Fur products decree August 12. Mandatory labeling of fur products

Labeling of fur products is mandatory in 2016!

The Government of the Russian Federation has decided that from August 12, all enterprises selling fur products must label their goods using control identification marks. The Federal Tax Service must gain access to information on the turnover of all fur clothing items.

Information about each fur coat or hat produced and sold is transmitted to the Federal Tax Service by all market participants: factories, wholesalers and retailers. There are no exceptions for individual entrepreneurs; they report on the same basis as legal entities.

How is the turnover of fur products controlled? All data about the product is recorded on a special label: name, type of fur, manufacturer, brand, country of manufacture, importer, declaration of conformity number. The seller is obliged to transfer information from the label of each product purchased from him to the “Marking” system.

What the seller must do as of August 12, 2016:

Join GS1 Automatic Identification Association (GS1 RUS) . Describe all your products and send them to the association to assign codes to them.

Register on the portal"Marking" . To register, you must have an electronic digital signature (EDS)

Get KiZ. The cost ranges from 15 to 22 rubles. for one mark. You can order through the “Marking” portal. You can get it by pick-up, at the MFC or order delivery.

Write down information about the fur product on the KIZ. Recording is carried out using RFID equipment independently or in special MFCs.

When selling a fur product to a buyer, it is necessary to transfer information about the sold product to the “Marking” system (In the “Sales” section).

How will it work?

1. A participant in the Labeling Information Resource, who is a manufacturer, must:

· Mark fur products using special tags.

· Register tags in the “Marking” system.

2. The seller of products made from natural fur is obliged to provide information on labeling, procurement and sales of goods.

3. The buyer will be able to obtain information directly in the store about the country of production of the goods, the legality of import into the territory of the Russian Federation, the manufacturer, and also check the data on the price tag with the information system. To do this, just install a special application on your smartphone.

Punishment for trying to bypass the “Marking” system

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for various fines for those who sell fur products without labeling. It is also prohibited to store, transport or purchase such goods for the purpose of further resale. In case of an offense, citizens will have to pay from 2 to 4 thousand rubles, officials - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, legal entities - from 50 to 300 thousand rubles. In all cases, unmarked goods are confiscated.

Also, offenders bear criminal liability for their actions. If you produce, purchase, store, and transport for resale unmarked fur products in particularly large quantities, you can receive a fine of 300 thousand rubles, or pay your income for a period of up to two years. In some cases, those punished are sent to forced labor for up to three years, or imprisoned for up to three years, while obliging to pay the state up to 80 thousand rubles or all their income for a period of up to six months.

If the offense is committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, then the criminals will be punished with a fine of 100 to 300 thousand rubles, or the income of the convicted person will be confiscated for a period of one to three years. Also, persons found guilty may be sent to forced labor for up to four years or deprived of liberty for the same time, paying up to 100 thousand rubles.

The procedure for punishment for offenses related to the illegal trade in fur products is determined by Article 171.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Production, acquisition, storage, transportation or sale of goods and products without labeling and (or) application of information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.”

Solution No. 1. For stationary work

  • Recording information on the KiZ stationary, near the computer
  • Selling at the checkout

The cost of Solution No. 1 is from 21,500 rubles.

Solution #2: To work with RFID

  • Self-uploading of product information onto an RFID tag.
  • Automatic transfer of sales information to the “Marking” system
  • Data exchange with commodity accounting programs

The cost of Solution No. 1 is from 56,500 rubles.

The cost depends on the dollar exchange rate and the availability of the specified equipment model.

Solution No. 3. Without purchasing equipment.

  • Low costs
  • Recording information on KIZ at your point of sale
  • Allows you to seal KIZ remaining products and transfer data to the Federal Tax Service

The cost of Solution No. 3 is from 100 rubles/piece.

The cost depends on the number of products being marked.

Additional equipment for work:

Service for setting up and implementing equipment for the sale of fur products:

Service cost – from 1,500 rub./hour

1. Association GS1 RUS. Is one of the national GS1 organizations. The activity of this independent non-profit enterprise is assigning unique codes to products for automation and business development. To join the association, you must send them an application and a list of products to be coded. Fur products will be assigned a unique code. Two fur coats of different sizes, even when the model is the same, are assigned different codes. If you are going to use KiZs in the future, then you can create articles using the Cleverence: Fur Marker program. This software also allows you to make sales and transfer information about them to the “Marking” system.

2. Creation of a personal account on the Labeling Information Resource. To register in your personal account, you will need an electronic digital signature (EDS).

3. Purchase of control identification marks. This is done through your personal account. You can order delivery of KiZ for a fee, or pick it up yourself. It is also beneficial to purchase tags with information about your product already written on them, or buy blank ones and enter the data later. Within three days after receiving the order, the KiZs must be checked for functionality and correctness of the recorded information. Types of KiZ:

When ordering a KIZ, you can choose one of three options:

Sewn-in tags.

Plus: They last the longest on a fur coat.

Disadvantage: When sewing in a KIZ, you can damage it and it will not be read.

Adhesive marks.

Pro: Easiest to apply to the product.

Cons: Less durable. The adhesive base quickly deteriorates and the tag may come off.

Hanging tags.

Plus: Easy to attach to the product. Long service life.

Cons: The most expensive option. Easily removed from the product and can be lost.

1. Uploading information about a fur product to KiZ. If your company's turnover is not very large (less than 100 items), then it makes sense to order customized tags. Information about the products will already be recorded on the KiZ; all you have to do is hang them on the desired products. To get your bearings, a simple barcode or KIZ number is enough. Customization will also allow you to save on the purchase of RFID equipment. If you have an extensive inventory, then you can get confused with the labels and make a mistake. In your case, it is more effective to record information on the KiZ yourself before attaching it to a fur coat (hat, vest, etc.)

In August, as part of the MosFur-2016 exhibition, a seminar on labeling fur products was held for owners of fur salons and manufacturers of fur products. Representatives of the state authorities and the 1C company, whose software most retail representatives use, answered questions from retailers and sorted out problematic situations that arose in connection with the start of labeling fur products. Read our material about what exactly the sellers asked and what answers they received.

Let us recall that since 2016, marking fur products with radio frequency chips (RFID) has become mandatory in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which includes Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Market participants were given only 45 working days to mark the remaining goods.

The market was preparing for this turn of events in advance: almost a year ago, in September 2015, the EAEU countries agreed to tighten measures to control the circulation of fur products in the union. And already in April 2016, an experiment on labeling fur goods was launched in Russia, in which all market players without restrictions could participate. Within two months, more companies had joined the experiment, and by August 2016 the number of participants had increased to . By this time, more than 1.5 million control (identification) signs had already been ordered.

All participants in the pilot project transmit information about the labeling of fur products to the Labeling Information Resource, operated by the Federal Tax Service. To connect to this resource, you must register in your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website, where an individual or legal entity has the opportunity to enter into an agreement with Goznak, the manufacturer of control (identification) marks (KiZ) of fur products.

The owner of products made from natural fur can choose the type of fur protection he needs: mounted, sewn in or glued. For domestic goods, green KIZs are provided, and for imported goods, red ones. Production of a stamp is possible only after the application has been approved by the tax service and payment has been made. Next, the customer receives the KiZ, labels the product and reports this in his personal account.

About the rules and deadlines

Representative of the Federal Tax Service Vladimir Maltsev noted that in accordance with the new rules, all entrepreneurs must not only “hang” a mark on the product, but also enter a description of the product into the system.

Unmarked goods cannot be stored, purchased or sold.

Initially, it was planned to take 30 days to prepare the balances for a new, legal circulation, but the wishes of the business were taken into account and the period was increased to 45 working days (starting from August 12).

Debtors will be left without KiZov

Answering a question from the audience, most of whom were sellers of fur products, Vladimir Maltsev emphasized that KiZs would not be issued to those with tax debt (in any amount).

About system failures

The representative of the Federal Tax Service rejected claims about the slow operation of the system from the listeners, explaining that the “Marking” system is periodically updated and only at these moments is it possible for it to work incorrectly.

Vladimir Maltsev said that Federal Tax Service employees are ready to answer any questions, including by calling a specially designated call center number published on the Federal Tax Service website. And he reminded me which products are subject to labeling.

Items of clothing made from natural fur (mink, nutria, arctic fox, fox, rabbit, hare, raccoon, sheepskin and other types of fur), including parts of clothing and clothing accessories (muffs, boas, ties, collars, etc.) should be marked. made from natural fur; clothing lined with natural fur, as well as items of clothing with natural fur attached to the outside (except for cases where the fur is only a trim).

KiZ delivery problems

Some RFID tag customers complain about long delivery times.

Andrey Stupaev, sales director of FSUE Goznak, issuer and manufacturer of KiZov, said:“To date, 1,800 contracts have been registered in the system. Some people work without problems, while others experience technical errors, such as delivery, account status, and the like. Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of the contract for the production of KiZov and to delivery, which has estimated deadlines, and the remoteness of the customer also matters.”

The speaker outlined self-pickup, which is also possible by courier services with a power of attorney from the applicant, as the most successful way to receive KiZs as quickly as possible. However, it is worth remembering that the delivery method specified in the application cannot be changed.

Quality Keys

What should I do if the received identification marks are not read? “It is impossible to check the quality (readability and possibility of registration in the Federal Tax Service system) of manufactured KiZs. Applicants themselves need to find ways to check KiZov using RFID equipment,” said Andrey Stupaev.

What to do with goods that do not have a customs declaration?

Head of the main department of customs control after the release of goods of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation Valery Seleznev spoke about the progress of the program from customs:

“When implementing the project for labeling fur products, very close interaction is envisaged with all countries participating in the customs union, both through the customs and tax services. The goal of the project is maximum whitening and legalization of goods and the entire business.

All issues of technical implementation and administration of KiZams by the customs service are now being resolved as a matter of priority. We understand that the system is being improved and implemented in a short time, but the pilot project stage showed that the logic of introducing the system is clear and implementable. There are also technical and methodological issues that can be resolved at the start of implementation.

Everyone is concerned about the issue of balances with and without a customs declaration. The remaining goods must be legalized in a legal way in order to obtain approval from the Federal Tax Service for the issuance of KiZ. For this purpose, 45 days are provided from the date of entry into force of the resolution. Regarding questions about goods that do not have a customs declaration, we, the customs service, are ready to work individually with each case.

We have not had a single request to the customs authorities regarding goods produced 5 years ago. If there are deposits of five-year-old fur coats, retail needs to deal with them while there is time.”

About inspections of retail outlets

Aleksey Aleksandrovich Volkov, deputy head of the department for organizing the activities of the state control system of Rospotrebnadzor, especially emphasized the important point for the audience of inspections by Rospotrebnadzor based on complaints: “Inspections based on complaints can only be carried out in agreement with the prosecutor’s office, which must confirm the legality of the complaint. Only in this case is an additional check initiated.”

Labeling software

It is convenient for retailers participating in the “Labelling” project to equip their retail outlets with software that supports data exchange with GISM (State Information Labeling System). The software must ensure the transfer of information about the balances and subsequent movements of labeled products in the store.

To avoid failures, software manufacturers tried to quickly make changes to their programs.

It has been determined that from June 1, 2019, the operator of the information resource for marking fur products will be Operator-CRPT LLC.

A change of operator will not entail changes in the basic processes for marking fur products, and will not require their re-labeling.

All information available in participants’ personal accounts will be saved.

The coordinator of the project on marking goods with identification means is the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

Until May 31, 2019, the procedure for providing technical support to users of the marking information resource remains the same. Additional information on the procedure for providing technical support to users after a change of operator will be posted on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

August 11, 2016 Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev signed the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08/11/2016 No. 787 “On the implementation of a pilot project to introduce marking of goods with control (identification) marks for the product position “Clothing items, clothing accessories and other products made of natural fur” and invalidation of the Government Decree Russian Federation dated March 24, 2016 No. 235 “On conducting an experiment on marking goods with control (identification) marks for the product position “Items of clothing, clothing accessories and other products made of natural fur.”

From August 12, 2016, in the territories of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) in connection with the entry into force of the Agreement on the implementation in 2015 - 2016 of a pilot project to introduce labeling of goods with control (identification) marks according to commodity item "Clothing items, clothing accessories and other products made of natural fur", signed in Grodno on September 8, 2015, labeling of fur products is mandatory for all participants in the circulation of goods under this heading, including manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retailers, commission agents and other participants in the fur market.

All participants in the pilot project transmit information about the labeling of fur products to the Labeling Information Resource, operated by the Federal Tax Service.

To connect to the Labeling Information Resource, taxpayers must register in the Personal Account of the Labeling Information Resource using an electronic signature.

To order control (identification) marks (hereinafter referred to as KIZ), taxpayers in the Personal Account of the Labeling Information Resource must describe their product, submit an application for the production of KIZ, pay, receive KIZ, label the product and report this in the Personal Account of the Labeling Information Resource.

Since August 12, 2016, administrative (Article 15.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and criminal (Article 171.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) liability has been imposed on the territory of the Russian Federation for the circulation of unmarked products made of natural fur and violation of the procedure for labeling such goods.

All interaction with participants in the pilot project occurs only electronically in the Personal Account of the Labeling Information Resource and does not require taxpayers to personally visit the tax authorities.

Information for buyers of labeled goods

You can verify the legality of the labeled product by entering the KIZ number.

The service allows you to check the legality of a labeled product by entering the number of the control (identification) mark (brand).

Check code


Type of violation * Select the type of violation Unlabeled product No description in the system Product description mismatch Country of origin mismatch Other

Location of violation *

Fields marked * are required

Report a violation

The legality of a labeled product can be verified using any QR reader installed on a mobile device.

Also, the Federal Tax Service of Russia has developed a special free application “Verification of goods” for mobile devices based on iOS and Android.

After entering the KIZ number, you will be able to receive up-to-date information about:

  • product name
  • the form of fur
  • country of manufacture
  • manufacturer
  • brand
  • to the seller
  • number of the declaration of conformity

How to become a member of the Labeling Information Resource

In order to become a participant in the Labeling Information Resource, you must complete the following steps:
1. Go to the portal of the Labeling Information Resource.
2. To enter the “Personal Account”, it is necessary that the necessary software is installed on your computer, electronic signature verification key certificates are installed and certain settings are made. Click the “Access Test” button - the system will automatically check your computer’s connectivity and provide instructions for further setup.

For a legal entity, when logging into the “Personal Account” for the first time, it is necessary to use an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the head of the organization.
In the future, you can connect other employees of the organization to work with them following the Instructions.

3. If necessary, install software and electronic signature verification key certificates.
4. Now you can start working in your “Personal Account”; to do this, click the “Login to Personal Account” button.
  • If you have logged into or the portal of the Federal Tax Service of Russia website using a key certificate for an enhanced qualified electronic signature, then you have access to.
  • If you do not have an electronic signature, you can obtain it at one of the certification centers accredited by the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.
  • List of accredited certification centers: http://minsvyaz.ru/ru/activity/govservices/2/

To perform the function of reading and writing information on the KiZ, as well as checking the functionality of the KiZ upon receipt, you need equipment that supports the EPC Global Class 1 Gen2/ISO 18000-6C standard, as well as operating at the standard EPC Gen2 frequency.

Currently, free software for reading and writing information on the KiZ, as well as for checking the functionality of the KiZ, is supported by two types of equipment:

  1. stationary reader Bookos 2.0FE;
  2. mobile reader - ATID AT-870.


Mon, Wed from 9:00 to 18:00
Tue, Thu from 9:00 to 20:00
Fri from 9:00 to 16:45

By calling this phone number you can obtain reference information about the reception of individuals and legal entities, the procedure for processing applications, as well as the operation of interactive services.

News on the topic “Products made from natural fur”

You can now check the product labeling in your receipt

The Federal Tax Service of Russia extended until the end of 2018 the preferential access of labeling project participants to the GS1 product description system

You can check the legality of medicines and fur products using a single mobile application of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

On August 12, 2016, in Russia, as well as on the territory of the participating countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, an Agreement came into force, according to which it becomes mandatory to mark all fur products with control marks using radio frequency identification. The Federal Tax Service will monitor the implementation of this requirement in Russia - a special system has already been created in the department to carry out this task.

Fur coats under control

In September 2015, in the Belarusian city of Grodno, an Agreement was signed between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union “On the implementation in 2015 In 2016, a pilot project was launched to introduce the labeling of goods with control (identification) marks for the product item “Items of clothing, clothing accessories and other products made of natural fur.” In April of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law on the ratification of this Agreement, according to which, from April, a pilot project for labeling all imported and domestic fur products began operating in the country. Starting from August 12, 2016, labeling becomes mandatory for both Russia and the rest of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, which includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.

Now labeling is mandatory for everyone: for manufacturers of fur products, regardless of the status of a participant in trade turnover, whether it is an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, for importers, wholesalers and retailers, commission agents and all other participants who are in one way or another involved in the sale of fur territories of five EEC countries. Products made from mink, nutria, arctic fox, fox, rabbit, sheepskin, hare, raccoon, etc. are subject to mandatory labeling. Today, the circulation of fur products in the country without special markings is prohibited and punishable by law.

Why was this law passed? The main reason is, of course, the huge number of fake fur products that are freely sold in our country. According to various expert estimates, the volume of products made from various types of fur illegally imported into Russia today reaches almost 80% of the total volume. This number also includes products without any documentation confirming their quality, which are simply unsafe for the health of citizens. The second reason This is damage to the country's budget due to the illegal import of fur products. Today, customs duties for this type of goods are only 16%.

Many consumers complain from year to year that when buying fur products at impressive prices, they get a “pig in a poke” Instead of mink products, traders “slip” coats made of dyed rabbit fur to customers, and under the guise of high-quality fur coats, sheepskin coats, and hats, “consumer goods” sewn in underground workshops are sold to consumers. Such fur products lose their appearance after just a season of wear, quickly tear and wear out.

Thanks to the new system for labeling fur products, government agencies will be able to control the movement of fur products, from the moment of their production or import into the country to sale. Today, parliamentarians are saying that if the project with labeling of fur products is successful over the next year, then the unified labeling system will be extended to other types of goods: clothing, shoes, leather products, medicines, children's products, etc.

The new law will not change anything particularly for entrepreneurs who honestly conduct business in this area, but for unscrupulous businessmen who have been “profiting” from their gullible customers all these years, all changes to the law will be of a radical and critical nature, because now with their “ gray schemes will be over Conducting your dishonest business in the new conditions simply won’t work.

As for consumers, they will not feel a noticeable “blow” to their wallet either: the average price of a control identification chip varies within 15 25 rubles, and, in comparison with the consistently high prices for fur products, this price is small and, in principle, not noticeable.

Another important clarification: all provisions of the Agreement “On Implementation in 2015 In 2016, a pilot project to introduce labeling of goods with control (identification) marks for the product item “Clothing items, clothing accessories and other products made of natural fur” concerns only business activities. This means that individuals who purchased fur products abroad, including in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, for personal use, are not subject to the requirements for marking this type of goods with special chips.

State information system “Marking”

Today in Russia a State Information Labeling System has been created, which displays all information about the movement of fur products marked with control marks using radio frequency identification. All participants in the turnover without exception must connect to the “Marking” system: manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retailers of fur products. To work in the system, a convenient personal account has been developed, in which you can perform all operations online. For each product, manufacturers and importers receive a unique number in the international GS1 system free of charge. Control marks are ordered from the Gosznak enterprise and delivered to the regions of the country free of charge.

When put into circulation, the product is marked, and information about its movement from the manufacturer or importer to wholesalers and stores is entered into the “Marking” system. After this, regulatory authorities, as well as buyers, have the opportunity to verify the authenticity of any fur product. All you need is a regular smartphone. Anyone can get all the information about a product using a special application.

The interaction of the Federal Tax Service with entrepreneurs trading in fur products within the framework of this project occurs only in electronic form, which means that it is not necessary to personally visit the tax office to obtain markings.

To collect all the data on labeled fur products, this year a special Labeling Information Resource was created in our country, the developer and operator of which is the Federal Tax Service. This resource is available at link.Also on the official website of the Federal Tax Service there is special section Here, every entrepreneur will be able to find all the information of interest about the system of mandatory labeling of fur products, how to register them in the Russian Federal Tax Service system under the name “Marking”. In the System, in addition to video materials and the forum, there are the following sections that provide comprehensive information on all issues:

  • About labeling;
  • How to become a member of the labeling information resource;
  • The main actions of participants in the “Marking” system;
  • Information for buyers of labeled goods;
  • Accounting system developers;
  • RFID equipment;
  • FAQ.

Marking with control marks using radio frequency identification

What are these tags for marking fur products? These are control identification marks, some kind of chips With using radio frequency identification. All goods that were produced in 2018, and all goods that were sewn and put on sale after this date, must have such special markings, but for the last category of fur products a simplified marking scheme has been introduced.

After registering in the “Marking” system and concluding an agreement with the issuer (an organization or individual that issues special markings) of control identification marks of fur products, depending on the type of fur sold, the entrepreneur can choose the control identification sign that suits him. They exist in three types:

  • Mounted chip (its cost will be 22 rubles);
  • Sewn-in chip (will cost 15 rubles);
  • Glue chip (will also cost the entrepreneur 15 rubles).

Domestic goods will be marked with green identification marks, while imported fur products will have red chips. Before submitting an application, an entrepreneur must clarify which fur products and goods are subject to mandatory labeling, as well as find out the list of documentation that must be provided for their goods in order to receive this chip. After the entrepreneur’s application for the chip is sent electronically, it is necessary to wait for its consideration by the tax service. It must be reviewed within three working days Tax officials will double-check information about what kind of fur is presented on a particular product, its origin, information about the manufacturer, and the seller of the fur product.

After the chip is issued, the following information about the fur product will be stored on it:

  • Name of product;
  • Type of fur used;
  • Information about the fur product manufacturer, brand;
  • Country of manufacture of the fur product;
  • Information about the seller of the fur product;
  • Product declaration of conformity number.

All this data can be obtained by any buyer after entering the number of the control identification mark of the fur product in a special free application “Product Check”, which can be downloaded to any modern smartphone. Also, the legality of the product will be checked using a QR code reader, which can also be downloaded to any mobile device.

Not everyone will be issued control identification marks. There are also a number of cases in which the issuance of chips to an entrepreneur may be denied.

Reasons for refusals when issuing chips

So, in order to order a control identification mark, an entrepreneur gives a full description of his product in the taxpayer’s personal account, then submits an appropriate application for marking; if the tax authorities make a positive decision, he pays for the goods, receives chips and can carry out the marking.

Since August 12, 2016, mandatory labeling of fur products has been in force in our country. Manufacturers, importers, and sellers selling such clothing must equip their products with special marks. They must control their availability. Information about the manufacture, shipment, and sale of products must be transferred to the information system for which tax officials are responsible.

Principles of law

The products became mandatory due to the adopted law. The initial design of the procedure can be divided into 2 stages:

  • experimental (from April 1, 2016): marking could be carried out, but there was no liability for failure to do so;
  • main (from August 12): the rules became mandatory for everyone.

After the document was signed, its norms became mandatory for everyone. Failure to comply will result in liability.

Labeling concept

The law on labeling fur products requires simple steps. The entrepreneur has the obligation to attach a control mark to the product or check its presence on the product.

It is also important to transmit information about the purchase, import or sale of goods to a special information resource called “Labelling”. Tax officials control this process.

What products are marked?

There is a list of products that are subject to labeling. These include products from:

  • minks;
  • nutria;
  • arctic fox;
  • a rabbit;
  • raccoon;
  • sheepskin.

Each has its own code. In practice, it is not always clear whether marking can be used or can be dispensed with. For example, does this rule apply if only the collar is mink? You can find this information in the explanation section. It states that lapels and collars are trim items that are not considered fur clothing, so marking for such a product is not needed.

When is labeling not required?

The fur labeling law includes information about those products for which this procedure is not required. These include products exported from the Eurasian Economic Union, transportation under customs supervision, and sales in duty-free stores. This includes goods intended for testing in the field of standardization and technical regulations, as well as the delivery and storage of exhibits from international exhibitions.

Labeling of fur products is not necessary even if the goods are imported as or if they were confiscated, seized, or arrested. The procedure is not required for those products that are stored or used by the manufacturer himself. The same applies to those cases when individuals use a thing for their own purposes. Labeling is not required for items that have been returned to the seller.

What is a control mark?

Labeling of fur products requires the presence of a generally accepted form with security elements. It is created from textiles, paper or plastic. The sign is frost-resistant because it can withstand up to -40 degrees. Such elements are divided into 3 types:

  • sewn in;
  • adhesive;
  • invoices.

Sewn-in ones are located in the seam of the product, so they are attached at the production stage. Adhesive ones are installed on a special label, and invoices are placed on a loop or hanger. All signs cannot be reused as detachment will cause damage. They come in red and green. The first color is intended for foreign products, and the second for Russian products.

Labeling of fur products is intended to contain important information. The label must contain the name of the product group, country code and number. The sign also includes information that can only be read by special devices.

Control marks are created by one organization - Gosznak. All market participants must have an agreement under which labels are ordered. The price of a sewn-in and adhesive sign is 15 rubles, and an invoice sign is 22.

Necessary equipment

It is important to control all details regarding the products, since the Federal Tax Service monitors this. Labeling of fur products involves the use of special RFID readers. They are necessary to read barcodes with a control mark. The procedure will also help identify defective products.

To perform all this work, a special program is installed on the RFID device. It is available for free download on the Federal Tax Service website.

Labeling rules at different stages

Labeling of fur products by the Federal Tax Service is mandatory for all importers and manufacturers. Each sign includes information about the importer. Within 3 days after shipment, it is important to transfer the data to the Marking system. This procedure is carried out before the goods are displayed for sale.

Importers who have accepted goods from individuals must order and attach signs, and then transfer the information to “Marking”. There are no set deadlines in this case. This procedure must be done by wholesalers and intermediaries. When shipping products, customers need to enter information into the “Marking” system 3 days in advance. When goods are transported outside the Eurasian Economic Union, the transfer of information is not required.


All market participants must comply with the labeling obligation, otherwise there will be liability. Violators are required to pay compensation:

  • 50-100 thousand rubles - for organizations;
  • 5-10 thousand rubles - for officials and individual entrepreneurs.

The purchase and sale of products without markings also threatens fines. Amounts may vary depending on the form of establishment.

In addition to a fine, the product may be confiscated. In case of refusal to carry out the marking, there is also criminal liability, therefore, these standards must be observed in every retail establishment. In case of a group violation of the law on a large scale, the punishment may be more severe.

Product labeling is necessary to ensure product quality, as well as to control the receipt of goods. You should purchase things from trusted specialized stores, since in a reliable company everything works according to generally accepted rules.

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ORTHOEPIC DICTIONARIES (see orthoepy) are dictionaries in which the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language is presented with...
A mirror is a mysterious object that has always inspired a certain fear in people. There are many books, fairy tales and stories in which people...
1980 is the year of which animal? This question is especially of concern to those who were born in the indicated year and are passionate about horoscopes. Due...
Most of you have already heard about the great Mahamantra Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. It is widely known and widespread. No less famous is...
Why do you dream if you are not lucky enough to walk through a cemetery? The dream book is sure: you are afraid of death, or you crave rest and peace. Try...