On what grounds does customs issue title? Vehicle passport - what is it?

The series of customs PTS must begin with the letter “T”, for example 77 TK 123456 or 78 TE 123456. Since 2008, the series “T*” has ended and now PTS have the series “U*”. It is also worth paying attention to the correspondence between the region code (the first 2 digits before the letters in the PTS number) and the region in which the PTS was issued. It is unacceptable that the region code would be, say, 77 (Moscow), and the PTS was issued, for example, by Orenburg customs. The only exception that is allowed is the PTS issued by the Central Excise Customs (Moscow) in 2007, may have a series 78. This is due to the fact that TsAT opened a checkpoint in St. Petersburg and in 2007 they work on St. Petersburg PTS. We look at the PTS, in line No. 18 the country of export must be indicated, in line No. 19 the number of the customs declaration or technical document MUST be indicated; this is the basis for issuing the PTS. Line No. 23 should match the seal. If you are not too lazy, you can check the correspondence of the address in line No. 24 and the address where the customs office that issued the PTS is located; information about this customs office is indicated in the press and in line No. 23. If the car was imported into the Russian Federation after July 1998, the PTS must MUST be issued customs. If a vehicle imported after July 1998 has a PTS issued by the traffic police, it is either a fake, or you are holding in your hands a duplicate of the first PTS issued upon import. Pay attention to the date of issue of the duplicate PTS; it was probably issued later than the car was imported. In the duplicate, the number of the PTS on the basis of which the duplicate was issued MUST be indicated, and by this number you can understand whether it was issued by customs or not. Replacing a PTS in itself should not be scary, people for various reasons can get a duplicate, loss, ran out of space for records due to a large number of owners, theft... or they can deliberately lose a PTS several times in order to hide the number of the first one issued when importing, so carefully study the title before purchasing a car. Cars imported before July 1998 received a PTS at the State Traffic Inspectorate, among such cars the largest percentage of jambs with customs, unfortunately, in this case, read or don’t read the PTS, you won’t be able to find anything suspicious there. You can check it officially or, but as far as practice shows, the bases in these places begin their history around the beginning of 1997. I don’t presume to say 100%, but the customs history of cars imported before 1997 has most likely sunk into oblivion and there shouldn’t be any problems with the installation and removal of such cars due to the lack of any information about customs clearance in the FCS databases. And remember, multiple removal and registration of a car before your purchase cannot be a guarantee of 100% customs clearance, the Federal Customs Service is constantly tinkering with the database, there are a lot of crooked cars imported through customs, they simply do not have time. .and the situation may well happen: you bought a car and in two or three or six months the Federal Customs Service will calculate the customs clearance of your car and put it on the customs wanted list, so you will be surprised at the next check at the traffic police post. Therefore, if any suspicions arise, it is better to take care of the maximum possible verification before purchasing, so that later you do not languish in the courts and prove that you are not a camel.

List of fake PTS officially published by the State Customs Committee of Russia
Series 77 TC No. 871001 - 872000;
Series 77 TC No. 875001 - 876000;
Series 77 TC No. 810201 - 810306;
Series 77 TC No. 810392 - 810411;
Series 77 TC No. 810556 - 810708;
Series 77 TC No. 810996 - 810000;
Series 77 TC No. 810360;
Series 77 TC No. 810550;
Series 50 TA No. 062001 - 063000.

It is considered an integral document of any car. A transport passport can be compared to a civil passport. PTS is considered an important document for various manipulations with the car.

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A vehicle passport can be issued by the vehicle manufacturer, the traffic inspectorate and the customs authority. A car that is considered new and purchased directly from the showroom is handed over to the car owner with a passport from the manufacturer.

If the document is replaced, the owner of the vehicle receives a passport from the state automobile inspection.

In the case when transport is exported to Russia from abroad, clearance takes place at customs, as a result of which the car owner is issued a vehicle passport.

Potential buyers of cars with an existing customs passport for transport fear for the “purity” of the purchase and, in some cases, refuse the transaction.

However, a passport received at customs is considered the same official document for a car as an identical paper issued by another authority.

What kind of document is this

Regardless of where, when and by whom the vehicle passport was issued, it is considered a very important document that confirms the recommended level of vehicle safety.

The form of the document issued at customs is no different from the paper received from another authority.

Passport forms are produced at the Goznak factory and have a bluish color, as well as certain means of protection against counterfeiting:

  • water marks;
  • holographic sticker;
  • an emblem that changes color (blue - gray) when the viewing angle changes;
  • special threads in the document fabric.

A vehicle passport is considered a document that contains information about the technical characteristics of the car, as well as identification information about vehicle parts, information about the owner and registration of the car.

It turns out that it is almost impossible to distinguish a passport for a vehicle issued by the customs authority from an identical document received from the manufacturer or at the traffic police department.

However, the distinctive feature is the seal of the customs authority that carries out the registration of the vehicle. Each authority, when issuing a passport for a car, affixes its own identification stamp.

It is with its help that you can understand exactly where the document was issued, at what authority subsequent entries were made, etc.

In what cases is it issued and for what cars?

The issuance of passports for vehicles through customs authorities began on July 1, 1997.

Registration of a document by customs is implied in the case of importing a vehicle into Russia from countries classified as foreign.

In order for the document to be completed, several requirements must be met:

  1. Provide the vehicle for inspection in the area where customs control is carried out.
  2. Submit the required documents:
    • a completed application in the prescribed form with no blots, corrections or crossing-outs;
    • papers for the vehicle received in the country from which the export is made;
    • paper confirming ownership of the vehicle (purchase/sale agreement, certificate/invoice, etc.);
    • sales document or additional documentation for the cargo;
    • a photocopy of the civil passport of the owner of the vehicle or another document considered proof of identity;
    • final examination describing the technical characteristics of the transport.

The vehicle must comply with certain types specified in the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity.

Vehicles that are subject to customs clearance and issuance of a vehicle passport include:

  • a truck tractor with fifth wheel coupling mechanisms, which is designed to tow a semi-trailer;
  • a car designed to transport 10 people (including the driver);
  • a passenger car or other motor vehicle intended for passenger transportation (excluding the previous classification), as well as a cargo-passenger van with the exception of a racing car;
  • freight car;
  • a vehicle with a special purpose, excluding vehicles used in the transportation of passengers and cargo (trucks performing emergency repairs, a truck crane, a fire truck, a concrete mixer, a vehicle cleaning the roadway, a watering machine, a car repair shop, a vehicle with an X-ray unit);
  • a motorcycle with or without a sidecar, as well as other motorized vehicles;
  • trailer and semi-trailer.

Only if the above rules are observed, a citizen will be able to go through customs clearance and receive a passport for the imported vehicle.

A vehicle passport can be issued by the customs authority after the vehicle registration has been completed.

What are the possible restrictions for customs PTS?

Many people are interested in the question of possible restrictions for customs PTS. A similar situation mainly arises in cases where a vehicle is imported into the territory of the Russian Federation temporarily.

This means that the vehicle will be on the territory of the Russian Federation for a certain time (for example, for the purpose of transfer to another country).

When a vehicle is temporarily imported, its owner pays a certain amount of customs security. In this case, the amount of customs security is equal to the amount of customs duty.

The paid funds are returned to the owner of the vehicle when the vehicle is removed from the territory of the Russian Federation.

In such situations, additional information about the presence of certain restrictions is entered in the customs PTS.

What is the validity period

A vehicle passport issued by any of the authorities (customs, State Traffic Inspectorate (STSI), manufacturer) does not have a set validity period.

An exception is provided only for those cases when the car was introduced into the territory of the Russian Federation on a temporary basis.

The PTS contains certain information, including a note about the vehicle’s vin code. Certain fees may apply.

Is there a fee for document processing?

The issuance or replacement of a vehicle passport through the customs authority is accompanied by a certain payment provided and established.

A citizen who imports a vehicle into the territory of the Russian Federation must pay for customs clearance.

Also, a single customs rate is subject to payment, which will be calculated based on the vehicle engine power indicator - for used vehicles) and the cost of transport - for a new car.

Today, everyone will be able to independently calculate the amount of payments made in customs control zones for the registration and issuance of related documents, using various online calculators.

What the law says

The issuance of a vehicle passport by the Federal Customs Service of Russia is carried out on the basis of:

  1. Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 134 dated December 31, 2008.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy number 192 and.

How to get a title for a car from Belarus and Kazakhstan. The answer to this question is contained in the clarifications of the Federal Customs Service dated May 15, 2011. The main conditions for obtaining a title for a car from Belarus and Kazakhstan is that the vehicle belongs to the “Treaty on the Customs Code of the Customs Union of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan”, as well as compliance with the Euro 4 environmental class. Let us remind you that vehicles imported into the territory of these republics are eligible. until 01/01/2010, as well as imported from 01/01/2010 to 07/01/2010. For this period of time, the Customs Union Agreement applies and, contrary to all rumors, any car from the Republic of Belarus is eligible for the ETS. The requirement for wheeled vehicles to comply with the Euro 4 environmental class is established by the Technical Regulations “On the requirements for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances from motor vehicles released into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 718.


Where to get a title for a car from Belarus and Kazakhstan. In the Moscow region, to obtain vehicle passports, you must contact:

Registration of PTS without certificates of conformity based on information contained in the OTTS databases (in accordance with the explanation of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated January 09, 2013)

Address: Moscow region, Pikino village, st. Transportnaya, 1

For all regions of Russia (including Moscow and the Moscow region):

Address: Moscow, st. Yauzskaya, 8

Receiving PTS by car from Belarus and Kazakhstan. Most American cars are after 2004, European cars are after 2005. and Korean after 2006. Complies with Euro 4 standard from the factory. Japanese cars have complied with the Euro 4 environmental class since 2010. In order to obtain a title for these cars, it is enough to confirm the environmental class with a certificate of conformity. It is not difficult to obtain a title for a car from Belarus and Kazakhstan younger than 2004 if there is a certificate of conformity from the Russian customs, says the resolution of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. But this is not the case with cars that were produced before 2004 and do not meet the requirements of the environmental standard. Most of the cars imported into the Russian Federation were produced in 2003 and earlier; to obtain a title for these cars, a Euro 4 certificate alone will not be enough. Everyone knows that the majority of cars imported from Belarus do not comply with the Euro 4 environmental class. Russian customs does not issue PTS for these cars, even if the owner has a Euro 4 certificate of conformity, this is stated in the message of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Previously issued certificates are considered invalid. Car owners who present fake certificates are entered into a unified database; in this case, the customs authorities refuse to issue a PTS.

Read how to buy and import a car.

Read where to make the conversion.

IMPORTANT (!) Why did the issuance of PTS for new cars stop? Today, customs authorities simply do not issue PTS for new cars from Belarus and Kazakhstan, as well as for those cars whose customs clearance was carried out in these republics according to the Unified Customs Rates (UCR). Territorial customs authorities refer to the clarifications of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, which states that from January 1, 2012, value added tax (VAT) must be reimbursed by both individuals and legal entities. However, by another order, the Federal Customs Service imposed a moratorium on the additional payment of VAT until February 15, 2012, but for some reason local customs officials do not mention this order, but simply do not issue PTS, deliberately delaying the time, so that by waiting until February 15, they can legally force car owners to pay the difference. VAT, which they did not pay extra in the union republics.

This is possible only in case of actual conversion, and the reality of such conversion is verified by the Central Excise Customs. If the owner of the car has provided documents on the conversion, the car is subject to inspection, and in case of doubt about the authenticity of the documents provided or the absence of real conversion, the car is sent for examination, and the owner is entered into a single database of refuseniks. Therefore, for all owners of cars from Belarus and Kazakhstan older than 2004 or not meeting the Euro 4 environmental class for other reasons, there is the only legal way to obtain a title - this is the actual conversion of the car. This procedure is carried out in accordance with UNECE Rules No. 83-05B and GOST R 51832-2001 by service centers that have special equipment and certified components for installation that reduce the toxicity of harmful emissions from motor vehicles. After you have converted your car to Euro 4, the customs authorities automatically issue a title for cars of any year of manufacture.

Obtaining a title for a car from Belarus and Kazakhstan carried out within 90 days from the moment the car is deregistered in the republic - a member of the customs union. To obtain a PTS, the following documents are provided:

Application in the prescribed form;

Belarusian vehicle registration certificate, with a mark on deregistration;

An invoice issued in your name;

Certificate of vehicle compliance with Euro 4 standards;

Certificate of vehicle identification data;

Civil passport of the car owner.

For cars older than 2004. additionally, documents on the re-equipment of the vehicle, a test, research or measurement report are provided;

Before you receive a title for a car from Belarus or Kazakhstan, you should obtain a certificate of technical characteristics of the vehicle. This document is issued by an accredited organization in the field of examination of wheeled vehicles. The report is required to be submitted to customs, so make sure you receive it in advance.

Today, there are many offers to provide assistance in obtaining a title for a car from Belarus. But as we know, free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. If you see an advertisement on the Internet for assistance in obtaining a PTS with a mobile phone number, you should know that this is a scammer who will simply take your money and go nowhere. Remember!! It is impossible to obtain a title for a car from Belarus and Kazakhstan that does not comply with Euro 4 without real conversion!! If you are offered a Euro 4 certificate for cars older than 2000 without conversion, these are scammers. Analyzing all of the above, it should be concluded that obtaining a title for a car from Belarus and Kazakhstan is quite possible through re-equipment. NII EVMASH confirms the environmental classes of wheeled vehicles on the basis of conversion documents provided by the owner of the vehicle.

Vehicle title restoration and purchase

Registration of a PTS is a mandatory procedure when registering a vehicle and serves as the basis for allowing it to move on the roads. Therefore, the loss or cancellation of this document is a serious problem for the motorist. The car will not be able to be sold or donated, it will not be possible to pass inspection, and most importantly, the car will not be able to be used. Our company’s specialists provide assistance in obtaining a title for a car. By contacting us, you can solve the problem quickly and, most importantly, legally. Vehicle Passport (PV) what it is PTS is a legal document and reflects all the main technical characteristics of the car. The main purpose of this document is to accurately identify the vehicle. With its help, the traffic police authorities: Regulate the procedure for allowing vehicles to participate in traffic on the roads.

Counter theft and fraud in the acquisition and operation of vehicles.

Control the payment of customs duties.
What does PTS look like?

PTS is a strict reporting form. It is produced by printing on blue forms. It uses special stripes and watermarks as security measures. The production of such forms is carried out by the state enterprise Gosznak.

Car owners quite often encounter the problem of PTS cancellation in practice. And in this case, they must take urgent measures to restore it, otherwise the vehicle cannot be allowed to operate.
The main question for vehicle owners whose title has been revoked is what to do in such a situation. First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its cancellation.
The PTS may be canceled due to incorrect customs clearance. This happens if the customs clearance procedure is not completed or completed with violations. And also if errors are made in the registration documents, this may serve as grounds for cancellation of the passport.
Cancellation of the PTS is also possible if it is determined that the vehicle does not comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations. In this case, the car will have to be re-equipped. Until the technical characteristics of the car are brought back to normal, it is not possible to obtain a title.
The vehicle’s compliance with the requirements of eco-standards is confirmed by the presence of the SBCTS or the presence of a EURO certificate, which was issued for the vehicle before the Technical Regulations TR CU 018/2011 came into force on 01/01/2015. If it is revealed that the certificate for the vehicle was issued by a certification center that has not been accredited by Rosakreditatsiya, it will not have legal force, and the PTS issued on the basis of a forged document will be cancelled.
The PTS may be canceled if the year was overestimated during customs clearance. Such a document will also not have legal force, since it was actually issued to another car.
Our specialists will suggest a legal way out of such situations.

Now it’s easier to get a title for a car from Belarus without customs clearance!

Starting from January 1, 2015, a new one appeared - the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). It included Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, as well as Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. The EAEU member countries have agreed among themselves on the free movement of goods within the Eurasian Union. For those who are interested in how to obtain a title for a Belarusian car, we inform you that to import a car from Belarus you will need:
remove it from registration;
draw up a certificate of invoice or purchase and sale agreement;
issue a SBCTS;
draw up a Certificate of Technical Characteristics of the Vehicle;
Only after this will it be possible to obtain a title for a car from Belarus.

When registering a PTS at Russian customs, documents are confiscated for inspection., this may take from one month to two. This applies to all cars registered and imported from the countries of the customs union to Russia. Our specialists will complete it in just 1 day, bypassing the artificially long deadlines created by government officials. You receive a PTS in exactly the same way at customs, the whole procedure is official, you just don’t have to wait two months for your swallow.

Customs clearance of cars from Kyrgyzstan to Russia in 2016

After Kyrgyzstan joins the EAEU, importing a car from Kyrgyzstan to Russia does not require customs clearance. Thus, by analogy with Belarus, importing vehicles from Kyrgyzstan into Russia will not require paying customs duties. Consequently, purchasing a car in Kyrgyzstan, as well as other EAEU member countries, will generally cost much less.
Those who are interested in how to obtain a title for a car from Kyrgyzstan should know several rules by which a car’s compliance with the status of “EAEU product” is determined:
The manufacturer of the car must be a member country of the EAEU, or the vehicle must be imported into the territory of the Eurasian Union legally and cleared through customs before 01/01/2014.
An eco-class car must comply with the legal requirements currently in force in the country.
It is necessary to obtain confirmation from the customs authorities of Kyrgyzstan that the vehicle was imported into the country legally.
Important. Customs clearance of cars from Kyrgyzstan is carried out on the basis of the relevant decision of the EAEU and provided that the car complies with the requirements of the EAEU Technical Regulations, which came into force on 01/01/2015. The only inconvenience when purchasing a car in the EAEU countries is the long time it takes to obtain a title at Russian customs. On average, this procedure can take up to 2 months. For car owners who do not want to wait that long, qualified specialists from our company will help them obtain a title for a car from Kyrgyzstan or Armenia as quickly as possible.

How much does it cost to restore a PTS?

PTS is a document that no car owner can do without, so its loss causes many problems. In this connection, owners often have a question - how to restore the title?
And since without a PTS it is impossible to operate or dispose of vehicles, as well as carry out actions related to registration, another question arises - how to get a duplicate PTS faster and how much does it cost?
Important! Penalties for the loss of a PTS are not provided for by law, so the cost of its restoration will only include the amount of state duties required for payment.
We will help you restore your lost PTS, and also tell you what to do if you were illegally refused to issue it.
In addition, our company’s specialists provide all services in the field of customs clearance of documents. We cooperate directly with customs posts, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of services and reduce the time required for processing documents for vehicles of all categories.
Call us and we will help you obtain a title and restore your registration in the shortest possible time.
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