Death in the Primorsky region for a year. Minimum wage (minimum wage)

The minimum wage (minimum wage) is the minimum monthly wage that is guaranteed to each employee who has fully worked the standard working hours for the month and fulfilled labor standards (labor duties) (Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, the minimum wage is used not only to regulate wages, but also in some cases to determine the amount of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for other social insurance purposes (Article 3 of the Federal Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ) . For example, based on the minimum wage for a full calendar month, temporary disability benefits are paid, as well as maternity benefits to insured persons who have an insurance period of less than 6 months (Part 6, Article 7, Part 3, Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 29 .2006 No. 255-FZ).

The minimum wage is established simultaneously throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their own minimum wage can be established. We will tell you about the minimum wage in 2017 by region in our consultation.

Federal minimum wage from 07/01/2017

Let us remind you that the federal minimum wage increased by 300 rubles from July 1, 2017 and amounted to 7,800 rubles (Federal Law dated December 19, 2016 No. 460-FZ). Before this, the last time the “minimum wage” increased was a year ago: from 07/01/2016 it was in the amount of 7,500 rubles per month (Federal Law dated 06/02/2016 No. 164-FZ).

Minimum wage 2017 by region

A regional minimum wage can be established in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the basis of an agreement by that subject. At the same time, naturally, the regional “minimum wage” cannot be less than the federal minimum wage (Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If a constituent entity of the Russian Federation has its own minimum wage, it must apply to all employees of that constituent entity. An exception is made only for organizations financed from the federal budget, or those employers who have refused to join the regional minimum wage, following the necessary procedure for this.

Please note that from 07/01/2017, following the increase in the federal “minimum wage”, in some cases the minimum wage by region has changed. Refer to the relevant regional agreements for current data.

The subject of the Russian Federation Minimum wage, rubles Base
Moscow 17 642 Moscow tripartite agreement for 2016-2018 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations (concluded on December 15, 2015)
Moscow region 13 750 Agreement on the minimum wage in the Moscow region between the Government of the Moscow region, the Union “Moscow Regional Association of Trade Union Organizations” and associations of employers of the Moscow region (concluded on November 30, 2016 No. 118)
Saint Petersburg 16 000 Regional agreement on the minimum wage in St. Petersburg for 2017 (concluded on September 12, 2016 No. 310/16-C)
Leningrad region 10 850 Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Leningrad region for 2017 (concluded on December 26, 2016 No. 20/C-16)
Kaliningrad region 10 500 Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Kaliningrad region (done on April 22, 2017)
Murmansk region 14 281 Agreement of the Government of the Murmansk Region, the Murmansk Regional Trade Union Council, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Murmansk Region dated November 29, 2016

The minimum wage for 2017 by region in the table, of course, includes information only about some constituent entities of the Russian Federation. More complete information on the minimum wage in the regions in 2017 can be found at

As a reward for performing work duties, taking into account the cost of living.

According to the rules of Part 3 of Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

    the amount of the minimum wage for a particular subject is determined taking into account socio-economic conditions and the cost of living of the working population on its territory. Part 4 of Article 133.1. The Labor Code establishes that the minimum wage cannot be lower than the federal minimum wage;

    The minimum wage is set by regional agreement of three parties:

      Moscow city government;

      associations of employers (union of industrialists and entrepreneurs).

    After the agreement is concluded, all employers operating in Moscow are invited to join it. This occurs through the official publication of the text of the agreement in the media;

    if an employer operating in the territory of Moscow, within 30 calendar days from the date of official publication of the proposal to join the agreement on the regional minimum wage, has not submitted to the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation a reasoned written refusal to join it, it is considered that the employer has acceded to the agreement, which means he is obliged to apply it;

Based on Article 133.1 of the Labor Code, the regional minimum wage is mandatory for use as part of the remuneration of employees of state institutions financed from the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as municipal institutions. Federal government, budgetary and autonomous institutions are not required to apply the regional minimum wage.

Minimum wage in Moscow

The period from which the minimum wage is established Minimum size
(rub., per month)
Regulatory act establishing the minimum wage
from November 1, 2018 18 781 Decree of the Moscow Government of September 19, 2018 N 1114-PP
from May 1, 2018 18 742
from January 1, 2018 18 742 "between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated December 15, 2015, Moscow Government resolution No. 663-PP dated September 12, 2017
from 01.10.2017 18 742 "between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated December 15, 2015, Moscow Government resolution No. 663-PP dated September 12, 2017
from July 1, 2017 17 642 "between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated December 15, 2015, Moscow Government resolution No. 355-PP dated June 13, 2017
from October 1, 2016 17 561 "Moscow tripartite agreement for 2016-2018 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated 12/15/2015, Moscow Government Resolution dated 09/06/2016 N 551-PP
from January 1, 2016 17 300 "Moscow tripartite agreement for 2016-2018 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated 12/15/2015
from November 1, 2015 17 300 "Agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Moscow for 2015 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated December 18, 2014 (as amended on October 30, 2015)
from June 1, 2015 16 500 "Agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Moscow for 2015 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated December 18, 2014 (as amended on May 26, 2015)
from April 1, 2015 15 000
from January 1, 2015 14 500 "Agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Moscow for 2015 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated 12/18/2014
from June 1, 2014 14 000 "Agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Moscow for 2014 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated December 11, 2013 (as amended on April 24, 2014)
from January 1, 2014 12 600 "Agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Moscow for 2014 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated 12/11/2013
from July 1, 2013 12 200
from January 1, 2013 11 700 "Agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Moscow for 2013 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated 12/12/2012
from July 1, 2012 11 700
from January 1, 2012 11 300 "Agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Moscow for 2012 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated November 30, 2011
from July 1, 2011 11 100 "Agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Moscow for 2011 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated 12/02/2010 (as amended on 07/01/2011)
from January 1, 2011 10 400 "Agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Moscow for 2011 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated 12/02/2010
from May 1, 2010 10 100
from January 1, 2010 9 500 "Agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Moscow for 2010 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations" dated December 22, 2009
from September 1, 2009 8 700
from May 1, 2009 8 500 "Agreement for 2009 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)" dated December 24, 2008
from January 1, 2009 8 300 "Agreement for 2009 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)" dated December 24, 2008
from September 1, 2008 7 650 "Moscow tripartite agreement for 2008 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)" dated December 11, 2007 (as amended on September 2, 2008)
from May 1, 2008 6 800 "Moscow tripartite agreement for 2008 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)" dated 12/11/2007
from September 1, 2007 6 100
from May 1, 2007 5 400 "Moscow tripartite agreement for 2007 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)" dated December 12, 2006
from September 1, 2006 4 900
since May 1, 2006 4 100 "Moscow tripartite agreement for 2006 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)" dated November 28, 2005
since October 1, 2005 3 600
since May 1, 2005 3 000 "Moscow tripartite agreement for 2005 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)" dated December 29, 2004
since October 1, 2004 2 500
since May 1, 2004 2 000 "Moscow tripartite agreement for 2004 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)" dated December 22, 2003
from 2nd half of the year
1 800
from January 1, 2003 1 500 "Moscow tripartite agreement for 2003 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)" dated December 15, 2002
from September 1, 2002 1 270
from January 1, 2002 1 100 "Moscow tripartite agreement for 2002 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)" dated December 4, 2001

Moscow tripartite agreement for 2016-2018 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations
(as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 13, 2017 No. 355-PP)


Contracting parties: The Moscow Government on behalf of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Government), the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions (hereinafter referred to as the IFP) on behalf of the Moscow trade union associations (hereinafter referred to as the Trade Unions), the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (employers) (hereinafter referred to as the ICIE (p) on behalf of Moscow associations of employers (hereinafter referred to as the Employers) (hereinafter referred to as the Parties), in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Moscow City Law No. 4 of November 11, 2009 “On Social Partnership in the City of Moscow”, concluded the Moscow Tripartite Agreement on 2016-2018 between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

The main goals of this Agreement are to ensure coordination of the interests of workers, employers and executive authorities of the city of Moscow in regulating social and labor relations and related economic relations aimed at improving the level and quality of life of the population, sustainable functioning and further development of economic sectors of the city of Moscow, ensuring and expansion of state guarantees in matters of employment and social protection of the population, payment and labor protection of workers based on the principles of social partnership.


2.20. Consider as criteria for mass dismissal the indicators of the number of dismissed employees of organizations registered in the city of Moscow, with a workforce of 15 or more people for a certain period of time:

2.20.1. Dismissal within 30 calendar days of more than 25% of the organization’s employees from the total number of employees in the organization.

2.20.2. Dismissal of employees in connection with the liquidation of an organization of any organizational and legal form.

2.20.3. Reduction in the number or staff of an organization in the amount of:

50 or more people within 30 calendar days;
- 200 or more people within 60 calendar days;
- 500 or more people within 90 calendar days.

2.21. In the event of a threat of mass layoffs of workers, inform Trade Unions, the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow at least 3 months before the start date of the relevant activities. Jointly develop measures aimed at reducing the number of workers subject to dismissal (suspension of hiring workers, transfer to part-time work and other measures that reduce the number of dismissed workers).

2.22. Provide monthly information about the need for workers to the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population.

2.23. Provide assistance in providing flexible work or part-time work to one of the parents with 3 or more children, one of the parents (legal representative) of a disabled child.

2.24. ICIE(r) provide consultations to employers on the issue of filling out an application regarding the need to attract foreign workers.

2.25. Provide employees who are dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization or a reduction in the number or staff of the organization's employees, the opportunity to retrain in new professions, as well as time to find a new job before the termination of the employment contract.

2.26. Do not allow the simultaneous dismissal of employees who are members of the same family during the year in the event of a reduction in the number or staff of the organization’s employees.

2.27. Involve highly qualified workers and specialists as mentors in the employment of graduates of vocational education institutions.

2.28. ICPP(r) together with industry councils for professional qualifications, carry out work on professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs implemented by professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education that train specialists for the economy of the city of Moscow.


2.29. Provide free consulting and legal assistance to trade union organizations, trade union members, as well as low-income and unemployed citizens on the application of labor legislation.

2.29.1. To create additional jobs for disabled people, voluntarily make a monthly contribution to the budget of the city of Moscow for each unoccupied quota workplace for hiring disabled people in the amount of the subsistence minimum for the working population, established by the Moscow Government, on the day of its payment.
(Clause 2.29.1 was introduced by the decision of the Ministry of Labor and Labor on the regulation of social and labor relations dated December 12, 2016 N 77-848-2)

2.30. Exercise public control over the expenditure of budget funds and employers' funds on the modernization of existing jobs and the creation of new jobs.


In order to improve living standards and wages, reduce poverty and social inequality in the city of Moscow, the Parties undertake to:

3.1. Set the minimum wage in the city of Moscow from January 1, 2016 - 17,300 rubles.

3.1.1. The size of the minimum wage in the city of Moscow is revised quarterly and is set in the amount of the subsistence minimum for the working population of the city of Moscow, approved by a resolution of the Moscow Government. In the event of a decrease in the cost of living in the city of Moscow, the minimum wage remains at the same level.

(minimum wage) is one of the determining indicators in planning the socio-economic activities of the country. The amount of a number of taxes, fines, penalties depends on its size, and it is also used when calculating various social benefits and payments. There is a federal minimum wage, which is the basic value, and regional minimum wages, depending on the living conditions in a particular region of the Russian Federation.

From January 1, 2017, the minimum wage will not change

It should be noted that the government’s plans for 2017 included an increase in the minimum wage from January 1 by 17.3% to 8,800 rubles. But after assessing the macroeconomic indicators for the last six months and the real trends occurring in the country’s economy, officials decided not to increase the minimum wage. Thus, in the first half of 2017, the minimum wage will remain the same – 7,500 rubles. True, the State Duma proposed raising the minimum wage in the second half of 2017 - from July 1, but the increase is planned only by 4% to 7,800 rubles.

Regional minimum wage levels in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

The standard of living and living conditions in different regions of Russia differ significantly, so the minimum wage differs significantly in some regions of the Russian Federation. In 2017, the highest minimum wage is in Moscow - 17,000 rubles and the Magadan region - 17,300, and the lowest minimum wage is in the Volga region, not exceeding 6,204 rubles.

Minimum wage in the regions of Central Russia (CFD) in 2017

Region Minimum wage size
Belgorod region 8 694
Bryansk region 6 500
Vladimir region 7 000
6 204
Voronezh region 8 787 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Ivanovo region 8 645
Kaluga region 10 121 (tied to level)
Kostroma region 9 862
6 204 for public sector employees
Kursk region9 060 (tied to the subsistence level) for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Lipetsk region 11 888 (tied to the level of 1.3 of the subsistence minimum) for non-budgetary workers
6 000 for public sector employees
Moscow region 12 500
Oryol Region 9 778
Ryazan Oblast 7 500 for non-budgetary workers
6 350 for public sector employees
Smolensk region 6 200
Tambov Region 7 500 for non-budgetary workers
6 240 for public sector employees
Tver region 7 000 for non-budgetary workers
6 000 for public sector employees
Tula region 13 000 for non-budgetary workers
10 000 for public sector employees
Yaroslavl region 8 021 for non-budgetary workers
6 000 for public sector employees
Moscow17 300

Minimum wage in the regions of the North-West (NWFD) in 2017

Region Minimum wage size
Karelia13 030 (tied to the subsistence level) for non-budgetary workers
7 213 (for northern regions: Belomorsky district, Kalevalsky district, Kemsky district, Loukhsky district, Kostomuksha)
5 796 (for state employees of other regions)
Komi6 500
Arhangelsk region 6 204
Vologda Region 6 204
Pskov region 6 204
Kaliningrad region 10 000
Leningrad region
Murmansk region 13 650
Novgorod region 10 778 (tied to the subsistence level) for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Saint Petersburg16 000
Nenets Autonomous Okrug 6 204

Minimum wage in the regions of the South (SFD) in 2017

Region Minimum wage size
Adygea6 204
Kalmykia6 204
Krasnodar region 10 443 (tied to the subsistence level) for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Astrakhan region 7 350 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Volgograd region 11 878 (tied to level 1.2 of the subsistence minimum) for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Rostov region 6 204

Minimum wage in the regions of the North Caucasus (NCFD) in 2017

Minimum wage in the Volga region (VFD) in 2017

Region Minimum wage size
Bashkortostan6 900
Mari El9 251
Mordovia6 204
Udmurtia6 204
Tatarstan7 309 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Chuvashia6 988 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Perm region10 251 (tied to the cost of living)
Nizhny Novgorod Region 9 000 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Orenburg region 6 204
Penza region 6 204
Kirov region 6 204
Samara Region 6 204
Saratov region 6 900 for non-budgetary workers
6 200 for public sector employees
Ulyanovsk region 9 944 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees

Minimum wage in the regions of the Urals (Ural Federal District) in 2017

Region Minimum wage size
Kurgan region 7 321 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Sverdlovsk region 8 862 for non-budgetary workers
8 862 for public sector employees
Tyumen region 9 300 for non-budgetary workers
7 700 for public sector employees
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra is established taking into account the regional coefficient and percentage increase in salary
Chelyabinsk region 8 300 for non-budgetary workers
6 100 for public sector employees
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 12 431

Minimum wage in the regions of Siberia (Siberian Federal District) in 2017

Region Minimum wage size
Altai7 005
Buryatia6 204
Tyva6 204
Khakassia6 204
Altai region8 116 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Transbaikal region 8 095 for non-budgetary workers
6 044 for public sector employees
Krasnoyarsk region 9 544 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
16 130 (Norilsk, Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district)
14 269 (North Yenisei region)
19 009 (Evenki municipal district)
15 313 (Turukhansky district)
15 200 (Yeniseisk)
Irkutsk region 6 204
Kemerovo region 14 115
Novosibirsk region 9 030
Omsk region7 135 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees
Tomsk region8 581 for non-budgetary workers
6 204 for public sector employees

The minimum wage 2018-2019 went through several stages of increase. During 2018, two values ​​of this indicator were in effect. As of January 1, 2019, the minimum wage has been increased once again. Why the minimum wage 2018-2019 is needed and what values ​​it has taken over the last two years, we will tell you in our article.

Minimum wage: decoding the concept

The acronym MROT, widely used since the 1990s, stands for minimum wage. And today the importance of this indicator is difficult to underestimate, because this is the basis from which the minimum amounts of sick leave and benefits for pregnant women are calculated, as well as mandatory insurance payments of self-employed persons for periods until the end of 2017 (since 2018, this link has been canceled).

Read about the amounts in which self-employed persons have paid contributions since 2018. “What insurance premiums does an individual entrepreneur pay in 2018-2019?” .

Previously, this universal indicator also served to calculate some taxes, fines and a number of obligations under civil contracts, in which the condition of linking to the minimum wage was introduced. But currently the minimum wage is not applied for these purposes.

Minimum wage in Russia

The Federal Law on the minimum wage is adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation annually. The essence of each new law comes down to amending Art. 1 and 2 of the Law “On Minimum Wages” dated June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ. So, in Art. 1 indicates the new minimum wage established in the Russian Federation for the current year (for example, for the minimum wage in 2018, in force from May 1, 2018, - 11,163 rubles per month), and in Art. 2 determines the start of the new minimum wage (for example, the start of the 2018 minimum wage is 05/01/2018).

The minimum wage applied from January 1, 2019 is equal to the subsistence level of the working-age population for the 2nd quarter of 2018. Its value is 11,280 rubles.

The minimum wage established by the State Duma of the Russian Federation is called federal. In addition to the federal minimum wage, regional minimum wages may be established in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Read about the dynamics of the federal minimum wage and the relationship between its value and the level of the subsistence level in the Russian Federation .

What is included in the minimum wage

Art. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that the salary of an employee who has worked a full month and fulfilled all his job duties cannot be lower than the minimum wage. Therefore, if an employer is checked to ensure that employees’ wages comply with the minimum wage approved for the current year, the inspector will check the level of the salary established for him with the minimum wage in force in the region.

Read about which of the components of the salary cannot be set less than the minimum wage in the material "St. 135 Labor Code of the Russian Federation: questions and answers" .

Federal minimum wage in 2018-2019

The federal minimum wage changed twice in 2018:

  • before 01/01/2018 it was equal to 9,489 rubles. (Article 3 of Law No. 421-FZ dated December 28, 2017);
  • increasing the minimum wage in 2018 to 11,163 rubles. occurred from 05/01/2018 (law of 03/07/2018 No. 41-FZ).

From 01/01/2019, the minimum wage was once again increased to 11,280 rubles.

Minimum wage in 2018-2019 in the regions

The minimum wage established in the region cannot be less than the federal minimum wage. It is determined by an agreement between representatives of the government of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, trade unions and employers. Employers in the region who have not submitted to the government of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation compelling reasons for not joining this agreement are required to apply the regional minimum wage when setting wages (Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Read about the cases in which additional payments to the minimum wage are made in the article “Additional payment up to the minimum wage for external and internal part-time workers” .

Minimum wage in Moscow

In Moscow, the minimum wage is also established by signing a regional agreement between the capital government, local trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations. Currently, the agreement dated December 15, 2015, relating to the period 2016-2018, is in force. It stipulates that the minimum wage for Moscow is revised quarterly and brought to the subsistence level of the working population. However, if the cost of living decreases, then the minimum wage is not subject to reduction, but remains equal to that in force in the previous quarter.

In all other aspects, the minimum wage in Moscow is subject to the general requirements of the minimum wage legislation.

What is the minimum wage in 2018-2019 in Moscow

The minimum wage (Moscow) from October 1, 2017 was increased to 18,742 rubles. in accordance with the increase in the cost of living in the region (Resolution of the Moscow Government dated September 12, 2017 No. 663-PP).

Based on the results of the 3rd quarter of 2017, the cost of living in Moscow turned out to be lower than in the 2nd quarter of 2017, therefore the minimum wage has not changed since 01/01/2018 and amounted to 18,742 rubles. Since November 1, 2018, the cost of living in Moscow has increased slightly and amounted to 18,781 rubles. (Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 19, 2018 No. 1114-PP).


The abbreviation MROT stands for minimum wage. It is installed at both the federal and regional levels. The federal minimum wage increases 1-2 times a year. The regional minimum wage may be revised more often, but in any case cannot be less than the federal minimum wage. The size of this parameter determines the minimum salary level and the minimum amount of sick leave payments and child benefits.

Important news about the minimum wage. In 2017, the level of the minimum wage will be indexed in July, and not in January. At the same time, the increase is provided for only 4%, instead of the promised 17.33% of the last established value of 7.5 thousand rubles.

What's happened?

Back at the end of December 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law of December 19, 2016 N 460-FZ“On amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the Minimum Wage”, aimed at increasing the minimum wage. The government proposed to increase the minimum wage (minimum wage) from July 1, 2017 by 4% to 7,800 rubles. As a result, there was no traditional increase in the minimum wage from January 1 in 2017. Nor will there be an increase of 17.33%, announced before the elections in September. Then Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government for Social Affairs Olga Golodets told reporters that the budget for 2017 had already included a new minimum wage level.

It turned out that there is no money in the budget for such excesses and an increase in the minimum wage is possible only by the level of actual inflation at the end of 2016, namely by 4%, and only in the summer. Perhaps this decision is also related to concern for entrepreneurs, since with an increase in the minimum wage from January 1 by 17.33%, the amount of insurance premiums for them would immediately increase by 42%. The increase in the minimum wage in July 2016 was reflected in the amount of insurance premiums only in 2017, when contributions “for yourself” amounted to approximately 28 thousand rubles per year instead of 23 thousand rubles that entrepreneurs paid in 2016. True, the Ministry of Finance has already worried about this and the bill on freezing the minimum wage for these purposes for two years.

When considered by the relevant State Duma committee, deputies noted that:

An increase of 300 rubles is better. Although initially the Ministry insisted on indexation at the rate of 5.2%. But the budget situation is difficult. In addition, in 2016 we managed to take a serious step by increasing the minimum wage by almost 21%.

The new law concerns approximately 890 thousand people, of whom 72% are employed in the public sector.

Minimum wage and its importance for the economy

The minimum wage is established by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis. Amendments are made to the law, which are approved by the State Duma and the Federation Council, and then signed by the President of Russia. Typically, changes in the minimum wage occur once a year, however, in 2016 this indicator twice:

  • From January 1, 2016, the minimum wage was 6 thousand 204 rubles
  • From July 1, 2016, the minimum wage was 7 thousand 500 rubles.
It would seem that the authorities are acting for the benefit of the citizens, because wages cannot be paid below the minimum wage. However, for a business such an increase may not be affordable. The fact is that in addition to the federal minimum wage, there are regional ones, and most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when controlling the level of wages, focus on them. The federal minimum wage is used to calculate various social benefits and payments, as well as to determine the level of security of Russian citizens. In addition, on the basis of the federal minimum wage, fixed insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs are calculated in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund” . An increase in the minimum wage automatically entails an increase in the amount of the “for yourself” contribution, which all registered individual entrepreneurs are required to pay.

The increase in the minimum wage in July 2017 will not affect the amount of insurance premiums, since the law provides for only a one-time recalculation during the calendar year. Entrepreneurs talked about this earlier

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