Multi-level bibliographic description Examples. Schemes and examples of bibliographic description

Vol. 2.

; t. 3, vol. one

5.7.14 Information relating only to the subsequent data is given after information about the main series according to the rules 5.7.3 - 5.7.13.

. - (Proceedings of the Institute / Second Mosk. State. Honey. In-t. N. I. Pirogova; t. 139. Section "Clinical Medicine". Series "Therapy"; Issue 13)

5.7.15 In the area of \u200b\u200bthe series, information on the many (multi-volume, multi-duty, multi-meter) document of any kind - book, map, movie, electronic resource, etc. can be placed. Descriptions. The remaining general information about many documents in this case is also placed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe series according to the rules set out in this section.

. - (block and Russian symbolism: election: in 3 kN. / Z. G. Mintz; BN 3)

. - (Library of legal and reference data; 1997, vol. 4)

5.7.16 If the description object is in two different series, the area of \u200b\u200bthe series is repeated. Information about each series enclose in individual round brackets and shared a space.

. - (recent Romances A. D. Vyaltseva) (Gypsy Life; No. 336)

. - (Full Collected Works: For Piano; T. 1) (Classic of World Music)

. - (library "First September") (Series "I go to the lesson")

5.8 Note area

5.8.1 The notes area contains additional information about the description object that has not been shown in other description elements. The information cited in the area borrow from any source of information and in square brackets do not conclude.

5.8.2 Each note is preceded by a point and dash sign or a note start from a new line. Introductory words are separated from the main content of the notes of the colon, followed by a space; Before the colon, the space does not leave.

. - Notogr. at the end of the section.

. - The text shows the names of developers and manufacturers.

. - Auth. Specified on the 7th second. - arr. Content. Laws. and standard. Materials

. - Content: poems, poems, plays

. - Add. Schemes: Metro St. Petersburg; Motion scheme suburb. Trains

5.8.3 The notes area as a whole is optional, however, in drawing up a description of some objects, individual notes are mandatory, for example, a note on the source of the main title, about systemic requirements when describing electronic resources, information about the deposit in the description of the deposited scientific work, etc.

Stall. From the video site labels

. - Systems. Requirements: Windows 95; Pentium 90MHz; 16MB RAM; CD-ROM DRIVE; Video 2MB; Sound Card; Mouse.

. - dep. in vinity 05/18/02, № 14432

5.8.4 The text Notes is not regulated. Inside the notes containing a fragment of the description, domain and elements lead with the signs prescribed by them, except the sign point and dash, which is replaced by a point.

. - Stall. Auth. And out. Dan. Established by ref.: Detailed dictionary of Russian engraved portraits / D. A. Rovilovsky. SPB., 1888. T. 3. № 654

5.8.5 The sequence of bringing the notes corresponds to the sequence of areas and description elements to which notes are related (see 5.1). However, if necessary, the first can be given a note that is recognized as the most important for the search, identification or use of documentary carrier of this species. For example, for a serial document, a note on its periodicity or history of the existence - a break, renewal, to stop the publication (see, for the electronic resource - Note on system requirements or access mode, etc. .

. - Break in Ed.: 1941-1998. - resumed in 1999

. - In 1997-1998, he went out. Zhurn: Tourist. World of travel. - From 1999 it will be coming out. ed.

. - Access Mode:

5.8.6 After notes related to the areas and elements, the general notes belonging to the object description as a whole.

General Notes may disclose the content of the description of the description, which is a collection of works or a set of documents on several media; inform about the availability of applications, bibliographic lists, pointers and other components of the reference apparatus available in the object description, and so para; may include numbers available in the document not specified in other areas of description; inform about the circulation, about the features of the printing design of the whole circulation as a whole; On the peculiarities of a particular copy existing in the Foundation (defectiveness, surplus, presence of stickers, autographs, etc.), as well as contain any other necessary information.

5.8.7 If possible, the two or more notes are combined into one.

. - Tilt. and text paral. Rus., Iz., Fr.

. - Output, Legend, Tables and Text Ad. Paral. Rus., English

5.9 The area of \u200b\u200bthe standard number (or its alternatives) and availability conditions

5.9.1 In the region, international standard numbers assigned to the description of the description: the international standard book number (ISBN) or the International Standard Serial Edition Room (ISSN), or any other international number assigned to the description object in the prescribed manner. Standard numbers lead to the accepted abbreviation and prescribed spaces and hyphens.

. - ISBN 5-7975-0063-9

. - ISSN 1563-0102.

5.9.2 If the numbers are somewhat, the one belongs to the description object. If it is difficult to determine, all international standard rooms are available in the source of information.

An international standard number of multi-volume publication and volume number, as well as the standard accompanying room number can be given. In such cases, the rooms are accompanied by additional explanations enclosed in parentheses.

. - ISBN 5-02-011752-8. - ISBN 5-02-011751-X (t. 1)

. - ISBN 0-376-00550-6 (SET). - ISBN 0-376-00551-4 (v. 1)

5.9.3 If it is known that the wrong number, the correct number indicates the correct number if you can install it. The wrong number is given as it is specified in the source of information, with an explanation in the "erroneous" headbugs.

. - ISBN 5-8103-0093-3. - ISBN 5-8103-00093-3 (error)

5.9.4 If the international standard number is missing, as its alternative is allowed to bring the number of state registration, publishing room, the number of the musical work board, other rooms.

. - state number. Registration 0329600098.

(The area provides the number of state registration of the electronic resource)

. - ed. № 2515, N.P. 34688

(The area is given by the publishing room and the number of the board of the musical work)

5.9.5 Key title - title, installed for identifying and registering a serial publication in the ISSN assignment process. It is given in this area after ISSN with the preceding sign of equality.

. - ISSN 0340-0352 \u003d IFLA JOURNAL

5.9.6 Availability conditions include price information or brief information about other conditions of access to the object. They are preceded by a sign of the colon.

: free. For students in-she

: hire

5.9.7 Information about the circulation is placed in the notes in the area (see 5.8.6).

5.9.8 Additional information lead in parentheses as the required explanation to any element of the area.

Act Editorial 25.11.2003

Name Document"Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling. GOST 7.1-2003" (approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 25.11.2003 N 332-st)
Document typeresolution, Standard
Accepted bystate Standard of the Russian Federation
Document Number332-Art
Date of adoption01.01.1970
Date of editorial25.11.2003
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

"Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling. GOST 7.1-2003" (approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 25.11.2003 N 332-st)

6. Multi-level bibliographic description

6.1.1 At the first level (in the total) of a multi-level description, information is given common to all or most of the physical units - volumes (issues, numbers) that are part of many documents.

At the second level (in the specification) of a multi-level description, information relating to individual physical units - volumes (issues, numbers), which is part of a multi-document document.

If information at the second level refers to a group, a set of physical units, information about individual physical units leads at the subsequent level.

6.1.2 After the first level of information, the following levels are recorded from a new line or selection. When recording from a new line, at the end of the information of each level, they put a point. When writing to the selection before the information of the second and subsequent levels put point and dash.

6.1.3 Information about individual physical (ordinal) units on the second and subsequent levels are recorded from a new line or selection. When recording from a new line at the end of information about each physical (ordinal) unit, the unit put a point when recording in the selection - information about individual units is separated by a semicolon.

6.2 Bibliographic description of a multi-volume document

6.2.1 The document consisting of a predetermined amount of volumes (parts) is considered a multi-volume (parts), which is a single integer in content and design. Tom is understood as a separate physical unit, which is part of many documents, denoted by volume, part, issue, collection, album, notebook, etc.

6.2.2 When drawing up a multi-level description, elements at all levels are recorded in accordance with the list of areas and elements in 5.1 according to the rules set out in 5.2-5.9.

6.2.3 The first level information leads to the features set out in 6.2.4, in the second and subsequent levels - taking into account the characteristics set out in 6.2.5.

6.2.4 Features of bringing elements at the first level of multi-level description of a multi-volume document As the main title, the general title of a multi-volume document leads. If the title of the document in the first volume differs from the title, data in subsequent volumes, as the main title, under which most volumes are published. If a multi-volume document does not have a separately formulated overall title, and the title of each volume consists of a constant and changing part, then the main title leads the constant part. The changing part leads at the second level. Communication message is denoted by ellipsis.

An annotated thematic plan for the release of literature publishing house "Science" ... [Text] / Ros. Acad. science - M.: Science. - Tilt. region: Science.

... For the second half of 2001 / [Sost. I. S. Vlasov]. - 2001. - 174, c. - 5500 copies. - ISBN 5-02-022682-3. If the volume is located on different media, then a generalizing term [Multimedia] or [Set] (see is used for the overall designation of the material. In the information relating to the title, data on the number of volumes provided by the document is provided.

Russian writers of the 20th century [Text]: Biogr. words. : in 4 tons.

Atlas of the world [Maps]: at 3 h

Lovel guitarist [notes]: notes. Sat in 5 albums In the field of output, years of publishing the first and last volumes, connected by the dash sign, or one year, if all volumes are published within one year.

M.: Doka, 1999-2001

Spb. : Symposium [et al.], 2001.

In compiling a description of an incomplete set of a multi-volume document, the year of publishing volume published first, and a dash after it followed by a space of 4 characters.

. - [B. m.]: Grief, 2001- (Ufa) Information about the accompanying material to a multi-volume document as a whole - see

6.2.5 Features of bringing elements in the second and subsequent levels of multi-level description of a multi-volume document. The first element in the area of \u200b\u200bthe title and information about the responsibility is, as a rule, the volume number. If there is a volume designation, it is given in the form given in the document. The sequence number indicates Arabic numbers.

Vol. 17, section. 3. The main title of Tom is its private title. In the presence of designation and volume numbers, the main title precedes the colon.

T. 3, KN. 3: Control problems

If the main title of volume is missing, leads a subsequent description of the description with the sign prescribed to it.

T. 4 / N. N. Petrov Information on the second and subsequent levels is allowed to record in the folded form. At the same time, they omit all or some of the volume information (volumes), except for the volume of the volume (volumes) and the standard number (ISBN or other) volumes (volumes).

Vol. 2. - ISBN 5-85200-357-3

Tom rooms, the following in a row, connect the dash sign. The accompanying material to the multi-volume edition is generally considered as a separate publication.

Information about the accompanying material is recorded after the information about the last volume according to the rules adopted for the compilation of the second and subsequent levels of the multi-level description.

6.2.6 A single-level bibliographic description (see Section 5) can be drawn up on a multi-level document or volume group (see section 5). In this case, information about the volume of the volume of the document is mandatory.

Fairy tales and history [Text]: 2 tons: per. From dates. / Hans Christian Andersen; Fig. G. A. V. Tragot. - St. Petersburg. : Firefly, 2000. - 2 tons ;; 17 See - (Bibliophile Library series). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-89735-019-1 (in per.).

6.2.7 For a separate volume of a multi-volume document, both a multi-level and single-level bibliographic description under the general title of a multi-volume document or under a private calling volume. Tom Description Under the general title of a multi-volume document is 6.2.4-6.2.5 or 5.2 - 5.9. In the latter case, the general title leads the general title of a multi-volume document, the volume number and its private title (if available), separating them with points.

Folk Russian fairy tales A. N. Afanasyev [Text]: In 5 tons. - M.: Terra, 2000-.

T. 4: Russian folk legends. - 2000. - 316, p. : Il.- in KN. Also: Russian folk legends / A. N. Pypin. From the memories of A. N. Afanasyev. - ISBN 5-300-02821-5.

Folk Russian fairy tales A. N. Afanasyev [Text]. In 5 tons

T. 4. Russian folk legends. - M.: Terra, 2000. - 316, p. : IL. - In the book. Also: Russian folk legends / A. N. Pypin. From the memories of A. N. Afanasyev. - ISBN 5-300-02821-5. Tom Description Under its private title make up

5.2-5.9. As the main title in this case, the private title of volume leads. Details on a multi-volume document as a whole lead in the area of \u200b\u200bthe series.

Russian folk legends [text]. - M.: Terra, 2000. - 316, p. : IL. - (folk Russian fairy tales A. N. Afanasyev: at 5 tons; t. 4). - In the book. Also: Russian folk legends / A. N. Pypin. From the memories of A. N. Afanasyev. - ISBN 5-300-02821-5.

6.3 Bibliographic description of serial and other continuing resources

6.3.1 Basic provisions As serial and other ongoing resources, documents emerging over time, the duration of which is not installed in advance, as a rule, by numbered and (or) dated issues with the same title (including electronic) are: newspapers, journals, numbered or dated collections, bulletins, series, updated documents, etc. In the future, in the text of the Standard, such documents are conventionally called serial. Bibliographic description is on a serial document, which took place under one title. When changing the title, the description is made up on a serial document with the changed title.

If necessary, constitute a single description to the set of all numbers (issues), including changing their title. The source of bibliographic information for describing the serial document is the last of the available numbers (issues, volumes, etc.) of the document. Additionally use bibliographic information from other numbers.

If necessary, make up a description of the first available number.

6.3.2 Bibliographic description of a serial document When drafting a multi-level description of a serial document, elements at all levels are recorded in accordance with the list of areas and elements in according to the rules set out in 5.2-5.9. The first level information leads to the features set out in 6.3.3, in the second and subsequent levels - taking into account the features set out in 6.3.4-6.3.6. List of areas and elements of a multi-level bibliographic description of a serial document

First level
Area title and information about responsibility Basic title
General designation material
* = Parallel title
* : Name related to title
Information about responsibility
/ First information
* ; Subsequent information
Newspaper area Information about the publication
* = Parallel information about the publication
Responsibility information
related to publication
/ First information
* ; Subsequent information
* , For more information about the publication
Specific information
Output area Place of publication, distribution
First place of publication
* ; Subsequent place of publication
* : The name of the publisher, distributor, etc.
Information on the function of the publisher,
distributor, etc.
, Date of publication, distribution, etc.
* (Place of manufacture
* : Manufacturer's name
,) Manufacture date
Field of physical characteristics : Specific material designation and volume
Other information on physical characteristics
; Dimensions
* + Accompanying information
Area series (Basic title series or hemination
* = Parallel title series or refinery
* : Information relating to the title series or Siniron
/ Disclaimers related to the series or Siniron
* ; First information
, Subsequent information
;) International Standard Serial Edition Room (ISSN) assigned to this series or Siniron
Series or Siniron series release number
Region Notes
Standard number area (or alternative) and availability conditions International Standard Serial Edition Room (ISSN)
= Key title
* : Availability conditions and / or price
() Additional information to area elements
Second and subsequent levels

The main ordinal unit, its subsequent divisions (see Further list of elements - at 5.1, taking into account the features set out at 6.2.5). - pointers. Applications

6.3.3 Rules for bringing elements at the first level of multi-level description of the serial document Region title and information about responsibility The main title leads to 5.2.2, taking into account the characteristics set out in - Basic title of the serial document, which is independently published annile or partition, may include:

a) title, common for all sinuses, and sense-dependent sentences from it, inextricably linked with the overall words "Series", "section", etc. The general title is separated from the dependent point, the designation and (or) subsequence, if They precede the dependent title - the comma. After the word "series" put a colon, if it follows a grammatically associated thematic title;

News of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Geological series

Proceedings of the historic faculty of Moscow State University. Series 4, bibliography

Indicators on topical problems of electronics. VT-MP Series, Microprocessors

Bulletin of Ivanovo State University. Series "Chemistry, Biology"

Results of science and technology. Series: Automotive

b) Associate the sentence, independent of the overall title and allocated to printing. General title indicate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe series.

WHO Expert Committee for Drug Dependers ... (WHO technical reports series) If the main title includes a date or numbering that changes in different issues, then this part of the title is lowered and replaced with ellipsis.

Review of the most important regulations for ...

Dates and numbers lead in the second and subsequent levels, as well as in the numbering area (see The general designation of the material leads to 5.2.3. When choosing a term for general material designation, preference is given to the designation of the physical form in which the serial document is presented.

Architectural encyclopedia XX century [Electronic resource]

(The document is a serial image material on an electronic optical disk) Parallel title leads to 5.2.4.

A parallel title, consisting of a common and dependent title, lead after both parts of the main title.

Bulletin of Ivanovo State University. Series: "Chemistry, Biology" [Text] \u003d Herald of Ivanov State University. SERIES: "Chemistry, Biology" Information relating to the title leads to 5.2.5.

Two centuries [text]: journals. in rus. history of the XVIII-XIX centuries

Metabolism [Text]: annually. Overview: International. journal by fax

Moscow Komsomolets [Text]: weekly. society. - Polit. gas.

Letters in Emissia Offline [Electronic resource]: electron. scientific-ped. journal

Our favorite songs [notes]: Words, notes and chords: for the voice of solo with Collov. Letters-digital party designations

Volga [Text]: Every month. lit.-art. journal Sarat. Pisat. Organizations

Company accountant [Electronic resource]: BP: Pratte. journal Information relating only to the general title or only to the dependent, lead after each of them.

Electronic equipment. Series 4, Electrovacuum and gas-discharge devices: scientific-tech. Sat If the information relating to the title includes dates or numbering varying in different numbers, they are omitted and replaced with ellipsis.

Shipbuilding [Text]: Bibliogr. Annot. decree. per …

Dates or numbers lead on the second (subsequent) levels, as well as in the numbering area (see For liability information leads to 5.2.6.

Byzantine temporary [Text] / Ros. Acad. Sciences, Institute of General. stories

Bulletin of the University [Electronic Resource] / State. University of UPR.

Banking law [Text]: scientific practice. and Inform. ed. With the participation of Ros. Acad. jurid Sciences / Founder: ed. Group "Lawyer"

If the main title of the serial document consists of title, common to all sinuses, and private title of one subsequence, responsibility information leads after that part of the title with the subsequent elements of the description to which they relate.

Construction and architecture. Series 9, Engineering: Review. Inform. / Centre. In-t scientific Inform. on page and architecture Edition area

Information in the area leads to 5.3. Region of specific information For serial documents, the scope of specific information is the numbering area. In this area, information about the first and latter rooms and (or) dates of the beginning and termination of the existence of a serial document are given. The area also reflects information about interruptions in the publication, changes and renewal of numbering.

When drawing up a description on a part of a serial document, published under the same name, in the region, the first and last numbers came out under this title, and (or) the date of their release. Numbering area contains information including:

The first and last numbers and / or dates of the beginning and termination of the publication of the document, connected by the dash sign - in describing the serial document that ceased to exist; Depending on the numbering method of the serial document, the entry in the area can begin with the number (digital and (or) lettering) or from the year (chronological designation).

With digital and (or) alphabetic numbering, the designation and release number leads. If the year of publishing release is also specified, it is driven in parentheses.

The years of publication of the first and last number are lowered if they coincide over the years given in the field of output.

In chronological numbering, lead the year, then the number. Year and room designate Arabic numbers.

2000, vol. 1/2

The room is lowered if it is the first for the year of the foundation and the last for the year of termination. Dates lead in the following order: year, month or year, day and month. If the document is represented as digital, etc., and the chronological designation, then digital, etc. The designation is given before chronological one. for numbering breaks, as well as, when it is renewed, both rows of numbering. Between them put a point with a comma.

Vol. 1 (1990) -12 (1995); T.1 (1996) -5 (2000)

T. 1 (1998) -3 (2000); Ser. 2, vol. 1 (2001) -

1930-1941 ; 1945-1956 ; 1999- In the presence of data requiring the repetition of specific information, the first leads the area characterizing the nature of the information contained in the document, the latter is the number of numbering. All other information is placed between them. For example, when drawing up a description on a serial document containing the cartographic material, first lead the area of \u200b\u200bthe mathematical foundation, then the numbering area.

1: 650 000. - 1981-2001

If the serial document containing the cartographic material is also an electronic resource, then in the first of the areas of specific information, data on the mathematical basis of the cartographic material, in the second - data on the form and amount of the electronic resource, in the third - information of the numbering area is given.

Scale Varies. - ELECTRONIC MAP DATA. - Sheet 1- The output area leads to 5.5.

Elements in the region indicate the features set out below. The venue of the publication, the city or other settlement is considered, which is listed in the legal address of the publisher, and in the absence of these information - the location of the editorial board (organization) producing a serial document. When drawing up a description of the document as a whole, if it continues to be published, the year of publication of the first number and a dash, after which the interval is left in 4 spaces.

Dolgoprudny: MIPT, 1998- When drawing up a description of the document, which ceased existence, leads years of publication of the first and last numbers connected by a dash.

Chelyabinsk: South.-Ural. kn. Publishing House, 1998-2001 When describing the part of the serial document, the edition of the first and last numbers is given, information about which is included in the description, and combine their dash. The physical characteristic area leads to 5.6.

Information about volume, illustrations and size leads if they are the same for all or most of the physical units constituting a serial document. The area of \u200b\u200bthe series leads to 5.7.

In the series area, information about the serial document, which includes all issues or a group of issues of this document. The area is repeated if the serial document is part of two or more episodes. The notes area lead to 5.8.

In the notes area, information about the history of the serial document, information relating to the elements and regions of the description, information on the structural and other features of the serial document not reflected in other areas is. Information in the field of notes leads in a certain order. First indicate information about the frequency if they are not part of the information relating to the title. Then give a note about the history of the document - the date of the basis of the serial document as a whole; about communication with other documents; About the break in the publication, its resumption, termination. Next, there are notes to separate areas and items in accordance with the sequence of bringing areas and elements in the description; Other notes: about the text of the text, weekend, etc.; on the presence of parallel publications in other languages; On the structural and other features of the serial document, etc. Notes on changes in individual elements over the exit period of the serial document can be allocated and shown at the end. Standard Number Area (or Alternatives) and Availability Conditions

In the region, standard numbers assigned to description objects depending on their type: the international standard serial publication number (ISSN), the number of the state register of electronic resources or another standard number assigned to a specific type of document in the prescribed manner. In the description of a serial document, which is a seminary with a dependent title, the area can be repeated. The first lead the area containing the international standard number of the series. ISSN or an alternative to its alternative in the form specified in the Serial Document. The key title leads to 5.9.5.

ISSN 1562-4145 \u003d indicator The availability conditions or the price of a separate physical unit of the serial document lead in this area, if it is constant for all or most of the serial document numbers. If there is a separate room price and the price of a set of numbers for any period, then lead both. Each information about the price is preceded by a colon. The elements of the region can be given in parentheses. For more information (information about the binding, refinement of standard numbers, etc.).

6.3.4 Rules for bringing elements in the second and subsequent levels of multi-level description of the serial document The second and subsequent levels contain bibliographic information related to each individual number, release, and so on. Physical units that make up a serial document, including its signs and applications. All information provided in the second and subsequent levels are optional. A set of elements cited in the second and subsequent levels determines the establishment of a description of the description. The shortest form of information cited in the second and subsequent levels is the indication of the main ordinal units.

The sequence of bringing information determines the main order unit (year - under the weather numbering; volume, issue, number, and the year, which is indicated by the material included in the publication - with through the numbering). The main ordinal unit may consist of smaller divisions (volume from numbers, etc.). For information on signs and applications, lead at the end of the description in the second and subsequent levels.

If necessary, information about signs and applications leads in the sequence of the years of their release in the list of basic ordinal units. In the description in the second and subsequent levels, we use separation signs specified in 6.1.2, 6.1.3. Designations of volumes, release, names of months, etc., lead in abbreviated form, for example, "t.", "Iss.", "Jan."

The ordinal numbers and years lead to Arabic numbers.

2001, 2 vol., N 1-4

2000, N 1-12, Decree.

2000, 2 non-number. Vol. (Nov., Dec.) Elements of bibliographic descriptions related to numbers (issues, volumes) lead to 6.2.5.

The general designation of the material leads if it differs from the multi-level description specified at the first level.

Vol. 2. - 2000. - 1 electron. wholesale Disc (CD-ROM): Sv., Col ...

Vol. 15: Improving the efficiency of digital information [text] / mosk. State un-t service; Ed. Shelukhina O. I. - 2001. - 160 p. : IL. - Bibliogr. At the end of Art.

6.3.5 Features of bringing individual elements included in the description in the second and subsequent levels of multi-level description of serial documents In the descriptions of magazines, newspapers, periodic bulletins both on paper and non-traditional carriers, the main ordinal unit of which consists of smaller divisions (volumes, issues, etc.), information about the volume, size, the duration, etc. . They do not lead to each number, but to the main ordinal unit as a whole.

T. 2, Vol. 1-6. - 2002. - 155 p. - 500 copies. The date of exit in the second and subsequent levels of the description of serial documents with numbering by year does not indicate.

2001, N 1-12. - 1380-1420 Ex.

2000, N 1 (2012) -15/16 (2026/2027). -25 790 copies.

6.3.6 Features of bringing information about signs and applications Information about signs, applications, special numbers, etc. Auxiliary materials for a serial document as a whole lead after the description in the second and subsequent levels from a new line or in the selection. When recording in the selection, it is preceded by a point and dash. First indicate information about the signs, then about the applications (including various accompanying materials to the individual numbers of the serial document). Indicator information leads in the following order: pointers to the main ordinal unit, pointers for several years.

Application information leads in the following order: periodic applications, non-periodic applications.

The record starts with the corresponding words: "Decree.", "Spec. N", "Departure. Ed.", "Admission" etc.

Specialist. Vol. : Engineering studies. - 2001.

Specialist. Vol. By 2000: Ideas for the New Year and Christmas Information on the pointers to the main ordinal units, as well as periodic applications that do not have their own title and separate numbering, are summarized.

Decree. To each

Arr. to each number

6.3.7 It is a complete serial document in general or a group of numbers (releases) of a serial document for a certain period, a single-level bibliographic description may be composed (see section 5).

Success: Week. gas. / Founder: LLC "C-Info". - 1998, Jan.-2000. - M., 2000. - 24 stripes. - Prem. for 2000, N 14.

6.3.8 Features of a multi-level bibliographic description containing more than two levels Multi-level bibliographic description containing more than two levels, make up a serial document, divided into subsection, sections, departments, etc.

At the first level of the description, there are information that characterize the serial document as a whole.

At the second level, information relating to the group of physical units is about each subsection, etc. as a whole.

At the following levels, information about individual physical units - about numbers or releases of each subsequent, which is the object of description. Bibliographic information on the first and subsequent levels of descriptions lead according to the general rules.

Bulletin of the Voronezh State University / M-in Education of Russia. - 1993-. - Voronezh, 2000. - ISSN 0234-5439.

Series "Higher Education Problems". - 2000-.

2000, N 1. - 250 copies.

Series "Physics, Mathematics". - 2000-.

2000, N 1. - 250 copies.

Series "Chemistry. Biology". - 2000-.

2000, N 1-2. - 250 copies.

Series 4, geography and geoecology. - 2000-.

(Book description)

Header. Basic title \u003d parallel title: information related to the main title / first information about responsibility; Subsequent information about responsibility. - information about the publication. - Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication. - Volume: illustration + accompanying material. - (Basic title series: Information relating to the title series / responsibility information related to the series; Series release number). - Note.

  1. Description of a document with one author:

    Yazova, S. A. World of library communication [Text]: Scientific and practical manual / S. A. Yizova. - M.: Limit, 2010. - 251 p.

    Reznik, S. D. Department of Department [Text]: Tutorial / S. D. Reznik. -3-E ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Infra-M, 2010. - 605 p. - (Management in Higher School).

    Zotikov, I. A. Sagi Polar Seas [Text]: Unusual journey from Chukotka to Murmansk in August 1991 / Igor Zotikov; Il. Auto - M.: Terra, 2002. - 414 s., L. Il.

    Dale, D. Bob, Fidget Kitten [Text]: For kids ml. shk. age / Jenny Dale; per. from English N. Dudnik. - M.: Egmont Russia, 2000. - 64 p. : IL. - (guys about kittens).

  2. Description of a document with two authors:

    Glukhov, Vladimir Viktorovich. Economic Basics of Ecology [Text]: studies. Manual for students, leisure. on special 060800 "Economics and management at the enterprise of environmental management" / V. V. Glukhov, T. P. Nekrasova; St. Petersburg State. Polytechnic. un-t. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2003. - 384 C.: Il.

    Glushakov, S. V. Tutorial to work on a personal computer [Text] :: Training Course / S. V. Glushakov, A. S. Zhingsnaya. - Moscow: AST; Kharkov: Folio, 2002. - 275 p. : IL.

    Shipitsina, L. M. Anatomy, Physiology and pathology of hearing organs, speech and vision [Text]: Textbook / L. M. Shipitsyn, I. A. Vartanyan. - M.: Academy, 2008. - 432 p. - (Higher professional education).

  3. Description of the document with three authors:

    Anisimov, Yu. P. Return of innovation activity [Text]: Monograph / Yu. P. Anisimov, V. B. ARTemenko, O. A. Zaitseva; Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance. - Voronezh: Immif, 2009. - 192 p. - Bibliogr. : from. 158-170.

    Crochekov, I. P. Electrical part of power plants and substations [Text] / I. P. Kryuchkov, N. I. Kuvshinsky, B. N. Neklepaev. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Energy, 2008. - 456 p.

    Nikonov, D. A. Law of Social Security of Russia [Text]: A brief training course / D. A. Nikonov, A. V. Perekheukhov, S. V. Kryukov. - M.: Norm, 2004. - 208 p.

  4. Description of the document created by the authors, the number of which is more than 4:

    Designing of men's and women's clothing [Text]: Tutorial / B. S. Sakulin, E. K. Amirova, O. V. Sakulina, A. Trukhanov; In-t development prof. Education. - M.: Academy, 2006. - 304 p.

    Construction of men's and women's clothing [Text]: Tutorial / B. S. Sakulin [and others]; In-t development prof. Education. - M.: Academy, 2006. - 304 p.

    Concepts. Categories: Language reality [Text]: Collective monograph for the anniversary of Professor Maria Vasilyevna Malinovich / M. V. Malinovich, D. A. Aripova, V. V. Batitskaya [and others]; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; GOU VPO "Irkutsk State. Linguistic UN-T. " - Irkutsk: needle, 2011. - 382 p.

  5. Description of a document that does not have authors created by compilers, editors, etc.:

    1000 and one dispute won from tax authorities [Text] / Ed. G. Yu. Kasyanova. - M.: Informcenter of the XXI century, 2004. - 320 p.

    100 Terms of Code of Labor Law [Text]: Explanatory Dictionary / Sost. S. Yu. Golovin. - Ekaterinburg: Humanitar. University, 2007. - 29 p.

  6. Description of scientific works

    Ethnosocial processes in Siberia [Text]: Thematic Collection of Scientific Labor / OT. ed. Yu. V. Popkov. - Novosibirsk: Siberian Scientific Publishing House, 2007. - Vol. 8. - 312 p.

    Siberia in the system of international relations [Text]: Collection of scientific articles / d. ed. V.P. Zinoviev. - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk University, 2001. - 151 p.

    Development of languages \u200b\u200band cultures of the indigenous peoples of Siberia in the conditions of changing Russia [Text]: Materials of the II International Scientific Conference, September 25-27, 2008, G. Abakan / Institute of Sayano-Altai Türcology; [T. ed. T. G. Borgoyakova]. - Abakan: Publishing House HSU. N. F. Katna, 2008. - 400 p.

  7. Dissertation descriptions, dissertation abstracts

    Lagkuyev, I.V. Features of labor regulation of creative workers of theaters: dis. ... Cand. jurid Sciences: 12.00.05 / Lagkueva Irina Vladimirovna. - M., 2009. - 168 p.

    Lukina, V. A. Creative history of "Hunter's notes" I. S. Turgenev: Author. dis. ... Cand. Philol. Sciences: 01.01.01 / Lukina Valentina Aleksandrovna. - St. Petersburg., 2006. - 26 p.

  8. Official news

    The Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation [Text]: Official text. - M.: Marketing, 2007. - 39 p.

    The Russian Federation. Laws. Family Code of the Russian Federation [Text]: Federal Law: Accepted State. Duma December 8, 1995: As of January 3, 2007 - St. Petersburg. : Stown Country, 2007. - 94 p.

Multi-level bibliographic description (multi-digit description)

Level 1

The main title [general designation of the material] \u003d parallel title: information relating to the main title / first information about responsibility; Subsequent information about responsibility. - information about the publication. - Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication. - Volume: illustration + accompanying material. - (Basic title series: Information relating to the title series / responsibility information related to the series; Series release number).

2 level

Tom Number: Basic Toma title: information related to title / First information about responsibility; Subsequent information about responsibility. - information about the publication. - Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication. - Volume: illustration + accompanying material. - (Basic title series: Information relating to the title series / responsibility information related to the series; Series release number). - Notes.

    Kazhmin, V. D. Handbook of the home physician [Text]: In 3 hours / V. D. Kazmin. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2001-.

    Part 2: Child disease. - 2002. - 503 s. : IL.

    Kazmin, V. D. Handbook of the home physician [Text]. In 3 t. 2. Children's diseases / V. D. Kazmin. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2002. - 503 s. : IL.

    Kazmin, V. D. Children's diseases [Text] / V. D. Kazmin. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2002. - 503 p. : IL. - (Handbook of the Home Doctor: In 3 hours / V. D. Kazmin; Part 2).

Analytical bibliographic description (article description from publication)

  1. Scheme of an analytical bibliographic description of the article from the collection, books:

    Header. The main title part of the component part: information relating to the main title part / responsibility information related to the part // Title. Basic title books: information related to title books / responsibility information. - information about the publication. - Place of publication, date of publication. - Tom number (release). - Designation and number of chapters, paragraph. - Volume (pages on which part is placed).

    Description of the article from the book (collection) and ongoing publications:

    Dvinyaninova, G.S. Compliment: Communicative status or strategy in discourse [Text] / G. S. Dvinyaninova // Social Power of Language: Sat. Scientific Tr. / Voronezh Interregion. In-t societies. Sciences, Voronezh State. University, Faculty of Romano Herman. stories. - Voronezh, 2001. - P. 101-106. - Bibliogr. : from. 105-106.

    Pushkov, Yu. G. On the standardization of the quality of liquid electrotes in their production by the method of reflexion [Text] / Yu. G. Pushkov // Scientific and technical progress and optimization of technological processes of drug creation: the abstracts of the All-Union report. Scientific Conferences, 21-22 May 1987 - Lviv, 1987. - P. 282-283.

    Bulatova, T. A. Social anxiety in the context of psychological protection [Text] / A. T. Bulatova, E. I. Black // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University: Scientific Journal / Ch. ed. V. V. Obukhov. - Tomsk: TGPU, 2010. - Vol. 2 (92). - P. 107-113.

    Description of the article from the Essays Assembly:

    Engels, F. Socialism in Germany [Text] / K. Marx, F. Engels // Essay. - 2nd ed. - M., 1987. - T. 22. - P. 247-264.

    Pasternak, B. L. Speech at the first All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers [Text] / B. L. Pasternak // Favorites: at 2 t. - M.: Art. LIT-RA, 1985. - T. 2. - P. 280-283.

    Description of an article from Encyclopedia:

    Candorf, S. F. Electronics [Text] // Summary Reference Manufacturer / S. F. Codorf; Ed. S. A. Chernavsky. - M., 1966. - P. 143-166.

    Medvedev, B. V. Quantum theory of fields [Text] / B. V. Medvedev, D. V. Shirkov // Physical Encyclopedia. - M., 1990. - T. 2. - P. 300-308.

  2. The scheme of the analytical bibliographic description of the article from the periodical edition:

    Header. The main title part: information related to the title part / responsibility information relating to the part // Basic title: information related to the title of publication / responsibility information. - Release date (year of publication). - Edition number. - Volume (pages on which part is placed).

    Description of the article from the newspaper:

    Iskheev, Ksenia. Field Orchestra for the soul [Text]: [In December 2005, the Municipal Okrug of Abakan will be 15 years old] / K. Icheev // Khakassia. - 2005. - July 5 (No. 122). - p. 5.

    Article description from the magazine:

    Divnogort residents, A. L. Hard time Professor Shamurin [Text] / A. L. Divnogorstsev // World of bibliography. - 2010. - № 3. - P. 33-36.

    Arslanov, Reforms in China: Changing generations [Text] / G. Arslanov // Asia and Africa today. - 2002. - № 4. - P. 2-6.

    Description conversations, interview:

    Tikhomirov, S. with the "Code" one can safely take into account [Text] / S. Tikhomirov; The conversation was led by E. Malinin // Economy and Life. - 2004. - Jan. (No. 4). - P. 6.

    Description of regulatory acts and documents:

    RF. Ministry of Education and Science. On the orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia on the accreditation of educational institutions [Text]: Order of December 29, 2005 No. 259 / Russian Federation. Ministry of Education and Science // OVD: Interdepartmental newsletter. - 2006. - № 7. - P. 49-50.

    The Russian Federation. President (2008; D. A. Medvedev). On the year in the Russian Federation of the Teacher [Text]: Decree of the President Ros. Federation of March 10, 2009 No. 259 // Bulletin of Russia's education. - 2009. - № 7. - P. 31.

Bibliographic description of electronic document

By access mode, electronic resources are divided into:

  • Local (resources distributed on machine-readable media and affordable only on individual workplaces or local networks, incl. CDs, floppy disks).
  • Remote access or network (resources distributed through global telecommunication networks, in particular, via the Internet, posted on any site and having a network address available to a potentially unlimited circle of users via networks).

The bibliographic description of the electronic resource allows you to identify the electronic resource, i.e., get an idea of \u200b\u200bit:

  • content;
  • appointment;
  • physical characteristics;
  • system requirements;
  • access mode;
  • distribution methods;
  • sources of information.

Scheme of the bibliographic description of the electronic resource:

Basic title [general material designation]: / responsibility information. - information about the publication / information about the responsibility relating to the publication, additional information about the publication. - Designation of the type of resource (resource volume). - Place of publication: the name of the publisher, the date of the publication (the placement site: the name of the manufacturer, the date of manufacture). - specific designation of the material and the number of physical units: other physical characteristics; Size + information about the accompanying material. - (Basic title series or hemination \u003d parallel title series or hemination: information relating to the title series or annudilation / responsibility information related to a series or subsection, ISSN; numbering within a series or subsection). - Note. - Standard number \u003d key title: availability conditions and / or price.

For electronic resources of remote access, a note on access mode is allowed instead of words. "Access mode" (or their equivalent in another language) use to designate an email address abbreviation "URL" Uniform Resource Locator is a unified resource pointer).

Information about the network resource access protocol (FTP, HTTP, etc.) and its email address is given in the format of a unified resource pointer.

After an email address in parentheses, information about the date of reference to the electronic network resource is given: after the words "Date of Appeal" indicate the number, month and year. Information about the date of appeal to the document is very important, since the Internet is characterized by such a concept as variability. For the year, any directory of network resources is obsolete for one quarter. This or that document can be removed or transferred.

  1. Bibliographic description of an electronic document located on physical media (local electronic document):

    Babururova, Nina Ivanovna. 1917. A poster in the revolution is a revolution in the poster [Electronic resource]: from the history of Rus. and owls. Poster Nach. XX century : Multimate. a computer. Course / Nina Baburin, Klaus Washing, Konstantin Kharin; Ros. State Humanitar. University and Mosk. Scientific Center for Culture and Inform. Technologies, Institute Rus. and owls. culture them. Yu. M. Lotman (Bochum, Germany) - electron. Dan. - M.: RGU, SOR. 1999. - 1 electron. wholesale Disc (CD-ROM): Sv., Col ; 12 cm. - Systems. Requirements: IBM PC 486 (recommended Pentium or higher); Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 (Rushyer recommended.); 20 MB; Video card and monitor supporting 800 x 600 mode, 65 thousand CV. ; Mouse or the same. device; star. Map compatible with Microsoft Windows. - Tilt. From disk labels.

    Dal, Vladimir Ivanovich. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language Vladimir Dalya [Electronic resource]: Podcoth. on the 2nd furnace. ed. 1880 - 1882. - electron. Dan. - M.: Act [et al.], 1998. - 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM); 12 cm + hands. User (8 p.) - (e-book). - Systems. Requirements: IBMPC with processor 486; RAM 8 MB; Opera. Windows system (SK, 95, NT); CD-ROM drive; mouse. - Tilt. From the screen.

    Flowers, Viktor Yakovlevich. Computer graphics: Working program [Electronic resource]: For students. Forms of learning geodesis. and others. specialties / V. Ya. Flowers. - electron. Dan. and prog. - M.: Miigaik, 1999. - 1 floppy disk. - Systems. Requirements: IBMPC, Windows 95, Word 6.0. - Tilt. From the screen. - state number. registration 0329900020.

    Description under the title:

    Alexander and Napoleon [Electronic resource]: History of two emperors / Museum-panorama "Borodino battle", InterSoft. - electron. Dan. - M.: InterSoft, Sor. 1997. - 1 electron. wholesale Disk (CD-ROM): ZV., CV.12 See-systems. Requirements: PC with processor 486 DX2-66; 8 MB of RAM; Microsof Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed CD-ROM drive; Video Card SVGA 256 CV. ; star. Map 16 bits of the MDC standard; Stereo cowrs or headphones. - Tilt. From disk labels.

    Atlas-98 [Electronic resource]: 3D: the most detailed. Fully threemer. Atlas of the world. - electron. Dan. and prog. - [B. m.], 1998. - 1 electron, wholesale. Disc (CD-ROM): Sv., Col ; 12 cm - (ABC) (the whole world in 3D). - Systems. Requirements: PC 486 DX-33; 8 MB RAM; 15 MB HDD; Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed drive; 256 CV. SVGA display; star. map; mouse. - Tilt. from the container.

    Bibliography on social and humanitarian sciences, 1993 - 1995 [Electronic resource] / Institute Scientific. Inform. on societies. Sciences (Inion). - electron. Dan. and prog. (33 files: 459658539 byte). - M.,. - 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM); 12 cm. - Systems, Requirements: IRBIS IPS 500 KB; DOS 3.3 and higher. - Tilt. With container liner. - Content: 1. Bibliography: 241280 records. 2. Controller Inion: 4901 records.

  2. Description of remote access resources:

    The description of the Internet resources is very difficult to adjust the standards, because it is not always possible to determine the source of full and accurate information about the site, server, portal. Therefore, the mandatory elements here are: the main title with the overall designation of the material and the access mode.

    Valeyev, Ramil. "I try to relate to different printing about the East with all the souls" (letters N. F. Katna, E. K. Pekarsky) [Electronic resource] / R. Valeev // Gasyrlar Avazi \u003d Echo of the Century: Scientific and Documentary Journal. - URL:\u003dmg :/numbers/2009_1/06/01/&searched\u003d1 (Date of handling: 01/12/12) .

    Dankin, Hope. What was the passion of the scientist [Electronic resource]: [By the 150th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding scientist-turkologist Nikolai Fedorovich Katanova] / N. Dankina // Khakassia: Daily Republican newspaper. - URL: (Date of handling: 03/22/2012).

    Description under the title:

    Russian State Library [Electronic Resource] / Center Inform. Technologies of RGB; ed. Vlasenko T. V.; Web-master Kozlova N. V. - electron. Dan. - M.: Ros. State B-ka, 1997-. - Access mode:, free. - Tilt. From the screen. - Yaz. Rus., English

    Katanov Nikolai Fedorovich [Electronic resource]: Biographical pointer // Chronos: Worldwide Story on the Internet / Ed. V. B. Rumyantsev. - URL: (Date of handling: 01/12/12).

  3. Description of reference legal systems:

    These include reference and legal systems "Garant", "Consultant Plus", "Code" and others.

    About public associations: Feder. Law of 05/19/1995. № 82 - FZ: change. and add. 07.22.2010 [adopted by the State Duma of the FS RF 14.04.1995] // Consultant Plus: Comp. Ref. Legal system [Electronic resource] / Consultant Plus company. - electron. Dan. - [M.]. - URL: (Date of handling: 09/10/2010).

Examples are compiled by materials:

GOST 7.82-2001. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for compiling. When copying information reference to the electronic version method. Instructions are required.

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling.

GOST 7.0.5-2008. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for compiling.

GOST R 7.0.12-2011 Bibliographic recording. Reducing words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules.http: //

In more detail according to the rules of the bibliographic description (complex cases of the description), employees of the Scientific Bibliographic Department - Corpus No. 1, Auda will consult. 124.

Structure. Doranova, T.V. Bish, T.I. Istomy;
Responsible for updating Pages: Intimary Tatyana Igorevna
Page updated 09.07.2013

Depending on the structure distinguish with a single-level and a lot of level record.

A single-level entry consisting of one part (one level) is constituted on one-level publication. Also, a single-level record can be drawn up on a multi-volume publication as a whole, on a separate volume (part, issue, number, etc.), on a group of volumes of multi-volume edition.

A single-level record is based on the following scheme, which includes the mandatory and optimal set of optional description elements.

Scheme of a single-level bibliographic record

Title. Basic title [ General designation material] : subsequent information about responsibility.- information about the publication / first information about responsibility related to publication, additional information about the publication. - Specific information about the publication. - Place of publication: publisher, date of publication. - Volume: ; Size +. accompanying material Notes. - International standard room or its alternative: ).

On a multi-volume edition (or for other many documents) in general, on a group of volumes or a separate volume of multi-volume editions constitute multi-level record, consisting of two (or more) parts - two hierarchically related levels. At the first level, information about the multi-volume edition as a whole, on the second, information about a separate volume of multi-volume edition. The information shown on the same level is not repeated on the other.

The title may precede description only at the first level of a multi-level recording. At the second level of recording, the title does not apply.

When drawing up a multi-level record on multi-volume editions, the information is given according to the following scheme.

Diagram of a multi-level bibliographic record
First level

Title. Basic title: name related to title / first information about responsibility; . - information about the publication / first information about responsibility related to publication, additional information about the publication. - Place of publication: publisher, date of publication. - The size. - (Basic title series: information relating to the title series / First information about the responsibility related to the series, ISSN series; Series release number. The main title of heating: information relating to the title of subsequent / First information about responsibility related to subsection, ISSN Siniron; Subsequence release number). - Notes - International standard number of multi-volume edition as a whole or its alternative: conditions of accessibility and / or price (additional information to the area elements.

Second level

Designation and sequence number of volume: the main title of Tom: information relating to Tom title / The first information about the responsibility relating to this; subsequent information about responsibility. - Information about the publication of Tom. - Place of publication Tom: Publisher, Tom Edition Date. - volume volume: other information on physical characteristics + accompanying material. - (Basic title series / first information about the responsibility related to the series, ISSN series; Series release number. Basic sentencelization / first information about responsibility related to subsection, ISSN subsection; Sensing release number). - Notes. - International Standard Tom Room or its Alternative: availability conditions and / or price (additional information to the area elements.

Readings on the history of the state and the rights of foreign countries: [Tutorial for universities in the specialty 021100 "Jurisprudence"]: in 2 volumes / Moscow. State University. M. V. Lomonosov. - Moscow: Norm, 2007. - ISBN 978-5-89123-709-4.
T. 2: Modern State and Law / [Sost. N. A. Krashinnikova]. - 2008. - 669 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-89123-708-7 (in per.)

At the first level The elements of the description of multi-volume editions lead to the following features.

As the main title, lead the general title of a multi-volume document.

In the information relating to the title, these are data on the number of volumes, which is provided for the preparation of the publication.
Inorganic chemistry: [Textbook in the specialty "Chemistry"]: In 3 volumes
In the field of weekend, the publishing of the first and last volumes are given by the dash sign, or one year, if all volumes are published within one year.
. - Moscow: Drop, 2012-2014
. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2013
In the preparation of the description of the incomplete set of multi-volume editions, the year of publishing volumes published first, and a dash after it followed by a space of 4 characters.
Borm, A. E. Life of animals. Reptiles: [Translation from German] / A. Brem. - St. Petersburg: Leningr. Publishing house, 2012-. - 22 cm.

On the second level Elements of the bibliographic description of multi-volume editions lead to the following features.

The first element in the area of \u200b\u200bthe title and information about responsibility is the designation and (or) volume number. Tom designation leads in the form given in the publication, with a reduction in accordance with GOST R 7.0.12 (or GOST 7.11). The sequence number of the volume indicates Arabic numbers. If individual volumes of multimeturization are divided into semi-liter, editions, parts, etc., then the numbering of volumes is given in the sequence given in the publication, and separated by the comma.
Kn. 2, part 1
T. 3, KN. 3: Control problems
The main title of Tom is his private title. In the presence of designation and volume numbers, the main title precedes the colon.
T. 1: Tale, 1977-1989
T. 3: Land resources and their use

If the main title of volume is missing, leads a subsequent description of the description with the sign prescribed to it.
Part 3 / V. A. Votorova, G. V. Kalekin
If two or more issues are combined in one volume, their numbers that are following without a break are recorded through a dash.
T. 1-4
Sat 14, 16-18.

A single-level bibliographic description may be composed on a separate volume of a multi-volume document.

A complex title is formed as the main title, which includes: general title of multi-volume edition, information about the number of volumes, volume number, private title volume. All elements are separated by points. After a complex title indicate information relating to this one.
Schelling F. V. Y. Philosophy of mythology. In 2 volumes. Volume 2. Monotheism. Philosophy: [Per. With it.] / F. V. Shelling. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House S.-Petersburg. State Un-ta, Pechs. 2012. - 543 p. - ISBN 978-5-288-05370-2 (in per.).

We study New GOST 7.1-2003

To the attention of readers interested in issues of registration

list of references to scientific work

From July 1, 2004 in charge of 7.1-84 "Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules of compilation "introduced into the valuable interstate GOST 7.1-2003" Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation. " The subject of this GOST is to draw up the main part of the bibliographic record - bibliographic description. The formation of the header of the bibliographic record regulates GOST 7.80-2000 "Bibliographic record. Header. General requirements and rules of compilation. "

Procalization of the bibliographic list to scientific work must be observed

the rules for describing the documents enshrined by the specified GOSTs (see examples of bibliographic records).



single publications

Kogan, B. I. Some methods of eliminating technical contradictions in solving inventive tasks: studies. Manual / Kogan B.I. ; State Education. Institution Higher. prof. Education "Kuzbas. State Tech. UN-T". - Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2004. - 55 p.

Eliseeva, I. I. General theory of statistics: Textbook / I. I. Eliseeva, M. M. Yuzbashev. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. - 480 p.

Bowls, N. S. Numerical methods: studies. Manual for a physical mat. specialties of universities / N. S. Bowlsov, N. P. Lodine, g. M. Kobelkov; under total. ed. N. I. Tikhonova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Fizmatlit: Lab. basic knowledge; Spb. : Nes. Dialect, 2002. - 630 p. : IL. - (technical unit. Mathematics).

Directory for the office work, archival case and basics of work on a computer / L. V. Pavlyuk [and others]. - M.; Spb. : Gerda, 2004. - 352 p.

Legislative materials

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: [Feder. Law: Accepted State. Duma May 24, 1996: As of March 15, 2004]. - Novosibirsk: Sib. unison Publishing house, 2004. - 191 p.

Collection of scientific papers

Studies of machine tools and tools for processing complex and accurate surfaces: interunion. Sat Scientific Tr. / Sarat. State tehn un-t; Ed. B. M. Brzhovsky. - Saratov, 1998. - 199 p.

Design, construction, operation of roads, airfields and artificial structures / redgartes.: V. D. Kazarnovsky [et al.]. - M., 1998. - 112 p. - (Proceedings of Sudoria / State Rod. Scientific-research. In-t; Vol. 195).

Collection of various materials

Year 1937 ...: From the history of the land of Tomsk: Sat. Dokl. and materials / state. Arch. Tom. oblast [and etc.] ; Cost. A. A. Bondarenko [and others]. - Tomsk: Aquarius, 1998. - 372 p.

Problems of the development of nuclear energy and radiation safety of the population of the regions of the Urals and Western Siberia: Tez. Dokl. scientific study. conf., 10 dec. 1998, Tyumen. - Tyumen: Publishing House of Tyumen. State University, 1998. - 78 p.


Security Rules for maintenance of hydraulic structures and hydromechanical equipment power supply Organizations: RD 153-34.0-03.205-2001: App. Mr. Energy Ros. Federation 13.04.01: Commissioning from 01.11.01. - M.: Enas, 2001. - 158 p.


Recording under the heading

GOST 21.1701-97. System of design documents for construction. Rules for performing working documentation of roads. - Introduction .01.06.97. -M. : Gosstroy Russia, 1997. - 30 s. -

(State Standard of the Russian PRESIDENT).

Writing under the title

System of design documents for construction. Rules for the performance of working documentation of roads: GOST 21.1701-97. - Introduction 01.06.97. -M. : GosstroyroSia, 1997. - 30 s. -

(State Standard of the Russian Federation).

Collection of standards

Labor safety standards system: (Collection). - M.: Publishing House of Standards, 2002. - 102, p. : IL. - (interstate standards). - Content. : 16 dock. - 1231 copies.

Patent documents

Recording under the heading

Pat. 2144431 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, IPC 7 in 03 from 1/14. Magnetic separator / Bogdanov V.V.; Applicant I. patent holder Ulyan. tehn un-t. - № 96121862/12; Stage. 12.11.96; publ. 01/20.00, Bul. # 2. - 3 s. : IL.

A. s. 1812085, MKI 5 B 24 C 1/00. Method for cleaning metal surfaces / A. G. Kuchkov (RF).

- № 4820194/08; Stage. 27.04.90; publ. 30.04.93, Bul. №16. - 2 s. : IL.

Writing under the title

Magnetic separator: Pat. 2144431 Ros. Federation: IPC 7 in 03 from 1/14 / Bogdanov V.V. ; Applicant I. patent holder Ulyan. tehn un-t. - №96121862 / 12; Stage. 12.11.96; publ. 01/20.00, Bul. # 2. - 3 s. : IL.

Method of cleaning metal surfaces: a. from. 1812085 RF: MKI 5V 24 s 1/00 \u200b\u200b/ A. G. Kuchkov (RF). - № 4820194/08; Stage. 27.04.90; publ. 30.04.93, Bul. №16. - 2 s. ; Il.

Industrial catalog

Machines and equipment for penetration of mine stems: Catalog / Center. scientific study. In-t Economy and scientific-tech. Inform. angle. Prom-STI (Tsnieuengol). - M., 1990. - 129 p.

multi-volume editions

Document in general

WorldISTORYYYAEKOMOCOMICMOTIC: at 6 tons / Mosk .Gos. Tim.m. V.Lomonosova; Red college.: V. N. Cherchovets (ch. Red.) [and others]. - M.: thought, 1987. - 6 tons.

Private Tom

World History of Economic Thought. In 6 t. T.6 Economic thought of socialist and developing countries in the post-war period / E F. Avdokushin [and others]. - M.: Thought, 1997. - 781 p.


Economic thought of socialist and developing countries in the post-war period / E. F. Augers [and others]. - M.: Thought, 1987. - 781 p. - (World History of Economic Thought: at 6 tons. / Mosk. State. University. M. V. Lomonosov; Red Collective.: V. N. Cherkovts (ch. Red.) [Et al.]; T. 6 ).

deposited scientific work

Grooves, A. A. The coefficient of the efficiency of differential converters of the movement / A. A. Gobitov, B. K. Popov; Vladim. State un-t. - Vladimir, 2001. - 5 s. : IL. - dep. In Vinity 14.06.01, No. 1435-B2001.

Research Report

Research and development of new means of removing the winding of the stator of asynchronous engines: a report on the NIR (Case.): 202-86 / Kuzbas. Polytekhn. In-t; hands. Ripples G. I.; Article.: Rudometics

N. A., Masorsky V. I., Klimchuk V.N. - Kemerovo, 1989. - 21 p. - Bibliogr.: S. 20-21. -№ gr 01860044724. - Inv. № 02890016216.


Ermolaev, A. M. Justification of methods and means of effective ventilation of dead-end workings of coal mines: dis. ... Dr. Tehn. Sciences: 25.00.20: Protected 04/30/04. - Kemerovo, 2004. - 317 p.

Vishnyakov, I.V. Models and methods for evaluating commercial banks in conditions of uncertainty: dis. ... Cand. Economy. Sciences: 08.00.13: Protected 12.02.02: App. 06/24/02. - M., 2002. - 234 p. - Bibliogr.: S. 220-230. - 04200204433.

electronic resources

local access resources

Flowers, V. Ya. Computer graphics: Working program [Electronic resource]: For students. Forms of learning geodesis. and others. specialties. - electron. Dan. and prog. -M. : Miigaik, 1999. - 1 diskette. - Systems. Requirements:IBM PC, Windows 95, WOPD.6.0. – Stall. From the screen. - state number. registration 0329900020.

under the title

Internet Step by step [Electronic resource]: [Interactive. studies]. - electron. Dan.I Prog. – St. Petersburg. : Peterkom, 1997. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD - ROM. ) + adj. (127 p.). - Systems. Requirements: PKOT 486DX 66 MHz; RAM 16 MB; Windows 95; star. pay; Speakers or headphones. - Tilt. From the screen.

remote access resources

ELECTRONIC CATALOG OF THE GPTB of Russia [Electronic resource]: The database contains information about all SPACE. - electron. Dan. (5 files, 178 thousand records). - M. ,. - Access mode:http. : // www. GPNTB. RU / WIN / SEARCH / HELP / EL-CAT. HTML.. - Stall. From the screen.

composite parts of documents

an article from ...

... books or other one-time edition

Risk assessment of dangerous, harmful production factors and accidents / A. F. Galanin [and others] // Labor safety issues at mining enterprises: Sat. Scientific Tr., Deal. 75th anniversary of the birth of V. A. Kolmakova / State. Education. The establishment of Kuzbas. State tehn un-t. -Kemerovo, 2003. - P. 66-70.

Fedorov, A.V. Structure of a shock wave in an non-erotic mixture of two solid tel / A. V. Fedorov, A. A. Zhilin, I. V. Leontiev // Numerical methods for solving problems of the theory of elasticity and plasticity: Tr. H.VIII. Interrespose. conf., Kemerovo, July 1-3, 2003 / Institute theoret. and applied mechanics SB RAS, Kuzbas. State tehn un-t. -Nesibirsk, 2003.- S. 198-203.

Problems of introducing computer technologies in the design of mining work / V. A. Minin [et al.] // Computer technology in highlights: Tez. Dokl. 3 scientific practice. conf., 3-4 June 1998 / Ural. State Mining geologist. Acad. - Ekaterinburg, 1998. - P. 10-13.

Ivanov, B. Yu. Mountain management // Mountain Encyclopedia. - M., 1986. - T. 2. - P. 118-119.

... periodic and continuing edition

Kovaleva, C. First atomic: // Search. - 2004. - July 2. - p.6.

Sievers, N. N. Coal industry in the Southern Urals // Izv. universities. Mountain journal. - 2000. - № 3. - P. 241-246.

Ivanov, V. M. Optic and talometer Characteristics of immobilized 4 - (2-pyridilazo) of resorcinate India / V. M. Ivanov, R. I. Ershova // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 2, chemistry. - 1998. - T.39, No. 2. - P. 101-103.

Accelerated soil freezing when the foundation device under the press / D. G. Odintsov [et al.] // Sat. Scientific Tr. / Sib. cars. In-t. - 1995. - № 3. - P. 42-44.

Belova, G. D. Some issues of criminal liability for violation of tax legislation // Actual. Problems prosecutor. Supervision / In-t improvement of hand qualifications. Frames Generator. Prosecutors ROS.Federation. - 2001. - Vol. 5: Prosecutor's supervision over the execution of criminal and criminal procedural legislation. Organization of the activities of the prosecutor's office. - P. 46-49.

conversation, Interview

Domanitsky, V.V. "If I had a chance to live one more life, I would, as before, tied it with coal, a worm-in-therazre" Kedrovsky ": CelebrationCavaler dockey" Shakhtarskaya Glory "Vladimir Vasilyevich Domanitsky / [recorded] Z. Pchelnikov // Kuzbass. - 2004. - 10 Aug.

section, Head

Buzuk, R. V. Angular dimensions // Markachender support geodesic networks: studies. Manual / R. V. Buzuk. - Kemerovo, 2004. - Section. 3. - P. 85-146.

Fathi, T. B. History of science // Philosophy for graduate students: studies. Allowance / V. P. Kohanovsky [and others]. - ed. 2nd. - Rostov N / D, 2003. - Ch.II. - P. 85-150.


Gribin, Yu. G. Socio-economic problems of restructuring of the coal complex of Russia // Coal. - 2004. - № 3. - P. 80. - REC. On the book: Structural transformations of the economy of industrial territories: Sat Tr. / under total. ed. A. I. Tatarkina, V. N. Popova. - Yekaterinburg, 2003. - 334 p.

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1) engage in other paid activities, except for pedagogical, scientific and other creative activities; 2) to be a deputy ...

The employment contract is the main document regulating the interaction of the employee and the employer. The contract can be terminated as ...

As you know, troubles are often sneaking absolutely unnoticed. Namely a huge problem can be considered lost or damage ...

Issues of passing by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and seniors of military service for call (hereinafter referred to as military personnel) and ...
There are cases when the organization does not need to be issued for perpetual labor relations. This may be associated with one-time events ...
Urgent labor relations cause many issues from enterprise managers. The article will be said about the possible reasons ...
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