Seafarers: What do you need to know about high-risk areas? Seismically active regions of Russia: where earthquakes are possible. Dangerous zones of the region and their characteristics.

Some of the dangerous and harmful factors - mainly this applies to production, and to some extent to other habitats - usually have externally defined, spatial areas of manifestation, which are called dangerous zones. They are characterized by an increased risk of an accident.
However, even if a person is in a dangerous zone, but organizes his activities correctly, complies with safety conditions, monitors the serviceability of technical systems, health problems or accidents do not occur. Thus, health problems or an accident are often the result of a violation of the rules of personal conduct of an organizational or technical nature while a person is in a dangerous zone.
Conditions that create the possibility of an accident occurring are called a hazardous situation. It is important to be able to prevent a dangerous situation from turning into an accident.
In the process of activity and life, a person may find himself in such a dangerous situation when physical and psychological stress reaches such limits that the individual loses the ability to act rationally and adequately to the current situation. Such situations are called extreme.
An emergency is a disruption of the normal living conditions of people in a certain territory, caused by an accident, catastrophe, natural or environmental disaster, as well as a massive infectious disease, which can lead to human or material losses.

  • However, even if a person is in dangerous zone, but organizes its activities correctly and complies with safety conditions
    Such situations called extreme. Emergency situation– disruption of normal living conditions of people in...

  • Classification dangerous dangerous.
    Dangerous zones, dangerous, emergency And extreme situations.

  • Dangerous zones, dangerous, emergency And extreme situations.
    Classification dangerous and harmful factors. According to the degree and nature of the effect on the body, all factors are conventionally divided into harmful and dangerous.

  • Dangerous zones, dangerous, emergency And extreme situations. Some part dangerous and harmful factors - this mainly applies to production, and in the case of Loading. Download Receive on your phone.

  • Classification dangerous and harmful factors. According to the degree and nature of the effect on the body, all factors are conventionally divided into harmful and dangerous.
    Dangerous zones, dangerous, emergency And extreme situations.

  • Classification dangerous and harmful factors. According to the degree and nature of the effect on the body, all factors are conventionally divided into harmful and dangerous.
    Dangerous zones, dangerous, emergency And extreme situations.

  • City like zone increased dangers.
    Emergency situations refer to circumstances arising as a result of natural disasters. Terrorism and its manifestations. Extreme situations social nature.

  • According to the degree and nature of the effect on the body, all factors are conventionally divided into harmful and dangerous. To harmful Extreme situations.

  • City like zone increased dangers. In a city, especially a large one, the reason
    Try to play out possible games with your children situations, during the game, comment on the children’s actions, clearly explain how to behave in extreme situations.

  • Extreme situations social nature.
    Chemical accidents dangerous objects. Based on the degree of impact on the body, chemical substances are divided into four classes dangers: 1) extremely dangerous; 2) highly dangerous; 3)
    Radiation accidents dangerous objects.

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In the discipline life safety

On the topic “Psychophysical hazardous and harmful factors in the workplace”

Option 1

Performed): Antonova Tatyana Viktorovna

3rd year student, group No. K13-01

grade book No. 2520209

Teacher: Ivanov Alexander Sergeevich


Date: "____" 20


Krasnoyarsk 2013

The topic of the essay is selected by the student according to the serial number of the group list.

It is possible to change the topic with the permission of the teacher.

Abstract topics.

    Safety and professional activities;

    Security and sustainable development;

    Human culture, society and security;

    Modern aspects of international security cooperation.

    The structure of the region's technosphere and the main regional security problems;

    Analysis of safety aspects in the life cycle of products and services;

    Regional demographic problems in the light of the state of the region's habitat;

    Structural-ecological zoning of the city territory, technosphere region;

    Modern problems of technosphere safety;

    Dangerous zones of the region and their characteristics;

    A critical analysis of urban and regional environmental programs and proposals for their improvement.

    Occupational diseases associated with future activities;

    Safety and nanotechnology;

    Mobile communications and human health.

    Analysis of modern research;

    Safety of genetically modified foods. Analysis of modern research.

    Modern waste processing technologies (by type of waste);

    Methods for sorting urban waste;

    Analysis of the effectiveness of household water purifiers;

    Transport noise and methods for its reduction;

    Noise reduction methods;

    Electromagnetic radiation and methods of protection from electromagnetic fields.

    The influence of illumination on work performance and safety;

    Modern energy-saving light sources - types, designs, environmental aspects of application;

    Air conditioning systems (types), application and safety aspects.

    Safety and human factors;

    Analysis of the conceptual and terminological apparatus in the field of safety and environmental protection;

    Psychological types of a person, his psychological states and safety;

    Research of working conditions for the main types of activities in the selected professional subject area;

    Micro and midiergonomics and its functions in ensuring work comfort and safety;

    Principles and methods of labor ergonomics.

    Parameters of natural disasters and their precursors, regions of their most frequent occurrence;

    Analysis of the current state of fire safety in Russia and the main causes of fires;

    Psychological stability in extreme situations;

    Types and nature of terrorist acts.

    Basic legislative and regulatory acts regulating safety issues in the field of professional activity;

    Public Policy and Security;

    Sources, impact and modern methods of protection from dangerous and harmful man-made and natural factors (by type of factor);

    Sustainability of functioning of economic facilities in emergencies;

    Protection of the population in emergencies;

    Radiation accidents (types, main hazards and sources of radiation hazard);

    Emergency – classification. The concept of a hazardous industrial facility, classification of hazardous facilities. Phases of emergency development;

    Fundamentals of emergency forecasting and prevention

    Economic foundations of safety management.

    System of management, supervision and safety control in Russia.

Today, a rabies quarantine has been declared in four districts of the region - these are Kameshkovsky, Gorokhovetsky, Gus-Khrustalny districts and the city of Vladimir. Rospotrebnadzor specialists state that the situation is alarming. The number of infected animals is increasing. To date, 46 of these have already been registered. Konstantin Roic for more details.

In Vladimir, 3 cases of rabies in cats have been reported. But the disappointing leadership in this indicator belongs to Kovrov and the Kovrovsky district - 20 sick individuals. To top it all off, a 52-year-old man died in the village of Smolino after being bitten by a cat. Experts say that foxes are carriers of rabies. The reason for the increase in incidence is, among other things, the cessation of the shooting of red foxes. There should be one individual per 10 square kilometers, and not 3, as in our region according to the state hunting inspection. About 80% of the examined foxes are affected by a dangerous virus. But there are not enough vaccines for wild animals.

Nikolay MITROFANOV, director of the veterinary department of the Vladimir region administration:

“Unfortunately, funding for especially dangerous diseases, including rabies, comes from the federal budget. And this vaccine is being given to us from the federal budget. Well, here is our wish - we are writing applications so that a little more vaccines will be allocated. 100 thousand doses have been allocated this year. But we need to work with rangers, with hunters, and distribute this vaccine.”

Larisa GORYACHEVA, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy and Health of the Council of People's Deputies of Vladimir:

“We have adopted a resolution of the city council on the rules for keeping pets in the city of Vladimir. But nothing more. We can simply approve the rules, but we do not have the right to catch and house stray animals. We will legislatively ask the Assembly to delegate authority to us so that we, the city council, can do this.”

The vaccine is produced by the Pokrovsky Biological Products Plant, which at one time bought it from the American Center for the Fight against Dangerous Diseases. To normalize the rabies situation, the plant management is ready to sell the strain at cost.

Dmitry KUZNETSOV, Executive Director of Pokrovsky Biological Products Plant OJSC:

“Now this vaccine can be given to infants and anyone. Rabies does not manifest itself clinically at all, but antibodies to it are produced. That is, it is a very good strain.”

Let me remind you that today a quarantine was declared in 4 districts of the region. It will last for 2 months. If repeated cases of rabies are not detected, it will be cancelled. Experts advise vaccinating households as soon as possible.

Konstantin Roik, Alexander Gorshkov, Variant TV channel.

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