Methods of preventive work at school. Preventive work at school

School work system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency District seminar for deputy directors for educational work of the Shpakovsky municipal district October 31, 2012 Municipal government educational institution"Average comprehensive school 7"

Someone, someday, must answer, By highlighting the truth, by revealing the truth, What are difficult children? An eternal question and a sick one, like an abscess. Here he sits in front of us, look, he has shrunk like a spring, he is in despair, the thin threads of the world have been torn off. Like a wall without doors, without windows. Here they are, these main truths: “We noticed late” ... “We took into account late” ... No! Difficult children are not born! They just didn't get help in time. S. Davidovich

Passport of MKOU "Secondary School 7" Number of students - 160, Of which: Primary level - 74, Middle level - 76, Senior level - 0, KRO classes - 10. Administration: Director - Pashkov Alexander Alexandrovich, Deputy Director for Educational Management - Popova Irina Dmitrievna , Deputy Director for Educational Management - Ashirova Marina Aleksandrovna, Number of teachers - 15, Social teacher - 1, Teacher-psychologist - 1, Librarian - 1.

According to Law 120-FZ, the competence of educational institutions includes next tasks: Providing social and psychological assistance and pedagogical assistance to minors with developmental or behavioral deviations or learning problems; Identification of minors in social – dangerous situation or systematically missing classes for unexcused reasons, taking measures to educate them and ensure that they receive the basic general education; Identification of families in a socially dangerous situation; Ensuring the organization of public sports sections, technical and other circles, clubs and the involvement of minors in them; Implementation of measures to implement programs and techniques aimed at law-abiding behavior.

Prevention of neglect and delinquency of students is a system of social, legal, pedagogical measures aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to neglect, delinquency, and antisocial actions of students, carried out in conjunction with individual preventive work with students and families in a socially dangerous situation.

Individual preventive work - activities for the timely identification of students and families in a socially dangerous situation, as well as for their social and pedagogical rehabilitation and (or) prevention of their commission of offenses and antisocial acts.

A minor in a socially dangerous situation - a student educational institution who, due to neglect or homelessness, is in an environment that poses a danger to his life or health, or does not meet the requirements for his upbringing or maintenance, or commits an offense or antisocial acts.

Family in a socially dangerous situation - A family with a student in a socially dangerous situation, as well as a family where the parents (legal representatives) of the student do not fulfill their responsibilities for his upbringing, education and (or) maintenance and (or) negatively influence his behavior or treat him cruelly.

Registration of students and families in a socially dangerous situation (intra-school registration) - a system of individual preventive measures carried out by educational institutions in relation to students and families in a socially dangerous situation, which is aimed at: preventing neglect, delinquency and other negative manifestations in the environment students; identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to student neglect and delinquency; social and pedagogical rehabilitation of students and families in a socially dangerous situation.

Class teacher: Maintains the necessary documentation in his class; Implements measures to prevent student neglect and delinquency in the classroom; Carries out individual preventive and corrective work with students and families registered within the school.

Social teacher: Forms a data bank of an educational institution about students and families who are in a socially dangerous situation; Interacts with subject teachers, parents, social and psychological services specialists in providing socio-pedagogical, psychological and other assistance to students and families in a socially dangerous situation; Coordinates the educational efforts of the educational institution, family, environment and analyzes the results obtained.

Deputy Director for educational work: Provides organizational - methodological assistance class teachers in maintaining school records; Analyzes the conditions and causes of negative manifestations among students and determines measures to eliminate them; Prepares relevant information on the activities of the educational institution to prevent neglect and crime.

Preventive work in the classroom and school B organizational aspect, based on the classification of socialization factors developed by A. V. Mudrik, the organization general prevention carried out at three levels: MACRO LEVEL MESO LEVEL MICRO LEVEL level of the state and society as a whole; level of a specific region level of organization of preventive work in the conditions of various institutions for raising children and adolescents

Areas of preventive work Various areas of prevention have developed in Russia. Having analyzed this experience M.A. Kovalchuk offers the following directions for organizing preventive work: PREVENTION RESTRICTIVE INFORMATION PERSONAL-ORIENTED

Stages of the direction of preventive work Early identification of children at risk Consultative and explanatory work with parents and teachers Mobilization of the educational potential of the family and the environment Work with the reference group of the child Social and pedagogical patronage of the maladjusted Minors Attraction necessary specialists

Working with families, carrying out information and educational work in order to prevent disharmony in family relationships and violations in family education; carrying out diagnostic work in order to identify the type of family upbringing, parents’ attitudes towards children and the harmony of family relationships in general; carrying out comprehensive preventive work with the family in order to restore healthy relationships between its members and prevent existing deviations

Forms of work “Teacher-child” “Teacher-subject-child” “Teacher-situation-child” “Teacher-person-child” Compilation socio-pedagogical class passports, consultations, etc. creation of newspapers, Olympiads, conferences, abstracts, etc. Creating educational situations, inclusion in leisure activities (based on interests), organizing outings, excursions, trips, hikes, etc. Patronage, supervision, mentoring, meetings with specialists, interesting people, conducting forms together with parents, etc.

Methods of individual influence “Life strategy” “Request for help” “Evaluate the action” “Encouragement” The teacher finds out the student’s life plans, then tries to find out with him what will help and what will hinder the implementation of these plans The teacher turns to the student for advice, talking about their problems and asks them to find a way to solve them, the teacher tells a story and asks them to evaluate the various actions of the participants in this story; praise support, praise encouragement to perform decisions made, kind participation

Techniques for organizing group activities “Improvisation” “Opinion relay” “Self-stimulation” students choose a topic that is interesting to them; creatively develop the main story lines, transfer events to new conditions, interpret them in their own way, etc. students, in a chain, speak out on a given topic; students, divided into groups, prepare counter questions for each other; questions and answers are discussed collectively

Techniques of the teacher’s activities aimed at changing the situation around the student “Self-withdrawal of the teacher” “Instruction” “Distribution of roles” “Distribution of initiative” the goals and content of the work are determined, rules and forms of communication are established during its implementation, the teacher, as it were, withdraws from direct leadership or takes assumes the obligations of an ordinary student for the period of performing any creative task, rules are established regulating the communication and behavior of students, a clear distribution of functions and roles of students in accordance with the level of proficiency in the knowledge, skills and abilities that are required to complete the task, equal conditions are created for the manifestation of initiative by all students

Reasons for placing students on internal school registration Students are placed on internal school registration: Those who do not attend or systematically miss good reasons training sessions; Those engaged in vagrancy or begging; Those who have committed illegal actions and repeatedly violated the Charter of the Educational Institution and the Rules of Student Conduct; Those who fail or are left for unjustified reasons to repeat the course of study; Prone to using narcotic, alcoholic and alcohol-containing, psychotropic, psychoactive and (or) other intoxicating substances without a doctor’s prescription; Those who consider themselves to be informal associations and antisocial organizations; Registered with the Department of Juvenile Affairs of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Commission for the Affairs of Minors and the Protection of Their Rights under the Administration of the Shpakovsky Municipal District, the Department of Guardianship and Trusteeship of Minors of the Education Department of the ASMR, the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. Forms: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

Documentation for students included in the school preventive registration Form 1-u “Submission for registration in the school” - class teacher and social teacher; Form 2 " Registration card a student in a socially dangerous situation” - class teacher; Form 3-u “Plan of individual educational and preventive work” - approved by the Deputy Director for Educational Resource Management; Form 4-u “Card of individual psychological, pedagogical and preventive support for a student who is registered with the school” - class teacher, teacher-psychologist, social teacher.

Reasons for placing a family on intra-school registration Families are placed on intra-school registration: Families that do not fulfill the responsibilities of raising, educating and (or) supporting their children; Families where parents (legal representatives) abuse drugs and alcohol; Families that negatively influence the behavior of minors, involving them in illegal activities (crimes, vagrancy, begging, prostitution, distribution and use of drugs, alcohol, etc.); Families who tolerate abuse and violence against their children; Families with children who are in a socially dangerous situation and are registered with the educational institution, as well as registered with the ODN, KDN, department of guardianship and trusteeship, and the department of social protection. Shapes: 1-s, 2-s, 3-s, 4-s.

Documentation for families included in the in-school preventive registration Form 1-c “Submission for registration of a family in-school” - class teacher and social teacher; Form 2-c “Registration card of a family in a socially dangerous situation” - class teacher; Form 3-u “Plan of individual preventive work” - approved by the Deputy Director for Water Resources Management; Form 4-u “Map of individual preventive work and psychological and pedagogical support” - class teacher, teacher-psychologist, social teacher.

Removal from the internal school register of students or families By decision of the Prevention Council of the educational institution based on the joint submission of the social teacher and the class teacher (forms 5-u and 5-c). In addition, the following students are removed from the internal school register: -graduates from educational institutions; - changed their place of residence or moved to another educational institution; - sent to special educational institutions.

Algorithm of actions of the administration of the educational institution to organize a system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency by minors 1 Inclusion in job descriptions deputy director for educational and educational work of organizational and control functions 2 Conducting an analysis of the state of preventive work 3 Planning work for the academic year 4 Familiarization of participants educational process with a work plan 5 Ensuring control 6 Preparation of documents for the control committee and participation in meetings 7 Analysis of preventive work for the year

Mechanisms of influence monthly: Progress monitoring by the deputy. Director for HR Management Monitoring progress by the deputy. Director for HR Management Attendance control by the deputy. Director for HR Management Attendance control by the deputy. Director for Water Resources Management Meeting of the Prevention Council

Algorithm of actions of the class teacher of an educational institution for the prevention of crime 1 Drawing up social passport class 2 Early identification of children at risk 3 Preparation of documents for admission to high school 4 Informing officials 5 Development of an individual card of social and psychological-pedagogical support 6 Involving the student in organized extracurricular activities 7 Carrying out daily monitoring of the student’s attendance and progress 8 Organization of individual work with parents 9 Analysis of the student’s social adaptation 10 Preparation and delivery of material for Prevention advice to resolve the issue of removal from the VSU

Algorithm of actions of the class teacher of an educational institution upon the commission of an offense by teenagers 1 Receipt of information about a teenager committing an offense 2 Informing specialists of the educational institution and parents 3 Collection of information characterizing the teenager, his environment, family 4 Preparation of documents for admission to a high school 5 Drawing up a card of social support for the student 6 Development of a plan work with the involvement of all subjects of prevention 7 Development of a plan of work with parents of students 8 Conducting individual preventive work with a teenager 9 Analysis of the student’s social adaptation and informing the Prevention Council of the educational institution 10 Preparation and sending materials to the Prevention Council on the issue of deregistration

Mechanisms of influence on a daily basis: Monitoring progress by the class teacher Monitoring progress by the class teacher Monitoring attendance by the class teacher Monitoring attendance by the class teacher

“Minimum program” The class teacher is obliged to find out the reason for the student’s absence from school on the same day. If the reason is not valid, inform the parents, the social teacher. If the next day the student is absent from school, the class teacher will visit the place of residence together with the social teacher in order to establish the reason. absence and clarification of the situation in the family.

Mechanisms of influence as necessary: ​​Individual conversations of the class teacher with students Individual conversations of the class teacher with students Individual conversations of the class teacher with parents Individual conversations of the class teacher with parents Conversations with students and their parents in the presence of the administration Conversations with students and their parents in the presence of the administration Visiting place of residence

Algorithm of actions of an educational institution's social teacher 1 Collecting information about social disadvantage 2 Studying the socio-pedagogical characteristics of a teenager's personality 3 Drawing up an individual support card for a teenager 4 Interacting with subjects of prevention 5 Preparation and sending materials to the CDN, participation in meetings 6 Preparation of documents on the placement of a teenager in social services . Shelter, for deprivation of parental rights, placement in foster family 7 Analysis of the student’s social adaptation

Mechanisms of influence on a weekly basis: Monitoring attendance by the social teacher Monitoring attendance by the social teacher Monitoring progress by the social teacher Monitoring progress by the social teacher Attendance at lessons by the class teacher, social teacher Attendance at lessons by the class teacher, social teacher

Algorithm of actions of an educational institution teacher-psychologist 1 Collecting information about the social disadvantage of adolescents 2 Studying the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a teenager’s personality, his microenvironment, identifying interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the student’s behavior 3 Drawing up an individual card for accompanying a teenager to provide psychological support – pedagogical assistance and support 4 Drawing up an individual psychological and pedagogical map of a teenager’s family 5 Interacting with all subjects of prevention 6 Informing the teaching staff and the Prevention Council about the results of psychological and pedagogical correction 7 Preparation and sending material to the KDN and participation in meetings 8 Participation in Council meetings prevention

Indicators of the effectiveness of work on the prevention of delinquency among minors Reducing the number of children and adolescents enrolled in high schools Reducing the level of teenage crime Reducing the number of evening school students transferred from educational institutions Increasing the number of children involved in the work of children's schools public organizations Increasing the number of schoolchildren involved in work activities in summer period Increase specific gravity children enrolled in additional education Increasing the proportion of “at-risk” children involved in the implementation of social programs and projects Increasing the percentage of students entering universities and secondary educational institutions in their chosen specialty, based on the results of pre-profile training of students

« Potential group risk" These are those students who are in social conditions favorable for their development. Such children may develop serious social-emotional problems if the necessary support is not provided at levels 1 and 2 of care.

“Potential risk group” Students from low-income families Students from single-parent families Students from high-income families in which parents do not pay enough attention to their children Students from disadvantaged families Students who have one or both parents with disabilities Guardian children and adolescents Students from families migrants Students with developmental disabilities

Extracurricular activities Name of the circle, section class Number of students 1 Volleyball section Outdoor games Rhythm Choir Vocal Skillful hands (woodworking) Local history School museum Multimedia equipment and school newspaper Fine art studio World of multimedia technologies (outside the budget) Skillful hands (woodworking) KRO9 13YuID Young rescuer

Interaction with society in extracurricular activities Children's School of Music Children's music school Boxing section MKOU "Secondary School 7" MKOU "Secondary School 7" Radio direction finding section Radio direction finding section Art studio Art studio UDO Children's and Youth Center "Tipchak" Rural House of Culture Rural House of Culture Resources difficult teenager mejdu-nami.jpg interaction mejdu-nami.jpg the federal law student progress control school

IN modern society One of the most pressing problems is the behavior of adolescents. Not each of them realizes what their actions can cause serious and difficult to correct consequences.

Social risks

To begin with, we should consider the very concept of an offense. It represents the guilty behavior of the subject, contrary to regulatory requirements, causing harm to others and entailing legal liability. Offenses are divided into two categories: misdemeanors and felonies. The first can be disciplinary, civil, administrative. Crimes are acts for which punishment is provided under the Criminal Code. All offenses represent a social danger to one degree or another.


It varies depending on the category of offense. Yes, there is:

  1. Administrative responsibility. It is applied for acts provided for in the Code of Administrative Offences. Such offenses include violations of traffic rules, fire safety rules, etc. A subject can be brought to administrative responsibility from the age of 16. Punishments include monetary penalties, correctional labor, and warnings.
  2. Disciplinary responsibility. It occurs when violations in the field of labor law are committed. Such offenses can be absenteeism, tardiness, etc.
  3. Civil liability. It is provided for when committing acts that entail property damage. Compensation for harm is used as sanctions.
  4. Criminal liability. It occurs when acts are committed that violate the provisions of the Criminal Code. For some crimes, liability for subjects begins at 14 years of age.

The importance of timely prevention of crisis situations

Preventive work with minors is one of the effective methods combating youth crime. It includes various activities. In the issue of crime prevention, a special role is assigned to the educational institution. Early identification of children prone to violating moral and legal norms helps reduce social risks. An educational institution must create conditions that ensure the normal development of children. Pedagogical activity consists not only of direct teaching, but also of identifying the individual characteristics of each child, identifying and analyzing the causes of moral deformation of the individual. The educational institution also has the responsibility to timely identify crisis situations of a typical nature into which one or another risk group falls. Undoubtedly, parents should also be involved in this process.

Classification of behavior

There are several stages that children go through that are difficult for adults to cope with:

  1. Disapproved actions. They are associated with pranks, disobedience, stubbornness, mischief, and restlessness.
  2. Reprehensible actions. Such actions cause varying degrees of condemnation from parents, teachers, and other people. Such actions include irregular violations of discipline, occasional cases of insolence, pugnacity, dishonesty, and rudeness.
  3. Deviant behavior. It involves morally negative actions that have become habitual or systematic. These include, for example, hypocrisy, deceit, theft, aggressiveness, conflict, pretense, selfishness, etc.
  4. Pre-criminal actions. They reveal the beginnings of destructive and criminal behavior. Such actions include intentional episodic violations of the requirements and norms governing public relations, extortion, beatings, drinking alcohol, hooliganism, malicious failure to comply with discipline, etc.
  5. Criminal behavior. It manifests itself in the commission of various illegal acts.

Signs of abnormalities

Children who are difficult for adults to cope with have a number of distinctive characteristics. Among these signs it should be noted:

1. Avoidance of training as a result of:

  • failure in most disciplines;
  • lagging behind in the level of intellectual development;
  • lack of cognitive interest;
  • orientation towards other types of activities.

2. Low social and labor activity. It manifests itself in:

  • refusal to carry out instructions;
  • disdainful attitude towards class affairs, public property and its damage;
  • demonstrative avoidance of participation in labor activities.

3. Negative actions:

  • craving for gambling;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • use of drugs and psychotropic drugs;
  • unhealthy sexual behavior.

4. Negative assessment of reality.

5. Increased criticism towards adults and teachers. It manifests itself in:

At the same time, such children may show different attitudes towards adults’ attempts to educate them. It can be indifferent, aggressive, skeptical, negative.


Prevention of deviant behavior will only be effective when a preliminary analysis of the causes of personality deformation is carried out. The main prerequisites causing such disruptions in development include:

Problem solving options

Prevention of deviant behavior is a key task for adults – parents and teachers. An educational institution should become a place where the child’s capabilities and initiative will be demonstrated. Preventive work in school involves creating conditions that do not provoke deviant behavior. An educational institution, on the contrary, must provide and expand a safe space for children in which they will be calm and interesting. The most effective in this sense are educational institutions with developed system extracurricular activities that take into account the needs of different ages. Existing types of prevention (leisure activities, conversations, sports, technical, art clubs, etc.) act as a powerful tool that allows you to painlessly influence children, preventing the development of negative tendencies. In an educational institution, among other things, a system of rules and norms must be formed, since without them it is impossible to effectively solve problems of not only a pedagogical, but also an educational nature. All types of prevention should focus on:

  1. Creating a way of life in an educational institution.
  2. Helping children make the connection between personal freedom and responsibility.
  3. Support for every child in resolving disputes using civilized methods.
  4. Developing legal culture skills.

When carrying out preventive measures, the main thing is not to waste time. It is at an early stage, according to A.G. Avanesov, that success can be achieved more quickly. This is due to the fact that at this stage the individual has not yet formed stable habits and views. If early preventive work turns out to be insufficient, it can be compensated for by measures of a different level, since there is a certain amount of time for this.

Main goals

Organization of preventive work is necessary for:

Key directions

Carrying out preventive work is focused on:

  1. Identification of unfavorable conditions of upbringing and life before they are reflected in the actions and process of forming the views of specific children.
  2. Detection and elimination of sources of negative influence on adolescents that can incline them to antisocial acts. This direction provides:

I. The use of measures aimed at improving the unfavorable conditions of the home environment. IN in this case preventive work is carried out with the family.

II. Removing children from unfavorable environments.

III. Application of measures established by law to subjects involving minors in antisocial activities.

  • Providing a corrective and restraining influence on children with deviant behavior.

At the same time, children who have not yet developed antisocial views may be influenced, and they commit minor offenses. Social preventive work is primarily aimed at preventing the strengthening of antisocial habits and attitudes, suppressing the possibility of a child’s illegal and immoral position in crime being realized.

Specific measures

Preventive work involves not only providing assistance to a child who is in unfavorable conditions education and living. As part of this activity, they are removed from a negative environment and placed in an orphanage, boarding school and other specialized institutions. In addition, individual preventive work can be carried out. It involves registration with the IDN, appointment of a public educator, boss, etc. For children from whom inspectors form a conditional risk group, civil, administrative, and public educational measures may also be applied.

Activity structure

Crime prevention includes:

Based on this, the following aspects of preventive work can be highlighted:

  1. Diagnostic.
  2. Psychocorrectional.
  3. Wellness.
  4. Consulting.
  5. Scientific and methodological.
  6. Social-analytical.
  7. Educational.
  8. Educational.
  9. Social and legal.

The last two areas need special emphasis.

Educational aspect

Preventive work with adolescents within this direction involves the education of children who have difficulties in mastering programs related to unfavorable living conditions and characteristics of psychophysical development, according to the Federal State Educational Standard. In the process of this activity, an appropriate environment for student-centered learning is created. It provides a variable nature of teaching with the setting of tasks of a correctional and developmental type. The goal of the activity is to restore the ability to learn and increase the level of education.

Social and legal aspect

Preventive work within the framework of this aspect includes providing assistance to children in their adaptation to the environment, in the work team, during career guidance, and in obtaining a specialty. In addition, it is envisaged to ensure the protection of the rights and interests of every child. As part of social and legal activities, children and their parents are advised on legal issues, preventive measures are carried out aimed at preventing homelessness, vagrancy, and suicide attempts.


Crime prevention is accompanied by an analysis of crisis situations and children’s reactions to them. Diagnostic activities involve:

  1. Studying the degree of education and level of development.
  2. Identification of children in the first grade with behavioral deviations and timely correction.
  3. Observing students in different situations.
  4. Determining the position of each child in the home environment and in the classroom.
  5. Performing sociometric analysis to establish reference categories.
  6. Determining the level of self-control, self-esteem, self-education skills.
  7. Detection of shortcomings and positive qualities of a person.
  8. Discovering and exploring aptitudes and interests.
  9. Studying the characteristics of the temperament and character of each child.
  10. Monitoring the health status of children.
  11. Establishing the motives of communication and behavior of each child.
  12. Observation of the interaction between children and parents (persons replacing them).


She assumes individual approach. Activities include:

Interaction with parents

Preventive work should be carried out jointly with adults and include:

  1. Study of the child's situation at home.
  2. Speech by teachers at meetings with parents.
  3. Visiting families.
  4. Meetings with employees of the IDN, investigative bodies, prosecutor's office.
  5. Involvement of specialists to consult parents.
  6. Conducting thematic meetings, creative meetings.


Many schools hold prevention months. They usually involve law enforcement officers, psychologists and other specialists. As part of this work, conversations are held on traffic rules, responsibilities and rights, health, etc. Planning these months allows you to involve all participants in the pedagogical and educational process. This, in turn, has positive influence to the current situation. The teaching staff of an educational institution must make every effort to carry out effective preventive work.

Key role in interaction educational institution and parents belongs to class teachers. Their activities will determine how well the family understands the policy pursued by the educational institution as part of preventive work. Class teachers, in turn, must understand the importance of their function. They are the ones who ensure the organization of lectures, conversations, meetings with specialists, carry out observation, analysis, and plan preventive work in the classroom. Teachers must establish interaction with parents. This is carried out not only within the framework of meetings, but also in the form of individual work with each family. This includes, in particular, counseling parents and children at home.

Preventive and corrective work of a social teacher at school

Currently, the prevention and correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents in school settings is a pressing problem. Therefore, teachers, educators, psychologists, social educators do not always correctly build a line of behavior in relation to a given teenager, do not always react correctly to the manifestation of aggressive behavior and do not always correctly provide assistance to such a teenager.

The study of aggressive behavior of adolescents is due to the trend towards an increase in aggressive manifestations, an increase in the number of offenses, and demonstration of aggressive behavior.

A detailed study of the factors of aggressive behavior in adolescents has great importance to find approaches to solving such problems of psychology as self-regulation of adolescent behavior, the development of moral qualities of their personality, the formation positive relationships with others, prevention of behavioral disorders and crimes.

Under the influence of environmental factors and educational activities, changes constantly occur in the structure of the developing personality of a teenager. The personality may exhibit undesirable qualities, antisocial attitudes and antisocial motives for activity. In these conditions, the joint work of a teacher, psychologist, and educator is more than timely. This is one of the directions for preventing and correcting manifestations of aggressive forms of behavior in school adolescents. Such work should be aimed at correcting the psychological and social climate of the environment in which the teenager is located, at correcting emerging or existing deformations of the child’s personality, at decompensation and at eliminating painful phenomena (various psychopathological syndromes).

Corrective and preventive work with adolescents with aggressive forms of behavior should be based on the following basic principles:

Educators and teachers should be aware of the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents, especially during their critical age periods, when the risk of personality deformations and manifestations of behavioral disorders in children increases.

Attention should be paid to the formation in children of humanistic interests and moral and universal human values. This direction in correctional work fills the spiritual vacuum of a teenager and helps him resist asocial ideas coming from the so-called problem children's groups.

Teachers, educators, and psychologists, using correctional and methodological means, must take into account the complex nature of the etiopathogenesis of behavioral disorders in children. It is easier to prevent behavioral disorders than to eliminate them. It is necessary, taking into account the characteristics of the individual, to eliminate, if possible, all factors leading to aggressive behavior. Considering that many signs of aggressive behavior manifest themselves in conditions of inactivity, attention should be paid to the organization of adolescents’ free time.

Behavioral disorders (aggressive forms of behavior) of adolescents from boarding schools, illegal and criminal actions committed by them, are acquiring in our conditions increasingly social significance; their antisocial activities often create a serious criminogenic situation.

Based on the analysis of theoretical sources on this issue and practical experience research into the characteristics of the manifestation of aggressive forms of behavior in adolescents from a boarding school, we can identify the main key areas within which it is necessary to build correctional and preventive work.

The goal of the work on the prevention and correction of aggressive behavior is to create such psychological and pedagogical conditions in which the manifestation of aggressive forms of behavior is reduced or neutralized.

This work has the following directions:

    Psychological and pedagogical education (information to teachers and educators about the individual and age-related characteristics of aggressive adolescents);

    Organization of individual psychotherapy correctional work;

    Group forms of classes with teenagers (psychological trainings);

    Reducing emotional reactions that provoke aggression;

    Prevention of pathological forms of aggressive behavior;

    Prevention of self-destructive behavior;

    Sublimation of aggression into socially approved activities;

    Sublimation of aggression into sports (sports clubs, sections, group sports);

    Creative self-expression (drawing, music classes, theater clubs and other types of creative activities).

Thus, we believe that in order to eliminate aggressive behavior in adolescents living in boarding schools, it is necessary to carry out preventive and corrective work.

Analysis of preventive and correctional-developmental work

For the 2015 – 2016 academic year
In the 2015–2016 academic year, preventive and correctional developmental work with students was carried out in accordance with the “Prevention of Crimes among Minors” plan, also in accordance with a comprehensive program for the prevention of delinquency, crime and health care.
To increase the effectiveness and targeting of preventive work in accordance with the plan, all students are divided into three groups (categories) taking into account the depth social deviance:
1) Students who are in a socially dangerous situation or are brought up in families who are in a socially dangerous situation;
2) Students who are registered internally as a “risk group”;
3) Students who are registered internally as “pedagogical support”. The implementation of these areas of school work is carried out, first of all, by specialists of the school socio-psychological service. The socio-psychological service includes three departments: socio-legal, psychological and medical.
In accordance with the goals achieved and the main areas of activity, specialists from each department carry out specific type Activities: Social, legal and medical department– preventive activities, psychological department – ​​correctional and developmental activities.

During the 2015-2016 academic year, preventive work was carried out in the following areas:
1. Organization of preventive, correctional and developmental work with adolescents and their immediate environment.
2. Social-psychological, health and legal education of adolescents and their immediate environment

3. Study of medical-psychological and socio-pedagogical characteristics of pupils, social living conditions of their living and the immediate environment of adolescents.
4. Protection of the rights and interests of adolescents.
At the end of the school year, SPS specialists conducted an analysis of the student population. The school has 27 students. The social status of families is also varied.

Preventive activities is systemic in nature.
Prevention of committing offenses and crimes by minors conducted by social teachers and class teachers, together with specialists. GDN inspectors and other specialists organize activities to prevent delinquency and crime among minors
Work is underway to prevent repeated offenses and crimes by students: classes were held on the topics: “Criminal and administrative responsibility of minors”, “Rights and responsibilities of students”, “Rights of the child”, “Media terrorism: involvement of minors in criminal activity via the Internet”, “Lawyer, Prosecutor”, “Real and Conditional Punishment”, traditional urban intellectual and legal game “I Have the Right”, school-wide parent meeting “Attention! Your child is at risk!”
The work carried out in this direction was effective; in the next academic year it is necessary to continue work on the prevention of repeated crimes.
In order to prevention of surfactant use and health protection within the framework of the program: “PUVV” by specialists social department SPS organized joint activities with medical worker FAP
This academic year we jointly held next events: “Health and psychoactive substances” (conversations), “Prevention of psychoactive substances” (watching videos), “Use of psychoactive substances and responsibility” (discussions), “Plague of the 21st century” (leaflet production), “Drug and alcohol addiction”, “Safety protection” life activity as a result of the use of surfactants” (conversations), “Health is important” (discussion), “Life by one’s own choice” (presentation), “You can’t buy health, the mind gives it” (presentation, discussion).
Also this school year, the annual school campaign “Changing Cigarettes for Sweets” was held, in which students take Active participation.
The social service works closely with the akimat authorities, which help in issuing certificates confirming the status of low-income families.

As a result, 16 students ate in the school canteen as low-income people and 8 of them as low-income families with many children. This is 15% of total number students. Students from large low-income families received cash benefit for purchasing school clothes
Communication has been established and joint work plans have been drawn up with the Department of Internal Affairs and with specialists from the Integrated Adaptation Center (working with families of the SOP category)
Social educators, together with class teachers and inspectors from the State Duma Department of Internal Affairs, systematically conduct raids with the aim of returning children to school, monitoring students’ extracurricular activities, interaction between family and school on issues of student performance and attendance, and increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents.
The work carried out in this direction was effective; in the next academic year it is necessary to continue work on the prevention of social orphanhood.
In order to increase the effectiveness of preventive work:
- on the consumption of alcoholic beverages, toxic and narcotic substances It is necessary to intensify joint work with a narcologist by developing a joint work plan.

In order to prevent crimes and delinquency among students, pay special attention to class. guidance on planning individual work with each family. Based on the identified classes. hands problems, the SPS service should provide for the implementation of preventive measures with students and their parents, with the involvement of specialists from departments of the prevention system in this work.
At the beginning of the school year, a teacher-psychologist conducted comprehensive psychological studies of students, on the basis of which a general psychological portrait of school students was drawn up and the main directions of correctional and developmental work were determined.
The goal of the activities of educational psychologists is social and psychological support of the process of rehabilitation and socialization of students

These indicators indicate a lack of perseverance, dedication, assertiveness in solving assigned tasks, and an insufficiently high ability to master educational material in full in the traditional classroom-lesson system.

    Correction and development of the emotional-volitional sphere of students;

    Correction and development of the motivational-need sphere of students;

Work on the correction and development of the emotional-volitional sphere of students conditionally divided into three parts: correction of the level of personal anxiety; development of stress resistance; developing skills for self-control of emotional states.

Correcting the level of anxiety is a relevant area of ​​correctional and developmental work, since the level of personal anxiety is one of the criteria for students’ social adaptation to the conditions of an educational institution and life in society as a whole.

The most effective forms of correctional and developmental work in the direction of correction and development of emotional and volitional are trainings, classes with training elements, educational games, individual ones. The leading direction in correctional work is identifying and correcting the level of aggressiveness in students. The majority of respondents showed an average level of aggressiveness. The main reasons for aggression in these adolescents are the child’s inability to socialize in society; the behavior of others is interpreted by the child as hostile; the child's inability to control his emotions. The influence of family members in everyday life situations, approval of the child’s aggressive manifestations towards others. Humiliation, insults, use physical strength in relation to the child

Based on the results of the implementation of this direction this academic year, the form, techniques and methods used were recognized as effective. The data obtained can be interpreted as follows: the number of students with moderate and high levels of aggressiveness at the beginning of the year are almost the same; by the end of the school year, the indicator of a high level of aggressiveness decreased. Children are not always the initiators of aggressive behavior. Often adults do not control their negative emotions when interacting with aggressive children. When an adult manages his negative emotions, he does not reinforce the child’s aggressive behavior, maintains a good relationship with him and demonstrates how to interact with an aggressive person. The main task of an adult dealing with child and adolescent aggression is to reduce the tension of the situation.
During the academic year, SPS specialists regularly prepared materials for publication on websites.

Thus, preventive and correctional-developmental work allows us to achieve results in working with deviant adolescents. But there are still problems that have not been solved previously and require close attention of school educational psychologists: this is an increase in the number of adolescents showing elements of vital activity and, as a consequence, an increase in the number of cases of extreme leisure activities, an increase in cases of adolescents living outside the home, the need to develop adolescents’ skills in constructive interaction, adolescents’ disinterest in participating in organized forms of leisure, adolescents’ tendency to re-offend, an increase in the number of adolescents using psychoactive substances and alcohol. Solving the problems raised is a priority direction for the development of correctional, developmental and preventive work of our school for the 2016–2017 academic year.

Directions and forms of activity.

3.1. Corrective and developmental. Creation of optimal educational conditions that take into account individual capabilities, characteristics of the health status and social environment of students. Organization of inclusive education for children with special educational needs.

Shapes: PMPK, screenings

3.2. Information and educational . Legal, psychological, pedagogical education in order to improve the legal and psychological culture of all subjects of the educational process.

Shapes: parent lecture hall, student lecture hall, pedagogical lecture hall.

3.3. Preventive. Organization of a system of preventive measures to prevent deviant, criminal (delinquent), dependent (addictive), auto-aggressive and suicidal behavior of children and adolescents.

Shapes: diagnostics, consultation with specialists, support of the student’s individual educational route, Prevention Council,

3.3. Human rights. Using the existing arsenal of legal norms to protect the rights and interests of the individual.

Shapes: Council of Reconciliation, monitoring of facts ill-treatment with children, social protection of preferential categories of children (orphans, guardians, from large families, etc.)

3.4. Socio-medical. Organization of activities and monitoring of health, nutrition, labor and physical education with the aim of creating a sustainable need for a healthy lifestyle, spiritual and moral relationships with others.

Shapes: organizing medical examinations, participating in drug testing, implementing parental projects “Love and Cherish”, “School meals”, “Plant your tree”, etc.

A plan has also been developed - a work schedule for the 2016-17 school year. year; Thematic lectures for parents have been developed.

When we started working with children who found themselves in difficult life situation, we limited ourselves only to pedagogical support. But time has shown that such students need both psychological and medical support.

Of course, any work makes sense when there is a result. The result of our activities in this direction is the transition from situational work to an established system.

Studying regulatory documents allows teachers to develop a clear understanding of their professional rights and responsibilities, use the acquired knowledge in practical activities, and resolve professional problems in legitimate ways. The legal self-development of a teacher is directly reflected in the level of education of students, since the tasks can be accomplished legal education Only a teacher competent and educated in the field of law can teach young people.

Social and pedagogical orientation preventive and correctional pedagogical work with minors.

Among the variety of factors influencing the formation of a child’s personality, they include, first of all, biological factors, environmental factors, practical experience and education in the broad sense of the word. If the innate qualities of a personality, its individual properties act as prerequisites for the formation of personality, then social factors play a decisive role in the individual’s assimilation of social experience, its growth “into human culture” (L.S. Vygotsky), and in adaptation to the sociocultural environment. Among social factors The leaders are the parent family, children's groups of different ages, free communication groups, and children's communities.

An indicator of an individual’s social maturity is his readiness to be an active member of society, to perform various family responsibilities, various roles in society, and in interpersonal communication in a group. At the same time, the presence of unfavorable social and pedagogical circumstances, negative macro- and microsocial conditions leads to social maladjustment, i.e. inadequacy of adolescent behavior to the norms and requirements of that system public relations, into which they are included as they grow socially and develop. Along with social adaptation, there is also a process of desocialization - the alienation of the individual from the institutions of socialization (family, group, student body), which are the bearers of morality and law.

Therefore, teachers, educators, and parents are faced with the problem of timely prevention of a teenager’s alienation from social institutions, prevention (prevention) of the negative influence of the macro- and microenvironment, which contributes to the formation and development of deviant behavior.
Special prevention includes correctional and rehabilitation measures aimed at children at risk, deviant adolescents, juvenile offenders. It involves the use of various measures of psychological and pedagogical support and socio-legal assistance to minors, protecting them from parental neglect, cruelty, violence and the negative influence of an asocial environment. Corrective and preventive work is carried out in close interaction between school, family, leisure environment and informal groups, a variety of social institutions and public organizations.

Thus, preventive and correctional pedagogical activities are the main part of the socio-pedagogical process that is aimed at identifying deviant adolescents.

Experience and pedagogical practice show that it is possible and advisable to overcome and, even more so, prevent deviations in the development and behavior of minors with the normal organization of the pedagogical process with children. However, features personal development teenagers unfavorable environment and negative social conditions neutralize purposeful educational activities, nullify the efforts of the teaching staff and various social institutions.

Therefore, in order to eliminate or prevent a disease, it is necessary to eliminate its sources and roots. To overcome and prevent deviant behavior, it is necessary first of all to neutralize the negative influence of the social environment, to limit the negative impact of social factors (dysfunctional family, antisocial group, unlawful interpersonal communication).

At the same time, scientific research and teaching experience show that radical measures (deprivation of parental rights, disbandment of an antisocial group, sending a teenager to boarding institutions or special educational institutions for deviant teenagers) do not always bring the expected result, do not eliminate the problem, but aggravate it, only for some time slowing down its development. Consequently: when organizing correctional pedagogical activities with deviant adolescents and preventing the causes of their deviant behavior, it is necessary to proceed from an understanding of the socio-pedagogical essence of deviant behavior of minors, taking into account the strength of the influence of environmental factors on personality development, and the referent significance of interpersonal communication with peers in the group.

In preventing and overcoming deviant behavior of adolescents in correcting communication and relationships in families of deviant adolescents, there are various ways and means of pedagogical influence on parents, on educational potential, on the nature of intrafamily relationships. These impacts can be both direct, immediate, and indirect, indirect.

A direct path of corrective influence on family communication, on its content side, is possible with good mutual understanding between parents and teachers. If a family believes in the authority of the school and strives to develop family relationships, then parents turn to teachers for help, participate in various social and pedagogical events, attend lectures, conversations, and consultations as part of pedagogical comprehensive education.

If there is no mutual understanding between the family and the school, if the family is indifferent to the recommendations of teachers, and the attempts of teachers to assist in raising a child are regarded warily or aggressively, then in such conditions an indirect, indirect path of correctional and pedagogical influence on the family of a teenager with deviant behavior is acceptable.

The indirect impact on the nature of relationships in pedagogically unsuccessful or passive families, on the content of communication of pedagogically neglected, deviant adolescents in them suggests the presence of two interrelated processes. On the one hand, feelings of parental love are taken into account and used, preserving a sense of duty in raising a child. On the other hand, if parents understand that the child is a full participant in family relationships and their influence on him is adequate to his influence on them, then the impact on the family is carried out indirectly through the child.

Indirect effects also occur when joint activities children and parents at their place of residence, during individual and group forms of pedagogical influence, at conferences-dialogues, in discussions on pressing problems in raising a child.

Since each family has a lot of individual characteristics and reacts differently to outside intervention, no matter what it is, it is advisable for teachers to use both direct and indirect routes of influence. In both cases, a number of tasks are solved aimed at:

1. help the family in assessing the intra-family atmosphere, in analyzing the current situation family communication;

2. evoke a desire to change existing relationships, show ways and means of changing communication in the family;

3. together with family members, determine the prospects for positive family communication, bearing in mind the attractiveness and significance of family communication for a teenager.

Depending on the type of family, various forms and methods of work are used, and the school and the public exert a comprehensive influence on parents.

Pedagogically unsuccessful families, having little content, inconsistent family communication, a relatively low general level, are usually incompetent in matters of education, but they have a desire to gain knowledge in this area. In order to correct the nature and content of communication, such families are included in common system pedagogical universal education. But as practice has shown direct work with these families general recommendations This is not enough for such families. For such families, a more acceptable form is pedagogical consultation, which for them is certain days carried out by school teachers and socio-psychological services. In this case, it is important to eliminate the barrier of mistrust, to destroy the beliefs of parents that their ignorance will be misunderstood and used by the teacher against them and their children. Pedagogical consultations for parents are carried out by the most authoritative teachers of the school. The conversation takes place in a friendly manner. The basis of counseling is the desire to jointly understand this or that difficult educational situation. Consultations can be both individual and group, both at the initiative of the school and at the initiative of parents. During the consultation, parents are given the opportunity not only to talk about difficulties in raising children, to jointly analyze the situation, but also to receive advice and specific recommendations.

Practice has shown that pedagogical consultation is interesting and effective form working with families of educationally neglected adolescents.

However, such parents need to be involved in active social activities. As the first step in the pedagogical growth of parents, they can become one-time orders, their range can be quite wide: from direct assistance to material base schools before organizing and holding any events for children (excursions, trips to the museum, etc.). Joint activities with the direct participation of the group that includes the child have a great effect. Some parents are involved as leaders of clubs and sections.

The school’s parent committee conducts targeted work with each dysfunctional family. Carrying out a differentiated approach, parent activists carry out painstaking individual work to involve each parent of pedagogically neglected teenagers in socially useful activities at school, give them the opportunity to see their children in activities, compare with classmates, and think about what else to do to make the child better. , more educated.

The effectiveness of correcting communication in families of adolescents with deviant behavior depends on a skillful combination of both direct and indirect influence on the family. If the first path is carried out by the school and the public and is aimed at improving the general cultural and pedagogical level of parents through the system of pedagogical universal education and enlightenment, then the indirect path of influence is carried out through adolescents; through organizing joint activities and communication between children and adults in the family, at school, and in the community.

In the system of preventing and overcoming deviant behavior of adolescents, an important role is played by the work of neutralizing, reorienting or correcting group communication of minors, which plays a fairly significant role in both desocialization and maladjustment of the adolescent’s personality.

When organizing correctional and pedagogical work with groups of adolescents with deviant behavior, it is necessary to take into account a number of socio-pedagogical conditions:
group communication of pedagogically neglected teenagers is associated with their interpersonal relationships in the classroom, and vice versa, the free communication group has a significant influence on the teenager’s relationships with classmates. When outlining ways to optimize group communication among minors, it is necessary to take into account this relationship and build correctional work with a teenager outside of school so that it is a continuation of the educational process with him in the classroom;

group norms and values ​​have a fairly strong influence on the formation of consciousness and behavior of pedagogically neglected adolescents. Consequently, the educational impact of school on them is refracted through group norms and values ​​and interpreted accordingly. Therefore, correction of the behavior of a deviant teenager cannot be carried out without influencing the group as a whole, the content and direction of group communication;

group communication of pedagogically neglected teenagers is free, informal communication, and an attempt to transform it. Elevation to the rank of an official group most often leads to the emergence of new groups of free communication next to them. Consequently, while reserving to adolescents the right to freely choose a communication partner, it is necessary to skillfully adjust the structure of their social circle, develop socially significant interests and needs;

both pedagogically neglected adolescents and their group communication resist direct educational influence. In this regard, the organization educational work with them should be built on a combination of both direct and indirect influence on the content and direction of group communication of pedagogically neglected adolescents.

Therefore, before starting correctional pedagogical work with a group of adolescents, it is necessary to determine:

the direction of the group, what the majority of group members want and strive for, what are their overriding interests, what goals will unite them, what causes disagreements;

the structure of group communication, relationships between group members, who occupies a leading position, who is rejected and powerless, who is in charge;

group activities: what type of leading activity unites the group, for what reasons does each member of the group participate in this activity, who achieves the greatest and who the least success, what types of activities serve the group as entertainment, which ones serve to develop character, which ones serve to realize interests ;

the group’s relationship with the outside world (isolation, casteism, hostility), attitude towards school, towards other peer groups, towards the class team.

Having determined the initial data of the group, having clarified the nature and content of the direction of group communication of minors, the logic and sequence of correctional and pedagogical work with the group is outlined:

setting goals and objectives for a group of teenagers that could captivate them and require positive behavior from each and the activation of socially valuable activities ( sports activity incompatible, for example, with smoking and drinking alcohol);

improving the atmosphere in the group by switching it from antisocial
activities of social significance (discipline violators monitor
maintaining order at school, volunteering, being on duty at crossroads as part of the YID detachments);

changing the direction of the group by satisfying its claims under certain conditions (allowing parties, subject to discipline and order after gatherings), etc. At the same time, specific ways to overcome the negative orientation of groups while taking into account social conditions are proposed: involving the group in an interesting, exciting activity without destroying established friendships (a competition of musical ensembles for teenagers);

overcoming false romance through the heat of wrestling, healthy
competitions, through cooperation in useful deeds, case selection and
tasks of increased difficulty that require all participants to
high voltage, etc.

When choosing organizational forms, ways and means of correctional and pedagogical influence on group communication of deviant adolescents must be based on the appropriateness of their use in the conditions of a particular region and their effectiveness in reorienting the personality of adolescents with deviant behavior.

The choice of organizational forms most often depends on the traditions of the school, the socio-pedagogical conditions of the microdistrict, on the spatial and structural features of out-of-school communication among pedagogically neglected adolescents, and on the specific situation in the school microdistrict.

One of these organizational forms of correctional pedagogical activity with adolescents may be the creation of a zone of pedagogical influence of the school. This is the territory of the microdistrict adjacent to the school and is an area of ​​special concern for the team, an area of ​​application of the efforts of children and adolescents, a field of social and socially useful activity.

The same can be done at school by changing the attitude of classmates towards pedagogically neglected teenagers, providing them with assistance in educational activities, including them in collective creative work, etc. However, this path does not always give a positive result. Usually public opinion there is already an established understanding of such guys in the class and its restructuring requires the expenditure of some effort. Therefore, we need a situation where teenagers would feel freer, more natural, but could be seen and appreciated by their peers and classmates. Here are the most favorable conditions is their activity in the zone of pedagogical influence of the school. It retains the power of influence of the class team outside the school, but the way the team influences, the system of communication between teenagers and the conditions for the manifestation of their personal qualities are changing.

The teenager is in the circle of classmates, in full view of them, at the same time, the conditions of the microdistrict help him to show the side with which he is not yet known in the class, and, therefore, there is an opportunity for self-affirmation and increasing his status in the team in non-standard conditions , in a favorable social circle. This could be mentoring children, helping veterans, improving a neighborhood, etc.

Teenage interest clubs can become the basis for correctional pedagogical activities with such groups. They make it possible to preserve the structure of group communication, allow for closer monitoring of the content of communication, and change the value orientations of group communication.


Joint affairs, common concerns, non-standard situations, expansion of interconnected relationships, social circles, make it possible to first neutralize the negative orientation of free communication groups, fill their lives with positive content, and then give their activities a socially significant orientation.

Forms and organization of preventive and corrective work for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Organization of the work of the parent lecture hall.

Organization of employment and leisure for children.

    Creating in the classroom conditions and a system of qualified and competent differentiated assistance to families and children who need support.

    Involving the parent community to promptly resolve children's problems.

    Regular diagnosis of children with learning difficulties. Analysis and evaluation of work in terms of efficiency, making possible necessary adjustments.

Forms of work:


    psychological help;

    correctional work;

    parental education (“

    work of narrow specialists with children and parents.

Expected results:

    tracking the main causes of learning difficulties in children;

    improving children's learning outcomes;

    increasing children's educational activity;

    an increase in the number of parents interested in positive changes in their child.

Ways to check expected results:



    job analysis.

Forms for conducting results:

    exhibitions of achievements;

    round tables

    Areas of work:

1. Working with children with learning difficulties (class teacher).

The work in this section is based on several main directions:

    Individual conversations with children, the purpose of which is to help children perform meaningful actions, overcome fear and uncertainty in front of other people (classmates, peers, adults, acquaintances and strangers).

    Carrying out positive impact correction various methods education.

    Organization of free and leisure time for students.

    Studying the interests of children with learning difficulties in order to teach the rational use of children's free time.

    Involving children in clubs and sections, social activities.

    Encouraging creativity of students and their participation in school-wide and classroom educational and extracurricular activities.

    Working with parents (class teacher).

Conducting lectures is not a topic:

What does this mean: find enough time to talk with your child;

Do not leave your child alone with his problems, including academic ones;

Respect your child's interests.

Stages of working with families:

    Educational work.

    Providing pedagogical assistance.

    Diagnostics of work results.

3. Psychological consultation and assistance (psychologist).

There are problems whose solution is long overdue, among them domestic violence is a priority. In addition, they were joined by the problems of child victims of armed conflicts.

Now the school is entrusted with an even greater mission of the psychological and pedagogical service, designed to help children and their parents strengthen the psychological health and development of students.

Part psychological section includes the following components:

    screening – continuous monitoring of the psychological development of students using express diagnostic methods;

    diagnostics – in-depth analysis of “at-risk” children using special advanced psychodiagnostic methods;

    correction – the use of psychological, therapeutic and training procedures designed to correct psychological health disorders, as well as unwanted deviations from the optimal mental development of students.

4. Assistance in social adaptation of children with learning difficulties and their parents (social pedagogue).

Creation necessary bank class data about all students in the class including:

    Bank "Children with learning problems"

    children with developmental problems;

    children left without parental care;

    children from dysfunctional, asocial families;

    children from families in need of socio-economic and socio-psychological assistance and support;

    children with manifestations of social and psychological maladjustment.

5. Information and educational work with children with learning problems and their parents.

Topics of parental legal education.

    Individually - thematic consultations for parents and conversations with them:

    How does interest in learning arise?

    The need for attention to the individual personality of the child, his mental, physical, psychological and spiritual development.

    The main role of the family in the physical, mental and psychological health of children.

    Adequacy of self-esteem in children, its consequences and ways to increase/decrease (usually increase).

Thematic plan

    To identify educationally neglected children from disadvantaged families. During a year. Classroom teacher

    Determine the categories of children arriving in class based on:

- creating a class passport;

Individualstudent profiles. As needed. Classroom teacher.

3. Study the reasons for the child’s socio-pedagogical neglect. During a year. Class teacher, psychologist, social teacher.

4. Conduct a series of advisory sessions “The Beginning of Our Journey”. Get to know the students, establish contact with them and their parents.During a year.Classroom teacher.

5. Investigate the level of children's adaptation to school.During a year.

6. Carry out training seminar– workshop “Learning to communicate and make friends.” During the year. Classroom teacher.

7. Conduct training sessions: “Communication skills in society.” Systematically.Classroom teacher

8. Organize and conduct raids on disadvantaged families and families of educationally neglected children. As needed.Class teacher, social teacher, parent committee

9. Study the child’s position in the classroom. Systematically. Classroom teacher

10. Organize and conduct consultations for children with learning difficulties and their parents.Systematically. Class teacher, psychologist

11. Organize and conduct conversations with educationally neglected children and their parents on ways to improve academic performance. Systematically.Class teacher, police representative

12. Organize work aimed at involving children with learning difficulties in club, extracurricular, extracurricular activities, in the section on different interests. Systematically. Classroom teacher

13. Organize and conduct individual work with children aimed at correcting problems. Systematically. Class teacher, psychologist

14. Organize and conduct educational games “Society, communication and us” with children. Systematically.Classroom teacher

15.Form positive motivation to attend and study at school. Systematically. Class teacher

16. Organize and conduct classes - workshops “By playing, we learn.” Systematically.Classroom teacher

17. Job analysis. During a year.Class teacher, psychologist

18. Organize employment and leisure for children with learning difficulties. During a year.Classroom teacher

Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of correctional work with children with learning difficulties

The most important means of achieving positive results Teaching children with learning difficulties who, as a rule, do not have sufficient “previous” knowledge and do not know how to organize their work, is, as mentioned above, a method of creating a situation of success. In the lessons, first of all, I strive to create a special atmosphere that allows children to learn to think, to reveal to them ways of organizing the search and finding solutions to assigned problems in the lesson,evaluate student activities. It requiresa friendly atmosphere in the classroom, an atmosphere of genuine cooperation , not authoritarianism. The student should feel that the teacher is interested in the process of his work, evaluates him accordingly, helps to identify strengths and weak sides his work, outlines, together with the student, ways to correct it. The mark becomes only the result of a tensecollaboration between teacher and student , which is repeatedly assessed and adjusted during its implementation. At the same time, the teacher gets the opportunity to identify the dynamics of his (the student’s) changes from lesson to lesson.

Assessment of a student’s capabilities in the course of mastering knowledge should consist of three different, but related criteria:didactic, logical and psychological . It is difficult to distinguish them; you can only focus on each of them. Therefore, when assessing students’ work, I strive to differentiate these criteria, clearly highlight them, justify them so that they are clear to each student (for what exactly he received this or that point).

Great value and traditional forms control, which also help to assess the achievements of students, check the compliance of planned and actual learning outcomes, enable the teacher to see the formation of students’ knowledge of learning, and assess the level of mastery of the program material. The main type of control of students' knowledge is ongoing testing, which allows timely adjustment of the learning process. As my experience has shown, children with learning difficulties are afraid of “traditional” tests, in most cases it is difficult for them to even understand the terms of the tasks, so there is a need to use such work that would correspond to the developmental level of students with learning difficulties. For students in my class, I compose tests in a form familiar to them: with drawings, familiar plots, elements of developmental education; gradually, in grades 3-4, drawings are replaced with texts.

In addition, I use the method of Maryana BEZRUKIKH “Methodology for assessing the level of development of visual perception of children 5-7.5 years old” (group and individual testing), by following verbal instructions.

Criteria for assessing the results of correctional work with children with learning difficulties

Forms and methods of evaluating results

The results of each child’s implementation of the program are monitored and assessed using intermediate (first half of the year) and final (end of the school year) testing.

Test results are recorded in the study group journal.

Criteria for evaluation:

1. Diagnosis of anxiety level. Anxiety scale (A. M. Prikhozhan)

2. Diagnostics interpersonal relationships(method of mutual elections).

3. Diagnostics of auditory perception using the “Text Comprehension” test.

4. Diagnosis of concentration using the “Corrective Test” technique.

5. Diagnostics of auditory memory. The Ten Words Method.

6. Diagnostics of visual memory. “Remember the Shapes” technique.

7. Diagnostics of mental development. Peresleni-Podobed test.

Preventive work at school

System for organizing preventive work with students

MBOU "Secondary School No. 2 named after. A.I.Isaeva"

“Difficult” children usually include those children who are characterized by certain deviations in moral development, the presence of fixed negative forms of behavior, indiscipline Difficult children study poorly, rarely and carelessly do homework, and often miss school. They behave badly in class and often fight. Their upbringing is usually done little in the family. They grow on their own. They are aggressive, embittered, and practically familiar with the shadow sides of life. They start smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking up drugs early. Growing up, they form organized groups, commit thefts, robberies and even murders.

The school system should be aimed at preventing antisocial behavior, correcting the personality of a difficult child, and helping him to assert himself.

The system of work of the class teacher with “difficult” students

System for organizing preventive work with “at-risk” students

Action diagram

to provide individual preventive work at school.

Features of the system of working with “at-risk” students

Work to prevent crime among minors should be carried out systematically:

1. The class teacher conducts individual conversations with the student and his parents, the teenager’s behavior is discussed at a class meeting, and the class parent committee is involved in the work.

2. The class teacher works closely on this issue with representatives of the school’s socio-psychological service – a social pedagogue and an educational psychologist. An action plan is being developed to correct the behavior of a “difficult” teenager, and psychological trainings are being conducted.

3. The teenager’s behavior is examined on school council prevention.

4. Access to small teachers’ councils, the school’s Governing Council, and the school administration.

One of the significant links in this work is the School Prevention Council, which includes representatives of the administration, the parent committee, the Council of high school students, police officers, class teachers, a social teacher, and an educational psychologist.

The school on the prevention of neglect and crime closely cooperates with external subjects of prevention:

*joint plans are drawn up and implemented annually with police officers and traffic police;

*monthly (and as needed) materials are collected for “difficult” students in the juvenile affairs department (JA);

*the school contacts the city’s social services, guardianship and trusteeship authorities to organize work with “at-risk” families;

*works closely with institutions additional education on issues of employment of schoolchildren during extracurricular hours, involving them in clubs and sections.

1) increasing the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents (lectures, parent meetings, individual consultations);

2) involvement of parents in the educational process (parent meetings, joint creative activities, assistance in strengthening the material and technical base);

3) participation of parents in school management (school management council, parent committees).

Forms and methods Work with parents should be aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents, strengthening the interaction between school and family, and strengthening its educational potential.

Working methods: observation; conversation; testing; survey.

A significant place in the system of work of the class teacher with parents of students

· Individual thematic consultations(exchange of information that gives a real idea of school affairs and the child’s behavior, his problems).

Individual consultations are one of the most important forms of interaction between the class teacher and the family. It is especially necessary when the teacher is recruiting a class. In order to overcome parents' anxiety and fear of talking about their child, it is necessary to conduct individual consultations and interviews with parents. When preparing for a consultation, it is advisable to identify a number of questions, the answers to which will help plan educational work with the class. Individual consultation should be informational in nature and contribute to the creation of good contact between parents and teacher. The teacher should give parents the opportunity to tell him everything that they would like to introduce the teacher to in an informal setting, and find out important information for their professional work with the child:

– characteristics of the child’s health;

– his hobbies, interests;

– preferences in communication in the family;

– behavioral reactions;

– character traits;

– motivation for learning;

moral values families.

· Visiting family(individual work of the teacher with parents, familiarization with living conditions).

· Parent meeting(a form of analysis, comprehension based on data from pedagogical science of educational experience).

1) School-wide parent meetings– are held twice a year. Target : acquaintance with regulatory documents about the school, main directions, tasks, results of work.

School-wide parent-teacher meetings are usually held no more than twice a year. The topic of such meetings is a report on the work of the school for a certain period of time. The director and his deputies speak at them, and the school’s parent committee reports on the work.

School-wide parent-teacher conferences can be used to demonstrate positive parenting experiences within the family. Thus, at the end of the school year, it is possible to reward families with positive experiences in raising children.

2) Classroom parent meetings– are held four to five times a year.

Target: discussion of the tasks of the educational work of the class, planning of educational work, determining ways of close cooperation between family and school, consideration of current pedagogical problems.

Classroom parent meetings are held once every quarter; if necessary, they can be held more often. The parents' meeting should become a school for educating parents, should expand their pedagogical horizons, and stimulate the desire to become good parents. At parent meetings, the educational achievements of students are analyzed, their capabilities, and the degree of progress of the class in educational activities are characterized. A parent meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate the child’s progress. the conversation at the meeting should not be about grades, but about the quality of knowledge and the degree of intellectual effort corresponding to cognitive and moral motivation. It is necessary to prepare exhibitions for the parent meeting creative works students, their achievements, and not only in educational activities.

Note to teachers and parents


– the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate;

– the child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn;

– the child is praised, he learns to be noble;

– the child is supported, he learns to value himself;

– the child grows up in reproaches, he learns to live with a feeling of guilt;

– the child grows up in tolerance, he learns to understand others;

– the child grows in honesty, he learns to be fair;

– the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people;

– the child lives in hostility, he learns to be aggressive;

– the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world.

These tips arose on the basis of practical life observations, comprehension teaching practice. The stated provisions can be used in practical work with parents, as well as as topics for meetings and conversations with them.

Not effective:

1) intimidation (the forbidden fruit is sweet, the more often you say it is impossible

2) strict excessive control (children must know that they are trusted)

3) public criticism (you cannot humiliate a child or lower his self-esteem)

4) refer to speeches by drug addicts (children may get the impression that drug addiction is curable)

Need to:

1) practice trusting and frank communication

2) educate not with words, but with example and actions. If words differ from real behavior, the effect of educational work will be the opposite of the desired one (you cannot tell a child that smoking is harmful, while you yourself are unable to give up the addiction)

3)properly organize leisure time (classes and clubs should be to your liking), you cannot be forced to attend them)

4) organize access to psychological (Trustline; help from a psychologist), legal, medical assistance, information resources (reliable information about the dangers of psychoactive substances, alcohol, tobacco...)

Child abuse

Child abuse is any action or behavior on the part of parents or other adults that poses a risk of serious physical or psychological harm to children.

Types of child abuse.

· Physical violence

· Emotional abuse

Neglect of the needs of the child

1. Age of the child: the younger the child, the more vulnerable he is

2. Individual characteristics children requiring significant efforts from parents to control and care for the child

3. Parents are psychologically predisposed to use violence against children or not meet their needs

4. Lack of empathy and lack of understanding of children’s developmental needs among parents, low parenting skills

5. Parents themselves were subjected to domestic violence in childhood and therefore consider violence normal

6. High levels of stress and the occurrence of crisis situations

7. Material and living conditions and the child’s immediate environment.

Risk levels for child abuse

· High risk means that if the situation is not intervened and the child is left with the family, there is a possibility that the child will suffer serious harm, including injury or death.

· Moderate (average) risk suggests that if the child remains
in the family, then he can definitely be harmed.
There are no signs that indicate the child is in immediate danger of serious physical injury or death.
Low (zero) assumes that the child in the family is not in danger, and the intervention of child protection authorities is not required.

· A critical level of risk presupposes the immediate removal of a child from the family due to immediate threat his life and health.

About the age at which criminal liability begins

1. A person who has reached the age of 16 at the time of committing a crime is subject to criminal liability.

2. Persons who have reached 14 years of age at the time of committing a crime are subject to criminal liability for the following crimes:

Murder (Article 105);

Intentional causing grievous harm to health (Article 111);

Intentional causing moderate severity harm to health (Article 112);

Kidnapping (Article 126);

Rape (Article 131);

Violent acts of a sexual nature (Article 132);

∙ Theft (Article 158);

∙ Robbery (Article 161);

∙ Robbery (Article 162);

Extortion (Article 163);

Wrongful taking of a car or other vehicles without the purpose of theft (for a ride) (Article 166);

Deliberate destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances (part 2 of Article 167);

Terrorism (Article 205);

Taking a hostage (Article 206);

Knowingly false report about an act of terrorism (Article 207);

Hooliganism under aggravating circumstances (parts 2 and 3 of Article 213);

Vandalism (Article 214);

Theft or extortion of weapons, ammunition and explosive devices (Article 226);

Theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (Article 229);

Disablement Vehicle or means of communication (Article 267).

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