What can a civil servant's housing subsidy be spent on? Social mortgage for civil servants

Normative base

The possibility of receiving a subsidy has been enshrined in legislation since 2004, it was then that the law “On State civil service Russian Federation» dated June 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ. But unfortunately, for a long time this norm remained only on paper. Everything changed only after in 2009 the authorities adopted the Resolution “On providing federal civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises” dated January 27, 2009 No. 63. This regulatory act contains comprehensive information on the procedure for providing subsidies and the conditions for registration , size of one-time payments, etc.

Who is eligible to receive a subsidy?

As already mentioned, persons who hold positions in the civil service system of the Russian Federation and have worked in this area for at least a year have the right to receive this type of monetary compensation.

The subsidy is provided only once during the entire period of service. In particular, citizens who work in the following positions have the right to receive payments:

  • civil servants of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Federation;
  • employees of the Presidential Administration and other bodies under the President;
  • employees of the Security Council (its apparatus);
  • employees of federal legislative bodies;
  • employees of the Constitutional, Supreme, Arbitration and other courts;
  • employees of the prosecutor's office, the Accounts Chamber, the Central Election Commission;
  • other persons.

How to register

In order for a civil servant to register to receive compensation, he needs to draw up an application addressed to the head of the commission of the federal government agency, which considers issues of providing employees with payments for the purchase of residential premises. Such a statement must also indicate that previous places work such payment was not provided. In addition, the following documents will need to be attached to it:

  1. Work book (copy).
  2. Extract from home book.
  3. Financial personal account (copy).
  4. Marriage certificate (a copy is also provided);
  5. Copies of documentation regarding the presence of the employee and his family members in other residential premises in addition to the one in which they are registered.
  6. A document confirming authority to additional area(of course, if such a right was granted).

Copies of all these papers must either be certified or submitted with the presentation of the originals.

The powers of the commission for the provision of housing subsidies include verification of all information specified in the official’s documents. If necessary, such a body can submit a request to the Ministry of Labor and find out information about the provision of payments for the purchase of housing at the employee’s previous places of service. The commission reviews all submitted papers and makes a decision on registering the employee or refusing to do so no later than 2 months after the employee submits the application. A citizen may receive a refusal if the commission, after an inspection, does not identify any grounds for providing a subsidy.

Conditions for granting subsidies

To receive a payment, it is not enough for a civil servant to simply work for a year in a government agency. The law allows subsidies to be provided only if the following conditions are met:

  • the employee does not rent housing under a social tenancy agreement, or does not live in the residential premises of his relatives who are tenants of the apartment (house), he does not own housing and does not live in the residential premises of his close relatives who are the owners of the housing.

    Family members on the basis of Resolution No. 63 dated January 27, 2009 and Family Code spouses, parents and children are recognized. However, other persons can also be considered family members, but for this it will be necessary to prove that the employee maintains a common budget and joint household with the employer.

  • If a government employee rents housing under a social lease agreement or owns it, he lives in the housing of his family members, but the total area of ​​such premises is less than 15 square meters. meters per person. If a civil servant or his relatives have several residential premises, then the area per person is calculated based on the total area of ​​​​these real estate objects.
  • if a citizen lives in a building unsuitable for habitation, it is recognized as unsafe and subject to reconstruction or demolition;
  • if a government employee owns housing, rents it under a social tenancy agreement, lives in the living quarters of his family members, but lives with him a relative who suffers from a severe form of illness (for example, tuberculosis) and with such an illness Cohabitation with other people is impossible. Full list of these ailments is indicated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 378 of June 16, 2006. At the same time, in order to obtain the right to a subsidy, a civil servant should not have in the possession of other housing or premises that he is legally entitled to use;
  • a civil servant can receive a payment for the purchase of housing if he lives in a dormitory or communal apartment(regardless of its size).
  • The subsidy is due to citizens who live in a non-isolated room or in a 1-room apartment as part of two families (even if the other family is a family of children or parents), regardless of its size.
  • employees who belong to the category of “assistants” (advisers) or “managers” of senior ranks, by decision of the head of a government agency, can receive a subsidy, even if they do not meet all of the above requirements. This “indulgence” was reserved for officials in order to motivate them to work more efficiently.

It is also worth noting that officials who are raising three or more children have an advantage in receiving such a payment. But provided that they live with a civil servant. Moreover, this could be both his children and his spouse.

How is the payout calculated?

Per citizen - 33 sq. meters;
- for a family of 2 people - 42 sq. meters;
- for a family of 3 or more people - 18 sq. m. are due for each person. meters.

Family members include children, parents, spouses. Disabled dependents and other relatives are equated to them, provided that they run a joint household and have a common budget. Other persons will not be taken into account.

When calculating the subsidy due to an employee, his right to the allocation of additional space is also taken into account. If the employee has sufficient grounds for receiving additional space, then the amounts of additional space are not added up.

Correction factor

When calculating the amount of the subsidy, the correction factor plays an important role. Thus, the law establishes certain coefficients depending on the length of service in the civil service.

From 3 to 5 years of experience (full years) - 1.05;
- from 5 to 9 years - 1.1;
- from 9 to 11 years - 1.15;
- 11-15 years - 1.2;
-15-20 years - 1.25;
- 20 years or more - 0.5 is added for each full year of service, but it cannot be more than 1.5.

Calculations of the amount of payments are made in accordance with the price per 1 sq. m of housing area (total), which is determined according to the Ministry of Construction of Housing and Communal Services each quarter, and is also taken average size market value taking into account correction factor. In this case, the place of service is also taken into account (such data is provided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection).

How is the subsidy used?

Subsidies for civil servants for the purchase of housing can only be used for the following purposes:

  • purchasing a property under a sales contract. After completing the transaction, the citizen is obliged to submit to the state federal body a copy of the purchase and sale contract and a certificate of ownership of the purchased premises;
  • payment of the share contribution if the employee is a member of housing cooperatives. The employee submits to the government agency a document that confirms his membership in the cooperative, the charter of the cooperative, a certificate of the amount paid and other documents.
  • for repayment mortgage loan, payment of interest on loans for the purchase of housing. However, these funds cannot be used to pay off fines, commissions, penalties for using loans for residential premises. A loan agreement, a certificate of the amount of debt, a mortgage agreement, and other papers are provided;
  • to pay for the front line of work on the construction of individual residential premises. In order for you to be given a subsidy for these purposes, you must submit title papers for the land plot and a building permit from the authorities local authorities, agreement about construction contract etc.;

Payments that are provided as subsidies for the purchase of housing are not taxed (based on clause 8 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Deterioration of living conditions

Resolution No. 63 of January 27, 2009 contains another significant limitation for registering officials in need of a subsidy. If it turns out that a civil servant has deliberately deteriorated his housing, he will be able to be registered only after five years. Such actions include, in particular:

  • unequal exchange of housing;
  • failure to fulfill the agreement on the use of the premises, as a result of which the official was evicted through the court;
  • moving other persons (except his family members) into the apartment (house);
  • allocation of shares to other owners;
  • alienation of all or part of the premises.


After analyzing all the legal norms that regulate the provision of housing subsidies to officials, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • The right to such assistance arises for the employee after a year of work;
  • To register, the employee must not have his own housing (dormitory, communal apartment is not taken into account) or the right to live in the housing of close relatives, and also if his apartment (house) has an area of ​​less than 15 square meters. m. per person;
  • may receive privileges in receiving housing benefits officials the highest rank or employee with many children;
  • the subsidy is directed only to established by law goals;
  • the fact of purchasing housing or the start of its construction must be documented using a purchase and sale agreement, mortgage, construction contract, etc.

Many people believe that allocating subsidies to officials for the purchase or construction of housing is a waste of state funds. At the same time, the only worthy incentive to retain civil servants in government institutions is precisely the housing subsidy.

In addition, more than 50% of officials noted that the provision of such assistance is one of the most important social guarantees for them. At the same time, only a few manage to quickly receive such a subsidy. As a rule, you have to wait quite a long time for payment to be provided. But even despite this, a housing subsidy is a fair measure and provides serious help for specialists who need such help.

Few people know that the state helps acquire housing not only for military personnel, but also for civil servants. For this purpose, special subsidies are allocated from the treasury. Find out how to get such a subsidy in our article.

What is the civil service

The definition of the state civil service is contained in Article 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” .

Thus, the state civil service of the Russian Federation is a type civil service, which represents a professional official activities Russian citizens in positions of the state civil service to ensure the execution of federal powers government agencies, government agencies Russian subjects, persons replacing government positions of the Russian Federation, and persons holding government positions in Russian constituent entities.

Direct positions of the state civil service can be approved ( Art. 8 Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ ):

· Federal law;

· by decree of the President of the Russian Federation;

· law or other regulatory legal act Russian subject.

What can a civil servant count on?

A state civil servant may obtain the right to one-time subsidy(payment) for . This right is granted no more than once during the entire period of civil service.

Please note: an employee has the opportunity to qualify for payment if he has held a position in the state civil service for at least one year. This provision is provided paragraph 1 of the special rules, .

When will the subsidy be given?

The procedure and conditions for issuing a subsidy to a civil servant for the purchase of housing are established ( clause 4 art. 53 Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ ):

· firstly, by a relevant resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation;

· secondly, a regulatory legal act of a Russian entity.

· extract from the house register;

· a copy of the financial personal account;

· a copy of the marriage certificate;

· copy(s) of the birth certificate of the child(ren);

· copies of documents on the ownership of residential premises by a civil servant and his family members, in addition to the one in which he is registered (if any);

· a copy of the document confirming the right to additional living space (in situations where such a right is granted by Russian legislation).

Please note: according to clause 6 of the rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 63 , copies specified documents must be notarized.

The fact of submitting a set of documents must be confirmed by a certificate - clause 10 of the rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 63 .

After this, the civil servant must wait for the decision of the relevant commission. Yes, she has the right:

· refuse to receive a lump sum payment for;

· register a state civil servant to receive a subsidy.

Keep in mind: the corresponding decision is documented in the protocol of the commission and approved by a legal act of the government authority.

Once the decision is made, an extract from the legal act must be handed over to the civil servant within a week. Similar time limits are set clause 17 of the rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 63 .

The commission's refusal to register for a subsidy can be challenged within 3 months from the date of receipt of the extract -.

As for the size of the subsidy, it is determined in each case and in relation to a specific civil servant in individually. The amount of payment will be influenced by factors such as:

· family composition of a civil servant;

· market in the region;

· work experience in civil public service positions.

More details on the procedure for determining a lump sum payment can be found in the provisions paragraphs 22 – 26 of the rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 63 .

Choosing housing

If the commission approves the civil servant’s application, then he should:

· first, pick up;

· secondly, submit to work the relevant documents for the housing you like.

· obtaining a loan for the purchase of residential space.

For example, if funds received from the state are planned to be spent on repaying debt and paying interest on relevant loans or borrowings (for example, for a mortgage), then you will need (clause 30 and clause 35 rules

· a copy of an identity document;

· copy loan agreement or loan agreement ();

· a certificate from the creditor (lender) about the amount of the principal debt on the credit (loan) and the balance of debt for payment of interest for using the credit (loan);

· a copy of the certificate for residential premises purchased using credit (borrowed) funds.

Advice from practice: a civil servant does not have the right to use the funds received from the subsidy to pay commissions, fines and penalties for late fulfillment of loan obligations.

If the apartment is purchased under a “standard” sales contract, the civil servant will only need to submit (clause 30 and clause 32 rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 63):

· a copy of an identity document;

· copy of the certificate of state registration ownership rights to the residential premises of a civil servant.

Within 5 working days from the moment the documents are received from the civil servant, they are checked. Subsequently, the forms are transferred to Federal Treasury. Thus, the subsidy transfer operation is authorized ( clause 31 of the rules, ) :

· to the account of the person (individual or legal) who alienates the residential premises;

· to an account for payment of a share contribution or to an account for repaying debt and paying interest on a mortgage (or other loan for the purchase of residential premises).

After receiving a certificate of registration of ownership of the property being purchased, the civil servant has 3 months to submit to his “office” an extract from the Unified State Register in relation to a subsidized apartment, residential building or part of a residential building.

Please note: the deadline for submitting an extract from the Unified State Register, in any case, cannot exceed 2 years from the date of transfer of the subsidy to the treasury account. This requirement provided for by the provisions paragraph 37 of the rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 63 .

In addition, the civil servant should remember that information about the subsidy received must be reflected in paragraph 6 of section 1 of the certificate of income, expenses, property and liabilities property nature(Part 1 Article 20 and Part 1 Article 20.1 Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ, as well asDecree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2014 No. 460 ).

The article was prepared using materials from SPS “Consultant Plus”.


1. The state civil service of the Russian Federation is a type of public service, which represents the professional official activity of Russian citizens in positions of the state civil service to ensure the execution of the powers of federal government bodies, government bodies of Russian constituent entities, persons holding government positions in the Russian Federation, and persons holding government positions in Russian subjects.
2. A state civil servant may receive the right to a one-time subsidy (payment) for the purchase of residential premises. This right is granted no more than once during the entire period of civil service.
3. A civil servant can apply for a subsidy only in closed list cases.
4. Family members of a state civil servant who are taken into account when calculating a lump sum payment include a spouse living together, as well as children and parents. Other relatives and disabled dependents may be recognized as family members of a civil servant if they have been brought in as family members and are running a joint household with the civil servant.
5. To receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing, a state civil servant should prepare and submit to the commission of the federal government body for lump sum payments a certain package of documents.
6. Special Commission can register a civil servant to receive a subsidy or give motivated refusal. The decision is documented in the protocol of the commission and approved by a legal act of the government authority.
7. The commission’s refusal to register for a subsidy can be challenged within 3 months from the date of receipt of the extract.
8. The amount of the subsidy is determined individually.
9. If the subsidy has been approved, then the civil servant will need to select residential premises and submit the relevant documents for it.
10. A civil servant does not have the right to use the funds received from the subsidy to pay commissions, fines and penalties for late fulfillment of loan obligations.
11. After receiving a certificate of registration of ownership of the purchased housing, a civil government employee has 3 months to submit an extract from the Unified State Register in relation to a subsidized apartment, residential building or part of a residential building. The deadline for submitting an extract from the Unified State Register, in any case, cannot exceed 2 years from the date of transfer of the subsidy to the treasury account.

According to the accepted definition, civil servants are persons who undertake voluntary duties to meet the needs and requirements of the state. Due to the special load and increased level civil servants are entitled to a subsidy for the purchase of housing in 2019.

This right is granted only certain categories employees of the state apparatus and specific conditions. Let us consider the situation with improving living conditions for such persons and highlight the most significant moments.

Subsidization is special kind providing social assistance to the population in connection with satisfying the right of citizens to receive housing. A similar opportunity is also reserved for government department employees. Today, in connection with this, funds are allocated to provide financial assistance to government employees who have seniority in such an organization from a year.

The state program began to operate in 2004, however established standards did not allow in practice to provide real assistance to civil servants, so the provisions of the project were revised in 2009, and today employees can take advantage of the subsidy and purchase housing following structures and departments:

  • Office of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Security Council;
  • legislative bodies;
  • judicial bodies of various instances;
  • central authorities;
  • other civil servants at different levels.
To take advantage of this right, the applicant must meet the current criteria, which we will discuss below.

In addition to the mandatory length of service, government employees must meet other requirements imposed by current legislation.

Such criteria include the following:

  1. The applicant should not have his own home, nor should his relatives.
  2. The existing housing should not have the necessary area for each family member to live (from 15 “squares” per citizen).
  3. The applicant must be listed as needing improvement living conditions due to dilapidation or disrepair of the home.
  4. A civil servant lives in a dormitory or in communal housing, as well as in the same living space with another family.
  5. When a member of a citizen’s family has a dangerous and contagious disease.
If the applicant for payment has three or more children, then he can hope for additional preferences when allocating residential premises. As a result, the benefits provided affect precisely those citizens who have inconvenient and problematic living conditions. If none of specified conditions is not present to the applicant, then in the payment financial assistance he will be refused.

Procedure for applying for a subsidy

An important point in receiving financial assistance is preparation. mandatory documentation. Subject to availability only complete package paper, the decision to provide a subsidy will be positive. The application for payment is reviewed by a specially created commission body, so it is extremely important to prepare full list necessary certificates and extracts:

  • standard statement;
  • copy work book with confirmation of employment and period of work experience;
  • extract from the house register;
  • a copy of the act of conclusion or dissolution of the marriage union;
  • a certificate with a personal account number in any bank;
  • all necessary documentation for housing where the applicant currently lives;
  • certificate of ownership of residential premises.
Additionally, it is worth noting that the work book must be certified at the place of employment, and copies of other documents must be certified by a notary. The processing time for an application is about two months, but most often the process is delayed for more than long term because of large quantity applications.

For this reason it is also worth paying attention Special attention preparation necessary documentation, so as not to wait more than 60 days for the application to be reconsidered. If the decision is negative, it can be appealed in court. If the result is positive, then the citizen is added to the queue for a subsidy and receives funds only after his turn.

Options for spending paid funds

Subsidization is strict target species assistance from the state. Therefore, the allocated money can only be used in a specific way. Here we're talking about about options such as:

  • for the purchase or construction of residential premises;
  • as an initial contribution to share building or to a housing cooperative;
  • to cover regular mortgage payments.

The funds provided are not subject to taxes and in full are credited to the account specified by the applicant in the submitted application. In the future, they must be used within six months.


Workers government departments have legal right receive housing under the subsidy program. To obtain assistance, you will need to submit the relevant documents and a standard application.

Financial assistance is provided only if all the requirements and conditions are met by the applicant. The procedure for obtaining social support is standard and regulated by official legislative acts.

Civil servants are on budget support. In order to support specialists in this category, the Russian government provides subsidies for the purchase of living space. Help for the purchase of an apartment goes to employees who have worked for at least a year.

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Receiving benefits has been prescribed by law since 2004 after the adoption of the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” dated June 27, 2004 No. 79. But in practice, it was rarely possible for civil servants to receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing.

Since 2009, the government adopted the Resolution “On receipt by federal civil servants of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of living space” dated January 27, 2009 No. 63. The standard includes data on the procedure for providing benefits, conditions for registration, amount of payments and other features.

Based on the law, civil servants whose apartment does not meet the standards can receive a cash payment to purchase living space. Previously, square meters were provided at .

Who can receive a subsidy from government employees?

The law states that civil servants who have worked in government agencies more than a year. The following are also eligible to receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing:

  • Employees of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Employees of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities;
  • Security Council staff;
  • Employees of federal legislative bodies;
  • Court employees;
  • Members of the Accounting Chamber, the Prosecutor's Office, Customs, and the Central Election Commission.

Cash compensation is provided one-time.

How can a civil servant register for an apartment?

To receive a subsidy, a civil service employee must register and send an application to the head of the commission of the federal government agency that considers issues of payment of monetary compensation. It is indicated that there was no payment previously. The following documents are attached to the application:

  1. A copy of the work record;
  2. A copy of the employee’s personal account;
  3. Marriage certificate (if available);
  4. Documents of the employee and his family members for ownership of other living space (if any);
  5. A paper confirming the authority for additional space, if the right is granted.

Copies of documents are certified or submitted with the originals.

Service employees check the accuracy of the information and issue an affirmative or negative decision during two months. A refusal is issued if the verification did not reveal any reasons for receiving a subsidy.

In some cases, the commission requests information from the Ministry of Labor about the receipt of compensation by civil servants at previous places of work.

What are the conditions for providing subsidies for the purchase of housing for a civil servant?

According to the law, the subsidy is provided subject to certain conditions:

  • A government employee does not live in the apartment of relatives who are tenants of the premises or homeowners. There is no social lease agreement, no ownership rights to living space.
  • When living in a dilapidated house that is subject to reconstruction or demolition. (cm. )
  • If the employee lives with relatives, has a document of social employment or property rights, then the total area should be no more than 15 m2 per person. If there are several apartments, then the meters are calculated based on total amount real estate area.
  • Shared accommodation in own apartment or by agreement of employment with relatives suffering from a serious illness. The list of ailments is in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 378, 07/16/2006. At the same time, the civil servant must not have any other real estate.
  • Accommodation in a communal apartment or hostel.

The subsidy can be received by employees classified as advisers or senior managers of government bodies, even if certain conditions are not available for them. This acts as a motivation to improve the efficiency of officials.

Government officials who are raising three or more minor children have priority in providing subsidies.

Calculation of subsidies for the purchase of housing

Compensation is calculated based on the parameters of the living area of ​​the apartment:

  1. For one - 33 m2;
  2. Family of two people - 42 m2;
  3. Family of three or more people - 18 m2 for each resident.

Family members - parents, spouses, children. Disabled persons or other relatives (uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters), but provided that a joint budget is maintained for the household.

If a civil servant has the right to receive additional living space, then its size is not taken into account when calculating the subsidy.

Correction factor

The law establishes a coefficient taken into account when calculating cash payment. The parameter depends on the employee’s length of service (full years):

  • From 3 to 5 years - 1.05;
  • From 5 to 9 - 1.1;
  • From 9 to 11 - 1.15;
  • From 11 to 15 - 1.2;
  • From 15 to 20 - 1.25;
  • From 20 - for each subsequent year of work - 0.5, but not more than 1.5 in total.

The subsidy is calculated in accordance with the cost of 1 m2 of apartment. The price is determined by the Ministry of Construction of Housing and Communal Services quarterly, and takes into account average degree the size of the market value with a coefficient.

When calculating, the location of the employee’s service is also taken into account.

How can subsidies be used to improve housing conditions for civil servants?

The law stipulates what compensation can be spent on:

  1. Purchasing an apartment under a purchase and sale agreement. To confirm the transaction, a copy of the agreement or a certificate of ownership of the premises is submitted to the state federal service.
  2. Payment of a share contribution when an employee joins a housing cooperative.
  3. Mortgage loan repayment, interest payments. But the subsidy does not cover penalties and fines accrued on the loan. A loan agreement, a certificate of debt, a mortgage agreement and other papers are provided.
  4. Payment for work on the construction of a personal residential building. Documents on land ownership, permission to build a house from the authorities, and a construction contract agreement are required.

Received financial compensation the purchase of housing is not subject to tax, paragraph 8, article 217, tax code RF.

Payment of subsidies for the purchase of housing for civil servants in the event of a special deterioration in housing conditions

There are restrictions for officials to register. If it turns out that the employee deliberately worsened the condition of the living space, then the employee will be able to be put on the waiting list no earlier than after 5 years, Government Decree No. 63 of January 27, 2009. Deliberate actions:

  • Unequal exchange of apartments;
  • Non-relatives moving into the premises;
  • Failure to fulfill obligations to use housing and eviction through the court took place;
  • Allocation of a share of living space to other owners;
  • Separation of all or part of a room.

How can a civil servant receive compensation for the purchase of living space?

Analyzing the norms of legislation, it can be determined that subsidies for civil servants for the purchase of housing are allocated in the following cases:

  1. A civil servant has been working for at least a year;
  2. Lack of own housing or the right to live in the apartment of immediate relatives;
  3. Own living space with an area of ​​less than 15 m2 per person;
  4. High level management or officials with many children receive payment privileges;
  5. Compensation is aimed at specific goals in accordance with the law;
  6. The fact of the transaction is documented.

If an incomplete amount of the payment is used, the remainder is returned.

Subsidies for civil servants for the purchase or construction of housing are an incentive to retain workers in government agencies. Officials note that providing compensation is important social guarantee

for them. And despite the long wait for payment, this is a serious help for young professionals in need of subsidies. Budget support is a standard provision, as is the subsidy for civil servants for the purchase of housing in 2019. The Russian government has also introduced programs for additional subsidies so that these categories of citizens can preferential terms

buy housing. Help is available to employees with at least one year of experience.

Governing Law Federal Law No. 79 – main normative act

, which must be relied upon when solving relevant issues. But in practice, many employees have difficulty exercising their rights. Since 2009, Government Resolution No. 63 was issued. It is the text of the resolution that is devoted to the procedures for paying benefits, registration, the amount of compensation, and so on. It is valid for the territory of any subject of the Federal Federal District.

Only using laws as a support will allow you to get the living space you are entitled to. Previously, to obtain square meters it was necessary to enter into a social rental agreement. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation does not take part in this process.

Participation in the subsidy program

  • Citizens of the following categories have the right to receive assistance: Members Chamber of Accounts and prosecutor's office, central election commissions
  • and customs.
  • Judicial representatives. Representatives of authorities legislative branch federal level
  • . Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation always have access to payments.
  • Working for the Security Council.
  • Employees of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities.

Workers of the presidential apparatus.

All of them can expect to receive a one-time compensation, in any territory of the Federal Federal District.

Registering for housing Head of the commission federal body authorities - that’s who needs to be addressed with a special application in order to register. This employee is engaged detailed consideration

  1. A paper confirming authority sufficient to register living space.
  2. Documents for other real estate, if available.
  3. Marriage certificate.
  4. Personal account, copy. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation also need it.
  5. Help with information from the house register.
  6. A copy of the work book of any FED enterprise.

Copies of documents are submitted together with the originals, or are additionally certified.

Read also Subsidies that are provided for low-income families in 2019

Institution staff check that all information is correct. A decision, positive or negative, must be made within a maximum of two months. If there are no reasons for receiving a subsidy for civil servants, then a refusal is given.

Providing subsidies: main conditions

Working in a government agency for at least a year is not the only prerequisite. Other additional requirements must be met in order to count on help:

  1. Absence of a previously concluded social tenancy agreement. Or a citizen should not be in the territory of houses or apartments owned by relatives playing the role of an employer. The applicant himself must not own other property in this FED subject. According to the Government Decree, the group of family members is represented by children, parents, and spouses. But this category may be assigned to other citizens. The main thing is to provide evidence of existence total budget and farms. Only in this case, issuing a subsidy to civil servants for the purchase of housing in 2019 becomes possible.
  2. Receiving a subsidy is acceptable even if it is registered social hiring, buying or selling a home. The main condition is that there should be less than 15 square meters per person in this facility. Moreover, the area is calculated based on all real estate objects for which official documents have been drawn up.
  3. Receiving assistance is possible when living in housing that is recognized as unsafe, subject to reconstruction or demolition.
  4. Living together with a relative or another person whose disease is considered dangerous to others. A complete list of diseases is available in Government Decree No. 378. The main thing is the lack of other housing that can be occupied according to the requirements current law. The requirements also apply to representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  5. Accommodation on the territory of a hostel, communal housing FED.
  6. Staying in a non-isolated room or in a 1-room apartment as part of two families.
  7. Even in the absence of any of the above conditions cash are issued to civil servants who hold the position of assistant or adviser in relation to senior officials. Thanks to this decision motivation appears, increasing work efficiency.

Officials who are raising three or more children also have an advantage when applying for subsidies to civil servants for the purchase of housing. The main condition is that all children live with a civil servant. Not only children, but also spouses are taken into account.

Read also Conditions and factors for issuing subsidies to young families in 2019

Calculation of assistance for the purchase of housing is carried out using the following parameters:

  • 18 square meters per person in the case of a family of three or more people.
  • 42 square meters for a family of two people.
  • 33 square meters for only one citizen. Even if he is an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Standard rules apply here in the sense of classifying spouses and parents with children as family members. Here we are talking about disabled dependents, other relatives. The main thing is management general economy, availability of a general budget.

When approving a housing subsidy, the right to additional living space itself is taken into account. If there are several bases, no summation is performed.

About correction factors

The correction factor is one of the main indicators that plays important role when calculating. The coefficients themselves depend on how much experience you have at work. The one-time subsidy is determined accordingly.

  1. 1.05 units – 3-5 years of experience.
  2. 1.1 – 5-9 years.
  3. 1.15 -9-11 years.
  4. 1.2 – 11-15 years.
  5. After 20 years, 0.5 units are added for each year. But as much as possible permissible limit level – 1.5.

Important! When making calculations for housing in 2019, they are based on the price of 1 square meter housing. Determination of the cost itself, in turn, is carried out according to data provided by the Ministry of Construction of Housing and Communal Services. At the same time, adjustments in this indicator are paid quarterly. The calculation also involves using the average for market price, with the addition of a correction factor. The place of service also plays an important role when a real estate grant is paid.

Use of subsidies

There is a certain list of goals for the implementation of which funds received from the state can be directed.

  1. Acquisition of real estate, with a purchase and sale agreement as the basis. A copy of the agreement is submitted to the regulatory authorities after the transaction is officially recognized as concluded. Can't do without property certificate by property. The house also requires this document.
  2. Calculation of share contribution for citizens participating in housing cooperative. The main thing is to provide a document that confirms membership in the cooperative. You will also need the charter of the cooperative, accompanied by a certificate of the amount contributed. Sometimes other documents are required.
  3. Repayment of a mortgage loan, principal, or interest. Funds cannot only be used to calculate fines, commissions and penalties for using loans for residential premises, even for a public sector employee.
  4. Payment for construction and repair work related to the construction of the premises. IN in this case mandatory requirement is the provision of a title document for land plot. You also need to show permission from local authorities for construction, a construction contract, and so on.
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