Method of directed electromagnetic radiation. Method for generating monochromatic directional X-ray radiation

How do psychotronic devices work? What are they?

Let's start with the fact that in order to process experimental subjects, they need to be deprived of their ability to resist. “Turn off” the control - and you have mastered the psyche of another person, that is, you can now do whatever you want with him. It’s not easy to “turn off” consciousness, especially for several people at once.

Processing begins with sending a beam of electromagnetic, sound or torsion radiation. A person loses control over his thoughts, desires, his immune system is suppressed. At the second stage of processing, an NLP programming option is given, specially selected for this person or this group of people. They use various effects to help recode the subconscious: audio recordings, videos, or simply auto-training for business man. Yes, don't be surprised. You can reprogram yourself without the intervention of others. And when, using popular books, you tell yourself “I am an active, predatory, successful, ruthless businessman” and imagine your competitors defeated and unhappy, you are precisely reprogramming. After some time, the soft and sentimental Ivan Ivanovich will become a bulletproof full metal shell, and those who meet him after a long separation will say with a shudder: he was a man, but what did he become?

However, instrument programming is still worse. If Ivan Ivanovich himself chose who he should be - a person or a function, then with psychotronic treatment a person has no choice. Everything was decided for him.

Psychoprogramming can be hard or soft.

Hard psychoprogramming, as a rule, is reflected in a person’s behavior and his emotional sphere, disturbances in speech (lack of intonation, fixation, difficulties with constructing phrases), movements (lethargy, slow reactions), changes in the color of proteins and memory problems are often noticeable.

Soft psychoprogramming does not manifest itself outwardly in any way - the program is in “sleep mode” and waits in the wings. Often a person is programmed in such a way that several personalities live inside him, as in the case of actress Kindy Jones. And when one personality replaces another, the timbre of the voice, intonation, and behavior change. Therefore, zombification is also called induced schizophrenia.

All methods of turning off consciousness can be conditionally divided according to the type of action into electromagnetic (field) and sound, with torsion (microleptonic) influence standing apart.

Electromagnetic radiation can be ultra-high frequency (UHF - wavelength from 1 meter to 10 centimeters), ultra-high frequency (microwave - from 10 centimeters to 1 centimeter) and extremely high frequency (EHF - wavelength from 1 centimeter to 1 millimeter). All types of these radiations are extremely destructive to human health and can cause serious illnesses. For example, UHF irradiation in large doses promotes the formation of cancer cells and the development of systemic diseases, and EHF provokes mental destruction.

The most commonly used radiation is microwave radiation, the same radiation that caused a scandal in the United States when tested on humans. Microwave radiation causes a disturbance in the perception of reality, fatigue, nausea, and headache. Microwave radiation is used in microwave ovens, which is why the most fearful citizens of the United States demanded a ban on the use of microwaves. And on the whole they were not so wrong. Over time, it became clear that microwave radiation can cause the formation of tumors and change the composition of the blood. We do not perceive microwave radiation with our senses. It “sounds” to us like indistinct noise. But this noise can kill... Microwave radiation accelerates the introduction of the necessary information into the brain and allows special processing to be carried out quickly and unnoticeably. Emitters for microwave processing are small in size, easily masked, and mounted in communications equipment.

Here's what the experts write:

Telephone and radio relay communications, sewerage and heating pipes, as well as television and fire alarms, radio networks, and electrical wiring are quite suitable as antenna transmitters of such waves. residential building. IN Russian Federation This method of psychotronic treatment is used quite widely. Due to technical features it can be called network. This method of creating a high-frequency radio field inside a building, when the power of a bioenergy generator is introduced through a filter system directly into the household networks of a residential building, is energy efficient and ensures the hidden use of psychotronic processing, since PT O signals (transmitting device) are 10 meters from the building. Authors), As a rule, they no longer appear.

A person exposed to radiation experiences some unpleasant symptoms: dry eyes, twitching of the legs, burning in the soles, pain in the ears, clicking pain and heaviness in the head, unexpected “allergic” sneezing, cough, runny nose, cardiac arrhythmia, numbness of the hands.

Generators electromagnetic field cause destruction at the cellular level, reduce activity and put a person into a passive state. Electromagnetic radiation creates in a person’s head the sensation of the presence of an “alien”. These are exactly the cases when people complain that they “hear” voices and are afraid that they are going crazy.

NHF (low frequency) generators are not at all better than generators Microwave (high frequency). They cause nausea, dizziness, and chills.

Laser and X-ray radiation are even more destructive to humans. For experimenters, this is a very convenient type of radiation, because there are no visible obstacles for it: you can direct the rays through reinforced concrete walls! In addition, such radiation can be directed to desired point. Laser treatment is often used on initial stage programming to achieve quick results. Such radiation can also be used to eliminate people, since death from laser guidance appears natural.

The most “advanced” is considered torsion, or microlepton, radiation, a type of the same vortex flows that were discovered by the Germans at Ahnenerbe.

Experts write:

There is simply no protection from it. Torsion radiation cannot be shielded at all. And for this reason, emitter devices mainly use it. If X-ray radiation is stopped by a thick lead plate, then the torsion field passes right through the lead. Experimenters quickly realized that the future belonged to such generators. A weak torsion effect can put a person to sleep, a medium intensity one disrupts logical connections and “erases” memory, and a high intensity one can destroy both the brain and the body. With the help of a torsion generator, you can provoke certain diseases, sharply reduce or, conversely, increase activity, or you can influence it. and on brain activity, causing some desires or implementing a program. Back in 1998, secret laboratories created a mobile generator capable of covering a large crowd from a distance of 300–500 meters for 15–20 minutes.

Director of the Moscow Institute of Psychotronics A. N. Kochurov says:

The creators of the first torsion generators were amazed by one circumstance... The device produces some kind of stable radiation. Then it is dismantled, for example for transportation, reassembled - and stops working forever. There were also cases when the emitter operated only in the presence of a specific operator.

And General Director of the Central Research Institute of Materials V. Kuznetsov adds:

This feature also played a cruel joke during tests of the generator created by A.E. Akimov for industrial purposes. We conducted experiments with Akimov's device, but did not see any permanent effect. Once we actually got an anomalous metal structure, but we don’t yet know how to explain it... since the result is not reproduced, we cannot say anything definitively.

In fact, “torsion bar specialists” do not know for sure what field they are working with. They created a technique, put a theory behind it, but no one knows what a vortex flow is, how it is formed and what it is. Most likely, these are some kind of gravitational vortices, the nature of which is still unclear, and tachyons and microleptons have nothing to do with it. But it sounds.

There is also a whole list of sound emitters. These are signals that are completely unrecognizable to the ear. Not slow speech, as in the OMOPHORUS disk, but encoded information that is entered through ultra- or infrasonic vibrations.

Mechanical vibrations above 100 hertz - ultrasonic vibrations. They are used for initial suppression, suppression of the body’s immune system, deterioration of well-being, bringing the object into a passive state with the complete suppression of all resistance, etc. We do not feel them, only some vibration is detected, but this does not mean that they do not affect thinking and the nervous system. But ultrasound is strongly absorbed when propagating in the atmosphere, especially at high humidity, so it is impossible to use it at a distance. This is a close contact treatment.

It is reported that “if you touch a person’s head with an ultrasonic emitter, partial destruction of brain tissue will occur, very similar to damage caused by a stroke.” As local species exposure, ultrasound is focused into a narrow directional beam of pulsed action, which can covertly hit the life support centers of the brain and internal organs.

The result of ultrasound is headache, dizziness, visual and breathing disorders, convulsions. A pulse of ultrasonic radiation can suddenly stop a person's heart. In this case, death will look natural to others, and when the corpse is opened, there will be traces of violent death not detected.

None academic degrees not required for assembling ultrasonic generators. Such devices can be made by any more or less trained radio amateur. “Calcination” of selected areas of the brain with well-focused ultrasound is sometimes used to permanently remove some unwanted memories from memory. This spectrum radiation is also used during processing according to the zombification program, but this is only possible with the use of well-trained personnel and special equipment.

When exposed to sound waves below 16 hertz we are talking about infrasound. Its use is effective when hidden influence, since vibrations with frequencies of 16 hertz are usually not perceived by ear.

The most dangerous is considered to be the range from 6 to 9 hertz. Significant psychotronic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 hertz, which is consonant with the alpha rhythm of natural brain oscillations. Moreover, any mental work in this case becomes impossible, since it seems that the head is about to “tear into small pieces.” Sound of such intensity causes nausea, ringing in the ears, blurred vision and uncontrollable fear. Moderate intensity sound upsets the digestive organs and brain, causing paralysis, general weakness, and sometimes blindness.

It is dangerous to joke with infrasound, because when exposed to an intensity of 130 decibels, infrasound can cause cardiac arrest in a person. It is very important to know that the natural frequency of vibration of the human body is approximately 8-15 hertz. As psychophysiologists say, every muscle movement causes a damping microconvulsion of the whole body. This is a natural process and there is nothing wrong with it. But if, when the body is irradiated with infrasound, body vibrations fall into resonance, the amplitude of microconvulsions increases tens of times. We don’t feel this at all, but the body automatically reacts, and a feeling of discomfort and horror appears. In this case, there is a danger of rupture of capillaries and blood vessels, which can lead to a heart attack and stroke.

It is known that it is infrasonic waves that accompany a tsunami. These waves travel faster than a tsunami and cause anxiety among people and animals. Even weak waves can warn of a future disaster, and they are felt by the animals most sensitive to infrasound, which move or crawl away from the shore. A special device was built on this property, which records the appearance of infrasonic vibrations long before the outbreak of the elements.

Conducted experiments with infrasound for the first time American physicist Robert Wood, known for his mischief. In one of the prestigious concert halls in Europe, where organ music was performed, Wood, to enhance the effect, attached a pipe to the organ tuned to an infrasonic frequency of 7.5 hertz. The concert has begun. Everything was going well until this trumpet was turned on during the performance of the piece. The listeners experienced panic horror, they felt that they could not remain in place for another second. A stampede began, the public rushed to the doors... But in the hall there were gathered the “cream of society”, who were not used to pushing and punching their way to the exit.

The experiment was of great interest to scientists. Still would! After all, he showed how an inaudible sound can control human behavior. After Wood's experiments, many previously incomprehensible stories began to be explained from the point of view of physics. Abandoned ships, suddenly deserted villages, crowds of people running in fear - infrasound is to blame. Of course, today we know that not always and not everything can be explained by the use of infrasonic vibrations. But often it is infrasound that causes panic. By the way, it is used to disperse crowds of demonstrators. And they say it helps better than watering machines and tear gas. In France, an infrasonic whistle was used to disperse demonstrations. “During the testing of his model,” wrote a French newspaper, “people within a five-mile zone felt a painful vibration throughout their entire body.” And in the United States, infrasound spotlights have appeared that emit elastic waves that are weakly absorbed in the environment, capable of spreading over long distances and damaging vision, causing nausea and fear.

If infrasound is powerful, then in addition to fear and discomfort, people also experience physical pain. This became known after the experiments of the French professor V. Gavreau, who experimented with infrasound generators. During the experiment, a pilot plant emitting high-power infrasound was launched in the laboratory of the Marine Research Center in Marseille. The reaction from the center workers was terrible. Even those in the neighboring rooms screamed in pain. Gavreau immediately turned off the generator, but the people came to their senses only after a few hours.

It turned out that infrasound also has a residual effect, and no matter what the military says about its complete safety for health, it is a lie. People who receive systematically high doses of infrasound vibrations live much shorter than their peers and have more problems with health.

Against the background of fear caused by exposure to infrasound, the threshold of suggestibility decreases. And if the influence of infrasound is accompanied by some text, then it is quite possible to instill in a person attitudes that contradict his own. Moreover, the person will not notice that any influences were applied to him, and will consider these attitudes to be his own. This tactic has long been used with success in secret laboratories. No wonder Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky once promised to use a “secret acoustic weapon” in Serbia against Muslims and Croats. There is an opinion that Zhirinovsky was talking specifically about the so-called “infrasound guns.”

The lethal outcome depends on the strength of infrasound. But since death does not occur instantly after using infrasound, people like to use it to manipulate the psyche of other people. In each specific case, the object for the experiment is carefully selected. For example, it may simply be a person of a certain psychological type, or it may also be an object of elimination or suggestion. IN the latter case a person may pose a threat to the intelligence services or the state, or he is preventing someone from coming to power, earning money, or he may expose someone, report his unseemly actions, etc. It all depends on who is conducting the psychoprogramming, for whom goals and for how long. But usually interference with consciousness does not occur on the street or in concert hall, and in the house or - less often - at work. Only in in rare cases people complain that they are being “followed” everywhere. They usually complain that their health sharply deteriorates at home, hallucinations, voices, etc. appear.

Directed radio emissions are often used to implant attitudes into the subconscious. Of course, we are not able to perceive radio waves as adequately as technical devices created for this, that is, in in good condition no one can hear a radio in their head and change from station to station. But in some cases, for example, after restoring part of the skull cap after an accident, when special metal plates are inserted into the skull, or after dental prosthetics (metal and metal-ceramics), a person begins to “receive” radio signals. Of course, this is facilitated by “built-in” metal parts or seals of a certain composition. Then people begin to hear music or someone else's speech. This frightens and makes you think that it is time to go to a psychiatrist.

The thing is that although we receive radio waves, these waves usually act at a sub-threshold level: we “hear” them, but our consciousness does not report them to us.

For most people, radio waves do not cause the feeling that someone else’s voice has settled in their brain; these waves pass rather like a weak background, that is, absolutely unnoticeably. And it’s clear why: the transmitting stations are far away, the waves are scattered and do not reach a person in a beam. Therefore, even people with metal plates in their heads perceive the radiophone very selectively: for example, they hear one particular station or hear stations only in certain place, exactly where the degree of wave scattering is minimal. Another thing is directed radiation of radio waves.

Experimenters often resort to programming with directed radio waves. This is much easier to do than using heavier equipment. A special vehicle is driven to the house, in which a transmitter of a certain power is installed, and the apartment is “broadcast” necessary information. It is not realized by a person, but the subconscious perceives it. If a group of people is being zombified, it can happen at work. But such interventions are used only in extreme cases. For example, to introduce some kind of collective thought or point of view, remove hostility towards the new boss, and calm down the dissatisfied. IN last years These tasks are quite easily handled by psychologists trained in hypnosis and NLP techniques. And, as a rule, the use of emitters is not required.

Is it possible to protect yourself from these radiations? Alas! There is practically no protection against radiation. High-frequency radiation can be shielded with copper or metal (as a last resort) mesh in combination with aluminum foil, installing a fence around the entire perimeter. Only lead plates will save you from X-ray radiation. Ultrasonic and infrasonic emitters can be blocked by wood paneling, sheets of foam plastic or cork. There is no or almost no protection from torsion radiation.

If you believe the press, then in one of military educational institutions connections have recently been developed technical means protection of military personnel operating silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Now think a little. The missile silos are located at a depth of over 50 meters. To influence the human brain at such a depth, you need a very powerful field. Infrasound, and especially ultrasound, and any types of high-frequency radiation are powerless here. Fifty meters of the earth's thickness, moreover, well shielded (so that there are no failures and interference) with metal sheets, are impenetrable even to an X-ray beam.

The laser, most likely, is also “resting” here. Which known field is capable of going to such great depths? Perhaps the new thing, which serious scientists say is nonsense and metaphysics, is the torsion field. And if protection is being developed, it means that there is a generator itself that sends such radiation. And this is where the myth that we do not have zombie technologies collapses. Building protection against a non-existent radiation source is nonsense. And if we develop it, then, believe me, we also have a generator. The principle of its operation is unknown to us. But the fact of the existence of the generator now leaves no doubt. And hence the conclusion: experiments on people have been going on, are going on and will continue to happen. And basically these are the most secret and most inhumane experiments.

And the point is not only that all types of radiation damage our psyche and manipulate consciousness, invading the holy of holies - our own “I”. The trouble is actually more significant. Radiations and installations block and disrupt the functioning of the body at the cellular level. They change the cell program. If the work was carried out with sick cells that have genetic defects or are affected by cancer, then everyone would probably only welcome such experiments on volunteers, on terminally ill people who gave their consent to this. But the experiments I’m talking about are carried out on healthy people. And their cells are reprogrammed to commit suicide.

This scares not only ordinary people, but also many doctors and environmentalists. Cells have been shown modern research, are capable of sending specular radiation and absorbing incoherent magnetic waves. In fact, this process shows that the cell is alive and healthy. Such radiation and absorption of electromagnetic waves, as doctors write, constitutes “the structure of the inertial field of biological tissues. The more complex the synchronization of such emission and absorption, the more more complex structure inertial field, the higher the level of evolutionary organization of biological tissues.” In other words, if you “break through” the cell’s defenses with hard radiation, then it becomes defenseless and tries to adjust its work according to the received signal (it begins to perceive harmful radiation as a standard). The result of such vibrational adjustment is the death of the cell. In fact, by sending waves of different strengths and frequencies, you can even achieve the death of a person.

Here is what one Moscow journalist who visited the lair of experimenters writes about this:

Many years ago, I, a young journalist, came to interview academician Konstantin Frolov, director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences. As Konstantin Vasilyevich explained, he then studied the effect of mechanical vibrations of various frequencies on the human body. And he offered to “try” what it is. I was seated in a, frankly speaking, scary-looking chair, and the laboratory assistant stood at the console. “Now we will change the frequency of vibrations transmitted to the chair,” Frolov explained, “and you will gradually die. First the legs will die, then the stomach, chest and finally the heart. But don’t worry: as soon as it reaches the heart, we’ll immediately start the process reverse side. So you will be dead just a little bit. Dozens of volunteers have been in this chair before you, and everyone is alive and well.”

As you can see, I am also alive, although the sensations were not pleasant. Everything went according to schedule. The laboratory assistant turned the vernier, and death crawled over my body. I clearly felt a cold wave rising from my legs, gripping my stomach, chest, and horror creeping along with it. Words cannot express this. Now I know what dying people experience, especially in the moment before cardiac arrest... And then the heart began to beat again, and the smiling face of the academician emerged from the fog, and death slid down to the feet until it completely slipped from the tips of the fingers.

Tamila Reshetnikova, one of the victims of psychotronic treatment, recalls similar sensations:

Meanwhile, after another evening irradiation with a generator, I woke up at night from the terrible realization that I was dying. Incredible pain shackled the entire body, and a unique feeling took over, as if every cell of the body was being turned inside out by some kind of force that could tear you apart. Forgetting about my atheistic upbringing, turning to God with a request to give me the opportunity to live until the morning, I never ceased to be amazed at the power of the biofield, which, as I understood, caused such an incredible reaction in the body.

All this is a long-passed stage for secret science. And Alla Petukhova, co-chair of the Moscow Committee “Ecology of Housing”, is probably right, who believes that all these scientific developments were used to incite ethnic conflicts - why not a testing ground?

“We don’t have direct evidence of this,” she says. - However, the brutality that accompanied some conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh, the events in Tbilisi in 1989 and in Vilnius in 1991 lead us to assume that these weapons were used. In particular, eyewitnesses of the tragedy in the city of Osh, where a massacre took place between Uzbeks and Meskhetian Turks, recalled that at the moment when the efforts of the local administration managed to extinguish this conflict, military vehicles suddenly appeared on the city street - and the people seemed to go crazy: people in They literally began to rip each other's stomachs open. Scientists working with the Moscow Committee “Ecology of Housing” confirm that mechanical impact on a person’s brain can cause aggression that he is unable to cope with.

But the most unpleasant thing is that some generators, quite weak, of course, can be created in almost any kitchen. Here is the message that appeared in the newspaper:

A Kostroma schoolgirl tormented her teacher with the help of an infrasound generator. It is known to be inaudible, but causes unexplained fear, headaches and rapid heartbeat. Sixth-grader Elvira K. did not have a good relationship with her new Russian language teacher. Then the girl managed to assemble a primitive infrasound generator and even checked the signal frequency using an oscilloscope. The device was then placed in a box the size of a pencil case and hidden among the papers on the teacher's desk the next morning. For 45 minutes, the teacher fidgeted in her chair, looked around for no reason, rubbed her forehead, and then put her head in her hands and, as soon as the lesson ended, ran out of the room. However, it was not easy for the first rows who found themselves within the range of the same generator.

And no secret services. Just an inquisitive and angry child's mind.

The famous healer and psychologist Laura Melik rightly notes the great harm caused to our health by various man-made fields, including those that can be used as psychotronic weapons. Each of these radiations has its own characteristic symptoms of impact on our body. What are these symptoms?

L. Melik writes the following about them: “Our main “enemies” can be confidently recognized as radiation. It is they, penetrating into our body, as if burning energy, causing its cells to degenerate.

Conventionally, these radiations can be divided into two main types: electromagnetic and sound, which, in turn, are divided into types and subgroups. So, let's get to know them better, although, in my opinion, this acquaintance will not be pleasant.

If you live under a high voltage power line alternating current, near a powerful radio station or locator, then some of the electromagnetic radiation accumulates in your body, and when these radiation exceeds permissible norm, the body’s protective capabilities capitulate and the body becomes ill. The same thing happens with other radiations. Of course, you can change your place of residence, but will this solve the problem itself?

But this danger is negligible compared to the one that threatens us more and more clearly every day. The best minds of humanity are competing to create powerful, more sophisticated weapons for the destruction of humanity and all life in nature. So how can they affect you?

The first group is electromagnetic radiation.
1. UHF ultra high frequency radiation- decimeter waves. Penetrates deeply through the tissues of the human body, leading to unfavorable pathological abnormalities in the functioning of various organs.

A person develops difficult-to-treat oncological diseases. UHF radiation is very convenient when a certain biological object it needs to be neutralized not immediately, but after some period of time or by some date. A person, as a rule, fades before our eyes. An autopsy of the deceased reveals the usual course of a serious illness.

2. Microwave - ultra high frequency, including non-ionized radiation - centimeter waves. They penetrate less deeply through the tissues of the human body, usually to a depth of 10-15 cm, but also cause very dangerous life-threatening consequences.

Microwave radiation has a detrimental effect on biocurrents with a frequency of 1 to 35 Hz. As a result, disturbances in the perception of reality, increased and decreased tone, fatigue, nausea, and headache occur. In this case, a complete loss of natural instincts is possible, as well as damage to the heart, brain and central nervous system.

Waves actively modulated in the frequencies of the alpha rhythm of the brain can cause irreversible “spikes” in behavior. Microwave radiation introduces information directly into the brain, and any psychoprocessing of the subconscious is noticeably accelerated in the fields. And as antenna transmitters of such waves, telephone and radio wiring, sewerage and heating pipes, as well as a TV, telephone, fire alarm, radio, and electrical wiring of a residential building can be used.

Directed microwave radiation usually manifests itself in twitching of the legs, burning in the soles, pain in the ears, pain in the eyes, clicks in the “humming” head, “blows” in the nasopharynx accompanied by coughing, sneezing and runny nose, possible arrhythmia of the heart and numbness of the hands. Such symptoms usually disappear after the person leaves the irradiation area.

3. EHF - extremely high frequency radiation- millimeter waves. Penetrates slightly through human tissue, but has a very strong effect on the human central nervous system, the brain and leads to dysfunctional and pathological abnormalities in work. internal organs. This radiation has adverse influence on the human psyche, being a signal for controlling a person.

After special treatment with EHF radiation, a person develops mental deviations, a disorder of the nervous system and the functioning of the entire organism as a whole is observed. Mental work on certain period becomes impossible. It is difficult for an irradiated person to control himself, as irritability appears, and to navigate the surrounding space. If you leave the irradiation zone, the body will gradually restore its functions, but only partially.

Usually, after such special treatment, usually in apartments or offices, the object is deliberately provoked to commit an unseemly act in the eyes of others, since after irradiation the person becomes irritable, then a psychiatric diagnosis is made, isolated from society in a medical or psychiatric hospital, where they specifically increase its severity mental state powerful doses of drugs, tranquilizers or neuroleptics, and also continue to be used as an object for further experiments.

4. X-rays, gamma radiation. Sources - X-ray and gamma emitters, laser x-ray and laser gamma emitter. They have effective penetrating and damaging properties, but have a particularly destructive effect on the cells of a living organism.

An important “advantage” of this method is the ability to secretly, at a distance (for example, through the wall of any apartment from neighbors) and selectively hit a certain center of the brain responsible for memory, the cardiovascular system and other centers responsible for life, but at the same time lethal the outcome looks natural, as from the normal course of the disease.

Even the deep structures of the brain are effectively affected, without damaging the outer shell of the skull. Can be used when initial stage zombification...

5. Torsion radiation. This special kind physical radiation, not escaped natural environments, which has a number of advantages: using it, you can not only easily cause some kind of disease, but also remove unwanted excitement, reduce or increase psychophysical activity, aggravate various desires, slip the necessary program into the object’s subconscious, in a word, make a controlled personality, to which "creature" is a more appropriate definition.

The second group is sound radiation.
2. Ultrasound
- applied as a general or local impact on the object. As overall impact used for initial suppression, suppression of the body’s immune system, deterioration of well-being, bringing the object into a passive state with the complete suppression of all resistance, etc.

The radiation is subjectively felt and some vibration is detected. In the form of local exposure, ultrasound is focused into a narrow directional beam of pulsed action, which can covertly hit not only the life support centers located in the brain, but even cut the skull in half, and damage or destroy internal organs.

When used to covertly destroy an object, a pulse of ultrasonic radiation can suddenly stop the heart of any person, while death will look natural to others, and when the deceased is opened, no traces of violent death are found...

2. Infrasonic radiation- very effective in the hidden influence on a person of the use of mechanical resonance of elastic vibrations with frequencies below 16 Hz, which are usually not perceptible by ear. The range from 6 to 5 Hz is considered especially dangerous. Quite strong psychotronic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 Hz, consonant with the alpha rhythm of natural brain vibrations, and any mental work in this case becomes impossible, since it seems that the head is about to be torn into small pieces. A sound of such intensity causes nausea and ringing in the ears, as well as blurred vision and unaccountable fear...

Brick walls, even concrete floors and many other materials can be “transparent” to electromagnetic, sound and torsion radiation of a certain power; the result of psychotronic treatment of residents in apartments is, as a rule, irreversible injuries and even premature death. We all need to think about this. After all, this is very dangerous for the entire planet, and not just for an individual.”

Indeed, this topic is quite relevant. It is not for nothing that it is strenuously ignored by the ruling “elites”, and in ordinary society, with the help of controlled media, a pseudo-skeptical attitude towards the possibility of using psychotropic and psychotronic drugs against the population is being inculcated. However, many political events absolutely various countries clearly indicate an inadequate reaction of the population, provoked in the interests of the ruling elites and secret societies.

In experiments with waves in a water bath, we obtained a circular wave using a tip striking the surface of the water, and to obtain a wave with a straight front, we replaced the tip with the edge of a ruler. Note that in this case, the ruler striking the surface of the water must be held so that its edge is parallel to the surface, i.e., so that all points of the edge simultaneously excite vibration. In other words, to obtain a wave with a straight front, it is necessary that many emitters act along the straight line in the same phase. If the ruler were placed at an angle, so that some parts of it hit the water before others, then the character of the wave would completely change. In the future, we will also assume that in the case when the wave is excited by a radiator in the form of a ruler, all points of the radiator oscillate in the same phase.

Rice. 88. The longer the edge of the ruler, the longer the straight wave remains

In the circular wave created by the tip, the energy spreads in all directions, in all directions; in a wave with a straight front, energy is transferred directionally - in the direction perpendicular to the edge of the ruler. What determines the degree of radiation directivity?

Let's try to produce waves using rulers of various lengths as emitters. It is easy to notice that the shorter the edge striking the water, the less pronounced and the shorter the section of the straight wave (Fig. 88). This is natural, since, essentially, in radiation we are dealing with the diffraction phenomenon, only here diffraction occurs around the emitting body itself. And just as when a wave hits an obstacle, the nature of diffraction depends on the ratio of the size of the obstacle and the wavelength, so during radiation, the type of wave sent by the ruler depends on the length of its edge compared to . Comparing the wave resulting from rulers of different lengths with the wave emerging from the gap between two plates, i.e., comparing Fig. 88 from fig. 87, we see complete similarity of the whole picture and the same influence on the appearance of the waves in one case by the length of the ruler, and in the other by the width of the gap. The greater the ratio of the length of the ruler to the wavelength, the further away from the ruler the straight wave front is maintained.

Nevertheless, no matter how long the edge of the ruler is, it is always possible to move away to such great distances from it that the wave becomes annular, its humps and depressions taking the form of concentric circles.

Rice. 89. At large distances from the ruler, the wave is circular, but its intensity is not the same in different directions

Does this mean that at such great distances from the emitter, its shape and size no longer affect the character of the wave? It turns out not. The shape of the wave front, its humps and troughs indeed in all cases becomes circular at sufficiently large distances, but the intensity in this circular wave will not be the same in all directions. A completely non-directional wave, having the same intensity in all directions, is obtained only when a tip or, in general, an object small compared to the wavelength strikes the water. If the wave is created by the edge of the ruler, the length of which significantly exceeds , then at large distances, where the wave has already become annular, the intensity on the extensions and edges of the ruler will be less than in the directions and perpendicular to the edge (Fig. 89). The emitted energy is mainly concentrated in a certain sector of the ring wave near the directions and , and this sector is narrower (the directionality of the radiation is greater) the longer the ruler compared to the wavelength. In the case of a tip, this “sector” covers the entire circle; there is no direction at all.

So, the longer the length of the rectilinear emitter compared to the wavelength , the, firstly, the farther from the emitter the rectilinear front will remain, and secondly, where the wave has already become ring-shaped, the more sharply the flow of energy will be concentrated in this ring-shaped wave near the direction perpendicular to the emitter.

These conclusions regarding waves on the surface of a liquid remain valid for any waves in space if we're talking about about a correspondingly modified emitter. For example, instead of the edge of a ruler, let's imagine a disk (membrane) oscillating in the air or under water. Everything said above can be repeated in relation to the longitudinal wave sent by this disk. Only instead of rectilinear and circular waves we will now have, respectively, plane and spherical waves. In particular, the concentration of sound with the help of a horn, which we mentioned in § 39, is also explained by the increased dimensions of the emitter (horn outlet) compared to the dimensions of the mouth, i.e. great attitude emitter dimensions to wavelength.

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