Tire markings. Explanation of symbols and abbreviations

OKOPF stands for all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms and is one of the components of the national standardization system of the Russian Federation.

In 2014, OKOPF codes underwent changes and if previously it was defined simply as 65, today it consists of 5 digits.

The first digit of the code represents the classifier section:

1 – forms of commercial organizations;
2 – forms of non-profit organizations;
3 – forms of organizations created without the rights of a legal entity
4 – forms of international organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation;
5 – forms for commercial activities of individuals.

Second and third digit of the code is a type of organizational and legal form.

Third and fourth digit talks about the type of organization.

OKOPF was created on the basis of Russian legislation with the purpose of classification, structuring, identification and creation of a unified system of organizational and legal forms.

OKOPF codes are necessary to solve problems such as:

  • Creation of an information state register in the context of legal and organizational forms
  • When managing the economic sphere, including issues related to taxation
  • Development and planning of social and economic processes
  • Formation of recommendations for the effective management of economic processes

You can learn more about the correlation of OKOPF codes with types of activities here:


OKOPF code in applications for inclusion

According to the letter of the Treasury of Russia dated September 27, 2013, in applications for the inclusion or change of information about participants in the processes, and in particular details, you can use the following:

  • 2 09 03 Budget institution
  • 2 09 04 State institutions
  • 2 09 07 Institutions of the Academy of Sciences

In this case, OKOPF code 2 09 00 “Institutions”, applications are not allowed to be changed or included.

OKOPF code on the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

In the letter of the Federal Tax Service on November 20, 2014 under No.
SA-4-14959, presents the rules and procedure for entering the OKOPF code into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

In clause 5.5. It is indicated that the Federal Tax Service of Russia maintains the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on electronic media.

At the same time, such maintenance indicates the entry into the database of the unified state register of information that is prescribed in Article 1 of the Federal Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs.”

It is also worth noting that all data is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in accordance with the documents submitted during registration.

Changing the OKOPF code

Since 2013, OKOPF 028-2012 was introduced instead of OK 028-99, and at the beginning of 2015, all OKOPF codes were converted and entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.


Structure of OKOPF and its code

In OKOPF, business entities are any legal entities and organizations that do not have such status, as well as individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs). In order to classify the OPF of such entities, since the beginning of 2013, according to OK 028-2012, five-digit digital codes in the form X XX XX have been used (previously, according to OK 028-99, two-digit codes were used), indicating:

OKOPF section (first digit)

Sections provide OPF:

  1. legal entities, that are:
    • commercial structures (1 00 00): business partnerships and companies engaged in production, cooperatives, as well as state and municipal enterprises, called unitary;
    • non-profit entities (2 00 00): consumer cooperatives, public and religious associations, as well as foundations engaged in charity;

OPF type (second and third digits)

The first and second sections of the classifier are represented by different types of OPF, each of which is assigned its own digital value.

  • business partnerships that belong to commercial organizations are assigned the type OPF 10, so their code will look like 1 10 00;

  • consumer cooperatives as non-profit organizations are assigned type 01, therefore it will be 2 01 00,
  • institutions - 09, and the code will accordingly be 2 09 00.


    How to find out OKOPF by TIN?

    How to find out OKOPF by TIN? How and where can I find out the OKOPF code of my organization using the TIN?

    There is a website kodyrosstat.rf, where you can view/print all the statistics codes of an organization or individual entrepreneur, including the OKOPF code. An example of searching for an OKOPF code by TIN: Find your region in the list on the left, click on it - you will go to its page.

    Click on “legal=”” persons”=”” or=”” “individual=”” entrepreneurs.”=”” enter=”” one=”” of=”” three=”” values:=”” inn, ="" ogrn/ogrnip="" or="" okpo.="" alt="How to find out the code by okopf">

    Decoding code 65 OKOPF stands for all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms and is one of the components of the national standardization system of the Russian Federation. In 2014, OKOPF codes underwent changes and if previously it was defined simply as 65, today it consists of 5 digits.

    The first digit of the code represents the section of the classifier: 1 – forms of commercial organizations; 2 – forms of non-profit organizations; 3 – forms of organizations created without the rights of a legal entity 4 – forms of international organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation; 5 – forms for commercial activities of individuals.

    What is OKOPF

    What is it? To classify a business entity as a specific business entity, which determines its methods of managing its own funds and legal status, there is an All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms ().

    Find out what purpose it serves, how it encodes data, where it is used, and how to obtain it. The organizational and legal form of entrepreneurial activity (they are classified in OKOPF) is a legally recognized economic system that regulates the legal status of the entrepreneur in terms of ownership of property assets, as well as methods of disposing of these assets for established purposes.

    Classifier of all-Russian organizational and legal forms: decoding, characteristics and role in the formation of information resources

    Classifier of all-Russian organizational and legal forms: decoding, characteristics and role in the formation of information resources. The objects inspected are economic, individuals and legal entities that are engaged in business.

    The OKFS (All-Russian Classification of Forms of Ownership) states that all business organizations are divided into state, private, municipal, national and foreign types of ownership.

    What is the OKPO code and how to find it out through the Rosstat website using the TIN

    What is the OKPO code and how to find it out through the Rosstat website using the TIN OKPO is considered the main and most important code of the all-Russian classifier of aggregate legal entities. The current classifier was introduced on July 1, 1994 within the framework of Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1993 No. 297. Summary of the article

    All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms OK 028-2012 (OKOPF) 2015

    All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal OK 028-2012 (OKOPF) 2015 (adopted and put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 16, 2012 N 505-st) Date of introduction January 1, 2013 Introduced to replace the All-Russian Classifier of Organizational -legal forms OK 028-99 The basis for the development of a new version of the All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2006.

    The objects of classification are the organizational and legal forms of legal entities that are commercial or non-profit organizations; organizations created in accordance with the law without the rights of a legal entity, and international organizations, as well as citizens engaged in commercial activities or activities not classified as entrepreneurship by law.

    The organizational and legal form is understood as the method of securing (forming) and using property by an organization and the ensuing legal status and goals of entrepreneurial activity.

    OKOPF - All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms

    OKOPF - All-Russian Classifier of Organizational Legal Forms Classifier OK 028-2012 with amendment No. 2 dated December 12, 2014. Amendment No. 2/2014 OKOPF came into force on 01/01/2015 with the right of early application in legal relations arising from 09/01/2014. Quick transition to the classifier record by code: Adopted to replace OKOPF (OK 028-99).

    List of documents on the implementation, cancellation of the classifier, and the introduction of important amendments.


    What is the OKOPF code?

    The all-Russian classification of organizational and legal formations is necessary for:

    • Formation of information sources about economic entities;
    • Analysis and resolution of issues in taxation, property economics, statistical data.
    • Forecast of social and economic processes.
    • Improved regulation of economic activity.

    The objects under consideration in the classification are organizations that are commercial or non-profit. Such organizations mean the securing of property by an enterprise and all the formative legal forms in this regard.

    A legal entity, which is guided by the main motive of the activity of its enterprise as making a profit, proceeds from the method of securing property under a code. Communities organized on a commercial basis are called “commercial” - they create enterprises such as: economic entities, economic partnerships and communities, industrial activities, various unitary organizations.

    Farms are commercial organizations. Non-profit communities create such associations as: consumer, religious, public, charitable, non-profit, autonomous.

    Organizations that can create their work without legal representatives include such associations as: separate points, branches, mutual funds, various partnerships, district and city courts.

    International organizations that can operate on the borders of the Russian Federation include such enterprises as: intergovernmental, on the basis of an international agreement, private international purposes, financial assistance.

    The classifier provides explanations that are formed by the federal organizational and legal form, which is entered in form “A”.

    Code generation

    The code itself can consist of five digits. The codes are divided into:

    • 50102 — Individual enterprises;
    • 12300 - Organizations with limited functions;
    • 12247 - Public organizations;
    • 12267 - Non-public organizations.

    The code numbers are deciphered as follows:

    • The first number is the classification section;
    • The second and third numbers are the type of organizational forms;
    • The fourth and fifth numbers are the type of organizational forms.

    Main groups of sections of organizational and legal forms by numbering:

    • 10000 - legal commercial forms;
    • 20000 - legal non-commercial forms;
    • 30000 - organizations without a legal founder and leader;
    • 40000 - international communities;
    • 50000 - civil organizations.

    The table is formed from two blocks: code and name. Each block respectively contains a five-digit number and the name of the organizational form. A more detailed breakdown of all organizations will be presented below.

    OKOPF positions

    The following positions have been introduced into the classification:

    • Position 19000- “Other legal representations leading a commercial organization”, where all actions established by law and introduced into the Code of the Russian Federation are introduced.
    • Position 29000- “Other non-profit enterprises that are not included in other groups.” This includes non-profit enterprises that have successfully passed state registration control, as provided for by Federal legislation.

    For more convenient use of the classifier, all OKOPF positions are given in a separate Appendix “B” and listed alphabetically.

    Decoding of units

    • Divisions of legal commercial forms 10000:
    1. 11000 - “Business partnerships” - enterprises that include investments of participating share capital.
    2. 11051 - “General partnerships” - a business partnership that has turned into a full or “team partnership”. The parties to the agreement carry out work on behalf of the established company and are responsible for all the resources available to this company.
    3. 11064 - “Partnerships on faith” - a business partnership created on trust. The participants of the partnership include several individuals who are responsible for all losses of the community. Several participants or one legal entity are established, which are called “contributors”, bearing the risk up to the amount contributed by all members of the community.
    4. 12000 - “Business societies” are a type of auction company, but with less permissible opportunities and responsibilities.
    5. 12100, 12165, 12166 - “Societies with limited or additional responsible powers” ​​- commercial enterprises with property divided between several entrepreneurs. The capital established for contribution to the organization's fund is divided into parts or shares for which the risk of loss is borne within the amount of the share. In organizations with additional liability, community members are liable in a subsidiary mode on a joint and several basis.
    6. 12200 - “Joint-stock organizations” - enterprises whose capital is distributed over the number of shares that secure the rights of their participants.
    7. 12247 — “Open joint-stock enterprises” are joint-stock enterprises where participants have the right to limit their shares.
    8. 12267 - “Closed joint-stock enterprises” - distribution of shares among participants.
    9. 13000 - “Business partnerships” - the participants of which are both the owners and persons invited and approved by the partnership.
    10. 14000 - “Artels or production cooperative” - associations of persons on a voluntary basis for any joint activity in production.
    11. 14100, 14153 - “Agricultural cooperatives and collective farms” - the same as artels, only cooperatives were created for the sale and processing of produced raw materials.
    12. 14154 - “Fish collective farms” are artels created for the processing and marketing of fish raw materials.
    13. 14155 - “Cooperative farms or collective farms” - a cooperation created by main farmers who run subsidiary businesses on a voluntary basis. This includes livestock raising and land cultivation.
    14. 14200 - “Production cooperative” - participation on a voluntary basis with a contribution from personal resources.
    15. 15000 - “Unitary enterprise” - organization and management of a business without vested rights.
    16. 15100 - “State-owned enterprises” are unitary enterprises organized under the right of operational management.
    17. 15141 - “Federal government organizations” are unitary enterprises where property belongs to operational management rights.
    18. 15142 - “State-owned organizations of the Russian Federation” - organizations where the rights belong to the bodies of the Russian Federation.
    19. 15243 - “Municipal unitary organizations” - unitary organizations where the property belongs to them on the right that the municipal board itself is the operational management.
    20. 15300 - “Farms” - a farm created as a legal entity where citizens take voluntary participation in the process of manufacturing and marketing raw materials.
    21. 19000 - “Other legal entities” - farms organized by a legal entity under the law.
    • Divisions of organizational and legal forms of non-profit organizations:
    1. 20100 - “Consumer cooperatives” - an association on a voluntary basis of citizens, with identification of membership, to achieve the material or other needs of the organization’s members by the method of share contributions of each participant.
    2. 20101 - “Garage cooperation” is a voluntary association with the aim of meeting the garage needs of participants.
    3. 20102 - “Residential and housing-construction cooperation” - associations on a voluntary basis in order to meet the housing needs of participants.
    4. 20103 - “Housing and savings cooperatives” - associations on a voluntary basis for the purpose of joint savings.
    5. From 20104 to 20106 inclusive- “Credit cooperation” - associations of legal representatives that, on the basis of participation (membership) and on a local basis, are united in order to satisfy the credit needs of participants.
    6. 20107 - “Consumer societies” - associations on a voluntary basis on a territorial basis using the method of share contributions to satisfy the trading activities of participants.
    7. From 20109 to 20115 inclusive- “Agricultural processing cooperation” - service, supply, gardening, livestock cooperation. Participation is based on a common need to satisfy the processes of production and marketing of agricultural raw materials.
    8. From 20200 to 20300 inclusive- various public cooperations, which include the following movements: political, trade union, public, amateur bodies, religious organizations. These are self-governing organizations initiated by citizens based on some common interests.
    9. From 20401 to 20404- Funds, which include: charitable, non-state, pension, public and environmental. The interests of the organization are to satisfy social, cultural or charitable needs.
    10. 20500 - “Non-profit partnerships” - created to satisfy the social, cultural, charitable, sports and other interests of citizens on a private basis.
    11. From 20600 to 20608- Associations, which include: economic interaction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities of the constituent entities, credit cooperation, cooperatives, public associations, indigenous peoples, consumer societies. This is the satisfaction of the goals of citizens of a non-commercial nature.
    12. From 20800 to 20803 inclusive— Chambers, including: lawyers, notaries, commercial and industrial. This is an association of participants based on professional interests.
    13. From 20900 to 20908- Institutions, which include: autonomous, charitable, budgetary, government, public, private, academies of sciences, religious.
    14. From 21000 to 21003 inclusive- Gardening, market gardening and all dacha associations of townspeople. This is the sale of participants for the sale of gardening and land plots.
    15. From 28000 to 28017- Non-profit organizations, which include: autonomous, lawyers, state academies of sciences, state companies, state. cooperatives, Cossack societies, bar associations, mutual insurance, communities of small peoples, employers' associations, farms (unions), non-governmental organizations, homeowners, territorial self-government, non-membership organizations. All members are not obligated to respond to commitments, and the community is not obligated to respond to commitments from participants.
    16. 29000 - “Other organizations.” Territorial organizations record its registration according to the principle of location at the place of residence of the legal entity or municipal address. There are also partnership owners - an association of all owners of dwellings, premises, apartments or an apartment building for the management of joint real estate or a complex. Foreign organizations undergo a registration procedure under the article of the Federal Law.
    • 30000 - Representative offices of organizational and legal forms of organizations that were created without the right of legal representative.

    This includes various legal entities. persons: representative offices, branches, separate divisions, structural divisions, mutual funds, partnerships, district and city courts. These are organizations that operate without a legal entity.

    • 40000 - Representative offices of organizational and legal forms of international enterprises conducting their industry in the Russian Federation.

    This includes intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. Enterprises created on the basis of international agreement to solve international problems. Agreement is made by creating a charter or statute. It is also the coordination of all expenditures and efforts of the government in order to solve an international problem. Non-governmental international organizations are created with the aim of promoting international communication and cooperation through improvement in the political, economic, cultural, scientific, and technical fields.

    • 50000 - Representative offices of organizational and legal forms for the activities of individuals. All commercial activities of individuals or citizens that do not involve the creation of an enterprise. At the same time, the entrepreneur has the right to hire employees and operate autonomously.
    1. 50101 - “Farm Organizers” - activities of an enterprise without a legal entity. persons with state registration persons not related to entrepreneurship.
    2. 50102 - “Private entrepreneurs” - individual entrepreneurs who have passed state registration. Also for the activities of individual citizens not related to business, but registered.
    3. 50201 - “Lawyers” - registered law offices for lawyers who have decided to carry out the work process on a private basis under the article of legal practice.
    4. 50202 - “Notaries” - persons engaged in private notarial practice who have passed state registration. A notary can hire and fire subordinates, control income and expenses, participate in litigation and carry out other actions taken into account in the legislation.

    OKOPF as a body of self-organization of the population

    Since the organizational and legal form of economic entities (and not only) is officially recognized by law, there must be a way to regulate economic entities, which is the method of registration of OKOPF. Based on the fact that OKOPF can include any legal representation that can conduct its business without resorting to establishing a legal entity, in the classifier the code means only an individual code that is not used anywhere else.

    When an initiative appears from a group of people about the desire to organize a community body independently in rural or urban areas, the council must submit an appeal from the residents of this area at their place of residence. The appeal will be valid only if more than 50% of the population of the area wants to organize a community. As a rule, the leader of such self-organization is an initiative group that will represent the interests of all residents. The appeal is submitted in the form of an application for the creation of a self-organization and a protocol of residents at their place of residence. The application must indicate: the main direction of the organization and a list of willing participants with passport details.

    The issue of creating a body will be raised at the council of the local conference. If the creation of a self-organization is approved, permission is granted by the local council. But the council may refuse to create an organization with clearly substantiated violations of filing a petition.

    After approval by the council about self-organization, the community is legalized by registering it with OKOPF. To register, you will need the following data: a copy of the council’s permission, minutes of all residents, approval of residents, composition of the organization’s members. The village or city council then organizes legal assistance and regulates the established organization.


    Important points

    The OKOPF code is used by accountants of organizations and enterprises to determine the legal form of the company in the documentation.

    Along with this code, the codes OKTMO and OKOF are also used, that is, a classifier of fixed assets of the enterprise.

    Let us understand the specifics of using these codes, how they are formed and what they consist of, and we will provide a decoding of both codes with detailed comments.

    What it is

    OKOPF stands for a federal classifier of organizational and legal forms of enterprises, that is, the systematization of data by code is carried out at the level of all regions of the Russian Federation, and a unified database of codes is maintained in the state.

    Today, the OK 028-2012 classifier is used, which was put into effect by Rosstandart decree No. 505-st dated October 16, 2012.

    Systematization of enterprises is carried out on the basis of structuring business entities based on the organizational form that each company chooses in the process of state registration of the company.

    The objects of systematization of OKOPF are organizational and legal categories of legal entities that operate in the form of commercial or non-profit organizations, their individual branches and representative offices, citizens who operate as a private entrepreneur.

    On January 1, 2018, a new code also began to be used - OKOF, which stands for federal classifier of fixed assets.

    It refers to the federal coding system for making calculations for work and determining indicators for foreign economic activity.

    The key purpose of the code is to adapt the rules and regulations of the Russian economy to international requirements.

    The distribution of funds into groups in the updated classifier is preserved, but does not directly affect the calculations.

    This transition to new systematization rules was planned in advance and carried out this year.

    Because earlier during the crisis there were not sufficient resources to carry out transition activities.

    From the moment the new code comes into effect, accountants should be aware that the new depreciation procedures and rules apply only to registered fixed assets, and in other situations the old rules apply.

    The objects of systematization of the OKOF code are the fixed assets of an enterprise, that is, produced assets used many times or on an ongoing basis over a long period of time (more than one year) for the manufacture of products or the provision of services.

    Fixed assets are divided in accordance with the new classifier into two groups:

    What is its purpose

    Legal regulation

    Where exactly is it used?

    Further in the material we will consider the codes and their decoding, for example, OKOF classifier codes for the group of machinery and equipment, as well as for groups of intangible assets that are most often used by domestic enterprises.

    What is its purpose

    The OKOPF classifier is not required often; let’s consider the main situations when it may be needed:

    The OKOPF code is assigned to an enterprise during the state registration process. An organization can find out its OKOPF code by submitting an application to Rosstat or by filling out an online application on the official portal of a statistical institution. The extract is provided free of charge.

    Legal regulation

    The OKOPF code classifier was approved and put into legal force by order of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 1999 N 97 (further adjustments and edits were made to it).

    The new OKOF classifier was put into effect in January of this year by decree of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 No. 2018-st, its abbreviated name OK 013–2014 (SNS 2008).

    Since 2018, all accountants are required to use new codes; old ones are considered invalid; reports with old codes will not be accepted by regulatory authorities.

    All-Russian code classifier OKOPF

    In this section, we will understand the nuances of where exactly the OKOPF code is used, consider how the OKOPF classifier is formed, what categories it consists of, and how to decipher it.

    We will also consider the basis for forming the classifier and provide you with a clear classification scheme for enterprises and organizations.

    Where exactly is it used?

    The OKOPF classifier is a regularly updated classifier of organizational and legal forms of enterprises and organizations; it is required in the field of tax and accounting reporting.

    These codes are entered in the process of reporting on economic activities both on the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign economic activity.

    Video: the task of classifying fixed assets according to the OKOF classifier

    The OKOPF code has been developed and used to systematize and maintain databases for all organizational forms of enterprises in the Russian Federation that carry out commercial activities in the form of selling goods or providing services to the population.

    New OKOF codes are also important and are required for the following purposes:

    Code structure

    The objects of the OKOPF classifier are the organizational and legal forms of commercial entities.

    The code structure includes five digits that indicate:

    The basis of their formation

    The classifier was formed by the Rosstat institution on the basis of systematization and analysis of data based on the legal forms of enterprises.

    The basis for the development of the classifier was the forms in which an enterprise is formed and registered.

    That is, the presence of founders or the formation of a company or individual entrepreneur is taken into account, as well as the category of the business entity in which he plans to conduct business.

    For example, consider the most commonly used codes:

    You can find out your organization or enterprise code on the Rosstat portal; there you can also find out the code of any company or private entrepreneur by TIN.

    This OKOPF classifier identifies 7 categories of legal forms of organizing business entities on the territory of the Russian Federation:

    • commercial corporate enterprises;
    • non-profit corporate companies;
    • organizational forms of subjects without registration of a legal entity;
    • international organizations and associations that operate within the Russian Federation;
    • citizens as private entrepreneurs;
    • commercial unitary cooperatives;
    • non-profit unitary enterprises.

    Thus, legally, commercial organizations include the following forms of entities:

    • business societies;
    • full and limited partnerships;
    • joint stock companies;
    • consumer cooperatives;
    • agricultural enterprises;
    • developer organizations and others.

    You have read the material about the decoding of the OKOPF code, for what purposes and where it is used. We told you in detail about its structure and the features of the distribution of organizations and entrepreneurs by category.


Decoding tire markings

The description of each tire model contains columns "SIZE" And "INDEXES". In this article we offer you a decoding of these meanings.

Let's look at an example. In the column "SIZE" value specified 185/70 R 14, in which:

185 - tire width in mm., 70 - the ratio of the tire height (from the landing rim to the outer edge of the wheel) to its width as a percentage,

The lower this number, the wider the tire looks, the more “squat” and more dynamic the car. However, all these advantages are only good on dry roads with ideal surfaces. On Russian roads, wheels of the 65 series are already frivolous, and lower ones are simply madness, Norm: 80,75,70.

R- radial cord design, cord threads in the layers of the frame have a radial (meridional) arrangement, i.e. directed from side to side,
- mounting size of the rim in inches (1 inch=2.54 cm).

In the column "INDEXES" the indices of the maximum load per tire in kilograms and the speed index are indicated - the maximum permissible speed in mph, as well as additional indices characterizing the properties of a particular tire.

Below are tables of load and speed indexes:

It is possible to specify additional characteristics:

"TL"- tubeless tire,

FR- tire with rim protection,

RF, XL- reinforced tire with increased load capacity,

Letter "E" enclosed in a circle - European safety standard,

"DOT"- American safety standard.

Letters “M+S”“Mud” + “Snow” - winter and all-purpose tires.

"AW"- “Any weather” - all-season tires,

the same "AS"- “all seasons” (All Seasons).

Some companies use picture symbols instead of letters: sun, rain, snowflake.

The arrow on the sidewall of the wheel indicates the direction of rotation for rain tires. If it rotates in the opposite direction, then water, instead of being removed from under the tire, will be pumped under it.

In addition to all these, three more numbers are placed on the tire: week and year of manufacture,

For example “3815”

First two digits:

38 - thirty-eighth week,

15 - year of manufacture (2015)

The following symbols are used on our website:

In this section, we will help you understand how tires are marked and tell you what tire markings look like and what the inscriptions on the sidewall mean, as well as what the tire size is.

Tire size

It is written on the sidewall of the tire. For example, marking: 195/65 R15 91T

195 — this is how the width of the tire is indicated in the standard size, in mm.

65 — this parameter in tire marking means the percentage ratio of the height of the tire profile to its width (in our case, 65%). The parameter determines the height of the tire for a given tire width.

Please note that as the tire width increases, with the same profile value, the tire height also increases! The exact values ​​of size changes can be calculated using the “tire calculator"
The calculator allows you to calculate not only the external dimensions of the tire, but also the required rim width.

If this number is not marked on the sidewall of the tire (for example 195/R 15), then this value is equal to 80% and such a tire is called “full profile”

R— in tire size means the tire design is radial. Many car enthusiasts mistakenly think that R stands for tire radius. Passenger tires with a diagonal design are practically no longer produced.

15 — disk diameter in inches, i.e. the inner diameter of the tire (namely the diameter of the tire, not the radius).

91 — tire load index. This is a conditional indicator that determines the maximum load on the tire.

Using the table, you can find out the maximum load in kilograms at which the tire manufacturer guarantees that the tire will not collapse and will show the characteristics specified by the manufacturer.

Load index 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
335 345 355 365 375 387 400 412 426 437 460 462 475 787 500 515

Load index 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
515 530 545 560 580 600 615 630 650 670 690 710 730 750 775 800

Load index 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 116
825 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000 1030 1060 1090 1150 1180 1215 1250

Load index 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
1285 1320 1360 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900

Some tires say MAX LOAD(maximum load) and then the values ​​​​are in kilograms and pounds.

For minibuses and light trucks, special multi-layer reinforced tires with high load indexes are produced. And they are indicated depending on the load index - by the inscription REINFORCED(6 layers, reinforced tire) or the letter “ WITH» after the tire diameter, for example: 195/70 R15 C, (8 plies, truck tire).

T— speed index. This conditional parameter determines the maximum permissible vehicle speed allowed when using these tires.

Speed ​​index J K L M N P Q R S T U H V VR W Y ZR
Max. Speed ​​(km/h) 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 240 >210 270 300 >240

American tire markings

There are two types of markings for American tires.

American size designation.

The first one is very similar to the European one, only the letters “ are placed in front of the standard size P"(Passanger - for a passenger car) or " LT"(Light Truck - light truck). For example: P 195/60 R14 or LT 235/75 R15.

And another tire marking, which is fundamentally different from the European one.

For example: 31x10.5 R15

31 — outside diameter of the tire in inches.

10.5 — tire width in inches.

R- radial tire.

15 — inner diameter of the tire in inches.

Additional markings used by tire manufacturers

M&S(Mud + Snow - mud plus snow).

This marking on a tire means that the tire is specifically designed for winter or all-season use. All Season

— all-season tire designed for year-round use. Rotation

- a directional tire, the direction of rotation of which is indicated by an additional arrow on the sidewall of the tire. And Outside Inside (or Side Facing And (or Side Out Inwards

) - asymmetric tires, when installing which you must strictly adhere to the rule of installing the tire on the disk. The inscription Outside (outside) should be on the outside of the car, and Inside (inside) - on the inside. Left or Right

- means that the tires of this model are left and right. When installing them, you must strictly follow the rule for installing the tire on the car: left ones only on the left, and right ones, accordingly, only on the right. Tubeless

- tubeless tire. If this inscription is not on the marking, then the tire can only be used with a tube. Tube Type

— the tire must be used with a tube. MAX PRESSURE

— maximum permissible tire pressure, in kPa., RAIN, WATER(or the “umbrella” pictogram on the tire sidewall) means that these tires are specially designed for rainy weather and have a high degree of protection against aquaplaning.

If you still have questions about tire marking, then you can use “Your question to a tire marking specialist”, on the issue of wheel parameters, use the section and you can also consult by phone 518-30-91.

There are types of steels that have limited use. These include spring steel 65G. Its characteristics are distinguished by high elasticity parameters and wear resistance.

Chemical composition

The composition of grade 65G includes the following substances:

    up to 0.65% carbon (C);

    up to 1.2% manganese (Mn);

    up to 0.4% silicon (Si);

    up to 0.2% copper (Cu);

    up to 0.25% chromium (Cr);

    up to 0.035% phosphorus (P);

    up to 0.035% sulfur (S);

    up to 0.25% nickel (Ni).

Decoding steel

The letter G means that the main alloying element is manganese, and the number 65 is the percentage of carbon in the alloy in hundredths (0.65%)

The presence of manganese in such quantities increases the elasticity of steel and its tensile strength.


This steel is produced on the basis of GOST 14959-2016.

This document applies to hot-rolled and forged steel. In addition, it regulates products such as special rolled products, which are intended for the production of spring and spring products. This GOST standardizes the chemical composition of rolled products.

Manufacturers produce the following range of products:

  • long products, including shaped steel - GOST 14959-79;
  • calibrated rod - GOST 1051-73;
  • silver - GOST 14955-77.

In addition, metallurgical enterprises produce sheets of different thicknesses, circles, strips, rods and other types of products.

Analogues of steel 65G

As a substitute for steel 65G, you can use 60S2A, 9ХС, 50ХФА, 60С2.

Foreign metallurgists produce the following analogues:

  • USA - G15660;
  • Germany - 66Mn4;
  • UK - 080A67;
  • China - 65Mn.

Common parameters

The substances included in this material and its further heat treatment provide:

  • high wear resistance;
  • good impact strength;
  • tensile strength;
  • high resistance to impact.

The absence of a large number of alloying elements allows for a relatively low price of this steel.

To obtain the specified parameters, 65G steel is hardened at a temperature of 800 to 830 ºC. Tempering is carried out at a temperature of 160 to 200 ºC; this tempering is called high. Cooling is performed in air. Such heat treatment modes make it possible to obtain a product with a surface hardness of 45-47 HRC.

The technologist, when designing the heat treatment process, must remember that 65G steel and its analogues are not afraid of overheating, but when hardening is performed at the upper points of the temperature range, the impact strength may decrease.

Application of steel 65G

This steel and its analogues have found their application in many industries, for example, in the automotive industry, machine tool industry, etc. Almost 65G steel and its analogues can be found in any car, tractor, machine tool, ship, that is, in any equipment in which springs are used , springs, including disc springs, etc.

As a rule, spring hardness ranges from 40 to 50 Rc. GOST defines testing methods that are as close as possible to the real conditions of their work. During acceptance, spring products are tested for tension, compression, etc. Moreover, the presence of marks, scratches, etc. on the surface of finished products is unacceptable. The thing is that sooner or later their presence will lead to the appearance of cracks on the surface of the products.

Springs that are made from wire that has undergone heat treatment, which is called patented, or tapes of class H, P or B, are subjected to an additional tempering operation. It is necessary to eliminate internal stresses that arise during their production. In addition, such additional processing leads to increased elasticity of the finished products. Additional release is carried out in baths filled with saltpeter; the release time is 5 - 10 minutes. In addition, when tempering using electric furnaces, technologists must ensure that the products are heated evenly, otherwise internal stresses may occur.

Products made from annealed steel are subjected to hardening and tempering operations. In this case, tempering is performed at temperatures up to 720 ºC.

Springs intended for hardening can be placed either in heated baths filled with brine or in chamber ovens.

There are a number of technological features in the production of spring products from 65G steel. In particular, small springs are placed in ovens on special trays. Large-sized products on special devices that prevent warping; these can be pipes of the appropriate size.

It makes sense to note that, in addition to industry, 65G steel is used for the production of bladed weapons - these are special throwing knives and tournament swords used in historical reconstructions. By the way, it is in this area of ​​application that one of the disadvantages of this alloy manifests itself - low resistance to corrosion. That is why blades are lubricated with castor oil after use. Experts say that caring for bladed weapons can be compared to the rules for caring for Damascus steel.

For the manufacture of, for example, kitchen or hunting knives, this steel is not the best solution, this is due to a number of its properties.

  1. generation of information resources, including information about business entities;
  2. updating regional information resources, as well as cadastres and registers;
  3. ensuring compatibility of the information systems used;
  4. automation of processing of social and technical and economic information;
  5. solving the entire set of analytical problems in the field of taxation, statistics, economics, which are related to the disposal and management of resources;
  6. forecasting and analysis in the social and economic spheres;
  7. development of recommendations for regulation of the economic sector.

In general, OKOPF was developed for the purpose of coding and systematizing various organizational legal forms of business entities and unifying their names. It is intended for the collection, processing and analysis of economic information at all levels of management.

OKOPF codes for limited liability companies in 2019-2019

  • commercial corporate organizations;
  • non-profit corporate organizations;
  • OPF without legal entity rights;
  • international organizations operating within the Russian Federation;
  • OPF for the activities of citizens (individuals);
  • commercial unitary enterprises;
  • non-profit unitary enterprises.

OKOPF, along with other statistical codes, can be obtained using a special Internet resource - the Rosstat website (or its sub-resource). To obtain the necessary information, it is enough to know the TIN or OGRN of the legal entity of interest. For information on how else you can check a counterparty using the specified data, read the article How to check a counterparty by TIN or OGRN using a file of arbitration court cases.

OKOPF code: what is it and where to get it

This abbreviation should be understood as the All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms. The classifier is part of the Unified Coding System. Tax and financial authorities were forced to create a classifier to simplify the collection of information about business entities.

How to find out the OKOPF of an organization by TIN or OGRN? When registering an organization, this code is provided along with other identifiers (OKATO, OKFS and OKPO) in the statistics letter. If for some reason the identifiers were lost, they can be requested again. To do this, just enter the OGRN or TIN data into a special window on the official Rosstat page - the necessary statistical codes will be generated and printed.

What is OKOPF for LLC and its changes in 2019

The classifier data consists of 5 digits, for example, the OKOPF code for an LLC will be 1 21 65. The code itself is divided into three groups: the first digit means the section of the document itself (1 - commercial organizations, 2 - non-profit, 3 - without the right of a legal entity, 4 - international , 5 – individual), followed by two numbers that indicate the type of form of organization, and the last two – its type. It is impossible to calculate such a code yourself, so you need to look at the table.

Of course, it is not necessary for an entrepreneur to know all the classifier codes. All of them, first of all, are necessary for statistical authorities, which collect information about existing business entities and other activities. Such statistics will even help predict some socio-economic processes.

New classifier of OKVED-2 codes from 2019

You can select codes as follows: select the required section and subsection based on the description, and select the necessary ones in the subsection based on the detailed description of the types of activities. We only use codes containing 4 characters or more; codes with two and three characters cannot be used in applications.

The new classifier of OKVED-2 codes from 2019 is an All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, used to determine the codes indicated when registering LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, and is also used when changing the types of activities of companies. The classifier with decoding and detailed description of each code contains all changes and additions for 2019.

Classifier of all-Russian organizational and legal forms: decoding, characteristics and role in the formation of information resources

  • Position 19000– “Other legal representations leading a commercial organization”, where all actions established by law and introduced into the Code of the Russian Federation are introduced.
  • Position 29000– “Other non-profit enterprises that are not included in other groups.” This includes non-profit enterprises that have successfully passed state registration control, as provided for by Federal legislation.

The objects inspected by OKOPF are the forms of economic, individuals and legal entities that are engaged in business. The OKFS (All-Russian Classification of Forms of Ownership) states that all business organizations are divided into state, private, municipal, national and foreign types of ownership. State property is divided into: official and owned by the Russian Federation; and private property is divided into: property of private figures and legal representatives.

All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms OK 028-2012 (OKOPF) 2015

Legal entities that are non-profit organizations can be created in the form of consumer cooperatives, public or religious organizations (associations), institutions, charitable and other funds, as well as in other organizational and legal forms (non-profit partnerships, autonomous non-profit organizations, branches of foreign non-profit non-governmental organizations etc.).

Based on the method of securing property and the goals of entrepreneurial activity, legal entities are divided into organizations that pursue profit as the main goal of their activities (commercial organizations), or do not have profit as such a goal and do not distribute the profits between participants (non-profit organizations) .

05 Aug 2018 3234
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