “knowledge of languages” implies that you must not only roughly understand what your interlocutor is talking about, but also be able to respond to him instantly, that is, conduct a dialogue and adequately express your thoughts, as well as compose literate texts.

Employers in countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy and France greatly value foreign employees who are fluent in the national language. Therefore, if you speak perfect English and go to work in France, then this knowledge is unlikely to be useful to you.

Where to go to look for work

The list of labor migration countries that are most popular among our compatriots includes:

  • Great Britain;
  • Spain;
  • Italy;
  • France;
  • Australia;
  • Portugal;
  • Poland.

Once you have chosen a certain country, you need to start preparing documents for departure. Remember: if you are traveling to a country that maintains a visa regime with our country, you need to prepare an entry visa in advance.

Preparation of documentation

It is necessary to prepare documents for traveling abroad in advance. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, an individual will not be able to travel abroad if he is included in the list of categories that are prohibited from traveling abroad for certain reasons. Therefore, before leaving, make sure that you are not on this “black list”.

Once you are convinced of your honest migration reputation, begin to collect a package of travel documents. Its composition directly depends on the country for which you are applying for a work visa.

So, the following documents may be useful to you:

  • foreign passport (old sample or biometric);
  • birth certificate;
  • diploma of education;
  • an extract from the work record book or a certificate from the previous place of work;
  • medical insurance;
  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • letter of recommendation from a former employer.

Do not forget that after preparing the documents, you need to start the process of legalizing them for the country you are going to. Legalization in this case implies translation of documents into the required foreign language and their notarization.

It is worth paying special attention to the preliminary verification of debt to various structures. The fact is that your labor emigration will become impossible if, during customs control, it turns out that you have a debt. To check whether you have a debt, you need to contact the bailiff service department.

To save time, you can simply go to the official website of the specified service and, after entering personal data in a special form, find out your debt status. You can also find this information on the State Services website. But keep in mind that sometimes online information is not updated in a timely manner, so only personal contact with FSPP employees will guarantee the absence of enforcement proceedings against you.

Pay attention to the recruitment agency to which you plan to apply for services. To avoid becoming a victim of charlatans, be vigilant. Keep track of which states are offering you, and the work conditions under what conditions. If you understand that they are not telling you something or are not answering your questions properly, then it is better not to contact such “helpers”. Look for another service that will provide assistance in finding employment abroad at the proper level.

How to find out if there is a ban on traveling abroad for Russians: video instructions

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2017; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

Working abroad in our time is a completely achievable goal, and you can go to work almost anywhere if you want. But in this article we consider employment offers in those countries where our compatriots travel most often.


One of the most attractive is working abroad in Poland: the mentality of the local residents is close to us, and the language is not too difficult to learn. And most importantly, there is plenty of work: for example, electricians, masons, tilers, welders and representatives of other construction specialties are waiting here.

Those who speak English can find a position in the tourism sector. They also need packagers of cosmetic products, clothing sorters, supermarket workers, bakers and others. Seasonal earnings are also famous in Poland, where workers are needed for harvesting.


If you are interested in working abroad, pay attention to the Czech Republic. This country also needs construction specialists, drivers, gift wrappers, cooks, etc. Even doctors can get a job with a visa and work permit.

Competition, however, is much stronger here than in Poland, for example, because the employer will first prefer a local resident or a migrant worker from the EU countries, and will consider the remaining applicants last. It is also worth considering that it is not always possible to do without knowledge of the Czech language, especially when working in positions of medium and higher qualifications.


Working abroad opens up a large field of activity for construction specialists - just like in Lithuania, façade builders, painters and plasterers, concrete workers, reinforcement workers, plasterboard installers and others are needed.

Car mechanics, car mechanics and car electricians are also requested. Well, if you are a seamstress and are thinking about where to go to earn money, then in Lithuania there is a great demand for this profession.


Despite the difficulties associated with strict compliance with a number of conditions for obtaining a work visa, working abroad in the United States remains the most desirable among the majority of foreigners and our compatriots.

Highly qualified positions are in demand in the States, for example, doctors, engineers, programmers, teachers, but applicants without qualifications also have a chance to get a job: these are cleaners, waiters, nannies, maids, handymen. However, remember that almost all positions, even low-skilled ones, require knowledge of English.


A work visa is not provided to foreign applicants in Turkey, but having received a tourist visa and having gone through the legalization process, a migrant can work here. There is an opportunity to get a job in a hotel that requires receptionists, bartenders, maids, cleaners, waiters, sports animators, and tour guides. Some of these positions can be worked without even knowing foreign languages, since most tourists speak Russian.

But there is work abroad in Turkey outside of hotels: nannies, housekeepers, fitness trainers, salespeople, secretaries are needed - at least you can’t do without English.

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For some people, just the word radiation is terrifying! Let us immediately note that it is everywhere, there is even the concept of natural background radiation and...
Every day new real photos of Space appear on the website portal. Astronauts effortlessly capture majestic views of Space and...
The miracle of the boiling of the blood of Saint Januarius did not happen in Naples, and therefore Catholics are in panic awaiting the Apocalypse. One of the most...