Head of the legal department of a construction company. Legal department: duties and functions

Legal department (service)- a subdivision of an enterprise or organization involved in the observance of the legality of paperwork, the settlement of economic relations, the conclusion of contracts, the presentation of claims, the preparation of legal documents, the filing of claims.

The duties of this service include monitoring the literacy of legal actions in the organization itself and the competence in relations with other enterprises.

The legal department of an enterprise, organization detects and eliminates offenses, is engaged in their prevention, by endorsement of regulatory documents, represents and protects the interests of a legal entity.

The legal service is the key in the structure of the institution, monitoring compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and international law in the conduct of economic activities or business.

In the conditions of modern life, the need for qualified lawyers is increasing, since the degree of legal literacy of managers is very low. It is advisable to have full-time lawyers or legal departments, both in large and medium-sized institutions, for the competent organization and regulation of the legal work of the enterprise.

Main goals legal services consist in representing the legitimate interests of the enterprise; in ensuring the fulfillment of tasks and functions with the help of legal instruments; in increasing economic and strengthening financial indicators, applying legal means in work; in helping to ensure the rule of law by the management of the enterprise; in the organization and preparation of local regulations.

In charge the legal service of the institution includes :

  • verification of compliance with the requirements of the legislation of draft orders, instructions and other legal documents submitted for signature to the head of the enterprise, by means of their endorsement;
  • taking measures to cancel or change acts drawn up in violation of the current legislation, as well as control over the legality of documents issued by the heads of departments of the enterprise;
  • preparation, together with other departments, of measures to amend the existing or cancel the orders and regulations of the enterprise that have lost their force;
  • participation in the preparation of collective and economic agreements, as well as their conclusion; development of measures to improve discipline in the enterprise team;
  • organization and preparation of claims; representation and protection of the interests of the enterprise in court and arbitration in resolving legal issues;
  • taking measures to eliminate accounts receivable and eliminate accounts payable of the enterprise.
  • control over the quality of incoming products, accounting for the quantity of goods; suggesting ways to eliminate the identified shortcomings;
  • consideration of litigation and analysis of the results of arbitration cases, preparation of claims; conducting consultations, information on legal issues in the activities of the enterprise;
  • assisting the local trade union and other public organizations in resolving legal disputes at the enterprise;
  • preparation of information about shortages and transfer of materials on theft and other offenses to the investigative and judicial authorities; implementation of measures with the participation of other departments to compensate for losses caused to the enterprise;
  • consideration of the results of the commission to discuss the results of the economic activities of the organization;
  • accounting and storage of incoming and outgoing regulatory acts of the enterprise;
  • carrying out work among officials of other departments to study the regulations related to their activities, propaganda of the current legislation.

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The structure of the legal department of the company

The structure of the legal department and its composition are established by the enterprise individually, at its discretion. The number of units in the staff of the legal service directly depends on the total number of employees of the enterprise.

The legal department is formed as an independent division of the institution and reports personally to the head. To ensure the objectivity of legal work, the autonomy of the legal service is required.

Structure of the legal department includes:

  • the General Counsel, who is the Head of the Legal Department;
  • senior legal adviser supervising the work of one of the areas of the organization;
  • a leading legal adviser focused on a specific area of ​​work of the legal service;
  • HR employee involved in the execution of employment contracts in accordance with legal norms;
  • a clerk who organizes the preservation and accounting of all the documentation of the institution.

Based on the size of the organization, one lawyer can combine several positions. When an organization is just starting out or has a small scale of services, it is more appropriate for it to attract a specialist from a law firm than to keep a unit of a lawyer on staff.

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The role of the legal department is growing

Nikolay Pavlenko, partner Consulting company "Georg Consulting", Moscow

If someone in your company is engaged in fraud, then, based on the results of audits and inventories, the perpetrators can be fired. Proper execution of the relevant procedures is the responsibility of lawyers. However, it is not necessary to bring the case to court. Perhaps the management will choose the strategy of a pre-trial decision, that is, quietly part with the employee.

In any case, the actions of all services that ensure the economic security of the company must strictly comply with the law. Only then can one speak with the violator not from a position of strength, but from a position of one's own rightness. Otherwise, there will always be a risk that he will respond to your forceful actions with his own. You can never be sure that you know everything about employees. They can, using knowledge about your illegal actions, “surrender” the management of the company to law enforcement agencies or competitors, or start blackmailing you.

I am deeply convinced that forceful methods are becoming a thing of the past, which means that the role of the legal service is increasing, which must monitor compliance with the law at all stages of internal control - from collecting information to transferring a case to court.

What are the functions of the legal department

The functions of the legal service are to comply with laws and order, protect the legal interests of the enterprise, in ways of influencing labor relations in order to fulfill the intended goals and objectives. Functions are divided into special - legal and general.

Special legal functions

  1. Compliance with legislative principles in the work of an enterprise, ministry or department.
  2. Increasing the financial results of the enterprise using legal instruments.
  3. Increasing the output of high-quality products at the enterprise.
  4. Ensuring the safety of the property of the enterprise with the use of legal means.
  5. Fulfillment of assignments, delivery conditions, construction contracts and other agreements.
  6. Protection of legal interests and civil rights of the institution, strengthening of legislation.

General Functions

  1. Compliance with the law at the enterprise, by sighting documents issued by superiors.
  2. Preventing non-compliance with laws and protecting the interests of a legal entity through the execution of government and legal agreements.
  3. Conducting lawsuits and claims in cases of infringement of the rights of an economic entity.
  4. Education of the administration of the enterprise and the team in accordance with legal norms.

The tasks and functions of the legal departments depend on the type of activity, the direction of work at the enterprise and its size.

For a medium-sized business that does not have a large income, it is reasonable to enter into a piece-rate agreement with law firms for a one-time involvement of a lawyer.

Larger legal entities have a legal adviser on staff, which is much more effective, since the employee of the enterprise is responsible for the duties assigned to him, in contrast to the involved specialist.

Large firms, with a large amount of legal work, create special legal units: bureaus, departments or services.

These units include a chief, deputy, lead and senior legal adviser.

Functions of a particular member of the legal department

The duties, rights and functions of the structure of the legal service are regulated by the provisions of the federal executive body, as well as the territorial body that is part of it.

The functions of the legal service are implemented with the help of organizational, psychological and social administrative methods and legal norms.

Head of the legal department performs the following functions:

  1. Protects legal interests and monitors the implementation of laws in the activities of the institution.
  2. Participates in the preparation and verification of regulations, instructions, draft orders for compliance with legal norms and standards, through their approval.
  3. May cancel or amend legal acts in cases of non-compliance with the norms of the law.
  4. Leads the legal work on the study of the current legislation and methods of its use, organizes the preparation and transfer of information for courts and arbitration bodies, provides legal assistance to other departments.
  5. When resolving issues related to legal activities, he represents the interests of the enterprise in court, in state and public organizations.
  6. Carries out the development of the necessary measures to maintain discipline at the enterprise, considers labor disputes, corrects social relations.
  7. Conducts work on the study and generalization of the results of consideration of claims in court and arbitration, controls the execution of contracts for the supply of products, the detection of shortcomings, an increase in production volumes and an increase in the financial well-being of the enterprise;
  8. Takes measures to compensate for damage to the enterprise, collects and transfers materials on theft and embezzlement to the investigating authorities or to the court, identifies defective products.
  9. Ensures the safety of property, develops proposals to increase the economic performance of the enterprise.
  10. Attracts employees of the enterprise to administrative responsibility and material penalties if violations of the law are found.
  11. Reviews materials on the status of receivables in order to identify arrears that need to be forcibly returned, prepares proposals for writing off bad liabilities.
  12. Carries out quality and quantity control of goods arriving at the enterprise in accordance with established product certification standards.
  13. With the help of modern information technologies and communications, he keeps records and saves documents of the enterprise, providing them with universal access, makes amendments and changes to regulations.
  14. Conducts propaganda work to familiarize the employees of the enterprise with the current legislation, regulations and legal acts related to their work.
  15. Advises employees of the enterprise on legal issues, provides legal assistance to public organizations.
  16. Manages department employees.

legal adviser performs functions during operation.

  1. Prepares and participates in the drafting of legal documents.
  2. Performs systematic management of legal work at the enterprise, assists other departments and public organizations in the preparation of legal documentation, participates in the preparation and rejection of claims.
  3. Considers, together with other divisions, cases of theft, shortages, manufacturing of low-quality products, embezzlement and other offenses.
  4. Ensures the safety of the property of the enterprise, draws up proposals and measures to strengthen the financial condition and labor discipline.
  5. In order to eliminate the identified shortcomings and improve the results of economic activity, draw up and fulfill the terms of contracts, it analyzes the results of the consideration of claims, court and arbitration cases.
  6. Prepares materials on bringing employees to disciplinary responsibility and material penalties, in accordance with the established procedure.
  7. Controls the timely issuance by structural departments of certificates, calculations, explanations and other materials for work on claims and claims. Participates in the verification and conclusion of business contracts, and also considers issues of receivables and debts on loans.
  8. Together with other departments, he draws up proposals for making changes and amendments to existing or canceling orders and regulatory documents of the enterprise that have become invalid.
  9. Maintains a systematic record and the integrity of legislative and regulatory acts, makes notes on additions, changes or cancellations, using modern computing and information technologies, composes reference documentation.
  10. Participates in the consideration of legal issues arising in the course of the enterprise's operation, regulatory documents that require review.
  11. Conducts explanatory work among officials and employees of the enterprise about changes in the current legislation, familiarization with regulatory and legal acts related to their work.
  12. Advises employees of the enterprise on legal and legal issues, helps in the preparation and execution of documents.

Organization of work of the legal department

There are three forms of interaction between a company and a lawyer.

Hiring full-time specialists

A permanently paid lawyer is usually well informed about the affairs of the company, as he participates in its activities. However, such cooperation has its drawbacks. Every day working in one direction, the lawyer of the enterprise has a narrow outlook. When an unforeseen situation arises, it will be difficult for him to cope with the problem that has arisen.

For example, at the enterprise that trades in bulk, there were difficulties in obtaining a lease for a land plot on which one of the warehouses stands. A lawyer who was only involved in drafting contracts for the purchase and sale of goods may find the situation unfamiliar to him difficult.

Use of the involved specialists of third-party law firms

Payment for the services of involved lawyers depends on the volume and complexity of the task assigned to him. This is where the personal interest of a lawyer arises.

To reduce the financial burden, the head of a small business, if necessary, turns to law firms for advice. Outside lawyers have more experience than full-time lawyers due to their extensive practice in resolving various situations.

But here, too, there are downsides. Someone from the staff should explain the upcoming task to the involved lawyer, spending his time. However, an outside lawyer may not take into account all aspects of the situation.

A unit of time spent on the work of an outside lawyer will be more expensive than a unit of a full-time lawyer. Because such a lawyer makes money not only for himself, but also for his law firm.

Combining the first two forms

The best option is to combine the work of full-time and the services of specialists of law firms involved for a while.

The day-to-day affairs of the enterprise are handled by full-time lawyers, and specialists from law firms are invited only occasionally when specific situations arise. A permanent lawyer will help them explain all the subtleties of the case, who will monitor the implementation of tasks, being a trustee of the head of the enterprise.

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The main activities of the legal department at the enterprise

Ensuring the fulfillment of contractual obligations

This direction includes two types of work: claim and contractual.

Contractual work is a series of actions necessary for the preparation, consideration, conclusion, as well as ensuring control over the implementation of contracts, the development and adoption of local regulations that carry out regulatory activities.

It is very important for an enterprise to prepare and implement a local regulatory act that will regulate the procedure for concluding a contract. This act also shows the functions of all departments of the enterprise, and the legal department is no exception.

In the case when there is such a document (for example, the Regulation on contract work), it becomes possible to streamline the procedure for concluding contracts and agreeing on the conditions presented in them.

The Regulations on contractual work should take into account the following points:

  • which divisions and in what order participate in the negotiation of the terms of a particular agreement;
  • a list of conditions without which the contract cannot be valid;
  • the competence of each of the structural units involved in the conclusion of contracts;
  • terms for agreeing the terms of the contract;
  • standard forms of contracts;
  • the procedure for accounting and storage of contractual documentation;
  • the degree of responsibility of each of the structural units for agreeing on certain terms of the contract;
  • procedure for checking compliance with the Regulations.

Based on practical experience, it was found that the use of standard forms of contracts has a positive effect on the quality of contractual work.

Standard forms. They are developed by the lawyers of the enterprise, which means that they contain conditions that are configured to maximize the protection of the interests of this enterprise. All divisions that have any relation to the issue under consideration participate in the process of agreeing on the conditions according to these standard forms. It follows from this that the company gets rid of the need to agree on the terms of each specific transaction. This fact greatly simplifies the process of concluding contracts at the enterprise and increases the level of efficiency of contractual work. Standard forms are printed with absolutely standard wording and standard conditions.

Standard forms are practically not used in firms during the conclusion of very important transactions, such as: contracts with the most promising counterparties, contracts for large amounts associated with entering new markets. In such a situation, an individual contract is created for each case.

In order to develop and conclude such an agreement, it is best to organize a working group, which, in addition to lawyers, will include representatives of other departments (financial, production, etc.).

Contract execution documents

The legal department does more than just draft contracts. Much attention should be paid specifically to the documents involved in the process of executing the contract (invoices, acts of acceptance of products and work performed, payment documents, invoices, powers of attorney). Relevant employees should be fully aware of how to process such documents.

As can be seen from practice, for employees, the issue of determining the authority of a representative of a counterparty to sign a certain document is problematic. This problem leads to the fact that the court does not accept such documents on the execution of the contract in case of disputes.

In order to exclude such situations, it is necessary to regulate the procedure for checking the powers of a representative of a third-party organization in the Regulation on contractual work, indicating the documents necessary for him to provide (protocol of appointment, power of attorney, charter). Such documents must be certified by the signature of the representative and the seal of the counterparty, and kept together with the contract.

Correctly performing contractual work, you can reduce the volume of lawsuits and claims, as well as minimize the possibility for counterparties to show violations in their work. It is worth noting that the prerequisites will be created for the successful resolution of disputes that may arise between counterparties.

Claim work is all the actions of the organization, its divisions, as well as employees necessary for the presentation and consideration of claims and claims. During the execution of this work, the settlement of civil disputes in which the organization in question takes part is carried out.

The legal department is not the only department that takes part in the course of claims and claims work. The initiator of the claim or claim is most often the employee who is responsible for the implementation of this contract.

Information and documents that are necessary in order to file and consider a claim or claim may be located in different departments (financial service, accounting, etc.). One of the most important features that can affect the result of claim work is the proper interaction of different structural divisions of the enterprise with each other. Having a quickly prepared response to a lawsuit or claim, you can get rid of litigation. A timely claim is often a sufficient condition to compel the counterparty to fulfill the necessary obligations.

Considering all of the above, it should be indicated that it is necessary to organize claim work based on a local regulatory act.

This act must define:

  • the time required to comply with requests made by the legal department that consider the submission of additional documents;
  • the order of office work (accounting, registration, storage of incoming materials);
  • persons who are responsible for the decisions made on the presentation, recognition, rejection of a claim (claim), the conclusion of a settlement agreement;
  • the procedure for accepting the terms of the agreement on the settlement of the dispute;
  • the procedure and conditions for the transfer of materials to the legal department for filing claims (claims) and preparing responses to claims (reviews);
  • the procedure for actions aimed at controlling the timely transfer of materials to the legal department by other services;
  • requirements for the content and form of the claim or claim;
  • cases of mandatory transfer to the legal department of the materials necessary for filing a claim or lawsuit;
  • terms and procedure for filing a claim or claim.

It is worth paying special attention to the preparation of documents that are necessary for filing a claim or lawsuit aimed at questions of the quantity or quality of the products received.

When the counterparty fails to fulfill its obligations within the stated time, a claim (or claim) is made without fail. These documents can be transferred not only in this case, it is also possible in case of delivery of goods of inadequate quality and in other similar situations.

At present, the parties to the contract may indicate in the contract that the acceptance of goods by quantity or quality is carried out in accordance with the Instructions of the USSR State Arbitration Court No. P-6, P-7. Based on the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of October 22 1997 No. 18 (p. 14), all of the listed instructions must be applied when it is provided for in the supply contract.

The responsibility of each of the employees of the enterprise can affect the performance of the entire production mechanism. Employees of the enterprise who take part in the acceptance of products often commit violations by following these instructions, which subsequently does not allow in court to prove the fact of violation by the counterparty of his obligations. Thus, employees need to clarify the provisions of these instructions from time to time and demand their impeccable implementation. It is necessary to indicate in the Regulations on claim work a point that will explain which employees of which particular department should be responsible for the implementation of certain points of the instruction in question. All duties, rights and responsibilities must be absolutely transparent to everyone involved in a particular proceeding.

Employee training

The legal department, taking part in contract work, performs one of the most important functions - training employees of other departments in the basics of contract law.

Appropriate employees can be prepared by training them in an organized and planned manner. It is possible to improve the level of qualification, as well as to carry out retraining, if some knowledge on this issue has already been acquired, but some amendments have been made that require additional explanation.

Managers who enter into contracts often ask questions of a legal nature. Lawyers do not have the opportunity to work through all these issues with each of the managers, because. this will take a lot of time. In order to get out of this situation, it would be most appropriate to conduct centralized training, after which to organize testing. Testing will help determine how well contracting managers learn new material, which can also affect their future career growth. Well, a quickly learning and multilaterally developed manager will only have a positive impact on the enterprise.

In addition to this, training can also be provided on the results of audits of compliance with the Contractual Work Regulation, based on examples of already known violations, explaining the consequences that may follow as a result of such violations.

Execution of court decisions

This is one of the most difficult moments in the claim work. In order for such work to be effective, it is necessary to actively interact with the department of the bailiff service, provide transport, take part in enforcement actions, ensure the presence of witnesses, and also provide other necessary types of assistance. This type of work requires frequent travel. Based on this, the legal department should designate one person who can fully immerse himself in the study and work on this issue.


Control over the rapid transfer to the legal department of all developments necessary for filing a claim or lawsuit is an important issue. From practice, it can be seen that contract holder units sometimes do not take full responsibility for this duty.

As a means of control, you can use the periodic study of data on receivables, indicating the moment when they were formed. This type of control will make it possible to identify counterparties who violated their obligations, the moment when the debt arose, as well as specialists who did not contact the legal department.

Relations with supervising, controlling and other bodies of state power and local self-government.

The legal department allocates lawyers to consider cases on holding an organization liable for violation of legislation (currency, customs, tax, and others). It should also be noted that the legal department establishes the position of the enterprise from a legal point of view, prepares documents in order to confirm liability, appeals against illegal actions, decisions and non-normative acts of officials and authorities. In this matter, more than ever, consistency in actions is required, because. A lot depends on the decisions you make. And wrong decisions can lead to liability.

Questions about the registration of rights to a plot of land occupied by an enterprise often began to appear: drawing up a cadastral plan, determining the boundaries of this plot, processing the terms of the agreement in question, which is the basis for transferring a plot of land to the enterprise. Members of the Legal Department should be actively involved in these matters.

Relationships with the workforce

Each employee of the enterprise has its own role. In fulfilling this role, he is part of a large mechanism that makes the enterprise function and make a profit. In some enterprises, one employee can perform several roles. If the employee ceases to fulfill his role, then this mechanism may lose some of its productivity, depending on the importance of the role in question.

Enterprises with a large number of employees choose this area as one of the highest priorities. It is far from news that at large enterprises, and not only, various kinds of conflict situations can arise. A disputable situation may suddenly arise between an employee and a representative of the enterprise's management, followed by dismissal from his position or involvement in any type of punishment. The courts in such disputes often take the side of the workers. It follows that the legal department should deal with the prevention of such disputes.

The regulatory framework is an indispensable condition in the organization of the work process, which will help to more carefully control the scope of employees' activities (internal labor regulations, job descriptions, collective agreement, regulations on structural divisions).

These normative acts should, to the extent necessary, describe in detail the regulations for the activities of participants in labor relations, and also include specific wording, which in the future will make it possible to get rid of disputes that arise during opposing definitions by participants in legal norms.

Information letters

In general, an information letter is a kind of official letter that communicates some official data to a specific addressee. Based on this, it follows that such letters can be typical, which will facilitate the process of compiling them. They may contain any suggestions or recommendations that can help in resolving the existing issue. Based on the completed litigation, information letters should be prepared containing information about the identified errors that the administration made, explaining the consequences that these errors entailed, and providing a set of recommendations that will allow them to be avoided in the future.

Local acts

An important point is the development of local regulations that regulate the process of hiring, dismissal, transfer. By following the instructions specified in such documents, you can get rid of violations of the law and the rights of the employee, as well as avoid lawsuits.

It is the legal department that must provide the necessary knowledge to employees who are involved in the consideration of personnel issues, and monitor their full compliance.

It is worth noting that the type of activity of the enterprise in question plays a huge role in the organization of legal work, which means that the process of developing general recommendations is rather difficult. The legal department, in particular its employees, must understand the objectives of the firm.

Rules of the legal department

The regulation is one of the most important organizational and administrative documents that determines the role and place of the legal department along with other services of the organization: commercial, financial, sales department and others. If this regulatory document is missing, which is agreed not only with lawyers, but also with employees of other departments with whom they work together most often, then there may be cases when responsibility begins to be shifted, management tasks “freeze”, the pace of business development slows down.

The actions of lawyers during the performance of their duties should be based on such regulations. In addition, the job description of a lawyer and the head of the legal department must be drawn up based strictly on the regulation on the legal service, or it should be an annex to it.

It should be noted that local regulations within the enterprise have two directions: some deal with the regulation of the process of building its structure, others deal with the processes of activity within the enterprise. The legal department may concern, for example, the regulation on contractual work, which is directly related to procedural and regulatory documents. But employees of the legal department also use the Regulations on the legal service globally, which gives instructions on how to build it as a separate structural unit of the enterprise. Initially, it is customary to take into account that these documents cannot run counter to each other. The General Director of the company must approve this Regulation.

Regulations on the legal department

Here are the most important sections that should be contained in the regulations governing the activities of the legal department:

General provisions

This provision indicates the role of the legal service as an independent structural unit, indicates its place in the management vertical, the influence of the organization's management on it, as well as the level of regulation of its activities (decisions of the Board of Directors, orders of the General Director, etc.). We believe that the importance and weight of the legal expert service has too little influence in a large number of Russian firms. Often there are cases when the role of this department is on a par with the back office, the secretariat, in other words, services that deal with maintenance and execution. Consequently, the legal department, together with its head, reports to the head of the company not directly, but with the help of a specially assigned curator. This state of affairs can lead to the fact that a lawyer is deprived of the opportunity to participate in risk prediction, derivation of a business effect, and formation of a company's development strategy. It only remains for him to participate in the work when this or that problem has been discovered. Thus, the business is deprived of assistance, as well as the opportunity to form the added value of its assets, because. Lawyers work only when the problem situation has already occurred.

Goals, tasks and functions

This part describes the goals that have been formulated taking into account the strategic development of the firm, as well as the tasks necessary to achieve this goal, which can be solved by performing certain functions of the legal department. For example, the legal department, in order to ensure the legal protection of a business, must find, collect and acquire the legal documents that are necessary for the functioning of the organization. For this purpose, employees of the legal department monitor the legislation in legal reference systems every week.

Organizational and functional structure of the legal department

In this section, it is necessary to describe the method of building the legal department, the procedure for determining the number of employees, the positions of these employees, etc. That is, it must be described what structure and staffing the legal department has.

The order of interaction between lawyers and employees of other departments.

This part is one of the most significant. The sequence in which requests are received by the legal department must be clearly established.

Rights and obligations of the legal department

This section should contain a number of instructions necessary for the head of the department and lawyers in the performance of their prescribed tasks. In addition, it is necessary to describe the duties, but not as functions, but as the responsibility of the head and employees of this service for the proper observance and performance of their duties.

A system of indicators to evaluate the work of the head of the legal department and his employees (KPI)

This part includes lists and descriptions of indicators (kpi), by performing which the legal department represented by the head and other employees demonstrates the successfully completed work. Indicators should be specific, measurable and achievable.

Final provisions

This section reflects the sequence of coordination and approval of the Regulations, the period of its operation, the procedure for making changes, the process of familiarizing employees with it, as well as the procedure for storing it.

How to conduct a legal department analysis

It is widely believed that it is unreasonable to use KPI (Key Performance Indicators) in the work of lawyers, due to the fact that the results of their work are difficult to predict in advance. There is some truth in these words. Speaking about the performance indicators of a trial lawyer, one cannot be sure that the result of a trial will objectively depend on this specialist. But we still believe that some of the KPI rules have a place to be for a lawyer.

Let's find out which of the performance indicators should be based on the evaluation matrix. It should be pointed out that the methods for determining KPI in corporate "in-house" companies and companies of a legal nature in consulting will differ. This can be explained by the desire of law firms to set the goal of their activities to maximize income per individual employee, increase the level of quality and efficiency of the services provided to the client, and increase the client base. Along with this, in corporate enterprises, business goals may differ for each individual case, and be subordinate to other goals: the construction of infrastructure facilities, saving assets, etc. In this regard, the control points of lawyers also change. Despite this, the main task of the legal department is to prevent and neutralize the legal risks of doing business, the main purpose of which in any case is to obtain financial profit. It is also worth understanding the difference between the entire legal service and the approach that determines these parameters of employees and the head of the legal department.

Lawyer's KPIs are calculable indicators that are measured in units of time, percentages, rubles, pieces, describing the nature of his work, which was performed in the required form. Consider the most indisputable and obvious.

Sample KPIs for the legal department

  1. Percentage of court cases that were won.
  2. Absence of errors in the documents that appeared during inspections (by the state body, audit, audit) that resulted in violations and fines.
  3. Timely provision of information about changes in legislation to interested employees.
  4. Percentage of counterparty claims that were settled out of court.
  5. Speed ​​of response to internal customers on their requests.
  6. Slowing down the processing time for incoming claims.
  7. Timely negotiation of contracts.
  8. Reducing the number of claims in relation to lawsuits filed against the firm.

The rate of satisfaction with legal support from internal customers and clients can be called a universal KPI, if such an assessment is carried out regularly.

A new course at the "School of the General Director"

Improving the legal department

The legal department needs to improve. The attraction of new effective components will leave a bright mark on the development of the company and will allow it to reach heights in economic and legal terms.

Implementing a predictive function

The legal department will perform its work more efficiently if a predictive function is introduced into it. This can be justified as follows:

Firstly, in the current political and economic realities, it is especially important for the leader to make responsible and lightning-fast decisions.

Secondly, the manager must competently organize and respond in time to changes in legislation, especially those that may affect the immediate area of ​​activity of this enterprise.

From a practical point of view, the predictive function shows that the legal department, based on an analysis of current legislation, bills and other types of regulations and current economic and legal news, compiles a report that reflects the opinion of the firm's senior lawyers on trends in a particular legal situation. nature and likely consequences, not excluding economic ones.

The most important condition for achieving the goal of this function can be called the presence of excellently trained specialists, since not every member of the legal department will be able to make a forecast and justify it from a legal point of view.

Thus, the skill level of an individual employee plays an incredibly important role. But if you overcome the acquired difficulties, then this function will give visible advantages in its practical implementation.

Organization Error Registry

As soon as the enterprise begins to function, its legal department immediately learns new experience inherent in a particular field of activity. Often this experience helps to adjust the work of the legal department, improve standard documentation, etc.

The legal department includes more than one employee, so the experience is transferred in the process of interaction of all employees. In order to improve the efficiency of legal work, a register of errors is introduced.

The process of organizing this registry is as follows: the legal department identifies errors in the activities of the enterprise and individual services.

If lawyers discover omissions and shortcomings, they immediately enter them into the register.

Their systematization in the register is carried out according to certain conditions (official, department, amount of harm caused, economic and legal consequences, etc.).

As a result, guidelines should be drawn up for the prevention and elimination of errors for the reporting period. Such a document will be of great help to both experienced and novice employees.

Download job description
head of legal department
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I. General provisions

  1. The head of the legal department belongs to the category of managers
  2. A person with a higher legal education and at least 5 years of work experience in the profile is appointed to the position of head of the legal department.
  3. Appointment to the position of head of the legal department and dismissal from it is carried out
  4. The head of the legal department should know:
    1. 4.1. Legislative acts regulating the production and economic activities of the enterprise.
    2. 4.2. Methodical and normative materials on legal activity.
    3. 4.4. Tax, environmental, ____________________ legislation.
    4. 4.5. The procedure for keeping records and compiling reports on the economic and financial activities of the enterprise.
    5. 4.6. The procedure for the conclusion and execution of business contracts, collective agreements, tariff agreements.
    6. 4.7. The order of systematization, accounting and maintenance of legal documentation using modern information technologies.
    7. 4.8. Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management.
    8. 4.9. Means of computer technology, communications and communications.
    9. 4.10. Internal labor regulations.
    10. 4.11. Rules and norms of labor protection.
  5. The head of the legal department in his activities is guided by:
    1. 5.1. Regulations on the legal department.
    2. 5.2. This job description.
  6. During the absence of the head of the legal department (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his rights and obligations are transferred to his deputy (in the absence of such, to the person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise), who is responsible for their high-quality and timely execution.

II. Job Responsibilities

Head of the legal department:

  1. Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the enterprise and protection of its legal interests.
  2. Carries out legal expertise of draft orders, instructions, regulations, standards and other acts of a legal nature prepared at the enterprise, approves them, and also participates, if necessary, in the preparation of these documents.
  3. Takes measures to amend or cancel legal acts issued in violation of the current legislation.
  4. Organizes the preparation of opinions on legal issues arising in the activities of the enterprise, as well as draft regulations received for review by the enterprise.
  5. Provides:
    1. 5.1. Methodical management of legal work at the enterprise.
    2. 5.2. Explanation of the current legislation and the procedure for its application.
    3. 5.3. Providing legal assistance to structural units in claim work.
    4. 5.4. Preparation and submission of the necessary materials to judicial and arbitration bodies.
  6. Represents the interests of the enterprise in court, arbitration court, as well as in state and public organizations when considering legal issues.
  7. Handles litigation and arbitration cases.
  8. Participates in the preparation and conclusion of collective agreements, industry tariff agreements, the development and implementation of measures to strengthen labor discipline, regulate social and labor relations at the enterprise.
  9. Leads the work on the analysis and generalization of the results of consideration of claims, court and arbitration cases, as well as the practice of concluding and executing business contracts.
  10. Develops proposals to improve control over compliance with contractual discipline in the supply of products, eliminate identified shortcomings and improve the production and economic and financial activities of the enterprise.
  11. Supervises the preparation of materials on theft, embezzlement, shortages, production of low-quality, non-standard and incomplete products, violation of environmental legislation and other offenses for transfer to investigative and judicial authorities.
  12. Takes measures to compensate for the damage caused to the enterprise.
  13. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen contractual, financial and labor discipline, ensure the safety of the enterprise's property.
  14. Prepares opinions on proposals to bring employees of the enterprise to disciplinary and financial liability.
  15. Participates in the review of materials on the status of receivables in order to identify debts requiring enforcement, ensures the preparation of opinions on proposals for writing off bad debts.
  16. Carries out control over compliance at the enterprise with the procedure for certification of products established by law, acceptance of goods and products in terms of quantity and quality.
  17. Organizes systematic accounting, storage, introduction of adopted amendments to legislative and regulatory acts received by the enterprise, as well as those issued by its head, provides users with access to them based on the use of modern information technologies, computer equipment, communications and communications.
  18. Provides informing the employees of the enterprise about the current legislation, as well as organizing work on the study by officials of the enterprise of regulations relating to their activities.
  19. Organizes the provision of legal assistance to public organizations of the enterprise, advising employees on legal issues.
  20. Manages the work of the department.

III. Rights

The head of the legal department has the right to:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the director of the enterprise regarding the activities of the department.
  2. Submit proposals to improve the activities of the enterprise and the legal department for consideration by the director of the enterprise.
  3. Do not endorse draft legal documents that are contrary to current legislation.
  4. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the organization from the departments of the enterprise and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
  5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head of the enterprise).
  6. Interact with the heads of all (individual) structural divisions of the enterprise.
  7. Submit proposals for the consideration of the director of the enterprise on encouraging distinguished employees, imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  8. Require the director of the enterprise to assist in the performance of his official rights and duties.

IV. A responsibility

The head of the legal department is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The work of a lawyer is one of the most prestigious and highly paid in the modern labor market. There are many experts in this field. The "boom" of lawyers began about ten years ago and continues to this day. There are many people who have received education in this field, but real professionals are not always enough.

All large organizations that have a need for their own corporate lawyers conduct fairly complex tests, carefully review applicants' resumes and conduct interviews that help to weed out incompetent employees as much as possible. Such a tough selection is especially relevant for vacancies for managerial positions, such as the head of a department.

This article will tell you what to expect a specialist from a proposed position, what to prepare for an interview, and also what the job description of the head of the legal department contains.

Basic provisions of the instruction

The job description of the head of the legal department positions this position as a manager. Under this person is a whole department of lawyers. In turn, the head of the legal department reports directly to the director or general director of the organization. It is the director who must issue and sign all documents related to the work of this employee: orders, instructions, decisions on relocation, dismissal, bonuses.

The job description of the head of the legal department prescribes the assignment of the functions of a particular employee to another official who has the appropriate knowledge and skills in the event that a specialist goes on vacation or sick leave. The alternate must be approved by management.

Tasks and functions

In the work process, any employee is guided in making decisions and carrying out tasks by prescribed instructions. The job description of the head of the legal department includes the following list of tasks and functions for this position:

  • ensuring compliance by the organization, its divisions and employees with legal requirements;
  • representing the interests of the company in pre-trial disputes and litigation;
  • examination of orders, contracts and other documents proposed for consideration, intended for internal and external users;
  • examination of incoming documents for compliance with legal requirements;
  • participation in the development of contracts, the inclusion in them of favorable conditions for the organization;
  • taking measures to eliminate and cancel legal acts that are contrary to the law;
  • giving opinions on legal issues;
  • assistance to the management and employees of the organization in resolving legal issues;
  • explaining the nuances of legislation to employees, management and departments;
  • providing information and methodological materials to internal users;
  • analysis and summarizing work with claims, disputes, court cases;
  • development of innovations that eliminate violations of the terms of contracts;
  • preparation of materials and documents on violations in the production process, illegal acts of employees;
  • control over receivables, preparation of correspondence to counterparties, enforcement;
  • storage, maintenance and control over the safety of regulatory legal acts and other legal documents issued by the organization;
  • providing access to internal and external users (having the right to do so) to document archives.

It should be noted that the job description of the head of the legal department of the organization also implies the performance of a leadership role in the assigned department. The head of the legal department must also control the work of his subordinates, notice and eliminate their mistakes in time. If necessary, should impose appropriate penalties. The most important function of the chief is the distribution and delegation of tasks between the employees of the department for the productive and prompt resolution of problems and issues in the enterprise.

Education and work experience

The work of a lawyer requires a higher specialized education. As a rule, in order to subsequently occupy a high position with a good salary, while passing a competitive selection for a place without any problems, people planning their lives in this prof. regions, while still students, go on internships or practice in large organizations.

Such work is not always paid, or paid very little, but it gives a huge store of knowledge and experience. If the specialist did not have this internship, he will have to work as an assistant for a long time. It takes a lot of experience to become a department head. As a rule, specialists with work experience of at least five years are hired for such a position, often they also require experience in a managerial position, in addition to the main one, in their specialty.

Knowledge and skills

The job description of the head of the legal department is a sample of the most extensive document in terms of requirements for the applicant. Before you get a job in a managerial position, the applicant has a lot to learn and a lot to learn. The required knowledge set includes the following items:

  • legislative provisions and normative legal acts relating to the entrepreneurial activities of economic entities;
  • tax, civil, labor, administrative and criminal legislation;
  • methodological and regulatory documentation relating to the activities of the organization and the industry;
  • the procedure and methods of conducting economic, accounting and tax accounting;
  • forms and details of documents used in the activities of the enterprise;
  • procedure for registration of transactions and conclusion of contracts;
  • labor organization rules, the organization's routine, its documents and accounting policies;
  • fire safety and workplace safety regulations.

Personal qualities of the applicant

Jurisprudence is a very complex industry in itself, requiring a certain mindset. A managerial position in this field adds a few more requirements to this list. So, in order to find the most profitable outcome of cases, contracts, transactions, the applicant needs a dodgy mind with a well-developed ability to think logically, build models of people's behavior, and simultaneously process several possible situations. A good memory is needed to quickly resolve emerging issues. In some situations, the predominance of professionalism over human feelings and emotions may be required.

As for the position of chief, leadership is invariably important here. If a person cannot lead his subordinates, he should not go to the bosses.

Responsibilities of the head of the legal department

Any work implies a certain set of rights and obligations for the employee in relation to the company, as well as for the company in relation to the worker. The job descriptions of the head of the legal department of the city administration or an ordinary commercial organization imply a roughly similar set of duties:

  • actions based on the interests of the organization, choosing the best possible scenario;
  • observance of trade secrets and the status of secrecy;
  • timely completion of their work;
  • performance of work of proper quality;
  • notification of management about all force majeure situations, illegal acts on the part of employees and counterparties of the company;
  • correct behavior in and out of the workplace.

Employee Rights

The Labor Code prescribes to employees and employees the existence and observance of the following rights:

  • official registration at the workplace, social package, timely remuneration;
  • availability of paid vacation and sick leave;
  • workplace safety;
  • equipping the workplace with everything necessary for the labor process;
  • the opportunity to offer their ideas to improve the work process and working conditions.

Employee Responsibility

For violations of the legislation of the country, the internal regulations of the organization, inattention and errors in work, sanctions may be imposed on the head of the legal department. The following are situations in the work process for which the employee is personally responsible and can be fined, dismissed and even convicted by the executive authorities:

  • failure to perform, improper performance, absenteeism, systematic delays, violation of labor discipline, abuse of authority;
  • offenses against other employees, the organization as a whole, customers or suppliers, provided for by criminal, administrative and civil laws;
  • causing material damage to the property of the organization and other employees.

Features of work in state and municipal institutions

The job description of the head of the legal department of housing and communal services provides for a wide range of responsibilities. The main work consists in processing claims, preparing documents for arbitration proceedings, as well as representing the management company in court. The lawyer also resolves disputes, prepares objections to incoming complaints, monitors compliance with the regulations at meetings of residents and company representatives.

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Current vacancies

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 110,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education (legal), experience as a lawyer in the singular in a construction company (preferably) from 4-5 years - Good knowledge of PC, Microsoft Office software package. - Sociability, diplomacy, business etiquette.

Applicant requirements:

Experience as a department head. Higher legal education, leadership qualities, the ability to make quick decisions in critical situations, a high degree of responsibility, stress resistance, experience in the legal field from 5 years.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Experience from 10 years. Experience in managing the legal department. Resumes WITHOUT salary expectations WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

Salary: from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Education - higher legal work experience - from 3 years, confident knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation, knowledge of contractual and corporate law.

Salary: up to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in similar work from 6 years - arbitration experience - excellent knowledge and experience with contracts: purchase and sale, lease, pledge, labor, etc.

Salary: from 150,000 to 250,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

At least three years of experience in commercial real estate in a similar position; - excellent knowledge of legislation and judicial practice in the field of regulation of rental relations; - high level of responsibility and self-discipline, ability to work with large volumes of information, - resistance to stress, high efficiency.

Applicant requirements:

Please do not call after the response, all resumes will be reviewed. · Good knowledge of tax legislation (practice of its application) · Practical skills of independent support of complex transactions, which include several interrelated contracts. Special requirements: · You have a higher legal education; · You have at least three years of relevant work experience.

Salary: from 90,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the areas of civil, tax and labor codes, corporate law, JSC activities in the implementation of production. Experience in representing JSC in courts of various instances.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher completed legal education (full-time education) Successful work experience in a similar position for at least 5 years Excellent knowledge of Russian corporate and tax law, procedural legislation Practical experience in participating in litigation (civil/administrative) Good theoretical knowledge of land, labor, economic law Ability to work with a large amount of information A high degree of responsibility, the ability to make informed decisions in a timely manner, self-discipline Developed managerial skills (planning, goal setting, control) Experience in working with the first persons of the company Good communication skills, competent oral and written speech Willingness to work irregular hours

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Completed higher legal education. Full-time education. 3-5 years experience as a department manager. Ability to work in multitasking mode. Correct oral and written language. Activity, responsibility, attentiveness, punctuality. Without bad habbits. For us, flexibility, ability to negotiate, goodwill, a positive attitude to everything and a sense of humor are important.

Salary: from 60,000 to 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

1. Higher legal education; 2. Work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years, work experience in a managerial position; 3. Experience of independent conduct of cases in courts (various instances), positive judicial practice; 4. Experienced PC user, knowledge of legal systems; 5. Excellent knowledge of civil, arbitration, tax legislation, administrative, corporate law; 6. Stress resistance.

Applicant requirements:

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher specialized education; Mandatory specialized knowledge: corporate, administrative law, copyright, customs, foreign economic law. Mandatory experience in companies with areas of activity: foreign economic activity, wholesale trade; Won cases in arbitration courts (please indicate case numbers in the cover letter); Experienced user of PC, 1C, legal reference systems; Ability to make quick decisions in critical situations, a high degree of activity; Skills are important: to conduct a dialogue, find compromises, defend the interests of the Company; Organization, punctuality, competent written and oral speech, proactivity are welcomed.

Salary: from 52,000 to 58,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

At least 5 years of relevant work experience; Experience in interaction with the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for Moscow; Knowledge of 44 Federal Laws and 223 Federal Laws is mandatory; Knowledge of the legislation of Moscow. Experience in representing in courts.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education Work experience: corporate law, litigation, contract work Experience in real estate operation / commercial real estate / construction

Salary: from 90,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience from 6 years; higher legal education; knowledge of the program 1C: Document management; personal characteristics: attentiveness, responsibility, vigor, punctuality, competent oral and written speech, the ability to clearly and clearly express one's thoughts, multitasking.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Experience with 1s8, SBS, Consultant+, Microsoft Office

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education, work experience as head (deputy head) of the legal department for 3 years. Confident knowledge of 223-FZ, civil, labor and administrative law. Practical experience with EIS. Experience in government agencies.

Salary: from 70,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher professional (legal) education - Work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years - Knowledge of civil, labor, financial, corporate, administrative law.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Mandatory experience as head of the legal department in large trading companies (FMCG segment) of at least 3 years; Higher legal education; Excellent knowledge and application in practice of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the production, economic and financial activities of commercial organizations. Knowledge and practice in civil, labor, tax, administrative, procedural legislation.

Salary: from 150,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education; Work experience from 5 years; Knowledge in the field of civil, labor, tax, administrative, arbitration, land law. Experience of working in a large company (food is a priority). Experience in independent litigation. The ability to analyze and make decisions, flexibility in decision-making, discipline, decency, goodwill. Hello Dear Candidate! Thank you for your interest in our Company. The standard term for reviewing a resume is 7 days. Failure to respond within one week means that, unfortunately, we do not currently have a suitable vacancy. If your work experience and wishes correspond to the requirements and capabilities of the Company, we will contact you using the specified contacts within one week.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education (preferably Moscow State University, Moscow State Law Academy, MGIMO, RAP, Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation); Experience as a lawyer for at least 3 years (strictly in construction companies), including those performing the functions of a General Contractor. Extensive practical experience (drafting, legal expertise, approval) with contracts for work, subcontract, supply, lease. Understanding the construction process. Experience in the commissioning of construction projects. Practical experience in litigation as the sole representative in arbitration courts of the first, appeal and cassation instances. Strong knowledge of civil, tax, urban planning legislation and arbitration process. Experience in litigation work; Experience in administrative cases, tax cases, experience in working with government agencies. Responsibility, diligence, communication skills. Competent oral and written speech, availability of recommendations. Willingness to work irregular hours.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education; - o / r in a construction organization as the head of the department; - Knowledge of the basic provisions of civil law and the basics of office work; - Confident user of PC and office equipment; - Ability to complete assigned tasks on time.

Salary: from 250,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

3 years of experience in the relevant field. Citizenship of the Russian Federation, higher legal education (preferably Moscow State University, Moscow State Law Academy) Personal qualities: Loyalty to the company. High responsibility. Stress tolerance. active position. Analytic skills.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education (specialist, magistracy) Work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years Systemic knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, understanding of the specifics of various branches of law and their relationship Knowledge of current civil, tax, administrative, budgetary legislation, including the legislation of the city of Moscow Ability to analyze judicial practice and give practically significant recommendations based on the results of such an analysis The ability to successfully solve practical problems, including problems that are at the junction of various branches of law Preferred: academic degree, work experience in executive authorities, budgetary institutions

Salary: from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education; - at least 10 cases won in arbitration (in Moscow courts); Work experience of 3 years, including: - Participation in inspections of regulatory administrative bodies; - independent conduct of claim correspondence, court cases, participation in court proceedings in the 1st, appeal, cassation instances; - independent conduct of enforcement proceedings; - development and coordination of contracts; - personal qualities: diligence, responsibility, strategic thinking, accuracy, sociability, honesty.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Deep knowledge of corporate law (Federal Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs"; Federal Law of 08.02.1998 N 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies"; Federal Law of 12/26/1995 N 208-FZ "On joint-stock companies"); Practical skills for reorganization and liquidation of legal entities (merger, accession, separation, official liquidation, including through bankruptcy); Deep knowledge of Tax legislation (practice of its application). Experience in tax consulting with the preparation of analytical descriptions. Knowledge of the features of taxation arising from the reorganization of legal entities, the exit of participants with the payment of the actual value of the share by transferring property; Skills in drawing up analytical reports on the issues of reorganization and liquidation of legal entities with a description of the process of registration procedures, taxation features. Ability to structure documents clearly and understandably. Practical skills to support the full procedure of reorganization and liquidation of existing legal entities from the moment of describing the process (drawing up an analytical report for the client) until the end of the procedure). Knowledge of Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Features of taxation of IT companies. Practices of application of the legislation on intellectual property, including in relation to VAT taxation.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Ability to negotiate - PC - confident user - Experience with online stores - Customer focus - Competent Russian. - Knowledge of the market for power tools, garden equipment or related areas is an advantage. - Having a car.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

More than 6 years of experience in a managerial position; - Legal erudition; - Constant desire for improvement; - Extensive experience in conducting cases in arbitration courts, courts of general jurisdiction; - Experience working with bailiffs in enforcement proceedings. Knowledge of civil, contractual, corporate law; - Teamwork skills; - Personal qualities: Professional literacy, high efficiency, ability to work with a large amount of information, attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility, independence, diligence, the presence of legal "charisma" is mandatory; - Confident PC user.

Salary: from 280,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education. Experience in the specialty of 5 years. Knowledge of English: spoken, written Knowledge of civil (including IP), administrative, labor (including labor protection), corporate, procedural law, as well as consumer protection law Practical skills in contract work (drafting, verification, protocols of disagreements, negotiations with contractors) Practical skills in claims work and legal representation (arbitration, general jurisdiction, SSPI) Practical due diligence skills Skills in creating and organizing internal and external document flow of the Legal Department Ability to substantiate and defend one’s position, using the norms of the law

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Required: higher legal education, work experience in large construction organizations for at least 3 years, result-oriented, high stress resistance

Salary: from 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education (legal), PC - confident user (legal bases "Guarantor", "Consultant"), excellent knowledge of the basics of land, corporate, contract law, successful experience in representing the interests of the organization in courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts, high stress resistance, communication skills, Ability to work under tight deadlines and large amounts of information.

Salary: from 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in a managerial position of at least 3 years in a large trading company is required (in the field of providing services is desirable); Experience with real estate (required), leasing services; Higher legal education; Practical knowledge of civil, economic, labor law; Practical experience in mergers and acquisitions is desirable; Bankruptcy experience; Confident PC user, incl. systems "Garant", "Consultant +"; organizational and managerial skills, activity, initiative, stress resistance.

Salary: from 120,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education (specialist / magistracy). Training. Experience in large enterprises, in corporations, incl. production activity for 10-15 years. Experience in managerial work (leadership of the legal department / service / department) for at least 5 years in the period from 2008 to the present. Excellent knowledge of the law. Excellent knowledge of legal areas. activities: - civil, contractual, land, property, corporate, labor law; - arbitration; - registration, re-registration, liquidation of enterprises; - legal advice and services.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education. - Experience as head of the legal department or deputy head of the legal department in manufacturing companies as an advantage. - Experience in contract and corporate work. - Experience in representing the company in courts. - Literacy, accuracy, attentiveness.

Salary: from 50,000 to 60,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education is a must. Must have at least 2 years of experience as a department head in a government agency. PC knowledge at the level of a qualified user.

Salary: up to 60,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Paperwork, contract work, claim work, work on registration of real estate, reporting, department management.

Salary: from 60,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

The summary must reflect the experience in the application of land law. - Extensive proven experience in arbitration practice. - Knowledge of legislative acts regulating the production and economic activities of the enterprise, methodological and regulatory materials on legal activities. - Civil, land (changing the types of permitted use of a land plot, contesting the cadastral value of a land plot), labor, financial, administrative law. - The procedure for concluding and formalizing business contracts, collective agreements, tariff agreements. - Must have experience in the field of land law (judicial experience).

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

3 years of experience in managing a legal department; - higher education - legal; - knowledge of civil, corporate, contractual, labor law; - knowledge of PC and office programs, software "CONSULTANT PLUS".

Salary: from 50,000 to 60,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Knowledge of tax, administrative, civil, corporate, labor law; Availability of judicial practice in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction; The ability to independently solve tasks within a limited timeframe, the ability to work in multitasking mode, a high level of social competence; Discipline, responsibility, competence.

Salary: up to 62,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education; - Experience as a lawyer in a state-owned enterprise for at least 3 years (experience in a single person will be a plus); - Must have good experience in contract work; - Experience in registering real estate in property, including cadastral registration, interaction with courts, BTI and other government agencies, the procedure for registering property rights; - Strong knowledge in the field of civil law, enforcement proceedings, experience in judicial work (not great); - Knowledge of the current legislation in the field of procurement (Federal Law of 18.07.2011 N 223-FZ, Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ); - You are welcome to attend training / seminars in the field of practical application of 223-FZ and 44-FZ; - Willingness to work with documents, corrosiveness, excellent ability to analyze contracts and assess risks; - Personal qualities: resistance to stress, high communication skills, organized, quick perception of information, responsibility and attentiveness.

Salary: from 41,000 to 46,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

The presence of a document on training in accordance with 44-FZ or 94-FZ. Experience in electronic platforms (conducting electronic auctions, open tender). Work experience at the Environmental Protection Agency zakupki.gov.ru. Ability to manage a department, distribute responsibilities, make decisions quickly.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Education: higher legal. Work experience: from 5 years, from 3 years in the field of real estate management, housing and communal services. PC - a confident user (Guarantor, Consultant, etc.). Excellent knowledge of housing, civil and labor legislation. Experience in organizations specializing in real estate management in the housing sector. Experience in conducting arbitration proceedings. Efficiency, independence, responsibility, ability to negotiate, organizational skills, competent speech.

Salary: from 80,000 to 110,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education; Work experience as a Head in legal organizations with the appeal of individuals (strictly) At least 15 years of judicial work experience (in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts) Excellent knowledge of civil, labor and family codes; The ability to clearly control the progress of all cases in production The ability to work for results The ability to speak in public The ability to work in multitasking mode. An extensive network of familiar and trusted Legal Practitioners is welcome

Salary: up to 50,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating the production and economic activities of the enterprise; Civil, civil procedure, labor, administrative, criminal, criminal procedure law; Tax, environmental, financial, currency, customs legislation.

Salary: from 60,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher legal education Qualification - lawyer, specialization - civil law Work experience in the specialty from 3 in commercial organizations Knowledge of civil, corporate and labor legislation Experienced PC user, work in electronic legal systems "Garant", "Consultant +" Necessary knowledge, skills : initiative, goodwill, accuracy, tact, punctuality, stress resistance, ability to work with a large amount of information and in multitasking mode.

Salary: up to 100,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Confident knowledge of the legal framework in the field of contractual, land, labor legislation, - experience in arbitration practice, - experience in the rental of commercial real estate, - the ability to defend the interests of society and one's position on controversial issues, - the ability to multitask, - professional literacy, responsibility, obligation, decency. Dear applicants! To communicate with the Human Resources Department, please send your CV in advance.

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Encyclopedia of judicial practice. Counting of votes in voting carried out by ballots (Art. 61 of the Federal Law ...

On the National Plan for Combating Corruption for 2016-2017DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION On the National Plan...

- This is a small program from the creators of the sensational, which will help smartphone owners take advantage of at least some. Each...

The process of eating food in the game is very simple. You need to place food on the hotbar, select it and click on the right mouse button, ...
February 28, 2014 License Proprietary Software Genre Stealth Action Age Rating ESRB-T - Teen" PEGI-"16+" Creators...
This time we have prepared answers to the game Eureka - for phones and tablets with the Android operating system, as well as iphone and ipad...
A new game has just been released. She has nothing to do with the topic 4 pictures 1 word, but she is very interesting and I could not get past her, so I...
We present to your attention the passage of the game. As usual, in the continuation of the legendary game, you must be careful with your choice,...
Rescuing Dandelion and Zoltan from the gallows, we get acquainted with the commandant of the city. He invites us to him. Reply to an offer...