Maternity capital size is the exact amount. How much is maternity capital: amount and details of registration

In 2014, the Maternity Capital program continues to operate. This program provides financial assistance to families into which a second or subsequent child was born or adopted.

It is important to remember that each family has the right to use maternity capital only once, that is, if in 2014 a child is born (or adopted) into the family, who is, for example, the third or subsequent one, the family will be able to receive family capital if previously I didn’t register it for my second child.

After the issue of abolishing maternity capital, raised in the Government of the Russian Federation at the end of 2014, it was decided to maintain funding for 2015 and 2016.

Size and indexing

The size of maternity capital changes annually. In 2007, when the program was just being implemented, the amount of capital was equal to 250,000 rubles, but inflation and rising prices do not allow leaving the amount the same. Below is a table of the increase in capital for all years of its validity.

2007 250000 12
2008 276250 12 10,5
2009 312162 13 13
2010 343378 9 10
2011 365698 9 6,5
2012 387640 6,5 6
2013 408960 6 5,4
2014 429 408 5 5

In 2014, the amount of maternity capital is equal to 429,408 rubles, that is, the indexation percentage compared to 2013 will be 5%, the indexation coefficient will be 1.05. This is quite consistent with the expected official inflation rate in our country.

Duration of the program

As already mentioned, the Maternity Capital program began its operation in 2007. In 2014, the program will accordingly be extended and will end on December 31, 2016. It is this date that is stated in the law on maternity capital as the final date.

After 2016, this form of state support for families with children will not exhaust itself, but it may be modified and addressed only to the most needy regions, where the birth of a second and subsequent children can seriously undermine the family budget.

In addition, it is proposed to continue to provide assistance to low-income families throughout the country who simply cannot raise children without government support.

What changes are expected in 2014

In 2014, no significant changes are expected in the Maternity Capital program. The only thing that can be expected is an amendment to the law on maternity capital regarding the possibility of directing capital funds to improve housing conditions without waiting for the baby’s third birthday (or the expiration of a three-year period from the date of adoption of the child). Deputies of the Tyumen Regional Duma are going to submit this proposal to the State Duma.

  • Currently, in order to use capital funds, families must wait for a period established by law. three year term.
  • The exception is the use of capital for repayment of previously issued housing loan, when the capital can be used almost immediately after receiving the appropriate certificate (which is received at any time after the birth of the baby or his adoption).

It is important to note that the aforementioned bill uses the phrase “reliable parents” - it is planned to issue capital to such parents immediately after the birth or adoption of a child. Guardianship and trusteeship authorities are invited to judge the “reliability” of parents.

The bill on payment of family capital for the birth of the first child was rejected by the State Duma. The main argument was that the corresponding expenses were not included in the budget.

A bill was also introduced into the State Duma to create special accounts for all holders of maternity capital certificates to further receive interest on the capital located in such an account. The capital itself will not be allowed to be withdrawn. It can be spent on already established areas of using family capital.

Bills on the possibility of using capital funds for the education of parents (now it is possible to spend capital exclusively on the education of children), as well as on the possibility of using funds allocated to the family by law for the treatment of children, may be considered in 2014.

What will remain the same

The following will remain unchanged in the Maternity Capital program:

  1. The ability to use capital funds in ways that are already familiar to everyone directions:
    • to improve living conditions (to purchase a house or apartment, build a house, reconstruct a house with a mandatory increase in the total living area of ​​the house);
    • for children to receive education, for the formation of the funded part of the mother’s pension.
  2. List of subjects eligible to receive maternity capital, which includes:
    • women who gave birth/adopted a second or subsequent child;
    • men who are the sole adoptive parents of a second or subsequent child;
    • father/adoptive parent of the second or subsequent child, if the child’s mother/adoptive parent has lost the right to capital;
    • directly the child himself, if his parents/adoptive parents have lost the right to receive capital.
  3. Requirements requirements for entities applying for capital:
    • presence of Russian citizenship;
    • timing of birth/adoption.

To stimulate the birth rate, the Russian government in 2007 introduced another payment to families with children. This one-time payment does not provide for receiving real money in hand, but, nevertheless, it is a significant support for the financial condition of the family, the ability of parents to make a serious contribution to the education of their children, and the creation of favorable living conditions. So, let’s learn more specifically about maternity capital and the features of its use.

Briefly about maternity capital

This social assistance requires obtaining a special Certificate. Since the introduction of the new type of assistance to families, its size has constantly increased. However, you need to know that the annual increase in the amount of maternity capital does not provide for the replacement of the Certificate itself. So, if your child was born last year, then you received this document, and this year the amount of capital has increased significantly, then you do not need to change the Certificate.

As for the deadlines for applying for this document to the Pension Fund with the corresponding application, they are not limited. This application can be submitted at any convenient time within three years from the date of birth or adoption of the baby. Parents should know that maternity capital is not subject to traditional personal income tax. This social assistance is guaranteed by the state not to a specific child, but to the parents, that is, his family, which independently decides on what needs, within the framework specified in the legislation, these non-cash funds can be spent.

Amount of maternity capital payments

Let us recall that such a social innovation as maternity capital has been in effect in the Russian Federation since 2007. The right to receive it, according to the law, is given to the families into which the child is born (the third child and subsequent children, in the case where the parents did not exercise this right for the second child).

The amount of maternity capital in 2014 is equal to 429 thousand 408 rubles 50 kopecks. Let us recall that this social payment in 2007 started at 250 thousand, and in 2013 it was already 408,960 rubles.

It should be noted that owners of the Certificate who have already managed to dispose of part of it, the remaining amount increases automatically, taking into account the rise in inflation.

Who is eligible to receive maternity capital?

So, who can exercise their right to this significant social guarantee:

  1. A woman, a citizen of Russia, who gave birth to or adopted a second, third child or subsequent children during the period from January 1, 2007.
  2. A man, a citizen of Russia, the only adoptive parent of the second or subsequent children, provided that the court decision on this adoption came into force on January 1, 2007.
  3. The father or adoptive parent, regardless of the presence of Russian citizenship, in the event of termination of the right to state support of a woman who died or was deprived of her parental rights to a child, the birth of which gave her the right to maternity capital.
  4. A minor child or children in equal shares, a hospital student child or children under the age of 23, if the right to state support measures for the father, adoptive parent, woman who is the only parent or adoptive parent has been terminated in cases provided for by law.

Confirmation of the right to maternity capital is the issuance of a certificate of the appropriate form.

Registration of a Maternity Capital Certificate

This document, according to the law, is drawn up and issued by the local administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. For a completed application of the established form with a request to issue a state Certificate for maternity capital, you need to prepare a package of documents.

Your application will be considered within a month from the date of submission, then within five days the applicant receives notification of the decision made (issuance or refusal of a Certificate). After this (subject to a positive decision), the Certificate will be issued to you by the same body of the Pension Fund.

The following documents must also be submitted with the application:

  1. A document that proves the identity and Russian citizenship of the applicant.
  2. Documents that confirm the birth or adoption of children.
  3. Documents confirming that the child has Russian citizenship. This is his birth certificate, which indicates the citizenship of the parents or there is a stamp from the passport and visa service about the Russian citizenship of the child.

Sometimes, when issuing a Certificate, situations arise when there is a need to confirm the death of a woman who gave birth or adopted babies; declaring her dead; deprivation of this woman's parental rights; the mother commits a crime that relates to crimes against her child; death of parents or adoptive parents.

Using maternity capital to improve housing conditions

Russian legislation stipulates that maternity capital as non-cash funds can be disposed of only after the child, in connection with whose birth the parents received this right, turns 3 years old. However, there is an exception to this rule. You can use the funds earlier if necessary to repay debt on loans, loans for the purchase or construction of housing.

Improving housing conditions is one of the areas where non-cash funds from maternity capital can be directed. All funds or a certain part of them can be used for the purchase or construction of residential premises. We are talking about the acquisition of residential premises or a housing construction project. This could be a housing construction project with the participation of a construction company, or the construction or reconstruction of a housing construction project without contractors. You can use maternity capital funds to compensate for the costs of construction or reconstruction of a housing construction project, to pay the first installment of a loan or loan (including a mortgage) for the purchase or construction of housing. Maternity capital is also allowed to repay the principal debt and interest on a loan or housing loan. These funds can be used to pay for participation in shared construction and to pay the entrance fee for a participant in housing savings cooperatives.

The main unifying condition for directing maternity capital resources to improve housing conditions is the placement of such housing in Russia.

Using maternity capital for children's education

By joint decision, the family can use funds (or part of them) of maternity capital for the education of children. In particular, for a son or daughter to receive an education in any educational institution of the Russian Federation that has the right to provide such services and state accreditation. The family can use part of the funds to support their son or daughter in kindergarten. This applies to all preschool institutions that implement the state program of preschool education, as well as those institutions that operate under the program of primary general, basic general and secondary general education. At the same time, parents can direct maternity capital to the education of any child if the need arises. The student's age at the start of training must be no more than 25 years.

Using maternity capital to increase the funded part of the child’s mother’s pension

The mother's pension is the third area where, by a general decision of the family, the material resources of maternal capital can be directed. In particular, this may be part of the funds or the entire amount, which will become a share of the funded part of her labor pension. This can be done by submitting an application to the local Pension Fund authority. The legislator provides that maternity capital funds or part of them can also be directed to a non-state pension fund.

It is important to remember that maternity capital is always non-cash payments. And any scheme for cashing it out is considered illegal. A Certificate Holder who agrees to such schemes commits an illegal act. He may become an accomplice in the crime of misuse of budget funds.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Since 2007, absolutely all Russian families who have given birth to (adopted) a second and subsequent children have had the opportunity to count on financial support from the state through maternity capital.

If the government had left the amount of maternity capital unchanged since 2007, then today it would be quite difficult to significantly reduce expenses

In the very first year of this program, maternity capital was only 250 thousand rubles, but after 7 years it has almost doubled. The issuance of certificates is entrusted to the Pension Fund of Russia, which maintains all control over the legal circulation of these documents. Thus, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation accepts documents for the actual receipt of certificates, issues them and considers applications for the allocation of maternal funds for certain purposes permitted by law. According to the Pension Fund itself, in just over two years (statistics from July 1, 2009 to September 30, 2013), 4.6 million maternity capital certificates were issued.

What is the current amount of maternity capital in 2014 for a second child?

Every year, maternity capital is indexed taking into account inflationary growth, and therefore taking into account the increase in the cost of housing, the cost of education, and accommodation. If the government had left the amount of maternity capital unchanged since 2007, then today it would be quite difficult to significantly reduce expenses, for example, to purchase the necessary apartment, since those 250 thousand rubles, taking into account current housing prices, are a drop in the ocean. What is the amount of maternity capital today and how it has increased over the entire period of the state program can be tracked using the following data:

  • 2007 - 250,000 rubles.
  • 2008 - 276,250 rubles.
  • 2009 - 312,162 rubles.
  • 2010 - 343,378 rubles.
  • 2011 - 365,698 rubles.
  • 2012 - 387,640 rubles.
  • 2013 - 408,960 rubles.
  • 2014 - 429,408 rubles.

Thus, the current amount of state financial support under the Maternity Capital program is equal to 429,408 rubles. As expected under the terms of the program, the following can count on this amount:

  • a citizen of the Russian Federation who has two or more children (natural or adopted), one of whom was born after the date established by the state (01/01/2007).
  • the father or adoptive parent (citizenship does not matter) of two or more children, whose mother has died, is deprived of parental rights to the child, after whose birth she could count on maternity capital.
  • a citizen of the Russian Federation who is the sole adoptive parent of the 2nd and subsequent children in respect of whom the adoption decision took legal force on January 1, 2007.
  • the child himself is a minor or a child under 23 years of age, but a full-time student whose only parent or adoptive parent is deprived of the right to additional measures of state support.

A citizen of the Russian Federation who has two or more children (natural or adopted) can count on state support.

Any of the listed categories of citizens can contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a package of documents and copies thereof to consider an application for issuing a certificate for maternal capital. The state does not set specific deadlines for filing this application from the moment of the birth of the second and subsequent children, which is quite convenient for young mothers and large families. Pension Fund specialists will accept a package of documents for the issuance of a maternal certificate only if it is complete and if there are mandatory copies and originals, which imply:

  • applicant's passport;
  • application for the certificate itself;
  • birth certificates of absolutely all children raised in this family (adopted ones too).
  • If a family is raising adopted children, then a decision on their adoption must be attached.
  • if one of the parents (adoptive parents) of the child is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then it is necessary to provide a document confirming that the child is a citizen of Russia.

What amount of maternity capital will be in 2016-2017

Most recently, the government decided that the program of state support for Russian families through maternity capital will operate until December 31, 2016

Many families who have already received a certificate under the state support program do not use it immediately, but wait until it has a higher denomination due to inflation. This approach is beneficial for families with a mortgage: the mortgage loan is taken out for a long period, so the older the maternity capital, the more money the family can contribute to repay the loan. The full list of areas to which maternity capital can be directed looks like this:

  • improvement of living conditions (mortgage, increase in living space through reconstruction and repair, construction of a house, compensation for the actually built house). In this case, you can use maternity capital immediately after receiving it, and not wait until the third birthday of your second (subsequent) child.
  • education (payment for tuition/maintenance in kindergarten, school and higher/secondary educational institutions, payment for a dormitory for a student).
  • mother's pension (investment in NGPF).

Most recently, the government decided that the program of state support for Russian families through maternity capital will operate until December 31, 2016, after which its structure and goals will be changed or reformulated. So far, according to preliminary data, the denomination of the maternal certificate in 2015 will be equal to 451,000 rubles, and in 2016 -471,000 rubles. Although at this stage it was decided to suspend the issuance of maternity certificates after the announced date, the state allows for the possibility of financial assistance in the future only to families in great need.

Young families who have a third child are provided with considerable financial support by the state. Families with a second or third child can apply for this support, provided that maternity capital was not received for the previous child.

Purposes for which funds can be allocated

The law provides for their receipt of maternity capital. However, the amount they should receive is quite significant and is provided, first of all, to improve the family’s housing problems. It should be borne in mind that the use of such assistance is strictly regulated, and strict restrictions are imposed on its disposal.

The conditions under which these funds may be spent are specified in the law and must be met:

Purchasing or building new housing for a family with a third child.

Payment for the education of one of the children, regardless of which child the funds were received for.

The amount is spent to create a funded pension for the mother.

Conditions for providing financial assistance

Maternity capital in 2014 can be provided only on the basis of certain requirements, which regulate the receipt of personalized certificates and the use of funds received on their basis.
So, the main condition for receiving maternity capital is the presence and documents confirming the Russian citizenship of the new child.


The third child appeared after 01/01/2007;
One of the baby's parents must have Russian citizenship;
None of the parents and family members had to register or receive maternity capital;
The child's parents should not be deprived of parental rights and should not commit intentional crimes against him.

Capital amount

Maternity capital began to be paid in 2008 to those parents who had a second or third child and amounted to 250 thousand rubles. Over time, it went through all stages of indexing and in 2014 it rose to 429.408 thousand rubles. The amount is quite significant and therefore strict restrictions are imposed on its use; government agencies have developed a whole scheme for receiving assistance.

How is maternity capital formalized?

Many people ask the question: how to register maternity capital?

1. To do this, before the end of July 2014, you must send an application to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund with a request for such state support. Along with the application, copies of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a document on the birth of the third child, which indicates his citizenship, are submitted.

2. The second stage will be the inclusion of the applicant in the unified register of recipients of family capital within 15 days. A notification of such inclusion will be sent to the home or residential address specified in the application.

4. Later, having this certificate and documents confirming the identity of the recipient, a birth certificate for the third child, you need to contact a local financial institution (bank) that provides services under the state “maternity capital” program. Open a current bank account in his branch, where the amounts allocated by the state will be received.

5. You can spend the money received only after the child reaches 3 years of age. However, there may be some exceptions to the rules established by law:

The need to make payments on a previously taken out mortgage loan;

If you are currently applying for a mortgage loan, the entire amount or part of it must be financed from these funds.

Construction is being completed or there is a need to pay for already completed housing construction work.

If such conditions are relevant, then you can start using the funds received immediately.

Subjects eligible to receive financial support

Russian citizens can apply for family capital:

A woman who has become a mother for a second or third child (who has given birth on her own or in relation to her, court decisions have already entered into force, and documents confirming the fact of adoption can be provided);

A man, if he is the sole adoptive parent or guardian of the child, and if he is raising the third child independently.

The father or person who has adopted the child and if proceedings have been initiated against his mother to deprive her of parental rights.

Personally, the child himself, if his parents have lost the opportunity to receive maternity capital and manage it.

These conditions for obtaining capital were established earlier and did not change throughout 2014.

The funds received do not have to be spent at once; it can be spent partially on more pressing needs. The remainder will be continuously indexed.
You cannot use it for the following purposes: purchasing a plot of land, purchasing building materials, or repaying a loan to buy a car or household appliances; you cannot pay off utility debts. Also, it cannot be taken in cash; the conditions for sending funds are clearly stated in the law and cannot be violated.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Maternity capital is the most effective method of supporting young families. Thanks to the payment, families can give birth to a second child, feeling a stable financial cushion, and also improve their living situation, improving living conditions.

Let's look at what's new in the maternity capital program in 2019.

Maternity capital indexation in 2019 - should we expect an increase?

It will not be indexed in 2019, so you should not expect an increase in the certificate amount.

Indexation became known in the fall of 2017. Due to the crisis economic situation in the country, it was decided to “freeze” maternity capital at one level, although regular increases in the certificate amount taking into account the rate of increase in inflation are provided for by the federal law on maternity capital.

The freeze will last until the end of 2019. It is planned that the capital will be indexed in 2020.

Let us remind you that the program is valid until 2021!

The amount of maternity capital in 2019-2021

The value of the certificate is fixed in federal law. For the new year the size remains the same - RUB 453,026 .

In subsequent years the amount will increase.

The size was calculated taking into account the growth of consumer prices, the index will be equal to 3.8% in 2020 and 4% in 2021, respectively, the amount of maternity capital will be:

  • In 2020 - 470,241 rubles.
  • In 2021 - 489,051 rubles.

This is a forecast for now. If the index is higher, then the certificate amount will be higher.

Use of capital - what can you spend the money on?

The list of permitted purposes for which funds from maternity capital can be spent will remain the same.

You can use maternity capital in 2019 for:

1. Improving living conditions

There are several options:

  • You can purchase finished housing under a purchase and sale agreement, a credit agreement, a loan agreement, an equity participation agreement, or through participation in cooperative construction.
  • You can reconstruct an existing private house by engaging a contractor.
  • You can spend the money on building new housing.

Please note that housing from maternity capital will belong to all family members, including children.

2. Children's education

Parents have the right to dispose of capital and pay for paid educational services for educational programs in licensed organizations.

They can also pay for utilities and the use of a dormitory for the duration of their child’s education.

Mothers can also pay for their children’s preschool education using maternity capital.

3. Pension

You can deposit funds through the pension fund's savings program.

4. Purchasing funds and paying for services for the rehabilitation of disabled children

The goods must be noted in the child’s rehabilitation and adaptation program.

Parents will also be able to receive compensation for some purchased items.

5. Monthly payments for the second child

In almost all cases, 3 years must pass from the birth or adoption of a child before the parents are allowed to take money from maternity capital. However, there may be exceptions - funds will be paid for the child for 1.5 years monthly.

For many years there has been a discussion in Russia buying a car with maternity capital, which is currently prohibited. The fact is that the State Duma has already made a proposal several times to expand the possibility of maternity capital and allow it to purchase a car, but the authorities reject this bill.

Thus, in 2019 it will not be possible to buy a car with maternity capital money.

News in Russia about maternity capital - myths and truth

We'll tell you about the latest news and important nuances regarding the maternity capital program in the new year.

Cancellation of maternity capital in 2019

There were rumors that maternity capital would be canceled in 2019, as there were no funds in the budget.

No. There are no plans to cancel maternity capital.

Extension of the maternity capital program

It was decided to extend the program to support young families until 2021 inclusive.

Whether it will be extended for subsequent years is still unknown. Some experts refer to the crisis situation in the country, explaining their opinion on the “winding down” of the maternity capital program in Russia.

Time for consideration and payment of money from maternity capital

Last year, the request was considered within 1 month.

In 2019, this time was reduced. Now you can receive funds 15 days after submitting your application.

Expansion of areas of use

In the new year, it will be possible to spend money from the certificate on building a house on a garden plot. Previously this could not be done.

The construction of a residential building could be carried out on a summer cottage.

Where can you apply for maternity capital in 2019?

There are several ways to obtain maternity capital.

Let's list them:

  1. Through a single electronic portal of State Services.
  2. Through the official website of the Pension Fund.
  3. In person, by contacting the Pension Fund branch at the applicant’s place of residence/location.
  4. In person, by contacting the nearest multifunctional center.
  5. By sending all documents to the Pension Fund by post.

You can use it in any way convenient for you.

Complete list of documents for registration of maternity capital in 2019

Maternity capital, no matter where it is issued, will require the same set of documents.

In a standard situation, when a certificate is issued to the mother of a child, few documents are needed. But, if for some reason the right to it passes to another person - for example, to the father or guardian of the child, additional papers and certificates will be needed. You must prepare them in advance to explain the reason - why you, and not the child’s mother, are receiving a certificate.

So, let’s list what documentation is needed to register maternity capital:

  1. Statement. It is filled in upon request.
  2. Internal Russian passport of the applicant.
  3. Birth certificates of children.
  4. Certificates of adoption of children, if available.
  5. Documentation confirming Russian citizenship for the second child.

These documents must be submitted by the mother of the child, who will receive the certificate.

If the applicant is a father or guardian, then other documents must be prepared:

  • Death certificate of the child's mother.
  • A court decision depriving the mother of parental rights.
  • A court decision declaring a parent dead or missing.

If a guardian or a child who has reached the age of majority is applying for a certificate, then the same documents are submitted for both parents.

Receiving maternity capital after moving

Parents who have moved to another region of the country can also, on a general basis, receive maternity capital for the birth or adoption of a second child. To register, you must personally contact the Pension Fund at your new place of residence and write a statement requesting the case.

Now you are aware of the latest news related to maternity capital.

If you have a story to tell, share your stories in the comments below.

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