Methodology for dosimetric monitoring of gamma radiation in premises. Dangerous radiation norm Field equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation norm

After the collapse of the USSR, a mess began with measurement methods - for some reason, security control became a service sector that must be self-sustaining and survive in market conditions. The methods have become someone's private intellectual property. The variety of forms for carrying out measurements and interpreting their results created the ground for manipulating public opinion and cultivating distrust in the assessments of professional radiologists. It is good that market mechanisms have not everywhere destroyed the Soviet experience of uniformity, realistic simplicity and transparency of methodological support. For example, the official methodology MVI.MN 2513-2006 for conducting radiation monitoring of territories, enterprises, workplaces, forests and agricultural lands, buildings, structures, equipment, transport, scrap metal, etc. is posted on the website of the Institute of Radiology in Belarus. As they say, use it, good people! Specify: how the measurements were carried out, what the predicted radiation doses are, what the competence and responsibility of the person broadcasting about the next radiation horror story is.
According to MVI.MN 2513-2006:
> When survey of the territory gamma radiation equivalent dose rate (EDR) measurement is carried out at a height of 1 m from the surface. (When conducting a pre-decontamination survey for areas with increased background radiation, DER measurements are additionally carried out at a height of 2-3 cm from the surface.)
> When inspection of buildings and structures DER is measured in each room (room) at five points at a height of 1 m above the floor (four measurements in the corners of the room and one in the center).
> Inspection of equipment, machinery, vehicles includes DER measurement at characteristic points (driver's cabin, car interior, operator's workplace, etc.).
> Scrap metal inspection produced close to the surface (at a distance of no more than 0.1 m) of a batch (fragment) of scrap metal (minus the value of the natural background).
> When workplace certification for specialists working with sources of ionizing radiation, measurements are carried out at heights of 0.1; 0.9 and 1.5 m from the floor surface.
> Inspection of shipping containers carried out on the surface and at a distance of 2 m from the container.
> DER measurement from the surface protective block with source ionizing radiation is produced at a distance of 1 m.

The results of DER measurements significantly depend on the distance to the source (radiation calculator -, and the methodology specifies such that the results allow reliably assessing the possible damage to human health - the effective dose of radiation exposure, as a measure of the risk of long-term effects of radiation, taking into account the radiosensitivity of various organs.

P.S. In addition, I will provide excerpts from the IAEA: in IAEA-TECDOC-1092/R “Guidelines for monitoring during nuclear or radiation accidents” IAEA, Vienna, 2002
"A1: Intelligence in the cloud
Keep the dosimeter inside the car above the seat with the window closed. If ambient dose rate levels are detected that are 5 times background or more, notify the Radiologist of your location and instrument readings.
Using an appropriate device with an open (β+γ) and closed (γ) window, conduct radiation reconnaissance by placing the device at waist level (approximately 1 m above the ground surface) and at ground level (approximately 3 cm above the ground surface) in the detector position of the device down.
Determine whether the cloud is raised above the ground, whether it is at ground level, or has passed over the territory by comparing the instrument readings with the data in the table...

A2: Ground fallout reconnaissance
Moving (by car) forward along each road towards the contaminated area, start measurements from the car at the lower measurement range (closed detector window), register areas where the ambient dose rate level is twice the background. Also register areas where the dose rate is 10 times higher than background values ​​(approximately 1 µSv/hour) and areas where the dose rate increases by 10 µSv/hour, reaching 1 mSv/hour.

A3: Environmental dosimetry
Place two TLD dosimeters in a sealed plastic bag and secure them firmly to a stand or stand, facing toward the center of the cloud trail or source. Install the TLD at a height of approximately one meter above the ground. Do not place TLDs on seedlings or in contact with the ground.

A4: Source monitoring
For mixed beta and gamma radiation, dose rates should be measured with the beta window open and closed. This will give a relative indication of the dose rate level of beta and gamma radiation
If beta or alpha radiation is expected to be present, the instrument should be located close to the surface of the source. Care must be taken to ensure that the device is not contaminated with radionuclides.

A5: Surface contamination exploration
To monitor alpha radiation and soft beta radiation, place the probe close to the surface (the distance from the probe window to the surface under study should not exceed 0.5 cm).
Wet surfaces can shield alpha radiation. Alpha radiation on wet surfaces should be remonitored after they have dried, or surfaces should be sampled for laboratory analysis.
Register readings characterizing alpha, beta+gamma, beta and/or gamma radiation

Vehicle pollution survey
Conduct a general reconnaissance of vehicles for beta + gamma radiation, starting with the radiator grille, mud flaps with wheel arches, bumpers, and tires...
If, during external radiation monitoring of a vehicle, contamination above the background level is detected... conduct a reconnaissance of the internal surfaces of the vehicle: seats, floor mats, armrests, steering wheel, gear shifter

A8: Individual monitoring
A8a: Individual dosimetry – external
attach an individual dosimeter to the chest pocket under protective clothing
Check your dosimeter readings periodically (according to a pre-agreed schedule)

A8b: Thyroid monitoring
Place the NaI(Tl) detector at the neck and measure between the Adam's apple and the cricoid cartilage (hard cartilage near the larynx on the front of the neck)

A8b: Individual pollution monitoring
Place the sensor approximately 1 cm above the surface of the person's body, being careful not to touch him/her. Starting at the top of the head, move the sensor down one side of the neck, along the collar, outside of the shoulder, forearm, wrist, arm, inside of the arm, armpit, side of the body, leg, trouser cuff, shoe. Monitor the inside of the legs and the other side of the body as indicated in Figure A5. Monitor the anterior and posterior surfaces of the body. Pay special attention to the feet, buttocks, elbows, arms and face. The sensor should be moved at a speed of approximately 5 cm per second. Any radioactive contamination will be detected, first of all, using a sound indicator.
All personal belongings should also be monitored.

Previously, there were collections of methods for general use, approved or agreed upon by the chief sanitary doctor of the USSR. Such collections were available in the Ministry of Defense, the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the Hydrometeorological Service. Share their scans if anyone has them.



2.6.1. Ionizing radiation, radiation safety


Realization of Radiation control in Dwellings and public Buildings

Date of introduction 1998-11-01

1. DEVELOPED by the Federal Radiological Center of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Krisyuk E.M., Terentyev M.V., Stamat I.P. and Barkovsky A.N.) and the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ivanov S.I., Perminova G.S. and Solomonova E.P.)

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on August 24, 1998

3. Introduced for the first time



These guidelines define the general procedure for organizing and conducting radiation-hygienic inspections of residential and public buildings, ensuring the implementation of the requirements of the Federal Law "On Radiation Safety of the Population" and "Radiation Safety Standards (NRB-96)" to limit exposure of the population due to natural sources of ionizing radiation .

The guidelines are intended for bodies and institutions of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Compliance with the requirements of this document is mandatory for enterprises and organizations of any departmental affiliation and form of ownership that accept residential and public buildings for operation.


1.1. The purpose of these Guidelines is to unify radiation monitoring methods, as well as to ensure uniform requirements for monitoring compliance with the hygienic standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation to limit exposure of the population due to natural sources of ionizing radiation in residential buildings and buildings for social and domestic purposes, both when accepting them into operation after completion of construction (reconstruction or major repairs), and during their operation.

1.2. Radiation-hygienic inspection of buildings is carried out by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision bodies in the order of preventive or routine supervision or by a special decision of the competent executive authorities in the manner established by current legislation, or by order (request) of legal entities or individual citizens (tenants, homeowners, employees of organizations, etc.). d.).

1.3. In accordance with the “Radiation Safety Standards (NRB-96)”, the dose rate of gamma radiation caused by natural radionuclides and the average annual equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity of radon isotopes are regulated in building premises (hereinafter referred to as premises). Measurements of these radiation factors in premises are carried out by radiation monitoring laboratories (RMLs), duly accredited in this area of ​​measurements.

1.4. Measuring instruments intended to monitor the radiation situation in residential and other premises must have valid State Metrological Verification Certificates.

1.5. The results of the measurements are documented in two protocols by the organization that carried out the measurements (Appendix 1). One copy of the protocol is transferred to the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance to obtain a hygienic conclusion. The other is attached to the documents for acceptance of the building into operation, or when inspecting buildings in use, it is transferred to the Customer.

The Federal Radiological Center of St. Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene (FRS) provides methodological guidance for conducting radiation monitoring in residential and public buildings within the framework of these guidelines, annually analyzes received comments and suggestions, on the basis of which it makes a review with conclusions and recommendations, and develops as appropriate the need for additions and changes to this document.


2.1. The controlled quantity in buildings and structures according to clause 1.1 is the equivalent dose rate (EDR) (μSv/h) of external gamma radiation.

It is allowed to measure and present the results in units of gamma radiation exposure dose rate (μR/h), associated with (μSv/h) the approximate ratio:

2.2. According to NRB-96 (clauses 7.3.3 and 7.3.4), the DER value of external gamma radiation in new residential and public buildings being designed should not exceed the average dose rate in open areas (in the area where the building is located) by more than 0, 3 µSv/h.

2.3. Measurements of DER of external gamma radiation in open areas (µSv/h) are carried out near the building under inspection at at least 5 points (points) located at a distance of 30 to 100 m from existing buildings and structures and no closer than 20 m from each other. Measurement points should be selected in areas with natural soil that do not have local man-made changes (crushed stone, sand, asphalt) and radioactive contamination. During measurements, the detection unit is placed at a height of 1 m above the ground surface. At each point, the number of measurements when using dosimeters of the DRG-01T (DBG-06T) type must be at least ten. The results of measurements at each point in an open area are taken to be the arithmetic mean of the measurements obtained there, and the random component of the error of the measurement result for the confidence probability P = 0.95 is calculated using the formula:

in which the following notations are adopted:

- the value of the Student coefficient for the confidence probability P = 0.95 (accepted according to Appendix 5 depending on the number of repeated measurements at a given point);

- standard deviation of the measurement result from the average, which is calculated based on the results of all repeated measurements at that point using the formula:

Th measurement of gamma radiation DER at the th point.

When using dosimeters of the integral type EL-1101 (EL-1119), the measurement time should be selected so that the random component of the error in estimating the value of the measurement result does not exceed 20%. In this case, the value is read from the instrument scale, and is determined as the product of the statistical measurement error, read from the instrument scale.

2.4. To estimate the measured value of gamma radiation DER in an open area, the smallest of the obtained measurement results at the th point is taken, and the random component of the error of this result is the corresponding value for the measurement result at this point.

The result of measuring the DER of gamma radiation in an open area near the building being examined is presented in the form:

Note: The value may vary for different instrument types and instances, so these values ​​should be obtained for all instrument instances used in the building survey.

2.5. The scope of monitoring the DER of external gamma radiation should be sufficient to identify all rooms where the values ​​may exceed the established limit, as well as to assess the maximum DER values ​​in typical rooms (by functional purpose, occupied area, on the floor, in the entrance, as well as by type used building materials).

Measurements of gamma radiation DER in the premises of a building being commissioned are, as a rule, carried out selectively. To carry out measurements, typical rooms are selected, the enclosing structures of which are made of various building materials. At the same time, in multi-storey buildings, premises to be examined are selected on each floor.

The number of premises to be surveyed is selected depending on the number of floors of the building, the number of premises (apartments) and other characteristics of the building, while:

- in single-family houses, cottages (including multi-storey ones), school and preschool institutions, measurements must be carried out in each room;

- in apartment buildings with the number of apartments up to 10 and social buildings with the number of rooms up to 30, measurements are carried out in each apartment for residential buildings and in each room for other buildings;

- in apartment buildings with the number of apartments up to 100 and social buildings with the number of premises up to 300, measurements are carried out in at least 50% of the apartments (premises) in each entrance;

- if the number of apartments in a residential building is over 100 and the number of premises in a building for social and domestic purposes is over 300, the number of apartments (premises) inspected must be at least 25% of their total number in each of the building’s entrances.

When inspecting multi-apartment residential buildings, measurements in each inspected apartment should be carried out in at least two rooms, which should be different in functionality.

2.6. For a preliminary assessment of the radiation situation in premises in order to identify possible local sources of gamma radiation, a preliminary examination is carried out, for which search highly sensitive gamma radiometers (indicators) of the SRP-68, SRP-88 type or highly sensitive gamma dosimeters with a search mode should be used work, type EL-1101 (see Appendix 2).

A search radiometer (dosimeter) is used to walk around everyone premises of the building being surveyed along the perimeter of each room, taking measurements at a height of 1 m from the floor at a distance of 5-10 cm from the walls, and along the axis of each room, taking measurements at a height of 5-10 cm above the floor. When local increases in the readings of the device being used are detected, a maximum is searched for and its position and the readings of the device at the maximum point are recorded in the log. In addition, the maximum readings of the device in each room are recorded in the log.

Specific premises (apartments) subject to inspection according to clause 2.5 are selected taking into account the results of the preliminary inspection. In this case, those in which the maximum readings of search radiometers (dosimeters) are recorded, as well as the detected points of local maxima, must be examined.

2.7. Measurements of external gamma radiation DER in each examined room are carried out at a point located in its center at a height of 1 m from the floor, as well as in identified areas with the maximum gamma radiation DER value (clause 2.6).

The number of repeated measurements is selected from the condition that the random component of the relative error in estimating the average value of the measurement result does not exceed 20%:

Here: - an estimate of the average value of the measurement result in the room, and the random component of the error of the measurement result for the confidence probability P = 0.95 is calculated using the formula:

In which the same notations are adopted as in expression (2).

The result of gamma radiation DER measurement in a given room is presented in the form:

The results of all measurements are recorded in the work log.

2.8. Depending on the results of assessing the maximum value of the measured dose rate in the room, the following decision options are made:

2.8.1. A room is considered to satisfy the standard given in NRB-96 if the measured DER value in this room (, μSv/h) taking into account the error (, μSv/h) satisfies the condition:

where: - gamma radiation DER value measured in accordance with paragraphs 2.3-2.4 in open areas, μSv/h;

- total error in estimating the difference between two quantities - and (μSv/h), determined from the expression

The limit of the basic relative error of the dosimeter, the value of which is taken from the passport or calibration certificate;

- the value of the Student coefficient for the confidence probability P = 0.95 with the number of observations;

- number of degrees of freedom, calculated by the formula:

in which is the number of repeated observations when measuring and , and is the same for and , respectively.

When using dosimeters of the EL-1101 type, the total error is determined by the formula:

where and are the random components of the error of the measurement results and , respectively, for the confidence probability P = 0.95, calculated by dosimeters EL-1101 and EL-1119.

2.8.2. If condition (8) is not met due to a large error in estimating the DER value, then additional measurements are carried out in order to reduce the total measurement error by making a larger number of repeated measurements or using dosimeters that have a smaller value of the main error (see Appendix 2).

2.8.3. If, according to the measurement results, condition (8) is not met, then measures are taken to identify the causes of the increased gamma radiation dose rate and the issue of the possibility of eliminating them is decided, after which the measurements in this room are repeated.

2.8.4. If the measures taken do not produce the required result, then the issue of repurposing the buildings being commissioned (or their individual premises) is decided.

2.9. In the case of reconstruction or major repairs of existing buildings, before starting design and survey work, it is necessary to conduct radiation surveys in them to the extent provided for in paragraphs. 2.3-2.8, in order to determine the need for protective measures and include them in the work plan.

2.10. When conducting an inspection in operating buildings, the choice of premises for inspection depends on the specific situation, the requirements of the Customer (homeowner, administration, etc.) and must be agreed upon with the territorial center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. In the absence of any emergency situations (availability of information about local sources, predicted excess of the standard, etc.) and the Customer’s requirements to inspect specific premises, their selection (during the inspection of the building) and inspection is carried out in the same way as during acceptance for operation (clauses 2.3-2.8.3).

2.11. For a building in use, the issue of repurposing it or its individual premises is resolved in accordance with the procedure established by law (with the consent of residents or the homeowner, etc.) by local authorities in agreement with the territorial center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, if the maximum value of the measured dose rate exceeds the dose rate in open areas more than 0.6 μSv/h (clause 7.3.4 NRB-96).


3.1. The controlled value in buildings and structures, according to NRB-96, is the average annual value of the equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity (ERVA) of radon isotopes (Rn - radon and Rn - thoron) in indoor air, equal to:

where: and - volumetric activity in air RaA (Po), RaB (Pb), RaC (Bi), ThB (Pb) and ThC (Bi), respectively, in Bq/m

3.2. It is allowed to carry out an assessment based on the results of measurements of the volumetric activity of radon (). In this case, to convert the measured values ​​into a value, the coefficient characterizing the shift in the radioactive equilibrium between radon and its daughter products in the air is used:

The values ​​are determined experimentally based on the results of simultaneous measurements and . In calculations using formula (15), average values ​​characteristic of a given region, period of year and type of building are used. In the absence of experimental data on the value of , it is taken equal to 0.5.

3.3. In accordance with paragraphs. 7.3.3 and 7.3.4 NRB-96, the average annual value of ERVA of radon isotopes in the indoor air of residential and public buildings designed and commissioned should not exceed 100 Bq/m:

and in operating buildings, the criterion for the need to carry out protective measures is the failure to fulfill the condition:

3.4. When commissioning buildings, as a rule, it is not possible to measure the average annual value of radon isotope ERVA, therefore, its upper limit is assessed based on the results of measurements for a period of up to 1-2 weeks, taking into account the coefficient of variation over time of the radon ERVA value and the main errors of the means used measurements:

where: and are the errors in determining the EROA of radon and thoron in the air, respectively, the values ​​of which are calculated using the formula:

in which is the measured value of EROA of radon (thoron) in the air, and is the main measurement error accepted according to the verification certificate (metrological certification) of the measuring instrument.

The value of the coefficient of variation depends on the geological and geophysical characteristics of the soil under the building, the climatic characteristics of the region, the type of building, the season of the year during which the measurements were taken, as well as on the duration of the measurement (duration of sampling) in the control technique used.

When checking the fulfillment of relation (18), the average value determined in the process of special studies in a given region in buildings of various types, carried out in different seasons of the year is taken as the calculated values ​​of the coefficient of variation when checking the fulfillment of relation (18).

In the absence of data on actual values, they are taken according to Table 1 depending on the duration of the measurement.

Table 1

Measurement duration

1-3 days

1-2 weeks

1-3 months


Warm season

cold season

3.5. EROA measurements are carried out in at least 30% of the premises being surveyed. If the results of these measurements satisfy the following condition:

then in the remaining rooms selected for the survey, measurements are not carried out, and the fulfillment of condition (18) is verified using the average value of EROA calculated from the measurements taken.

If condition (20) is not met, then EROA measurements should be carried out in all rooms selected for inspection, and the results of these measurements should be used when checking whether condition (18) is met.

3.6. Inspection and integral radiometers of alpha-active aerosols are used as means of monitoring the electrical energy of radon and thoron. To monitor radon EROA based on the volumetric activity of radon, integral radon radiometers or volumetric radon activity monitors are used. In this case, methods and measuring instruments should be used that make it possible to determine the average values ​​of volumetric radon activity over time periods of at least 3 days. Technical and metrological characteristics of the recommended types of devices are given in Appendix 3.

3.7. The total scope of control of radon and thoron EROA should be sufficient. The number and location of premises to be inspected are selected taking into account the category of potential radon hazard of the building area near the building being inspected, the specific activity of radium-226 in the building materials used and the backfill under the building, the design and purpose of the building.

3.7.1. The number and location of premises to be inspected are chosen based on the fact that, firstly, all types of premises that have different functional purposes must be inspected, and, secondly, premises located on each floor of a multi-story building, including the basement, and in case of two and more entrances - and in every entrance. At the same time, the largest proportion of all premises selected for the survey should be those in which people spend the greatest amount of time. In residential premises, unless there is special reason, bathrooms and toilet rooms, kitchens, and storerooms are not inspected. The scope of control must be agreed upon with the territorial center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

3.7.2. In case of difficulties when choosing the scope of radiation monitoring, it is recommended to use the criteria given in Appendix 4.

3.8. Measurements in the rooms of newly constructed and reconstructed buildings selected for inspection are carried out after their preliminary exposure (at least 12-24 hours) with windows and doors closed (both in the rooms and in the entrances) and in the normal mode of forced ventilation (if any). It is recommended to take measurements at the highest barometric pressure for a given area and light wind.

Measurements using integral measuring instruments and radon monitors can be started simultaneously with closing windows and doors and starting ventilation in normal mode.

The installation of passive integral measuring instruments for radon OA, radon monitors and air sampling during inspection measurements should be carried out in places with a minimum air exchange rate so that the results obtained, if possible, characterize the maximum values ​​of OA or EROA of radon and thoron in a given room. When taking measurements, the devices should be placed: no lower than 50 cm from the floor, no closer than 25 cm from the walls and 50 cm from heating elements, air conditioners, windows and doors.

In each inspected room (apartment), as a rule, one measurement of the energy dispersion of radon isotopes is carried out. If the room being examined is large, the number of measurements increases at the rate of one measurement for every 50 square meters.

3.9. Depending on the measurement results and the estimate based on them of the upper limit of the average annual value of ERVA of radon isotopes, the following decisions are made:

- premises meet the requirements of NRB-96*;
*Probably an error in the original. You should read NRB-99. Note "CODE".

- it is necessary to conduct additional research (it is indicated what kind and in what quantity);

- it is necessary to carry out protective measures (to reduce the gamma background, to reduce the radon ER, or both measures simultaneously);

- the building (part of the premises of the building) should be repurposed (or demolished).

3.9.1. If condition (18) is met in all inspected premises (not counting basements), then the building can be considered radon-safe and satisfies the standard given in NRB-96.

3.9.2. If in some of the surveyed premises (excluding basements) condition (18) is not satisfied, but in all of them the relation is satisfied.

Basic methods of protection in case of radiation poisoning:
1. Isolation of people from exposure to radiation.
Protective properties of buildings, structures, shelters, anti-radiation shelters:
attenuation coefficient (how many times less): K >1000 - major bomb shelter; K donkey = 50-400 - basement; K = 5 - in a trench >1 meter deep;
Kosl = 2 - wooden house, car.
2. Respiratory protection.
3. Sealing of residential premises.
4. Protect food and water.
5. Use of radioprotective drugs, refusal to drink fresh milk.
6. Strict adherence to radiation protection regimes.
7. Disinfection and sanitary treatment.

8. Evacuation of the population to safe areas.

Respirators are 75-85% effective, depending on how tightly the mask fits to the face. Light two- to four-layer gauze dressings (“petals”) have a lower percentage. Reliable respiratory protection will reduce the risk of internal exposure from radioactive dust. General-arms filter gas masks - additionally purify the inhaled air from smoke, fog of toxic substances and bacterial aerosols. On civilian models of gas masks, the color of the box of the filter element that protects against rad particles, including iodine, is Orange, the text marking of the filter type is Reaktor.

Clothing - hooded, waterproof, such as a raincoat. If you don’t have one, you can put a homemade film raincoat made of polyethylene on top. This will protect from settling radioactive dust and, to some extent, from beta burn. Hard gamma radiation (propagates straight from the source) - no clothing can stop it.

Diagnosis and treatment of radiation sickness

“Acute radiation sickness” (ARS) occurs as a result of exposure of the body to radiation in a dose of more than 1 Gray (the value for short-term exposure to radiation). At lower values, a “radiation reaction” is possible.

Chronic radiation sickness (CRS) - develops as a result of prolonged exposure of the body to doses of 0.1-0.5 centigrays (~1-5 millisieverts) per day with a total dose exceeding 0.7-1 Gy (~700-1000 mSv) .

Gamma rays and fast neutrons have the greatest penetrating power. Alpha and beta radiation cause burns to the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs and tissues (if isotopes get inside, with inhaled air, food and water). During the accident at the Japanese nuclear power plant Fukushima, in the first days, the main radioactivity was from iodine-131 (more than 50%) and cesium-137.

With very large amounts of radiation, hundreds and thousands of roentgens per hour, a person sees the glow of a radioactive source, feels the heat and heat emanating from it and feels, close to him, the pungent smell of ozone in highly ionized air (like after a thunderstorm).

Using the example of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in a reactor torn apart by an explosion, emitting tens of thousands of X-rays, electronic equipment on semiconductor crystals could fail, break down and stop working (due to erasing data from memory cells - ROM and RAM, degradation of n-p junctions in transistors and microcircuits, damage to the computer's central processor and camera matrix), the film will instantly become overexposed and even the quartz glass will darken. Ordinary, household dosimeters-radiometers are off the scale (only a device, such as the old, antediluvian military model DP-5, will show at least something, up to a level of 200 Roentgen). With such radiation power, with a rapid (in a matter of minutes and hours) build-up of a lethal dose of 5-10 Gray, people develop symptoms caused by strong radiation: severe weakness and headache, nausea and vomiting. Body temperature may increase. As a result of severe radiation burns, skin hyperemia (redness or bronze tan) and injection of scleral vessels (red whites of the eyes) appear.

All persons whose total dose (according to the primary response criteria) is 4 Gy or more are immediately hospitalized.

The exact dose of radiation received by a person is determined by readings from radiation sensors (individual dosimeters) with clarification from blood tests and other clinical indicators.

Treatment should be carried out in specialized clinics, followed by regular cancer examinations. X-ray studies (including fluorography) are excluded if possible.

First aid kit with "radiation antidote"

In the prevention and treatment of radiation injuries, “decontamination agents” used to remove radioactive substances from the surface of the body and from environmental objects are of great importance.

Radioprotectors (various groups of radiation damage modifiers, produced in the form of tablets, powders and solutions) - are introduced into the body in advance, before irradiation. Anti-radiation agents also include phenolic compounds of food and medicinal plants (tangerine, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, motherwort, immortelle, licorice) and bee propolis.

“Miraculous”, effective drugs with a wide spectrum of action, stubbornly not recognized by official medicine, include - ASD-2 fraction (veterinary antiseptic Dorogov stimulant, produced by the Armavir biofactory, or deodorized from Moscow) ...

To relieve symptoms of intoxication from chemo-radiation therapy and accelerate the onset of remission, Taktivin and other immunocorrectors and immunomodulators are used.

In case of radiation damage to the skin (nuclear tanning), infusions/decoctions of chestnut or walnut leaves in sunflower or amaranth oil are useful for its treatment. Walnut oil can also help with ordinary sunburn of any degree, regenerating damaged tissue.

Fruit and berry drinks (juices, fruit drinks, alcohol - red wine), as well as fruits and some vegetables - increase metabolism and the removal of radionuclides from the body. The damaging effect on tissue of penetrating radiation is reduced by vegetable oil (regular, sunflower, or better yet, nut, sea buckthorn or olive oil) or taking vitamin E in advance, before irradiation. Hypoxia (with infrequent breathing or low oxygen content in the inhaled air) also affects free radicals in the blood, which is necessary at the time of irradiation and for several hours after. When processing food and water with a constant magnetic field (magnet), with induction, in the magnetization working zone, about 50-400 millitesla (500-4000 Gauss) - the therapeutic and health-improving effect is enhanced due to the improvement of water-salt metabolism (salt solubility increases) and the composition of body fluids (blood, lymph and intercellular fluid). The magnetization effect remains at an effective level for several hours after treatment.

Biologically active points (BAP) to accelerate the removal of radiation to cleanse the body of radionuclides and improve metabolism: V49 on the back, in the lumbar region (i-she, normalizes the functioning of the heart, kidneys and adrenal glands), E21 on the stomach on the right (liang-men) and foot points - V40 (wei-zhong), R8 (jiao-xin), E36 (zu-san-li). Rubbing, massage of all joints and the base of the neck (easier, especially where there are lymphatic vessels and nodes) - cleansing bone tissue of radioactive isotopes and heavy metals. Bio-energy meridians must be cleaned (improving the nervous system, hematopoietic organs, cleaning blood and lymphatic vessels).

Permanent light compositions (SLPs)

From the beginning of the last century, the twentieth century until the 60s, radium paint glowing in the dark (the effect of radioluminescence of the light composition, based on the reaction of 226Ra with copper and zinc) was applied to the dials and hands of wall and wrist clocks, alarm clocks, and was also used for phosphor coating of jewelry, souvenirs and even children's toys and Christmas tree decorations. Radium-226 was widely used in military equipment, in compasses and weapon sights - on airplanes, ships and submarines.

The level of radioactive radiation in the immediate vicinity of the luminous surfaces of these antique antiques could reach large values ​​- hundreds (for some specimens - thousands) microroentgens per hour (since, in addition to alpha particles, the 226Ra isotope also emits gamma rays with the energy 0.2 MeV), and approaches background values ​​- at a distance of 1-2 meters from the source (the effect of scattering gamma rays with low energy). The usual color of luminous radium paint is yellowish or cream. The brightness of the glow, a year or two after application, noticeably decreases (zinc sulphide gradually decomposes, “burns out,” but the radiation remains, because the half-life of 226Ra is long, more than one and a half thousand years, with a bad bouquet of “daughter” isotopes) .

Radium226, according to its chemical structure, is an analogue of calcium and when its molecules enter the human body, it can accumulate in the bones, causing internal irradiation of the body.

In modern industrial safe (if the seal of the device is not broken) permanent light compositions (SPD) with short-range sources of radioactive radiation, a mixture of radiothorium (alpha particles) and mesothorium or tritium / promethium-147 (pure beta) phosphor is used.

Radiation dose accumulates in the body in the form of irreversible changes in tissues and organs (especially intensively - at high levels of penetrating radiation and receiving large doses from it) and radionuclides settling in bones and tissues, causing internal irradiation (radioactive cesium-137 and strontium-90 - have a half-life - about 30 years, iodine-131 - 8 days).

A level that can have a noticeable harmful effect on human health is more than 10 millisieverts per day.

Having received a radiation dose of 5 sieverts for several hours in a row, a person can die within a few weeks.

Intervention levels: to begin temporary resettlement of the population - 30 mSv per month, to end - 10 mSv per month. If the dose accumulated over one month is predicted to remain above these levels for a year, the issue of relocation to permanent residence should be considered.

With increased accuracy, you can measure radiation with a household dosimeter-radiometer by taking quite a lot of measurements at a point (at a height of 1 meter from the ground surface) and calculating the average value or with several working devices at once, followed by averaging the measurement results. Record the readings taken, the time and number of measurements, the name, model and serial number of the equipment used, as well as the location and reason for the test. If it is raining, you must indicate this, since high humidity negatively affects the operation of these devices. Visually draw a map-scheme of the gamma survey - in the form of a picture or drawing with the main elements of the situation (lines) and indicating the compass orientation at the survey site. If local foci of gamma radiation are detected with a dose rate exceeding twice the natural background for a given area, it is necessary to carefully delineate them using measurements on a ten-meter coordinate grid and contact the local SES (sanitary and epidemiological station).

Natural, terrestrial sources of increased radioactive background are determined mainly by the peculiarities of the geological structure of a particular area and are usually associated with nearby granite (and other intrusive rocks) massifs and flooded tectonic faults (a source of radioactive emanations of radon gas from groundwater). In underground cavities, in caves and adits located there, there may be increased background radiation values, which speleologists and diggers need to take into account (you must have at least one working normal dosimeter-radiometer per group, with an audible alarm turned on).

The results of individual monitoring of personnel radiation doses must be stored for 50 years. When conducting individual monitoring, it is necessary to keep records of the annual effective and equivalent doses, the effective dose for 5 consecutive years, as well as the total accumulated dose for the entire period of professional work.

In Chernobyl, during the accident, the liquidators worked until they reached a dose of 25 rem, that is, twenty-five roentgens (this is approximately 250 millisieverts), after which they were sent from there. Health status was also monitored using regular blood tests.

There is no radiation from a cell phone, but there is electromagnetic microwave radiation (the highest power at the antenna - in talk mode and with poor quality of the received signal), which is non-ionizing, but still has a damaging effect on biological tissues, especially on the central nervous system ( on the brain) and on the state of health in general, IF you do not use a wired headset or hands free telephone headphones. Medical studies have shown that from the electromagnetic field of a telephone handset, memory deteriorates, a person’s intellectual abilities decrease, headaches and night insomnia occur. If calls on a mobile phone last more than 1 hour a day (professional level of radiation exposure), you must regularly (every year) be seen by a doctor (a general practitioner, if necessary, an oncologist). You can protect yourself if, when using headphones, you hold the mobile phone handset at a sufficient distance to reduce its radiation - no closer than half a meter from your head.

Persons exposed to a single dose of radiation exceeding 100 mSv should not be exposed to doses exceeding 20 mSv/year in further work. These people are not contagious. The danger comes from radioactive substances, for example, in the form of dust on work uniforms and the soles of shoes.

In the event of an emergency (emergency), to monitor the situation - have with you an individual dosimeter (always on in accumulation mode) or a radiometer configured to sound the threshold radiation value, for example - 0.7 µSv/h (µSv/h, uSv/h - designation in English) = 70 micro roentgen/hour. Gas masks used in the zone of radioactive contamination (especially their filters) are a source of radiation.

When coal is burned, potassium-40, uranium-238 and thorium-232 contained in it are released in microscopic quantities. For this reason, furnaces that were fired with coal, ash dumps and nearby areas over which dust and ash fell from coal smoke have some radioactivity, usually not exceeding permissible standards. Using a radiometer and a magnetometer, archaeologists find ancient sites and human dwellings located at great depths from the surface of the earth.

After the Chernobyl accident, in the “shining” territories adjacent to the disaster site, in populated areas that were covered by a radioactive cloud, special mechanized units carried out the liquidation and burial or decontamination of buildings and property, contaminated equipment (trucks and cars, earth-moving and construction - road cars). As a result of the accident, water bodies, pastures, forests and arable lands were exposed to radiation contamination, some of which are still “ringing” to this day.

From the literature, a tragic incident is known that occurred in the last century in Kramatorsk (Ukraine), when a source of Cs was lost in a crushed stone quarry. Subsequently, it was discovered in the wall of a built residential building.

Tumor (cancerous) cells can withstand irradiation up to several thousand roentgens, but healthy tissues do not survive and die at an absorbed dose of 100-400 R

Iodine-containing preparations and seafood (seaweed / Kelp) should be taken in advance, in reasonable quantities and according to the instructions - to prevent thyroid cancer from radioactive 131 I. You cannot drink a regular alcohol solution of iodine. You can only smear it externally - in the form of an iodine net (or “flowered”, under Khokhloma), draw it on the skin of the neck or other parts of the body (if there is no allergy to it).

There are several main ways to protect against penetrating radiation: limiting the exposure time, reducing the activity and energy of the radiation source, distance - the dose rate decreases with the square of the distance from the isotope (this rule only applies to small, “point sources”, relatively small linear dimensions). When large areas and territories on the surface of the Earth are contaminated or when radionuclides, in the form of fine particles, enter the upper layers of the atmosphere, the stratosphere (with a sufficiently large power of nuclear warheads - from one hundred kilotons and above) - the level of radioactive radiation will be higher, the damage to the environment and danger to the population, radiation (dose) load is greater. In the event of a large-scale nuclear war, with the use of hundreds or several thousand nuclear warheads (including high and ultra-high power), in addition to radiation, there will be catastrophic consequences in the form of global (planetary scale) climate changes, abnormally cold, nuclear winter and night (lasting up to several years) - without sunlight (access to solar energy will decrease hundreds of times, with a widespread decrease in air temperature by 30-40 degrees), with famine and mass extinction of the population of entire continents, the disappearance of most flora and fauna, destruction of ecosystems, loss of the ozone layer (which protects the Earth from destructive cosmic rays for all living things) by the atmosphere of the planet. Numerous nuclear power plants, nuclear waste storage facilities, gushing oil wells and burning gas flares, warehouses, factories and chemicals were left unattended and unmaintained after the global cataclysm. factories will add to the environmental problems of a depopulated planet. In the slang of "survivalists", such future events are called BP (from the abbreviation of the name "Big and Fluffy Northern Animal"), and before it was called the Apocalypse. Then, after the deposition of raised dust and ash on the earth and snow surfaces, when they are heated by solar radiation, a “nuclear summer” will begin, with the melting of the glaciers of the Himalayas, Greenland, Antarctica and the snow caps of the mountains, with an increase in the level of the world ocean, inland seas and reservoirs , the “global flood” will happen again. Perhaps people who took refuge in mountain caves and mines or in deep underground bunkers and shelters with a supply of food for several years, with a reserve of fresh water, with air storage and regeneration systems will survive. The opportunity to survive when the poles change will also be available to submariners of nuclear submarines who went to sea shortly before the disaster. City residents will try, for some time, to take refuge in old, unflooded bomb shelters or in city metro tunnels, while at the nearest prod. warehouses will not run out of food and drinking water. Humanity still has a chance to avoid the next and most destructive world war if new NBIC technologies (nano-, bio-, information and cognitive) appear and optimally begin to be introduced into everyday life, solving civilizational problems with energy resources and food supply for the planet's population.

Oil field studies show a marked increase in radiation levels in the area of ​​oil wells, caused by the gradual deposition of radium-226, thorium-232 and potassium-40 salts on equipment and adjacent soil. Therefore, spent oilfield drill pipes often become radioactive waste.

Non-ionizing radiation, due to its lower energy compared to ionizing radiation, is not capable of breaking the chemical bonds of molecules. But, with long-term exposure (duration) of exposure and some of its parameters (intensity, combination of frequencies, modulation of the signal and its strength, frequency of exposure) - they can adversely affect a living organism and worsen the health of people. According to the usual classification, non-ionizing radiation includes: electromagnetic radiation (in the range of industrial and radio frequencies), electrostatic field, laser radiation, constant and, especially, alternating magnetic fields (the magnitude of which is more than 0.2 μT). In modern urban conditions, human life is constantly surrounded by various non-ionizing radiation from household appliances (microwave ovens and other electrical appliances), transport, power lines, etc. They pose a danger to people with weakened immune systems, patients with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, and cardiovascular systems.

The population can be protected using various protective equipment and organizational and technical measures - limiting the time and intensity of exposure, distance (distance to the emitter) and location, using grounded protective screens (sheet metal, foil or mesh, various films and textile fabrics with a metallized coating) to weaken the fields.

Living organisms are constantly exposed to irradiation from natural sources, which include cosmic radiation, radionuclides of cosmic and terrestrial origin - 40 K, 238 U, 232 Th and their daughter nuclides, including 222 Rn (radon).

In practice, to quickly check food products or building materials, soil and soil with a household radiometer, the filter cover is removed and the device operates (“counts”) in the “indicator of excesses above the natural background” mode of gamma + hard betta radiation (if with a cover, it will measure only the gamut). To protect from water and dampness, place the device in transparent cellophane. Alpha particles cannot be detected by any household device; this requires professional equipment.

The equivalent dose rate of man-made radiation = the result of measurement by a radiometer (in microsieverts) minus the natural background radiation. In places where members of the public are located, it should not exceed 0.12 μSv/hour. For example, the background (that is, usual) value in a given area is 0.10 μSv/h, and measured there, at the outer surface of an object, is 0.15 μSv/h. Then: 0.15 - 0.10 = 0.05, which is not higher than the permissible twelve hundredths of a microsievert. This means that at this point there is no excess of 0.12 μSv/hour above the background level - technogenic radiation is “normal for the population”, in terms of radiation.

In the simplest homemade radiometer, the sensor is elongated sheets of thin newsprint or foil petals. They are attached to a metal rod placed in a glass jar. From the side, through the glass, such an indicator reacts to gamma, and if you bring an object from above, it also reacts to beta and alpha radiation (at a distance of up to 9 cm, directly, since alpha is absorbed even by a sheet of paper and a ten-centimeter layer of air). The detector must be electrified with static electricity so that the complete discharge time is at least 30 seconds, using a stopwatch (only if the transition process is long enough to ensure the accuracy of measurements). To do this, you can use a regular plastic comb. Start and end measurements with any device, not just homemade ones, by determining the background values ​​(if everything was done correctly, they will be approximately the same). To reduce the air humidity in the jar (so that the electroscope holds a charge) - heat it and place granules of silica gel or aluminum gel inside (pre-dry them, bake them on some fairly hot surface, in a frying pan).

// When searching for the first uranium deposits for the defense purposes of our country (potential adversaries, the Americans, were already testing their nuclear weapons at that time, and their plans were to use them against the USSR), Soviet geologists also used such first sensors, for lack of others (before measurements, the jar was dried in a hot Russian oven), to check the level of radioactivity of the found ore samples.

An example of measurements with a homemade petal radiometer on building materials:
background value - 42 seconds (based on the results of several measurements, background = (41+43+42) / 3 = 42 s.
quartz sand - 43 pp.
red brick - 32 pp.
crushed granite - 15 s.
RESULT: the crushed stone seems to be radioactive - its radiation is almost three times (42: 15 = 2.8) higher than the background (the value is not absolute, relative, but a multiple of the background values ​​is a fairly reliable indicator). If measurements by specialists using a professional instrument confirm the result (three times the background), the local SES (sanitary and epidemiological station) and the Ministry of Emergency Situations will take care of the problem. They will conduct a detailed radiometric survey of the contaminated area and the surrounding area and, if necessary, decontaminate the area.

Lead poisoning (Saturnism)

Heavy metals include those whose density is greater than that of iron (lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, cobalt, nickel). Accumulating in the human body, they cause carcinogenic effects.

Let's consider this using the example of lead (lat. Plumbum).

Lead enters the body in different ways: through the respiratory system (in the form of dust, aerosols and vapors), with food (5-10% is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract) and through the skin. Lead compounds are soluble in gastric juice and other body fluids.

Forms of “saturnism” are weakness, anemia (pallor), intestinal colic (intestinal paralysis), nervous disorders and joint pain. One of the main signs of the disease is anemia. Brain lesions are clinically accompanied by convulsions and delirium, sometimes leading to drowsiness and coma. Of the peripheral nerves, the motor nerves are most often affected; paresis and paralysis often develop in the extensors of the hands and shoulder girdle. A gray “lead border” forms on the gums.

Lead accumulates in bones (the half-life of bone tissue is more than 20 years), nails and hair, as well as in the tissues of the liver and kidneys.

Lead encephalopathy is an acute disorder observed more often in children who have ingested lead paint. It begins with convulsions, after increased intracranial pressure and cerebral edema.

Dyes containing lead: lead white (lead carbonate, poisonous), red lead and litharge (red oxides), massicot (yellow). Enameled dishes coated on the inside with red or yellow enamel, as well as those with chips and cracks in the enamel, are harmful to health (poisoning with lead, cadmium, nickel, copper, chromium, manganese and other metals is possible).

In nature, lead ore appears as a result of the transformation of radioactive isotopes of uranium and thorium into stable (non-radioactive) isotopes of Pb with the release of alpha particles (helium nuclei).

Historical information: in 1697, the German physician Eberhard Gockel published a book entitled “A Remarkable Account of the Previously Unknown “Wine Sickness” Caused in the Years 1694, 95 and 96 by the Sweetening of Sour Wine with Lead Lithe...”, based on the results of his medical practice .

Observations of the radioactivity of environmental objects in the city are carried out in accordance with the programs and regulations of the Moscow Government “On measures to improve the radiation safety of the population of Moscow.”

The radiation-ecological monitoring system (REM) covers the entire territory of Moscow (within the old boundaries of 10 administrative districts and the territory of “New Moscow” of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts), is constantly being improved and consists of the following main blocks: stationary monitoring equipment, mobile equipment control, analytical center.

Stationary monitoring means include a ground-based monitoring network, a network of stationary monitoring posts for air and water basins, and a network of background radiation meters (Fig. 1).

Mobile means of radiation-ecological monitoring include a vehicle complex for conducting automotive gamma surveys along highways and city streets, as well as a mobile water complex that assesses the radiation parameters of surface waters and bottom sediments of the Moscow River.

More than 2,500 environmental samples are analyzed annually.

Atmospheric air. At stationary radiation monitoring posts (6 posts), the radioactivity of atmospheric aerosols and their fallout on the underlying surface was monitored throughout the year. Aerosol samples were taken using VFU type "Typhoon-4" with a capacity of up to 1200 m 3 /h and "Typhoon-5" with a capacity of up to 3000 m 3 / h, with the deposition of aerosols on an FPP-15-1.5 filter. Atmospheric fallout was collected in high-sided ditches. After a week's exposure, the samples were submitted for radiometric and γ-spectrometric analyses.

Table 1 presents the results of measurements of volumetric activities of radionuclides in the atmospheric air of Moscow.

Table 1. Average volumetric activities of radionuclides in the atmospheric air of Moscow, Bq/m 3

3,3 . 10 -3

3,7 . 10 -7

1,7 . 10 -5

8,9 . 10 -7

8,4 . 10 -7

8,3 . 10 -7

The values ​​of the volumetric activity of radionuclides 226 Ra, 232 Th, 40 K are explained by the processes of secondary dust rise (resuspension) from the earth's surface.

The volumetric activity of iodine radionuclide 131 I was recorded in every month, but not every week. The range of changes in the volumetric activity of 131 I was from 1.4.10 -7 to 2.8.10 -5 Bq/m 3 with an average value of 1.9.10 -6 Bq/m 3.

Table 2 presents the results of measurements of the density of radioactive fallout in Moscow.

Table 2. Density of radioactive fallout in Moscow, Bq/(m 2 year)

Surface water and bottom sediments. Stationary hydrosphere posts (7 posts) are located at the cross-sections of the Moscow, Setun, Skhodnya and Yauza rivers, as well as at the mouth of the Sobolevsky Stream, as the most likely source of anthropogenic pollution.

Table 3 presents the results of measurements of the volumetric activity of radioactive substances in the water of open reservoirs in Moscow.

Table 3. Average volumetric activity of radioactive substances in the water of open reservoirs, Bq/l

Table 4 presents the results of measurements of the average specific activity of radioactive substances in bottom sediments of open water bodies in Moscow.

Table 4. Average specific activity of radioactive substances in bottom sediments of open water bodies in Moscow, Bq/kg

Equivalent dose rate controlled by a network of background radiation meters (IRF) - 66 sensors. IRFs are located taking into account the coverage of all administrative districts on highways, at large enterprises, and in crowded places. Receiving data from sensors is carried out around the clock.

In addition, in 2014, wearable devices made more than 3,000 measurements of gamma radiation equivalent dose rate. The average annual dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation in Moscow was 0.12 μSv/h, with a maximum value of 0.20 μSv/h (Kotelnicheskaya embankment, 1/15), which corresponds to background values. At 134 points of the regime network, thermoluminescent sensors (TLDs) determined the integral absorbed radiation dose from external radiation sources, which in 2014 amounted to 0.86 mGy/year.

Soil radioactivity was determined at each of the 134 control points using samples taken from 10x10 m2 areas using the “envelope” method from 5 cm of the top layer.

Table 5 presents the results of measurements of the average density of soil contamination with technogenic radionuclides in Moscow.

Table 5. Average density of soil contamination with technogenic radionuclides in Moscow, Bq/m 2

Table 6 presents the results of measurements of the specific activity of natural radionuclides in the soil of Moscow.

Table 6. Average specific activity of natural radionuclides in soils of Moscow, Bq/kg

Radiation surveys of objects

A survey was carried out for the content of equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity (ERV) of radon in 215 residential buildings, 283 buildings of children's educational institutions (preschool institutions) and school buildings. The average annual values ​​of EROA of radon isotopes in the surveyed apartments and office premises ranged from 6 to 104 Bq/m 3 , in basements – from 6 to 295 Bq/m 3 .

Results of radiation-ecological monitoring in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts (“New Moscow”)

In Fig. Figure 2 shows a diagram of the location of sampling points on a temporary regime radiation monitoring network and a temporary regime monitoring network for water bodies in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of Moscow


Results of monitoring radionuclide content in soil and snow samples

The main results of the radiation parameters of selected soil and snow cover samples taken at points of the regular regime radiation monitoring network are presented in Tables 7-8.

Table 7. Average specific activity of radionuclides in soils (soil), Bq/kg





Table 8. Average radioactivity of snow cover radionuclides, MBq/km 2

Sampling area


The values ​​of radiation parameters of soil samples and snow cover actually obtained and presented in tables do not exceed the values ​​of control levels established for the city of Moscow.

Results of monitoring the content of radionuclides in water samples and bottom sediments of open reservoirs

The main results of the radiation parameters of selected samples of surface water and bottom sediments taken at radiation monitoring points at the regime sites of the water basin of the TiNAO of Moscow are presented in Table 9.

Table 9. Average values ​​of specific activities of radionuclides in surface water and bottom sediments of open water bodies

Sampling area


water, mBq/kg

Bottom sediments, Bq/kg



The values ​​of radiation parameters of samples of surface water and bottom sediments of open reservoirs actually obtained and presented in tables do not exceed the values ​​of control levels established for the city of Moscow.

Results of monitoring the content of radionuclides in samples of vegetation of the herbaceous layer

The main results of the radiation parameters of selected samples of vegetation of the herbaceous layer (grass, foliage of shrubs and trees) collected at points of the regular regime radiation monitoring network are presented in Table 10.

Table 10. Average specific activity of radionuclides in vegetation of the herbaceous layer, Bq/kg

Sampling area


The values ​​of radiation parameters actually obtained and presented in the table for samples of vegetation of the herbaceous layer are within the limits of the values ​​of long-term observations typical for the city of Moscow.

Results of monitoring the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation and the integral absorbed dose

The equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation (EDR GI) and integral absorbed doses on the territory of the district were controlled:

  • wearable dosimeters (dosimeters - radiometers) when taking environmental samples;
  • automated background radiation meters (IRF) at ASKRO points around the clock in real time throughout the year;
  • thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) with an exposure of six months for each group of dosimeters.

The results of average annual background radiation values ​​are presented in Table 11.

Table 11. Average annual values ​​of GI EDR, background radiation and integral absorbed

The values ​​of radiation parameters actually obtained and presented in the tables do not exceed the values ​​of control levels established for the city of Moscow and long-term observations.

Monitoring the equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity (ERV) of radon daughter products indoors

An inspection of the premises of state budgetary educational institutions (GBOU) in the urban districts of Troitsk and Shcherbinka was carried out in order to determine radiation safety indicators in them.

In the urban district of Troitsk, 30 state budgetary educational institutions and 30 residential premises were examined. The following results were obtained: the measured EROA of radon daughter products in indoor air varies from 4 to 85 Bq/m 3 ; in basements - from 7 to 235 Bq/m3. The EDR GI in the surveyed premises varied from 0.08 to 0.15 μSv/h.

In the urban district of Shcherbinka, 30 residential premises were examined. The results were obtained: the value of the measured EROA of radon in indoor air varies from 6 to 44 Bq/m 3 ; in basements - from 6 to 80 Bq/m3. The EDR GI in the surveyed premises varied from 0.07 to 0.11 μSv/h. In the area where these buildings are located, measurements of radon content in the atmosphere and EDR of GI in the surrounding area were taken. In the atmospheric air in the area adjacent to buildings, the EROA of radon does not exceed 6 Bq/m 3 , and the values ​​of EDR GI vary from 0.07 to 0.10 μSv/h.

The actually obtained values ​​of EDR GI and EROA of radon daughter products do not exceed standard data and long-term observation data.

Results of automotive gamma survey of the district's road network

Using the AGS method, transport routes and roads in large settlements of the TiNAO, as well as urban and rural settlements located on the territory of these districts were examined. The results of the survey of transport routes of the TiNAO are presented in Table 12.

Table 12. Results of a survey of transport highways located on the territory of the TiNAO

The values ​​of the EDR GI on the transport highways of the TiNAO were in the range of 0.08 – 0.27 µSv/h. The average value of EDR GI according to AGS data is 0.12 μSv/h. Values ​​exceeding 0.20 μSv/h are due to the specifics of road materials. The results of the AGS survey of roads in large settlements of the TiNAO are presented in Table 13.

Table 13. Results of a survey of roads in large settlements located on the territory of the TiNAO

The EDR GI values ​​on the roads in the surveyed settlements were in the range of 0.08 – 0.30 μSv/h. The average value of EDR GI according to the AGS data is 0.14 μSv/h. Values ​​exceeding 0.20 μSv/h are due to the specifics of road materials.

Automotive gamma photography in the Novomoskovsk Autonomous Okrug was carried out along the main transport routes within the settlements of the district.

GI EDR values ​​on routes ranged from 0.08 to 0.28 μSv/h, with an average value of 0.14 μSv/h. Values ​​exceeding 0.20 μSv/h are due to the specifics of road materials. The results of the work on examining roads in urban and rural settlements of the district using the AGS method are presented in Table 14.

Table 14. Results of a survey of urban and rural settlements in Novomoskovsk Autonomous Okrug

Automotive gamma imaging was carried out along the main transport routes within the settlements of the district and on access roads to radiation-hazardous objects of the district.

GI EDR values ​​on routes ranged from 0.08 to 0.30 μSv/h, with an average value of 0.14 μSv/h. Values ​​exceeding 0.20 μSv/h are due to the specifics of road materials. The results of the AGS survey of urban and rural settlements in the district are shown in Table 15.

Table 15. Results of a survey of urban and rural settlements in Troitsky Autonomous Okrug


Names of settlements located on the territory of Troitsk Autonomous Okrug

JV Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe

JV Pervomaiskoe

JV Novofedorovskoe

State Enterprise Kyiv

GO Troitsk

JV Shchapovskoe

JV Klenovskoe

Overall for the district:

No excesses of the permissible values ​​of the GI EDR and sites of man-made radioactive contamination on the access roads to radiation-hazardous enterprises of the district were found.

The results of the AGS survey of access roads to radiation-hazardous enterprises are given in Table 16.

Table 16. Results of inspection of access roads to radiation-hazardous enterprises


Name of enterprises

Maximum values ​​of DER GI, μSv/h

Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism named after. N.V. Pushkova (IZMIRAN)

Institute of High Pressure Physics named after. L.F. Vereshchagina (IFVD)

Branch of the Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN) OKB (FIAN)

Control of equivalent dose rate and integral absorbed dose

The rate of equivalent dose and integral absorbed dose in the district is controlled by the following methods:

  • gamma radiation equivalent dose rate (GDR) - with wearable radiometers when taking environmental samples;
  • thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) method with continuous exposure for six months (integral absorbed dose - D).

The results of average annual background radiation values ​​are given in Table 17.

Table 17. Equivalent dose rate and integral absorbed dose


MED GI, μSv/h

D, mGy/year


Automotive gamma photography of the territory of Novomoskovsk Autonomous Okrug

Automotive gamma imaging was carried out along the main transport routes, in areas within the district's populated areas and on access roads to radiation-hazardous objects in the district. The values ​​of EDR GI on the surveyed routes were within the limits of the natural radiation background from 0.06 to 0.25 μSv/h. The EDR values ​​of GI near radiation-hazardous objects were determined at fixed control points (CT) located in places of the greatest potential radiation hazard. The results of the inspection of objects and highways are shown in Table 18.

Table 18. AGS results

Names of highways and facilities located on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

EDR values ​​GI, μSv/h


Kyiv highway

Kaluzhskoe highway

Varshavskoe highway

Borovskoe highway

The route between Kaluzhskoe highway. and Kievsky highway through the village of Letovo, Valuevo, Svkhz. Moscow

Mosrentgen plant

Automotive gamma photography of the territory of the Troitsk Autonomous Okrug

Automotive gamma imaging was carried out along the main transport routes, in areas within the district's settlements and on access roads to radiation-hazardous objects in the district. The values ​​of EDR GI on the surveyed routes were within the limits of the natural radiation background from 0.06 to 0.25 μSv/h. The values ​​of the EDR GI near radiation-hazardous objects were determined at fixed control points (CT) located in places of the greatest potential radiation hazard. The results of the inspection of objects and highways are shown in Table 19.

Table 19. AGS results

Name of highways and facilities located on the territory of the TAO

EDR values ​​GI, μSv/h


Kyiv highway

Kaluzhskoe highway

Podolskoe highway

Borovskoe highway

The route between Kaluzhskoe highway. and Kievsky highway through the village of Ptichnoe, Pervomaiskoe

The route between Kaluzhskoe highway. and Podolsky highway via Shchapovo, Shaganino

Concrete ring (part) (road A107)

Trinity Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research (TRINITI)

Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism named after N.V. Pushkov (IZMIRAN)

Institute of High Pressure Physics named after L.F. Vereshchagin, Troitsk Branch (IFVD)

Branch of the Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN), OKB FIAN

Institute of Spectroscopy RAS (ISAN)

Institute for Nuclear Research RAS (INR RAS)

Pedestrian radiation monitoring of TiNAO territories

Pedestrian radiation monitoring was carried out in areas adjacent to radiation-hazardous objects, determined by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2009 No. 1311-r (as amended on April 11, 2011).

Search (pedestrian) radiation monitoring of the territories of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts in the city of Moscow was carried out on areas of 225,000 m 2 and 275,000 m 2, respectively, with a total area of ​​500,000 m 2.

In the Troitsky administrative district in the Troitsk municipality, the territories of the Solnechny microdistrict (between Ficheskaya, Solnechnaya and Oktyabrsky Prospekt streets), the Troitskoye estate park, and the territory along Oktyabrsky Prospekt around the Children's Art School named after. M.I. Glinka. In the Krasnopakhorskoye joint venture, the territory of the Krasnaya Pakhra sports park was examined.

In the Novomoskovsk administrative district in the village of Mosrentgen, the area around the ponds between Mosrentgen Street (opposite the Mosrentgen plant) and the Hero of Russia Solomatin passage and the territory of the city park along Mosrentgen Street were surveyed.

In the Moskovsky State Enterprise, an area was surveyed near the village of Salaryevo, 1.2 km from the Salaryevo solid waste landfill, next to the site for the construction of the Salaryevo metro electric depot.

The maximum value of EDR GI in the surveyed area is 0.23 μSv/h, which does not exceed the permissible values ​​according to OSPORB 99/2010 clause 5.1.6. No sources of ionizing radiation or local radiation anomalies were identified in the surveyed area.


  1. The controlled radiation parameters of environmental objects in 2014 were within the values ​​​​corresponding to the radiation background characteristic of the city of Moscow, and did not exceed the established control levels (“Control levels for ensuring radioecological safety of the population of Moscow” M., 2008).
  2. The values ​​of integral absorbed doses are within the limits of natural variations and do not exceed the average doses for the city of Moscow.
  3. The presence in Moscow of a large number of radiation-hazardous facilities and enterprises that own radioactive substances (RS) and radioactive waste (RAW) creates the potential danger of a radiation incident.


An analysis of the radiation-ecological situation in Moscow for 2014 showed that the values ​​of controlled radiation parameters of environmental objects were within the limits of long-term fluctuations in the technogenic background of the capital.

I tried to clarify the confusion among the abundance of dosimetric units of measurement. Now I want to explain in an accessible way how to decipher the dosimeter readings.

In dosimetry, only indicators of the absorbed equivalent effective dose are used. It is measured in sieverts. Among the important measurement modes are the determination accumulated absorbed dose.

The fact is that the body is capable of accumulating all the radiation absorbed during its life in the form of irreversible changes in tissues and organs, as well as radionuclides deposited in internal tissues. Since some background radiation is constantly present in nature, a person accumulates a dose of 100 to 700 mSv (millisieverts) during his life. This figure is calculated for 70 years of life. In this situation, it is not at all difficult to calculate the rate of accumulated dose received per year or per day. It turns out that per year we “should” collect a norm of 1.43 - 10 mSv, and per day, respectively, 0.004 - 0.027 mSv. The accumulated dose equivalent is measured after the dosimeter is turned on and until it is turned off or until the measurement results are reset to zero.

According to the readings of my dosimeter, in 32 hours and 48 minutes I caught 0.005 mSv ( miles sievert) radiation, which is quite normal.

But in some “non-standard situations” it happens that a person can catch a radiation dose that is many times higher than the natural background levels. This dose can be accumulated at a time (one-time exposure), short-term (irradiation for up to 4 days in a row) or over many years.

Radiation with small doses over a long period of time is considered much more dangerous than irradiation with a large dose over a short period of time.
3 mSv/year- is considered an absolutely safe normal dose of background radiation.

20 mSv/year- limit of annual radiation dose for workers of nuclear and other types of radiation-hazardous work.

150 mSv/year- increases the likelihood of cancer.

250 mSv- after reaching this threshold of the accumulated dose, the liquidator of the Chernobyl accident was no longer allowed to perform dangerous work and was sent away from Chernobyl.

These were options for obtaining accumulated doses over a long period of time.
With short-term irradiation, the limit of the maximum permissible accumulated dose rises.

Before 0.01 mSv- this dose can be ignored.

If during one shift a worker has a risk of exceeding the threshold of 0.2 mSv, such work is classified as radiation hazardous and requires wearing a dosimeter.

Before 100 mSv- acceptable one-time(!) emergency exposure of the population. By medical methods, no noticeable deviations in the structure of tissues and organs are observed.

One-time exposure over 200 mSv considered potentially hazardous and critical to health.

Dose exposure 500-1000 mSv causes a feeling of fatigue, moderate changes in the composition of the blood are observed. The condition returns to normal after some time. But there is a possibility of cancer occurring in the future.

1000-1500 mSv (1-1.5 Sv) at a time can cause symptoms indicating a reaction of organs and systems - nausea, vomiting, impairment of performance. Various forms of radiation sickness occur.

After doses of 1500 mSv (1.5 Sv) and higher (high levels of radiation), it is customary to measure the absorbed dose in grays (1 Sv = 1 Gy). Obviously, the irradiated object is no longer perceived as “biological” (this is the black humor we doctors have).

1.5-2.5 Gy (1500-2500 mSv)- there is a short-term mild form of radiation sickness, which appears in the form of pronounced, long-lasting leukopenia (decrease in the number of leukocytes). In 30-50% of cases, vomiting may occur on the first day after irradiation. At doses greater than 2 gray, there is a high risk of death.

2.5-4 Gy (2500-4000 mSv)- radiation sickness of moderate severity occurs. All irradiated patients experience nausea and vomiting on the first day after irradiation, the leukocyte count sharply decreases, and subcutaneous hemorrhages appear. Such doses cause significant, irreparable damage to health, baldness and leukemia.

Lethal doses of penetrating radiation:

3-4 Gy (3000-4000 mSv)- damage to the bone marrow; within a month after irradiation, death is possible in 50% of those exposed (without medical intervention).

4-7 Gy (4000-7000 mSv)- a severe form of radiation sickness develops and mortality is high.

Over 7 Gy (7000 mSv)- an extremely severe form of acute radiation sickness. Leukocytes completely disappear from the blood. Multiple subcutaneous hemorrhages appear. Mortality rate 100%. The cause of death is most often infectious diseases and hemorrhages.

10 Gy (10 zV)- death within 2-3 weeks.

15 Gy- 1-5 days and that’s it.

Thus, the accumulated equivalent effective dose is the number " indicative". It already exists and you can’t do anything with it. But there is also an indicator" predictive". It is called dose rate of equivalent effective radiation. It is also measured in sieverts/hour, but shows the “future”.

On my dosimeter at 21:42 (01/29/2012) it is clear that the equivalent effective dose rate of gamma radiation at the moment is 0.16 μSv/hour (micro sievert per hour) with an error of 20% (it is possible to measure such a variable quantity as radioactive decay only with an error). The alarm threshold is set to 0.3 μSv/hour. This means that I can be sure that, given the current state of affairs, in one hour I will catch a dose of 0.16 µSv = 0.00016 mSv. This figure is within the permissible background radiation limits.

0.2 μSv/hour (~20 microroentgen/hour)- the safest level of background radiation power.

0.3 μSv/hour (~30 μR/hour)- the limit of safe background radiation established by sanitary standards in Ukraine.

0.5 μSv/hour (~50 μR/hour)- the upper limit of the permissible safe dose rate of background radiation.

By reducing the time of continuous exposure to several hours, people can tolerate radiation with a power of 10 μSv/hour, and with an exposure time of up to several tens of minutes, irradiation with an intensity of up to several millisieverts per hour is relatively harmless (for medical research - fluorography, small x-rays, etc.).

This article was used as a base. There is still a lot of interesting things in it. Methods of protection against radiation are described, as well as a method for creating a radiometer “from improvised means”.

Thank you for your attention.

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