Migration types and causes of population migration. Causes, types of population migrations and socio-economic consequences of migration flows

Migration is comprehensively studied by scientists, because it is important that the movement of the population contributes to the development of the country, and does not slow it down. Scientific world The questions that concern us are: what pushes people to change their place of residence, on what basis do they choose a region to live? It is customary to highlight different types population migration. Let's find out what they are, what is important for a potential migrant to know.

First, it’s worth understanding what is meant by the term “migration.” If translated literally from Latin, from where the concept was borrowed, then it means “relocation.” And this word fully reflects the essence of the concept in question, when people change their place of residence, moving from region to region or from one country to another, that is, they migrate. Moreover, in fact, it does not matter what goals they pursue, what factors prompt them to resettle. It is customary to distinguish two main forms of migration:

  • internal;
  • external.

The first refers to the movement of population within the home state. And the second is relocation from one country to another. If speak about external migration, then two more terms are relevant here. Because when they talk about leaving the state, this is already emigration. Entry into the country - immigration. Accordingly, for his homeland a person becomes an emigrant when he leaves it, and in a foreign land he is an immigrant.

Classification of migration movements

Migration itself is very difficult process. People are constantly moving around the planet, pursuing different goals forced to relocate for various reasons. Therefore, migration and its types, specifics, and features are comprehensively studied. It is important to monitor how and why the population moves in order to prevent possible negative consequences of this phenomenon (economic problems, social tension).

By time

Migration is not just about moving permanent residence in the other place. Therefore, it is customary to divide it into several types, including depending on the duration. For example, many professions allow you to work seasonally, and specialists are looking for where it is more profitable to find a job. And at the end of the season they return home. In this case, they talk about seasonal migrants.

Shift migration is in many ways similar to seasonal migration. But a person is expected to live in extreme climatic conditions. A striking example- oil workers who work in the North, but periodically return home.

Permanent migration speaks for itself by its name. That is, a person changes his place of residence forever. Such relocation is approached with the utmost responsibility. It is important to first study the pros and cons of the chosen place of residence, and decide if internal migration is implied.

Migration flows almost never stop. But they are heterogeneous both within one state and between different countries. Internal migration in Russia is quite active. After all, living conditions in different regions huge state are significantly different.

Internal migrants traditionally look for a better place to live, so they are more willing to move to economically developed regions. But the state’s task is to regulate migration flows. That's why they're relevant special programs. They are designed to encourage citizens to migrate internally to less popular parts of the country.

External migration is moving to a foreign country. Moreover, the problem for the Russian Federation is both emigration - “brain drain”, and immigration - the active resettlement of people from other countries, who are mostly low-skilled specialists. That is, they are thinking about their valuable personnel. They are being replaced by immigrants with secondary education. Due to migration there are a number of negative consequences. This affects both the economy and society as a whole.

By degree of legality

When we're talking about about external migration, it does not always occur in compliance with the laws. Since economically developed states arouse increased interest from foreigners, they usually set fairly strict conditions in relation to visitors. It is not easy for them to comply with all the requirements for migrating to a prosperous country on a legal basis.

Illegal migration is moving in violation of the norms and requirements of the law. And traditionally it means ignoring migration articles. But exactly how visitors break the laws does not matter. Typical are following situations:

In all countries with such a phenomenon as illegal migration, they fight quite hard. After all, illegal migrants are a threat to the economy and society. Often they get a job without signing official contract. This means that due to migration there is an increase in unemployment among local citizens. At the same time, there is a leakage of funds into the pockets of foreigners, instead of paying official wages officially employed citizens with tax deductions to the country's budget.


The population does not always migrate voluntarily: migration varies. Sometimes people don't move according to at will, and under duress: under pressure authoritarian regime or under the influence of circumstances. And this will already be forced migration.

IN modern world such a term remains relevant, if only because of the presence of armed conflicts in many countries. For example, refugees are flocking to other places from the countries of the Near and Middle East, and migration from the African continent is widespread. And, of course, they are attracted by prosperous Europe and well-fed America.

Voluntary and forced migration - these two forms are sometimes difficult to clearly distinguish between. For example, in the 30s in the USSR, many peasants fled from collectivization and dispossession. In fact, no one forced them to do this, but it cannot be said that they did it of their own free will, so such migration can be considered forced.

Migration problems and solutions: Video

What could be the reasons for migration?

On the one hand, almost any person strives to acquire their own home. He does not think about migration, because he wants to live in one place, without moving from region to region, or even to a foreign country. On the other hand, many contemporaries are not ready to be content with the circumstances that are developing in their homeland. And although there are various factors of migration, the main reason that motivates relocation is considered to be economic.

And that's true. Because most often people are ready for global changes if they expect that they will live better in a new place. However, there are other motives that motivate migration. Someone has to leave their father's house under pressure of circumstances. For example, if there is a war in your homeland. Sometimes migration is prompted by persecution of certain segments of the population for political, social or religious reasons.

Work migration

Labor migrants constitute the majority among those ready to relocate. For any state immigration policy- This critical system, designed to regulate such flows. It is extremely important to competently import and export labor.

Quite well developed. And this could be considered a plus if those specialists that the state needs came to the country. Alas, so far the authorities are only establishing migration processes. Unfortunately, among financially wealthy citizens of Russia it is popular in the USA and Europe.

This is the movement of people from one permanent place of residence to another for a more or less long time.

The development and gradual settlement of land by humans marked the beginning of migration. The reasons for migration can be economic, political, national, religious, etc.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish two main forms:

internal (movement of the population within the country, for example, from village to city, from one region to another, etc.);
external (moving from one country to another), and leaving one’s country for permanent place residence in another is called emigration, and entry into another is called immigration.
Migrations vary:

After World War II, Central turned into a hotbed of immigration, a place of attraction for labor from countries Southern Europe, Northern , and . Thus, we got wide use labor migrations that continue today. But these days, oil-producing countries are especially attractive to foreign labor. In the second half of the 20th century there appeared new form external migration - “brain drain”. It consists of luring highly qualified foreign scientists and specialists. It began with an outflow from Western European countries to the United States, but then they also became involved in this process.

In the historical past of Russia, several stages can be distinguished when changes total number the population in the territory was determined not by the migration influx or, conversely, by the outflow of the population: the development of the Oka interfluve in the 8th - 9th centuries; period of invasion of the XIII - XIV centuries; development of new territories in the southern (“Wild Field”) and (XVI - XVII centuries); further development of the south European Russia and southern Siberia (XVIII - XIX centuries); forced deportations of the 1930s - 1940s; industrial and eastern and northern regions of the USSR; collapse of the USSR.

IN Soviet period there was a constant movement of population from rural areas to cities; more than 100 million villagers became city dwellers.

In the early 90s. Another direction of migration arose, associated with the growth of nationalism in a number of republics of the USSR. After the breakup Soviet Union this flow (primarily of the Russian population) increased several times. The largest number of refugees were from those areas where armed conflicts arose (the so-called “hot spots”: Srednyaya) or where things turned out to be much worse than in Russia.

The sharp deterioration in the economic situation primarily affected the northern and eastern regions of the country. If in previous years people sought to these regions in order to earn money (there were so-called “ northern allowances"), then due to the closure of many enterprises in the 90s. the population began to return to the European part of Russia.

IN last years The highest rates of population influx continue to remain in the Russian regions, as well as the adjacent regions of the Central Black Earth and Volga regions. The most significant outflow of population is typical for the north (Chukchi Autonomous Okrug - 582 people/10,000 people, Koryak Autonomous Okrug - 263, Magadan Region - 276), Evenki District (260 people/10,000 people), as well as Chechnya and Ingushetia.

Migration has a significant impact on the structure of the population. Thus, labor immigration increases the share of the economically active population in the total population, as well as the share of the male population, because Mostly men migrate in search of work.

The history of mankind knows many major territorial movements, one of which was called the “great migration of peoples.” There are many reasons for population migration: religious, political, family, demographic, national reasons; and natural disasters and wars. Based various reasons highlight migration economic, social, cultural, political, military, etc.

There is internal migration of labor that occurs between regions of the same state. It is indirectly reflected in the balance of payments of labor exporting and importing countries. International population migration in the past manifested itself mainly in such forms as nomadism and colonization resettlement. IN modern conditions For international migration characteristic features associated primarily with the fact that an increasingly important role in this process is played by work migration. International labor migration occurs mainly through economic reasons. However, there are also non-economic reasons for international labor migration: political, religious, unification and collapse of states, natural disasters, war, environmental problems, personal reasons. They often have the same economic consequences, as well as international labor migration for economic reasons, which are understood mainly as inter-sectoral differences in wages.

But the main reason for migration is still economic reason, namely, cross-country differences in wages and living standards.

Within general migration of the population, migration of its individual groups is distinguished: social, ethnic, gender, age, etc. For example, they highlight labor migration.

International labor migration- moving process labor resources from one country to other countries in order to ensure their employment.

International labor emigrant - a person who has gone abroad with the aim of earning money through employment or economic activity.

Labor importing country - a country that constantly receives labor from other countries.

Labor exporting country - a country from which labor resources constantly leave for other countries. There are countries that play both roles simultaneously: in relation to more developed countries they act as labor exporters, and in relation to less developed countries they act as labor importers.

Factors influencing slave migration. forces are divided into:

1. non-economic - political and legal, religious, ethnic, environmental, educational, cultural, psychological.

2. economic – difference in level economic development countries, the state of the national labor market, structural restructuring of the economy, scientific and technical progress (development is accompanied by an increase in the need for skilled labor), export of capital, the functioning of TNCs.

International labor migration is primarily due to economic reasons. These reasons are:

ü different level economic development of individual countries. Labor is moving from countries with more low level GDP per capita to countries with higher living standards;

varying degrees provision of countries with labor resources. It affects the volume of production and the difference in wage levels. If there is an excess of labor resources in a country, this creates an incentive for emigration;

foreign activities TNK. There is a movement of workers to jobs in foreign branches of TNCs;

the presence of unemployment in the country (increases labor migration).

External labor migration flows are divided into

labor emigration, i.e. departure of the working population from the country for long-term or permanent residence in another country;

labor immigration, i.e. arrival of labor to the host country from abroad.

The difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants is called migration balance.

The return of emigrants to their homeland, to permanent residence is called re-emigration.

Today in world practice there is next classification forms of labor migration:

1) by directions.

Migration from developing countries and former socialist countries to industrialized the developed countries;

Migration within industrialized countries;

Labor migration between developing countries;

Migration of highly skilled labor from industrialized to developing countries;

2) by territorial coverage:



3) by skill level of migrants:

highly qualified workforce;

Low-skilled labor force;

4) by time:

irrevocable (usually intercontinental);

Temporary (usually inland);

Seasonal (associated with annual trips to earn money);

Pendulum (involving daily trips to the place of work outside of one’s own settlement, countries);

5) by degree of legality:



irrevocable - departure of migrants for permanent residence in the receiving country;

temporary-permanent - travel to work from limited time stay in the country of departure from 1 to 6 years;

seasonal migration- short-term departure (up to 1 year) to work in industries that are seasonal in nature (fishing, Agriculture and etc.);

pendulum (shuttle, border) Daily travel and countries abroad to work and back;

illegal - traveling to another country to work for on illegal grounds(by private invitations for tourists, etc.);

“Brain drain” is the international migration of highly qualified personnel (scientists, rare specialists, “stars” of art, sports).

The directions of international migration change with changes in economic conditions in individual countries, regions, and in the world economy as a whole.

Total number migrants can only be estimated very roughly. It is believed that in the mid-90s, about 125 million people were constantly living outside the countries of which they are citizens. In recent years, about 20 million people have been moving from country to country around the world. in year. Total foreign workers in the United States amount to 7 million, in Western Europe- 6.5 million, in Latin America - 4 million, in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa - 3 million people. Entire industries rely on immigrant labor: in France, 25% of those employed in construction and 33% in the automotive industry, in Belgium 50% of all miners, in Switzerland 40% of construction workers are immigrants.

Population migration

Population and economy

Topic 7. Economic and socio-political aspects of population reproduction

7.1. Population and economy.

7.2. Population migration.

7.3. Performance Indicators reproduction.

7.4. Replacement rates.

7.5. Generation length and true natural reproduction rate.

7.6. Demographic situation and demographic policy.

The population is active participant economic processes. On the one hand, the population acts as an object of the economy, which the economy studies and on which it tries to influence - the labor force, consumers. But on the other hand, both the workforce and consumers, through their behavior, in which there is always room for choice, themselves can and do influence the development of the economy. Thus, a population consisting of various social groups people is also a subject of the economy.

The state and level of development of the economy largely influence the reproduction of the population, its natural and mechanical movement.

All countries of the world according to the level of economic development are divided into developed and developing. Moreover, these two camps not only have different economic indicators, but also demographic ones. At the same time, as the economy develops, demographic indicators also change.

For example, developed countries are characterized by the following demographic processes:

Reducing infant and child mortality rates;

Increased life expectancy;

Declining birth rate;

Increased flows of immigrants (entering the country).

On the contrary, developing countries are characterized by:

High level child and especially infant mortality;

Low life expectancy;

High birth rate:

Increasing flows of emigrants (leaving the country).

The previous topics discussed issues related to natural reproduction (fertility, mortality). It was also noted that population reproduction is the result of more than just natural movement. Population reproduction significantly depends on migration movement associated with population migration.

Population migration – movement of people for various reasons across the borders of certain territorial entities for residence purposes (recorded in Federal program 1997)

Migrant– a person who has moved to a new place of residence.

Migration flow (turnover) – the total number of migrants who have common areas of arrival and departure in a given period of time.

There are migration flows:

Direct and reverse;

Dominant and less intense.

Basic reasons for migration:

Political (flight of citizens from their country due to coups d'etat, change of uniform government);

Socio-economic (movement of the population in search of work, the so-called “brain drain”);

Natural (due to natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, etc.);

Environmental (due to radiation contamination, for example, due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant);

Religious (due to persecution based on religion);

National (due to national persecution).

Distinguish three stages of migration:

Stage I – initial – the process of formation of territorial mobility;

Stage II – main – actual movement;

Stage III – final stage – migrants take root in a new place.

If we consider migration from different points of view, we can highlight the following types (types) of migration:

1. In relation to the borders of the state:

External, incl. emigration – departure of citizens from their country;

immigration – entry of citizens into this country;

Internal – migration of citizens within their country.

2. Based on time:

Temporary, or returnable (seasonal, pendulum);


3. Depending on the level of the organization:


Spontaneous (unorganized).

4. From the position of choice:

Voluntary (for example, “brain drain”);

Forced (seeking refuge);

Forced (forced displacement of citizens).

5. From the standpoint of legality:



6. Based on motives (reasons):



Religious, etc.

People were constantly moving from place to place - pioneers discovered new lands, representatives of persecuted religions fled persecution, nomads looked for water and food.

Britain is an island, but despite this, waves of immigrants rolled in there, century after century. These were representatives different nations– Romans, ancient Celts, Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Huguenots, Normans, Jews, and Lately– immigrants from Pakistan, India, West Indies.

And each people contributed to the culture and life of Britain. This process took place even more actively in continental Europe (you can read more about this part of the world), and it never stopped.

What is migration?

Population migration(Latin migration, from migro - moving, moving) is the movement of people, usually associated with a change in place of residence.

Migration is divided into temporary (relocation for a fairly long but limited period), irrevocable (with a residual change in place of residence), seasonal (movement to certain periods of the year).

There are external (across the country's borders) and internal migration; external includes immigration, emigration; Internal includes inter-district relocations, movements from village to city.

Immigration (from Latin immigro - moving in) is one of the types of ethnic migration of the population: entry into the country for permanent or temporary residence of citizens of another country.

Emigration is the departure of people from their own country to another for permanent residence.

Sometimes migration is also referred to as so-called pendulum migration (regular trips to a place of study or work outside the borders of one’s locality).

The mobility of society has increased sharply with the development of transport. The average US resident (more about the country), for example, moves 13 times in his life.

Migrants are predominantly young people who move in search of better work or just work.

But the number of migrants in last decades is increasingly growing due to affluent older Americans who are looking for favorable places to live after retirement.

Migrations are also forced. Forced migration is it temporary or constant change places where people live, for reasons that do not depend on them, usually against their wishes (ecological disasters, natural disasters, hostilities, industrial accidents, violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens).

Forced migration must be distinguished from forced migration, which is based on orders from the military or civil administration (deportation, eviction, etc.).

Victims of forced relocation are classified as refugees and internally displaced persons.

In the XVIII – XIX centuries. thousands of Africans were forcibly transported to the New World and sold into slavery. In 1947, one of the largest migrations in history took place: after the partition of British India into Pakistan and India, the number of refugees from this region amounted to about 17 million.

After the declaration of Bosnia and Herzegovina (formerly part of Yugoslavia) in 1992, Serbian authorities expelled Muslims from their homes and repopulated the area with Serbs. This policy was called “ethnic cleansing.”

People often migrate wanting to improve or change their lifestyle. They, writing to their friends and relatives, talk about the advantages of their new country.

Immigration policy.

Countries that need labor force, different ways attract immigrants. For example, they offer to cover the costs of purchasing housing and moving, and promise high-paying jobs for people in a specific specialty.

Australia, when it needed population growth to ensure its development, pursued such a policy. Chain migration has seen many move to Australia, especially from Southeast Asia.

Today, not all migrants are accepted by developed countries. But even there there is a constant demand for scientists, high-class craftsmen, nurses and doctors.

Often departure of large numbers qualified specialists from the country is called “brain drain”.

However, migration is rarely one-way. In the 1960s, in search of more high salary, doctors were coming to North America from Britain, and at the same time, the same Britain was receiving a stream of qualified doctors from Pakistan and India and nurses from the West Indies.

Many overpopulated countries impose immigration quotas. In this case, knowledge of the language, age, education, specialty and other factors are carefully taken into account.

Mass migrations.

Mass migrations can be fast or slow. For example, the settlement of peoples of the Bantu language family from central Africa to the south was a slow process. This process lasted several hundred years.

Over the past 200 years, the world's population map has changed dramatically. This occurred as a result of mass migration from Europe to Australia and North America, tens of millions of people.

The United States of America began to be called a “nation of immigrants.” Most of them arrived from Europe in the 19th century. And the recent waves surged from Latin America and Asia.

Mostly, migration from Europe took place for economic reasons. However, religious persecution also played a role.

In the 19th century, many Jews fled Russia and eastern Europe to escape pogroms. And in the 30s of the 20th century - from Nazi Germany.

Due to wars, mass migrations also often occur. After World War I (1914-1918), about 7.7 million people moved within Europe, and during and after World War II - 25 million people.

Immigration problems.

Residents of the poor countries of Southern Europe, after World War II, moved to the industrialized countries of the northwest in search of work.

Immigrants have contributed to the prosperity of their host countries. But they often caused outrage local population, because because of them they aggravated social problems, including in the areas of education, health and housing.

Recent waves of migration from former republics Soviet Union and of Eastern Europe, reawakened these fears in the West.

The largest number of migrants over the past 40 years were those who moved within one country. These were mainly migrations from rural areas to the city, and more recently from the languishing urban center to the suburbs.

In poor, developing countries, urbanization has become widespread, and the population of many cities in Latin America, Asia (you can read more about this part of the world) and Africa (more about this continent) has grown rapidly.

Problems of assimilation.

The situation always causes difficulties when a large number of foreigners arrive in the country in a short period. Immigrants often stick together, especially in situations where local society is hostile towards them. Social problems are getting worse.

This situation occurred in Britain, when masses of immigrants from countries poured into the country Caribbean, Asia and Africa, looking for work.

Often they took on work that local residents refused. But as unemployment rose, immigration fell sharply.

Immigration to Britain was facilitated by economic forces. But social problems that arose, such as a housing shortage, had the opposite effect.

Moreover, migrants faced open hostility from the local population, which was often born of racial prejudice.

The government, as a result, was forced to take action against discrimination against immigrants.

Assimilation rarely occurs without difficulties, especially if migrants do not speak the local language. It is believed that at least two generations must pass for complete assimilation.

Assimilation (from Latin assimilatio - merging, assimilation) is one of the types of ethnic processes, which represents the interaction of two. During this process, ethnic groups or ethnic groups perceive the culture and language of another ethnic group, and gradually merging with it, they lose their ethnic identity.

Thus, dear readers, I think the difference between these similar terms has become clear to you, and most importantly, we have found out the most important points migration.

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