Maslov Andrey Konstantinovich biography. Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory

The Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory is a regional division of the federal government body that exercises powers in the field of criminal proceedings and other powers in accordance with the law. Formed on the basis of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. It is a paramilitary organization. Granted the right to conduct a preliminary investigation. The department includes military, law enforcement and federal civilian civil service. The IC is not part of the structure of any government body.

Management of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory

Head of the Investigation Department
Bugaenko Vadim Olegovich

Maslov Andrey Konstantinovich

Deputy Head of the Investigation Department
Solntsev Sergey Alekseevich

Deputy Head of the Investigation Department
Kondratenko Alexander Pavlovich

Composition of the investigative department

First Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases
(on crimes against the person and public safety)

Second Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases
(about crimes against state power and in the economic sphere)

Procedural Control Department

Department of Forensic Science (as a manager)

Organizational and control department

Human Resources Department

Department of duty investigators

Department for Reception of Citizens and Documentation Support

Department for ensuring personal safety and physical protection

Media Relations

Assistant to the Head of the Investigation Department for Media Relations

Senior assistant to the head of the management system for information and static support

Senior Assistant to the Head of the Investigation Department

Senior Assistant to the Head of the Investigation Department

Senior Inspector for the Protection of State Secrets and Mobilization Work

Financial and economic department

Logistics department

In early December, Nikolai Shlapakov, an investigator of the investigative department of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory, was arrested as part of a criminal case brought against him for abuses related to an attempted raider seizure of a water park owned by relatives of ex-deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly Sergei Zirinov. The case was initiated thanks to the personal intervention of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexandra Bastrykina .

According to information received from Krasnodar, it was possible to reveal the circumstances under which Nikolai Shlapakov, without legal and sufficient grounds, opened a criminal case for fraud, which became the reason for the raider seizure of the Dolphin water park, owned by relatives of the famous businessman Sergei Zirinov in Kuban.

According to the claims of operational employees

Immediately after the arrest of Sergei Zirinov, in mid-April 2013, employees of the regional FSB Directorate Turbin and Kostin arrived at the Anapa City Court. In an order, the security officers demanded that all civil cases over the past 15 years involving, as they put it, “persons associated with Zirinov” be retrieved from the archives. As you might guess, these were relatives and friends of Sergei Zirinov, who own a business in Anapa. Having gained access to the files, Turbin rewrote their numbers and made copies of the necessary documents.

Having compiled a list of about 40 cases on economic disputes, Turbin and Kostin, in the form of an ultimatum, demand that the chairman of the Anapa City Court review these civil cases and make a decision against Zirinov’s entourage. It is noteworthy that the list compiled by the operatives did not include the name of the main person involved in the high-profile case.

Literally two weeks after the visit of the security officers from the city administration, almost simultaneously, the Anapa court received... about 160 lawsuits against everyone who in one way or another appeared on the very list of “persons associated with Zirinov” that the operatives compiled. At the same time, the requirements in all claims were the same - the ownership of real estate acquired over the past 10-15 years was disputed.

According to the lawyers involved in the “Zirinov case,” the demands were completely unfounded and should not have caused any special problems for the defendants in court, but in practice this was far from the case.

When considering cases in the Anapa City Court and in the Arbitration Court of Anapa, the judges hearing the cases openly told the defendants that in their cases they were required to make decisions against them, motivating this criminal prosecution of Zirinov and the need to “take away illegally acquired” property from his family. Moreover, several letters were sent to the chairman of the Anapa City Court, signed by the head of the FSB department for the city of Anapa, Mr. Kostin, where a categorical demand was made for the judges to make the decisions he needed in civil cases.

Turbin and Kostin went to the mayor’s office so that, on the one hand, complaints and lawsuits were initiated, and on the other hand, they visited the court so that these claims were satisfied. In fact, the Kuban “anti-terrorism fighters” initiated lawsuits... and they were satisfied! They wrote letters to a specific judge in a specific civil case, indicating what decision should be made in each case. At the same time, they were not at all embarrassed by the blatant facts of contempt for the Law and unacceptable pressure on the court. The claim of the swindler Paliya, who was recently sentenced to 13 years in prison, was also among those that the security officers demanded to be satisfied in the Anapa court.

In parallel, as part of the criminal case against Zirinov, by the end of April 2013, based on a single certificate (!) from the regional FSB Directorate, the property and bank accounts of more than 30 individuals and 40 legal entities were seized, only a few of which were related personally to Zirinov , the rest are in no way connected with him. The arrest was imposed in the most severe form - with a ban on operation, which meant the inevitable ruin of enterprises in the future. And, by the way, not one of the enterprises that suffered from the actions of the security forces became a “person of interest” in Zirinov’s criminal case, that is, in essence, the arrests were meaningless, which leads to certain conclusions.

The scammer cheated twice

One of the Anapa water parks, which became the target of a raider attack after Zirinov’s arrest, was initially built with money from SKB-Bank (Ekaterinburg), which issued a loan in the amount of about 500 million rubles for the Olympia-Star company, owned by Viktor Paliy. After the water park was built on Pionersky Avenue in the resort city, not a ruble of loan funds was returned to the bank. The bank had to start numerous legal battles with Palia’s company, and file applications with law enforcement agencies to bring management and shareholders to criminal liability for fraud on an especially large scale. At the same time, the bank began bankruptcy of Olympia-Star.

As a result, the bank reached an agreement with Anapa businessman Lashkevich: he repays the loan for the debtor, and the bank transfers to him the company’s collateral obligations to the bank. A little later, by court decision, Lashkevich became the full owner of the Tiki-Tak water park and later sold it to Sergei Zirinov’s father-in-law. Long before this transaction, in Moscow, when arbitration was considering the bankruptcy case of the debtor company at the bank's claim, at one of the court hearings, shareholder Viktor Paliy petitioned to terminate the bankruptcy procedure of Olympia-Star CJSC, since his company no longer had property ( it passed to a new owner), and therefore there is, they say, no point in bankrupting this company.

And soon the same Paliy, who had previously stated that his company had no property, filed a lawsuit in the Anapa City Court, claiming that the water park still had movable property belonging to the company in the amount of 200 million rubles, and demanded its return. In fact, the fraudster tried to deceive in this complicated case twice: the first time, when he built a water park at the bank’s expense and did not repay the loan, and the second time, when he tried to obtain compensation from the new owner of Tiki-Taka for allegedly illegally used movable property (pumps, various equipment, etc.) of a bankrupt company.

The story of this scam involving Paliya ended with the Moscow Arbitration Court declaring his company (Olympia-Star CJSC) bankrupt, and the Krasnodar Regional Court refusing to claim “movable property” from Alexander Galtsidi (Sergei Zirinov’s father-in-law).

The security officers were in league with the criminal

For the first time in the “Zirinov case,” a previously convicted businessman from Moscow, Viktor Paliy, appeared immediately after the arrest of the Anapa businessman. He came to that same Tiki-Tak water park and demanded a meeting with the director. In a conversation with him and his representatives, the uninvited guest began to claim that Sergei Zirinov owes him about 400 million rubles and that if this money is not given to him, then “through his connections” he will initiate criminal cases against Zirinov’s relatives and take the property by force.

As is known, Viktor Paliy was released from a correctional colony in July 2011, having served his sentence under a court verdict for laundering $40 million to Nizhnevartovskneftegaz during the reconstruction of one of the sanatoriums in Crimea. He was convicted in November 2007 and given seven years. Citizen Paliy returned from the zone on parole. In August 2013, he cleared his criminal record under an amnesty announced in the summer.

And then, in mid-August 2013 (the investigation into the “Zirinov case” was in full swing), several foreign cars with armed people drove up to the entrance of the water park in Anapa, who forcibly entered the water park building, driving the director out of his office. Citizen Paliy motivated his demands by the fact that he allegedly participated in the construction of a water park and invested his money there, which Zirinov’s relatives should now give to him.

The raiders said that now the owner of the water park is Victor Paliy. After the legal owners contacted the police, the strangers were detained. They turned out to be previously convicted natives of Chechnya and Ingushetia.

However, Mr. Paliy continued to demand money from Zirinov’s relatives. At the same time, he did not hide the fact that he was backed by law enforcement officers, to whom he had allegedly already paid about 10 million rubles “for support in the seizure of the water park.” After all the threats, the relatives of Sergei Zirinov decided to contact law enforcement agencies regarding extortion.

In September 2013, after receiving 7 million rubles, Viktor Paliy was detained in Moscow. During the investigation of the criminal case, it was established that employees of the regional FSB Directorate Kostin and Turbin provided support to Paliy. In addition, the chairman of the Anapa City Court was interrogated, who testified that both FSB officers personally came to him, demanded to see all the files on the water park, unauthorizedly made copies of them and insisted that it was necessary to make decisions in favor of the previously convicted citizen Paliya.

In the court materials of the “Paliy case” there is testimony from the first deputy mayor of Anapa, confirming that employees of the regional FSB department handed over a voluminous list of civil “Zirinov’s cases” that need to be appealed and this position must be supported in court. There is also unequivocal testimony from former criminal Viktor Paliya, with whom the Krasnodar security officers acted in concert.

The court, having considered on October 16 in a closed court session a criminal case accusing Viktor Paliya of committing crimes under Article 159 and Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, sentenced him to 13 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony.

In cahoots with a fraudster

In the story of the water park, located in the resort village of Nebug near Tuapse, the raider takeover attempt looked exactly the same, only instead of the criminal Paliya, the person involved in the case was one of the old acquaintances of the investigator of the first department for the investigation of especially important cases of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory, Shlapakov, however, also swindler

Adopting a resolution on December 7, 2015 to initiate a criminal case against a colleague with the rank of lieutenant colonel, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee A. Bastrykin confirmed that a statement on behalf of the entrepreneur G. Ivanov, who allegedly laid claim to the property of the Zirinov family, was in fact prepared and sent to the Investigative Committee in November 2013 years old acquaintance of investigator N. Shlapakov - S. Zlobin. The actions of St. Petersburg resident Zlobin, together with Krasnodar Lieutenant Colonel Shlapakov, were aimed at seizing another profitable object under the guise of a criminal case against a Kuban businessman, when the accounts and enterprises of the Zirinov family were arrested.

As stated in the official resolution signed by A. Bastrykin, the suspects agreed on mutual favors: one - Zlobin - gave deliberately false evidence to initiate a criminal case against the buyers of the Dolphin water park, and the other - Shlapakov - made an illegal decision to initiate a criminal case, without actual interrogation of G. Ivanov as a victim, drawing up fictitious protocols of his interrogations. A month later, investigator Shlapakov filed a petition before the court to seize real estate objects legally used and owned by the Zirinov family.

In a statement issued to the press, a representative of the Russian Investigative Committee emphasizes that the fact of a criminal encroachment on the property of the Zirinov family was established during the investigation against the ex-deputy himself. However, the Investigative Committee was forced to react when everything became obvious and obvious after numerous complaints and appeals from lawyers of the Zirinov family, including personally to Alexander Bastrykin. As a result, the swindler S. Zlobin was detained and during interrogations he voluntarily cooperated, willingly telling about the participation of investigator Shlapakov in the scam.

The actions of investigator Shlapakov, noted in the resolution, entailed grave consequences in the form of causing property damage to businessman A. Galtsidi (father-in-law of Sergei Zirinov - author's note) in the amount of at least 2.5 million rubles in connection with the illegal seizure of property.

It is noteworthy that the high-profile case against Anapa businessman Zirinov, whom investigators accuse of banditry and the case illegally initiated by Shlapakov against the owners of a water park in Nebug, was personally supervised by the 1st deputy head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory, Andrey Maslov.

Both criminal cases were investigated by investigators from the first investigative department, under the supervision of Maslov. In addition, he is a very close friend of Roman Turbin, the same FSB operative who appeared in Andrei Karaulov’s TV show “Moment of Truth” and in numerous newspaper publications on the “Zirinov case.”

In light of recent events, the connection between the arrest of Zirinov’s enterprises in the spring of 2013 and subsequent attempts to seize the property of the Anapa businessman’s family at the hands of experienced swindlers under the cover of high-ranking security officials becomes obvious. The “spin” scheme became especially clear using the example of the Shlapakov-Zlobin tandem. Lieutenant Colonel Shlapakov, being an employee of the first department for investigating particularly important cases of the Kuban Investigative Committee, whose head is Andrei Maslov, could not participate in the developed plan to seize the Dolphin water park in Nebug without the knowledge of his boss. Therefore, we can assume that the friendly Maslov-Turbin tandem was actively involved in all stories without exception of squeezing out the Zirinov family business, and it is Maslov who is the mysterious puppeteer who is still “running” Zirinov’s business in the hope of seizing his business assets. In any case, the lawyer's version Anna Stavitskaya, removed by the court from participation in the “Zirinov case”, has once again found its confirmation. Together with other lawyers, she continues to insist that the “Anapa case” was born only out of the desire of the Kuban security forces to seize the Zirinov family business, and the defense has no doubt that the jury will be convinced of this by the end of the trial in Rostov.

Alexander Sedunov

In early December, Nikolai Shlapakov, an investigator of the investigative department of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory, was arrested as part of a criminal case brought against him for abuses related to an attempted raider seizure of a water park owned by relatives of ex-deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly Sergei Zirinov. The case was initiated thanks to the personal intervention of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexandra Bastrykina.

According to information received from Krasnodar, it was possible to reveal the circumstances under which Nikolai Shlapakov, without legal and sufficient grounds, opened a criminal case for fraud, which became the reason for the raider seizure of the Dolphin water park, owned by relatives of the famous businessman Sergei Zirinov in Kuban.

According to the claims of operational employees

Immediately after the arrest of Sergei Zirinov, in mid-April 2013, employees of the regional FSB Directorate Turbin and Kostin arrived at the Anapa City Court. In an order, the security officers demanded that all civil cases over the past 15 years involving, as they put it, “persons associated with Zirinov” be retrieved from the archives. As you might guess, these were relatives and friends of Sergei Zirinov, who own a business in Anapa. Having gained access to the files, Turbin rewrote their numbers and made copies of the necessary documents.

Having compiled a list of about 40 cases on economic disputes, Turbin and Kostin, in the form of an ultimatum, demand that the chairman of the Anapa City Court review these civil cases and make a decision against Zirinov’s entourage. It is noteworthy that the list compiled by the operatives did not include the name of the main person involved in the high-profile case.

Literally two weeks after the visit of the security officers from the city administration, almost simultaneously, the Anapa court received... about 160 lawsuits against everyone who in one way or another appeared on the very list of “persons associated with Zirinov” that the operatives compiled. At the same time, the requirements in all claims were the same - the ownership of real estate acquired over the past 10-15 years was disputed.

According to the lawyers involved in the “Zirinov case,” the demands were completely unfounded and should not have caused any special problems for the defendants in court, but in practice this was far from the case.

When considering cases in the Anapa City Court and in the Arbitration Court of Anapa, the judges hearing the cases openly told the defendants that in their cases they were required to make decisions against them, motivating this criminal prosecution of Zirinov and the need to “take away illegally acquired” property from his family. Moreover, several letters were sent to the chairman of the Anapa City Court, signed by the head of the FSB department for the city of Anapa, Mr. Kostin, where a categorical demand was made for the judges to make the decisions he needed in civil cases.

Turbin and Kostin went to the mayor’s office so that, on the one hand, complaints and lawsuits were initiated, and on the other hand, they visited the court so that these claims were satisfied. In fact, the Kuban “anti-terrorism fighters” initiated lawsuits... and they were satisfied! They wrote letters to a specific judge in a specific civil case, indicating what decision should be made in each case. At the same time, they were not at all embarrassed by the blatant facts of contempt for the Law and unacceptable pressure on the court. The claim of the swindler Paliya, who was recently sentenced to 13 years in prison, was also among those that the security officers demanded to be satisfied in the Anapa court.

In parallel, as part of the criminal case against Zirinov, by the end of April 2013, based on a single certificate (!) from the regional FSB Directorate, the property and bank accounts of more than 30 individuals and 40 legal entities were seized, only a few of which were related personally to Zirinov , the rest are in no way connected with him. The arrest was imposed in the most severe form - with a ban on operation, which meant the inevitable ruin of enterprises in the future. And, by the way, not one of the enterprises that suffered from the actions of the security forces became a “person of interest” in Zirinov’s criminal case, that is, in essence, the arrests were meaningless, which leads to certain conclusions.

The scammer cheated twice

One of the Anapa water parks, which became the target of a raider attack after Zirinov’s arrest, was initially built with money from SKB-Bank (Ekaterinburg), which issued a loan in the amount of about 500 million rubles for the Olympia-Star company, owned by Viktor Paliy. After the water park was built on Pionersky Avenue in the resort city, not a ruble of loan funds was returned to the bank. The bank had to start numerous legal battles with Palia’s company, and file applications with law enforcement agencies to bring management and shareholders to criminal liability for fraud on an especially large scale. At the same time, the bank began bankruptcy of Olympia-Star.

As a result, the bank reached an agreement with Anapa businessman Lashkevich: he repays the loan for the debtor, and the bank transfers to him the company’s collateral obligations to the bank. A little later, by court decision, Lashkevich became the full owner of the Tiki-Tak water park and later sold it to Sergei Zirinov’s father-in-law. Long before this transaction, in Moscow, when arbitration was considering the bankruptcy case of the debtor company at the bank's claim, at one of the court hearings, shareholder Viktor Paliy petitioned to terminate the bankruptcy procedure of Olympia-Star CJSC, since his company no longer had property ( it passed to a new owner), and therefore there is, they say, no point in bankrupting this company.

And soon the same Paliy, who had previously stated that his company had no property, filed a lawsuit in the Anapa City Court, claiming that the water park still had movable property belonging to the company in the amount of 200 million rubles, and demanded its return. In fact, the fraudster tried to deceive in this complicated case twice: the first time, when he built a water park at the bank’s expense and did not repay the loan, and the second time, when he tried to obtain compensation from the new owner of Tiki-Taka for allegedly illegally used movable property (pumps, various equipment, etc.) of a bankrupt company.

The story of this scam involving Paliya ended with the Moscow Arbitration Court declaring his company (Olympia-Star CJSC) bankrupt, and the Krasnodar Regional Court refusing to claim “movable property” from Alexander Galtsidi (Sergei Zirinov’s father-in-law).

The security officers were in league with the criminal

For the first time in the “Zirinov case,” a previously convicted businessman from Moscow, Viktor Paliy, appeared immediately after the arrest of the Anapa businessman. He came to that same Tiki-Tak water park and demanded a meeting with the director. In a conversation with him and his representatives, the uninvited guest began to claim that Sergei Zirinov owes him about 400 million rubles and that if this money is not given to him, then “through his connections” he will initiate criminal cases against Zirinov’s relatives and take the property by force.

As is known, Viktor Paliy was released from a correctional colony in July 2011, having served his sentence under a court verdict for laundering $40 million to Nizhnevartovskneftegaz during the reconstruction of one of the sanatoriums in Crimea. He was convicted in November 2007 and given seven years. Citizen Paliy returned from the zone on parole. In August 2013, he cleared his criminal record under an amnesty announced in the summer.

And then, in mid-August 2013 (the investigation into the “Zirinov case” was in full swing), several foreign cars with armed people drove up to the entrance of the water park in Anapa, who forcibly entered the water park building, driving the director out of his office. Citizen Paliy motivated his demands by the fact that he allegedly participated in the construction of a water park and invested his money there, which Zirinov’s relatives should now give to him.

The raiders said that now the owner of the water park is Victor Paliy. After the legal owners contacted the police, the strangers were detained. They turned out to be previously convicted natives of Chechnya and Ingushetia.

However, Mr. Paliy continued to demand money from Zirinov’s relatives. At the same time, he did not hide the fact that he was backed by law enforcement officers, to whom he had allegedly already paid about 10 million rubles “for support in the seizure of the water park.” After all the threats, the relatives of Sergei Zirinov decided to contact law enforcement agencies regarding extortion.

In September 2013, after receiving 7 million rubles, Viktor Paliy was detained in Moscow. During the investigation of the criminal case, it was established that employees of the regional FSB Directorate Kostin and Turbin provided support to Paliy. In addition, the chairman of the Anapa City Court was interrogated, who testified that both FSB officers personally came to him, demanded to see all the files on the water park, unauthorizedly made copies of them and insisted that it was necessary to make decisions in favor of the previously convicted citizen Paliya.

In the court materials of the “Paliy case” there is testimony from the first deputy mayor of Anapa, confirming that employees of the regional FSB department handed over a voluminous list of civil “Zirinov’s cases” that need to be appealed and this position must be supported in court. There is also unequivocal testimony from former criminal Viktor Paliya, with whom the Krasnodar security officers acted in concert.

The court, having considered on October 16 in a closed court session a criminal case accusing Viktor Paliya of committing crimes under Article 159 and Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, sentenced him to 13 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony.

In cahoots with a fraudster

In the story of the water park, located in the resort village of Nebug near Tuapse, the raider takeover attempt looked exactly the same, only instead of the criminal Paliya, the person involved in the case was one of the old acquaintances of the investigator of the first department for the investigation of especially important cases of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory, Shlapakov, however, also swindler

Adopting a resolution on December 7, 2015 to initiate a criminal case against a colleague with the rank of lieutenant colonel, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee A. Bastrykin confirmed that a statement on behalf of the entrepreneur G. Ivanov, who allegedly laid claim to the property of the Zirinov family, was in fact prepared and sent to the Investigative Committee in November 2013 years old acquaintance of investigator N. Shlapakov - S. Zlobin. The actions of St. Petersburg resident Zlobin, together with Krasnodar Lieutenant Colonel Shlapakov, were aimed at seizing another profitable object under the guise of a criminal case against a Kuban businessman, when the accounts and enterprises of the Zirinov family were arrested.

As stated in the official resolution signed by A. Bastrykin, the suspects agreed on mutual favors: one - Zlobin - gave deliberately false evidence to initiate a criminal case against the buyers of the Dolphin water park, and the other - Shlapakov - made an illegal decision to initiate a criminal case, without actual interrogation of G. Ivanov as a victim, drawing up fictitious protocols of his interrogations. A month later, investigator Shlapakov filed a petition before the court to seize real estate objects legally used and owned by the Zirinov family.

In a statement issued to the press, a representative of the Russian Investigative Committee emphasizes that the fact of a criminal encroachment on the property of the Zirinov family was established during the investigation against the ex-deputy himself. However, the Investigative Committee was forced to react when everything became obvious and obvious after numerous complaints and appeals from lawyers of the Zirinov family, including personally to Alexander Bastrykin. As a result, the swindler S. Zlobin was detained and during interrogations he voluntarily cooperated, willingly telling about the participation of investigator Shlapakov in the scam.

The actions of investigator Shlapakov, noted in the resolution, entailed grave consequences in the form of causing property damage to businessman A. Galtsidi (father-in-law of Sergei Zirinov - author's note) in the amount of at least 2.5 million rubles in connection with the illegal seizure of property.

It is noteworthy that the high-profile case against Anapa businessman Zirinov, whom investigators accuse of banditry and the case illegally initiated by Shlapakov against the owners of a water park in Nebug, was personally supervised by the 1st deputy head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory, Andrey Maslov.

Both criminal cases were investigated by investigators from the first investigative department, under the supervision of Maslov. In addition, he is a very close friend of Roman Turbin, the same FSB operative who appeared in Andrei Karaulov’s TV show “Moment of Truth” and in numerous newspaper publications on the “Zirinov case.”

In light of recent events, the connection between the arrest of Zirinov’s enterprises in the spring of 2013 and subsequent attempts to seize the property of the Anapa businessman’s family at the hands of experienced swindlers under the cover of high-ranking security officials becomes obvious. The “spin” scheme became especially clear using the example of the Shlapakov-Zlobin tandem. Lieutenant Colonel Shlapakov, being an employee of the first department for investigating particularly important cases of the Kuban Investigative Committee, whose head is Andrei Maslov, could not participate in the developed plan to seize the Dolphin water park in Nebug without the knowledge of his boss. Therefore, we can assume that the friendly Maslov-Turbin tandem was actively involved in all stories without exception of squeezing out the Zirinov family business, and it is Maslov who is the mysterious puppeteer who is still “running” Zirinov’s business in the hope of seizing his business assets. In any case, the lawyer's version Anna Stavitskaya, removed by the court from participation in the “Zirinov case”, has once again found its confirmation. Together with other lawyers, she continues to insist that the “Anapa case” was born only out of the desire of the Kuban security forces to seize the Zirinov family business, and the defense has no doubt that the jury will be convinced of this by the end of the trial in Rostov.

Alexander Sedunov
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